Jim Traber vs. Steven Parker Sr.

If you weren’t fortunate enough to be listening to the Sports Animal this afternoon, you missed a lively…shall we say…discussion between Jim Traber and Steven Parker Sr.

Listen here.

This all started with Traber making some comments, as he’s pretty infamous in the OKC market for doing, about how overhyped the OU defense has been and some specific comments about Steven Parker, the OU true freshman safety, was overrated as a recruit and how he, and others, being out of position this past Saturday forced OU to waste one of what would have been a valuable timeout.

Parker Sr. then called into Al Eschbach’s show later that afternoon/evening after Traber had already gone off the air. But at the time we didn’t know this person was Parker’s father. I didn’t hear that phone call, but apparently it involved some comments from Parker Sr. that wound up getting him hung up on.

So then Traber opened his show calling out this person who called in the day before to Eschbach, presuming it was Parker’s father, and doing his whole Traber thing (if you’ve ever listened, you know what I mean). Well, that led Mr. Parker to call in to defend himself and his son. And that’s what I’ve linked to above.

Enjoy the listen.

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  • Exiled In Ohio says:

    If the Parkers want to know what fans think of Steven, I hope they look at this site and don’t pay any attention to what radio idiots say. This site has been very respectful and complimentary of the freshman. Yes, he’s a freshman and will continue to improve, but I think most here are excited about him.

  • F1at1ined says:

    No clue why these blowhards feel they can call out a young player like that. Sure, us fans may complain and lament but its more a discussion amongst fellow fans rather than a public lynching. We also recognize there is a learning curve for players fresh from one school joining a college with a rich tradition. Geez.

    • Super K says:

      It’s all about method in my opinion. Being critical is one thing…attacking is another. The difference is in the tone. Trabor just has a really unnecessarily aggressive tone. I’m sure there are a lot of things he’s dealt with in his life that may have led to that so I don’t want to pass judgment on the man, but he definitely could use a couple chill pills.

      • OUknowitscomin says:

        This is exactly what I love about this board, well said. Critical is one thing, attacking is another. Tone is the difference. Love that.

        • KOKEVO says:

          My momma always said if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. I don’t think trabers mom ever said anything like that.

          • Jed says:

            Alternatively, you could also posit that she did and he just doesn’t love or respect his mother.

  • Super K says:

    Parker came off really well in that piece. Trabor didn’t. Funny thing is…Trabor wouldn’t want to talk to Parker like that if he met him alone in a dark alley. Parker is a big dude, a former ball player and a former Marine.

  • Dustin says:

    People actually listen to those morons?

  • Steve Johns says:

    Trabor is a POS, why people listen to him, or Sports Animal in general, is beyond me. Parker Sr. should’ve just showed up at the station!

  • Jared William Reininger says:

    Traber sounds like a pissed off guy from new jersey that just found out that he can’t get “my dick is little” as a personal license plate.

    You want to know how someone lost an argument or knows they will….they start yelling.

    • Billy Jackson says:

      Pretty much, man. He was “somebody” over 30 years ago, and still thinks he’s all that. Not sure why anyone listens to him, either.

  • Billy Jackson says:

    Parker is one of the bright spots at the safety position. A very young guy without a lot of playing time, and you can see flashes of greatness. I’d like to see Traber out on the field trying to cover a spread offense.

  • Indy_sooner says:

    To call out a true freshman, for any reason is retarded. Pick on Stoops. Traber comes off as a complete and utter m*thfkn tool. The guy is getting worked up and not even letting Parker Sr. talk. For the record, Steve has played lights out and I’m glad to have him.

  • Sooner Ray says:

    Traber is a greasy slob and a loudmouth S.O.B. who has zero talent. He is a “has been” and his over inflated ego spews from his mouth and every pore of his body. I missed the calls because I gave up listening to his BS a while back when I linked puking to his bowel filled show. I like Parker and I would have no problem meeting up with that POS east coast idiot who loves to call people out and put people down while he hides behind his suck a$$ sponsors.

    • Gary Robbins says:

      Just now read your review of Traber the Blabber. Probably won’t receive an invitation to your Christmas party. Mince no words my friend! lol.

      • Sooner Ray says:

        Ha, no Christmas invite but I wonder if he would accept an invite to the Jack of Clubs for a game of cue stick and broken long neck? LOL!

  • thedeez says:

    Traber is a piece.

  • The more Mike Stoops talks about Steven, the more you realize that he will probably be starting next Hayes pretty soon. He is very, very high on him.

  • lovethemsooners says:

    I couldn’t even make it through two minutes of that Traber/Parker meltdown. It did remind me why I don’t listen to WWLS anymore. What a schmuck.

  • SamSooner says:

    Traber is a loud mouth. It’s hard to have a conversation if he’s never listening. You know, the more I read the negative press about OU’s play, the more I’m convinced people like Traber believes the team is in-debted to them. These are kids, still. Some people talk about them like they are not in the room. Stephen Covey said it the best: here is one of his four assumptions: Assume that everything you say about another person, they can overhear it. Now, speak accordingly.

  • Lesslie Stanford says:

    I love how Traber cuts to advertisements. Like really you are having a good argument, and you have to cut to your advertisements. I am surprised he didn’t start by spending half his segment talking about where he is at that day.

  • Boom says:

    This stuff is what makes Traber stay on the radio. People don’t get it, if no one called in he would be gone. Thomas is going through a tough learning curve and the Big 12 isn’t the easiest place to start. Parker will be playing more and more and will be a 210lb stud leader come next year. He has shown why he was so highly recruited.

  • ToatsMcGoats says:

    I’ve never in my life listened to Traber before now. How much of a douche is this guy? He asks his callers questions and as soon as they start to answer he starts yelling at them, then, has the audacity to tell them not to “talk over” him? What an idiot. I seriously couldn’t listen to any more than a couple of minutes or so. If I were Steven Parker Sr., I would have hung up on him as soon as he put me on hold. What. A. Dick.

    • Jed says:

      How much of a douche? What, Grasshopper, is the sound of one hand, clapping? Though one might ask Mack Brown about the latter koan, the former has been the focus of both philosophical and scientific inquiry for many years. Finally, just last year, the Yerkes Institute For Primate Research issued their findings.
      A group of Bonobos (the so-called ‘hippy chimps’ who are mild in all things and, rather than violence, resolve intramural conflict through love making) was exposed to Traber audio feeds for 15 minute periods. After only three days of being exposed three times per day, the chimps were agitated and aggressive. Provided with television to give some distraction, they gravitated towards shows with extreme violence and made evocative gestures to the researchers that seemed to indicate that they wanted the Sons of Anarchy to group stomp Traber.
      The researchers concluded that Traber is such a douche that any degree of retaliation towards him would be justified as an unavoidable biological response.

      • ToatsMcGoats says:

        This is quite possibly the greatest response, in the history of ever! So, what are we waiting for? Let’s load up the retaliation brigade. It’s justified. It’s warranted. It’s science!

  • L'Carpetron Dookmarriot says:

    I knew I shouldn’t have listened to that…

  • BoomerDave says:

    For some reason I can’t hear this audio clip, but I did hear Traber’s tirade against Parker’s dad which lead up to this second call from Parker Sr. The funniest thing about it was Traber lecturing Parker Sr about needing to have “thick skin”. Seriously? Traber is the thinnest skinned person I’ve ever known! First time anyone ever dares to even disagree with him, he starts screaming and calling them names. What a complete tool!