Image via Brett Deering/Getty Images
* No Let Down: Let’s just get this one out of the way right up front because it’s easily the most Captain Obvious point to be made. I feel confident in assuming you don’t need this explained to you.
So building off that, it’s really, really hard for me to believe this is a legitimate concern. Maybe they come out flat Saturday night and I look like a moron, but given everything in front of this team right now I just do not see that happening.
That said…
* Heisman Hype: …coming off the Baylor win we’ve all been made abundantly aware that Baker Mayfield’s Heisman campaign is in FULL swing. And for good reason considering the season both he and OU are having up to this point. But if you’re playing devil’s advocate, you might wonder whether or not some of that praise starts to creep in. And, if in a game like the one Saturday night in Norman, the offense starts slow or maybe the Sooners even fall behind early, does Mayfield start to press trying to live up to said hype?
Mayfield’s rep coming into the season, largely from his days in Lubbock and his play in the spring game, was that of a ‘gunslinger’ who had a tendency to take too many chances with the football. And yet outside of a few instances, we’ve really yet to see that type of play from him this season. So it’s absolutely fair to question why it would suddenly start now. The obvious answer being what we just laid out, the Heisman hype, but again much like coming out flat I have a hard time buying into this theory as well.
* TCU Run Game: This, to me, is THE key factor in this game. However, I say that with the caveat that Trevone Boykin is as limited as many believe he will be due to the high ankle sprain he suffered last week against Kansas.
Boykin is a lot of things and you don’t need me pointing out how good he has been the last two(ish) years in this revamped TCU offense. But for all that Boykin is, in my estimation he is not a guy that’s just going to sit in the pocket and consistently beat you with his arm.
I mean maybe if Josh Docston was 100% — which he is isn’t — and maybe if TCU had other consistent threats at WR — they really don’t (although I love me some KaVontae Turpin) — then maybe I’d be worried. But what made Boykin such a dynamic player was the threat he presented as a runner.
So if that injured ankle seriously limits his mobility and he becomes somewhat of a stationary target back there….for an OU defensive line playing arguably as well as any d-line in the country not located in Tuscaloosa….me likey.
The only way I see TCU winning on Saturday is if they are able to consistently move the ball on the ground with an admittedly very talented Aaron Green. Well, that and/or OU turning the ball over multiple times. But aside from those two things — again with the caveat that Boykin and Doctson are both as limited as many expect them to be — I just don’t see how OU loses this game.
* Defensive Momentum: Kind of building off the previous point, Mike Stoops (and his invaluable staff) clearly have this OU defense playing at a high level. So well, in fact, one prominent national CFB writer was even brave enough to tweet the following:
Oklahoma is taking the "Big 12 doesn't play any defense" meme and lighting it on fire.
— Stewart Mandel (@slmandel) November 15, 2015
I really don’t want to get off on a tangent about agendas, so we’ll just keep this train on the tracks in saying even with TCU’s injuries, this still figures to be a solid test for OU’s defense. Therefore you’d like to see them come out and build upon the momentum they established the previous week in that Baylor game.
For so long it seemed like OU’s defense was willing to let the opposing offense dictate what they (OU) was going to do. And then, finally, last Saturday we saw the exact opposite. Sure, maybe it was at least in part a product of a true freshman quarterback that Stoops & co. felt confident they could intimidate. But frankly, at this point I don’t really care about the reason/s why. I’m just ecstatic we finally saw something different.
So keep it going on Saturday night. If you’ve got a guy in there on a bum ankle, get after his a$$. No one is suggesting you do anything dirty, mind you.But be relentless, make his night miserable.
The more confident you can build in this OU defense heading into Stoolwater Stillwater and a potential playoff run the better.
* More Mixon: Venturing back into that ‘nit-picking’ category, I’d still like to see Joe Mixon a little more involved in this offense. Maybe give him a couple more north-south runs rather than those slow-developing sweeps that really haven’t all that effective so far. Passes out in space, whatever.
The more guys making plays for this offense, the better for everyone involved. And if we’ve seen anything from Mixon this year, it’s that when you can get him in space with the ball in his hands good things tend to hapen.
* Rowdy Crowd?: Bob Stoops definitely didn’t call out OU fans like he did back in 2008 prior to the Texas Tech game which led, in large part, to one of the more raucous crowds in Memorial Stadium history.
But during his Monday presser, Stoops did recall that very Tech game in urging fans to recreate a similar type of atmosphere this Saturday night. So I’m kind of curious to see how Sooner Nation responds.
I was fortunate enough to be at that game back in 2008 and there were any number of factors that led to an experience I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Whether it was Tech being ranked No. 2 at the time, or the Big 12 title/potential national championship opportunity that was on the line, the big lead OU jumped out to and the manner in which they did it.
It could legitimately be any or all of those things. But I remain convinced to this day that the craziness of the crowd that night was due primarily to Stoops coming out and challenging them earlier in the week. Granted, Stoops certainly didn’t have bad intentions in saying what he said but nevertheless, OU fans took it personally.
And when ‘Jump Around’ came on, the place went absolutely bats#$%. Seriously, to this day I watch that video and still get chills.
The team rewarded the fans with a resounding blowout victory, while Stoops in turn did his part ‘bowing down’ to the fans a number of times before he would eventually leave the field.
It goes without saying you can’t artificially recreate an environment like that. And in his defense Stoops wasn’t attempting to do so when he was asked about that game and the rowdy crowd this past Monday.
Maybe something like it happens again Saturday night or maybe it doesn’t. For the sake of those in attendance, though, I sure hope it does. Because if you weren’t one of those lucky enough to be in the house for that 2008 game take it from someone who was, that type of moment is something you never forget. And as far as I’m concerned, every OU fan should get to experience something like that at least once.
What will you be watching for Saturday night?
Jarrett Stidham?
He plays for TCU now. New NCAA “do over” policy allows QBs to play for another team for revenge’s sake after a playoff hope-destroying home loss. Part of that autonomy thing for power 5 conferences. I’m surprised you haven’t heard about this. 😉
Kinda like Baker?
Baker came after the new rule…had to wait a year (dammit!). In all seriousness regarding the new autonomy rules, I would like to see them make the changes some sports radio talk shows have theorized about that would give walkons like Baker Mayfield back his sophomore year. Could you imagine Baker in Norman for TWO more years? Wow.
Could be worse. ESPN just sent me an update about “Booker Mayfield.”
At least it didn’t say “Booger” Mayfield, I guess.
Booger boy is the backup QB for the Chiefs now.
edit my bad, s/b fixed now 🙂
Ha! No worries. Appreciate all you do…hard to get Baylor off the brain.
You need to correct one more error; the line is drawn through the wrong name. You had it right the first time: Stoolwater.
When i was growing up in Tulsa, I thought it was called “Shi+water” or “Sh!thole.”
Improvement all areas every week
I am still waiting for OU to play a “perfect game.” I think it’s coming, just don’t know when.
I so agree sir
I’m hoping it happens in the national championship game.
I’ll be looking to not have a bit of a let down as well. Baylor was such an emotionally charged game, that I don’t know if it will be the same this week at home. I think it will be more like a….let’s get down to business attitude. And just confidently march toward a W play by play. Correct mistakes from last week is a must.
KJ, this team has been anxious to get on the field, each week. So eager, they might be losing track of things in the class room. The second best thing to happen to OU this season, other than the texsa loss, is the feeling of disrespect in the CFP polls.
I really believe this team has a sense of what is right in front of them. The offensive line has a nasty attitude. Brown was raising his arms in triumph while the rest of his team mates were telling Baylor players “good game.”
It’s not the disrespect of the CFP, it’s the opportunity to rebrand, and re-assert.
No stupid penalties would be great.
Would be perfectly fine with the team coming out and displaying a ‘business-like’ ‘tude. Not overly high and certainly not flat. “Gonna have to beat you down, now…. it’s what we do”.
I was in the house for TT in 2008 and it was absolutely fantastic. I’d love to see it again, but that type of support has always been difficult to muster from us tea-sipping Sooner fans.
The 2008 TT crowd was just insane. Off the hook; Texas Tech had no real chance facing a crowd and a team like we had that year.
I believe the crowds have grown more and more tame over the years. I suspect it is due to the cost of attending. The blue-blood football fan has been replaced by the monied football fan. Example; when I last purchased my four season tickets (East side; 35 yard line; 20 rows up) in 2011 it cost me around $3000 (including donation). This year those exact same seats would have cost around $5800. On the one hand that additional money has been a positive in many obvious ways, but I think it has resulted in a less passionate/less interested crowd. I attend a game a year now and the crowd seem to include too many socialites and not enough rabid fans. Just my opinion. . . .
Yeah it has become more and more commonplace to sit next to fans who complain that too many people are yelling or get mad when people stand up….nothing annoys me more than that.
I was at the home opener a couple of years ago. Sat on the 45 yard line 8 rows behind the Sooners bench. There was a couple beside my wife and I that did not stand up the entire game. And they left in the 3rd Quarter. That bothers me. I stood and screamed the whole game. I couldn’t talk for two days after that.
Two games this season I had people who didn’t stand and they were like, why does everyone stand up? Why even have seats? I wanted to say, good point, lets make it standing area only. If you want to sit in quiet to watch the game, stay home, if you want to enjoy the atmosphere and get a little bit rowdy, go to the game. I am a bit more rowdy than most but I feel that is why you should go to the game.
I go to games for the atmosphere and pleasure of seeing things I miss on TV. I get a little more rowdy than I probably should, but that is what you are supposed to do as a FANATIC of a team! That couple drove me nuts. They would clap when OU scored, did not stand for the kickoff. WHY ARE YOU HERE? I kept saying that in my head.
I am about like that except sometimes I voice my opinion outside of my head.
I do too, until my wife smacks me.
Well hell, we need to start a petition to have an official TFB section that can be like a second student section.
LOL! I’d vote for that!
Best idea I’ve heard in quite a while.
hope you are at the game Sat. Tell your wife to leave her voice at the game too
I will be at home watching on TV. I’m getting out of the church anniversary party for a couple and getting to stay home. I told my wife I get us tickets and I got the look of death from her…. So I’m lucky I get to watch it at all. LOL
I understand. I’m married too. Lost our freedom, lowest guy on the totem poll, etc.
Yep, that is how it goes.
Jared, I am with you! I was in the band. I cannot sit at an OU home game. I can’t even usually sit when I watch it at home. I paced around my living room for 4 hours on Sat watching the game. Too much adrenaline for me to be able to sit. Many high donor fans don’t have that kind of passion. That kills the atmosphere.
Yep. I am the same way. Hell I get all paranoid and if I do sit it is only during certain times and I stand a certain way, like I might have OCD when it comes to OU football. But I jump yell scream and if you are sitting around me expect a high five every single time we score even if I don’t know you.
That $2800 difference is a 75 inch 4K TV. You can see more on TV….
Exactly; it actually makes me kind of glad I didn’t renew. I can grab a ticket on campus corner any time I want to go for far, far less than my season ticket package.
Basically if they keep improving. Each week, the team looks more comfortable. Confidence gets stronger. Just keep growing as a team and really ou can beat anybody.
I bet it is the “I was there…” moment and even though I am a young pup to some of you old farts, I was there and I was seriously concerned that all the jumping, yelling, screaming, stomping, etc. was going to bring the stadium down….I mean it didn’t stop me at all from partaking.
I lost my voice for the next 2 days following that game. Completely worth it.
Anyone besides me think Baylor is going to beat OSU? And I think by double digits. (Of course, I haven’t taken my meds yet today.)
There’s always a first, but Baylor hasn’t won in Stillwater since 1936
interesting. didn’t know that
I’m really not sure what to expect out of that game.
All thinks being equal Baylor would beat the Pokes by two touchdowns easily but I think that we demoralized them last week and the fact that the game is in Stillwater along with Baylor injuries Im picking the Pukes.
Yes. I think they’re a better team and have better coaching. I think it would be better if OSU went unbeaten until the day we beat them down, though. Saw where yet another OSWho thug was in trouble in Texas this week and was gunned down and killed after trying to stab a police officer with a butcher knife who was protecting his girlfriend from him. We should call them the Thugboys. And Dez Bryant is one of them even though he’s managed to stay out of prison to this point.
That OSU thug played 10 years ago. Remind me again: Who was the “non-thug” that broke a ladies face and is still on thee OU roster?
Yes, that’s right. Non-thug. A one time slip as opposed to serial criminal.
I think OSU wins at home. They’ve absolutely crushed Baylor’s best teams in Stillwater recently.
I think OSU wins at home. They’ve absolutely crushed Baylor’s best teams in Stillwater recently.
Yes and OsU will be sad panda after the game.
I hope Baylor wins. By 1 point.
This is EXACTLY what needs to happen. If Baylor kills them osu will drop like a rock and Baylor will move up 1 slot if they’re lucky.
not sure, but I think if you want to beat a team with the highest ranking you probably want OSU to win by a point or two.
Totally agree. Been saying it all week, & for weeks regarding that I think OSU is vastly over-rated. Baylor smokes them IMO. +21
I think so, but hope not. We need an undefeated and highly ranked OsU, if we make it past TCU.
I’m not sure what to expect, really. I think OSU is overrated and has been propped up by some interesting officiating this season. But I also think we beat the hell out of Baylor last weekend and I wonder how much they have recovered; especially Stidham. It will be interesting to see it unfold. If Baylor has the pride I think they do, they will come out with their ears pinned back. Were I a betting person I wouldn’t lay a dollar on that game, that’s for sure.
I agree with you Bart. I don’t think I would bet on that game either. I think OSWho actually has a decent defense, although it did not look like it last week, but how will Baylor respond? How beat up are they?
Baylor had to play a real tough team for once and look their all hurt. But I see this being a 45 -42 type of game , with Puke St winning. I could easily see Baylor winning too.
I’ll guess OSU (I hope! by any score) 38-35. I look at BU scoring less the last few weeks, and OSU can hopefully score 38. I just want OSU to win. Want to whip OSU and make them like it in front of their fans.
Something tells me that we broke Baylor’s spirit and that osu will roll them by at least 20.
I could totally see that happening, especially if OSU comes out hot. I could also see Baylor come out fighting, and if OSU is overrated as I believe they are, then it could go that way too. It will be very, very interesting which of those two narratives unfold.
I’m going to be watching for Eric Striker to get a couple sacks. Samaje Perine to stomp on a frog, and Sterling Shepard to make more of a statement as to why he is the best reciever in the country. Mayfield= heisman
and win by 35 or 40+ pts
Defense once again has to be the key. This is the 4th top 10 offense OU will have faced this year. So far the only questionable game was v Tulsa and I don’t expect that to change Saturday. This defense should hold TCU to under 28 pts and under 400 yds.
An impressive win would be good, but I’ll be happy with any win.
I hope it doesn’t come down to style points, but it sure could.
I think OU has to DESTROY TCU and Ok St to have any chance of getting into the playoff. The committee has already proven they couldn’t possibly dislike the B12 any more than they already do. Oklahoma has to have loads of style points, win big, and look AMAZING doing it. Even then, I’m afraid Stanford has to beat ND.
Losing to TCU last year, when the game was there for the taking should be enough of an incentive to get every one of the players up for the game. Every snap should be a war, and I believe it will be.
Would TCU purposely sit it’s two star players to lessen the value of a possible OU victory??? I know it sounds preposterous….but you never know.
If Boykin really has a high ankle sprain.. there’s no way he’s playing in this game. If he does, he going to be extremely limited in movement.
Like Sanchez has?…
Baron Boomer
And Sanchez missed two games.
but against teams we thought we could beat without him.
He couldn’t have played in those games. I was surprised he played as well as he did in the third game.
I just keep remembering how well and how quickly Percy Harvin recovered from his “ankle sprain.” 🙁
Patterson will come out swinging with who he has available.
No there will be no quit in tcu.
Boykin is going to play, I am almost 100% certain of that. Doctson is done for the year, if you can believe Patterson. TCU will not quit. Their D is playing better, even with all the injuries. I expect a fight until the second half.
I’m w/you on Boykin. I just don’t trust Patterson on Boykin’s injury. I watched him walk off the field carefully. He wasn’t limping like you do with a bad ankle sprain. He limped later when I saw him on the sideline, but I think it’s because they had a boot on him, which you always do, and when you are in a boot, you always limp then. He walked behind two trainers to the locker room, and it just doesn’t seem natural if a guy is hurt very badly. Personally, I think the ONLY reason he didn’t go back in the game was that they were playing winless KU AT HOME and thought surely we can beat them with our walkons, don’t risk Boykin with OU coming up. I’m going to be surprised if Boykin doesn’t play and play normal, unless we get way ahead, then I look for him to start limping around and come out “injured.”
I don’t think we see him on the field and if we do he won’t be a running threat. Just don’t think it is Patterson’s M.O. to sandbag.
No, TCU is not trying to lessen a victory. That’s way out there. Teams don’t think like that. They might, however, save them for BU the following week, n/thinking they will be full go this week and thinking it betters their chances w/BU.
I will be watching the new and improved Oklahoma Sooners Defense impose their will on an enemy between the white lines. I have absolutely loved how the defense has been playing since the debacle in dallas (which was more of an offense problem than a defense problem). I will also be watching the balanced attack of the Crimson Raid offense. It is what Bob has always wanted, a balanced attack with the ability to throw or run at any time. I have been very impressed with what LR has done on his side of the ball. I also love what Coach Cooks and Coach Reynolds have done for the defense as well. I really think that OU can win this game going away.
What’s your prediction? I’m going to say 48-28.
47 – 13
hope you’re right, with OU scoring more than 47.
Smashed Frogs purple tears of rain. Maybe Prince is on TCUs sideline.
Gotta love Barry Switzer!
He’s an O-riginal!
OU by 30
What about yalls game Kyle?
I dunno. Give me a prediction…
I think it is going to be close. Should be hard fought. If the pokes can pickup the blitz they can win, but can they cover Coleman, Cannon, & Lee?
I feel like Art Briles is playing up the Stidham injury just for Vegas odds/game plans. He played the entire game in Waco after he supposedly got hurt in the first of the game.
OSU has been decent at locking down top receivers (Kevin White last year, Josh Doctson (kinda) this year…). Baylor is also pretty banged up on the d-line. And OSU has been pretty good at home this year.
I agree with you about Briles playing up the injury. I noticed that Vegas still does not have a line on the game. The difference I see with Baylor compared to WVU and TCU is that Baylor has 2 legitimate NFL receivers. Stopping one is easier than stopping two. But to the pokes credit they have a D line that gets after the QB. It should be a good matchup. I think if the pokes can get their run game going, they can take this game easier than if they do not get it going.
yeah, OSU has two very good DB’s. (Lampkin and Peterson – both banged up). Beyond that, it is grad transfer Michael Hunter and Ramon Richards – the guy who got burned multiple times last year.
I think OU gave a good blue print to follow as far as bracketing. Easier said than done.
Injuries grow around this time of year. Lot of wear and tear on everyone playing (and on my OU snowman that gets thrown when I’m unhappy LOL).
both our tight ends are apparently suffering through injuries and doubtful. they dont play a huge role in passing offense, but have been big in running game.
That will hurt if they are unable to play.
I heard it was around -2.5 for the Pokes but havent seen anything official. Waiting for the injury reports to settle, same as TCU.
Just watch the tape from last week, we showed you how to do it!!
haha yeah, easier said than done, OU’s defensive backfield played lights out
So it sounds like you’re picking OSU, correct?
yeah I am picking OSU this weekend by 10.
I sure hope OSU wins. A couple of weeks ago I wanted TCU to beat OSU. With OSU winning, that changes everything, imo. Want to beat an undefeated OSU at their place and make them like it.
osu by 1
What about yalls game Kyle?
esp. if Boykin and Dockson don’t play
Hey, Boone!
Whats up Alex!!!
Visitor list growing for this weekend-
I’ll be watching my television and listening to the play-by-play of TRow and Coach Merv
How do you get the sound and picture synched?
Dunno about RBear, but I run the sound through Garage Band which alllows me to apply delays, and easily manipulate the delay time. If the tv broadcast is ahead of the radio, then I pause it until it’s even or a bit behind and then adjust the delays. Works great and is easy. I’m sure there’s something similar on PC’s.
Thanks. That is the main problem I have. No computer close to main TV to delay. How would I hook the stereo to the computer?
Get you a nice long cable, probably mini stereo jack, like on the end of your earbuds or headphones, for the computer out and rca plugs on the other end to plug into the stereo amplifier inputs. All depends on the geographical location of everything, of course.
Garage band is an apple only product but I found what looks like a pc clone.
So I get an RCA to mini into laptop to get the FM signal to App.
Mini to RCA back out to get delayed signal back to stereo for playback.
Set delay and go.
Have to figure out a test run before game day.
Yup, or if you can figure out how to send the signal from one program on the computer to another, you can dial up the game on a station broadcasting on the internet, run it thru audacity or whatever garage band clone you found, apply delays, and cable it out to the stereo. If you’ve got a laptop, you can just do that and ignore the stereo part.–put the laptop in the tv room. (on a Mac Soundflower is the program that delivers sound from one app to another)
Pause button on the DVR works for me. The internet radio feed I use is usually lagging as well so they’ve historically been really close to being in sync anyway.
My problem is TV is behind radio.
Right, look for a radio feed over the internet that also lags vs an actual radio signal received by your tuner, then feed the internet audio to your sound system.
Man, I was a freshman in the Pride of Oklahoma during the ’08 Tech game. I yelled so much that I had to leave the stadium from a headache and ended up puking,
Came back in 10 minutes later and continued to go insane with the rest of ’em.
Way to play hurt, my man!
Haha “rub some dirt on it son and get back in there!”
Or tussin
haha some tussin
Glad someone got that
Tussin is nasty!
KJ never saw you update on injured O player?
will know for sure in the morning, today is just a walk-through practice, if he goes through todays and tomorrow mornings practice he’ll be good to go…
Thanks as allways
He’s all about the team!
Puke and Rally!!!!
we need you at the game on Sat.
Oh trust me, I’ll be there!
Heck yeah! One of the best comments I’ve ever read here. Bravo, Scott Strittmanattenalads7129r2. Bra–freaking–vo.
The road to manhood is paved with all sorts of bodily fluids. That sounds like a true defining moment.
Im hearing Stidham may be out vs the pokies, compliments of striker..
Jordan E wasnt it?
Was it? You maybe right.
Or tapps monster slam lol
LOVED that! I can watch that replay every 15 minutes and never get tired of it. Stidham’s eyes were the size of a basketball.
LOVED that! I can watch that replay every 15 minutes and never get tired of it. Stidham’s eyes were the size of a basketball.
The way the QB hit the back of his head just scares me for any player on any team – even Baylor. That to me is the worst concussion and glad he’s ok. Glad for Tap but boy did Stidham get slammed.
You know what, I never even thought about that. But I agree, I never want to see players get hurt. As someone who tore his knee up playing sports in HS, I know the devastation it can cause on a player.
I’ve had 7 total to date on my knees, ankles, & turf toe so I understand too but those will heal. Back of the head shots take some time.
Yes they do. Of course when I played football if you got knocked out, they just used smelling salts on you and you missed 2 plays. I missed one play when I broke two fingers making a tackle. Coach taped them together and said you are good to go. I played the rest of the season like that.
I played back then too, long time ago.
I played an entire half while unconscious. Had no idea until we watched film on Sunday.
I did the same. Someone got me to my car. I even call the defensive signals and don’t remember any of it. Watched film Sunday and couldn’t believe it. Every now and then I would get chewed out and I didn’t know what to say back to the coach.
I got knocked out with about a minute left in the first half. I came to on the bus ride home. After I realized where I was and what had happened, I tapped the guy next to me and said, “Did we win?”
First of the 3rd Q. All I remember is a big RB was catching a pass in the flat and I had 15 yards full speed and hit him square helmet to helmet. During film everyone went nuts. After the game I was at home is when I came out of it with a huge headache. I told my parents that I didn’t remember the 2nd half nor the score and they both looked at me like I was trying to make something up.
My mom flipped out when she found out that I didn’t remember anything. Everyone thought I was just fine. Just “got my bell rung” was the popular opinion. No doctor evaluated me lol
Same treatment. Back then you were scared to tell the coach as thought you were a sissy.
I think you were my QB, lol, Same thing happened to him….he would ask me before every play whether we were on offense or defense.
Probably should have escorted him off the field. lol
We didn’t know anything about head injuries back then, and I didn’t like the guy playing behind him.
I wonder which hurt worse: hits by OU DLinemen or the hit Colemen took on him in his after game comments (that he was playing scared basically). I think it’s funny when they start cannibalizing each other.
You lose as a team too. No class by Colemen but what else do you expect.
Easy for a WR to play as a FR when they tell him the route and he doesn’t have to read defenses to run the route. QBs have my respect and it really bothers me when someone bashes any of them. The folks who bash have no earthly idea what it’s like to make split second decisions that may label you for the rest of your life. Miss a block or a catch, big deal, throw a pic 6 for a loss and you will never hear the end of it.
They all got their shots in.. I was thinking it was after the Striker hit that he was on the sidelines cringing..
Briles did say that Stidham was injured in the first half and had hurt his back. And that the second half did not do him any favors.
Do They have another 5* next man up?
Not that I know of.
Id say the Jordan E hit he was flagged for was the one that hurt him.
Edit (the most)
They all got their shots in.. I was thinking it was after the Striker hit that he was on the sidelines cringing..
I don’t know which play hurt his back, but Briles said it happened in their first possession.
Jordan Evans hit that was flagged.
Okay. Need to watch that on replay, I have been fast forwarding through that opening drive of theirs.
JE pile drives him flat
Parker got a solid shot on him too near the goal line. It was awesome.
Was it striker, or Charles “Suplex” Tapper?
An “injured” and “limited” QB. Top-shelf playmaker on the pine, also injured. This has the feel of a letdown game. My inner pessimist is yelling loudly, but I REALLY want to believe this OU squad is different and will put boot to ass for their cause.
Does anyone know who the backup qb is for TCU?
Which one? The JR or the FR. The FR played better last week against KU, but he is more of a run threat than a pass threat. The JR just stunk up the field. Overthrowing wide open receivers and when he ran it was not pretty.
Which one? The JR or the FR. The FR played better last week against KU, but he is more of a run threat than a pass threat. The JR just stunk up the field. Overthrowing wide open receivers and when he ran it was not pretty.
No but i love that pic of yours——–
Foster Sawyer
Take a good long look at the stadium if you’re attending on Saturday, it’ll be the last game played there where it’s not completely bowled in.
As somebody that has had season tickets in the South Endzone since 1999, I’m anxious to see what it’s like after being renovated.
I am hoping the crowd is loud and crazy. It would be great for recruits to witness.
On offense, the three headed machine of Perine/Shepard/Mayfield continue to look like All Americans. The OL just keep getting better, there are less and less missed blocks these days.
On defense, that DL the much maligned DL from the past 3-4 years continue to develop and take over games. A DL that controls the LoS with 3-4 guys makes the other 7-8 that much better. Hoping Tapper continues his sack streak and Walker continues to turn into the next great DL at OU.
Weather might play a factor on Saturday. Going to be cold, and wind gusts are predicted between 20-30 mph, out of the north.
Perfect opportunity to win a game with punishing defense and Samaje Perine
Maybe the committee will appreciate that kind of performance.
Hell yes
27-6 defensive domination with 300 yards rushing
and Baker Mayfield has 315 yds. passing with 2 TD’s and 75 yds. rushing with one TD (Heisman numbers).
I’d have to up my score by at least 17 points to hit that total yardage
That wouldn’t hurt my feelings…go ahead!!
Leave your score as is Dave
so much pressure
44-6 could happen….
That is alright…I heard we run the football pretty well. Don’t have to worry about the wind when you can run the ball!
ALA Switzer
I believe there was a Sims in the line, or wait was Vessels. Can anybody remind me who it was.
“All Day”
Little Joe
Im going to need to be EXTRA charged up then.
Kind of glad only Kelly from Cali is coming in. Always hate when those Cali guys visit and the weather is bad. Might not bother some, but I can see a few of them being a little shocked by 30 degree weather this time of year.
If the crowd and the team are anything like the 2008 Tech game, then It could be zero and it wouldn’t matter.
Perine time
Best way to stay warm is jump around and be loud:-)
Aside from God-given talent, its easy for me to see that coaching all the way around is showing fruit. Diron Reynolds, Kerry Cooks, Bill Bedenbaugh, Lincoln Riley and the list goes on. Mike Stoops in the booth is a blessing for him and the defense. He’s still…….excitable but he wouldn’t be Mike any other way. Bob hit some homerun hires for sure.
Stoops on with Russillo and Kanell in the next hour ESPNEWS
Nice interview with Herbstreight on the Animal just now.
I see the stanford commit RB is coming for game.
He’s a smart guy.
Him or adams. Stephons is like smoke through a key hole.
Well the O Line for next year should be special. Smart guys can see that coming 🙂
The oline should be great for several years ahead.
If Tuscaloosa has two DLinemen better than Tapper and Walker, I’d like to see them. Maybe as good, surely not any better.
A’Shawn Robinson is a beast
Jonathan allen is a monster as well.
no doubt, but not sure they are any more so than walker and tapper
Yup. Those 2 are full grown.
I look forward to the day the Sooners get to introduce Campbell and Gallimore to the cfb world.
Q and Lampkin also
Eas Tex, I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the cfb world won’t appreciate us much.
And we will say to them…YOU ARE WELCOME! 🙂
and Overton. I really wanted this guy when he was being recruited. Plus Parker. He was a man among boys going against D1 players, and I’ve been saying since that he’ll be as great as any safety ever to play at OU. He’s a stud.
Que has already been formally introduced. I would like to see more of him, though.
yeah, I know, but I meant as a starter. That’s when I’m hoping he turns out to be another Walker.
Tell me how bad O wants to crush OSU. Put him in coach.
You and I have been on the Campbell hype train from Day 1. He is going to be a monster real soon.
When TFB first showed him, he dunked a basketball. That’s all they really had on him but I can remember that OP from way back when. Yep, I’ve been on that train the whole time too
agree with the articles premise about control of LOS……….OU controlled it against Baylor…Sooners hopefully will do so against TCU…………
I think he’s got a point there, err, I mean a dot. Or two.
I think we still have to play a complete game vs tcu but if we can open the game the way we have for the most part since the Texas game, and build an early 14-17+ point lead that would be great. Then work on a few things here and there but mostly bleed clock. No reason to let tcu hang around. They’re wounded but they’re not incapable of beating us.
I want a game I can enjoy from whistle to buzzer without stress. I have no fingernails left to bite.
“Boykin drops back. He’s loo–Holy cheese and crackers, Charles Walker just consumed the center and the runningback and the QB!”
“Difficult to watch, Brent.”
“Medical staff is immediately on the scene. My goodness what a hit.”
“More like an abduction, Brent.”
“I think you’re right, Herbie. Let’s take a look at Bob Stoops’ wife.”
LOL. I did notice she’s a MILF!
LOL! And Mary Kay’s top representative.
The two go hand in hand.
Oh yes.
Brent i think we could use some Mary Kay products.
ROTFLOL!!!! That is priceless!
Mr. Robertson, You never cease to amaze me with your post’s. I believe they should let you do at least one game of commentary. Then you sir could be our media guy to convince the committee.
They’d run me out of country and sink the boat. 🙂
But at least you would get the point across. 😉
LOL! You could be the color commentator:
Me: “Trips right. Mayfield behind Darlington’s butt.”
You: “It’s a fine day to be a Sooner!”
Me: “There’s the snap. Mayfield is looking to kill.”
You: “It’s a wonderful day to be a Sooner!”
Me: “Kill him, Baker! Destroy that man!”
You: “It’s a fantastic day to…”
Me: “There it is! Eat it, Patterson!”
Thank You ladies and gentlemen, This message brought to you by Ovaltine.
Dude. I love Ovaltine. Not as much as I love cabbage. But I do love Ovaltine.
I don’t always drink chocolate milk, but when I do it’s Ovaltine. Stay thirsty my friends. “GOT MILK”. No seriously have not seen the stuff in years. And cannot stand cabbage.
Cabbage is nature’s Hershey’s.
Close. I think it’s more nature’s exlax.
That, sir. is funny and true. Good call.
It used to put me to bed early since I wouldn’t eat it as a kid. Still don’t but nobody tells me to go to bed early, I do it on my own now.
I go to bed early so I can dream about eating cabbage. :-/
LOL. Robertson, I am hoping for a Gundy poem sometime next week in honor of Bedlam….
You got it, Kyle. I must say, I’d like you if you weren’t a Puke. 🙂
My plan is to post silly nonsense each day during Bedlam week. Tell nobody.
haha! looking forward to it man. I will keep it on the hush hush.
“Have you ever been with a beauty queen Kirk?”
LOL! Please don’t tell me that’s a direct quote?! :-0
I wanna see a breakout game from Joe. A Big Game.
I wanna hear this a lot on Saturday….”Touchdown OK-LA-HOM-AHHHHHH!”
and This!
Several years ago, had a buddy of mine come down and go to the game with me. He is a K-State guy. First time he had ever been to Norman. He said that he heard that tune in his sleep for days. LOL!
Lord I miss Bob Barry Sr. and Junior. I know he(Sr.) was getting up there but in his day, he was as good as anyone. Pat Summerall once said the best play-by-play & color guys don’t talk too much. So true.
Bob Barry was an institution, but Toby is really, really good if you get him synced to the TV.
That is difficult to do, when Toby is like 5-10 sec ahead of the TV on live FM feed. 🙂
I have Directv. I run the video through a DVR and the radio feed through over the Internet Tune In Radio ap. It takes some tinkering with delaying (pausing) the video, but it works. It’s a lot better than the TV announcers.
When possible, I will take Toby ahead of the (I also have DirecTV) TV, rather than listening to the talking heads that do not do good research.
If you listen the radio feed over the Internet, there is a built in delay. It seems to vary but so far it’s been more than the TV delay, so you can delay the video to match. As I said, it takes some tweaking, but I agree, it’s worth it.
We can’t kid ourselves. TCU will show up ready to play. They too want to be considered as a one-loss playoff team and, by winning out, have a chance to be a Big XII champ or co-champ.
They will not go quietly.
I was looking for a OU-tcu hype video earlier and couldn’t find one, but did find a (way too early) OU-osu hype video.(?)
I wanna see Matt Dimon have an Amazing game!
Be nice to see him kick the crap outta the Frogs!
BM needs to have another Heisman moment(s). Media might help influence the committee wanting to see a few of the legitimate Heisman candidates play each other in the playoffs.
There’s still time. Bradford won his trophy in Stillwater.
I haven’t been involved in any the playoff discussions for numerous reasons. However, if it did boil down to OU/ND, and they picked OU, some interesting topics may come out of it. Since ND isn’t in a conference, it may force them to get in one. If they did, it would open the door to the highest bidder for a conf & media contracts. It would be cool to have ND in the big 12 and add one more team. Be great if it happened.
Oh , Please ,please ,please. Don’t let EasTex get word of this.
Much rather have Louisville and Arkansas. Just me though.
Anybody but the Nada Dome hunchback leprechauns.
You are obviously new here. I can’t tell you the amount of disdain EasTex has for ND.
You need to retract that statement. LOL!
New, umm OK.
Hey, Boom, I hope I didn’t offend you. I’m not sure how to take your reply. I was kidding you. That’s why I added LOL at the end.
No way SamSooner, you’re one of the good guys.
We already have Texas we don’t need ND. If you think Texas wants to run things, just wait until ND gets here.
Not no, but Hell no. No way no how.
Actually there is a way. If once we get them, we can immediately trade them for, oh I don’t know, the SEC west. It would be less overall arrogance that way.
I just got the image of a Notre Dame fan in an ascot and getting hit with tortillas.
I’m thinking more a leprechaun being run over by the schooner.
I like it. But an unlucky leprechaun? Isn’t that like a hornless unicorn?
Or a castrated longhorn bull.
What you did there? I see it.
Yes, but steers are the norm in texsa anyway.
That’s the reaction I’d expect, yeah. If they did join, a trip to Lubbock would make or break their stay.
C’mon EasTex, don’t shut me down like that, I mean I was really on a roll. I’m thinking from a business and perception point of view. I mean the GIF you put in reminds me of WV, not ND. I don’t like them either but they would bring in a lot of $ & cred to a conf, like it or not.
Would love to play and beat them every year. Their basketball team is usually pretty good too.
So true…! It would be like an episode of Real Housewives of Orange County.
I don’t understand the reference.
Because…. they are both….divas…..?
Oh, that’s a tv show…never watched it.
I knew I would get this treatment but at the end of the day, the conference looks tougher and we make a lot more money.
Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t agree with you. I thought this was the Internet. I thought we were allowed to do that here.
You are, just not to me…….. /S. You know that stuff don’t bother me, just thought it was an interesting topic to everyone except EasTex. 😮
Even hearing that school’s name puts me in a psychotic rage…
Much rather see Nebraska added back, along with Arkansas, then to entertain ND.
That would put the big 12 on solid ground lets say Notre dame and BYU we would be back!
If ND joins a conference, it’ll be the ACC.
Just heard an interesting tidbit regarding the OU/ND playoff debate. In the CFP bylaws, for a independent to get in over a P5 conference champ, the independent team has to be “unequivocally better” than the conference champ. I don’t think anyone can say that ND is that much better, if at all, than OU.
Just looked it up on the official cfp website and yep, that is a part of the selection process that was agreed to.
The specific paragraph: “The criteria to be provided to the selection committee must be aligned with the ideals of the commissioners, presidents, athletic directors and coaches to honor regular season success while at the same time providing enough flexibility and discretion to select a non-champion or independent under circumstances where that particular non-champion or independent is unequivocally one of the four best teams in the country.”
That is a circular argument – if THEY pick a team as one of the four best teams, it IS unequivocally one of the four best teams in the country. They can and will do whatever they feel like. Now, if they do pull some horrid stuff, either the process will change (too late for this year) or the committee reps will change. I suspect THEY hope wins/losses make it easy for them to pick 4 from the P5 conferences plus the little-green-men.
Im quite sure that the committee will conveniently ignore that little bylaw as if it doesnt even exist.
Heck, week to week (including last year) they conveniently ignore what they said the previous week. So I’m sure “unequivocally better” will be no different.
They make up their own bylaws so it’s meaningless, really.
Q:What does this…http://mostbeautifulplacesintheworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/notre-dame-cathedral1.jpg
…have to do with this?
A:Self-serving nonsense.
Is Notre Dame joining the B12??? YES!!!!
$$$$$ and $$$$$
’08 TTvsOU = ’69 Woodstock. EVERYONE you ask was there!! But if you were really there, you remember things like Section 106, Row 1, Seat 13, onside kick, how cold it was until the 2Q, the fact that 85K people can move a concrete/steel stadium and the awe disbelief on faces of Leach and Harrell! If you fans can get anywhere near that much going as we did in 2008, the Toads are toast!!!
I remember it well. Section 19, row 47, seat 1. Terribly cold. Guy sitting behind me wouldn’t shut up, and to top it off, he brought his two nieces who were Tech fans. At least they were nice to look at. I did not want to sit down since it was so cold. I remember getting worried after TTU scored their first TD, but it was all OU after that. I remember my 6′ 6″ 300lb dad jumping to Jump Around.
I forget the section name, but it was row 77 in one of the endzones (the one with the bigger screen) next to the tech fan section. One of the fellow Sooner fans in the area started mocking them every time they tried to throw it to Crabtree, and the rest of us joined in. They were incredibly drunk by the end of the game. It was fantastic.
I was in the South endzone surrounded by Tech fans. Everytime we scored I would scream, He’s In, He’s In, we should put up a billboard. Before the night and scoring was over it was GLORIOUS! I had my 11 year old son with me for his first game.
The evidence was, the crowd noise effected the game to an extent I’d never seen or probably ever will.
My final year as a student, and my wife and I were in the Student Section. Best game by far that I have ever attended (atmosphere wise), and I attended all home games from 04-08. Be so nice to see it get that rowdy again…
Great memories and examples of what it was like there! I remember my young sons eyes when jump around started bouncing the home side upper deck! Keep the stories coming!!!
For anyone who wants a reminder of the atmosphere of that game here you go….
I will be watching to see if we keep our edge and if we land come commits!!!
Perhaps, Striker can encourage the recruits about Oklahoma.
Striker is the man.
I’ll be watching for an early morning OP! Also, Jordan, I’ll be looking forward to those tweet messages of the recruits on campus. Thanks guys.
The playoff committee takes into account key injuries, right? Why has no one talked about Swoops starting and failing for Texass in that game and Malik Zairre getting hurt for ND? Bottom line, Texas, ND and Oklahoma are all three completely different teams today. Also, I saw this as the criteria from the college football playoff,
“Comparative outcomes of common opponents (without incenting margin of victory)” So they cant take into account that ND smoked Texas
I’m done, the horse is dead
Exactly right. I picked OU to win the Big 12 b/f the season and get into the final 4 (b/f some on ESPN picked us in the pre-season), but I have to admit, 1) I didn’t see us being as injury free as we are and 2) getting so much better during the year (I expected we’d get better in the new O as the year went along, but I think it’s even better than I expected), and 3) that Mayfield would put up these numbers. We are MUCH better than when we played UT. I thought we could play with and beat any team in the country b/f the season; still do.
Notre Dame is a “quasi” member of the ACC, wherein they agreed to schedule at least 5 ACC opponents each year. This year, they scheduled 6. The rest of the ACC only plays 8 true conference games. Although they still call themselves independent, if the Football Playoff Committee were to think of them as a ACC member, they most likely would not be the ACC champion, due to their lose to Clemson. Can’t imagine how that somehow trumps the Big XII Champion.
That makes too much sense.
That makes too much sense.
Who are juniors on BU, TCU, OSU, UT and OU that might leave
after this yr? Any ideas?
OU possibilities?: Sanchez yes or no and who else?
BU possibilities: Billings, Coleman, Linwood—I have no idea,
but are they leaving or anyone else? Will those 3 leave? Anyone else?
TCU possibilities: Dockson and Boykin are both SRs, and 4
out of 5 starters are SRs and 2 out of 5 OL reserves are SRs. Any JR going
OSU possibilities?: Does Ogbah leave early? He’s a JR.
Anyone else?
UT: Anyone?
It would be a HUGE mistake for Sanchez to leave early. Westbrook made it fairly clear that he wanted to declare early due to personal family obligations, but he would be well served to be our feature receiver next season. Walker possibly?
is walker eligible to leave? Wow! Hope not.
Yes he is and… has the nfl’s attention. Never know with these kids.
hope he doesn’t. He could be high first round, imo, if he stays another year
He is a RS Soph, so yes.
Sanchez needs to add more strength,solid tackling, and a complete season injury free.
If he comes out… late 3rd or 4th.
He would go undrafted, IMO.
I thought I saw one time early in the year that he was projected to be one of the top 25 players taken in the draft. Did I dream that?
Pretty sure you did. I like him but in the NFL they are so much more physical.
I agree, due to his size. He has shutdown talent and his tackling has improved but he is just too small to be given anything more than a workout in the league, IMO.
He’s a multi year starter at Oklahoma which has value.
Plus he’s got the stats to back up a ball hawk.
He won’t go undrafted.
Ask tj how life is now that he’s about a year away from free agency. Sure he wanted to go high but going in the 6th round is setting him up to make some serious money.
What did Westbrook say to make you say that?
I heard him talking about it on the radio after he committed or signed, don’t remember which, Heard the guys on KREF talking about it recently as well.
that would be a massive mistake.
that would be a massive mistake.
Do you remeber that juco receiver we signed a couple years back who never made it to campus because he wanted to go straight to the draft? havent heard from him since.
I refuse to let Walker leave.
Ogbah is gone or he should be. top 15 ceiling, 2nd round floor.
NFL values pass rushers.
know of anyone else on these other teams? That makes a huge difference in next year’s teams. I’d like a few of BU’s JRs to go early.
BU shouldn’t have anyone else leave early but billings.
Next year will virtually be the same team.
Defense is going to be a year older but will def miss billings.
Baylor isn’t going to have a downturn as long as Art Briles remains. Especially now they have a very young talented QB.
Every year is going to be a battle.
BU shouldn’t have anyone else leave early but billings.
Next year will virtually be the same team.
Defense is going to be a year older but will def miss billings.
Baylor isn’t going to have a downturn as long as Art Briles remains. Especially now they have a very young talented QB.
Every year is going to be a battle.
Thx. They are the main team I wanted to know about. What about Coleman? Isn’t he the top rated WR in the country? Wouldn’t he go pro?
Thankfully, OU has about everyone coming back, too, next year, and they game is at home. The one thing that I think could get BU is their arrogance (Proverbs 16:18). I really think we may see some problems b/c of that.
Coleman should leave. He’d probably be the first or second WR taken.
That goes for Billings as well.
” I just don’t see how OU loses this game.” I agree, but Holy cow, what has happened to us that we are this confident about a game with a team that was easily ranked in the top 10 and even top 5 for much of this season (as well as last). My analysis is based on the fact that, as some of us remember, we were one or maybe two plays from winning this game, and there were several options for those one or two plays. Clearly OU is much stronger on both sides of the ball, and I’m not sure that TCU is as good as they were. But, as we’ve seen, teams can have an “on” night and if they have talented players can be very difficult to beat, so I’m gonna recommend toning down our confidence just a bit, as hard as that may be.
“a true freshman quarterback that Stoops & co. felt confident they could intimidate” Imho, it had very little to do with that and a great deal to do with having players that now understand where they need to be and how to get there. Not to mention several guys who have had the “light come on” and are playing incredibly well. Better tackling, better alignment, better recognition…it’s not even close, again, imho. It certainly helps also to have depth, and a defense that is given a few breaks to rest during the course of the game, due to better offense.
I’m gonna be watching to see if TCU looks like the ferocious team on both sides of the ball that they have been at times. Will be looking for more of what we saw against Baylor. Always good to see Mixon with the ball, but he clearly is still learning about when to abandon the attempt to outrun everyone to the boundary, and see the hole developing if he cuts up earlier. Samaje, on the other hand, has improved dramatically with that. He’s faster, making better cuts, and even with that he’s leaving defenders slow to get up after the play. Also his blocking appears to have improved greatly as this season has progressed.
Also, I’ll be watching to see if they try to blanket Shep and force the others to make plays. Seems likely that we’ll see that either this week or next. I mean, wouldn’t you devote some resources to keep him from making plays? Westbrook may get a chance to shine, or Neal, or both.
If Baker were having any difficulties, many on here would be quarterback guru-ing and talking about how many throws he makes off his back foot. Doesn’t seem to be a problem tho. He zips the ball in there anyway. Some serious arm strength on some of those throws. Love how he’s playing and will be looking for another “Baker Mayfield Special” at some point during the game.
Go Sooners!
EDIT: Okay, here’s more. I’m also gonna look to see if the defense can continue covering in such a remarkable way that the TCU qb, whoever it is, can’t find anyone to throw to.
Edit 2: Okay, now I’ve written a book. 🙁 But very important, will be looking for the pin point self control that allows manic play without penalties.
Here you go, you filthy animals.
15 minutes early for the 506 update
I represent that remark.
For those of you going to the game: http://www.tulsaworld.com/sportsextra/ousportsextra/ou-sports-fans-asked-to-allow-extra-time-for-entrance/article_5e19385b-0c5f-57b1-b08d-39881610dd42.html
I am looking for a great OU victory. After that I am looking for so many BOOMS that complaints come in from Stoolwater about all the noise coming from Norman.
I’ve got to give it up to coach B. The offensive line has went from a train wreck to a pretty solid group in a very short period of time! Now, let’s go get #8 and while we are at it Baker may as well get #6! BOOMER!
I’ve got to give it up to coach B. The offensive line has went from a train wreck to a pretty solid group in a very short period of time! Now, let’s go get #8 and while we are at it Baker may as well get #6! BOOMER!
Girls BB game on FSOk at 6pm tonight.
I actually have the game.
Excellent. The girls came to play tonight. Hitting early and often.
I will be looking for no injuries down the stretch.
Why in the world would Saban consider Texa$$? He’s got a great gig right where he works now. Strong is looking elsewhere. The AD basically screwed Strong and his staff.
I’ll tell you why Saban might be looking around, this will be the 3rd year in a row he’s at home for the national title.
Saban’s wife told him she doesn’t care for the slow play. 🙂
Saban hates uptempo offenses, he wouldn’t want to play them every week in the big 12
I love my Sooners but watching girls basketball is worse than getting a root canal without anesthesia.
Being up 30 takes some of the excitement away, Oh and I will take some of that anesthesia.
I’ll just take some beers.
Youse guys are just so lucky being able to go to a game in Norman. Us guys in Alabama can’t drive 12 hours to a game.
Us guys in South Carolina can’t drive 16 hours either. However, it has happened a couple times.
If I tried to drive from Hawaii I’d be screwed.
Not if China builds a bullet train to Vegas.
I’m just glad to see OUr brand stretching from one end of the country to the other.
My neighbor’s wife once suggested the four of us rent a Winnebago and drive to Hawaii. She was a great girl but was heavily medicated.
Youse guys are just so lucky being able to go to a game in Norman. Us guys in Alabama can’t drive 12 hours to a game.
Fantastic video.
Superman!! Got my vote.
Yeah, I’d vote for him.
I forget what year it was, but the KU BBall game in Ryan Minor’s last year, had that surreal feeling too. I mean, just non-stop, deafening cheering and excitement. I wasn’t at ’08 Tech, but I can imagine it must have been even more than that.
Even not having been there, I still get chills when I watch “Jump Around”!
anyone know what happened to the maurice chandler commit??? Why he decommit?
Mutual decision. He’s a 2 for 2 juco I believe and he wants a place he can compete for a starting job right away. Where we seem to be set at least for one more year at corner if Sanchez stays, and if not we’ve shown depth behind him. Also there’s some good hs products so there’s no reason to run them off (Parrish Cobb and Jordan Parker are really good) for a guy who’s only got 2 years.
I’m just excited I’ll be in attendance for the last game in that stadium. I loss my voice yelling at the tv I can only imagine how I sound after we beat TCU.