– Hunter Bryant: Yesterday weΒ discussed 2017 H-Back Hunter Bryant (Sammamish, WA) ,who was visited by coach Lincoln Riley early this week. According to Bryant, Riley had said that he (Bryant) would be the first H-Back OU offered and then stayed true to his word when the Sooners offered Tuesday evening.
I'm so extremely blessed to say that I have received my 11th offer from the University of Oklahoma #AllGloryToGod pic.twitter.com/Kv9SmbPotr
— hunter bryant (@blackbeast88) April 20, 2016
As we previously noted, Bryant is very interested in the Sooners, and let TFB know that he plans on making a trip down to Norman when he is able. – (Super K)
– Coaches On The Road: With the OU staff out in full-force for this spring eval period, we’ve been gathering more info as to who they are expected to visit.
Ceedee Lamb: The 2017 OU WR commit tells TFB that Oklahoma will be by to see him tomorrow (Thursday).
Chevin Calloway: Also spoke to a coach over at Bishop Dunne in the Dallas area where OU target Chevin Calloway plays. I’m told they expect OU to stop by to visit at some point today.
Chuck Filiaga: 2017 OL, Chuck Filiaga (Murrietta, CA) let me know that he expects coach Lincoln Riley to stop by today. Filiaga will be moving to Texas to play at Aledo his senior year so the Sooners will obviously have a better shot at him with the proximity. Filiaga recently visited Oklahoma.
Florida: Interesting thing is the Sooners are apparently sending multiple coaches into Florida this year, with the intention of continuing to build their brand within the talent rich state. We’ve confirmed at least two OU coaches were in Florida this week seeing a few kids, but mostly just meeting with coaches and spreading the OU brand down south.
– UPDATE (1:52 pm): Just exchanged a few messages with Chuck Filiaga, who said he didn’t attend school today so obviously wasn’t able to see Lincoln Riley.
First. Too slow fellas.
Your a true hawk.
I see what you did there….
Sooner! Seems like a BOOM could be coming SOON! Just a feeling. I’m waiting on some little eyeballs to appear on the twitterings.
Damn missed it by 3 minutes
Oh well. ..BOOM…
I think Trey is about to commit within the next 48hrs or days lol. But he’s coming soon.
Holla! Do you know what the L is in the #SoonerSquadL17 is? I know you are a man in the know.
Actually first time seeing and noticing that today. I’ll ask Tyrese.
I think it’s spanish for “The” 17
Tyrese said it stands for LIT
Awesome. I appreciate it!
Leave up to these 90s babies to abbreviate a 3 letter word….
L17=LIT the 1 is the I the 7 is the T?
LOL, two more questions, how often do Tyrese and other commits/recruits check out this site and if so do they post under secret names?
He knows about it so I’m sure the other kids do to, but I don’t see him posting something on here. But if he knows then I’m sure the others know. Remember the kids grew up on the internet and came into our lives as teens and adults. They only have to enter there name into Google to find anything written about them. With Twitter fb Instagram they are very social dependent, which in terms make them more emotional than our generations on a average. It’s different day in age we can no longer compare to the past because the past didn’t have the present presets. So with that said be cautious what you write about the kids,
But to the same degree fans now have a direct connection to a player through social media, and the Sooner Nation needs a award for the work they’ve been putting in on Twitter with all these recruits, the love they show the kids…they notice that too. It makes them feel wanted more…I told in the beginning these kids are different, there more emotional.
Well spoken,errr typed.
Yea I get that. I work with the youth at our church and they are on their phones 24/7 checking all of these social networking sites. It really does bother them if they don’t get likes and all that kind of stuff. I appreciate the response and all of your interaction here, it really is cool for us lifelong Sooners to be able to get close to the behind the scenes type of stuff.
Good afternoon, T Tob.
Now that’s some lovely information. I know he’s all about AD. He could be a part of the next string of great RBs to leave OU.
I surely hope so….you get him up to 220 with 6’1 frame and great 40 time he can be something special. Hopefully coach Bed lands the Filiaga kid to go along with Tyrese and brey and the Creed kid…you’ll truely have a NFL caliber oline for years to come
That’s music to my ears.
I’m trying to get Wyatt Davis to OU. Having Wyatt , Creed , Brey , Tyrese , Filiaga on that Oline would be straight NASTY.
Leave? Let’s get him here first π
Point taken. First things first.
What’s been going on RBear?
same s___, different day
I’ll have to use that. That can also apply to someone who uses the same initials.
I agree
Whats up T. Rob. How are you and the Robison family doing? From what your hearing, are things looking good with Trey? Also, any updates on Hines. I read on TFB texass version that he’s leaning towards ut. I hope not. lol by the way, when you come down to Norman let me know. I would love to take you and your family to some real Mexican restaurants. Hopefully you like our spicy food haha
Hey Mike, everything is all good. Thanks for asking. We’re just grinding getting ready for this last year of HS fb. Yeah things are looking good on Trey, haven’t heard anything on Hines lately, he’s been laying low key since the camps. Kids were saying his awards were pre selected and he didn’t earn them, so ibfigure he is grind mode to come back and prove doubters. I still believe he’s OU to lose. It’s not looking good for Texas and Baylor currently with recruiting. I will surely let you know we make another trip down that way sounds great.
First, thanks for the response. Next, what do you mean by when you say its not looking good for texas and Baylor with current recruiting? Is that with Hines or with recruiting in general? (hope it’s this one) haha. Last but not least, for sure bro. There are a couple of places in Norman that are delicious. My wife’s Uncle owns the BEST Mexican Restaurant in Norman called Tarahumara’s Mexican. I’ll hook you guys up anytime you are down here and get you the V.I.P. treatment there. Everyone will eat free except Big Tyrese. lol . I mean I wouldn’t want the NCAA thinking I’m paying for a recruits food and getting anyone in trouble haha
Your wife’s uncle owns that? Awesome! Every time I am back in Norman, we make it a point to eat there. Love it.
Juan Del Fuego is a great spot for breakfast, in my opinion. Had a chicken tamale green chile omelet there that still makes my mouth water whenever I think about it.
Yes sir. I tell her all the time that I hit the jackpot because I married into her family. Those people have the best parties and food hahaha. Never heard of that restaurant. Need to try it out
From what I understand, Juan used to be a cook at the Diner. I don’t really know any stories or anything, but he isn’t anymore, and started up his own place, and it has been just as good if not better than the Diner whenever we go there. It’s across the street from the Sooner Mall on Main Street.
Great place. Nice people. I think he’s only open for breakfast and lunch.
We eat there every home game, except the11:00 games. Too late to go after the game before heading back to tesux
Shoot been looking for a good spot when I come to town, I’ll be stopping by for sure next time.
Deliver that Sermon to the Univ. of Oklahoma!
Cooks at SLC checking in on the Dragons.. Farrar, Barnes,..
Shep made PFF list of most underrated players in the draft:
Sterling Shepard, WR, Oklahoma
There are various styles of receiver in this draft, and Shepard is the best slot wideout and one of the best route runners overall. He’s slippery in and out of breaks, and he tracks the deep ball well, catching an impressive 64.7 percent of his deep (20-plus yards in air) targets, fourth best in the nation. It all added up to the best wide receiver grade in the FBS. He now has to fight the stigma attached to a slot receiver’s value. He plays like a first-round prospect — he can win just enough on the outside that he should be valued as more than a typical slot receiver.
I hope he goes to a good team that will utilize him like a wilker Brady combo
There is a chance New England might get shepherd. Live in Mass. It has been discussed on radio and shepherd will for sure go in 2nd or 3rd round and NE cut a few WRs this year.
I’m ready for Ohio State I heard they were going to be fit.————-
Ha Ha Ha!!!
I’m really ready to see how we do against Houston.
Blowout , Those Sooners are ready.
That is what i’m hoping for get a’lot of momentum before Ohio State comes.
Their will be , this team is very hungry. I know Baker really my wants Ohio St , Texas, TCU.
Cougs will be tough! I will take a 1 point win and move on.
Me too. Both games, Houston and the real OSU.
They looked impressive in their spring game. A lot of good hitting and no injuries. Meanwhile we two hand touched.
Like THAT will make a difference.
Well it’s not like having 3 new linebackers two hand touch a runningback was productive in any manner. I’d rather get a feel for how physically and mentally reliable a player is in a near-game like environment.
I saw a lot of poor tackling.
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ca610ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 ΒhΒours ΒΒjob Βa day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ca610n:β½:β½:β½β½β½β½ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsPerfectGetPayHourly$98…. .ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦::::::!ca610n….,..
Afternoon, Sam!
Howdy, Jake!
Looks like 247sports has gotten some new crystal balls in regards to TS in the last 2 days.
Any site that lists James Hale as an “Expert” loses credibility.
He does have him going to OU. SO even a squirrely blind fat guy finds a…….
He has everyone going to OU. π
I know this is completely off topic with the O.P. but has anyone heard anything on the status of Bryce Youngquist? Since he forgone signing on N.S.D., is going the JUCO route or what?
some sort of personal issue… nothing has been reported… don’t think he will be playing or announcing anything anytime soon. unfortunately, we are probably just going to have to move on and wish the kid well outside of football.
You probably need to post this about every four hours on here. It seems to get asked every day.
Yeah, not sure why people think this is some day-to-day injury.
——– Bob you made it thru 2112 yet?
There is beating a dead horse and then there is buying a front loader to dig up the horse and beat him.
What about now? Now? How ’bout now? π
If every poster was a regular reader of every comment on every thread on TFB, there would be no need to keep asking. Of course that might mean you spend too much time here.
Spend too much time here? How is that possible?!
It’s not, I was making fun of myself!!
Too late. Go stand in the corner.
And its kind of weird, I noticed that the last handful of posters, not necessarily this one, were all brand new accounts with barely any comments.
Maybe Esco could make a FAQ section with a link on the front page. It could cover Youngquist, Wood, expansion, punt returns and any other subject that continues to be beaten into the dirt.
I’ll take “What is a punt return?” for 100 Alex. ; )
No change, he’s not coming.
He and his mom literally haven’t posted anything on Twitter in the past 4 months other than Merry Christmas and the statement that they made around Signing Day. That should tell you all you need to know…It’s a big-time personal issue that has largely affected their lives. Much bigger than football.
Ahh, so the great dark lacuna between the spring game and fall practice begins. Phase 1: the end of school year transfers.
The cycle:
1. I dont have any offers.
2. I got the offer I want, I want more.
3. Im committing!
4. Im here!
5. Hmm these moves always worked in HS.
6. Redshirt? Ok cool.
7. Wait where am I on the depth chart?
8. Why are the coaches still recruiting big time players?
9. “After talking to my family and praying…..”
Moral of the story, you can never relax, you gotta constantly get better. GL to John.
One of the rights of passage at OU for football players, the realization that last year you were the best player in the state now you aren’t even the best player at your position on the team.
Exactly, imo the goal out of HS should always be to come in and start. Kids need to work their buts off to get on the field. Not come in and act like you have a freebee year. Not at this level, things move way too fast. And even before you sign, coaches already have a list of guys they are recruiting to replace you. You can never relax.
And that’s what makes you better. Unless you’re a “settler”
Either get Direct TV or you get left behind.
Never settle for a single lick of the family lolli every harvest moon.
I would get every new recruit to talk to Samia.
From what you said that dude worked his arse off to be a plug and play starter.
He would be a great example for any kid that wants to come in an play.
Rites! But well put. LOL
It’s a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word. Andrew Johnson
Copys this for later use!
* Copies
See, im smart!
You is!
You got that rite!
9a…..never fails to amuse………..prays to get in, stays a while, prays to get out
I liked Brooke Shields in the Blue Lacuna.
It was The Blue Lagoon
Lacuna matata!
Es el hota
Yep you left of the /s
Lacuna/s? (plural)
exactly !!!!!!!
Plural is lacunae
9 points in Scrabble
Eagles traded up to 2nd pick overall……any ideas of who they’re wanting that is that important?
I hope it’s not to get one of those 2 qbs.
It is.
Seems they would be better off getting some help for their current QB, or a Big time DT…….but what do i know.
Wentz, reportedly.
I thought the rams wanted Wentz???
I read a Chiefs article on how much Reid liked wentz… His OC Peterson is HC in Philly
I like Goff better , Philadelphia should of waited for next year for a QB.
Who’s in the 2017 draft you like?
Baker Mayfield.
Well that’s a given..
He will be a heisman winner.
Crazy efficient stat line.
All the production and film you could want..
It will be a H-W-S and health holding him back
That’s a given.
Heisman winning Qb.
Crazy efficient stat line.
All the production and film you could want.
It will be a H-W-S and health issue that could hold him back.
Vote for CeDariann
Did you laugh Jordan?
Kish has been doing good imo.
He’s doing better , I still waiting for him to land that big time LB. Hopefully he seals the deal with Anthony Hines.
Last year’s LB recruits was pretty good.
Where does Johns scolly count?
Did you all see CD Lamb threw up the sooner squad L17 with eyes and dollar signs a couple of hours ago? Boom coming our way soon or just solid to OU like we hope?
Pretty Cool edit
Are you referring to my lack of computer skills or his tweet? LOL
LOL… NO I meant the L17 edit that Boomer17 put up…its a cool edit.
Ha yes very. I have yet to figure out how to copy and paste tweets or pics on here. Like I said I have a lack of computer skills.
Haha I hear you. When you click on the tweet on your computer and it brings up the twitter website, on the tweet itself at the bottom before the replys there are some icons….reply, retweet, like etc. There are also 3 dots (. . .) if you click on those it will give you the option to copy the link to the tweet. Copy the link then just paste it in the comment window here and it will post the whole tweet for you.
We need to start a remedial Twitter thread for TFB. Too many old luddites on here.
Pull out that Twitter Rosetta Stone for us again. Just when we thought we didn’t need it anymore, confusion.
Thanks man I think I can handle that.
Ok METZ OUT SEE YALL, hOU,Mojo,Pagan,Fear,Bob,Slim,
Jordan,Super K,Hawk,Hwsnbn.
Joe,Dick,Colorado,Dc,Drew,Scott, Later!!!
See ya Metz!
Take care! You’ve become so darn polite to everyone – maybe Sam will have to relent on your penance. π
Later, metz.
You’ll be back.
He hasn’t aced the costanza exit quite yet
Dang, still haven’t made the list…
Me either
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ce21ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 ΒhΒours ΒΒjob Βa day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ce21n:β½:β½:β½β½β½β½ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsMinervaGetPayHourly$98…. .ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦::::::!ce21n….,…
Damn I’ve been Metz’d and left off the list! Guess I gotta get more active
I think the L17 is Lit
Now this is Lit!!!
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ca610ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 ΒhΒours ΒΒjob Βa day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ca610n:β½:β½:β½β½β½β½ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsPerfectGetPayHourly$98…. .ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦::::::!ca610n….,.
Now this is funny!!!
This is even better!!! lol
Class of 2019
nhl……dallas stars fans…….stars hang on for huge win, 3/2……up 3/1 for series
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!ce21ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 ΒhΒours ΒΒjob Βa day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !ce21n:β½:β½:β½β½β½β½ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsMinervaGetPayHourly$98…. .ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦:ββ:β¦β¦::::::!ce21n….,..
Coach goes all the way out to California and Filiaga can’t make time? Does not sound promising.