– Trey Sermon: OU hosted 2017 RB Trey Sermon (Marietta, GA) this past weekend and while we’ve yet to catch up with Sermon himself, we did have the chance to talk with one of his coaches who accompanied him on the trip. By all accounts, the visit seems to have exceeded their expectations. “It was beyond awesome, man. These dudes (OU coaches) are first class, and they are great at what they do.”
It’s been clear for a while now that Sermon and the people around him are very impressed with Jay Boulware, the entire OU staff, and perhaps more than anything else those relationships seem to be driving the interest in Oklahoma. “Coach Riley and Boulware are some of the best guys and coaches I’ve ever met! Coach Stoops even reminds me of a Georgia High School legend, head coach Jeff Herron. They (the Sooners) are definitely making a case.”
Perhaps most telling about the visit, however, was that prior to the trip TFB had been told Sermon’s plan was to commit sometime in September. After the OU visit? “Anytime from now to September” is the revised commitment plan according to Sermon’s coach.
Sermon has a couple more upcoming visits and then it sounds like there will be some serious deliberation. He’ll visit Tennessee this coming weekend, followed by a trip to Oregon in a few weeks. – (Super K)
– ‘Thibs’ Houston Connection: In case you haven’t seen this weekend’s visitor list, there are quite a few players from Lamar High School (Houston,TX) who are expected to be in Norman this weekend. Much has been made of new OU defensive line coach Calvin Thibodeaux and his Houston area connections. which appear to be paying off already.
TFB spoke with one of the Lamar coaches who will be bringing players to Norman and discussed how the trip got set up. This particular coach said he’s known Thibodeaux ‘for a while’ and because of that connection, he (and the other Lamar coaches) really wanted to get their players up to OU for a visit.
Another interesting note/reminder, I recently spoke with Marvin Wilson’s position coach who mentioned that he actually went to middle school with Thibodeaux. And as we’ve mentioned, Wilson is expected to visit Oklahoma in the near future (though a date has still not been set). – (Super K)
– Kenneth Pleasant: TFB spoke briefly to 2017 offensive lineman Kenneth Pleasant (Katy, TX), who shared that he may be visiting Oklahoma this weekend for the spring game. Pleasant doesn’t yet hold an OU offer, but does hold several other FBS offers (Texas Tech, Missouri, etc.).
But Pleasant said he speaks with Bill Bedenbaugh regularly, so if he does make it up to Norman it’ll be interesting to see if he receives that OU offer. – (Super K)
If Thibs pulls in Marvin Wilson, he will erase any possible doubt about his hiring. Most important uncommitted recruit for OU in America.
Put the heat back on KIsh,LOL.
1st SOONER!!!!
baby steps leo
SOONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s a good day for a BOOM!
O yes it is,Slim.
SOON it will be nap time. Sometimes we get one while I snooze. We’ll see.
Get to snoozing ,Slim.
William Beed N Bo.
And if Boulware and Riley can deliver Sermon to Norman, I’ll be singing their praises. That would be quite the coup, pulling in a top RB out of sec country.
Indeed sir!!
“deliver Sermon”…”singing their praises”…I see what you did there.
Nice work K,Thanks.
This doesn’t mean anything in the grand scale of things, but I think it is neat that Tre Sermon is from Marietta, GA. I grew up there.
I’m moving there in May! Gonna definitely catch a game of Trey’s
Is it Tre or Trey?
His Twitter says “Trey”..
It’s fixed now. Said Tre before. Haha, just didn’t want the kid thinking we don’t know his name.
Totally get it….
You can call him Tre or you can call him Trey, just waiting to call him ‘committed’ to SoonerSquad17.
What about Ray or Jay?
And this this little nugget:
“Really how well I connected with the coaches, and how much my mom liked the new staff, and the rest of my family,” Sermon said. “It (My mom’s blessing) is definitely one of the main things that will help me choose a school.”
Like Switzer said, gotta recruit the mama.
Right on!!!!!!!
looks like a full grown man in this pic… HS kid, not so much.
Aunty savannah makes 82 dollars every hour on the laptop . she has been laid off for 8 months but last month her pay was 14000 bucks just working on the laptop for a few hours. look at this now,……….….http//GoogleHomeProfits/GetPaid/98$hourly
Aunty JUDITH makes 73 dollars an hour on the laptop . She has been unemployed for seven months but last month her pay was 12667 bucks just working on the laptop for a few hours. why not look here,,,,,,,,,,http://GoogleHomeProfits/GetPaid/98$hourly
Easy list of of top uncommitted prospect…
Trey Sermon
Chuba Hubbard
Omar Manning
Tyrell Shavers
Grant Calcutta
Walker Little
Grayson Reed
Chuck Filiaga
Marvin Wilson
Greg Rogers
Deiontae Watts
Ta’Quon Graham
Isaiah Buggs (JC)
Deontre Thomas
Akial Byers
Baron Browning
Isaiah Thomas
K’Jakyre Daley
Anthony Hines
Jacob Phillips
Kary Vincent
Jeffery Okudah
Grant Delpit
Grant Calcaterra
And Ausbon before any of those receivers.
Forgot about Ausbon…
I think we have a better chance with Manning but if theres even just a slim chance with Ausbon, we gotta chase it.
Thanks K! Much appreciated Sir
Anyone on here watch Vikings?
Aye it’s my favorite show
Only when im at sea!
Yep, but Ragnar has lost it. Should have stuck with Lagertha and Floki. And who needs Paris anyway?
Perhaps AD should join the cast of Vikings when he retires. A bad ass North African pirate and his band of ruthless swashbucklers.
Too much Chinese food.
That part is killing me. I could take loco Ragnar if there wasn’t the Rollo BS again. Sick of that guy. Should have killed him in season 1! LOL
Paris is his Achilles’ heel, that’s for sure. I have the feeling that his oldest, after Bjorn, is gonna be a badass. But the overall story arch is pissing me off.
Yeah, Ragnar has lost his edge. Probly that opiate the china doll is giving him. I always feel for Lagertha because she’s still following him around. I think Bjorn is the heir apparent. And yeah, Ragnar’s demise pisses me off.
I do, but only because of Adrian Peterson.
Same here. No AD, no watch.
Alright Chuckleheads….didn’t say THE Vikings. LOL
But, I get it. Talking about the show.
That’s my team until Adrian leaves lol
Not the team, but the TV show is great.
Gah, it’s pissing me off right now. Hate the storyline and loathe where it’s going.
Anyone on here want to do my 1:30 owners meeting?
I don’t think you can afford me.
75 an hr sound right?
Like I said, I don’t think you can afford me.
Cant blame me for asking!
Well, you said meeting and that is like regular time, plus hazardous duty pay, plus the “it’s really going to annoy me” differential.
I have a PowerPoint presentation I could show. (snicker snicker)
When we hire engineers we always ask if they know how to use PowerPoint. If they do, we shred their resume.
People on THINK they know how to use PowerPoint. Of course it’s time has passed.
Didn’t Vince Lombardi use PowerPoint?
I can do it, but any part of an hour is billed as an hour; oh and the fee is quadruple because of the timeliness of the presentation. Travel is allowed, but billed separately at double the base fee. The standard thirty minute break on the hour is to be implemented.
Edit: Since Bob has mentioned the hazardous duty pay, I will not be able to attend.
Mojo, i need you when i ask for more money!
It doesn’t hurt to ask. Best advice I could give.
I would offer but you would have to pay my airfare from Maui and the 75 per hrs would include travel time.
I’ll do it for that, but you have to pay for my gas to and from as well as my food and hotel accommodations.
Metz, is this in or near Lubbock? I have a flat fee for going to the texsa panhandle and it is only slightly lower than congressional budgets.
Lmao Lubbock yes!
Opps. Well, $ 75 a SECOND won’t cut it for that area. You do have all my sympathy though.
$75/hour. I’ve quit jobs paying more than that.
I’d take it as vacation pay for a day or two though.
I’ve got one at 1:00 myself. Tuesday afternoons are not my friend.
Every Tuesday for me tell 8/16 when this job is complete.Bayer crop science people are a pain in the ass.
The same for me except my completion date is 8/31/16 or (of course) I get the building built sooner and raise the expectations of the customer for the next go round. I’m content with 8/31/16. It’s a Spirit / Boeing (customer) for me.
Airport work grrrrrrrrr.
I find being the technical guy with a reputation for brutal honesty keeps me away from meetings. They need me to do the work but they don’t want me telling the customer the truth or at least in such a straightforward manner.
I understand Bob. Since I am the last word, I have to be diplomatic most of the time. Yet, I have “fired” some customers over the years and we remain in business.
I am more than happy to let management babysit the customer. Beside I get paid a lot more as a good engineer than I would as a bad manager.
Yeah I’m of the same cloth Bob. Best way to be left out of meetings is to tell the unvarnished truth.
I attend lots of meeting, even the ones I would rather not attend. I’ve learned there needs to be a sane person attending to watch these wild, wild, west gunslingers. I need my job.
That was the way I was when I worked in corporate America. However, I found out quickly that our biggest customers loved my straight shooting honesty and ALWAYS requested I be on the conference calls. UGH!
Golf – How’ve you been? I have been WAY overworked since the end of January and absent from TFB. It seems you have been about as AWOL as I.
I’ve been swamped and still am. UGH!
It’s staged, I know you too well.
Really now?
Don’t hide the ugly, right? Let’s talk about the ugly so we can fix it.
I can see Bob just stand up,cowbell in hand,we just need more cowbell dammit!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 🙂
I got it Metz. 42 years of customers – which ones need hand-holding, which need straight-talk, and which need their butts kicked. We much prefer “adult” customers with whom we can discuss things, but I can babysit if need be.
Lmao ok!!!!!!!
I always like it when they threaten legal action: just like that, I’m eliminated. I don’t have to deal with unreasonable people:
“Uh, okay. I have an obligation to protect my company and its assets. I do not want to say anything that could potentially harm the company. So, unless I’m instructed otherwise, the next person you speak to will be a member of our legal team.”
Does it come with a check? Can I fire people?
Yes and Yes.
I’m there!!!!!
With great power comes great responsibility
I’ll trade an owners meeting every once in a while for inmate arraignments.
I would but I already have two of those lined up.
Ok i guess i shall go and jot something down to say,see yall in a bit.
Try this……. “Four score and seven years ago, our Forefathers brought fourth….blah blah blah……………………………..
Anyone on here have a son or daughter that is in little league wrestling, and are serious wrestlers? I have some questions
My son wrestles in Texas and some in Oklahoma. He’s 12.
I’m right here in Norman(ish), Oklahoma. Son is 7 almost 8, needs somewhere to train throughout the summer. Looking for semi private setting. Small class size, but not $40-$50 an hour private lesson.
I don’t know what all Okla has to offer. Our youth wrestling program (Allen, TX) has a really good camp that is June 13th thru 16th. We have some really outstanding kids in our program. Then there are the Dallas Dynamite camps that are really good as well.
If you haven’t already done so, check with some of your local high school or junior high coaches. They should probably know if there are any freestyle teams in the metro area.
My son is in baseball right now, and I’m just looking for something through out the summer. Thanks, OWA offers a summer class, but requires a season long membership. or $25 per class.
I know the coach at Norman High and he wrestled at OU. He should be able to get you some names.
Bob just mentioned Jordan Thomas in an interview with Ted Lehman…must mean he’s still with the team despite the worrisome comments we’ve heard
does anyone know if the player facility renovations are done? The weight room/ locker room and all that?
No. Wont be for awhile I hear. Next year.
Kj whats the word on Thomas?
Not sure, been busy last couple weeks haven’t had a chance to catch up. What’s the rumor so far?
Well hes not practicing,not sure why,thought you might know.
Hmm yeah not sure. I’ll see if I can get some info.
Got his bell rung. He was back today though.
get your priorities straight…….lol
Phase 4 probably 2027 is my guess
They are not.
Jordan can you share anything on Thomas?
Unfortunately, I cannot.
I think all of that is Phase 1. I can check again but their going to have to finish the bowl before they start really putting together the rest of the facilities.
I was told by the coaches on a visit recently that first the seating suites will be done first at 150k. A pop them buyers want their suites. Next comes players lounges weight room etc.
I think that TFB needs to organize a social media frenzy to get Marvin Wilson the #SoonerSquad17 train!!! I think that the week we know he confirms his visit we should just overwhelm the twitter with recruiting tweets until he has to say yes to Sooner Nation.
Recruits usually start that.
They already have and they are doing an amazing job. I am just saying that as soon as we hear that he is visiting we should give that effort a shot in the arm.
Oh, I guess i misread that. Its worth a shot, no pun intended. Boomer17 is who you want to talk to if you want to get that started on Twitter.
Wilson made a tweet this weekend that sorta addressed that situation.
upvoted the tweet not Bob.
I’m with you bud, I’m def not a Bob fan, Scout occasionally has some good stuff, but not often.
Well i see i didn’t miss anything,no BOOM,no updates,o well.
Nope, it’s quiet today.
Do you think this team can win a national championship?
Baker Mayfield: “I do. I really do. I think once we get the mentality of working every week and every day for it that we really will have a good shot at it.”
Do you find the quote concerning? I kind of do
New Year,different starters.Its the same every year,they gotta get back where they
were.I see nothing bad here!
I had a VP ask me if I thought his goals were unrealistic for my team. I told him “no.”
“Why not?” he asked. I said, “Because we have not performed at our best, we have not adapted an efficient behavior, and I’m not sure we are doing all we can do. If, and when, we do everything in our power to be at our best, and don’t reach it, your goal is unrealistic.”
Sam is hired!!!!!!!!!! Dont tell me it cant be done,tell me how it will be done!
Exactly. A lot of people aren’t willing to put in the work. I think Mayfield is being a leader and setting the tone. He’s not being negative.
Exactly !
Nor is he stating a finality of things. It’s Spring.
Spot on!
“we have not adapted an efficient behavior, and I’m not sure we are doing all we can do”
As your VP, I’d be concerned
I was being honest. He was willing to reset my goal, lower it. I didn’t want him to. Why would he be concerned about someone accepting a a greater level of accountability and challenging himself?
Don’t find it alarming or concerning at all. Spring is the time when you start getting everyone on the same page especially the young guys. Also, establishing new leaders and creating the overall team attitude for the new year. In my opinion this happens with every team in the Spring. That is what I got from BM’s statement. They are setting the tone and mentality it takes for a Championship run and if/when they get everyone on board… this team is capable.
I got that too. Once the season is here and chasing the championship is a reality or within reach things will certainly get ramped up a notch.
I would be concerned if he didn’t think that way.
OK Metz out BOOMER!——
SOONER! Just got back.
SOONER! Just got back.
Why you always leave bro? 🙂
Good, I hate drinking alone. 🙂
With ya there.But I do have boomer—— no one can find a n aussie offensive, well except sheep I guess.
Nice picture of Boomer did you tell her it’s not a toomer.
I did, she is sitting next to me waiting for Frisbee play.
Biting the Longhorn huh. Did you tell her the Charlie Strong joke?
Metz in the flesh with Dr. Leo Marvin.
Ok that’s your 2 giffs!
I’m the one with the hat lol.
That’s a shiney head you have Marvin
I thought we were supposed to cut back on the offensive posts. 🙂
I leave work head home is all.
Gif poster. BOOMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whew. Man, I’ve been looking all over for you guys. Where the heck have y’all been?
Whew. Man, I’ve been looking all over for you guys. Where the heck have y’all been?
Walking back from Houston.
Did you bring a few 5-stars with you? If not, stay there. 🙂
I think they are flying.
Getting over giff withdrawl.
More like metz withdrawal.
Where have you been r/r
Where has everyone been lol.
Offseason, man. Everybody was like, “Yay basketball! Baseball! Gymnastics!” And I was like, “Finally! My Hallmark Customer Appreciation certificate came in!”
Really?SH*&T F#$@ IVE BEEN WAITING ON MINE FOREVERRRRRRRR.Congrats on your hallmark award.
Thank you, sir. It’s been a dream of mine since, like, last October.
Awww You had to reference October Christmas didn’t you!I have to take a break now please pause.
Dude, I totally feel the same way. I pretty much hate the calendar from January through August (which makes for a pretty miserable existence, I know).
Well shoot. We were out looking for you.
I kept walking around yelling “Boomer!” and all I got was a cheap pizza and the runs.
Sounds like you were in Austin. No wonder we didn’t find you.
Never trust a man with two first names selling mushrooms.
Scratch that. The R/R 2016 rules of travel:
1. Never trust a man with two first names.
2. Never trust his mushrooms.
Duh. 🙂
you said that twice, you trusted the shrooms!
I’ve been right here, but I’m wearing camo.
um Ray camo is no underware.
That’s commando. Commando is no underwear.
Standing in a line of trannies is not camo, sir/ma’am.
No, but it gives the option to the shortest bathroom line. 🙂
So I guess we have no news on Thomas?
Love hearing this!
Thanks dave
You’re welcome. Sorry its a video and not a .gif……lol
Haha…..CeeDee seems like he’s a little bit shy.
Sounds good. Hopefully he stays true to OU.
I love his words, but doesn’t he have a visit or two lined up?
Ray you speak like i.
I think he does, but he’s not the only one. I prefer to think all the visits are just for fun and all recruits will remain firmly committed to the SoonerSquad17.
I was actually shocked a little bit but I would love him to be in Norman. I think Lamb is legit.
Draper is going to be a star. Kid has really good fundamentals, can run, cover, explosive. I actually like him a little better than Hines at this point. But i’d still take both.
Hines seems to be faster and more violent to me,Yes, Yes I am a ,dam construction guy. There for a second I thought I was Gil Brandt.
Draper has always had speed and a nose for the ball. If he can take his game from a HS to D1 level and develop a killer mentality, he will impress.
I love Levi, but him and Hines together,omfg!
“Whatever you were doing on Saturday night, 11 should have been your lucky, or in OU’s case, unlucky number. First of all, OU took 11 more shots than Villanova (60 to 49). Villanova was 36 of 49; OU was 19 of 60) So, if Villanova makes exactly 11 fewer shots, they would have shot “50%” (they would have been 25 of 49 so just over 50%). If all 11 would have been 3’s, OU would have still lost by 11! If OU makes 11 more shots, they would have shot exactly 50% (30 of 60). If all 11 would have been 3’s, they would have still lost by 11!! I didn’t make any of this up! This process started when I was wondering what the outcome would have been if the other team shot 50% instead of 74% and 32%. Hats off to Villanova. 74% free throw shooting as a team would be excellent; from the field it’s unbelievable and unbeatable!”
Boomer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! one gif————————
Yes, Yes ,Yes is that jack on the rocks?
I can smell it! nicccceeeeeeeeee!
Well o I got nothing! Here is an air gif of the beloved Cheryl …….. see nothing there!
Why yes Metz it is had to drop by and share what I was doing this evening.
Top 12. Not Earth-shattering.
You miss spelled 12,./-#
The second one down is.
one down is the second one down also.
Michigan and Alabama are above UNC.
their not.check my there pls.
They are. You have to view the photo on Twitter. Trust me.
I was reading us as right behind North Carolina in second.
So we have no shot. At least he says “in order”, applaud him for that.
Unless they do it in alphabetical order, I assume they’re all in order.
I’m just glad he used standard English. And not:
“Heh bruh shoogah dunk Chile slagathormanum.”
shoogah slags a a me a bit then he be no I did say that wack!
translate that dustin!
Trevor Knight winning the Texas A&M job.
This does not surprise me at all.
Me neither. It was either Trevor or a walk-on.
Hope he earns the starting job. But doesn’t look like the sec patch has raised his completion % the way I thought it was supposed to. Maybe that’s only during the regular season, though.
Don’t see TK beating out Hubanak.
Hubenak is a walk on and he’s not very good. Knowing Aggie delusion, they’ll make him starter just for beating Alabama. Sounds crazy, but you can totally see it can’t you?
TK can not throw the ball to save his life. He was the worst Quarterback in the Big 12 last year when he was on the field.
Come on home son!
R/R And were having a convo about Hallmark. I replied to him about having dealt with a lot of cancer over the last few years and a hallmark movie.November Christmas and my response is awaiting TFB Approval, what?
That was one of my favorites.
I will admit I cried like a baby, and that’s the last time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that movie is a great one, but it sure clears out the tear ducts.
OK night yall, thanks K for the OP and Jordan if you put a glow light in the proper place you can get by that massive tat.Love you guys,but not in a homo way.Have a good night
No updates today.
If spring practice is going to be this quiet, imagine how quiet it’s going to be between the spring game and the start of fall practice. Though hopefully, it will be quiet since about all that happens during that time are transfers and entries in the Fulmer Cup
Yep. Maybe we get practice notes tomorrow.
Hoping for no mug shots or sandwich shop incidents.
Same here. Have y’all noticed some Brainiacs missing from the header above? I may have missed the chat on this, but don’t think so. Wonder what’s up?
Haven’t noticed but are the guys doing the texsa site maybe missing here?
Ace and the Yost are gone. Don’t know about which are texsa guys.
Ok, scratch that theory, I know Andrew does texsa, can’t remember who else.
Andrew and Gabriel work the Texsa side as well.
Good stuff over there.
“It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles”
“Yost” – about whom do you speak? Some horrid, non-OU fan used that name on TFB to deride MY Sooners after the bad final four loss. No such person as far as I am concerned – does not exist!
Maybe they cleaned it up. A couple of those guys haven’t posted in recent memory.
That’s probably it.
I will be more than happy if we get blown out in the Fulmer Cup. Leave that for the SEC.
I think it’s been much more quiet than normal b/c of the run the basketball team went on.
Although to be fair, I feel pretty confident in saying no one has brought their people more info/reports from practice than TFB has for you fine folks. So it hasn’t been as “quiet” here as maybe other places 🙂
Oh, not complaining about TFB. Just an observation on how quiet it is given it’s spring practice.
Ah more Sooners McNuggets from Soonersports.tv. Love the in depth information they give us about spring practice. /s
I keep waiting for the “blur out” feature on faces and jersey numbers. 🙂
How about “Sideline to Sideline” where Jessica Coody picks a random OU student for us to get to know–of course, blurring out any football players who happen to pass through the camera shot.
Cool graphic. Sooner Speed.
I thought so too. Like the 4.37 speed also.
Yeah, that was cool. Recruiting has such a different feel this year. Me likey.
HUDL film
Off topic I know and I apologize, but is there anything out there about basketball recruiting?
2016 class is pretty much done. They have room for one more, but really don’t have any remaining legit targets. So they could take a transfer, something Kruger has kind of become known for, but they’re probably set on h.s. prospects.
2017 is looking good, they have three commits already. Continue to have visitors in, like the one this weekend. Still looking for a big man.
Thanx Jordan. That’s great info.
I think they have a big visiting this weekend.
Thanx Spolarbear.
@ouhoops: Minnesota big man Theo John is reportedly visiting Norman this weekend. Check out his game /// http://www.courtsidefilms.com/news_article/show/633322-theo-john-mixtape-from-howard-pulley-s-aau-debut- #Sooners
OUHoops! Didn’t know about that. That’s what I was looking for. Thanx again.
OUHoops! Didn’t know about that. That’s what I was looking for. Thanx again.