Image via Scout
As we first told you in yesterday’s Open Post, NEO defensive end Austin Roberts has committed to Oklahoma.
Roberts is an exceedingly talented DE prospect, who is comfortable playing multiple defensive line techniques. Roberts stands 6’6″ and weighs 265 lbs making him a good fit for a 5-technique, but he’s also perfectly comfortable playing the 4i as well. And both are techniques he will likely play for the Sooners.
Roberts tell us that his primary recruiter was first-year OU d-line coach, Diron Reynolds. Roberts also tells us that he and coach Reynolds have built a great relationship and talk often.
In addition to getting an excellent defensive end prospect, it appears the Sooners will have that help immediately. Roberts told TFB he expects to be able to report for OU’s fall camp after he finishes up some coursework this summer.
Roberts is originally from Georgia and was recruited by Alabama assistant Kirby Smart prior to committing to the Crimson Tide. However, Roberts never made it to Tuscaloosa then wound up at East Mississippi Community College before eventually landing at NEO.
More recently he was being courted most heavily by Oklahoma and Nebraska, though we are told by a source that a number of SEC schools would have loved to land Roberts. But due to certain academic requirements in the SEC, Roberts would not have been eligible to enroll until December.
We have been told Roberts will have three years to play two.
Glad to hear he has the 3 to play 2 deal, I was wondering about that.
Well it wouldn’t it be better if he had 3 to play 3, like Will Johnson?
Yes but it’s better than 2 for 2.
Thanks for the information, Brandon. So in the 4-2-5, he will play SDE and in the 3-4, he will play left or right DE, as OU hasn’t used strong- and weakside DEs in that set.
His commitment probably ensures that Campbell and Mann will redshirt, which isn’t a bad thing. I don’t think you can keep Gallimore off the field, however–too good.
I want him to be the new prototype for Striker’s position…
Kindof big don’t ya think
Nope.. He is perfect !!
I still want to know what effect, if any, this might have on Lampkin.. I know different positions… but still another Dline number & also what it does to our scholarship numbers for the fall..?
scholarship numbers should be fine, as Jordan had that breakdown a few days ago that showed we had a couple to give. I wouldn’t think it would have any bearing on Lampkin because, like you said, they will play different positions.
So, if we end up with both.. That gives us 15 DL guys… Seems like its been a while since we had that many numbers at that position.. Positive sign, imo…
Its the right number for a true four man front, but too many if one of them is really an OLB. You figure about 3.5 players per position based on 85 schollys.
True. You probably want no more than 12, unless the coaches see some players as idea for one set, but not for another. I don’t think that’s likely, however.
Yeah, but if they’re truly going to go back to more of an actual 4-man defensive line (not so much this year w/ Bond & Striker, but thinking 2016 and going forward) then you’d think they’ll need a little more depth than in previous years. Or that’s my theory anyway.
Jordan, I think DeBerry will play Striker’s position next year. He’s heavier than Eric, which is a good thing.
That could very well prove to be the case. Obo is another guy that could play that similar type of role as well, IMO.
Yes, certainly. I have Obo in that position on my depth chart above.
If we assume that Stoops is giving a schollie to senior PK Nick Hodgson, then Roberts makes 81 schollies. Still room for Lampkin under the 85 limit. He would be a NT. OU would probably only take 1 SDE for the 2016 class now, as it’s starting to get crowded there.
Here’s possible depth chart for the DL (of course people will disagree, but that’s ok):
WDE (standup): Striker (Sr); Bond (Sr); Obo (RS Soph); DeBerry (Fr)
3 tech DT: Walker (RS Soph); Orso (RS Fr); Gallimore (Fr); Campbell (Fr)
NT: Romar (RS Soph); Wade (RS Jr); Garnett (RS Fr); Overton (Fr)
SDE: Tapper (Sr); Dimon (Jr) or Roberts (Jr); DJ Ward (RS Soph); Iljana (RS Soph); Mann (Fr)
Nice breakdown. Mostly agree. Juggling numbers, available schollies vs positions. There are some guys OU is on that would be hard to pass on. Could see OU bringing in 2 more with them in on guys like Agim, Amani Bledsoe, Xavier Kelly and Teton Saltes, any of whom could grow into 3 techs.
Certainly if they think someone will grow into a 3 technique, coaches will be all over them.
Good breakdown.
I could see Roberts allowing Dimon to slide over to the 3 tech some as well. It’s his nature position IMO. That gives us a really solid 2 deep + across the board.
Really?! Bozeman, MT? Me, too. We’re gonna have meet up at a local pub for a pint on game day. Not many Sooners in MT, at least that I’m aware of, although I always get favorable responses when wearing Sooner gear around town.
I’d like for Dimon to be a little bigger for that, but yes, I could see that happening.
Good list. One exception. I don’t know if Hodgson will be needed, granted he has been an awesome kickoff dude, and probably deserving of a schollie, but the freshman kicker coming in has a heck of a leg. There are vids out with him kicking off the grass with that top tee kickers use to practice FG’s and XPT’s to 65 yards out. Great leg and very accurate.
I’ve seen his tape; he is awesome. Nevetheless, he’s never kicked in college and I can easily see Stoops giving Nick a schollie. One, he’s been a loyal squad member; two, he’s a senior, so it’s only for 1 year; three, schollie is available; and four, he’s been the kickoff guy, and maybe he still will be.
Agree on all counts. I do agree Nick has been all of the above. My only point is, Austin is what seems to be a rare talent. Kickers/Punters are almost thought of as a necessary evil. If you have a bad one or mediocre at best, you cringe when the game is on the line, even with a good one you just never know as was evident with us last year. Seibert was the best kicker in the 2015 class of HS seniors…..Period. There is only one kid with a further kick than his and is younger, but not as accurate. If he pans out, he may be one of the best OU has ever had. If there is an extra scholly, no one deserves it more that Nick for the job he has done, I hope he gets it.
Sorry for being dense, still early in the morning, but he gets to play this year? If so, awesome!
If he can get done what he needs to this summer then, yes, he’d be eligible to play in 2015.
Thought so, just wasn’t sure. Thanx! Things are really starting to look up for us this season.
Eligible in August? Is this guy a difference maker or just being brought in late for depth?
Is he going to be a first team All-American? Odds are probably against that. But I’d say in general you’re not bringing in JUCO guys unless you have a good sense they can contribute right away.
Currently 34 of our 79 scholarship players are freshmen in eligibility. Some of those will probably be taken care of via red shirt or transfer but it would be a good thing to spread that out a little. So even if he is just a seasoned backup it helps with the scholly numbers as well. However, you don’t bring in a guy with only two years of playing time left if you think he is going to take a couple of years to develop.
Where is Denzell?
On yesterday’s Open Post.
update added
Roberts (OLB), Lampkin, Overton, Gallimore, Campbell (OLB). This is what I see..
Roberts and Campbell are 6’6″ and over 260 already; they will have their hands in the dirt. Mann is only 240, so maybe he would standup.
Grissom was 260 and these guys seem just as athletic, and longer.
In a 3 man front 260lb guys get washed out too easy.
Maybe against running teams like texas and K-State, but I don’t see it against the spread teams like Tech and Baylor. Certainly you wouldn’t play 2 huge standup DEs at once, b/c you want at least 1 to be able to drop into coverage effectively.
They can cover short areas, not like they would have to cover deep routes. They are long and would make it hard for the quick routes.
But, my friend, you only have 4 in the secondary in your proposed set, which is really a 5-2-4.
All we need is 1 ILB with a Nickel in there.
Dalton Rodriguez would be good there too.
I would bet that Mann is 260+ at the end of summer. Mann will have his hand in the dirt IMO.
260 is ok, as long as he has the feet.
Campbell said he was already 275 on signing day.
That would probably be too big then.
That’s great, b/c I see Campbell at the 3-technique DT when in the 4-2-5 set; in the 3-4, he’s a DE.
Really good news to wake up to this fine Okie morning! BOOM!! Welcome to Sooner Nation, Austin Roberts. Nice to see Denzel again.
Long dry spell for commits. And Roberts is a great pickup. Did not realize the offers he had out of hs and was committed to ‘Bama.
i love this kids length . the way he takes on blockers and sheds them . I watched some of his sacks , he just straight up out ran the Tackle a few times. its not gonna be that easy anymore. How ever Im super pumped for this kid!
With him and maybe Lampkin, that would probably put us in top 10 in recruiting for this year… I would think!? And recruiting has fallin’ off….Pfffff!
I’m pumped. For the last week I’ve been bringing his name up all the time. I was really hoping we could land him. Don’t find to many 6’6 guys who are that athletic. Lampkin is a nice addition but he won’t contribute for a while. However, Roberts is physically ready now and if he quickly picks up the defense and packages, that would open some options for MS. This is HUGE.
Yeah, we just talked about whether or not he even had an offer 2 days ago. Looks like he did!! We have a lot of depth at SDE so the coaches must be duly impressed as he has only 2 years to play but a rs year if needed.
good to see positive reynolds mention in recruiting info………
YESSIR!! Welcome Mr Roberts.
Diron doing work before a singlle snap has been made. Love the new guys’ energy
Still has some work left to do on that new tatt. 🙂
Needs a OU reference somewhere in there. Now how do you get the Crimson to go with the Green?
Man, I predict he’s going to face a fair share of freshman hazing for that self-appointed nickname.
I think he will be able to handle it. 🙂
“Austin Roberts has committed to Oklahoma.”
…that is all.
Go Kitteh–Go Kitteh!
“The hardest working man in show business…the amazing Mr. Please-Please himself…”
Take me to the bridge and give me the ONE. Got to have the ONE. Bootsy gave him the ONE.
That would be Mazeo, not Bootsy.
Bootsy came in after he got rid of most of that band.
Ah! Thanks for the education.
LMAO! Is that JCVD?
Hahaha…had to get his start somewhere.
Breakin 1 or Breakin 2. I cant remember?
Breakin’ 1
Ahhhh, Those were the days!!! If you watched those Breakin Movies you were an expert Break-Dancer!! Ha Ha Ha
Isnt that the Breakin movie? I had NO idea JCVD was in that!! haha
I’m pretty sure that’s actually from the movie “Kickboxer” not “Breakin” because he just reenacted it on Conan recently.
I saw that. The man can still move
DAMN!!!! I mean Van Damme!!!!
Yes, WELCOME to OU Mr. Roberts. Oh, and please toss those QBs like the other Mr. Roberts tossed that palm tree.
Who is this tree tossing Roberts?
Far too obscure a movie reference for me.
still an amusing movie if you catch it sometime
I saw it many-many years ago. Wasn’t that memorable a movie, to me.
The palm tree thing I did not remember at all.
Roberts…Roberts…you get up here in one quick hurry…
Holla back
Does anyone think Roberts commitment will affect Lampkin’s decision to come to OU?
I’m more interested in if the OU coaches actually want Lampkin.
That’s an interesting point
IF or when he is clear from Texsa, I would think the OU coaches would have some serious questions. I know I have some pertaining to how he has conducted himself since he signed his LOI. It could be the Texsa compliance department dropped the ball on his eligibility requirements, but his committing and de-committing from OU, then being upset that his DC left after signing to where he is now makes me very curious about his mental state and or nature. Would he be an asset in the locker room?
Inquiring minds an’such.
I recall Momma txting for Coach Monty to come down and get Deva. Think she wanted him at OU. Might make the difference but agree…personally not sold…but my op doesn’t matter. Is the young man set and ready to play wearing crimson and cream and not diaper stain orange?
As I said several times when this first came up, if the coaches want him then come on up.
If it’s an either/or proposition, then I would choose Roberts. He’s played at a higher level than a prep guy, he’s able to help right away, and everything I’ve read about both suggests that Roberts is a better, faster athlete. If both want to come, even better.
Dang, this is a fun site!! Just scroll down and behold the happiness. Thanks, TFB!!
That was an interesting thought brought up below about Lampkin and would he be a henderance in the locker room. I would hate for them to bring in a guy and then the next year he leaves, yes I know it happens but when you have these red flags…..Just need lots of the right answers.
I think he’s a pretty boisterous kid too but there is a pretty strong sense of leadership with the upperclassmen, as evident by the situation earlier in the year. If he comes in and doesn’t perform and isn’t the right fit, we wont want him. If he comes in and does really well, he won’t want to leave is my guess.
If he rides the bench and acts like an @$$hole it’s one thing but if he goes out there and tears it up while acting like one, well……………..meh.
Do you have a link / article to show where he was once committed to ‘bama? I can’t seem to find anything. Thanks
Starting to wonder, too. There was an Austin Roberts that same year, 2013, a WR who had a ‘Bama offer and signed with ucla. Not finding any links for this guy to ‘Bama, though.
I looked and couldn’t find it either but talked to someone from roberts home tone and he confirmed it. But it sounds like it may have been a situation where they placed him at east miss so it might not have been made public.
Now…if we can get the other 2 NEO guys to commit, or at least the CB from Lawton
Defensive line depth is a snapshot of the health of a football program.
I woulda said O-line depth but I see your point as well awarding you points in the process.
just one cautionary note, ” Roberts told TFB he expects to be able to report for OU’s fall camp after he finishes up some coursework this summer.”
how may courses?……celebrate when he passes, the courses transfer, no hidden ou requirement he doesn’t have, and he shows up
I see your rain and still I choose to dance.
hopefully, but keep the umbrella handy
I shall. 🙂
lol that looks a little bit suggestive.
Just what are you suggesting? :-0
absolutely nothing lol
But if we wait until he actually shows up on campus. Then we can’t claim him as a real recruit. So we can go back to complaining how bad our recruiting is going. You just don’t get it.
I’m the one dancing in the rain. 🙂
If you were a realist, you would know we are DOOMED, DOOMED I TELL YA.
If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven’t understood the seriousness of the situation.
The main reason I remain calm is due to my diet.
The Kung Pao Prozac comes highly recommended.
Love Kung Pao Chicken, not real sure about Kung Pao Prozac.
Speak them not very good English.
Funny: I like it.
I think I’ll use that one.
Academic standards in the SEC? Really?
No op today, so here is as good as anywhere.
Plus, none better for inspiration!!!
It’s a real shame that out of all the wonderful OU video makers there isn’t one OU highlight reel of Lee Roy.
A beast on the field; a gentle man off the field.
All American
Academic All American
1st Pick in the NFL Draft
NFL Hall of Fame
College Football Hall of Fame
Academic All American Hall of Fame.
He did an incredible amount community work in Tampa.
As great a football as he was, he was an even better human being. His death at an early age was a great loss.
Yessir, he was a tremendous man.
He was also important in the development of USF.
Any update on Teton Saltes ?
re: Dalton Wood – https://thefootballbrainiacs.com/ou-oklahoma-sooners-dalton-wood-mcalester-now-reportedly-will-report-to-football-program
Does this commitment help OU’s chances with the DB from NEO for 2016? I mean are they good friends that want to play together?
There is little doubt that OU is building a defense with the talent that is arriving. However, does MS have the players to run the d he wants to run this year? If not, how patient are the TFB and the rest of us going to be if they happen to give up over 25 points a game this year?
D, this is 2015. We play against spread teams. If we give up 25 a game, we will win. Like saying, I will shut down Michael Jordan – won’t happen. You just try to minimize a big number.
Given the spread schemes we’ll face, 25 isn’t bad if we score in the 30’s. It’s the 48 point games that kill us.
“Will have three years to play two” am I reading this right or typo?
That is correct assuming that he completes his school work before Fall semester.
Free Rivals story on Roberts…pretty good.