Big 12 post-spring position rankings: RB https://t.co/XDzKBHEvmT
— ESPN Big 12 (@ESPN_Big12) May 10, 2016
Bohls: Standing pat, not expanding, is best for the Big 12 https://t.co/SiDEQKyBsK
— Kirk Bohls (@kbohls) May 11, 2016
This week's Mailbag: Should the Big 12 double down in Texas — hello, Houston — or expand into new territories? https://t.co/1fE4osQdh9
— Stewart Mandel (@slmandel) May 11, 2016
Via @ESPNRittenberg: Texas quieter but not muzzled as key Big 12 decisions loom https://t.co/A4GM8omK1W
— Jake Trotter (@Jake_Trotter) May 11, 2016
NEW PODCAST AIN’T PLAYED NOBODY: On realignment and the Texas Brand™https://t.co/4framHO61hhttps://t.co/qbO5mMxLnB
— Bill Connelly (@ESPN_BillC) May 11, 2016
48 hours until the #Bedlam series kicks off from Bricktown. Preview/Tickets: https://t.co/JCqY0xrDYl pic.twitter.com/bzZbQ6Gvsg
— Oklahoma Baseball (@OU_Baseball) May 11, 2016
.@TheVertical's 2016 NBA mock draft: https://t.co/5HchHVxWOl pic.twitter.com/uorQjQ664Y
— Yahoo Sports (@YahooSports) May 12, 2016
It’s all happening!!!
Putting @MPG to work in the kitchen! #SBTBreunion #lobsters @CookingChannel #dinnerattiffanis pic.twitter.com/nrGOgp0USI
— Tiffani Thiessen (@TiffaniThiessen) May 12, 2016
High school relay team uses high jump pole instead of baton, wins https://t.co/7gO7MvAQvt pic.twitter.com/D0Iboy5hCo
— Deadspin (@Deadspin) May 12, 2016
Good morning, Electric!!
Sooner! Good morning to ya!
Good morning, Magic!!
S O O N E R ! ! ! !
Good morning, Oscar!!
Good morning fellow Brainiacs!!!
Good Morning
Good morning, Doc!!
Good morning Jr
First Boomer Sooner comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B O O M E R ! ! S O O N E R ! ! ! !
Mornin Doc,J.r. looks like i——-
Good morning, Metz!!
Morning metal building guy.
Mornin 85 people on 2 jobs guy
That is right pouring concrete tomorrow morning.
Beautiful morning, it is.
Good morning. Good day to be a Sooner. I see we’re #3 in team recruiting rankings at ESPin, behind Ohio St and Bama.
Back at you metz! Oo-Rah!
Good morning all. Should be great weather & Metz will have no excuses for that steel sitting still. 🙂
It will be going up today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning good sir!
Good morning to everyone
Nerve looks awesome! Are you a player or watcher?
I feel like I’ve already been “Nerved” by you. “Go out with my ex, won’t you?
Uhhh, the vertigo.
Yes it does! Very interesting
Morning, Alar!
Morning how is it going today
All good.
That’s always good.. I got one more store today and waiting for the op! Haha but I really hope okc closes out tonight
I hope so.
I grew pretty tired of the Assassin’s Creed video games after AC3 but I’m excited for the movie.
What about nerve?
Thought it looked interesting at first but the second half of the trailer made it seem silly to me for whatever reason. Sometimes trailers show too much.
Top of the morning to everyone, BOOMER!!
Another fantastic day here in Oklahoma. Sky is clear and there’s no orange in sight: I’m calling that a win. Y’all have a good one!
Mornin 76
Morning Metz! Stay out of trouble toda…… ok that’s unrealistic. Don’t cause more trouble than usual today.
If we’re using his model as the standard for trouble, we’re in a world of hurt.
Well good morning,Sam.
Good morning, my friend.
Well good morning,Sam.
Well that’s probably true
Yeah: you know we are working from our own constitutions. Metzker’s constitution has not received any amendments, it appears.
Good Morning, great to hear Anderson is prrforming (at least in practice) like we thought he would.
Well its 7:59 and texsa sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOMER!!!!!!
Morning, all!!!
Gooooood morning fellow Brainiacs!!! “It is another great day to be a SOONER” Man i can not wait til this debacle that they call the BigXII is over. Let’s get on to bigger and better things. And one last thing……
Good morning, 47. I agree: let’s put this league to bed.
Yes it needs to be put out to pasture!!!! Good mornin, Sam
keep dreaming. Boren isn’t taking OU to a different conference and the regents don’t have the balls to force his hand…Not sure why OU has regents since they are a rubber stamp for whatever Boren wants, when he wants it, and backs his every decision…
Morning,Metz. I tell ya, what you need to do with your subs is. Give them the stink eye all day. Just continue to hover over them and give them the stare. All while shaking your head continuously.
Lmao, they no likey me.
The nerve of some people!!!
He is a funny guy. Always looking for reruns!!
So creative. WIsh he had done more than 2 seasons.
Morning 47! Thanks for my morning shot of Texsa suckage. With you on moving to a better, more stable conference. In the mean time, I hope we continue to dominate the current one.
Mornin, Cav!
Lie Witness News, are you kidding me with these people! ?
Walken would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree, but with Busey it would be incredibly incredible.
“…incredibly incredible.” I like that. I always pay attention to words people use and how they construct sentences.
Just figured that to be the way he might express it. lol
Given the current options, this would seem strangely reassuring.
Ain’t that the truth! Vladimir Putin almost looks like a better choice than what we are going to end up having.
I’m voting for Vermin Supreme.
Elevator doors opened for me once and Christopher Walken was standing in the elevator, with that look. Scared the hell out of me, but I got in the elevator anyway.
But would you vote for him; that’s the question.
You know it! On dancing ability alone.
Lie Witness News, are you kidding me with these people! ?
Not a Bohls fan but be nails it, ,”the talent pool for expansion is shallow and unimpressive”. If you can’t beat ’em, join them.
A blow to Baylor scheduling a home and home with Wright career college
I seriously just spit out my coffee. Thanks, Altoid!!
Altoid, that’s worth a chuckle or two. I would imagine the safety of the female students went up exponentially since Baylor’s football team won’t be in town.
Shocking to see that Bohl’s position coincides with whorn’s. Whodathunkit?
So far KU is two for two in positions groups ranked 10th. Can they make it all the way through the list without a single non last place ranking?
They might have a chance at WR.
Not sure just how good, but their kick off team has the most experience.
Oh, good one, Cush. Good one.
A friend of mine shared this and I thought of you guys.
ROTF. Metzker comes to mind for me.
If you have to ask, “is it me?” Does that pretty much mean it is you?
Cav, it’s Metz.
Thanks Sam. I’m pretty sure all of us fit the mold from time to time. Makes things more fun and interesting anyway.
Any, and all, negative attributes go to Metz. LOL!
Oh, Metz, I didn’t see you standing there. How are you? Everything alright in the head, uh, I mean, alright?
So now your putting me with HWSNBN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That looks bad doesn’t it? My TFB account has been hacked.
Gotta say I’m on Metz side – he’s done his time. No need to rehash.
Yeah, I see where your coming from, Boom. But that’s the problem with society: punishment is severe enough. He’ll think twice before he lies about another OP being up. LOL!
Thanks Boom
That’s it. Admit nothing…
I catch on quick; I’m making that seminar work for me.
You gonna believe your lying eyes or you gonna believe me?
Never happen Metz. You’re too much fun to joke around with.
Sam, Sam, Sam denial is a major blockage to getting better.
I didn’t deny anything. I deflected. That’s an appropriate reaction.
Sam, Bob may have to have you over for a therapy session to “get you right.” He can’t have Metz because the liquor cabinets have just now gotten back to normal.
I’m your man. I’ll be right there.
Admit nothing, deny everything, deflect blame, make counter-accusations,
and repeat the process…time tested crisis management technique.
Call me Teflon-Sam. Nothing sticks on me.
Are you a political advisor?
I’m taking his advice.
Potential second career option if things really go south.
Are you a political advisor?
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!nt25etwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here !nt25e:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsChannelGetPay-Hour$98…. .✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸✸::::::!nt25e….,…
Really Sam?
Looks like my TFB account has been hacked. I didn’t post that.
On something like that, I just automatically assume i fit that description. Then i have to remember that I’m a semi-lurker here and i am on very good behavior when i do get involved. But I still assume its me…it saves on the surprise later when everyone changes their minds about me anyway!
On something like that, I just automatically assume i fit that description. Then i have to remember that I’m a semi-lurker here and i am on very good behavior when i do get involved. But I still assume its me…it saves on the surprise later when everyone changes their minds about me anyway!
Someone sent this to my mom a few years back and I kid you not, it’s been her background on her phone since! Lol. God bless that women Haha
Anyone in touch with Golf? I haven’t seen him in a while.
No. I haven’t heard from him either.
Damn, he needs to get back here.
Hopefully, he’s just real busy. Now the BEST scenario is he’s been out searching for EasTex and they come back together!
That would be a homecoming I would like to see.
Edit: Morning, Cush!
As a serial lurker and occasional poster, would love to hear from both of them again.
Something to go with the morning coffee. Ana Popovic and Bernard Allison (son of the great Luther Allison) duet.
No matter how many times I watch this; still funny!!!
That is funny.
114 DTG
How bout some winning highlights for today?!? Enjoy!
I wish Boren would make a decision. I need to know how my next move is going to affect my chances of seeing the Sooners live. Do I go Southeast, West Coast, or, if we stay put forever, State of Texas.
Selfishly, I’m hoping for Southeast, which would bring Sooner games closer to home. I’m currently, and for the foreseeable future, living in the heart of SEC country, so that move would bring them close to home.
Tell me about it, I live withing 4 1/2 of seven SEC schools. I might actually be able to make an OU game.
Bob, I hope your wife is doing much better.
She’s at home. Still somewhat weak but some friends from church and my mom are taking turns staying with her.
Yeah, from Western Kentucky I would have at least 6 away games that I could easily drive to. Ethics be damned, I’m in.
I make it out to OU once a year for a live game, which has become a tradition for my dad and I. Would probably continue that as long as possible, but would love to have expanded options closer to home. I live in UCLA (unknown corner of lower Alabama) so Auburn, Tuscaloosa, Athens, and Gainesville are within reasonable striking distance.
I’m looking at Atlanta and Nashville as possible Southeast destinations.
Only SEC game in Atlanta is the championship so that sounds good. Nashville nice town, but the game would suck since it’s Vanderbilt.
I’m thinking about travel distances to other campuses. Also looking at Austin, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
All things being equal job-wise, I would take Nashville over Atlanta, just due to traffic and congestion, but both areas have their advantages. The Nashville area also has more mild weather and better scenery IMHO.
Looking at it from a strict football access vantage point, as several pointed out, Atlanta is probably the better choice.
Athens is not that far from Atlanta, nor is Auburn and Alabama.
If you move to Atlanta, there are five possible games within driving distance:
1. Georgia (Athens) 1.5 hours
2. Alabama (Tuscaloosa) 3 hours
3. South Carolina (Columbia) 3 hours
4. Auburn (Auburn) 1.75 hours
5. Tennessee (Knoxville) 3 hours
6. Florida (Gainesville) 5 hours if you’re ambitious
Kentucky, Vandy
Lexington is in the middle of Kentucky, it’s about 4 hours from Knoxville, that’s 7 hours on the road but doable, I suppose. I know Vanderbilt is located in Tennessee but in what city? That one could be doable.
Map says 5 hours, so that’s doable too.
According to Google Maps Lexington is six hours.
Yeah, I was going off memory from driving that leg of I-75 so much.
Thanks! There are a lot of potential games to attend.
Nashville Vandy is 3.75
Starkville MSU is 4.5
Oxford OldMiss is 5.
All short drives if you really wanted to go to an OU game. I say short drives because I’m so used to driving 13-14 hours in a day when I go to Georgia. I’m driving from the extreme north of Ohio to the extreme south of Georgia.
West side of Atlanta to east side of Atlanta: 2 hours
North side of Atlanta to south side of Atlanta: also, 2 hours
True. So true.
If you work in technology, Huntsville AL is a great place to live. Highest ratio of income to cost of living in the US. A lot less traffic and it’s close enough to Nashville or Birmingham that a day trip is pretty easy.
Whatever happens, I hope FOX doesn’t have the TV, they suck. Say what you want about ESPN and their SEC bias, at least you can watch your team on TV w/o PPV. I hope OU goes to the SEC. IMO, ain’t no way Texas is giving up LHN.
Thank God OU and Georgia sued the NCAA, or we’d never see anything but one game on Saturdays, and probably not the Sooners.
FS1 games are broadcasted from hell. Hate them.
Gus Johnson is a heck of play caller..
Couldn’t agree with you more. I HATE fox
SW, I’m with you. They pissed me off when they did that post-race interview following that NASCAR race. I’m like, are you kidding me?
At least those two turned out relatively normal J…
I had the biggest crush on Lark Voorhies when I was young. It’s a damn shame she did that to herself.
You aren’t the only one.
Good morning SOONER NATION it’s a beautiful day in O K L A H O M A. There seems to be some rumblings about recruit’s commitment and OU possibly being ranked 1#. Recruiting to keep an eye on is The Nike Open a lot of commitments are made at that time. OU is a target every time their ranked in the top 25. Being the target is nothing new, breaking team’s and not beating teams has been our tradition. Here’s getting back to buisness. BOOMER!!!!!!
S O O N E R ! ! ! ! !
Good Morning everyone BOOMER!
Morning David. SOONER!!!
Can we just leave the conference now or what? this has been going on long enough. Unless they announce that we just added miami and notre dame or something, I say so long big twelve.
Just looking at the name Dan Beebe, makes my head shake. Seriously, we went from one of the most dominate conferences in the early 00’s. To one of the weakest and least respected. So glad Boren is at least vocal about his lack of respect for Tejass.
He just needs to pull the trigger. I suspect he will following the meeting at the end of May.
Hey Sam, how are you doing today?
I’m good. What about you?
I’m taking cheap shots at Metz. His kidneys have to hurting.
Thats good to hear, I’m doing well also. Leave that man alone, you’ve been torturing him for awhile lol.
Every masochist needs his sadist. Let the two of them alone. But you might want to close the door.
Every masochist needs his sadist. Let the two of them alone. But you might want to close the door.
I had a employee come to work. She was not herself. She was being short to customers and short to other employees. I called her into my office and I asked her what’s going on. She said, “I’m sick. I’m not feeling well.” I said, “I understand. Do you want to go home?” She declined. I said, ” Okay. If you stay, I expect you behave as if you’re not sick, since you believe you’re not sick enough not to be able perform your job at 100%.”
In short, he needs to stay down if he’s hurts, a la Baylor.
Nevermind lol, after what Metz just posted, you can continue to torture him.
He’s responsible for my actions.
Haha yeah, he probably still deserves it.
Haha yeah, he probably still deserves it.
Nevermind lol, after what Metz just posted, you can continue to torture him.
I hope so
I can only imagine that as unhappy as Boren is that the only thing thats keeping us from bolting at this point is $$$$. At some point you just need to take the loss and move on to a brighter future.
Fear, you need to give Boren some of your fearlessness.
Wish I could Sam. However for some reason he’s not taking my calls.
Let’s take him down. I will double as Boren. It’s a done deal.
You have my vote Sam
Im already looking on ebay for ski masks and handcuffs.
Check with Metz.
Metz is the man!
It all goes back to your behavior at the Christmas Party.
That and being seen with Metz. You’re a victim of six degrees of separation.
So are we going to start computing a Metz-Boren number like the Erdős–Bacon number except it uses Metz and Boren for the degrees of separation?
Bob, I’m working from home today. There’s no one here but me. That made me laugh so loud that the dog hopped off one of the kid’s bed and came downstairs to check on me.
You might be right. He just shook his head in disgust when he saw me standing in the corner with a lampshade on my head.
I must have missed that one
Me too David, me too. But Sam gave me the particulars a few days after.
who refuses a call from someone with Fear as a first name?
I agree
Exactly. Let’s cut our loss, wipe our hands clean and make that money up in the first year when we reap the rewards of a new conference.
Boren doesn’t plan to lead OU out of this conference.. OU is in a holding pattern until he leaves office……….
WOW…Bartolo Colon is huge. I kept waiting for him to stop and really didn’t think he would make it all the way around the bases.
Hallmark,guns,snakes,cowbell,or a conference to die for?
Better QB Sam Bradford or Jamelle Holieway? Explain.
Easy money. Sam was the better traditional QB by far. Jamelle was the better wishbone QB by far. For the time and the offenses the ran both were outstanding. Someone mentioned I might have a career in politics, so I am working on carefully straddling an issue while offending no one.
You are doing well!
Cav for President…….of something
Uh, the University of Oklahoma.
Cav, as a member of the Board of Regents, let’s leave the Big XII.
Done sir! Now do I actually have to do anything else?
Nope; nothing else is required. The check is in the mail.
Nope; nothing else is required. The check is in the mail.
Bob, that’s tough. I have to give the edge to Holieway simply because he was thrust into a starting role with little preparation. But I love Sammy B. Cool and calm and deadly accurate. My opinion could change like the wind on this one.
Whoever has a statue on campus.
Very diplomatic; and, I’m convinced. So convinced, I change my original entry. Sammy B. is the best.
I see your statue and raise you a NC ring.
Damn it. I change again.
Ahh good point, but are we talking better “TEAM” or QB. Back to you sir.
In return I would ask you are we talking popularity contest or on field performance?
If I may borrow a movie line:
Bradford: I have an army.
Halloway: We have a Boz.
NC = Team
Heisman = You get the jist
But a Heisman is ultimately a team award. How many years has a player on a team with a losing record won a Heisman? Answer once in ’56.
How many winners were on NC teams the same year?
…..I dont have an answer btw…but Im guessing not many.
In the sixteen years of the BCS twelve were in the BCS championship game and they were 4-8 overall. Since the Heisman is given out before the game it has no effect on the voting.
So based on those number 75% played on one of the top two teams in the country and 25% won NCs.
You are a bushel of knowledge my friend. But seriously, it’s hard to measure who is better because ultimately football is a team sport and OU obviously has the best teams in football. Now if it was a comparison between lets say Thermal Thomas and Barry Sanders, That would be different imo because Barry literally carried the 1988 team.
Oh, don’t get me wrong there is no “right” answer. How do you compare two players from different eras who were completely different styles of players. It is an interesting discussion and helps keep things in perspective when people talk about “the best ever.” It also helps think through what make a good player.
I think that brings up a good point, fundamentally there has to be a handful of traits that makes a good player no matter what. I dont think that changes. But the success of a player boils down to team,, coaching, opponents, etc.
And the success of a team boils down to the players, coaching, opponents, etc. They aren’t independent variables. How much better would Sam’s pro career have been to date if he had been on a decent team. One of the reasons I don’t like to see my favorite players picked first in the draft.
I honestly think Sam was on his way to really being a solid pro in the beginning. They all have to cut their teeth early and grind hard, the injuries were just bad luck. If it weren’t for those injuries I think he would still be at the Rams and their franchise guy.
I don’t know. He didn’t have a lot around him to work with. My impression (I only watched parts of a couple games) is that he was taking a beating because of his porus line.
He was definitely taking a beat for sure.
KJ, Rams original coach was lost as a HC. Rams current head coach is horrible with QBs. Fisher may be THE most overrated HC in history. He won with a good D and some luck. Never did squat again. He drafted D, more D, and then some more with a few O-line picks that were busts. He never tried to get a good receiver let alone two or three.
Luck plays a huge role in life – right place at the right time. Sam was lucky in dollars coming out when he did. He was unlucky in football fortune at the same time.
Those choosing have some horrid past choices – Paul Hornung was not close to the OU players that beat his team 40+ to ZERO.
Those choosing have some horrid past choices – Paul Hornung was not close to the OU players that beat his team 40+ to ZERO.
But a Heisman is ultimately a team award. How many years has a player on a team with a losing record won a Heisman? Answer once in ’56.
Thomas Lott
OK, so you are one of THOSE people. Pick a player not even in the list and then don’t even explain. You are as dangerous as Metz.
No one is as dangerous as Metz.
Great post.
Nice twist. The only direct comparison would be with Jamelle, and both were absolute magicians running the wishbone. I’d have to give it Jamelle based on sheer elusiveness and NC results.
Early Healthy Jamelle > Thomas Lott > Later Post Injury Jamelle
I have Jamelle and Lott as being equal however Thomas’s cool red bandana puts him over the top IMO.
I think Jamelle before the injury was the best wishbone QB to ever play the game. After the injuries he lost his quick step and was just good.
Agreed. Jamelle before injury was absolute best.
Agreed. Jamelle before injury was absolute best.
Fair point. My direct comparison only takes into account both QBs at the height of their abilities. Your analysis is more complete.
Thomas Lott in 78 was great…Sims fumble on the three cost a title. The only negative thing one can say is that the more Lott kept it, the less Billy Sims carried.
Jamin was faster!
Jamelle was NOT the best wishbone QB. Davis was the winningest, but Mildren was the best. In 1971, a clip or three being called would have made that team an easy NC. OUr defense had not quite made it in 1971, but that offense was fantastic.
So – Bradford because he was the best OU passing QB ever.
I’ll just have to disagree with you on Mildren. I have to admit though that I didn’t see him play that much live.
I’ll just have to disagree with you on Mildren. I have to admit though that I didn’t see him play that much live.
Bob, no problem on our favorites or view of them. I always respect your opinion.
During that time, I was a senior and worked part time for the football team. I saw all those games from the press box. Mildren’s pitch timing was perfect. And since he was recruited as a traditional QB, he could pass well.
Mildren has the 12th highest rushing total in a year of any OU player (1289 yds in 1971). No other OU QB has had 1000 yards rushing in a year. He holds the record for most yards per pass attempt (12.77) and most yards per completion (26.85).
Agree and always thought he was tough as nails. Ran into to him in a bar northwest of OKC a few years after he graduated. Got to shoot a couple of games of pool and a beer or two with him and he was as friendly and down to earth as they come.
Holieway completed a title game winning pass…Sam was intercepted at the goal line.
UT TFB with an OP already up. Shame!
damn…thats embarrassing.
Almost 4 hours ago. Our OP’s have taken forever all week. Just sayin.
But they have no Jordans daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can find all of that stuff myself 😉
I bet you can’t find that OP that Metz said was up.
There you go again. Metz paid his dues.
Did you see what he just posted. That isn’t something a man would do if he’s paid his dues.
Sam, Sam. I did see the OP that Metz said was up. I have seen it over and over and over. It was just like that damn pond I saw in the desert once – it just kept moving away.
Cush is a comedian. Good one.
How dare you!
Almost 4 hours ago. Our OP’s have taken forever all week. Just sayin.
They really need to make sure they put up their OP after they post ours.
Metzker, you have star status on here. You’ve, quickly, become a fan favorite.
Its getting harder for me to post with all the rib shots i get hit with!!!!!!
It’s all in love, my friend.
You have to learn to keep you elbows in to block them.
My elbows are tight Bob,however they are coming from all angles,cant block em all.
Are you asking us to pull up?
No quite in Metz Sam
Okay. Then, pull up, we shall not.
You think im Roberto no mas no mas,hell no did we give up when the germans bombed pearl harbor,hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a sick puppy. LOL!
You are a sick puppy. LOL!
No quite in Metz Sam
Start going for the side of the knees. When faced with multiple opponents you have to dodge and try to do something to slow them down.
Im bobing,weaving,even a little rope a dope,i will prevail.
Im bobing,weaving,even a little rope a dope,i will prevail.
Dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee…
If that doesn’t work pull out the AK-47
Thinking the mossberg i can hit more with 1 shot
Dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee…
Best way to wear ’em down is to keep taking punches.
Everyone knows – you can’t keep a good Metz down. You’re doing so much better since your one post of infamy. Heck, Bob and I haven’t had to clean up any Metzes for quite some time. 🙂
I am Metz therefore sometimes i metz things up.
You are on your way to recovery.
Everyone knows – you can’t keep a good Metz down. You’re doing so much better since your one post of infamy. Heck, Bob and I haven’t had to clean up any Metzes for quite some time. 🙂
Does anybody else hear that whining noise?
A little premature but I’m looking forward to this series…
KJ, Golden State will do anything to get an edge. Plus, they get all of the calls to go their way.
Last night they didn’t, refs were conspicuously absent in the 4th.
They were instructed to make no calls in the fourth to create the illusion of balance.
Last night they didn’t, refs were conspicuously absent in the 4th.
Selfish play. Should have dished to the corner…Cavs winning it all anyway.
I guess the OP no longer goes where the traffic flows…
We should go on a mission and call it “Operation:OP.”
Yeah and the ones we have got recently have been pretty light.
Still tastes great AND less filling…
Still tastes great AND less filling…
Not that any of us have the right to compain or anything but I agree, the OPs have almost felt like pacifiers lately.
We aren’t getting our money’s worth.
It’s called the offseason 🙂
Not to worry they are taking it out on me.
Well just be like the pay sites and make some stuff up.
As i read comments down lower that i have missed,what do i see?
Not only has Sam put me in the hwsnbn category, now you Bob are
wanting to start some metz-boren thing geezzzzzzzz.
Hey the Erdős–Bacon number gives the number of degrees of separation from two notable individuals, one a mathematician and the other a celebrity. The Metz-Boren would give the number of degrees of separation from two other individuals, one a general screw up and the other being you.
hahahaha ok thanks!
They picked a fine time to leave us.
The OP is still up from yesterday
Here’s the link
This better not be another false alarm lol
Well if we are going that route, here are some more recycled posts.
Thats funny!!!!!!!
Thats funny!!!!!!!
NICE! Good one, Bob
Metz, Metz, Metz.
I was considering a repeal and then you do this.
Keep beating him until his morale improves.
We beat Bama a couple years ago
I hear the Big12 might be expanding, OU needs to recruit big DT’s, fire Kish, blah, blah, blah…
What is this expansion you speak of?
The matter in the universe is moving away from other matter. It is even accelerating away. Eventually even subatomic particles will separate and a cold, dark, empty nothingness will exist.
Sort of like texsa is now.
OOOO Ok makes perfect sense,the texsa part especially.
Hey – nice work. I had not heard that last “blah” until you posted it. I hope you have a good source for that. Most people have to pay to get that kind of info – or listen to a texsa fan.
I work for the Secret Service. I can’t tell you that though because it’s a secret.
It’s good to know that a Sooner is protecting our country. It’s getting harder to find anyone that does.
Anyone need a hockey rink?
Anyone need a hockey rink?
Oklahoma is a crown jewel of college athletics.
All conferences will court OU the minute they are available, and most likely already have been
Texsa OP is up to 27 comments dammit!
By the way how many of you guys are lurking over there?? lol
Gabriel has some good articles about schemes etc
Great reads.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Sun Tzu
Not everyday. It’s more of a part time gig.
Barely have time to lurk here.
No reason to use brain cells thinking about Texsa, much less time to go their site
I try not to, only been there maybe 3 times.
I was there a few weeks ago posting texsa sucks stuff with giffs,Brandon asked that i leave untill game week. He was nice about it.
That is more than how many OP comments we have today. 🙁
mods on there 5 times adding to the comments.
Also, they already have an update.
They are really working the Texas side hard.
Don’t blame them one bit. I would do the same.
On our side of the boarder, I miss the evals of the players per position. Also, they had guest stars like Boz giving his eval too. Love the blind eval tests. Miss the breakdown of Okie recruits coming up. To me, that would fill in for the OPs and provide us the breakdown of some of our recruits strengths and weaknesses.
I really enjoyed those too. Sadly, I think I remember them saying they discontinued the site rankings since those could end up discouraging some kids. Like you said though, it would be nice to get highlights and/or a breakdown of strengths of some of the recruits, especially Okie kids. Those are always good reads!
There are 27 actual thoughts out of texsa? Or is it more like I suspect, and there are two that are recycled back and forth?
If you are going over there you might want one of these.
That’s that new sarcasm thing I’ve been hearing about, huh. /s
1 add UCF and Cincinnati ( TV Market )
2 Campionship game
3 LHN is the big issue.Solution- Start Big 12 Network and wait for ESPN- LHN contract to expire.
Texas agrees to join Big 12 Network after contract with ESPN terminates.
4 No Big 12 Network to include Texas means lost revenue for OU and forced to leave to SEC.
5. The decision to leave or stay should be this year depending on Texas decision to give up the LHN.
I read an interesting article on the league networks. While texsa sucks and is an arrogant institution with a large hat and small mind, setting up a 12-2 network might not be so good for OU.
OU currently gets about 6 million from the Fox OU stuff. The PAC12 network only cleared about 17million. With other expenses, the “Big 12” network would need to bring in 70million to keep OU even.
As far as 12-2 expansion – sit and let the silly thing blow up like every conference texsa tries to run.
My understanding is that Big 10 and SEC TV networks are big money makers.
OU will not be able to keep up financially unless it can be in a Conference TV Network.
As of now, the SEC members get about the same for their share as OU is getting for its Fox stuff (6mm or so). Again, the 4-year old, up and running PAC12 network is pulling in less than 1.5mm per team. If the 12-2 thinks its network will be worth as much as the SEC network, it is delusional. So, OU making MORE money will require higher fees for the OU/Fox network
OR moving to the BI6 or the SEC. .
This makes keeping the status quo more attractive.
No increased revenue with Big 12 Network.
Current round robin with no Championship game prevents having to play the same team twice.
OOC schedule can overcome no championship game.
No reason to add two teams to Big 12 unless it increases OU revenue IMHO.
If we could get two good, current P5 teams (virtually no chance of this), 12 teams would help. I would hate to see 2 lesser teams brought in, which would water down both the per team revenue and the quality of conference play.
Sitting until an SEC or BI6 opportunity arises appears best now.
I think, if we had the leadership that the SEC or B1G does, we could take a couple of lesser schools that have everything in place and just need the money and they would grow into P5 schools. But we don’t so we won’t.
Had the Big 12 had good leadership, we would not have lost the first set of members that started this slide. DeLoss Dodd pushed his UT agenda without enough OU pushback. Boren’s recently found backbone was needed several years back.
I personally believe it would be easier to win CFC with current Big 12 with strong OCS.
Only reason to change is to increase revenue.
Your analysis indicates minimal increase revenue by joining SEC.
I only responded to (and showed the revenue) based on the conference network.
The SEC per team payouts for their regular TV package is FAR better than the 12-2. The BI6 is even greater than that. Those two are the TV darlings and continue to get more $. The last thing I saw for the T1 & T2 payouts had the SEC 50% above the 12-2 with their last contract, while the BI6 is going on doubling.
You convinced me.
Adding two weak teams to make 12 will not increase the value of TV contracts to OU with increased number of teams.
I wish there was some way that the teams in the Big 12, beisdes Texsa, could make an agreement to not allow the LHN to broadcast any conference games. They could only keep the camera on the Texsa players and fans, or they could do an artist renditioning of the opposing team…lol
I wonder how profitable the network would be with only broadcasting non-conference games?
Okay. Metz is stuck in a meeting, let that OP roll out.
Football brainiacs.
Michigan State Recruiting: 8th-grader Jesus Machado offered – Spartan Avenue
I hope this was not already posted. This is ridiculous! There needs to be some kind of age limit to offers and recruiting.
My daughter is a gymnast. If you think 8th grade is early, try gymnastics. If you don’t have your offer by 8th or 9th grade, time is running out.
UConn girls basketball has analytics on top basketball players from 8th grade up. The review weekly and boil it down by jr year. At that time it’s almost an audition to get on the team – not recruiting.
Thanks Bob ,enjoyed that
Nice. Thanks Bob.
That was a good find Bob.
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez already.
Ain’t no cure for the summertime blues!!
Beer, bacon, and burgers will help. Did I mention beer?
Where? I’m in.
Is the OP on twitter somewhere?
Discussing the relative merits of staying with “the ugly girl.” does not change the way she looks. Walk away (unless you need to run),
Nice find though Sam – appreciate it.
Your in charge Bleed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wondered where you were on this Dustin. I almost said something, but I just don’t have the heart to do that to poor, down-trodden Metz.
He can handle it. He’s a big boy.
Sam been hitting me all day
Punch. Punch.
That’s it,im going for xrays in the am
I can see it from here that your kidneys are shot. LOL!
Thinking ribs Sam.
Kidneys, bro. That’s all I throw: kidney shots.
Plus, he has beer.
*you’re *
*Ur* 😉
*Ur*um -) great at posting stuff as tfb slacks.
I would have posted more but I had to Urnate
You must be European.
I’m not Metzing around. haha
No kidding the riley was a good get.
And Ondario my bad
I knew what you meant. 🙂
If you spell knew and new your very smart and also ur
I posted this last night, but undoing anyone saw it. So, here goes:
Conference realignment…I wish there was a way to use Soccers model over the pond. In the Premier league (let’s call it FBS), the bottom 2 teams move down a level (sort of like FCS), and the top 2 teams from that 2nd tier move up. If there was ever geographical super regions, I could see a model like this doing very well. The bottom 2 teams of each region would move down to FCS, while the top 2 FCS teams in that same region (geographical) would move up to play with the big boys.
It makes good sense. But, the US is such a litigious society that some drop-down team would sue. If Tom Brady goes to court over NFL punishment, imagine what a school would do to keep its money and prestige.
I like this model. Should start this at the HS level…
EPL has a much stronger central leadership compared to NCAA.
and what @cush_creekmont:disqus said..
Everyone sues for everything now
Ok Metz out and well Sam————
,Jake,Scott,Golf,Bleed,J.r.,Woof Dave,Rick,Joe, SuperK,Jordan,,
Malicongs,Oscar,76, Alar,Robertson,Woods, Kj,Dick, Dustin, Rainy,
,Dawg,Jp, Hwsnbn, Electric,London,Jed,T.Rob., Jason Dc,Drew,, Vegas,Daryl,
Hawk, Brien,Bear,Colorado,Higg,Stl,47 Cdz,Cav, Garner,Brown MarkVA.,
Collin,Doobie,Bgood, Pimp,403,Zack,Shelby, ,Ouknow l”carpetron,David,
Mike,Sooper, ,Ed,Lane, Soonersd,jimin,Chubbs ,Sanchez, Raida, Sam,
Have a great evening! Stay out of that Lubbock dust.
I’m movin’ up! 5th row to 3rd in just a matter of days (daze).
I’m not pole position but I’m running with the front line. I like it. Just got to pass Cheryl on the outside and go down on the apron to get Ray. I will push Cush into the wall and then go after Doc. : )
Watch out Boom – I’m old, but I got no fear!
But what if fear is riding with boom?
I’m coming in late, been drafting and saving my gas for the stretch.
Ok boom I will leave you there, but your first move is a bad one.You never go around Cheryl its best to rear end her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you’re gonna catch me…..better have a rocket strapped to your back side. 🙂
Bottle rocket is all I got.
Be careful….
With what?
Sharp things.
Runnin with a beer in hand?
Don’t run with scissors in hand unless you have a beer in the other.
And when you trip look at your friends say I got this?
Before you take off running, scream “Watch This!!!”.
Be good, Metz. You certainly are a good sport. Much love.
I am a very good sport!
NBA Draft combine on ESPN2 right now. Isaiah on the white team.
I don’t post much but enjoy all the threads and comments on a daily basis. And – really appreciate that we’ve kind of cleaned up the use the profanity we were slipping into a few weeks ago. However, with a no OP day and with there’s not much else going on
I’d just like to post texas sucks. As in a really big wind into infinity… texas sucks.
Always relevant – texsa suckage is a reality like infinity, it cannot be quantified.
More like a black hole I think as it consumes even light.
More like a black hole I think as it consumes even light.
well, damn!
believe me darlin, texas sucks more than wind.
Not sure what to make of this statement. Maybe Boren is letting everyone know this is the beginning of the end. https://mobile.twitter.com/GuerinEmig/status/730885855036903424
Boren definitely appears to have some play in mind. He’s saying way too much. He may get outplayed, but there is definitely something afoot.
what is afoot?
Don’t know, but Boren’s a politician. He doesn’t put any cards on the table until he is ready to make a play. He’s been putting some cards on the table.
He had a play (the PAC12), but he got outplayed in it. I didn’t say he had a good play, just that the markers are there that he has one.
Hallmark cards id bet
Yeah, I am not convinced he is doing anything other than throw a temper tantrum. I just think he’s doing something because he’s become very vocal after being quiet for a couple of years.
Id love to think that also Bob.
Boren seems to be emotional about this topic. I hope he can keep his cool to get us the best deal. I’m starting to have my doubts.
Don’t back down.
Time for some Tom Petty
Funny, buddy and myself were just talking about Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty.
1. Won’t Back Down: for the Big 12
2. Don’t Come Around Here No More: for Texsa
3. and, if Boren does nothing: Free Fallin’, because the conference is going to keep going down.
That thing below your ankle.
If you call a women an ankle what does that infer? No guesses?
NEVER, EVER use the term Kankles!!!
Nope, you know the C word referred to that area?Ok you got it.I like to say my x is an ankle she never got it and I never told her an ankle is 3ft below a C.
That depends entirely on your orientation at the time of the statement.
About 12 inches.
Seems like he’s making it known texsa is being difficult.
Sounds like the beginning of the end of OU and the Big 12.
I certainly hope so. I’m tired of this soap opera.
Ok see yall in the am——
Have a good one metz, been doing some spraying in the pasture, looks like about a hundred or so comments to breeze through since I last took a peek. Guess I’ll try and catch up.
That girl looks like she’s saying “You’re still going get me that Lexus, right?”
I thought she was saying “Why the long face, you knew we sucked before we got here”.
He said, “Git lost, will ya? I was hopeful but you will never suck as good as texsa.”
Love his story. From walk-on to the NFL. Only in America.
Sounds like Boren is saying each man for himself.
I think we will hear something as soon as the Big XII meeting is over.
I hope he can remember to say “We gone”.
Hell, Sooner Ray, send a post card from the $EC.
Edit: I hope they also discontinue the rivalry game with texsa.
I think the message behind the message is, “What is the point of being in a conference when the conference has no interest in the betterment of all its members, as opposed to only one of its members?”
Perfect: a message that shows SS17 that “you matter to me.”
Madison Ward spotting!!!
Dang, I should have tuned in before the game started.
That’s Metzed up, BC.
Thanks, Dustin.
How goes it in Indiana tonight?
I’m guessing this is a basketball recruit?
Yep. Top-25 2017 recruit.
Lon should be able to recruit like a gymnast coach right now. 🙂
He’s in on a ton of top 2017 players. Not enough ‘ships to go around.
Yep, that’s the only obstacle he has.
Ryder Anderson (Rodney’s younger brother) just picked up another offer from Tulane. Has offers from Harvard, Yale, SMU, UCF and FCS schools. 6’6″ 230lb DE.
What class is he?
Sounds like he must be a smart kid. If you’re academically minded, you have to think seriously about getting a full ride to attend Harvard or Yale.
Wanted to ask a question for you guys who’ve been here a while. When you are setting up the payment methods for your TFB account, do you recommend the monthly bank draft, or the yearly payment? I’d like to get that lifetime membership account, but the money’s not there yet, if you know what I mean.
The easiest way I’ve found is for you to wire the money directly to me. I can then ensure that your account is always current.
I knew there would be a helpful person available here. Let me get a few things squared away at the bank and I’ll get back with you.
Let’s get fired up for OU football…https://youtu.be/JATdOXA771A
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