Image of Kenneth Murray via 247 Sports
– Ondario Robinson: TFB caught up with 2017 DE Ondario Robinson (Hutto, TX), who received an offer from Oklahoma back in the spring when Calvin Thibodeaux stopped by for a visit, earlier in the week. Robinson released a Top 7 back in mid-May that included: OU, Arizona State, Georgia, Houston, Indiana, Missouri & New Mexico.
Since then, however, Robinson has received offers from the likes of Texas and Texas A&M. In fact, he recently made trips to both schools. As to our conversation, Robinson said, referring to his original Top 7, “those were just my top schools with those offers, but as I said they could change with new offers.”
One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is his interest in Oklahoma. Robinson told TFB he he plans on making the trip to Norman at some point, but it sounds like he won’t be able to make it on the date he had originally planned, “I’m not going to be able to make it up there (to Norman) for the event on the 29th because I have a family reunion. But I talked to my mom about going up there and she told me to map it out and see what we should do.”
The event Robinson is referring to is apparently some kind of new recruiting event the OU staff will hold at the end of July. I’ve been told they are still working through some different ideas, but it’s just another sign the staff is dead set on landing top notch recruits.
I do expect Robinson to make it to Norman sometime before the fall as he let TFB know he plans on announcing his decision at half time of the first game of his upcoming season. – (Super K)
– Kenneth Murray: The Sooners are also in the top group of schools for 2017 LB Kenneth Murray (Missouri City, TX). Murray also recently visited Texas and Texas A&M, as well as Ole Miss, but tells TFB that he will visit OU “sometime later this summer.”
Murray revealed on Thursday that he will announce his commitment decision on August 10th. Murray has also indicated that he would like to visit Michigan prior to said decision date.
While Murray has released a Top 10, I get the sense he has narrowed his list of schools to the likes of Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M, Michigan & Ole Miss.
It is of note, however, that Murray expects to be an early enrollee. So were he to commit to Oklahoma, he’d be someone who could come in and compete for the spot that Jordan Evans will vacate after this season. – (Super K)
– Creed Humphrey and O-Line Numbers: Creed Humphrey followed up a couple of trips to OU last week with a trip to Texas A&M this past weekend. TAMU is going to be the stiffest competition for the Sooners here, and we really don’t have a good sense of which way he’s leaning at the moment
Humphrey hasn’t said much to anyone, but did let TFB know that even after his TAMU trip his commitment timeline is still intact. “As of right now, I plan on doing it (committing) later this month.”
In speaking to folks on the TAMU side of things, they seem very confident. But with Humphrey being an in-state kid, having a brother that goes to OU, growing up in an OU household, and the track record Oklahoma and Bill Bedenbaugh have in churning out excellent offensive linemen, the Sooners certainly have some advantages.
If the Sooners were to land Humphrey, that would likely leave only one additional spot for an offensive lineman. I’m told Oklahoma would like to take 2-3 OL this year. – (Super K)
– Addison Gumbs: Earlier in the week we noted that 2017 LB Addison Gumbs had changed his announcement timeline slightly. Instead of announcing later this month, he has pushed it back to early July with the possibility that he may announce his decision at The Opening.
However, we checked with a couple sources and still get the impression the Sooners are in a strong position to land Gumbs. At this point, we continue to believe OU leads here. – (Super K)
– Parrish Cobb: We’ve mentioned before receiving some conflicting information on where Parrish Cobb is likely to end up if he receives a release from his NLI.
Earlier this week TFB spoke with a new source that is close to the family, who echoed the sentiment of other folks we’ve spoken to. In that while the family is considering Oklahoma, Texas appears to be his likely landing spot. – (Super K)
– Team Note | Michiah Quick: Earlier in the week we mentioned that Michiah Quick was looking good early on in team led 7-on-7 sessions. And we’ve since been told Quick continued to impress on Wednesday.
Evidently he ended the week with 3 INTs and was running with the second team (first team is, as expected, Jordan Thomas & Dakota Austin) along side PJ Mbanasor.
That isn’t to say Quick has it all figured it out, of course. We’ve been told he, like any corner, has been beat beat at times and still has a lot to learn. But it does sound like the play-making instincts are certainly there.
Even if Quick isn’t able to beat out Austin (or Mbanasor) this fall, it’s starting to sound like he will at the very least provide quality depth. And be a guy the Sooners can rely on when much of the secondary leaves following this season. – (Super K)
– Team Note | Freshmen Getting Cleared: Just wanted to note that while some of the freshmen have started participating in workouts and 7-on-7 (we mentioned Abdul Adams and Mykel Jones are already impressing some folks in the Wednesday OP), there are still a number of incoming freshman that have yet to be fully cleared.
TFB checked with a source yesterday to see how Caleb Kelly and Parnell Motley were fairing and was told that neither (as of Wednesday) had been cleared. However, I suspect most everyone should be cleared by the end of this week. – (Super K)
Sooner! I met at least 15 ppl last night who are in Vegas from Canada for EDC.
Now that you mention it I think a couple of buddies are down there for that….I was never really into that scene though haha.
I’m not a fan of EDC or any of that stuff but the clubs are pretty cool.
SOONER!!!! Nice to see the early OP!
I hosted a big event last night at one of the night clubs to try and land some big fish clients. I’ve had zero hours of sleep and how do I get repaid? An open post this early in the morning! LOVE it. Also pretty sure I’m going to land the potential clients! Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Your job sounds interesting!
I’m a financial advisor. It’s about as interesting as it sounds lol. I’m just trying to reach into a particular niche market and that entails throwing ( and writing off) decent events around town. We usually host golf tournaments, nice dinners at steak houses, but like I said, with my particular niche market, they tend to be at different clubs.
I bought OKE at 20 bucks a share around February! It’s at 45 now! I am the man, LOL Course I only invested 20k in my retirement account but it’s 25 more then I had and still pays a great div!
Well look at you. Stocks are fun when things are rolling but scary when they’re rolling the wrong direction. I’m big on pharmaceutical companies. They’ve made me good money 🙂
Hope your weekend is great!
I didn’t mention that I bought CHK and SD a couple of years ago, LOL. Only a few thousand in each but they are utter disasters! Heck M
Oh I’ve got a weekend planned full I golf with my pops. I was never into raves. Pass me a joint and ill hit it, but anything else is a no go. I really don’t even like to drink alcohol, but again, entertaining/whining and dining people you’re almost forced to acquire a taste for red wine or single malt.
Happy Friday and good luck with the fishing!
It looks real promising. If I can land the two guys who I’ve been really targeting then I’ll literally increase my income by 300%. I’ll be floored if I get them lol. I know it’s not smart to rely heavily on a few clients, but at this point in my career these signings would be considered a grand slam!
A 300 percent income increase? That is one heck of an incentive. Seriously, good luck with the signings. If things work out, are you buying the beer for a while?
Yes sir! That’s why I’m giddy like a school girl. Plus, it’s a different type of client that my Dad and uncle didn’t think would be interested in our services, so that’ll be nice to rub it into their face 😉 one is a Pepsi executive and the other is an executive for Hakkasan Group. They are good friends and I met them in line at a gun show while I was buying my AR-15! Crazy to think I met them there, but yeah, I’m excited hahaha.
Hope you have a great day as well!
Thanks for the OP!
With the coaches unable to oversee these voluntary workouts/ 7on7s… Who determines 1st and 2nd team? Did Quick just tell the other guys, hey, I’m 2nd team now, hit the bricks!
I mean, do we really have anyone else? Lol. I really, really hope Mbonasor takes ahold of that second corner spot.
Just because the workouts are voluntary doesn’t mean that the “volunteers” can’t go ask a coach what they should work on. I’m sure somewhere along the way the team leaders have talked to the coaches about ideas for how to run the practices. If they can’t talk to the coach now, they did sometime when they were allowed.
Didn’t the NCAA change the limitations for coaches during the summer where they can have more interaction with the players? I don’t recall the specifics.
A student-athlete may participate in a maximum of eight (8) hours per week of countable athletically related activities and may not participate in any countable athletically related activities on two days per week during the out-of-season period.
Participation in up to two (2) hours of individual skill instruction is permissible. In football, skill-instruction activities are limited to review of game film
I do that. The players fax me a list, off an creaky old fax machine at Headington Hall every morning. I draw circles and arrows, then number the players and fax it back.
About half the time the fax machine doesn’t pick up and I have to call Riley or Mike Stoops to unplug it and plug it back in. Really annoying.
Well that explains it then.
That recruiting event at the end of July sounds interesting.
I wonder if Harbaugh will be there?
Wearing a KD jersey?
He can come if he keeps his shirt on.
Imagine how much more ridiculous he’ll be if he even wins a New Years 6 bowl game lol. Dude hasn’t won a damn thing and thinks he’s a Kingpen.
Aaagh yeah. I saw that once, disgusting. Dude’s wife needs to buy him a weight bench and some heavy barbells.. Until then, leave the shirt on stud.
I mean, almost every other school has a big recruiting day/night so it’s about time we get it together lol
Who’s down with the OP
Yeah you know me!
Brainiacs, this stuff is amazing, thank you for your hard work in getting the info and then getting it to us in an understandable form! One question, what keeps these freshmen from getting cleared? Is it some kind of fitness test?
I just do not get the appeal of eATMe. At all. I mean, a lot of these schools that bring in top recruits, sure; I get it. But not aggs. Not. At. All.
don’t shoot the messenger but they have top 5 facilities along with the chance to play in the SEC while staying in Texas. Wins don’t always speak as loudly to recruits as we as fans would think. Plus these big time recruiting coaches are some of the best salesmen in the country regardless of industry. I can totally imagine them selling a wide eyed recruit on the idea that with their help they’ll be contending for national titles in no time.
As I was thinking of Creed, perhaps I should say more from a national-recruit perspective. If you grew up in southeastern Texas following them, OK I can accept that.
gotcha, yeah I would say its probably the facilities then
There best coach may be the OL coach.
They sell something like 31k student tickets per game. No other school comes close to that. Un-like most other schools, including OU, they highly involve those students in coordinated “yells”. It makes for a loud stadium and a very involved student section. (btw the students are usually there the complete game). It is a different atmosphere. They have almost unlimited money sources for facilities and whatever else they think they may need. The benefit is that when those students graduate a larger percentage of them are accustomed to being involved than other schools.
This is over and above their traditions of midnight yells, before they games. It isn’t for everyone. But, their 45K students are very engaged with the athletics, especially the football team.
They don’t have traditions like OU, Bama, USC, ND, or even schools like LSU. But, they sell what they have pretty well.
Too bad they suck.
yeah, I know all too well about the student section. I actually graduated from A&M but remained a loyal Sooner fan the whole time I was there. Got to see Sammy B run in a touchdown right in front of me in 08. Unfortunately, I also was there for the 2010 night game.
I was there for both games. Had a son that went to A&M on scholarship. He knew that he could not go to a school with orange in there scheme, regardless of scholarship. A lot of his N. Texas math and engineering classmates went and were a big sway for him. Funny thing to me, is we met with Baylor and he could not get away from the meeting fast enough. He quickly concluded that Baylor and him were not a match. So, even though he did not go to OU, I don’t feel I completely failed
OU’s facilities should be comparable to anyone’s after the upgrade. I think it’s the thrill of the bonfire.
they don’t do the bonfire since the collapse. They have a much smaller bonfire but its off campus and not near as big as it used to be.
You mean the thrill is gone?
yes, very much so, majority of students don’t even know where bonfire happens now much less go to it
yes, very much so, majority of students don’t even know where bonfire happens now much less go to it
You’re missing the chance to post a GIF of BB King, LOL!
Yep. That’s what I had in mind. Unfortunately, I’m gifless
Not a gif but…
Makes me want to leave early and have a beer!
Well it IS AN ENGINEERING SCHOOL! Hard to imagine building complex structures if you can’t even build a bonfire without KILLING 12 people and injuring dozens of others!
Yep. It was a tragedy. I have several friends with links to A&M, either alums or kids going there or whatever. It touch a lot of folks.
After OU is finished with their facilities, I would expect OU to have the best facilities in the country. Hopefully after this season it will be finished.
that would be awesome
The physical location is within 4 hours of DFW and the Houston Metroplex, which are major hotbeds for D1 recruits. Distance plays a big factor a lot of the times to recruits who come from lower income families. There family doesn’t have the resources to travel great distance to see them play.
yep makes total sense and College Station is not a bad town at all
yep makes total sense and College Station is not a bad town at all
I am sure it is the quality and variety of the academic programs available.
That and the hot cheerleaders.
I always laugh when I read comments like this. There’s literally smoking hot girls at EVERY college campus, except maybe Northwestern Oklahoma state lol.
I’m pretty sure aTm is all male cheerleaders. But I could be mistaken. In any case, that was the joke. Not to suggest there aren’t hot women at eATMe.
That’s hilarious! My bad then!
I admittedly am basing this off of a hilarious video that came out when it looked like P-16 was going to happen. It was Cookie Monster singing “one of these things is not like the other”, and it went through pictures of the hot cheerleaders of every to-be P-16 school, and when it got to “can you guess?” it showed a bunch of dudes in the yell outfits with megaphones. It was completely hysterical and humiliating for eATMe.
So, again, I assumed that was true, but who knows. I just went with it. 🙂
Yeah I’m not sure lol. But that’s too funny. Good laughs early this morning 🙂
It’s the fact that they’re a local Texas school in the SEC. Kids want to play in the most competitive conference. Then you throw in their new facilities to mix as well. It’s like a 9 or 10 hour drive for family members to come to watch you play in Norman if your from Southern Texas region. So that’s why you’ll see a lot of Texas kids giving AtM a look.
They consistently send kids to the NFL high in the draft, most often O-lineman. They had 3 or 4 straight years with an o-lineman in the 1st round.
To that token, they have recruited a big time lineman almost every recruiting class for those years as well. Getting top talent of high school always seems to show up 3 to 4 years down the road when your putting 1st and 2nd founders in the league. Look at tOSU this past year. We should see in 4 to 5 years a large number from 2017 class go pro and most likely a couple of 1st and 2nd rounders.
How many more Matthews brother are there? I swear Bruce had about 17 sons and just single files them to A&M.
Hey T.Rob. How are things? Loved the vid of Tyrese putting in the work. Did he have a good time in Norman last weekend?
Had a great time, well be back up in July for the bbq.
Yes they have, and had they not lost little, it would have been another likely 1st rounder 3 years down the road.
They have recruited and developed well on the o-line down there for a good bit.
just for discussion, my wishlist for remaining Sooners targets: Gumbs, Hines, Phillips, J. Harris, Rogers, Watts, Humphrey, Filiaga, Lamb and then the big fish of Wilson, Okudah and Browning…That would be nice
I don’t think any of us could or would disagree with that list!
Lets add AJ Davis to that list and call it a day.
I would add Joseph Lewis.
I’d still like to see Manning instead of Lamb but Lamb is very good also.
didn’t Cobb’s family try to push Oklahoma during his original recruitment, before he switched to Baylor? Maybe after making that mistake, he should learn from it and listen to them by not heading to Austin. 🙂
I couldn’t care less honestly. With the way he shafted us before I don’t even want him. The killer B’s will surpass him anyways.
I don’t want him either. I want players who want to be here.
Hopefully OU doesn’t go after him.
I trust the coaches if they do but the way Cobb handled this thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Totally agree.
Totally agree.
I definitely get this, but I guess I just look at it more like, “kid makes a dumb decision to go somewhere because he was swayed by shiny things. Now, his parents could help him reevaluate what’s best for him.” Either way, if the coaches want him, and he wants to be here, then I would gladly take him. If he goes to Texas, though, it will just give that much more reason to root against him in October.
Don’t you think these kids should make perfect decisions like all of us did when we were seventeen? /s
I think I’m lucky to even be alive, my decisions were so excellent!
Isn’t that the old saying? “Shaft me once, shame on you. Shaft me twice, shame on me?”
I’m not sure, I’m not used to getting shafted lmao
“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”.
No shaft zone!
Me neither. Don’t want to hear about Cobb anymore and don’t care where he ends up, honestly.
IMHO, I think this is going to be more about who will take his brother. Tejas has told him that they will/have a spot for his brother and we all know OU’s stance on such Tom Foolery.
is that the case with Cobb? I knew the Duvernay twins were that way, but I didn’t know Cobb has a brother, also.
You know what, you’re right. My bad.
no worries. I don’t follow recruiting super closely, so I would have absolutely believed you 🙂
Charlie Strong can’t break.500 on the field but he has no trouble influencing athletic prospects………when will they ever learn ?
Thinking Cobb might be more about the women and parties and Norman is just too laid back for him. And thats cool. He just doesn’t ‘fit’.
He would not have picked Waco over Norman in the first place if it was all about women or parties…just saying
Kinda thinking Bailer haz women and maybe football players hold a certain ‘special status’. Or maybe he just wants to be closer to home. Whatever … he doesn’t seem to have OUDNA. Not many do.
Does anyone know how many DL we are needing in this class?
I would assume 5. We have 4 seniors and Charles Walker will leave early for the draft. Also gotta consider other early entry’s and transfers.
How many are available to recruit? We need them all.
I keep seeing people suggest we have some desperate need at DL. Unless we’re planning a transition to a 4-3, I’m just not seeing it. We currently have 13 guys on scholarship to play 3 positions: 5 freshmen (Campbell, Lampkin, Mann, Gallimore, Bledsoe), 2 sophs (Garnett, Overton), 3 juniors (Ward, Romar, Walker) and 3 seniors (Wade, Dimon, Roberts). Now, it’s probably a good idea to average 4-deep at each position to give us the flexibility to play 4-3 in certain situations, but even then you’re only talking about a need for 3 DL in this class, and that’s assuming Walker goes early. If you look at the numbers, our biggest need right now is in the interior of the o-line (6 guys to play 3 positions after 2016), unless we are planning to move some tackles inside.
Any news about Brandon Bowen? Is he wanting out of his NLI or is he sticking with Baylor?
Any news about Brandon Bowen? Is he wanting out of his NLI or is he sticking with Baylor?
Maybe I’m being cynical but it’s hard feeling bad for these guys. I mean, how can you not know of any of these incidents. They’ve put themselves in a bad spot.
Let’s be fair to these guys Sam. First off they were probably 17 when they signed and they had dozens, if not hundreds, of people in their ear telling them all the problems of the other school and why the kid should come to theirs. Some of them may have made the decision having an idea these allegations are true, but some others probably just filed them with all the other negative trash that they were hearing about everyone.
We certainly need to do due diligence as a team and try to determine what they knew and why they decided the way they did, but let’s be careful painting all of them with too broad a brush.
I hear you, Bob. I agree. I shouldn’t lump them all in one group. But I’m, what, six or seven states away, depending on your route, and I knew about the allegations. If for no other reason, the parents should have known to ask questions in order to help with the decision.
But, I will concede that some of them, a very small number, could not have known about it.
My point is not that they didn’t know about it, but that they had to determine if they thought it was true. Should we likewise criticize the kids coming to OU given they knew about the racism (SAE) and the coverup of the Mixon tapes (per the media)? Every school has its issues, you can’t maintain a community of 20K-50K mostly young twenty somethings without there being crimes and other indiscretions.
The question is how does a seventeen year old kid make that decision. While you and I are the perfect parents and know how to guide the young man wisely through the process, given what I see in the media these days, I am less confident that all these young men have the guidance they need to make wise decisions. Maybe this is a chance for some young man to get the guidance he needs. From what I have seen Coach Stoops seems to be a man that could give them some.
We are perfect parents, aren’t we?
Well I’m pretty sure you are. After thinking about it, I can’t label myself that way.
If you’re not you had plenty of practice, LOL!
Even though they are all out of the house, I still get practice from time to time. Thankfully I have several that show up when they are not in trouble.
You’re a funny man, Bob Edwards.
I thought I would be, until I became one, and realized that I can’t be
Just read the parenting book – it’s that easy… /s
My wife and I once attended a parenting seminar. We were done when someone asked the guy if he had any children and he said no.
Like marital advice from a priest?
I’m with you Sam. They can all stay in Waco or go elsewhere. They passed on us when they had their chance.
Very nice OP SUPER K!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know Super K is nice too.
And you didn’t even have to go to a meeting!! Now for some weekend updates!
Great OP! It was mentioned that Kenneth Murray, as an early enrollee, could come in and compete for the vacant ILB spot when Jordan Evans leaves next year. Do we potentially see Murray as an ILB? If so, with Draper already committed, do we take Jacob Phillips and Anthony Hines at ILB too? I would think Phillips and obviously Hines would be the higher priority, and 1 of those 3 (Draper, Hines, Phillips) more likely to compete for the vacant ILB spot come next year. Any thoughts?
Creed by far the biggest need in the above list, IMO, hes a must get.
I would say DL is our biggest overall need. From the list above, yes Creed is a big need.
I’m not sure I’d classify Creed as a “must get”. While it would be nice since he’s an in-state kid and the family is all OU, I think we’re doing just fine on the OL with what we have and what is coming in (T-Rob). I would think Filiaga (OT) or Wilson and Rogers (DT) would be more “must get”.
Agree, J.R. Would like to add Creed but he would be my odd man out, especially if Logan Roberson is proving to be what the coaches hoped for when they signed him to be ‘the next’ OC.
Thought logan was a guard? 330 is a big to play C.
Read where he was recruited to play center and is already working there. Part of the move by Coach B to a bigger line.
IMO I wouldn’t be worried if we lost Creed. I like Creed a lot but we do have good depth at the Center position.
interesting, always thought he was a G. Well thats cool
Well hes a center, and our center is a junior, you dont really want to stick a true freshman at center in 2018.
Centers are kind of hard to find, let alone a top 5 instate center.
With OU taking only 2-3 Olinemen it is imperative they hold onto Tyrese and nothing has given a hint of wavering on his part. Creed would be a nice get, too, plus he’s an Okie kid. 247, FWIW, has OT Zabie 100% to OU. And Super K, if you’re reading the posts, could someone check and verify whether Chuck Filiaga has an OU offer. That’s the guy I’d like to see OU get.
I’ve cooled on Parrish Cobb. Not a huge fan of OU being the “fall back” plan.
Sounds like the recruiting event planned for July 29th is something like what Texass does/did. Get all these recruits together with the commits and talk about being the future team. Sounds like a good idea to me.
Was just reading that in the link on Hall. Getting all of the commits together and hopefully the top recruits for a cookout/party to bond is something I’ve been hoping to see for a while. Some music and some food and just let these guys get to know each other and the coaches in a very relaxed atmosphere.
I heard Coach Cooks can really cook.
He certainly has the recipe for getting recruits to campus.
I like that idea. I think these kids are swayed more by how they “feel” rather than the cold hard data of OU achievements and history. That is the main reason I think texass will be a lot better this year. Chucky Strong will be rid of most of Mack’s guys and will be using his guys who have built this persona of being the second coming of Texass football.
Don’t care about Cobb. Not sure why we bother talking about him.
Yes. Not sure why anything has to be reported about him.
Great stuff TFB – THANK YOU – and HAPPY FRIDAY!
K or any TFB’s, are you all coming out with any t-shirts this year? I like to get them to help support the site for all the work you all do.
I would go for a TFB coffee mug. I see a correlation in my brain for some reason.
A podcast, so we can call in.
I was thinking more along the lines of “Coffee and TFB, they wake me up in the morning.”
It’s only fitting that the AM ‘coffee crew’ has a TFB mug. What say you, Super K!?!
And the Night crew a schooner!
Night crew gets a flask
Count me in for a TFB mug!
I’d get a shirt.
As a t-shirt suggestion, getting one that says “Mack pretty can suck it” would work great for me
Still want to see the BOOM! license plates (in Red on White and White on Red)
Not sure I understand how ATM and especially Ole Miss are still getting visits from the quality of players that they’re getting looks from. Seems there’s a disconnect between fantasy and reality among recruits. I don’t get it.
People keep minimizing the SEC thing. But, at the 17-18 year old level, it is pretty significant.
They arent landing kids at the same pace though. Both have crap classes compared to the last few years.
It seems the aggies didn’t learn much from there mistake about offering early playing time
Nice to see the future targets coming together, spots have to be getting tight at this point. Can’t wait till everyone is cleared and we can get some good updates on progress.
http://www.hudl.com/athlete/3878489/harrison-loveless Not sure how he only has a few offers.. Honestly like his film better than Chassion or Robinson..
You guys see this? I love stuff like this! I can’t tell but I think the player at the end that yells “let’s go!” is Mixon. If so, he is huge. https://twitter.com/ou_football/status/743861989340942336
Yes that’s him and yes he is a physical specimen!! Can’t wait to see him run some people over:)
It’s hard to believe he’s going to be a little faster and stronger but from what I/we have heard of his work ethic and the fact he is still young there’s a really good chance he will be.
I want to see him run the wildcat this year!
It’s not hard to believe at all. He’s was the number 1 RB coming out. He’s a total hoss and will only get better. I saw him when he was a true freshman before the Tennessee game and even then he was massive. Kid will like it up in the NFL.
Run over.. Through.. Around…Again again and again
That’s definitely Mixon. He doesn’t mess around.
or he doesn’t Metz around
Great update SUPER K> Thanks for all you do!
i wonder who has me blocked?OOPS if im blocked they wont see this ,never mind!
How can you tell someone has you blocked?
Maybe if they dont respond lol
Who are you talking to?
like this…
Poor sean!
Hanna should have clocked the sea dude
Clock cleaner right there.
Up date its 1:47 and texsa still Sucks—–
Probably one of the most terrifying creatures. Literally a deer that can stand on its hind legs with claws that could ruin your day real quick.
The big ones (Reds), yes. But incredibly, and I mean INCREDIBLY, stupid. Make deer look like Einstein. Very easy to shoot if they are causing a nuisance. Unfortunately, not too tasty; though they beat being hungry.
Met a guy from Papua New Guinea who would hunt these things for food. They’d find a trail, and he’d hide behind a tree with a club while another guy would scare one along the trail. Then *wham*, fresh meat. Said they’d bag a few a day that way.
Sounds like Michiah is making a “Quick” adjustment to DB.
Was I dreaming or is Creed Humphrey supposed to announce this weekend?
I think all we know is the word “soon” but no definite date
There is a vid on Scout (Sooner Illustrated) where he said either late June or early July. Said he wanted to make up his mind, then enjoy his last year of HS ball, and look for a state championship.
This is crazy…
deduct one point for waking up the kid though. does he have any eligibility left?
Ok, be honest, how many have already used the new block function today on our best friend?
I blocked Bambi and her $98/hr scam. I can’t wait to do it agin JP.
block function? How does that work?
Ok yall have a great day metz out and BOOMER.iTS up to you guys to give Sam a topic to write for the exit list, peace———Dick, Brown, Shelby, Jordan, Garner, Boom, 4life,Katy. Bgood, Doc,Mojo,Pagan ,Slim,
Hogg,Cc,Rocket,Brandon, Fear, Bob,,Dawg, Sam,Jp, ,Sparky,London,Jed,Trob,Jason,
Rick,Dustin,Matt,Cush, Oscar, 47,Malicongs, Golf,76,Alar,Robertson,Woods,Bleed, Dave,
J.r,Markva,SuperK,*Cheryl*Zach,Collin,Jake,Scott,Dc,Drew,Rainy, ,Vegas,737,Dana,72,
Tex,Wilson ,Pimp,Doobie,Hawk,Brien,Bear,Colorado,Higg,Woof,Daryl,Joe,Kj,Wolf,Native,
Stl,Cdz,Cav,Ouknow,Framoka,Lcarpetron, hOU, Hwsnbn,texsasucks.S keith,Canada.
Have a great and safe one!
TGIF, It’s a HOT sumbeech!
Oh, and beer is good. 🙂
<"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tp621n:
two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here
➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsYesGetPay$98Hour…..
So i’m standing there waiting to answer the phone and this guy turns around and tips hat like this. Who do you think that guy was? Metz the banned for life guy I was like MEEETTTTTZZZZZ. HAHAHA. So we went to a party at Dicks house and things out of hand Brown had invited some wild woman over and one thing led to another if you know what I mean. Shelby was cooking some BBQ while this was going on and Jordan was doing a keg stand in the kitchen. Garner brought over some more Jack Daniels which livened up the party. Boom 4 life kept saying Boomer louder and louder the more we drank and Katy was like SOONER. B Good brought in another keg as we finished that one off and was like DOC you need tap this I was happy to tap our new keg filled with joy. Mojo brought the BBQ in from out side and we all ate and talked about how much Texas sucks. Pagan admitted to being the one who burned down big tex at the fair a few years ago which we all thought was awesome. Slim showed us some orange colored Texas gear which was bought at a Walmart to burn. David brought some lighter fluid and we all watched it burn together in the back yard. 403 was now that is some burnt orange right there.Inks showed us a new Texas sucks tattoo while Mike showed us some Longhorn toilet paper he picked up. Sooper was like need t for my bathroom right there.Ed began drinking beer from our second keg in his Texas sucks mug while lane brought us out Texas sucks cigars to smoke. Soonersd came over on the Sooner Schooner and was the life of the party until passing out from one to many Mack Brown sucks shots. Jim In Texas came buy and gave us some BEVO to put on the grill while Chubbs picked up some buns and cheese for the BEVO to be served with. Sanchez talked about how cool OU was and RAIDA talked about how much Taco Tech sucks. Boz talked about the BOZ ofcourse. Ray stopped by and brought us a bucket of chicken from KFC.Hogg was like man that is some good chicken right there. CC was excited to be copied on a Texas sucks email. While rocket spoke of the good day Griffin had 7 touchdowns against Texas sucks. Brandon wouldn’t quit bringing up the Sugar Bowl victory from a few years ago. Fear admitted his biggest fear in life is a loss to Texas sucks too years in a row.Bob wanted to know if what about Bob 2 was coming out with Bob Stoops we all said no LOL. Dawg said he hates Gerogia almost as much as Texas but not quite. Sam listened to Sammy Hagar SAM I AM on repeat and kept telling everyone at the party how much cooler than METZ he was which of course SAM is cooler than Metz we all know that.JP kept showing everyone this cool gif of a hot random brunette chick which received many up votes at the party.Sparky talked of the the electric year the Sooners will have in football.London really enjoyed the beer fried chicken and BBQ while drinking with his OU kooze Jed spoke of the good ole Blake Bell days while Trob said Oklahoma state sucks a few times. Jason told a story of how he was in a fight and told his rival to come after him he’s a man he’s 40 even Gundy laughed.Rick was being Rick of course and cracked a few Poke’s jokes. Dustin showed all of us his Wanye’s World Soundtrack OU edition which was a big hit at the party.Matt kept bringing up how excited he was for Perine to get to play Kansas again this year.While Cush placed a bet that Perine cracks 500 against Kansas this year.Oscar said double or nothing and 47 liked the odds and took the bet.Malicongs happened to also be a bookie and made sure the money was there. Golf on a side bet took OU to beat Texas sucks by 20 or more and then swong his OU golf club and crushed a Texas suck ball at the party. 76 Came by for alittle bit and brought everyone some Texas sucks shirts.Alar was very pleased by this. Robertson was the only one to get the Texas sucks with Bevo on fire Woods envied his shirt very much and ordered one. Bleed spoke of how fun it is to make Longhorns Bleed while Dave was waitng on more Bevo to come off of the grill. JR made a joke of why Bevo died that went like this still funny by the way Bevo died because they on fed Bevo when the Longhorns won lol. MarkVA thought the joke was outstanding and had shirts made.Super K told everyone about a few more 5 stars we are going to land this year and Cheryl go to look at his secret note book. Zach ate a few pices of chicken and threw the bones at some Longhorn fans which of course was awesome. Collin enjoyed this very much. Jake was being Jake posting cool gifs in the living room and Scott gave them many upvotes. DC brought over a chain saw to cut some more Bevo up with which was exciting to watch.Drew made sure everyone had plenty of Bevo on their plates while Rainy talked about the weather.Vegas is convinced the Sooners should join the Pac12 so he can go to Vegas more often and 737 was excited by this as it would create more flying. Dana said the pac 12 sucks and shut down this idea to which 72 agreed. Tex brought up how Craig James sucks and showed us some cool photos of Craig James son locked in the shed at Taco Tech. Wilson talked about what a celebrity he was in Cast Away and said Tom Hanks was a jerk to work with. Pimp picked up some wild woman and brought them to the party and Doobie well brought over some Doobies of course. Hawk said Texas sucks and Brien agreed. Bear spoke of the Baylor Bears sucking and Colorado said he wants back in the Big 12. Higg said no you cannot come back while woof barked at that and said it was ok for Colorado to come back. Daryl changed the subject to Texas sucks again Joe chimmed in and added Texas sucks for life. Kj created a website Texas sucks eat more Bevo to which Native STL CDZ and CAV al joined right away. Ou know and Framoka joined later that day. Lcarpetron brought over a cool Art Briles book labeled I didn’t know but if I did and Hou offered 25 bucks for it since ART had signed it. Hwnsbn showed everyone a photo of dead Bevo which was awesome while Texas sucks screamed Texas sucks. SKeith really got in to the Texas sucks chant and began yelling it with Canada and Oorah. Mikey then did a keg stand with 89 and 92 while the chant was going on a casy started a new chant that went man this Bevo tasted good 4ever said it was music to his ears and the party ended.
The amount of Texas sucks in this story is awesome
The ultimate Texas sucks hatefest.
Hope all you dads have a great weekend with the family and stay safe! Maybe fathers day can be as rewarding as Mother’s Day was for us in the Boom department, kidding, actually I’m not but I’m certainly not expecting a Boom lol.
Thank you and hope you have. A great weekend
Thanks Super K. Oh and hi everyone. They made me work! ON A FRIDAY!
Still working now unfortunately
Well, it’s that time of year again to play Christmas in July. I like to go around and collect empty Vodka and Gin bottles from friends and family. Then, I fill them up with water and take them around downtown and hand them out to the homeless. They really get a kick out of it, you should see their faces when they realize it’s just water.
Put just a small drop of brake fluid in them and they’ll be squatting or on the toilet for hours and hours! Oh!! I love this fun!!!!
You are doing a great service, keeping them hydrated. 🙂
Heat index in Tulsa is 119 F. Ugh.
Yeah it flat out sucks. Its not much better in OKC.
Was in my barn earlier, I think I can top that number. 🙂
Same here Ray. Went out about 7:30 this morning, looked at my tractor and said, nope not today. I could barely breathe it was so hot and humid already.
A lot of future Sooner Legends here.
How sick is that!!!! Let’s go team Vapor speed
We also have Cam Akers and Najee Harris on this team. I’ve heard some rumors lately about Najee.
We like rumors, do share. 🙂
I have a friend who knows Najee and he told me theirs a slight chance that Najee may use one of his OV for OU. I believe OU is still recruiting AJ Davis. I also heard some rumors about James Robinson , I thought OU was totally out of the running for these guys but I guess not. IMO I don’t think Najee will come but the James Robinson situation could get interesting.
Whole lotta Sooners. Muy Bueno!
Surprised there isn’t one of these on the Baylor campus.
Isaiah 5:20
It’s there. The Baylor Board of Regents hold there meetings there.
I thought that’s was what OSU was?
The herd needs thinning
All 8 of the SoonerSquad17 commits are on the same team for the Opening . Let’s go Sooners !!!!!!!!
<"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tp621n:
two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here
➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsYesGetPay$98Hour…..
Gotta say I’m liking the new blocking feature from Disqus. Two spammers down, a few more to go. This will be real nice when the season gets underway…trolls be gone. 🙂
Yep, 2 blocked so far. lol
Yes for sure, very nice!
Unfortunately, the $98/hr folks appear to start a new account every time around so blocking doesn’t work too well.
You can only shoot one squirrel at a time. 🙂
Yep, but it would be better to find away to keep the squirrels out of the yard to begin with.
Would be nice, but this is the innerwebs we’re talking about.
Would be nice, but this is the innerwebs we’re talking about.
There are much better platforms. Part of the problem is they are using a blogging platform to run a message board.
Yeah, I actually read for a while before I started posting here for the first time because I wasn’t crazy about the platform. I’ve learned to live with it and have noticed that a few sites I view are also using it now. It could be better but it could also be much worse.
So are you saying we need a .50 cal version of a blocking mechanism?
Blocking feature?
Yeah, you can now block a user if you want. To the right of the comment, hit the drop down arrow and select “block user”.
Found another way as well- clicking on the users avatar, then on the elipses ( … ) shows Block User and Report User options, thx.
Yes, that works also.
Blocking feature?
I keep Stephen D unblocked just because….. I like to keep things interesting
I’ve only blocked spammers, won’t block a user unless they are just out of control. I’m good at just ignoring people I don’t agree with. 🙂
QB- Baker Mayfield – Austin Kendell – Tanner Schafer
RB- Samaje Perine – Joe Mixon – Rod Anderson – Daniel Brooks
H-Back- Dimitri Flowers – Carson Meir
OR- Jeff Mead – Jordan Smallwood – Dahu Green
IR- Jarvis Baxter – Mykel Jones
IR- Mark Andrews – Geno Lewis
OR- Dede Westbrook – Geno Lewis – AD Miller
LT- Orlando Brown – Bobby Evans
LG- Cody Ford – Ashton Julious – Jamal Danley
C- Johnathon Alvarez – Alex Dalton – Eric Wren
RG- Ben Powers – Alex Dalton – Jamal Danley
RT- Dru Samia – Christian Daimler
would like jones to be starting by the conference play
Jones and Adams prob both getting ST play at least
Nice, but wouldn’t discount Adams getting some playing time at RB.
Nice, but wouldn’t discount Adams getting some playing time at RB.
I can’t see Mead starting. I would flip Smallwood ahead of him. But then again my guess is not any better than anyone else’s
DE- Charles Walker – Austin Roberts – Neville Gallimore
NT- Matt Romar- Jordan Wade – Marquis Overton
DE- – Matt Dimon – DJ Ward – Duvonta Lampkin
OLB- Obo Okoronkwo – Caleb Kelly
MLB- Jordan Evans – Kapri Doucet – Curtis Bolton
MLB- Tay Evans – Arthur McGinnis – John Michael Terry
OLB- Ricky DeBerry – Mark Jackson
NB- Will Johnson – Chanse Sylvie
CB- Jordan Thomas – PJ Mbanasor
SS- Ahmad Thomas – Khalil Haughton – Prentice McKinney
FS- Steven Parker – Will Sunderland – Prentice McKinney
CB- Dakota Austin – Antoine Stephens
Hope Kelly comes in as advertised, No Quick as backup corner?
I could be wayy off base, but I noticed you had 12 players listed as starters. I feel like I heard somewhere that they were going to use the nickel as the hybrid outside backer, so the only actual OLB would be the jack backer. Again, I could be wayy off base.
NB won’t line up as the Jack. It’s like the West Virginia base defense of 3-3-5. OU almost never ( I would say never as I cannot remember seeing the NB blitz) blitzes the NB but will bring the FS or a CB. Whomever the Jack is usually stays on the field as they have to be able to fall into coverage or they become the fourth pass rusher.
Can’t see DeBerry starting at all.
Q that deep?
Q will still see some playing time at #3. Those big boys get gassed and rotate often. Still think he might emerge as the better of those three.
Neither Romar or Dimon are anywhere near a good a your 3rd spot behind them.
Cody Thomas officially done at OU
What I expected.
Me too. If he stays with LA, he’ll have to work his way back through Oklahoma.
I don’t follow MLB. Where is LA’s farm team?
Triple A OKC
AA in Tulsa
Ok, that crossed my mind just after I posted. I know Tulsa was with the Rockies a while back but I couldn’t place who they went with after that. Maybe he will be playing here up the road real soon.
Probably on his way to the GCL right now. Maybe Tulsa in 2018.
A lot of good ball players came through Tulsa, when they where the Rangers AA club and the Rockies as well. Seen a few kids play last year that are up in AAA this year that will be something special. The Drillers are no joke, seems we have always had good player wear a Drillers jersey.
Good luck young man.
Good for him. For the football team’s sake I wish he wold have stayed another year. Would have been nice to have a backup who had been in a game before.
Still from his standpoint it was probably a good move. Didn’t look like he was going to make it as a big time QB. In football you pretty much have to get signed to an NFL team out of college or you are done. With baseball you can work your way up through the minor leagues and at least pay the bills while you see if you can make it to the top.
We’ll all be rooting for him.
All past, present, and future Sooners. Even Tony Casilas.
I wonder if we don’t see the same thing from Kyler Murray in a few years.
Not too many 5’9″ QBs in the pros these days…….
I wish him the best of luck! Boomer! ! !
Alec Hansen signed, also.
When he announced he was giving up baseball to concentrate on football I thought he had it backwards. Hope it works out for him.
Future Sooners looking for gold. Maggie Nichols and Brenna Dowel.
Question; How do you block a poster?
Click on the little arrow to the right of the user when they post. You will see the option.
Thanks. That could be useful.
Morning TFBERS,its 7:55 and texsa SUCKS———
Morning Metz! Texsa is the black hole of suckage!
It is indeed,morning Bleed!
Hey that is my wife!?!?! Ain’t she purttty boys?
77 DTG
3 All Americans, 1 American hero
Eddie Foster AA 70-73; Bob Kalsu AA 66-67; Ralph Neely AA 62-64; Davin Joseph 02-05
Bob Kalsu, AA, KIA Vietnam
Sad story.
…. FOB Kalsu … still remembering ….
RIP thanks for your service. You will be missed.
Eddie Foster AA
Ralph Neely AA
Davin Joseph
Davin Joseph = first class guy and very well respected, here in the Tampa area.
Between Davin, GK and Lee Roy, the Sooners are really, really well represented and appreciated around here. Hell, Lee Roy has a freeway named after him and is one of the most loved and respected people in Tampa history.
Let’s vote for the future Sooners! Fav for the VaporSpeed.
Who is who?
Alot of Bama and Ou..
Or a lot of Bama and OU…
I still don’t get it. Fav for VS???? Do they mean “like”????? I don’t feel old yet, but sometimes I think I “think” old.
Im with ya,Rick.
I’ve had a real itch to go to my home made range and blast away at something today. Maybe, some AR, some AK, maybe even some 50 cal, unfortunately I’m still up in Sam’s neck of the woods, trying to figure out how to support OUr new set of recruits.
all those names are the new names of their football cleats coming out in august.
Who made WHO——————
Fav for #VaporSpeed has 8 future Soooners
Schedule wallpaper courtesy of @dylanphotog
Beat Houston Beat Ohio State.
So i’m standing there waiting to answer the phone and this guy turns around and tips hat like this. Who do you think that guy was? Metz the banned for life guy I was like MEEETTTTTZZZZZ. HAHAHA. So we went to a party at Dicks house and things out of hand Brown had invited some wild woman over and one thing led to another if you know what I mean. Shelby was cooking some BBQ while this was going on and Jordan was doing a keg stand in the kitchen. Garner brought over some more Jack Daniels which livened up the party. Boom 4 life kept saying Boomer louder and louder the more we drank and Katy was like SOONER. B Good brought in another keg as we finished that one off and was like DOC you need tap this I was happy to tap our new keg filled with joy. Mojo brought the BBQ in from out side and we all ate and talked about how much Texas sucks. Pagan admitted to being the one who burned down big tex at the fair a few years ago which we all thought was awesome. Slim showed us some orange colored Texas gear which was bought at a Walmart to burn. David brought some lighter fluid and we all watched it burn together in the back yard. 403 was now that is some burnt orange right there.Inks showed us a new Texas sucks tattoo while Mike showed us some Longhorn toilet paper he picked up. Sooper was like need t for my bathroom right there.Ed began drinking beer from our second keg in his Texas sucks mug while lane brought us out Texas sucks cigars to smoke. Soonersd came over on the Sooner Schooner and was the life of the party until passing out from one to many Mack Brown sucks shots. Jim In Texas came buy and gave us some BEVO to put on the grill while Chubbs picked up some buns and cheese for the BEVO to be served with. Sanchez talked about how cool OU was and RAIDA talked about how much Taco Tech sucks. Boz talked about the BOZ ofcourse. Ray stopped by and brought us a bucket of chicken from KFC.Hogg was like man that is some good chicken right there. CC was excited to be copied on a Texas sucks email. While rocket spoke of the good day Griffin had 7 touchdowns against Texas sucks. Brandon wouldn’t quit bringing up the Sugar Bowl victory from a few years ago. Fear admitted his biggest fear in life is a loss to Texas sucks too years in a row.Bob wanted to know if what about Bob 2 was coming out with Bob Stoops we all said no LOL. Dawg said he hates Gerogia almost as much as Texas but not quite. Sam listened to Sammy Hagar SAM I AM on repeat and kept telling everyone at the party how much cooler than METZ he was which of course SAM is cooler than Metz we all know that.JP kept showing everyone this cool gif of a hot random brunette chick which received many up votes at the party.Sparky talked of the the electric year the Sooners will have in football.London really enjoyed the beer fried chicken and BBQ while drinking with his OU kooze Jed spoke of the good ole Blake Bell days while Trob said Oklahoma state sucks a few times. Jason told a story of how he was in a fight and told his rival to come after him he’s a man he’s 40 even Gundy laughed.Rick was being Rick of course and cracked a few Poke’s jokes. Dustin showed all of us his Wanye’s World Soundtrack OU edition which was a big hit at the party.Matt kept bringing up how excited he was for Perine to get to play Kansas again this year.While Cush placed a bet that Perine cracks 500 against Kansas this year.Oscar said double or nothing and 47 liked the odds and took the bet.Malicongs happened to also be a bookie and made sure the money was there. Golf on a side bet took OU to beat Texas sucks by 20 or more and then swong his OU golf club and crushed a Texas suck ball at the party. 76 Came by for alittle bit and brought everyone some Texas sucks shirts.Alar was very pleased by this. Robertson was the only one to get the Texas sucks with Bevo on fire Woods envied his shirt very much and ordered one. Bleed spoke of how fun it is to make Longhorns Bleed while Dave was waitng on more Bevo to come off of the grill. JR made a joke of why Bevo died that went like this still funny by the way Bevo died because they on fed Bevo when the Longhorns won lol. MarkVA thought the joke was outstanding and had shirts made.Super K told everyone about a few more 5 stars we are going to land this year and Cheryl go to look at his secret note book. Zach ate a few pices of chicken and threw the bones at some Longhorn fans which of course was awesome. Collin enjoyed this very much. Jake was being Jake posting cool gifs in the living room and Scott gave them many upvotes. DC brought over a chain saw to cut some more Bevo up with which was exciting to watch.Drew made sure everyone had plenty of Bevo on their plates while Rainy talked about the weather.Vegas is convinced the Sooners should join the Pac12 so he can go to Vegas more often and 737 was excited by this as it would create more flying. Dana said the pac 12 sucks and shut down this idea to which 72 agreed. Tex brought up how Craig James sucks and showed us some cool photos of Craig James son locked in the shed at Taco Tech. Wilson talked about what a celebrity he was in Cast Away and said Tom Hanks was a jerk to work with. Pimp picked up some wild woman and brought them to the party and Doobie well brought over some Doobies of course. Hawk said Texas sucks and Brien agreed. Bear spoke of the Baylor Bears sucking and Colorado said he wants back in the Big 12. Higg said no you cannot come back while woof barked at that and said it was ok for Colorado to come back. Daryl changed the subject to Texas sucks again Joe chimmed in and added Texas sucks for life. Kj created a website Texas sucks eat more Bevo to which Native STL CDZ and CAV al joined right away. Ou know and Framoka joined later that day. Lcarpetron brought over a cool Art Briles book labeled I didn’t know but if I did and Hou offered 25 bucks for it since ART had signed it. Hwnsbn showed everyone a photo of dead Bevo which was awesome while Texas sucks screamed Texas sucks. SKeith really got in to the Texas sucks chant and began yelling it with Canada and Oorah. Mikey then did a keg stand with 89 and 92 while the chant was going on a casy started a new chant that went man this Bevo tasted good 4ever said it was music to his ears and the party ended. Enjoy TFB Family.
I’m laughing so hard, I nearly pee’d myself!!! Good Job! I would make one correction in Dustin’s absence, *Texsa” where ever appropriate. I actually had to put my glasses on to finish.
You are correct Rick I should have put Texsa sucks but I’m happy you liked it. Sam has started a new trend here.
You guys, at times show quite a flair for the artistic. Maybe one of those community books written from like minded people is in order. I think a group of SciFi writers did that a few years ago with Stephen King (I think).
TFB book labeled Who is TFB what you don’t know about TFB.
Inside the front lines of the Brainiacs and how OU keeps winning.
Destined for the OKC’s best seller’s list, it will be a hit!
I’m thinking the same thing also written By Jordan Esco.
Ghost writer 🙂
You need to be added to the list METZ and I should talk about that.
<"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tp1552n:
two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here
➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsPartnerGetPay$98Hour…..
Well done Doc!! I’m waiting to see if any pictures from the party are leaked to the TFB board 🙂
I would post pics but I don’t want to embarrass Jordan Metz Super K or SAM they got kind of wild.
<"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tp1164n:
two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here
➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsEvolutionGetPay$98Hour…..
Did K get nekkid again?
One photo from the party things got wild———-
I was hoping for 5000 up votes lol.
Lol but my gifs are NOT random!
Lol. So how many WPB?? (words per beer)
15 lol.
A W E S O M E. LMAO!!! That took some time.
???? love it
Hell of a party!
Had a great time. When is the next party?
In Lubbock Tx for the TECH game at METZ”S.
In Lubbock Tx for the TECH game at METZ”S.
That was fantastic and I do love to drink beer. BOOMER!
That was fantastic and I do love to drink beer. BOOMER!
Party was LIT. texas does suck. Hey can my other brother Daryl come to the next party!
any news with Bryce Younguist?
Nothing beyond what Stoops supplied on signing day. Lots of rumor, inuendo, conjecture. The kid’s twitter page is still 100% Boomer Sooner. It was stated something personal, rumored health, so I’ve got to think it was something he was wanting to work out in his life. Stoops said it was nothing to do with anything legal or criminal or anything like that.
I would hope that by this time next year, people would stop asking. The family and OU have made it clear that the family wants this to be private. OU should be commended for respecting their wishes. We do not have the right to know. If anything changes, it will be all over the boards. Time for everyone to show the family respect and move on.
And it’s not like this question isn’t asked on here all the time and the same answer given. I checked it was asked on Thursday.
You’re right, let’s all wade through all the crap in the comments to find meaningful answers to football relevant questions. This comment board has become a joke.
I limit myself to the top of the daily news and then read all of the open posts hoping for some football news.
Agree, I stick to the paid boards more now. This honestly used to be a great board but in the last couple months it has simply turned into a a joke. I love the content we get from TFB but this format just really does not work at all.
I watched a movie abOUt yOU. Clueless.
Seriously, I believe that most of the folks on this board would welcome any new news you get from paid boards. Feel free to initiate a football conversation with any pertinent info.
It is June BTW, not a whole lot going on.
Why are you on it? Serious, just curious. I’m sure Jordan would be willing to listen to any compelling arguments for change if many people feel it’s needed.
Nothing we love better here in Sooner Nation than belittling someone that asks a simple question. Make sure and tell all your friends and come back soon. Boomer!
So it is fathers day weekend as everyone here knows. I must clean out METZ AKA my fathers garage today. Very depressing but it must be done. You all may not know that METZ has been whining about the condition of his garage for about a year now. It is mostly my hot rod junk and a bunch of his old junk that sits in this garage. Now while I clean out his garage for Fathers day I am considering stealing his 450 150 and 100 to keep for my own. It is only fair as he never rides them. By the way METZ is a rich dude so a Fathers day gift for the METZ who already has it all is out of the question.
Stephen Dale style what I’m doing right now at 1230 on Saturday—————-
I rebuke your LLAMMAAAAAAAA————
You’re such a wonderful person. It’s a shame that Metz didn’t inherit all your DNA. You sure he’s yours?
Congratz to the Reindeer lovers on making the CWS. Game about to start for any hoping the Cowpokes (Was gonna say Cowgirls, but didn’t want to offend any girls OUt there) can represent the state.
Just another reason on why we hate Bailor
who’s in the NFL now?
They’ve proven it on and off the field.
And rapists, don’t forget the rapists.
This is about culture. Mental and Physical.
It is, Bleed. So thankful and blessed to be an OU Sooners fan every single day.
When I look back at the games of BU over the last few years, I wonder how much of it is coaches leading the yOUng players to be mentally and physically abusive, or how much is it abOUt recruiting disreputable yOUng men? The dirty players show up every game.
Awful. The hit and the guy’s hair. Wow.
I remember that typical dirty Baylor.
So my family and I are starting our cross-country trek for my new job in Washington (state). Landed tonight in Norman to visit with the in-laws and friends for a week, and then we are off. Had a great dinner at Tarahumera’s, and drove by the new stadium. Hot damn, I can’t wait to be at the home opener this year to see the new stadium in all its glory!! Hope all of you have a great Father’s Day (if applicable!) and rest of the weekend! Maybe we will start getting juicier OP’s since all the freshman should be there next week!
I thought this was a pretty good article.
Re-watching the LSU / OU game on ESecPNU. OMG, Buddy and Cousins is going to be sooooo missed!!!
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two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here
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Need votes Not sure how this is even close?!?
Because twitter is dumb.
There is that.
Happy dad’s day to all!
Happy Father’s Day to all you fahders out there in TFB land!
The only thing wrong with the 3 B12 teams at the CWS in Omaha is that none of them are Oklahoma.
Gonna have to root for Lil Bro in the CWS. Another title in the state of OK ain’t bad.
Agree. It’s Oklahoma even if it’s orange.
Sorry, gonna have to respectfully disagree. Could never root for OsU.
76 DTG
Happy Father’s Day
Mark Van Keirsbilk 85-89; Steve Williams 78-82; Richard Murray 75-77
Mark Van Keirsbilk
Steve Williams
Didn’t he ‘rasl as Dr. Death?
Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads out there in Brainiac land!!! “It’s another great day to be a SOONER” It will forever be etched in my brain the football wrestling Matches him and Hacksaw Jim Dugan would have, the old OU vs. SMU showdown. Good times.
Dr. Death was the best!
I became a huge Sooner fan thanks to this cat. I used to watch old school Championship Wrestling with my dad on Sunday mornings with my dad. Steven Dr. Death Williams was my fav. How could I not support the Sooners if Dr. Death went to school there?
Yep, the old Mid-South Championship Wrestling was my favorite!!
Happy Fathers Day!!!
???Ⓜ️ER‼️ ?⭕️⭕N️ER‼️
Happy Father’s day
Internet rumor: Lakers may take Buddy at #2.
I would be shocked, but thrilled.
Prefer my Celtics, at #3 (but don’t see that happening either). I think he’s probably 5-7, but I have to say that he really seems to have gained some momentum in workouts.
What a great kid. I wish him only success.
Oklahoma rising junior Rylee Reinertson claimed the 49th Nebraska Match Play Championship, played at the Firethorn Golf Club in Lincoln, Neb.
Waiting for an announcement from Joe Castiglione on who the new tennis coach will be. Anybody have a clue???
Father’s Day rmeinds me of the great Bing Crosy line from “Holiday Inn,” where a young lady tells him that her dad never amounted to much in the business world, but was devoted to his family.
“Were you happy?” Bing asks?
“Oh, yes, she reponds.
“Then your father was a very successful man,” Bng says.
To all the Sooner men out there –whether or not you have a a fancy car or house, or a VP title next to your name — If you’re a good father, then you are “a very successful man.”
Enjoy the day…
Good stuff Walter.
Good stuff Walter.
Yes, Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad’s here and passed- however, Bing Crosby and Fathers Day are like water and vinegar.
Well, maybe as a father himself. But in his character in the film, he was great
Yes, Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad’s here and passed- however, Bing Crosby and Fathers Day are like water and vinegar.
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in the TFB Family. Have a fantastic day fellas. BOOMER SOONER!
Mean while at Baylor————-
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there! 11:26 Mountain Standard and texas still SUCKS!
How many of you knew that Bill Cosby is one of Baylor’s biggest fans.—————
He’s a fan of whoever granted him an honorary degree
He’s also a Pokie State fan. When he did a standup routine at the Oklahoma Civic Center in the 90’s, he got an honorary degree from them before his show.
Happy Fathers Day. This song pretty well sums up all men…especially the very end.
Anyone know if Johncarlo Valentin and Kapri Doucet have reported yet?
Well, Valentin, being from the norheast, didn’t graduate til early to mid June. He should be soon.
John Carlos just graduated Friday day before yesterday.
Next week then, maybe.
<"my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr"…..!tp1552n:
two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 Dollars..it was my previous month's payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it's realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here
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Cleveland will burn cars tonight.
I hope they burn mine.
I hope they burn mine.
Aaaaaaand SUCKIT Draymond Green.
Wish it were our boyz, but the fact that it isn’t Green & Curry either helps cut the sting.
That was a close but ugly game 7. I don’t watch much NBA, and I don’t think I’ve missed much. I can’t see either of these teams being able to hang with the ’90s Bulls or Showtime Lakers.
I miss the 90’s NBA!
BC, I can’t begin to tell you how crazy it is here, in Northeast Ohio.
I can imagine. I am not a fan of the Cav’s. Glad I do not have to be that close. 🙂
Was this national sleep-in day and I forgot?
Yes,i think it was!
Well, can’t wait any longer. Got to get some more done before the heat starts melting everything. I’ll check back later. 🙂
I actually got up early for once. First day of summer!
Well glad that weekend is over. Good Morning all. Boomer!
Hey Lane, Any relations to any Gilstraps from OKC> My mothers side are Gilstraps and we had 7 gilstraps participate in the American Revolution.
I’m not sure. I have family that live in Norman and Edmond but they are my aunts which both are married so they don’t use the name. My grandparents are from Sentinel, Ok and my grandpas brothers (some of them) are in Cali
Those seven make for a wide family tree.
I don’t have any there to my knowledge but it’s not impossible
Sooner! Morning, TFB people!
Is it the weekend yet? Morning Sooners!
Morning, 76!
Morning Slim!
Morning Slim!
Bob Stoops, respecting his roots. https://twitter.com/OU_CoachStoops/status/744723575630761984
?…. No Sooners News Daily….?
Not yet. Jordan must be busy. I think I take him for granted too much.
I really hope we can keep Murray away from Tejas. That kid is going to be something special. I don’t want to lose another “longtime fan” to the shorthorns, especially a kid like Murray. Hopefully, with Tejas only being able to take three more at this point and possibly three more in the summer, due to attrition, they won’t have room for him. One would think that he is a guy you just have to take over another but, who knows.
Link to some OU stuff. http://sports.yahoo.com/m/cb28b099-0a76-349f-9c0a-32ef0f53f030/ss_four-players-that-will-be.html?nhp=1
Lol Hofeld thinks Alvarez is staying at guard
If this does not impact our expansion thoughts….
Well this blows for the Big 12. Really need to find a way to get out of here.
Sounds like ESPN realized they aren’t as popular as they thought they were. Get rid of the college games and we get rid of you. I don’t even watch ESPN.
Time to move on.
Oh wait! It has been since Nebbish left.
This Monday morning suuuucckkss…. ugh
Morning all
Morning Dave!.
Morning Woofer
good morning..
I need a super coffee to wake my ass up
Morning Birddawg
Good morning TFB family & BOOMER!!
JE so…
Buenos días
Ramsey got his face chewed off!!! Hahaha
Awesome huh!!!!!!!!!! Should have feed those dogs.
Full hour of blood guts and dragons… Haha I loved it
Morning TFBERS,and BOOMER!!!!!!!!!!————
If you are an OsU fan……
Sooner!!! Where’s Jordon??
Daily is up
New post is up…..