Image of Elijah Conliffe via dailypress.com
– Elijah Conliffe: OU offered 2017 DE/DT Elijah Conliffe (Hampton, VA) yesterday, and TFB caught up with him following the news. Conliffe said the offer came from Calvin Thibodeaux, who was actually in Virginia to see him and extend the offer in-person.
During the conversation Conliffe was pretty open about his interest in the Sooners, noting that with the offer OU ‘jumped up there’ on his list of schools. Conliffe said among the other schools he’s really looking at closely are Penn State, Tennessee and Ole Miss. Conliffe went on to say that he has every intention of visiting Oklahoma and that could come as early as this summer or for an official visit in the falls.
At 6’4″ 294-pounds, Conliffe is a large human being. And interestingly he told TFB that coach Thibodeaux is recruiting him as a DE/DT (B-gap player). Two or three years ago, Conliffe would have fit the profile of a nose guard for Oklahoma, but there seems to be a concerted effort to recruit bigger bodied DEs/DTs that look more like what you would expect out of a 30-front lineman.
Additionally, the Sooners seem to be looking at taller and longer “Jack” LBs (as was discussed in Monday’s OP). So overall this is another OU offer that seems to demonstrate a clearer recruiting direction on the defensive line than perhaps we’ve seen in the past.
Based on early conversations with Conliffe, I think it’s obvious the name brand of the Sooners immediately put them in contention – (Super K)
– Player Note | PJ Mbanasor: Saw couple tweets from a trainer I (Super K) follow on Twitter, and it would appear he has been working with OU cornerback PJ Mbanasor. – (Super K)
Finish finish bang pic.twitter.com/wK1OxhG55j
Best believe he different leaving than the way he came small window for a huge amount of learning then we build bang pic.twitter.com/OdcJOjlV8Q
indeed 🙂
You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey! You’re Number 1! Hey!
Nope! haha 🙂
Super K, did you see Ian Boyd’s thoughts on how the Sooners could use A. Thomas next year? What do you think about that? I think he is overrating Thomas’s physicality. I think Thomas is actually better as a deep ballhawker. Here’s the article if you didn’t see it. http://sportstreatise.blogspot.com/2016/05/how-will-ou-replace-eric-striker.html
Thanks I’ll check it out. And without having read it…I agree that generally Thomas doesn’t strike like his size would indicate nor is he necessarily great at playing the alley. But as you said, his ball skills especially in a quarters concept are showing up more and more
Edited and accept the bronze
Hampton puts out some ballers. They’re legendary in VA. Conliffe looks like a beast. Hope we land him. BOOMER!
SOONER! close the deal OU>
Big boy!
I swear i miss it every time!!!
How normal is the training PJ is doing? Do they normally go outside the program for this?
Parker works with a guy in Dallas I think. I’ve seen several of the Sooner DB’s working with the guy in Dallas actually.
Clay Mack is the big tine DB trainer in DEW. He worIs with over 50 kids from the likes of J. Broiles, J. Okudah, and list literally goes on. A lot of the type level recruits in DFW contribute some of their success to the training they receive outside of school. Its a new age. We just played and got coached by the coaches.
T. Rob, my dude. Glad you could come sit with us a while. How goes life?
Life’s good, every new day is a blessed one. Someone didn’t make it through the night. So I why complain. That simple but we make it so complicated.
So true, T.Rob. I”m glad to wake up each day. I’ve had my share of struggles; I don’t stress over the little things anymore. Trust, nothing can ever be as bad as it was for me. I’ve taken life’s biggest punch to the gut and survived. Life can’t hit me any harder than it has.
Life’s good, every new day is a blessed one. Someone didn’t make it through the night. So I why complain. That simple but we make it so complicated.
T Rob. I am curious, how do these kids pay for these trainers? I know some probably have enough money in the family to do it, but that seems like the exception rather than the rule. Seems like a lot of these kids wouldn’t have the cash to pay a trainer.
I was curious about this also. I’ve always wondered if there’s a loophole for training where the trainer can just say they are working out with these kids, therefore, aren’t violating any NCAA rules. I feel like there has to be a lot of training that goes on with little to no pay. Or, what prevents them for just charging them $5 a session if they want to?
That’s just one of the fifty shades of Grey in the NCAA business of sports.
Most of the kids I know and see training normally have support from parents or other family members. And the cost of training varies but is affordable.
They’re off right now so if they aren’t training it’s prob not a good sign of their competitiveness or hunger.
During the off season the coaches can’t train or coach the players. Its on them to get better through the break. However the season veterans on the team then acts in place of the coaches. Some however elect to get extra training from outside sources. Now days many kids start working with a trainer as early as the 10th grade.
T. Rob. How are you brother? How is your brother doing? Any recruiting news you can share with us as of late? lol
Hey Mike, Im blessed and Ty is doing good.just keeping that GPA high, lifting weights, and training. Were trying to get his strength to college ready. He already has the footwork and quickness. Really focused in on getting him ready to be a contributor his freshman year. C. Strong continues to call weekly and so does A&M and Georgia all coming hard at him to flip. But they don’t just get it, he is happy with OU and wants to be a part of SS17. Plus I wouldn’t let him go to school at places that have coaching /alumni/rape issues.
Hi T.Rob. Always good to see you on here and get your input.
I have a question. Isnt it possible to just tell a coach like C.Strong for instance that ” I’m very happy with my commitment and would greatly appreciate you and all the other coaches to respect that”?
Fear, I wish it was that simple. However, any coach who backs away, as would any person doing sales for living, would not be successful if they quit after the first “no.”
I totally get the salesman aspect of it Sam however I know that I personally wouldnt want to play for a coach who won’t respect my “final decision”. I imagine it must be exhausting for some of these kids that are forced to spend half their time fending off aggressive coaches.
I see your point. There are some coaches I would not like to play for. Good point.
Why I don’t like salesmen.
you’re a salesman, you just don’t call yourself one. We all have to sell ourselves to someone at sometime.
My wife bought me out of the bargain bin. 🙂
What they didn’t pay HER to haul you off. Sounds like she is not a very good negotiator.
My wife got me at a shelter. I was in my cage and she picked me.
By the same logic I am a garbage man because I took the trash out this morning.
Well I guess you just hate me then.
First of all I said don’t like not hate. Second as long as you are not trying to sell me something we will probably be good.
You are right and I apologize for the strong word as it wasn’t intended that way. I was trying to be funny and it went all wrong. I respect what you do on here.
No problem. I just wanted to make clear I don’t hate individuals who are in sales. But I am often tasked with picking technology for projects. As such I often get in the salesman’s lead list. One of my pet peeves is when they won’t go away after I tell them I’ve made a decision.
I’m one of those guys but I work a little different which is why I have the same accounts for the last 16 years with the same company. Doesn’t happen much in software sales. A lot like recruiting, I focus on relationships and listening to customer needs/strategy.
Oh, I have run into a few like you. But you are definitely not the norm.
There is trouble in the forest?
Hope not, I just messed up trying to be a goof.
I was just trying to Bob to sing some Rush!!!!!!!!!
He doesn’t have time as he’s a working man. : )
I guess thats what i am!
Thanks, nice ending to a shity day.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any real sales person would express their regret, tell you they respect your decision and then tell you they were going to back off, but would be calling back in a month or two and ask you not to take absence for lack of interest.
The ones who won’t take ‘no’ for an answer tend to see their careers stall at the used car lot level.
Keep in mind OU keeps after some recruits after they commit to other teams. That is how we get flips every year. It is the same for all of the schools.
Of course we do. And some people like the game. Just like some people like to flirt with no intent of going anywhere with it. I’m just saying that the old stereotype of the salesman with his toe blocking the door who won’t shut up is dated. If, indeed, it was ever true.
Ouch, T. Rob. Tell us how you feel. Don’t hold back. LOL!
We would love for Tyrese to come in and contribute the same as Samia did last year. This OL is going to be in beast mode for years.
Support and guidance, support and guidance. Whether Ty plays a down of football or eventually stars in the NFL, your help is vital.
For we selfish fans, thanks for dropping in with your unique perspective.
Wished more young men had someone like you for support
In Houston, try 3 grade for training with footwork, balance, explosion. QB lessons started in 5th grade. I know, I have one who loves it and has been doing both since 5 grade.
Good to see you on here TRob! And always good to hear about your bro.. Keep em in the books and grounded as a young man
Or even the 8th grade!!!
In ‘big time’ college athletics, it has become more and more ‘business’, esp if you are looking to get to the next level, which 90+% of these guys dream about. If you aren’t taking care of business and putting in extra work, the next man is. But that includes grades at this level or all of the rest is for naught.
I like the idea of quick potentially undersized DTs becoming big gap penetrating B gap players. More of of the 6’4 285 guys at DE and less of the Matt Dimon sized 6’2 260
#19 in the picture above is wishing he’d never been introduced to Elijah Conliffe!
Get some plates on there PJ!
Dakota needs some plates too. But his would be dinner plates.
His hammys and calves were probably on fire by that point in his training! Lol.
Conliffe is pretty lean for that size. Could maybe play at 320.
Reminds me of Andre Wadsworth from FSU.
Wasdworth was good stuff, remember watching him at AZ.
290 pound DEs will help hold up against the run. I hope they can generate a pass rush
Greg Rogers is a DT but man that kid could be an absolute nightmare on the pass rush. I really Thibs can land that guy, and I hope that Demarco Murray is using his Vegas connections to help.
I LOVE Rogers. I’ve never played a down of defensive line in my life, but I’m not blind when it comes to his explosiveness off the line. Get him working with Schmitty and good lord fellas, we’d have our next defensive lineman drafted in the top 10. That’s how good I believe he can be.
I agree
He plays for the Crabbers. They’re usually lean, right?
good to see mbanasor working to get better! I think he could be huge if he just sticks to his technique with the ball in there air, he has speed and can recover so we will see how it all comes together in the fall
Not to mention Donovan was already calling timeout when Russ crossed half court. Klay Thompson should have been called for a foul before that and was actively fouling him in that moment. But yeah, that’s why the Warriors lost.
It’s only not fair when it doesn’t benefit the right team 😉
Love to see or hear about kids working out on their own time.
Love the idea of OUr D getting bigger across the board … guys line Lampkin (330) at 0-1 and Gallimore (320), and guys like Conliffe ‘outside’. Then larger at ILB to hold up inside while getting more length at DB. They just have to be able to react quickly and run, too, in the B12-2.
I agree, we’ve been fielding smaller/quicker overachiever types on our defense for some time. The have been/are great football players, but they have limitations. The problem we run into is when we play teams with greater size and similar athleticism our smaller/quicker guys get worn out and overwhelmed as the game progresses (from my perspective). Players with size and athleticism are in high demand, but that is where we need to go to be competitive at the national championship level.
Is curious why Tony Casillas is such a dickhead?
…. just … wow …
I don’t get it either. Talk about a guy who doesn’t know what the word “loyalty”. means.
agreed..I think he should officially change his name to Tony Cassillass.
Very disappointing to say the least. Always love past Sooners, but not sure if he just traded his Crimson & Cream gear in for a slim white coat with shiny buckles.
I never realized his tweets could be more incoherent than his speech
What I can’t figure out is was he really being serious about Trevor being better or was being sarcastic towards the SEC saying that Trevor will excel because he now plays in the SEC against all those stellar defenses?
If it is the latter then I love it.
WTF Tony?!! Very disappointing to hear a former Sooner great making a complete jacka$$ of himself. I really hope this was some stupid joke. I hate see him lowering himself to the level of Finebaum.
Hes just mad because he’ll NEVER get a coaching job at OU.
Sounds like he attended the skip bayless school of journalism. Click bait troll, nothing more.
Theres no serious way anyone thinks knight is better than mayfield after watching the TCU game last year. Or pretty much any game from last year.
Some people are just honyocks, he appears to be one of them.
i have always heard casillas was kind of an a–hole.
no more so than many athletes or, for that matter, people who travel overseas on humanitarian jaunts..
Meeting =open post—–
Thanks Metz! Coincidence or observable trend, one does appear to bring about the other.
Enjoy that meeting———-
Grandstaff has apparently left the Oklahoma bball team.
That hurts. He was supposed to be a shooter and important contributor this year
does anyone know if we should be worried about any of our signees making it to campus this year? (Besides the obvious recruit that didn’t sign with anyone of course)
Nah, we never have trouble with stuff like that.
Its 4:30 and texsa sucks Metz out—————
,Jake,Scott,Golf,Bleed,J.r.,Woof Dave,Rick,Joe, SuperK,Jordan,, Sam,
Malicongs,Oscar,76, Alar,Robertson,Woods, Kj,Dick, Dustin, Rainy,
,Dawg,Jp, Hwsnbn, Electric,London,Jed,T.Rob., Jason, Dc,Drew, Vegas,Daryl,
Hawk, Brien,Bear,Colorado,Higg,Stl,47 Cdz,Cav, Garner,Brown MarkVA.,Matt,
Collin,Doobie,Bgood, Pimp,403,Zack,Shelby, ,Ouknow l”carpetron,David,
Mike,Sooper, ,Ed,Lane, Soonersd,jimin,Chubbs ,Sanchez, Raida,
Have a great evening and be safe
Be safe – Did I read that correctly? You said texsa sucks? Okay, our judges will accept that this time. The official answer is texsa SUCKS!
Later, Metz. I’ll see you tomorrow.
Sorry I’m late, it’s been an unbelievable past few days.
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Pretty cool…
yeah Pro Football Focus wrote an article about 3 players moving to Center this season today. Unfortunately, Alvarez wasn’t one of them. He could be a big surprise.
I don’t get these lists. They basically just put guys from major schools on there and add some three-year starters from smaller schools. And guys get added during the season and when they announce semi-finalists. What’s the point?
Odds on Cam Robinson (LT who just got busted for possession of controlled substance and an illegal firearm) from Bama.
Yes +1000
No is even money
I’m pretty sure another ‘Bama lineman was dismissed last week. So, my money is on “Yes”. On a side note, you’ve been in Vegas too long. Not everything is a bet. 😉
He was also a no name player. This kid is supposed to be top 10 pick next year. Should be interesting. If the charges somehow get dropped to a misdemeanor then I doubt he gets kicked off, but I’m not sure even Bama has the brass in another state to get that done.
I haven’t read up on it. What was the substance?
stolen firearm – felony
It was Mary Jane ( which to me, personally doesn’t bother me) but I’m not sure what the other drug was. My main thing is the illegal weapons, plus a stolen illegal weapon on top of that.
Just read the report and there’s no other chargers besides the possession of MJ and the illegal firearm, so I stand corrected.
Stolen firearm
He wasnt a no name, he was a top rated JUCO who was expected to start. It was a hit, even though for bama, not a huge one like cam.
If it gets reduced it will be a suspension for a quarter. If it stands a felony he will get no less than a year in jail.
Amazingly Good!!!
I love girl’s team. Great respect for Gasso.
with two exceptions : 1.) she tends to ride with one pitcher too much while developing others too little : 2.) nepotism shown hiring her son rather than bring in a nationally respected coach with wider recruiting base and better recruiting history.
Pretty cool stuff here:
Good to see Trevor. Good to see the team steppin’ up and helping others. Thanx for posting.
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!tn15rtwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here !tn15r:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsLookGetPay-Hour$98…. .✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸::::::!tn15r….,…
Thank you Lincoln Hawk for posting the Haiti trip pics!
God bless the peace makers and those that give of themselves.
Oscar, I’m compelled to respond. As growth experiences for the athletes, trips to Haiti are great. They can serve to open the eyes of American kids to the way a large portion of humanity is obliged to live (note, I’m not making a political judgement as to why this is. Just looking at the circumstances.)
Here’s the thing, though: American youth bring nothing to the table on such trips. Haitians can lift, hammer, paint etc. all by themselves. And it does not cost thousands of dollars to fly them there or put them up and feed them whilst there.
If you’re a doctor, a civil engineer or other specialist whose skills are in need there, by all means, go and help out.
If you’re an unskilled volunteer? Donate the money you or others would have spent for your travel to your choice of relief organization. The money will have vastly greater positive impact than if used to move, at great expense, a willing body to a place where the one thing in surplus is willing bodies.
I grew up in West Africa and lived much of my adult life in South East Asia. I get that there is a vast difference between reading about something and experiencing it first hand. It is also true that sending money can be a dismissive or detached reaction to disaster; and I am appreciative of the commitment of these young people. There is a time, however, to take one’s compassion and commitment and step back and calculate how best to have impact. The hard truth is that you/we are not going to resolve all the problems. If you really care, it seems incumbent upon us all to make sure that our effort and money have the broadest possible effect.
Please don’t take this as a personal attack. It is not. It is a plea.
And please consider a donation to Rotary’s global clean water project. Fantastic bang for the buck. And done with little fanfare and nothing spent on fundraising.
I think you are missing the bigger point of why they are there. It’s not about lifting hammers, it’s about loving on them and connecting with them on a spiritual level. I go to Haiti every year and I guarantee you it’s a bigger blessing for me than it is for any of those people. And it does change their lives when you build and pay for their new house when they have been sleeping in a mud hut with a leaky roof and sleeping on a dirt floor. It isn’t about handouts, it’s about helping them have a sustainable community for the future and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. Then you get to sponsor kids to attend a school and actually eat 1 meal a day rather than half a meal every 3rd day, I have seen it first hand and what these student athletes are doing is nothing short of fantastic and I commend them for it.
It most definitely is a blessing to the people who make the trip. And that, to me, is ‘the point’, also. I am not a Christian, but have been made a better person and more calm in my soul and have done at least some good, both material and spiritual by involving myself in helping those less fortunate wherever I have lived over my half century. And always the results of my actions have been better, for me and for the recipients of my ‘charitable acts’ when I have focused on those in need and not on me.
Sharing human contact, showing concern and fellowship are not to be discounted.
What I would encourage people to do however, is to consider the cruel, material equation of disasters (be they fast or slow, human caused or so-called ‘acts of God’). Is my ‘going’ and touching the lives of a few worth more than ‘giving’ and touching the lives of a multitude? There is a particular humanity to building a family a house. Is that worth more than, in a community of thousands of the house-less, using that same time and resources to build houses anonymously for a hundred families?
The choice is up to the individual.
I simply encourage each to consider deeply and to be aware of the peril of devolving into Disaster Tourism.
No offense taken. Very good points. I usually only give to Oxfam because they are on record of getting the greatest percentage of donations to the needed disaster or project.
Yep. Oxfam is good. Doctors without Borders is another good one. There’s a Baptist group out of Tulsa that organizes and funds extended medical teams to central America. 20 or so docs, nurses and a boat load of supplies goes and sets up in the same village each year and does a month of … Pretty much everything short of thoracic surgery. I’m not part of their church, but they get a little help from me each year.
future ISIL territory ?
OU and aTm are in Haiti right now at Mission of Hope. They fly back today. One of the interns leading them through the villages is a sweetheart we communicate with regularly. In fact, we face timed with her last night because we are heading to Haiti in 2 weeks to serve at MOH. She said the OU team is always amazing and respectful, but that the aTm team is a little bit different. They seem nice enough, but she’s thoroughly put out by the players continually asking her for her number. I get the feeling one team (OU) is there to serve, and the other has a few kids there for an experience. Hopefully, this first experience marinates and those same guys go back next year to fully engage and strictly serve the locals.
Haiti is amazing. If anyone ever wants to go, we should connect. I can get you into a group for next year.
That’s awesome info, thanks! If you get a chance look up But God Ministries led by Stan Buckley. They are doing great work in two small villages in Haiti and helping them build sustainable communities. I am heading back to one of their villages, Thoman in August. I can’t wait, it is definitely a life changer.
Every year the Haiti trip helps me recalibrate and make the important things truly important in my life. It helps me identify and get rid of unnecessary noise. We’ve never been to Thoman. The last 2 years we have focused on Williamson. We were the first team in that community for MOH and the people there seem to always want us back in that same village. Our first week there, the head Voodoo priest invited us to his house for a “discussion” since his community was talking about our interactions there. It was an experience I will never forget. I don’t know if this forum is the right place to talk it out, but he’s now FB friends with us and wants us to come back to see him this trip. We communicate regularly and he has a genuine interest in what we believe…all because we said “yes” to his initial invitation. 🙂
Matt, I highly recommend you read up on West African ‘JuJu’ before you get back. It is the West African version and roots of VooDoo and is a similar pastiche of ancient Animism overlaid with European Christianity and cooked in the heat for 500 years or so. Always enlightening to get an overview and you’ll be fascinated with some of the ways people have tried to reconcile the old and the new.
YES, I need to read that. We have been shocked at how the Haitian’s mix Catholicism and Voodoo together. Hence, the reason their leaders aren’t called ‘witch doctors’, but now called Priests. It’s this blending of Voodoo culture (cult?) and Catholic structure. We were there for a week before our translator, who seemed rather perplexed, informed us that someone stating they were ‘Catholic’ meant they were Voodoo. We had no clue!
What you’re seeing is an extended attempt to meld West African Animism (think of ‘Anansi’ the Spider/Weaver, Shango the God of Thunder and all the rest…many of whose myths seem to have been carried out of Africa and to have formed the foundation of many of our fairy tales and mythology) with Christianity as delivered first by the Portuguese and later by successive waves of European traders, missionaries and slavers. Add in that conditions in the cane fields of Haiti and the rest of the West Indies were truly hellish and without real hope and the safety valve of magical thought is a pretty obvious safety valve.
That the roots of voodoo were in West Africa is clear in the similarities between the voodoo of Haiti, and similar belief systems practiced among historical black communities in Central America, Brazil and among the ‘Gullah’ communities of the Carolina barrier islands. You can even go so far as to see in the differences between these communities distinctions between their places of origin in Africa. Slaves from present day Ghana for example, held subtly different beliefs than those from Nigeria or The Congo. And those people were taken to different parts of the Americas.
You would have been impressed by the efficacy of my father’s solution to a string of thefts we suffered living in Nigeria in the 1960’s. The next time we killed a chicken for the kitchen (we had no fridge), he saved the blood. Then he made a small pile of salt at each corner of the yard and poured a bit of the blood on it. When asked what he was doing by a passerby, he explained that he was doing ‘White man Juju’ and that anyone breaking the square without permission would suffer a three week fever followed by his penis dropping off.
Never had another theft.
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