Image of Velus Jones via highschoolsports.al.com
– Velus Jones Jr. Announcement Watch: As we mentioned yesterday, Velus Jones (Saraland, AL) is expected to announce his commitment today at around 2:00 pm. – (TFB)
– Team Note | Marcus Green: We have been monitoring the status of redshirt freshman cornerback Marcus Green for the past few days after receiving word he wasn’t at the team’s practice this past Saturday. What we were told is that Green may be dealing with some off-the-field issues. We do not have any definitive word at this time as to his status with the program, but it’s probably worth noting Green is not currently listed on the Oklahoma Football Roster. – (TFB)
– Team Note | Jordan Thomas: It should probably come as no surprise but according to what TFB has been told, there is not expected to be any disciplinary measures — from a playing time standpoint — taken against Jordan Thomas for the speeding ticket incident over the weekend. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (9:38 am): As mentioned in the comments below, AL.com is reporting that Velus Jones will in fact NOT announce his commitment today as previously planned. The story also states Jones is undecided at this time as to when he will now announce his commitment.
– UPDATE (3:35 pm): Sooners have evidently offered 2017 DE Malik Herring (Forsyth, GA).
numero uno!!!
Good news on JT.
people always trying to blow things out of proportion….kid needs to handle his business but this is just ridiculous it was even a thing.
Well it is news that he got arrested. Once the facts are reported though, it becomes OK, nothing to see here.
I fully expect and want a big ole “Boom” later on today
and one Thur (Bosse) and one Friday (Daniels) #BoomBoomBoom
Come on guys. Hold it together.
So is green thinking about transferring? I know the rumors were out there during the off season when windham transferred.
Speaking of corners can we start a petition to move stanvon to offense?
From what I gather, if he is in fact gone…it isn’t voluntarily. Stoops isn’t putting up with the nonsense anymore. They’ve got recruits wanting to come to OU and a NC to win. Anyone not doing what they’re supposed to be doing is going to be shown the door and replaced
No reason to put up with someone not paying the rent when you have a waiting list for rooms.
Is OU recruiting this Derrick Willis? He seems like a prototype WR. I know he’s “committed” to TT, but heard OU was after him from another site.
The fact his Aunt and Uncle live 10 minutes from campus could really help us here in regards to Velus Jones
Yea I saw like 4 or 5 guys crystal balled him to OU within the last 24 hours.
Yeah the Crystal Ball has him 100% OU. But then they also have him listed as a hard commit to USC.
They must have used one for those black eight ball you turn over after asking a question.
Posted before looking for an OU trifecta this week.
Yeah it helps for sure
But, but the Twitter trolls told me he was the spawn of satan.
I don’t know that I can celebrate Velus Jones’ commitment to OU this afternoon in good conscience knowing that OU allows such sadistic behavior to occur… i.e., not paying speeding tickets.
It gets worse. I heard it was actually paid but something held it up from appearing in the system. The humanity! 🙂
Probably because he paid in funny money. -The Internet
The Bitcoin check bounced?
For real? Like he shouldn’t have been detained at all..?
Super K, please tell me you’re joking?
Not kidding. The family attorney is not happy
No kidding. I saw ESPN covered the arrest. I doubt they’ll write a follow up article, or update the existing one, that states that it was due to a clerical error.
That’s weak man.
I didn’t realize they did that. Amazing how they cover all of the non-SEC arrests. Wonder whatever happened to the Bama player that was a meth dealer that got busted a year or 2 ago? Never made much news on eSECpn…wonder why?!
I have heard the same thing as K. I heard it was an administrative error. This happens more than you think. Always keep your receipts for a long while after paying any type of fine.
K, I believe in being accountable, but at nearly 60 years old now, I’m glad that some of the things I did in my youth were survivable, much less handled by paying a fine. (Whether on time or not)
I’ve often thought that it was a miracle I made it through my time at OU being arrested or suffering major injuries. I was truly blessed, indeed.
That’s nuts. Have you heard how he was even arrested in the first place? I mean did he get pulled over Sat night and the police saw he had a warrant out of grady and held him or did grady actually come to Norman to arrest him?
They don’t do warrant visits on weekends, so he was caught outside of his home. Probably pulled over for something.
Several news sources are saying the speeding ticket was only paid yesterday, thus his release.
Don’t look for local media to issue any apologies for publishing a kid’s mugshot prematurely… Smh
There’s “reporting the news” and there’s fishing for clicks. You be the judge.
If they are just reporting the incident I don’t have a problem with it. It’s when they go fishing for clicks by insinuating there is more or giving their opinion.
Today’s trivia question: Will Aber stand by this, and provide an update with the actual reason that has come to light?
NewsOK will say anything for views.
True, but will they say truth even if it won’t get any views? “Nothing to see here, clerical error” wouldn’t take much effort.
Probably not, a lot of their writing feeds off drama (real or not) and they’ll blow it up because they know that they’ll either get views or a reaction out of readers/writers.
I wasn’t too much in the Velus story, but since Tennessee is on him, I want him even more. It would be good for the staff to win this battle after they jacked K. Mack. Hoping for a Boom, but we will be okay either way
Velus has some great highlight film. My only question: If he’s from Alabama and a dynamic WR, why didn’t Bama and Auburn offer? Is it because they’re full at WR?
I don’t know about Auburn. But part of Saban’s system is that he looks for certain measurables at each position. All the Bama WRs I remember are the big pro type receivers. Jones is only 5’10” 180. He may not meet Saban’s criteria.
Maybe. I just briefly looked at Bama’s roster and most of the WR’s are over 6’0″. They have 2 WR that are 5’11” and 5’6″
Those must be kick returners only.
Bama needs guys who can win a ball in a fight. Any separation will be lost thanks to an inaccurate throw by the QB. 🙂
I see what you did there.
The two recruits I’m most excited about, that OU has a shot with, are Caleb Kelly and EJ Price
Any word if Price is still interested in OU/taking an OV soon?
I think it’s in January. From what I heard, he’s interested in UGA after the HC hire.
I’m not as hooked on Price as most I guess. I know depth is always a good thing, but not as concerned about the OT position since Zeus and Samia have came on so strong this year. Don’t get me wrong, I want Price, but it just makes the blow a bit easier if he chooses elsewhere since those 2 seemed to really found their way now, and will be here for another 3 seasons afterwards anchoring down the OT positions. + we still have a dynamic Bobby Evans that hasn’t played yet. Nothing wrong with competition and depth tho, please don’t take me wrong. I would welcome Price in in a heartbeat.
And (if) OU gets Tramonda Moore, along with their current commits Julious, Powers, and Roberson, that’s a good class for Coach B.
So while OU has some good depth, I think Price is the real deal. Prototypical LT that plays mean and moves well. He should be a very good college player wherever he goes
Just a reminder for how much I appreciate TFB. Thanks for all the hard work.
In Response to Super K’s comments below… Kirk wanted me to pass along a message:
When Herby called out Baylor on National TV for being Bush League I said to myself maybe there is a glimmer of hope for ESPN. I quickly came to my senses but it was a wonderful moment in time!
Ha, right there with you.
Whew! For a minute there I was getting Marcus Green confused with Will Johnson. We don’t want to be without Will Johnson in the playoffs. Hope things work out for Green.
Green is still a talented kid…Hate to see him not have his stuff together.
You guys think Chuy’s would sponsor a live commitment feed? I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to some “booms” or some free Chuy’s! (Food for thought)
It’s beautiful…
I love being an American. No one should truly like hot dogs or tex-mex, but I do. I could eat both today.
As someone who lives in Alabama I would point out al.com is about the same to news as the Bleacher Report is to sports reporting. Though this is simple enough they may have got it right.
Don’t blame the guy for not wanting to announce on his birthday. Those are four big schools, and each one is going to have a large number (yet small percentage) of immature fans. When he commits, there’s going to be a lot of people bashing his decision, no matter who he chooses.
Chris Daniels is the one announcing on his birthday…
My bad. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he changes as well.
Not sure why people are confident about Velus to OU. Now that he postponed it, all bets are off. My thinking is he goes to Tennessee or possibly Notre Dame (saw that he has a January OV there)
I understand was hoping this young athlete just goes where his heart leads him. Have always wondered why he never announced his decommitment from USC. Maybe he just wants to enjoy his official visits.
It’s whoever gets in his ear last. Whether that’s OU, Tennessee, or ND. I think the Tennessee in-home the other day played a role in his delaying
I bet if Bama or Auburn offers he stays in state, though
Who’s to say he wasn’t ready to decide on Tennessee and took a step back to think about that?
update added
Sucks to hear that about Marcus Green. He’s been great on punt and kick coverage
So that can’t be good news for us
Well that sucks, gotta think we’re trending downward on Velus
I’m curious, Moore said the only thing holding him back from committing to OU is LosuR. I wonder how much that has to do with his HS coach in his ear because it’s definitely not the play on the field. Also, the mass exodus of recruits going on in stoolwater right now is crazy. They have zero momentum right now. Moore seems like a good, smart kid though.
There’s a Jedi posing as a recruiter, “You won’t announce your commitment today”
Isn’t that old Jedi mind trick effective on the “weak minded”?
Ya, but what is “weak minded” in a galaxy that can travel at light speed?
Oh, I don’t know…. maybe a NewsOk beat writer?
I remember going to the very first Star Wars, after reading one of the local reviews, of the movie being awful. Some of my college buds went to see it saying it was a “cool flick”. I had no idea who Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, or Harrison Ford was at the time.
Funny. “State of the art” special effects in a generation where you could actually say “Wow”! Not much to say “Wow”! about these days, well except for Baker Mayfield.
Dont have a good feeling about velus jones committing to the #sooners how bout yal
Depends on how long he waits. The Sooners could demonstrate a lot of reasons to want to join the team in the coming weeks.
Pretty strong point right there!
Yea winning helps but for some reason that tradition doesnt help ou that much as u would think mayb it our location
OU may not want him to commit yet because it might scare someone off we are going hard after. Possible?
Its been speculated that Velus was/is a silent OU recruit. If thats the case and he decided not to announce today then that wouldnt be a good sign as I see it. He could be having second thoughts. Purely speculation on my part though.
So with Green no longer on the team we have an extra ship to offer now, HMMMM Brandon Burton maybe?!?! Guess is a serious note, if the kid doesn’t want to be here or he was kicked off that is a shame but, IDK the situation but, still the reality is either you work hard or stay out of trouble if you want to be a Sooner, Stoops don’t mess around. But seriously another ship to offer is ok with me!
Brien, back to this Derrick Willis. Another site said OU is recruiting him. They say he’s committed to TT, but that OU is recruiting him, so I just wondered if you knew. You seem to be up on recruiting. I’m not, except what I read here and something that is discussed for free.
I know we had recruited him and I am seeing that he played for Iowa and left went to Trinity C.C. and committed to Tech. 247 has him down as recruited by OU and got an off on Nov 2nd and visited on the 6th he is big 6’4 and about 210. He is a home run threat and I think maybe he could be a kid that maybe the Sooners took a back seat on due to a silent commit. Could have helped had Velus actually made his announcement today. I say he could be hard to snag from Tech as he has been a commit for a while now. But, the Stoops Iowa ties and the need for WR help could help sway him, I will look more into it and see what I can get.
Thx. He looks like a good big-body WR
Some of his HS highlights!
I think it’s pretty obvious the kid doesn’t want to be here, and we really don’t need him. He hasn’t contributed by now, probably never would .
My inside source says Velus is coming to OU
ah, sure. Whatever.
My inside source is saying him and Kelly both to ND, and that Cleveland flipped Oliver and they are both coming to OU, so is Price, Juraez, and Greg Little, oh and AP is leaving the NFL to play his senior year so is Bradford!!!!
It’s awful early to be smoking whatever has affected your thinking. But I like you train of thought. Lol.
LOL it’s just to early for me in general Sir, but I was trying to make a point that no one but the kid himself probably knows and that there is no inside source!
Given the information we have, I don’t think the kid even knows at this point. Some people don’t seem to get this (not you). These kids are trying to make the biggest decision they have ever made in their life. It is not surprising that the process is full of confusion. I would guess that a lot of people on here faced with that big a decision might change their mind more than once when trying to make it.
100% Bob and that’s why I don’t get mad when a kid doesn’t choose OU. People need to remember they are kids and that they want to play for their favorite or where they think they can have success or make a difference. Plus give me kids that want to be here and Stoops has always done just fine in getting quality kids, 9 Big 12 championships backs that up!
When relationships have to be formed obviously different personalities come in to play so I never put too much time in trying to figure out why a kid chooses one school or coach over the other.
Totally agree. Went thru this recruiting merry-go-round at this time last year. Posters on here said it all works out in the end. I guess we will all know the 1st weekend in February. I’ve got a sign on the fridge out in my Ghetto that says “Good things come to those who wait”. Guess I will have to wait.
I have been watching OU football since Steve Owens was running for the Heisman. Every year there are several WTF moments. Some are the WTF why did he suddenly decide to go somewhere else. Others are WTF how did we get him? Orlando Brown is one of the more recent examples of those.
As is Perine, Mayfield, Shep, Flowers, Brown, Parker, Thomas, Striker, Walker, Mixon.
I am thinking more the come out of nowhere types like Brown. Shep, for instance, grew up at OU so it wasn’t a big surprise. Still he could have easily gone to another school so you aren’t wrong.
Well I just love Shep and love that he is as good as he is and that he is a Sooner. Some kids I am just thankful that we got them.
I have to say even though we are at 13 recruits right now those 13 are pretty impressive and last year with the whole the sky is falling we got a really nice class and next years is off to a great start! We will be fine and my slogan is “anything worth having is worth the wait and worth the effort”
Maybe Tyrie Cleveland switched his commitment to OU this morning and we are now full at the WR position? 😉 A guy can dream right?
Could this kid be Baker Mayfield 2.0. I wonder if our coaches even know about him. Take a look at him. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2015/12/why_hasnt_the_quarterback_who.html
Wow, I agree his film looks really good!
His ability to get out of trash is some stuff just can’t be coached. He will need to work on staying in the pocket a little longer. A good college QB coach could do a lot with his abilities. I like him and would like to see him walk on at OU.
Yep the kid looks pretty special.
59 td’s, 3 int’s. He seems to be extremely accurate as well as elusive.
Canadian. He seems to have made the transition from ice to grass.
This is the kid I would offer. I couldn’t care less about practice reps or measurables, we need gamers. Not trying to sandbag the kid but TK was a rep wonder and when his timing is on he can really do some things but it takes a certain type to have the ability to create and will plays to success.
I have a feeling this is about to blow up. Offers in 3…2…1..
Especially like the photo of him hurdling the Longhorn laying on the ground. Seems to be ‘a sign’ of what could be.
Maybe Jordan could get this highlight film to the OU coaches. It’s possible they already know about him but they might not.
Pretty impressive, never really saw him put a lot of velocity on the ball but the touch and his ability to locate the ball is pretty incredible. His throwing motion, body type and running remind me of Colt McCoy
Very impressive, but those defenses were pretty weak.
My thought s as well… but, he made some eerily similar plays to Bakers- I’d certainly give him a look if I were recruiting.
As a general rule, D-1 football coaches are a better judge of talent than message board readers. He plays 2A ball. Alabama goes up to 7A. Pretty weak competition indeed. Probably explains the lack of offers.
Didn’t even need to watch this whole thing to know that this kid has that it factor.
Do we not already have our 2016 QB? Anyone really thing we just throw another one on top?
Yes, we have a commit for 2016. Did you say the same thing when they threw Baker on top of the existing QB’s? How do you know the existing commit will even pan out. No one does. Obviously plenty on here think this kid is worth looking into, especially with the possibility of TK9 leaving.
As a preferred walk-on yes, but I don’t think OU should offer the kid
If we throw another on top it will be Kyle Allan former 5* transfer or something. Can’t see taking a random shot at this point!
That makes perfect sense. This kid, no.
Wow. I think a lot Schools will regret not offering him.
It really is scarey how his tape looks so much like Baker.
Don’t understand why he doesn’t have a D1 offer. Kid is very talented for sure. Three things coaches have to decide I think is can he translate his talent to the D1 level, arm velocity and throwing in to tight coverage. I didn’t see enough passes that displayed velocity nor throwing into tight coverage. Actually I was wondering if he was playing beyond the OU line from earlier in the season. Kid was running for his life most of the time but keeps his eyes up field. I did get the feeling that he gets happy feet and needs to deliver the ball sooner, which might eliminate some of the running around. However, he does move the coverage with his feet so maybe his receivers can’t get separation so he helps them with his movement. Kid is a champion, athlete and competitor. You can always use kids like this in your program.
As a police officer, I say a warrant on a speeding ticket is not a big deal. It needs to get taken care of but that is all. We have bigger things to worry about.
Just want to say thanks for what you do! You are very much appreciated.
Thanks for your willingness to put your life on the line for the safety of others.
David you could take SD off the TFB for us and maybe himself.
One of the brainiacs is claiming that the speeding ticket was paid and that it didn’t register in their system.
Thanks for your service.
I got a warrant issued for my arrest once. I got a fine for not having my light rail pass on me on the way to work, and totally forgot about it. I got home from Christmas and checked my mail to see a notification that a warrant had been issued. I arranged for a court date and the judge dismissed the fine and warrant.
Indeed. Stay safe!
Totally agree! Where do you work David? I am a detective for KCPD. Stay safe.
KCMO? I’ve been in your jail. LOL
Yes!!! Lmao!!! That is awesome!
I lived in Raymore for about 25 years. LOL! Yeah, I got to spend 12 hours there for a misunderstanding and no charges were filed.
Misunderstanding huh
Had to do with my ex-wife and a lie she told. Once the truth was out I was free to go. That was a LOOOONG time ago. LOL
Hence the X part good job
and to think, at one point she was ‘the one’…..
True i often see a hottie and think wow,but there is some guy somewhere that will tell you what a bitch she is lol.
or, put another way as a rule for guidance, no matter how beautiful she is there is a guy somewhere, sometime that is tired of her sh–
LOL! That ain’t no lie. At least I found the RIGHT one soon there after. Been together over 21 years now.
Thats nice golf happy for ya.
Words of wisdom to live by.
and tired of f’ing her
my favorite……….knew a guy that lived in japan and met the loveliest, etc japanese girl…………got married, then divorced……..”it was great ’til after the marriage and then she went all-ninja on me”
LOL! Mine decided, after we had two children, that she did not want to be a mother anymore. She even told the judge in our divorce hearing that I was the best father she had ever seen. The judge was dumbfounded by her. Then gave me custody of our 2 and 3 year old kiddies.
I had a similar experience, except with twin boys and a girl. I was Mr Mom for about 10 years. It was tough, but I’d do it again if I had to.
Me too. I moved my ex out of our house while my kids were visiting my mom. When they came home my three year old daughter asked if her mommy died. I said no, she just is living somewhere else. She said do we get to live with you dad? I said yes, she said ok and that was the end of the conversation.
Man, that story brings back so many memories for me. My kids are 30 yrs old now but at least now they understand (and appreciate!) what I did for them back then. But it was a struggle for sure. God bless you and people like you who put the children first.
And you as well! My kids are in their mid-20’s now. There were a lot of struggles early on for me and I even had a girl tell me she could never date me because I was a single father and my kids would come first. I was like, there’s the door… I would do it all over again in a heartbeat though! I met a woman though about a year after I got divorced that told me flat out she would have never dated me if I had NOT been a father. We’ve been together for a long time now.
Amen Bro. I got remarried 11 yrs ago to a perfect woman. They are out there, but you have to dig some to find them.
Exactly! I found mine soul mate without looking. We were actually friends for a while until a friend of ours set us up. She was like there are a bunch of us going out to cheer (my wife) up. It was this chick and her boyfriend and my wife and I. LOL! We’ve been together since that night though. She told us that we were perfect for each other and we should see us together the way other people saw us.
Good luck to you man. It is hard but nothing more fulfilling that watching the little guys thrive. Respect
Yep, they are all grown now and I have a 2 year old granddaughter. I spoil her every second I get to see her.
Caddie pulled the wrong club?
Used to book bands for some bars up in the market district (north of downtown). Probably way before your time. Worked out of a place called Madame Lovejoy’s, but booked several different venues. Is Chris Fritz still the king of the big concerts up there? Golf’s got one up on me, I’ve never visited your “accommodations”.
LOL! I’ve seen three jails in my life. One was a tour in kindergarten (it was right across the street), one for an unpaid traffic ticket, and one for a complete crap lie from my ex. I am usually pretty good at following the law (my mother worked in the KBI).
What a checkered past, no wonder you own a trucking company. 😉 /s
LOL! I was in the IT field for 20+ years, I bought this company from my Dad when he wanted to retire. 😛
I used to be an Admin Spec for a large oil/gas company, and a school teacher too. Now look at me!
We both went into a more stressful line of work. HA!
Some days yes, some days no. I am starting to not like this any more though. I need a new tractor with an additional axle, a different trailer with a 30″ or lower deck, and a new years eve vacation to Miami (expenses paid of course) .
I hear you! I’d like the vacation and someone to buy my company. LOL
State Trooper in Montana
I grew up in Collinsville though.
How many unarmed black kids have you shot today? Do you think it’s your fault that America has ten times more incarcerated people than any other country? How many millions of dollars in revenue do you think you’ve generated for your local government on the backs of lower and middle class kids?
Really? GTFO
Go take a flying leap!
Without wings
What are you doing? This is not the place for that.
What are you doing? This is not the place for that.
I think I speak for most of this board when I say you are welcome to go somewhere else to post your crap. Or as OmoragnU said more succinctly GTFO.
I was welcome to spend 4 years of my life jumping out of planes into Iraq and Afghanistan too, so I think I’ve earned my right to speak freely.
The problem is you are in someone else’s house and you are being rude. They have a right to kick you out. We also have a right to speak and we are telling you to take it somewhere else it doesn’t belong here.
Um, I’m in my home typing on a computer and the truth is immaterial to rudeness. I love police officers. When soldiers overseas shot at kids or had negligent discharges we’d call them idiots and cowards, take their weapons away, and tell them to go home and be police officers because that’s where they belong. If it wasn’t for Police Officers people who were too fat, slow, lazy, incompetent, and cowardly to be soldiers would have nothing else to do.
If you have concerns that you wish to voice about American society, then this isn’t the appropriate forum. I appreciate that you served for our country, but if you want to spark a social/political conversation here, then your arguments will fall on deaf ears.
Here is a more suited domain for that:
I in no way want to start an argument here, but you just totally contradicted yourself with this post. You say you love police officers, but then call them cowards, fat, slow etc. doesn’t really sounds like you care for them at all. I also personally take offense to this because my grandfather was an officer for 20 years. Please take your garbage somewhere else. Just because some officers are bad, doesn’t mean all of them are. Just because some are fat and slow doesn’t mean all of them are. Our military has committed some horrendous acts over the years, but just because a few of them committed these acts doesn’t mean the entire military is bad. Thank you for your service, and I would appreciate if you would give police officers the same amount of respect for laying their lives on the line every day just like you did.
TFB Mods, I think this is worthy of a band. This is uncalled for.
I’m a four times deployed combat veteran and I’ll go where I please, and it’s ban or banned*.
That doesn’t entitle you to behave irresponsible or to be disrespectful.
Irresponsible? I didn’t shoot anyone. Disrespectful? If the truth is disrespectful should I just go around lying to make you feel better about yourself? LOL no. Oklahomans are so sensitive to being criticized. I swear you all think you’re perfect, and I was born and raised there.
As someone who has served your country, you should be more aware than most that it is asinine to ask a stranger who is serving how many innocent people they have shot today.
Cops don’t serve anyone’s interests but their local government. I live about 20 minutes from Ferguson Missouri. You have no idea what police are truly capable of.
Here is a video of a cop murdering a man who is crawling from his car trying to reach his dying wife. The man was not a suspect in any crime. The cop will not be charged.
Here is a cop that attacked a woman and lied about it. Won’t be charged.
Swat team no knock raid on wrong home nearly kills and maims innocent toddler. DA lets him off with a warning.
Cop finally arrested and charged after a dozen women accuse him of rape. Charges stick and he’s going to jail. It took a dozen of your daughters to convince someone that this cop was a monster.
And these are LITERALLY from what I’ve found today in 5 minutes of searching. Stop defending these cowards. Stop enabling them. Hold them accountable. They won’t hold themselves accountable.
Our military has done a lot of horrible things as well, but I’m not going to assume you were a part of them simply because of your association.
I have done horrible things. You could justify them in the end but 9/10 when loss of life is involved you should ask yourself “was there a better way” and the answer to that question is almost always yes.
Police in America don’t ask that question. They run their areas like the mafia, beholden to no one, and couldn’t care less who they hurt or kill. If you go to Afghanistan and point a weapon at a non combat child you’re going to jail. In America cops are doing the same thing and actually killing American Citizens in their homes (not hostiles, not in a warzone, unarmed….) and NOTHING happens. So with respect to Mr. Esco, yes, this is the place for this, because you people clearly don’t care or at the very least are unaware of the epidemic of police violence in America.
Police in America killed more people this year before March than have been killed in the UK in the past 25 years. It’s December and we’ve nearly doubled the death toll of 9/11. When you thank a cop for his service you’re spitting in the face of all those innocent people.
Just curious, why are you not denouncing gang killings? Way more of that going on but not a mention of it. I guess that doesn’t help your agenda, whatever that may be. I’m sorry you feel the way you feel and can find some love in the midst of all of your hate and vitriol. You are painting with a very broad brush here sir and it’s not fair to all of the great law enforcement officers out there. I appreciate your service to our country. May God bless you.
I think all loss of life is bad but why would I campaign to bring an end to something that’s already a public issue? Gangs are bad yes, but you all know they’re bad so me telling you they’re bad is kind of pointless no? We already agree on that. Besides there’s no gang in America that causes as much property destruction and death as the police do.
So wouldn’t you telling me that a police office unlawfully killing a black man is pointless too? We all already understand that it is bad and should never happen, but to say that the poster here is a child killer because he is a police officer is very unfair and ridiculous. If you can prove he is, then that’s one thing, but to just throw baseless insults his way is silly. BTW, there are way more gang murders than police officer killings, justified or unjustified so that would classify as more death.
Hi, Robert. Please don’t forget that Respect, Selfless Service, and Honor are three of The Seven Army Values. To be more specific:
Respect – Please show respect towards David as a person rather than as a “cop”. Also, please respect the voices of others who want to keep TFB a place where Sooner fans can take a break from typical, fruitless debate threads.
Selfless Service – Never use your service as leverage in an argument. Rights are not earned. They are Creator-endowed and incontrovertibly true. Your right to share your thoughts, no matter how offensive, has nothing to do with your service. In the realm of online discourse, you have as much a right to share your opinion as others have to ask you to drop the issue.
Honor – Honor the Army Values and allow them to inform your interactions with others, whether on the Web or elsewhere.
From one Soldier to another. Respectfully.
Hey man, God bless you and thank you for your service.
But let’s
be real here… You referenced the Missouri attacks, and that wasn’t a
policeman issue. That’s a “people issue” where hate is involved.
you really wanna make a difference and try to UNITE people, then why
would you come in here spewing hatred and attacking somebody for no
legitimate reason?
David being a police officer doesn’t equate
him to being a ruthless killer. I’m sorry that’s your perception, but
the reality is that most police personnel do the right thing. Just like
most soldiers do.
I’ll be glad to pray for you.
I’m no talking about Michael Brown (which is a loaded issue in itself). I’m talking about people protesting in the street and being met with Carbines, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, Sniper Rifles, Grenade Launchers, and a bunch of bitter too stupid to do anythign else with their lives cops itching for a fight being sent in to put them down.
You will never be as sad at ANYTHING as I was knowing that I and every other member of my family fought for a country where the government would roll out grade A military hardware to put down protestors. I was at the demonstrations. 99 percent of those people were harmless, and while the police were mostly cool too, it doesn’t change the fact that they were issued paramilitary grade weaponry and told to attack American Citizens.
The bottom line is, when people do the wrong things (regardless of profession or lack thereof), they need to be held accountable for their actions.
BUT AGAIN, if you really want to unite people and shine a light on a perceived issue, then why come in here throwing stones and making unwarranted accusations?
You said it yourself, taking the lives of people makes you realize that there’s a BETTER WAY.
I would hope that you let your emotions take a back seat, and really ask yourself… “Is this approach that I’m taking going to actually bring about the change I wanna see?”
Since you posed a question to David, I can assume you don’t know him: therefore, you can’t say he’s guilty of killing anyone.
Truth or not, this is not, nor will it ever be, the forum in which this is to be addressed.
We’d ask that you respect that going forward. Thank you.
Thank you
Jordan, this guy continues to be irrational. Read the comments since your request for him to leave it be.
Ironic, don’t you think? Someone could ask the same of your missions and you are saying would not be offended? You are both pursuing a noble cause but you are asking to be accorded respect without reciprocating.
I don’t care what anyone says about my service I already know what I’m capable of. I don’t need to be coddled like a whiny child the way a little man syndrome cop does. I already know who the most dangerous mofo in the room is and you lie to yourself and disrespect that reality at your own peril. A lion doesn’t care what the sheep thinks of him.
And I am sure David doesn’t care either and that doesn’t make him any less of a person deserving of respect, just like you and others who have served their country- be it local or national, all men and women of uniform. Thank you both for your service.
WOW not the place
well, blm has arrived…
I HATE the bureau of land management. They’re always grabbing property. LOL
Sterling makes ESPN All American team. Mic Drop
Saw that….Striker, Mayfield and Zach (Zach was 2nd team) Sporting News all americans.
Aggots recruiting class continues to fall a part:
” Muskogee grad Tramal Ivy, considered one of the top defensive linemen in the 2016 recruiting class, has de-committed from Oklahoma State.
“I would like to thank Oklahoma State University for the opportunity to play in bright orange and black,” he tweeted Monday. “But I will be opening up my recruitment and looking at other schools.”
Ivy has played the last two seasons at Butler Community College in Kansas. He did not mention any schools of interest.
I’m calling the OSU recruiting slump #RevengeOfTheReindeer
I’m surprised Rudolph hasn’t transferred out.
You mean the deer that was being violated? That deer is waiting for its lawsuit to go through. Sexual harassment = part ownership.
Nah, the QB.
Maybe the deer liked it? Dunno….might have to ask Stephen Dale to make sure.
It’s nuts how many QB’s have transferred from there in the last 4-5 years, especially considering the turnover they’ve had at the position.
Funny and clever! I like that ?
the reindeer or the QB?
Thing is I don’t think it’s as much the guy with the reindeer, because every fan base has some weird fans. It’s more the fact that everyone around him was cool with it. Seriously, there wasn’t anybody for OSU who would tackle the guy and say “you aren’t representing us on TV like that.”
yOU weren’t directing that “weird fan” remark at me were yOU? 😉
If you throw a rock at a pack of dogs, the one who barks is probably the one you hit.
LMAO: that’s some funny stuff. I’ve used that phrase before but slightly different. “A kicked dog will yelp.”
LOL! But wait, who’s throwing rocks at dogs???
I remember when SS said Ivy was going to be a stud back when he was like a Sophomore. I guess that wasn’t true? Forgot all about that kid…
Green being gone would make a lot of sense in regards to how many CB’s we’re still in on.
This is pretty good. Sorry if it has already been posted.
A page that does not exist?
Copy n paste the above then – maybe that’ll work for ya – pretty funny
Good recruiting vid good stuff
Pretty darn sweet. Just love seeing this team have fun!
I had to refresh, Tex’ish is probably right too.
Did you get it to work?
I had to edit your link, you have l’m at the end of it.
Probably the only time I could get through that stupid song.
That’s the best thing ever.
Man, I like that video and all that it exemplifies.
Yep. That was worth the look. I hope that’s the attitude they have for the next two games.
Change that. I hope that is the attitude they have for the next 2 decades. They are loose, free, and enjoying life. They get to all business between the lines. This team has been a blast to watch this year.
Thanks for sharing BigDroot.
So it’s leadership (bake shep sanchez tap) AND DANCING that has lead to OUr success this season. After watching that video you can’t tell me this team isn’t playing loose and having fun.
EXACTLY! Brought a big smile to my face watching that.
Bruh they make it look so easy too and they do look like they are having fun but dancing and singing for me is a great stress relief
Me too! I cannot dance to save my life, but I try it anyway (when I know no one will see me). My wife laughs at me, but I don’t care.
Dance like nobody is watching and sing like nobody is listening. It’s all about how we view it and what makes us happy and I bet by chance we do it even if it’s terrible or not it will make others smile and that is just as good as anything else in the world my friend!
Exactly! Life is far to short not to enjoy it!
Have you ever seen Elaine on Seinfeld dance? Now that’s classically horrible. You’re probably Fred Astaire compared to her. Lol!
Heck my fat butt will learn to breakdance if it’ll help bring home #8
Mayfield dancing then throws the ball dances some more catches the ball hell, I can catch a ball while trying to catch a ball let alone dance and then catch sign me up for OU summer camp!
Y’all probably dance like Bob and Mike in that vid. lol
More like the guy at the end just not as classy!
The question is, can Samaje dance? We never see him “BustinAMove”. Can the muscle dude dance or is he just a steam roller?
Perine dances on top of face masks only
I love watching that guy, look for someone to run over.
Samaje told everyone to dance hence the video.
I can see that, Samaje standing in the back of the room, smiling and says, “Dance”. (roll the film)
Did Mique have a good visit?
He changed his twitter page back to him in the Washington uniform. Don’t see him leaving the west coast.
Nice of him to cite TFB.
Oh wait……
Ban hammer needed below
And how. That guy needs some counseling.
It has been deployed.
Thank you sir
Thank you sir
Thank you. And thank you for all that you do at TFB.
Thank you, sir.
Who was it? I’m late to the party.
It was a doozy. Some cat name Robert Schmitz was pretty much calling another TFB poster, who is a police officer, a kid killer. He was really irrational.
Did you get my reply?
I did. Thank you for the reply
If you never would have even known to ask the f’ing question in the first place were it not for someone else, at least have the professional f’ing decency to credit that someone/s who led you to “confirm” it.
OH SNAP!!! Get EM Jordan lol!
That’s low class to not cite the source!
That same journalist cited you guys yesterday on a story. Why wouldn’t he today.., maybe he got the Green info from somewhere else. ..
That’s so true. The Oklahoman and the World have tons of sources with the football program. Can’t imagine that TFB’s are the only ones in the whole wide world that knew that Green wasn’t at practice.
That’s so true. The Oklahoman and the World have tons of sources with the football program. Can’t imagine that TFB’s are the only ones in the whole wide world that knew that Green wasn’t at practice.
Which story? Not saying I don’t believe you, I just wouldn’t ever pay for access to that site, so I’m unable to see which story to which you’re referring.
As to the Green thing. Sure, maybe he got it from somewhere else. May even be likely. But seems awfully convenient he, or anyone, would have just got it the same day we were literally the first anywhere to even mention it.
Velus Jones… Here’s a link ..
Yeah, that.
That’s not him citing us for anything. That’s him saying where got the Velus Jones announcement info referred to here…
…and why he once again had not cited TFB as to where he’d heard that. That, prior to the tweet you linked above, I was unaware of and under the impression TFB had broken the news of Jones’ pending announcement.
So, you’re saying he broke the Jones announcement news & wanted you to cite him..?
He didn’t break jack. The AL.com report broke it, though we were unaware of that — and have never, nor will we ever, have an issue citing others. Have repeatedly done so w/, for example, several of the OU $ sites who would never do us the same courtesy — and got it I’m sure from a separate source, Jones himself, hence why we ran it the way we ran it.
Ok, i didn’t realize that’s what he was doing.. I thought he was linking your news with that .com story.. My bad ,i can see the frustration..
No worries. As I’ve said above, it’s a me issue and one I just need to get over.
For whatever reason/s, the vast majority of those guys don’t like what we do and refuse to give us credit for news we break. I just need to accept that’s never going to change and quit bitching about it. And I made a pledge to myself today to try and do exactly that 🙂
Here you go:
Hey, Jordan, thanks for the ban hammer and thanks for deleting his comments. David would be better served not having to read them.
I politely asked him to stop, he didn’t. Really didn’t leave me w/ much of a choice as far as I’m concerned.
Here you go:
I think they don’t consider you a source, because you are not “professionals.” They are wrong, but I have known the type. Unless you have the credentials, you don’t count.
I’m sure that it a big part of it. I know some of the other reasons and they are just as childish, but whatevs 🙂
the thankless world of internet sports reporting. i appreciate everything the TFBs put on here and would never doubt what you say. i love this site and live a long distance from oklahoma. info is hard to come by in zapopan, mexico.
thank you for reading!
Wait…so you say that he likely got his info from somewhere else, but you want him to site TFB because…..????
I fear we’re talking out of order here. Jones thing he says he got elsewhere, had proof I was unaware was out there, who am I to say otherwise.
Green thing was literally nowhere else other than TFB, but if you want to say he just so happened to check the roster w/o being aware of what TFB had, I can’t definitively call anyone a liar. Seems awfully convenient to me, but whatever.
Which story? Not saying I don’t believe you, I just wouldn’t ever pay for access to that site, so I’m unable to see which story to which you’re referring.
As to the Green thing. Sure, maybe he got it from somewhere else. May even be likely. But seems awfully convenient he, or anyone, would have just got it the same day we were literally the first anywhere to even mention it.
I think I’ve figured out your pet peeve Esco
ha, well I think I’ve made it over-the-top obvious so I would hope so 😉
i think BoomerDave just doesn’t like you very much Jordan. and who knows, he may be Emigs secret lover. sure takes up for him a lot.
ha, not sure I’ll touch the latter. as to the former, I’m good either way. never one to turn down a good argument 🙂
And you think he got this from you why?? TFB report that they have no word on Green’s status with the team, Emig confirms that Green is no longer with the program. Not seeing your connection with his tweet, other than your continued dogging of Emig.
TFB checked the official roster and Green is not listed. It’s assumed, but not confirmed by TFB, that he is no longer on the team. Emig, asked the question to confirm said suspicion.
And you know that TFB is how Emig got his info?
Well, I thought we were connecting two dots. Are there more?
Well, I thought we were connecting two dots. Are there more?
And you know that TFB is how Emig got his info?
You show me where else anywhere in print or online it was before we put up the Open Post. Where else would he have found out about it? It’s not like it just happened today. As we stated above, we’ve been aware of it for a couple days. So it’s just a coinindence he also knew about it, but only “confirmed” the news hours after TFB brought it to the attention of the general public?
Beat writers regularly check the rosters, especially during down time between games & press conferences..
Little too much of a coincidence if you ask me. But as I’ve now said above, I’m over it.
Love ya Esco but not in a homo way
Oh sure! (eyes rolling)
I dont know, like i said below, he cited you guys on a story just yesterday… I doubt he would completely ignore you as a source today in a different story..
I just think you are going off on Emig based on an “assumption” that he could have “only” gotten his info from TFB when he is a smart guy with tons of sources within the program. You have absolutely “zero” proof that he stole your work, yet that doesn’t seem to matter.
As for my “dogging” comment, just last Thurday you referred to Emig as”insanely lazy/irresponsible journalist” for having the audacity to write a story about TK looking into transferring, a story which was confirmed a few hours later to be absolutely true.
Okay, BoomerDave, ask yourself this: is Emig confirming something he reported earlier? If not, then the news originated somewhere else. In that case, whether it be TFB or some other reporter, Emig should give credit to the source if he wasn’t first.
Couple things.
Yes, I’d freely admit it’s an assumption on my part. Not much of one, IMO, considering Green’s named hasn’t been mentioned in months. Yet the same day TFB reports what they did, this person also just so happens to come across info on Green entirely independent of that TFB reported?
I think you’re severely overestimating that number of source he, or any OU beat writer, have inside the program. But that’s probably not very relevant to things so I’ll move on.
Having an opinion = dogging? Good to know. As to what I said, I stand by it. Just b/c this was the exception to the rule and proved to be somewhat (key word) true, absolutely does not mean using someone’s Twitter follows as a reportable source is a good, or proper, thing to do. That is lazy and it is borderline irresponsible.
Cody Thomas followed the same K-State GA that was referenced in that Knight story, but did you see that mentioned anywhere or speculation that he too was contemplating a transfer?
You show me where else anywhere in print or online it was before we put up the Open Post. Where else would he have found out about it? It’s not like it just happened today. As we stated above, we’ve been aware of it for a couple days. So it’s just a coinindence he also knew about it, but only “confirmed” the news hours after TFB brought it to the attention of the general public?
Also, look up the definition of ‘continued dogging’ and get back to me b/c this is not that.
But, frankly, I’m over the entire thing in general now. For the longest time I believed call those guys out for s#$% like this was the only way it would ever change. And yet here we sit however many months/years later and nothing has changed.
It’s an issue I just need to get over as clearly they’re never going to uphold themselves to the same standards they expect others to obey.
Not that you or literally anyone else in the world cares, but I made a pledge to myself to really try and never bring this type of stuff up again.
People here know where they read it first and that should be enough. Those guys are, IMO, ultimately the ones who (should) look bad for not citing TFB (or whomever) when it’s called for, so it serves no purpose for me to keep doing stuff like I did before.
So I’m going to make a concerted effort to quit doing it.
I never go to the two state papers for sports info. If it OU football, I will check here first. Not only the Braniacs, but most of the folks who post here are very knowledgeable. I appreciate it.
Great community of rational, intelligent OU fans & TFB readers here, I concur!
Notice however that Emig says “confirmed” as in someone else reported it and he is confirming. Whoever reported it first, he should have named the original source. As far as we know, no one else has reported it. I have to agree with Jordon on this one.
But what did TFB actually report..? He’s not on the roster & wasn’t at Saturday’s practice. They also said, no word on his status with the program..
OK, then who did report it? He said he was confirming it. Who said it then?
Who knows… better yet, who cares?
Is it possible that someone out there read the TFB bit about Green and asked Emig if he knew anything about it (without ever mentioning TFB).
I thought folks around here wore bigger pants than that…
Holy Moly-
So the way I see it is:
TFB reports he’s not on the roster on SoonerSports, that he wasn’t at practice on Saturday, and says they have no official word on his status with the program.
Guerin then confirms his status with the program.
Along those lines of confirmation, one of the many reasons I like this site is because you guys are very clear on what is and is not confirmed. I imagine Texas wishes the guys covering their team were as clear.
My issue is, IMO, he never would have even known to ask about Green in the first place were it not for what you’re saying TFB didn’t report.
Maybe (probably?) that eventually changes, but if you’re going to sit here and try to convince me he just happened to be checking the roster the same day TFB was the first to mention anything about Green, you’ve got your work cut out for you 🙂
If it’s even as simple as a proverbial ‘hat tip’ to TFB, a common practice both via social media & online, that’s fine. Acknowledge who/why you knew to ask about it b/c otherwise you wouldn’t have known to do so (again, IMO).
My issue is, IMO, he never would have even known to ask about Green in the first place were it not for what you’re saying TFB didn’t report.
Maybe (probably?) that eventually changes, but if you’re going to sit here and try to convince me he just happened to be checking the roster the same day TFB was the first to mention anything about Green, you’ve got your work cut out for you 🙂
If it’s even as simple as a proverbial ‘hat tip’ to TFB, a common practice both via social media & online, that’s fine. Acknowledge who/why you knew to ask about it b/c otherwise you wouldn’t have known to do so (again, IMO).
And, fwiw, the only reason we have word stuff like we did on Green in the actual post is b/c we can’t ever get the OU P.R. people to give us a comment/confirm a story/acknowledge we exist, despite having, at worse, the second largest traffic presence among OU-related sites.
The guys at the paper don’t have that problem, so when they ask to confirm whether or not Green is still w/ the program, more often than not they get an answer.
We are not afforded that same opportunity, thus why some of what you read here is worded somewhat more vaguely than it would otherwise have to be.
Again, I don’t necessarily expect you (or anyone) to care about stuff like that. But it is something we have continually deal w/ while trying to bring you guys as much reliable OU info we can, all free of charge to you and without compensation for ourselves.
We all appreciate it, Jordan. Most likely many of us (me specifically) get news here first.
Please recall that many of us have nearly begged to give the team/site money per month. I think many are still willing to do that.
Exactly my point. They always say they have “confirmed” something, but by definition, literally, if you’re confirming something it’s b/c it was already out there previously.
I am assuming that you know how the industry works.
In tennis, no matter how hard your train you’ll never be better than a wall. (paraphrased).
Exactly my point. They always say they have “confirmed” something, but by definition, literally, if you’re confirming something it’s b/c it was already out there previously.
How many reporter/journalists/whateverists cite their specific sources? Kinda no one.
Moreover, indicating the TFB (allegedly because I don’t know as a matter of fact, that’s for other people to worry about) broke the story certainly isn’t going to get their (Emig’s news company) clickbait numbers through the roof.
I assume Jordan knows this quite well.
It’s Finals Week first then playoffs
Ok…who gets “last word” in the Emig argument?
I don’t know.. Jordan is very good.. I think he missed his calling… Either as a lawyer.. or as a woman… I’m not sure he ever loses an argument..
My wife would VERY much disagree.
That woman thing though………now you got me thinking.
Your wife doesn’t think you should have been a lawyer? 😉
Oh, that I’m sure she would prefer. Would be a considerable upgrade to the ol’ paycheck.
offered w/o comment
Assuming ‘woman’ and ‘Jordan’ are interchangeable, which according to the other comments they appear to be, looks about right.
Well, Jordan… are they interchangeable?
I guess I’ll leave that to your imagination.
My son is a Sgt. in the US Army and calls the wife “Sir”.
Well, Emig, of course.
Tech REALLY needs to get a public black-eye for allowing this to continue. THE MAN WAS A WALK-ON. It’s tasteless crap and deserves some attention.
EDIT: If they want to stick to their guns and continue to exercise their right to hold that release, then so be it. All I’d like is for some serious publication, so that they can at least feel the heat for continuing to stick it to Mayfield.
We should really put together one of those crowded funded deals to buy a billboard in Lubbock to notify all recruits of the kind of low down bleeping! bleeps! and bleepedy! bleep! bleep! for bleeps! sake, no good for bleep! bleep! bleepedy! bleep! bleep! bleeps! they are dealing with! I apologize for my language and hope I didn’t offend anyone!
A billboard or a banner pulled by an airplane over the Advocare Bowl. My mind is making up some pretty colorful slogans for the banner.
I like both a quick hit during the bowl and a permanent fixture in town would be perfect!
Everyone kicks in five bucks and we could make that happen! But…. Who watches that game?
I can’t help but think that that situation is going to come back to bite Tech in one way or another.
I hope it does. I hope Kliffy has to eat a big ole pile of steaming dog doo!
yOU Sir, are too kind!
Well I try to keep my stuff PG… Otherwise I would have said a little more about him.
Kliffy IS a big ole pile of….
True that!
The B-12 rules are what is ridiculous. The school doesn’t help the guy in anyway, and yet they have control over where he goes and whether he is eligible. The NCAA was originally created to help protect the players, now it just protects the institutions.
That’s why Bob’s full release to TK is commendable.
I agree. In TK’s case we invested quite a bit of money in him and lived up to our side of a contract. We still released him even though we have a right to demand him complete the rest of the contract. Bob didn’t have to do that, and yet he still did because it is in the best interest of the young man.
In the case of Baker they never had a contract and never gave him anything and yet still are able to punish him. The fact that they can do that needs to be fixed. I am not sure which is more shameful that the NCAA/Big12 built a system that allows it or Texas Tech is using the system to do it.
equally wrong
Toss up, Bob. Let’s go with BOTH are equally shameful!
Not only a full release, but calls an in conference rival(mentor or not), to talk about trevor going there possibly. Bobs one of the few coaches that would do something like that.
Coach Cooks: “That catch tho…”
LOL Coach Cooks had to restart his loop
so much for V Jones……time to move on……….calling Drew Dan from Checotah. Come on down !
so kid delays his announcement and it’s time to move on? um, okay.
yea, I don’t understand this guys rationale……ever. (proof read by Fear The Magic)
just sometimes?
good catch, I need to edit that…
While the ban hammer is out, you have my permission to use it on him. No one will hate you, I can assure you. I’ll sign any petition to get Jordan Esco Day.
Agree…give it a few more hours.
I agree…its time to move on………..so scoot Stephen…go on shoo off.
Lovely weather we’re having SD. Nice day SD. Hope you have a wonderful day!
coming back out to Shelter Island soon! Yeah!
You had been doing so well since the oswho game. Which has worn off, the humility or the medication?
Old habits are hard to break hopefully it is only a temporary relapse to be quickly cured by a few BOOMs!
It’s ok, sweetie. At some point, we all have to realize that Santa isn’t real and our parents have been lying to us.
Bless your heart.
I sure hope that Baker continues to use his new-found fame as a forum to bring about change for the walk-on transfer rules. It will take a high-profile player like Mayfield to keep this issue front and center.
I think you guys will find this article interesting. http://newsok.com/article/5466966
Reality is they are a miserable program and depressed fan base, and their coach is about as impressive as he was a player, so-so.
I found the article a complete piece of (using Golf’s terminology) “Dog Poo”. Such a low class, disrespectful event.
“Shank” comes to mind too
So sad. Be greatful for what the guy did for the team, and sad that things didn’t work out.
Maybe I’m a hopeless homer but I just can’t see that happening in Norman if the roles were reversed. And having worked in energy out there, I can say that there is just something about the people in west texass…..
I mean I am not surprised this happened at all. BUT I am also not going to be surprised if a video or witness said that Baker was talking a little trash himself and stirred it up a little.
The fact that Jace Amaro was there makes it even better. Remember when Baker thew a INT and Jace tweeted how that looked familiar, but then Baker just took over and owned the raiders. That was awesome.
Wasn’t that the int when Dede went the wrong way and left the DB right there for the pick…then Mayfield marched to the WRs on the sideline and commanded “where the f*** is Westbrook?”
When I saw that on the replay, after I got home, I had to chortle and think “this is the guy we need leading this team!”.
Yes it was.
You mean to tell me, Rick, that fans who throw tortillas, poop on opposing team buses, and who hire a coach whose mother couldn’t spell ‘Cliff’ are the same fans who would spite a 20(ish)-year-old walk-on for wanting to transfer?
Soonah, please.
(Looking down at shoes) Won’t happen again.
This is why OU and Texass (when they are up) are the only truly relevant teams in the Big 12 league. You think OU or Texas gets left out of the playoffs last year with the record of TCU or Baylor I doubt it. You see OU fans storm the court like the did on a buzzer beater at Iowa State the other night over a unranked crappy team, hell no! Is Bob Stoops or Joe C complaining about all the players that transferred and had decent careers outside of OU, not a chance! Wish the guys well and move on with your life! If Mahomes ( a pretty damn QB himself) is the Texas Tech guy then good for them happy for you, so move on with your life! Why all this drama over a guy not on your team anymore! If TK9 transfers and we have to end up playing him next year do I care, absolutely not, we have our guy and we will go with our guy! This is part of the reason nobody takes the Big 12 seriously. Couldn’t have bore embarrassed when they stormed the court for Iowa State, act like you belong there, you have a damn good basketball team act like it or move on with you life!
Soapbox exited and taking a deep breath!
I’m outa breath for you. I agree.
How did Bilas and ESPiN get involved in this.
Enough national media jump on it and Baker might get his release.
Yeah, we need people who buy ink by the barrel to jump on this story.
I wonder if TT knows or cares what the national perception of them is. I remember the Leach departure didn’t sit well with the national crowd. And then this, and then….
They are too busy cleaning the sand fleas out of their clothes to view anything national – except Raid commercials of course.
I wonder if TT knows or cares what the national perception of them is. I remember the Leach departure didn’t sit well with the national crowd. And then this, and then….
It could happen. On the face of it, it’s pure BS. There was no scholarship spent on him, nor time spent recruiting him.
It fascinates me that there are people who believe Texas Tech can retroactively bypass Big 12 intraconference bylaws and grant Baker Mayfield a lost year of eligibility.
Nothing Texas Tech or Kingsbury did takes a year of eligibility away from Mayfield. That’s a Big 12 intraconference bylaw. Even if Kingsbury were to have granted Mayfield a “full release”, Mayfield would have still had to sit out last year due to NCAA rules and still have lost a year of eligibility due to Big 12 bylaws.
If it affects nothing, why not give the release at the time? Has to be something causing him to be an ass about it. How would things be different right now IF klinker had done the admirable thing to begin with?
“Blocking” prevents the player from communicating with an opposing coaching staff. Mayfield was only “blocked” from communicating with Big 12 coaching staffs. Tech initially “blocked” him from being put on scholarship during his mandatory transfer year but Tech eventually backed off that and allowed a scholarship.
Absolutely nothing would be different right now if Texas Tech granted a “full release”. Mayfield still would have had to sit out last year due to NCAA transfer rules and he still loses a year of eligibility due to Big 12 transfer rules. I guess Mayfield would have saved a semester of tuition. I wouldn’t disagree if you said Tech deserves some criticism for that.
What about his red shirt year, I don’t think he was ever fighting for school money. He walked on at both schools, do you think the NCAA should have different rules for walk on athlete’s?
Intraconference transfer rules state that transfers that are stupid enough to transfer in conference lose a year of eligibility. So he has 3 years of eligibility. He burned one at Tech, one at OU and he has one year left. If he wants to sit out next year and play in 2017 that’s an option but he only has one year of NCAA eligibility left. He can use it whenever he chooses.
No. The vast majority of NCAA athletes are walkons. We only focus on the revenue sports but more student athletes are non-scholarship walkons than scholarship athletes. You let one football player skate NCAA rules and you open up pandoras box for the NCAA with a handful of power programs going around the country and just plucking the best players up. Whatever little illusion people have left of actual fair competition disappears overnight.
Except that he lost two years. He loses one for the year he has to sit out and one because they didn’t grant him a release. He could have counted the year he sat out as a redshirt, and if they grant him a release he ends up with five to play four like everyone else. As it is he only has four years and gets to play three. So yes, it does matter.
Edit I should say he gets the year back assuming the NCAA grants the appeal.
You’re completely missing the point. You’re complaining about NCAA and Big 12 rules that are in place regardless of a coach “blocking” or granting a “full release”.
You want to bash the NCAA and Big 12 have at it, I would probably join in. The only thing Texas Tech did was prevent Mayfield from communicating directly with Stoops or Gundy or Briles….if you think that’s petty then so be it. I don’t have a problem with Stoops wanting to protect some information about his program and block someone from going to talk to Strong. Stoops turned in the Baylor coach for being on the sideline to protect his program. I don’t blame him for doing that.
They didn’t do a very good job of preventing communication because Baker walked right onto campus and introduced himself to Stoops then told him he was going to play football here. That theory doesn’t make sense. He could have done the same thing at any other school regardless of NCAA or conference rules.
I haven’t heard about that.
The rules are in place to prevent coaches from communicating with players. If Mayfield just went up and introduced himself that’s probably ok.
If Stoops contacted him or they communicated about game plans, plays or information about the Texas Tech program the NCAA would like to know if you have any specific information.
I don’t have specific information but the story is funny and has been televised on several sports networks. Stoops said Baker walked up to him and introduced himself (Bob had no idea who he was at that moment) and said he was going out for the football team, Bob said okay then and the rest is history.
He didn’t just walk right on and talk to Bob. I’m pretty sure that that’s what the lack of a written release prevented him from doing. At the time I remember looking through the NCAA rules and Big 12 re gs about it. I’m pretty sure had already enrolled and waited till the first official team meeting before walking up to Bob and saying “hi.” Prior to that Bob was only allowed to hear “rumors” but wasn’t allowed to talk to him,nor he to Bob.. Don’t remember all the details but The Big 12 rule says: “In the event NCAA regulations require the student athlete to complete one full academic year in residence before being eligible to compete in a sport, the student athlete shall also forfeit one season of competition in that sport. “ So basically the NCAA says be a student for a year before you can compete, and the Big 12 says that if the transfer is within the conference you lose a year of eligibility as well.
You would have to talk to Bob about the timing, I just heard him tell the story.
He enrolled in January and wasn’t allowed to talk to Bob until the first official team meeting in the spring. From Kfor.com
“He basically showed up in Norman unannounced, hung out at the dorms and even won an intramural softball title all before joining OU’s football team, but according to his head coach they just don’t let anybody on the team.
“Maybe the strangest thing that’s ever happened in my coaching career,” Bob Stoops, OU head football coach said. “I was hearing the rumors that he was transferring to Oklahoma and I’ve never talked to the guy and, he’s never called to ask if he could. If I said no he might have been at a fraternity here playing yard ball.
I go to our first team meeting and after he introduces himself, so I said, ‘your Baker Mayfield,’ I had no idea.”?
I like that the national media is getting involved with this. It might shame the TT administration into putting some heat on Kliffy to finally get a release.
update added
Looks like a 4-3 type DE with that speed, are you starting to notice that or are they just going after elite guys and they’ll find a home for them?
Yeah seems like but with that speed he could play OLB like Grissom a couple years back! Speed kills in every shape and form! I like it. Bring them in and plug them somewhere!
holy crap that DE is fast
Scout profile says he runs a 5.28 40. Looks much quicker than that.
He has a very quick first step and (granted, it’s a highlight tape) had a TON of sacks and tackles for loss.
Yeah, recruiting site 40 times are only worth more than, ah, well, I can’t actually think anything they are worth more than.
Yeah, recruiting site 40 times are only worth more than, ah, well, I can’t actually think anything they are worth more than.
So we could get a DE and a TE for those 2-3 plays a year that we use one. Killing two birds with one scholly I like it. Especially since he looks like a good DE.
i was just thinking about it being finals week and Marcus Green ,,
this is the time of year when failing grades, or not showing up to class, can sometimes come back on a athlete .. don’t know in this case but , that would be my first guess ..
never had much trouble with school work but have known a lot of people who did ,,
whatever it is I feel for the kid .
Timing makes it look like that may be it. Hope whatever it is he gets his stuff together, for his future if not for football.
i was just thinking about it being finals week and Marcus Green ,,
this is the time of year when failing grades, or not showing up to class, can sometimes come back on a athlete .. don’t know in this case but , that would be my first guess ..
never had much trouble with school work but have known a lot of people who did ,,
whatever it is I feel for the kid .
Can someone explain the response to JO?
Is it a form of entertainment for you that do it?
Silence is golden!
So does anyone know what interest Herring may have in OU? Looks like a kid with a good frame under him.
Looking at his offer list I would say it will be a battle to get his autograph on a LOI.
There’s something fishy about this guy. hmmmmmmm
You mean it’s a…Red Herring?
Per the above tweet, I think WE’VE been canned. (or pickled)
Bring us a shrubbery!
Good evening, EasTex.
Good evening!
I’ll take it.
Went out with some friends and had some Tex-Mex with some wonderful tamales.
I hope you enjoyed the time with your friends. Just a few more weeks, EasTex. It can’t get here fast enough.
On the uphill side of 15 days, now.
I do have the Texas high school state championships to keep me distracted for this weekend. All 10 will be televised live, 4 this Thursday, then 3 each on Friday and Saturday for this weekend.
If you get Fox Sports Southwest it is live from Houston’s NRG(Reliant) stadium.
I’ve watched the last three games so much that I know what the commentators are going to say. Ha! Hurry up 12/31.
I watched the replay of the Akron game last night.
Then the 4th quarter of the vols game.
I’m going to watch the WVU game, then, maybe Tulsa.
Here is the FSSW schedule.
The team that beat Marshall is in the championship game on Friday.
The big Hoe-down Show-down is Saturday night at 8p.m. CST, Katy v Westlake. Both undefeated at 15-0. Katy’s defense has allowed 55 points in 15 games…amazing.
Are you kidding me? 55 points all season.
Yessir, and they play in the highest classification of Texas football. Their defense is outstanding. Sure wish their MLB wasn’t solidly committed to Northwestern. Paddy(sp?) Fisher, 6’3 230.
We’ve flipped one N’western commit.
Dems a lot of shutouts in that season.
He has an impressive offer list, doubt he flips. No matter, we are looking pretty danged good at ILB.
Katy is an excellent program. They just keep churning out championship teams year after year. We got Matt Dimon and Rodney Anderson from them. You should see the 3 young RBs backing up the current great RB that backed up Anderson.
We thought the same thing with Galimore, Deberry,and Campbell too.
“…a good frame under him”?
Vaguely obscene.
He’s the entire package.
Well, this has certainly turned out to be one of the most anti-climactic days in recent memory
Well, this has certainly turned out to be one of the most anti-climactic days in recent memory
Watched an ESPN College FB Playoff preview and two of the three talking heads picked OU to win it all. All three had OU v bama in final.
I think those ESPN talking heads are anxious to get OU and Bama back together so that their flagship program can get revenge for 2024 – at least they hope they can
What the heck – lets beat them in ’24 also
I wonder if the news last night about the #1 QB for 2017 flipping his commit from Tennessee to Clemson had anything to do with Velus Jones holding off on his announcement today
Another decommit at OSU? What’s going on there?
Damn, you guys got crazy today. I’m sorry I missed it.
Yeah, it was a great reminder why it’s not good to share your contact information in a public forum.
Somebody did that?
I think he just meant that when there are heated exchanges, it’s probably best if someone doesn’t know where you hang out and drink beer. 🙂
I know where you hang out.
Then this would be a good time to tell you that I carry a gun. 🙂
I carry two. Up my sleeves.
Thought you only went sleeveless, like Larry the Cable Guy?
Not sleeveless, just really tight.
Would you rather me shoot the right or left? Don’t want to take both of them out because I’m a good sport. 🙂
Aim for the left and hit the right.
Doesn’t matter. It will grow back stronger than before.
You two need to stop.
He started it.
Don’t make EasTex stop the car.
I don’t ride with old people. They’re dangerous.
That was him.
You never miss an opportunity to jab Dustin, do you?
It’s cheaper than going out to a movie. 🙂
Not in the long run.
I figured you for being high maintenance.
I like nice dinners. Is that so bad?
As long as you order water, and NO appetizers!
No spinach dip?
Oh hell no, I could buy two beers for what that costs.
More like 8 of your beers
I like your math.
Bottled cat piss is cheap.
Stop! You two are out of control.
No. But this guy made everything so personal, I’d hate for him to have any of my information.
All his comments were deleted before I saw them. Sounds like a typical keyboard warrior that is emboldened by his anonymity.
I’ve never witnessed anyone behave the way he did today. I believe he could use some counseling.
That’s what happens when kids don’t get enough ass-whippins when they are young for being jerks, they never learn.
He was ex-military but he had a hard-on for police officers. He had some very disparaging comments. I mean, over the top comments.
You mean he “claimed” he was a vet? Bet he didn’t show his DD214.
That was my thought earlier today. I took him for one of the protesters up in Missouri.
Or it could have been an old troll with a new nic. You know the one I’m thinking of. Rhymes with castor oil.
No, this cat only had his eye on the police officer that posted (mentioned in his post that he was an active officer). Started going off on him for being a killer and attacked everyone standing up for the good law enforcement. Castor would attack people about their football views, this guy was just pure hate for the law.
What a dingleberry.
It was unreal. We’re all thanking the guy for putting his life on the line and for protecting people. I guess that set him off.
He would have loved me, I was a Military Policeman. LOL!
And could write a report like nobody else…after I kicked a punks ass.
He seemed really troubled.
I need to scan and upload an old photo of me from back in the day when I was a military policeman sitting in my jeep with my night stick hanging out the side.
Yes you do. lol.
I had uploaded it at imageshack years ago, then they got all hifalootin, changed my account and deleted it.
Now I have to do it all over again.
Official government document for when you separate from the Armed Forces. It states your status from Honorable Discharge to Dishonorable Discharge and everything in between.
Well I found the idiot on FB and he had pictures of himself with his combat troops in the middle east. But still the guy was a raging lunatic.
No, but I found the idiot on FB and he really should go back to freshman English class and pay attention.
I was here earlier…did I miss something?
I guess. Esco had a good back and forth and there was a ?cop hater? I dunno. I just skimmed over it all.
It was pretty good. SoonerDave has become quite good at getting to Esco.
Dude came on here and was a nut case. Jordan finally banned the idiot.
Malik Herring……this kid makes it look like there’s no offensive line across from him. Speed and strength. This is our next great sac machine ( I hope) Boomer Sooner
Looks like that ship sailed…. Next!!
We just offer and we have another year…Im hope the coaches dont give up as easily
For sure, not saying it’s time to throw the towel in. Just move on to the next guy where interest Is somewhat mutual…
Throw in the towel, ship has sailed… next, and move on all appear to mean the same thing. Just saying.
I’m just saying it’s always more confident building to hear K give updates of kids being “blown away” or “game changing” and “blessed at the opportunity” to play for oklahoma…
Judging by that 3% battery, I’m guessing this list won’t last very long.
Don’t want no 3%ers.
What is in that rocky top water?? One championship in my lifetime paired with so so success.
There’s moonshine in them there hills.
If it’s in no order then why number it?
And how can you forget to put the best pick on the list?
Because it’s in order. Even if he didn’t mean to, subconsciously he put them in the order they popped into his head. If you wanna do a Top whatever list, do it alphabetically.
He’s out of order!
This whole damn place is out of order today!
Could you offer some grammar advice to the chick at the top offering this great employment opportunity?
Please don’t.
I better not. I’m trying to get a job.
Somebody likes grits.
That would be me. 🙂
That would be me. 🙂
Getting Excited. Thought maybe you guys needed a new background
And Shep
Marcus Green …
A question or do you have some info?
Just heard something. One of those things that I cant say until Bob addresses it. But doesnt sound good.
I’ve already assumed he is off the team, there is only news if he somehow earns his way back on. Doesn’t matter to me “why”, Bob calls the shots and I roll with it.
Yeah you can guess that its not good obviously… the reason if its true…is just really stupid imo. But well see if they release the details.
Hope he didn’t get high in a hotel room, bust through a window and fall off a ledge. 🙂
LOL ….. Hotty toddy!
And try to cover it up with a amazing rescue story…
No disrespect to green, but I’m sure Austin and Mbanosaur was ahead of him on the dept chart… that’s the only silver lining in this situation that’s comforting…
I did not need this right before bed.
Tis what it tis. How are things with you KJ?
Good considering …. the Green news was no good obviously…but I also heard about a couple injuries on the OL too….that news was worse because one of the players may be out for the season. Not a full time starter.
I guess it’s good it’s not a starter. That leaves a couple players that come to mind.
It’s tough: go easy and you avoid injury but you lose your edge, the players look like they didn’t prepare. Go hard and, well….
You should go to bed. Sleep it off. 🙂
Green doesn’t upset me too much because he has and will be recruited over IMO, although depth never hurts. Now losing O linemen…..don’t want to hear that right now. If our starters are good from here out, there is a lot of healing time before next season.
Hopefully it could potentially make bob end frison punishment early and unleash him upon a unsuspecting de..
I’m not sure Bob is punishing Frison, I have felt Frison just needed to work himself out of a hole that he created. Speculation on my part.
True, but the fact he hasn’t played a snap all season would leave me to believe that alone is punishment in its self…
KJ…you do know that we pay you to only give us GOOD news……right?
Hey, I will try to be funnier if it is a paying gig.
Youre funny enough but we’re not paying you nada for it.
Don’t know if KJ is at liberty to disclose injuries, who you thinking?
Well, if it’s on the OL and a non-starter, that leaves Dalton, St. John, and Farniok.
I’m hoping one that would be least likely to help in the future.
Don’t know if KJ is at liberty to disclose injuries, who you thinking?
If I remember correctly we haven’t lost one contributer to a season ending injury…
Yeah this will be the first one …I mean it is the post season but still. Weve been lucky all year.
Lehman talked about this today and pointed out how we took it easy on contact drills early on, and allowed the season itself to chisel the team into playing shape..
Its worked out well so far.
Let the speculation begin
It’s been in the open post notes all day, he’s off the roster which is usually the death sentence.
Because of the depth and Cooks I believe this is one we can absorb.. hopefully this will sooth some things..
It’s a double edge sword this time of year any news is usually not good..
Hey, where has BoomerSooner been? Do you know how to contact him?
No idea, just disappeared.
Maybe the MODs can send him a message for us.
Hope everything works out for him.
are we not pursuing calvin bundage?
He’s a tweener…. and unfortunately where in the process of bringing in some of the lb recruits stoops has ever recruited period, that’s more talented, polished and showing more legitimate interest.
Hey everyone it seems I missed interesting conversation while I was working. I would like to say it was not my intent to take away from what we all love, BOOMER SOONER!!!
Yes you did. LOL!
I love this page, it is by far the best out out there
This is a good community.
You also missed the ban-hammer.
did SD get banned? i hope not he’s hilarious.
No. That would be a Merry Christmas. I haven’t been that good.
Ok Im on EST and its 12:48 am here. I made it down to 2 “load more comments” and then my eyes started to droop. G’nite my Sooner brethren.
Night. Night. Get your blankey.
Get a cup of coffee in the morning and read like a mad man!
Good night all. I’m also on Eastern Standard Time.
Absolutely love the Sooners dancing video on SoonerTV.
Our boys look like they’re having great fun and know how to keep loose!
Check it out at (maybe Jordan can get it off Neu-Lion onto a decent MP$ format too! 😉
What’s going on with Sumlin & his QB’s..? Hearing he met with Kyler Murray & family over some concerns they were having & the meeting didn’t go well, talk of a transfer or dropping football altogether for baseball…