I included a few notes in my post yesterday regarding this D-line coaching search, but now that I’m back in the country things have understandably been a little easier to try and track down. As such, I have been able to gather more information on who OU may be considering and wanted to pass along some of what I have been able to gather.
– First, as most of you would expect, things continue to be very tight lipped around the program. I reiterate that only to remind you that in the process of gathering information, it’s hard to find anyone with a complete picture of everything single aspect of what is going on. And that on many occasions even when one is able to get information, it’s usually just clues.
– While I’m not certain at the moment who OU/Stoops view as the leading candidate for the job, I have been told that OU was interested in Boise State defensive line coach, Steve Caldwell.
– I have been told that an announcement could come by the end of this week. My source sounded certain on this point, but I’m a little hesitant about that timeline personally just because there are only a couple days left in this work week. However, I think the take away for me is that OU seems to have identified a candidate — whomever that may be — and perhaps at least an informal agreement is in place.
– I was told, and it was no surprise, that Alabama’s Bo Davis was very high on OU’s list of prospective candidates. I’ve spoken with two Alabama insiders, and they both insist that Davis wouldn’t take the job. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything per se, but it’s all I’ve got at this point. I do wonder if perhaps offering him a co-DC title might help.
– I continue to hear the name Ben Albert from Boston College as a possible candidate. In fact, I stumbled on some information yesterday regarding Albert and OU. A friend of mine was chatting with a D-I coach and the subject of OU’s defensive line hire came up, and the coach told my friend, “don’t be surprised if that coach from Boston College gets the job.” So I checked with someone in Albert’s camp and they are denying any interest in the position, but I would expect a denial like that until things were actually finalized.
– I have been told that going into things OU wanted to make a “splash” hire, which should certainly come as no surprise. But I was also told that “if they get who they want, everyone is going to be very excited.” Again, none of that is surprising or even new information. But I know that guys like the Michigan State defensive line coach, Ron Burton, and others are not interested in leaving their current situations. So the idea of a “splash” hire at this point would probably be limited to someone like Bo Davis. Who, again, I know OU is interested in but that may only be one-sided.
However, my personal feeling is OU doesn’t need a “splash” hire in terms of name recognition. They need someone who yields real results, both on the field and the recruiting trail, and I think a guy like Albert or Eli Rasheed or David Turner are those kind of guys. They aren’t necessarily names folks know, but I think they could do a dang good job. Steve Caldwell is interesting because even though he doesn’t necessarily fit the profile I’ve been told they are looking for, he has a long and successful coaching background.
Anyway, that’s pretty much everything I have at the moment. So know you know what I know.
Thanks, K.
I still like Randy Hart.. He would be a splash hire !
Better than TOS. Thanks!!
Davis would be a splash.. But out of the others listed, i like Rasheed…
Agree, Rasheed looks like a good option.
If you look at his recruiting history.. He has a number of commits from Texas & even Oklahoma.. So he’d be familiar with the territory for sure…
Good job.
Everyone seems to like the SEC DL coaches that is fine and all but it’s the players on the DL that makes those coaches look good.. We need a coach, no just a guy who relates well to 17 yr olds every staff has those and they all recruit different positions.
If, as you said, it’s the recruits/players that make the SEC coaches look good, don’t we need, then, a coach that relates well with 17 year olds?
Yes, somewhat but I am convinced we are not going to get SEC 5* DL from Fl or other SEC strong holds.. So I would rather take a great technician that can coach up the DL we have or can cherry pick here and there.
Fla doesnt have all the good DL…There are plenty from this area too. 2 of the best during the time Bob has been at OU were from here…Tommie Harris(TX) and Gerald McCoy(OK), Id take that duo over any duo from any SEC team(any team) during that time span
I understand what you are saying but that was not the point I was making.
I think there is plenty of talent for someone to work with, if the new coach can develop players, Monty left him with some quality. I’d hope a year or two of success would lead to better recruiting for a guy who isnt deemed an elite recruiter. Just hoping for a guy that provides results on the field. As long as that happens Bob has made a splash hire.
I still like Inge from Indiana. He is a strong recruiter and has developed some nice players.
Like it, could see Rasheed or Albert both being good hires and recruiting well at OU. A big no thank you on Caldwell. While the guy may have had some good coaching years in the past, recruiting is becoming more and more a young man’s game. Being able to relate to today’s high school athletes is getting harder and harder, and as dumb as it can be, it’s not all about resume in a HS living room.
Who knows, as another poster said, Monty definitely didn’t leave the cupboard bare, so having a guy who can produce results would be a good get too. But it would scare me that eventually the D-line recruiting would become like the LB recruiting
On the age aspect I can definitely agree, that appears to be the difference for Kish in most battles. He gets OU in the door but can’t finish the job. Appearances aren’t always right though.
Dave, taking the bat to the knees early. Sweet.
All I want is for whoever our new family member turns out to be is to maximize every kids potential. TEACH these kids how to play the position and REWARD them for their hardwork. FORGET the stars that they were ranked in High School and EARN stripes in College. Be HONEST and recognize the forest as well as the trees. RELATE to these kids on their level and RESPECT all their backgrounds, cultures, etc. BOOMER SOONER!!!
is there going to be a slide at the end of the presentation where the first letter of all the CAPITALIZED words becomes a catch phrase or slogan? You owe us a warning if so.
Glad to finally hear some news about the search. Davis does seem like a pipe dream, so my top choices would be Turner or Rasheed. Ben Albert would be solid as well, but Turner and Rasheed would be the best options.
Caldwell is a 60 year old white guy. We are already at our quota in that demographic.
How is that relevant? Was that necessary?
Didnt you know race and age are even more important in this day and time of equality?
@disqus_BeW3hegp9d:disqus @dhuntersanchez:disqus @disqus_UQxMaEARnU:disqus @samsooner:disqus @RufNek:disqus @robertsonrobertson2016:disqus
Aaannd this conversation has turned into a first-time roller skater going down hill on a mountainside road with no barriers…
I was actually just being facetious, but…ok.
Just open space and a place to land. LOL!
But but but but but it makes me feel so much better about myself
Montgomery was the guy the defensive guys bonded with because he able to relate well to them. Caldwell seems to be the opposite of Jerry, in that regard.
Caldwell also seems to be a guy that can get pretty solid talent at Boise and can be effective with what he gets.
Why didn’t you say so in the first place? Ha. Got your point.
I still don’t see how your remarks about a 60-year old white guy was necessary. We should, as much as possible, leave race, gender, sexual preference, gender, and age, to name a few, out of our discussions.
oh you big panzy ass
I see you don’t care. The value you must be adding to society is probably unmeasurable. Really, you probably can’t measure it.
I think Bob has done very, VERY well putting together as diverse a coaching staff as anyone in the nation. And as far as I can recall, he always has. Plus, the relating thing is a bit overstated (overstated as is, one must be of a certain demographic to relate. This is just false.)
Who? Kish?
And Bill Snyder is a hundred-year-old tortoise. What’s your point?
I’ll have you know 60 is NOT old, regardless of race. If he was 80 or 90, then yeah I would agree – but only for a few years. 😉
I am surprised that the scheme these guys are proficient in is not being discussed. Beyond his recruiting prowess, Monty was proficient in the 3-4. I was surprised we were chasing the GT/Auburn guy who was a 4-3 guy.
We are doomed is we are looking for someone to learn on the job regardles of the splash. A Line coach that is *Excellent* running the 3-4 should be a priority… Bo Davis would be great imo, whether he was at Idaho state or Bama connection for this reason alone.
While coaches do have a particular expertise, most know the various schemes. I teach English to speakers of other languages, I have a particular approach, but I know various other methods and can use them effectively.
Knowing and proficiency are two separate things IMO. Its the difference between doing “okay” vs. maximizing potential.
You are right.. alot have coached both, but it doesn’t hurt us to get the best there is at what we want
The blanket/broad-brush statements about scheme really disregard the ideas that coaches can actually learn a new skill/scheme. Most of these guys are highly intelligent and have worked in various schemes involving a myriad of techniques over their careers. Coaches are always picking other people’s brains and trying to learn new things…and then implementing those things. In this vein, I do believe the focus on “experience in the 3-4” has been overstated in many instances. Sure, it’s nice to see that the guy has worked with it. That said, if he’s competent and intelligent, he will be able to adjust to new things.
I used the word “proficiency” three times in my posts. How is that broad brushing things? Three years ago, we went to Bama to learn the trade. We have committed to running this and Stoops is on his last straw. So why bring in a person that is learning on the job?
By the way, I am not attacking any single coach or person in my note
I wasn’t referring solely to you or your post. I was making a generalization. I apologize if you felt it was directed AT you or was belittling in any way.
alright. so explain it to me if you could please. would it be like a chinese food chef making awesome lasagna from scratch compared to a non italian mechanic making awesome lasagna from scratch? obviously if you’ve coached in it before all the better but, if not, its not that big a deal? just trying to see if you could put it into terms a lot of folk could understand please and thank you in advance
From what I gather, its seems he is meaning that most coaches, “that are proficient,” can coach almost any scheme. They may not be the “cats pajamas” at that scheme, but they sure have the potential to become that, or at least be “proficient” at it. I remember when I played, we ran 4-3 base, but there were always occasions where we could go 5-2, Bear, 3-4, 3-3-5, or whatever the situation or gameplan called for. And as long as our coaches were “proficient” enough in teaching us, we could run it just fine. Now, I understand we want to be WAY more than “just fine,” or “proficient.” We want and must be, damn good. I get it. But most coaches who have been in defense long, are probably at least familiar with the 3-4, and should be able to adapt seamlessly, or else they be in the wrong profession.
BoomerSooner: I used proficient 4 times. ha!! Topped you! lol
And how you’re comparing coaching schemes to Chinese, Lasagna, and Italian Mechanics is amazingly awesome. lol
haha. he was talking to indysooner, not me. i was trying to get him to explain the differences in 3-4 vs 4-3 and if its that big a deal to be all the way one or the other and how easy it is to be able to adapt and coach kids up in the one you may not have coached in. kinda sounds like its not. hopefully doesn’t read like i was taking a shot at him. thanks for the clarification….and its non italian mechanics. of course the italian mechanics can make lasagna 🙂
Oh whoops, combined the two “sooners.” my bad. And I now see your “NON-italian.” lol. Of course the Italians can! lol
There is difference with the technique you teach kids in the front 7 depending on the scheme. Also, body type and skill set translate differently. For example, a good NT in a 4-3 could be a solid 0 tech in a 3-4. A prototypical 4-3 3 tech is pretty much what you need as a DE in most 3-4 schemes and the typical 4-3 DE usually is an OLB when you run a 3-4. A 3-4 also uses LBs a bit differently, as you need (typically) a larger ILB (sometimes called a “Thumper”) and a lighter, faster ILB who makes most of the tackles; think Derrick Johnson (I know, bad word around here!) for the Chiefs. He was an OLB at UT, but translates very well to the lighter play-maker in a 3-4.
After this it’s all about teaching them specific alignment and assignment.
A good DL coach will be able to learn the different techniques required fairly quickly, even if he doesn’t have a bunch of experience with one scheme or the other.
awesome. thank you
You’re welcome.
I felt I had explained it pretty well already. Daddy R did a nice job of re-stating.
haha. sorry. i guess i should have put that it was a serious question and not a shot at you
Wasnt really a “shot” per se, but the “alright, so explain to me if you could please” sounded a bit antagonistic I’m thinking..
alright. so explain to me if you could please why you can’t get the gist out of my written words? 🙂 yeah rereading things i can see where it sounds bad
Well, explain to me this!
haha. those are awesome matching shirts
No offense taken. What do you think about the new hire?
Not sure. Originally I saw his name and Stanford and thought “Wow, they’ve had some really good 3-4 DLs.” Upon further review of his resume, I’m left a bit lukewarm on him. Not much to do with Stanford and their 3-4 DL over the past years of success. Only time will tell, I guess. I’m not one that’s a huge fan of NFL guys coming to the college level…recruiting isn’t always the greatest with those guys.
That’s true.
The only faith I have in this hire is that Bob brought in Monty two years ago who’s resume was not much to reckon either. I hope he knows something to allay all these concerns otherwise he will be on the skillet pretty soon.
That’s why I like Randy Hart, he’s older but his guys love him and he is a fantastic teacher. Plus he is a 3-4 boss !
I still am racking my brain trying to figure out why this guy isn’t the leading candidate!!!!!
Please let’s get him hired.
Sounds good to me. Top recruiter. Yes. But how’s his coaching?
This would be a potential upgrade from Monty as far as recruiting goes! Imagine.
why would he take a demotion?
I like it but we’d probably have to offer him a co DC spot as well to even stand a chance. I’d be good with that but Mike S?….probably not so much.
Hopefully its not Steve Caldwell, the guy is old as dirt.
Might as well bring Bobby Jack Wright out of retirement to coach the Dline, if Caldwell is a serious candidate
Mike Elston ?
Didn’t see him on the list.
K hits the ground running! Nice.
First of all welcome back K. Great to have you back in the good ol US of A.
As for the DL coach, everyone a week ago was talking about Chris Kiffin but no one seems to be mentioning him anymore. Has he been eliminated from contention?
“Davis and his wife, Omeika, have two sons Bo and Jackson”….just thought that was funny
a bama coach with auburn’s greatest player of all time for his son’s names. wonder what the meltdown would be like here if somebody had sons with the names vince and young? 🙂
That’s almost as awesome as Walker and Texas Ranger!
Apparently we’ve offered QB KJ Costello. I’d be very alright with landing this kid.
nice, knows how to throw a pass without having to put a lot of air under it.
He’d be a great get. Great size, accuracy, decision-making, arm strength, and solid mobility.
OP is up: https://thefootballbrainiacs.com/ou-oklahoma-sooners-football-recruiting-2016-open-post-wednesday-feb-18th?GD_NONCE=47447ffafb
Again this guy.. Perfect fit. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eTVtm-DvyK0
Well they didn’t choose Randy Hart but they chose his assistant. I wonder if they contacted Hart and he commended Reynolds!
He fits the puzzle. Not the experience I was hoping for but I am good with this.. I would not be surprised on that.
But I do like the NFL experience.. If true I like it !!
Steve Caldwell is 117 years old. I think we need to keep hiring young coaches who players can identify with and who can recruit well.
117?? My GAWD, that must be some kind of record. Hire the man…he’s apparently invincible.
Lol nice!
David Turner is only making 200k. We could totally get him.
He and I have a mutual friend. I can say with quite a bit if certainty that he’s listen if OU reaches out
I guess my point is why would OU overpay Bo Davis to come here and piss off the other coaches not making as much when you could offer this guy 300-325 and he would be extatic.
Eric Bailey @EricBaileyTW 3m3 minutes ago
#Sooners RT @FootballScoop: Very interesting…per source Oklahoma is hiring Diron Reynolds from Stanford as DL coach http://FootballScoop.com/the-scoop
This would be a really good hire, IMO. They’ve turned out some solid defensive players, particularly 3-4 DEs.
Definitely! I’ve admired Stanford’s defense for years.
he coached under dungy. i see that as a big positive. thanks for the link