– Parnell Motley: This past weekend Oklahoma had a few visitors in Norman, one being defensive back Parnell Motley (Washington D.C.). The Sooners have been recruiting Motley for quite some time. I talked to a source about Motley’s visit and it sounds like it went really well. It seems the Sooners gave him a lot to think about. Source said the visit went, “really well…he’s going to take some time and talk it over with his family”. Source also said that Motley just needs to work things through with Maryland, as he is committed to them currently, but it won’t come as a surprise if he ends up a Sooner. In fact one source said that the thought of committing to Oklahoma crossed his mind on the trip. – (Brandon)
– Elysee Mbem-Bosse: As players get closer and closer to signing day it gets more and more difficult to get them to open up about their recruitment. So we like to speak to people close to a recruit to get a sense of where things stand. Star LB, Elysee Mbem-Bosse (Ellenwood, GA) will announce his commitment this coming weekend. Most expected Mbem-Bosse to end up at Auburn but in talking to a source I’m told that the departure of Muschamp and the fact that there still isn’t a defensive staff in place may have put the nail in their coffin.
Mbem-Bosse is a December graduate so he really doesn’t have time to wait for Georgia or Auburn to fill their staffs. I’m told this may end up playing out in Oklahoma’s favor. Mbem-Bosse officially visited Oklahoma last month and it sounds like that visit surprised even him with how much it impressed him. Sooners don’t usually pull defensive players out of Georgia, and there are no guarantees, but people familiar with Mbem-Bosse’s recruiting are telling us that it is a very real possibility. – (Super K)
– Chris Daniels: Another top target that will be making his announcement this weekend is defensive tackle, Chris Daniels (Euless, TX). I caught up with Daniels’ father and he said that Chris will be deciding between Oklahoma, Michigan, Ohio State and Alabama. He wouldn’t tip his hand but we feel confident that this one will come down to OU vs. Michigan. Both schools have recruited him the hardest. The advantage Oklahoma has is proximity and the fact that the Sooners are the only one of those programs whose defensive staff is completely intact. – (Brandon)
– Mique Juarez: I know everyone wants an update on the star LB that visited Oklahoma this past weekend. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to reach Juarez yet nor have we been able to really get a sense how the visit went from folks around Juarez. I can say that, going into the trip I was told that he is most likely stay in-state (California). We’ll work to bring you more. Either way, I think it’s pretty safe to say with who the Sooners have committed and where things stand with Caleb Kelley…the Sooners gon’ be aight! – (Super K)
– UPDATE (4:18 pm): 2016 wide receiver target, Velus Jones, has just informed us that he will announce his decision tomorrow at 2:00 pm. Velus will decide between schools like Florida, Tennessee, USC, Michigan and others. He holds an extensive offer list and has been heavily recruited by a number of programs. His most recent visit was to Tennessee. He visited Oklahoma in late November and came away very impressed. Stay tuned for this one. You can follow Velus on twitter at https://twitter.com/VelusJr – (Alex)
Boomer!!! Thanks for the updates — you guys are awesome!
I’d be willing to double my membership fee!!
cheap skate. I’m tripling mine.
I am adding 2 additional digits (0) to my monthly payment.
Mark Rodgers just said something interesting, he understands that OSU is looking to bring in Justice Hansen.. TFB hearing anything like that..?
wow. really?
ATM is looking at him as well I think.
he was close to committing there in HS too
Also has ISU offer.
With OSU losing their only QB in the 2016 class this weekend, have to think they’ll look to get someone else
They have a really highly rated QB that redshirted this year in kolar. They could probably get away with no QB this class.
Yeah I’ve heard that kid could be pretty good. Although on the other side of that, oSu has had some rough QB play since Brandon Weeden (who was admittedly a pretty good college QB) left after the 2011 season.
2012 – Wes Lunt came out and was supposed to be great. Then he, Clint Chelf, and J.W. Walsh traded starting the whole year due to injuries and poor play
2013 – Wes Lunt transfers before the season. Chelf was starter for half a game, then Walsh for half the season, then Chelf, then traded due to poor play all year
2014 – Walsh was starter, got hurt, Daxx Garman came in, wasn’t good, Mason Rudolph finished well
2015 – Rudolph was the “starter” with Walsh running oSu’s version of OU’s belldozer package and also occasionally being the starter – easily the best QB play for the season since 2011
Guess my point is, if I were oSu, I wouldn’t mind having an extra QB or two
I bet we would have recruited him had we swapped to the air raid at that point. Hes supposed to be a heck of a pocket passer.
They will only have 2 scholarship QB’s on campus. They MUST sign a QB or 2 this class.
They have 2 preferred walkons coming in too.. One from berryhill & also the locust grove kid, i believe..
Not all walkon’s are like Baker. I agree with BoomerDave.
The LG kid hasnt committed. But they do have a PW player in Nyc Burns.
That’s right, i was making an assumption because i don’t believe he has a d1 scholarship offer.. If that walkon offer ends up being his best offer, id think he’d take it..
no way… lol
Anybody else immediately say “Thank You Lord” when the OP went up? Thanks for all of the updates guys, really appreciated. Also, what in the heck is going on at OSU?
actually, i said exactly that. weird. great minds and all that.
Would you want to have to wear orange uniforms?? Can’t blame the recruits for telling oSu no
LOL. I did think something close. That is funny.
what happened at osu?
They had 3-4 decommits in the last few days.
i know they lost draper didnt know about anybody else haha
Mr. Washington…
We’re in the running for some real studs now and regardless of how the playoff games go the stability in our coaching staff looks to make a real difference because of the “unknown” factor for other teams playing the coaching shuffle game. But when we do change them man oh man is our athletic department good at picking winners!
Can’t wait to watch C Gundy and C Riley to “finish”.
Edit- among others, of course!
I think we’re going to see as well prepared a team as we have seen in a long time. Not only is this team self motivated but both the offense and the defense have been hugely better at making adjustments this season, and have showed amazing improvement in every fundamental of the game. And Lincoln Riley and Coach Stoops will have a few things up their sleeves unless I miss my bet.
Yeah- I’m pretty excited to see if Gundy is just as good at recruiting WR’s as he was/is RB’s.
Yep. Because he was nothing short of sensational at recruiting running backs! I watched the ESPN thing on Doug Flutie’s career yesterday, about how he was too small and overlooked his whole career and then he gets them to the Super Bowl and they pull him for a younger bigger guy and it’s a disaster. He later goes back to play again and once again wins and they quoted another player as saying that what made him great was that sometimes your plan- and everything ELSE- breaks down and you just have to “play football!” And that’s what he could do. I feel that Mayfield is absolutely the same way.
I think we’re going to see as well prepared a team as we have seen in a long time. Not only is this team self motivated but both the offense and the defense have been hugely better at making adjustments this season, and have showed amazing improvement in every fundamental of the game. And Lincoln Riley and Coach Stoops will have a few things up their sleeves unless I miss my bet.
If we landed Daniels and Mbem-Bosse that would be one heck of a weekend. The stars are aligning ladies and gentlemen.
Seems like it could go anyway with Mbem-Bosse, but you have to feel good about Chris Daniels tweeting “Just wait on it” the other day
Seems like it could go anyway with Mbem-Bosse, but you have to feel good about Chris Daniels tweeting “Just wait on it” the other day
Between Velus Jones and Chris Daniels, I think there will be plenty of good news for us Sooner fans leading up to the Orange Bowl
Caleb Kelly recent visit to Notre Dame?
Hopefully we can get Juarez
Good updates, sounds like a productive weekend coming up.
What up, Ray? What are your New Year’s Eve plans?
Drink, watch football, Drink. Damn sure not getting out in public with the amateur’s. 🙂
You gonna drink?
He’s just tailgating at the house the night before the big game.
It’s on my “to do” list.
Good deal.
Does it start and finish with drinking.
Of course, just another game day.
And celebrate a victory!
Damn right!
Is this going to be Bob’s best defensive recruiting class? Shaping up to be at least in the conversation.
Compares to some of our early 2000s d to me.
The 2001 class with Tommie Harris, Clint Ingram and Dusty was pretty damn good
Ingram is very underrated IMO. He doesn’t get the talk he deserves.
His pick against Oregon in the Holiday Bowl is one of my personal favorite plays of the Stoops era
Yeah, what I remember most from that play was Calvin Thibideaux running over to Bob Stoops for a bear hug
Haha AD is holding him up
I just went and watched this exact video right after I posted my last comment… great minds
Well are we talking about after the fact or going by what the kids where rated going in, cause Harris was clearly a great get for us, but not sure where the others were ranked or what not coming in. That 2000 class, had Lehman, Cody, and Wilkerson as part of it those three where probably better then the 3 named above IMO as far as the college game goes and the productivity, outside of Harris. 2010 class had, Colvin, Jefferson, and Nelson. the 08 class on paper looked good but really end up being a bust, 07 class was pretty solid considering the production we got from under rated players. I think they always get some great D players not always developed well.
I personally don’t remember ever having a better recruiting class. Oh wait, maybe you are talking about Bob STOOPS.
I thought you were the bagman?
Sorry for the miscommunication sir.
For those of you who have expressed concern over my wife’s trip to Mayo Clinic, I thought I would give you an update.
The upshot is that she has a rare condition and an uncommon condition that are interacting to confuse the garden variety doctors. Think of throwing two puzzles into the same box and giving it to someone to work without telling them there are two puzzles.
The good news is that both conditions are well enough understood that they are treatable and the prognosis is generally positive.
Thanks to all of you who expressed your concern and offered prayers on her regard.
Awesome news Bob. Will keep her in my prayers
God bless
Good to hear.
Very GOOD! I wish her a speedy recovery and to you her healthy return.
Excellent News Bob. Please pass on my best wishes to a speedy and full recovery.
Thanks for update – continued prayers Bob – Peace & blessings to you both.
Pls continue to keep us in loop. thanks
Thanks for the update and thoughts and prayers your way!
Great news Bob.
Praise the Lord!
Bob, we will keep praying for you and your wife. Please tell her we are all rooting for her.
That’s great news Bob! Makes all the trouble and uncertainty a little more worth it when they tell you they know what it is. Better then the old “good news” bad news” story from the doctors. The good news?; “You’re going to have a disease named after you!” LOL. Hang in there, Bob, and tell her she has my prayers.
Aren’t diseases usually named after the discovering physician?
You’re killin’ me, Daze. It’s a fifty year old joke.
I’m only 28… My young brain must not get it.
Lou Gehrig was a physician? 🙂
/did not know that
Nope… But Klinefelter was. So was Crohn. And so was Salmon (salmonella). Most diseases are named after the discoverer. Lou Gehrigs disease isn’t even the real name of that disease.
They are often named after the patient.
Sometimes, maybe. Usually they’re named after the discoverer.
My wish is her recovery is complete and rapid.
I’m also glad she has you by her side.
Good news indeed.
Bob very good news indeed. This is the important stuff – family and health. Best to you and your wife.
that is great news……..quite an early Christmas present for you and your family.
Blessings !
Amen and God speed to her
Amen! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful news!
Great News , praying for a speedy recovery.
Praise God!!!
Continued prayer, but great news!
That is awesome news, much better than the alternative. Whatever her condition(s), she is in my prayers tonight, as are you, sir.
Bob….Great to hear they figured out the issue(s). May God guide the Drs and bless the Mrs.
Awesome news. I’ll keep you both in my prayers.
Helping Motley breakup with Maryland is easy. “something something… new allergic reaction to the hideous Maryland outfits….something something Edsall firing…something something..Wolves are cool (YOLO) “
He could just say he prefers Nike
Isn’t Motley really good friends with Abdul Adams?
EMB’s offer list is incredible …
Yeah, that OU offer really stands out!!!
So is Motley’s. Idk how theyre both 3 stars
Smaller schools maybe?
Not really – Michigan, LSU, Clemson, Miami, Oklahoma
I was talking maybe they play for smaller schools hence their low star count my bad!
Yea he is a stud, sometimes can’t look at the stars but look at the offer sheet!
Hey BoomerSooner, you’ve done your time so it’s ok to come out and play. C’mon bro, join the party.
For true!
With the Sooners on a roll there aren’t many knuckleheads clogging up the bandwidth.
Miss the guy. I know he’s reading this and I know he didn’t forget how to throw a ball so get back in the game. I think his confidence was a little shaken but he just needs to get back on the mound.
If we can pick up Kelly and EMB I would be extatic about our LB class.
Should be already this LB class is already better than last years IMO. Deberry was the man in last years class, which is what BY is already in this class.
Also have Draper in 2017 class … That position is going to be set for years if even half pan out.
Draper is a stud, but the offer list at LB next year along with Draper is pretty scary if OU somehow pulls off, Kelly BY, and Juraez or EMB that is impressive, but the kids being mentioned fir next year could be even more impressive!
Browning & Draper are my top two for 2017.
Anthony Hines is another that looks real good!
Oh Dustin I feel as if I am grade school all over again!
So do I.
I like EMB but I think I prefer Horton if I were choosing. Who do you like better?
You are right. Horton looks better and faster.
why take the 2 year guy over the 4 year guy that will get better?
Horton is a JUCO guy so he better look better
Look for yourself.
I have still give the 4-5 year guy that could be just as good in that time frame as he will only get better!
I like Baccus but he’s in the same position with only 2 years to play.
It’s never that clear cut. Jucos offer a skill that takes years to develop. Analogy is Will Johnson and his skillset shedding blocks and navigating through traffic. Or Devante Bond and his blitzing. With the right person, you are basically get 5 star skill immediately albeit for a shorter amount of time.
I agree but not all JUCO guys are Bond or Johnson lol. I get what you are saying though give me the 3 for 4 guys as far as JUCO players of possible. I just think Bosse could be a great player with training and some time under Stoops.
I didn’t say every one is Bond or Johnson. You said you’d rather have 4 year guy and I offered two Jucos (Three if you add Westbrook) that are starting right now for the current team as a counter to the 4 year kid thing. It is a “K-State” strategy that has worked wonders for us in recent years. In fact, extending that a little, you have Jalen Saunders, Justin Brown (transfers with 1-2 years of play) Damien Williams, Lane Johnson. My point is that we’ve been able to get 4/5 star level of play available IMMEDIATELY from Jucos or transfer ranks, some of whom have even displaced tenured 4 year guys. I am not arguing if they are better than college kids outright, just that the coaches can be trusted with their picks based on history. I completely understand your POV, I would love a roseter full of Steven Parkers.
We have some pretty salty LB Freshman that can be used along with current JRs. Unless a Juco is Striker 2.0, he might sit and then be done rather than sit and learn for three years down the line.
Thanks Brandon and Super K, it’s about freakin time you lazy bums! 🙂
good stuff as always! We need some Orange Bowl preview articles though! How are you guys feeling about the matchup?
OU could use Jones.
update added
Me likey..
I don’t like that Velus said 4 other schools in name and others but no mention of Oklahoma on that list makes me think we could be a long shot for him also unless someone knows something we don’t
He had OV’s scheduled to MSU and Notre Dame in January. So, if he’s decided not to do them right after visiting Tenn, that doesn’t sound promising.
I’m not sure Velus listed the other schools and not OU. I read the update as Alex listed those schools as other offers in addition to OU. I’m hoping he visited Tenn and thought that compared to OU, it was awful and decided why visit the rest when you have already seen the best.
With cleveland and massey going other directions, is there a backup plan if jones dosent go our way?
Cleveland is still an option did you read the weekend OP they said although he announced Houston that things where far from over with him
I read that too, but flipping a hometown kid away from another hot program is not going to be easy.
I hope thats not our only plan b. Was hoping TFB might have another name that could be a potential target.
At this point you can look at the recruiting sites and see there isn’t many names left. There is a few names left in the state at WR but IDK how good those kids are, but OU has done well with kids from state schools at the position. Shep and Broyles. Jones was the last real big target on our board I think. mean there is big names out there but none of them look to be on our radar or us on theirs.
Kinda what i was afraid of. Dont know how we are missing out on so many receivers with the offense we put out this year.
That is just an opinion. I think Cleveland stays in Houston. Looked to me like he was waiting to see what happened with Hermann. Hermann stayed, Cleveland verballed, and I think it stays that way. Probably take something like Ward leaving early, or the OC leaving to reopen things.
Hope I’m wrong, but at this point, I think both he and Oliver end up at UH.
I think you are right also, but always hope OU has flipped a many of kids in the time Stoops has been there!
Hey Brien, what about Derrick Willis? He looks like a great WR to me. Is OU still in on him?
Derrick Wiilies is committed to Texas Tech but as far as JUCO kids he would be a good addition. But again nothing I’ve seen or heard on him as in regards to our recruiting him.
I’d say sit pat and hope the young guys grow up.
We’ll still have Westbrook, Quick, Andrews, Baxter, Parker, Mead, Miller, Todd, Humphrey, Green, and Hardy. Surely we can find 3-5 guys off that list.
Westbrook, Quick, Baxter, Parker, and Andrews should be fine. Add in Mead and Hump as young guys. Not sure we could get anybody else at this point that would be any better. Circle back next year and hopefully land a stud.
We certainly still have some talent, just hate to see us only grab 2 jucos for the year with a couple seniors leaving. Means next year is VERY important for grabbing a couple high school kids, no margin for error.
Well, we have less than a day to know for sure. Play for OUr team Mr. Jones – you’ll love it!
I’m not sure how SEC teams land WR’s, especially teams like Tenn and UF, over Big 12 schools.
The leading pass catcher for Tenn this past season had 36 receptions. The leader for UF had 47.
Meanwhile, the OU leader had 79, and two others had 42. Receivers want to catch balls, don’t they?
I will get shot for saying this, but they do so because it prepares them for the pro game better. They run more pro style route trees, ask receivers to block, etc. List the elite NFL receivers and you’ll see Bama and LSU with a lot of NFL studs who didn’t put the numbers up in college. I don’t like it, but it is true, many receivers in the SEC have been asked this question and this is a typical and sensible response to me.
I don’t disagree with you when we’re talking about guys like Julio Jones and Amari Cooper.
But the guys like Jones are more like Broyles and Shep at OU. Not sure going to Bama over going to OU is going to get him to the NFL any faster or more NFL ready. And we’re not ever talking Bama or LSU here. We’re talking Tenn and UF. Where WR’s go to be wasted.
I love broyles, but he’s a prime example of my point. As are jones, cooper, beckham, etc. who looked better in college and who is having a better pro career? I don’t like it, but it be what it be.
This may come out wrong, but Broyles lack of success in the NFL isn’t due to the fact he went to OU instead of the SEC. It is a size and injury thing. Julio Jones succeed not because of Bama, but because he is a physical beast.
I don’t really care how well a player translates to the pros, I am rooting for OU to find the best college players they can find. If they make it to the league that is great and I am always happy for OU players in the NFL. If they don’t have great NFL careers or even make it the the NFL but we win the Natty, I’m ecstatic with that too!
If Jones had as many injuries as Broyles, he would be gone too.
I think it has more to do with them recruiting better WR talent than it does the system that they are running. OU finished second with both Julio Jones and DGB to their home state schools. If both of those guys originally committed to OU, then I’m not sure we’re having this conversation
I believe we finished 2nd for Treadwell also.
Ruben Randle as well
Treadwell said OSU finished second. He was actually committed to OSU for awhile.
That’s the point, they didn’t pick OU.
The point is that if they DID pick OU they’d still be in the NFL.
The SEC just happens to draw many of the best athletes. Its not their system and schemes that are getting their WRs to the NFL its their innate talent that gets them there. They could go to Montana State and still they’d end up in the NFL.
Well said
Jones was born and raised in Alabama and we still almost got him. I could go on as I stated, most grow up in that part of the country and want to play for their conf.
Yes, you’ve said u could go on multiple times now. You continue to go on. You don’t have to keep saying it. just keep going on.
I’m stil, waiting for something from u without the words if and almost.
They were close to home. Huge difference, and that’s why they didn’t pick OU.
True statement. Don’t disagree.
True statement. Don’t disagree.
Dude, you are picking your arguments. The fact I am gathering above is that OU has never actually had issues getting WR talent. If anything, this year showed we are quite fine. Development on the other hand…
The issue that you are angling for is more geographic than anything. The south statistically produces more talent than anywhere else (think Tx, Fl, Ms, LA,) and then you see that those are primarily SEC strongholds, it’s not hard to argue why “the SEC is winning their talent”. Just like we have done well in Texas. Also, until the last year or two, OU typically did not recruit the bigger, prototypical WRs that the SEC normally recruits. We have thrived with the Claytons’, Broyles’,Stills’,Saunders’…etc smaller type. Can you argue that the SEC’s all-world WRs have been better? I think not. But that doesn’t matter to recruits when the NFL is drafting based on measurables instead of on-field production.
Lastly, I am not one for moral victories, but Julio Jones was very, very close to OU. There are articles saying he changed his mind on signing day or something. Point is, we offered a compelling case for him- enough to reconsider staying at home. The Cali trio
I’m not picking arguments, just being a sucker trying to respond to everyone’s complete bashing of the original statement. I don’t disagree with most, if not all, the points made on here. But back to the original question and answer. Why do they pick these schools? I gave a legitimate reason why. Some people on here have such a deep hatred for the sec. I certainly underestimated the outfall from what is not just a personal opinion, but a fact. Original comment was in no way comparing “us to them”. I got side tracked by all the haters who just can’t handle success from anyone else.
My apologies.
No apology needed. I couldn’t wade through all the responses so I lost the reference discussion. SEC speed doesn’t resonate well with folks here and for good reason- We’ve beaten the best of them at our worst….so there’s that. I don’t disagree on quality- facts are facts, but you can take data and skew it however you want and in the end it’s not worth arguing over. especially when it pertains to 18 yr old kids’ decisions
What you are saying doesn’t make much sense. So a big time WR goes SEC and he’s in the pros and you don’t think he’s going to hype the SEC?? They are trained to love the SEC & their school. Most grow up in that area & want to play for the SEC and they just happen to be incredibly athletic.
What? I’m saying what they say is a big reason they go to these schools. Where did I say anything about pumping the conference?
I knew I’d be crucified for saying that, but I lived in Baton Rouge and know people that played there. Do you see how many wideouts they land every year? Do you see their college stats? Do you see their pro careers? What stands out to you?
Why is this exact same logic most on this board use applicable as to why every stud o lineman should come here, but not in this case?
I despise the SEC culture, but the truth is the truth.
I’ve covered Louisiana for over 15 years and know several who played. It’s the same, they pump the SEC and they even laugh about it. Again, when you grow up your whole life as a LSU fan and everyone around you is a LSU fan and you are 6’3, lightening fast and great hands, your going to play for LSU. Doesn’t mean they looked around and thought, you know, LSU will put me in the pros with my 18 catches a year.
All Im saying is that if Velus Jones goes to the SEC Im blaming you! He’ll obviously read this and probably decide based on your comment! Way to go….
Yes, literally LOL!
Give Jpsooner a break. It’s not “his” theory. He simply stated what some of the kids say and you guys are crucifying him and acting like he concocted this idea. He simply stated what the kids are saying. Back off a little guys.
Thank you!
I don’t think SEC WRs are running a different route tree than BIG XII WRs are either.
That’s why I said it makes no sense.
Ok, well you guys go tell the recruits that and maybe we will stop finishing second for all the studs.
For Gods sake people, I said this is what the kids say! You may not like it, but that’s what they say!
I think it’s because all the talent flocks to the SEC-SEC-SEC because of the massive hype machine behind that conference. Those kids would’ve gotten to the NFL no matter where they played.
Your theory is a bit flawed. First off, those WR’s you’re thinking of (ie, Julio Jones, AJ Green, Landry, Beckham Jr, etc.) were always going to the SEC because of location and those guys were TOP OF THE LINE receivers in High School. Many of them were 5-stars. Julio Jones was very close to going to OU, in fact most believed he was a silent commit up until signing day ($ talks).
If you believe Jones is a top NFL WR because he played at Bama, you’re fooling yourself. He would be in the same position he’s in if he played in the NFL. Kenny Stills would be in the same position he’s in if he would have played for Bama, etc.
It’s not a theory, it’s what the kids say. I don’t disagree one bit with what u said. I simply stated one of the top reasons that answers the original question.
It’s partially true. Based on the most recent data I could find LSU has the most active WR alumni in the NFL at 10, Miami is second at 9, Florida is 3rd at 8, then there’s a big tie for the next batch at 6. The schools that are tied are: ASU, Arkansas, Baylor, Missouri, Ohio State, Oklahoma, and Rutgers.
Only 5 of the current top 20 NFL receivers are from the SEC and one of those was a Sherman recruit while ATM was still in the BIG XII.
No, there are 6 and 8 of top 25. Name the top big 12 guy.
I’m looking right at it and I count only 5. Maclin is the top BIG XII guy.
Jordy Nelson from Green Bay would be there if he wasn’t out for the season.
I don’t think they’re better prepared at all. I think the NFL wants the Dez Bryants and Megatrons of the world and the BIG XII doesn’t produce a lot of big, physical WRs like that because they recruit smaller, shiftier WRs.
quit making sense, it confuses everything.
Ok genius, then get back to the original question. Why aren’t we landing the guys just spoken about?
My take, FWIW- these guys are generally a bit too big for their britches, want to be the BMOC, THE guy. Generally not the best TEAM guys- and, to Stoops’ and our coaching staff’s credit in general, they don’t recruit that kind of kid, they want character guys.
Simple. I grow up in Oklahoma, most likely I want to play for OU. I grow up in the southeast, I’m gonna play in the SEC. The SEC is spoon fed to them from birth. Nothing wrong with it but the demographics produce some amazing athletics.
We have. Dallis Todd was a very highly recruited big WR that hasn’t gotten on the field at all for whatever reason.
We got the other 5 star guy from Missouri that spent all his time beating off in his car who was highly recruited.
Malcom Kelly was a diva with no work ethic.
Metoyer was from Texas. That kid was a surefire NFL WR. Too bad he enjoyed himself more than Football.
No he wasn’t a transfer from Texas. He was sent to Hargrave Military Academy and transferred to OU from there.
I think he was probably referring to the fact Metoyer was from Whitehouse, tx. Couldn’t make the grades went to Hargrave Mil, then to OU, I think in the 2012 class.
Got it.
Lol…you said he was from Missouri. I corrected you and said he was from Texas. The state. I’m very familiar with his background.
Yep. My bad. You were correct.
I know. Also making sense, Jordy Nelson (out for season) and Dez Bryant (injured for most of season) don’t show up on that top 25 NFL WRs list because of……..injuries.
Maclin was from big 12 (mizzou) and DGB before they went SEC. I could go on.
Mike Evans was recruited while ATM was still a BIG XII team.
Ok, whatever my man. If u truly believe there is more big 12 WR talent in the league then I’m glad to hear that. you win, you hate the SEC the most.
Derick Woods was highly recruited but stole everything that wasn’t bolted to the floor and got kicked out.
Kameel Jackson was highly recruited diva and a lockerroom cancer that transferred to ATM and fizzled out.
DeJuan Miller, career doghouse player.
Mark Andrews is highly recruited and still here.
Courtney Gardner
Durron Neal
You sure you really researched this?
Need I go on?
Ur list of star WR we pulled is indeed impressive. I remember every one of them. you can go on as long as you’d like to prove ur point. No I didn’t research anything, just stated what’s been stated by recruits. Argue with them, not me. Sorry, but ur list of “what could have beens” isn’t really a compelling argument. Some of the others in here, yea, but this list, no.
You said we weren’t landing the recruits. I showed you a list of highly recruited kids we landed, most of which burned out due to behavioral problems. I don’t see how my point isn’t a “compelling argument” just because most of them fizzled out. We’re landing them. They aren’t holding up their end of the deal.
Read the original question and response again bro. He posed the question as to how the SEC pulls the WR they do. I simply stated one of the primary reasons why. U guys turned this into an us vs. them thing and I fell for it.
Bottom line, the list of elite WR from that conf is impressive. By no means am I discounting those that have come here.
You win. Will that make this stop!?
I think most of them pull in the kids they do because they’re recruited to their state school and that’s where they want to go.
Dont forget years back..Tristan Ross…..oh wait
Dude, that’s not the point. Yes, there are more SEC players in the league. Yes, there are better WRs in the SEC territory and yes, there are 4 more teams in the SEC to send kids to college.
Never once did I say, there is more big 12 talent in the NFL.
Wes Welker- Heritage Hall 99′
That is the point I was trying to make. I get why A.J. Green, or Julio Jones, or Amari Cooper went to the SEC. I don’t get why a kid like Velus Jones would want to.
Baylor doesn’t seem to struggle landing WRs.
Briles pays $EC dollars.
Big fish, little pond
Tulsa World article today suggested we may use four LB’s on the field against Watson, have we setup that way against anyone else this year?
Respectfully think you’re absolutely wrong
Hmm, Striker, Bond, Evans, & Alexander. If my math is correct, that’s 4.
Your arithmetic is pretty good. I interpreted the article to mean four LB’s in the box, didn’t recall seeing that setup this year.
I just pulled up the WV game and looked at the first series, we have 3 down and 4 backers.
That gets us in trouble, aren’t we normally in soft zones with 3 down?
Define box. All 4 are in the box
Dad gummit, with our 4 LB’s , I’m talking about alignment. Do we setup differently this game 4-4, etc. Dad nabbit!
No, 3-4. We used it extensively through the year.
Some people like to refer to it as the 3-4. 🙂
To be fair, toward the end of the season against the passing teams we were in the nickel a large portion of the games.
Thanks for the pickup
Bond could have started for most anybody in the nation, but he didn’t get as many reps late in the season because Will was playing nickel so much. I think the article is making the point that with a running QB we may play Bond more then he has recently.
I hope we do
Even though we went nickle, we would start off on 1st & 2nd down with 4 LBs. We were changing out packages constantly.
But I think it’s fair to say Bond was getting a lot less reps later in the season.
now, now- just playin’ along. This just happened to remind me this line delivered by Oldman- great scene, great movie. Have you seen it?
Surprisingly no, love his stuff and will check it out
Do- stars a very young Natalie Portman, maybe where she got her start as a child actor.
You never saw “The Professional?”
I could have, but I didn’t respect the importance of brain cells between 1991 & 1999
you’ll enjoy it
Smack dab in the middle of your brain fog.
Did you really feel piled on? I just thought everyone was answering your question about our base defense.
Nah, it’s all good
I believe we did in the WVU and Tennessee games
Bond and Striker at the same time. OU has done it before.
Bond/Alexander / Evans/Striker? Or would the 4th be Shannon?
Article mentioned Striker, Bond, Evans and Alexander
ok thanks
Against a team like Clemson I think we will see a nickleback a lot more than a traditional 3-4 D, beat speed with speed!
That’s what I was attempting to gather feedback on with my original post, if it’s what we do it will be interesting to see the other connectors, and alignment
I say we get our best D on the field as far as speed and reaction time, Walker, Tapper, Dimon, Bond, Evans (better IMO in open spaces and running with RBS and attacking O’s) Striker, Parker, Johnson, Thomas, Thomas, and Zanchez.
No way Dom doesn’t play almost every down. The choice is Bond or Johnson.
I know but he is good at making plays when filtered into him!
Evans is better IMO
Evans is excellent in the open field, great tackler
Yep. With the way the Dline and LB’s have played this season, I’d probably go 3-3-5 most of the time, but if we can’t stop the run and/or the QB scrambles start hurting us, maybe you see the 4th LB.
Bond, Evans, Alexander, and Striker, Parker was a nickleback but played so close to the line at times like Roy Williams so basically we ran 4 LBs every game sometimes 5 depending how deep Parker was and the formation.
We ran 4 linebackers a lot maybe not as much as 3 but Clemson gives us the opportunity to try 4 I think. They’re spread but they’re not a big 12 spread. Plus our linebackers are faster than they’ve been the last several years.
Striker, Bond, Alexander, and Evans…….all season long.
That’s been our base defense all year long.
Demetric Warren has Velus going to OU as late as yesterday, but those crystal balls aren’t necessarily always on point.
I’ve been looking for the link to his predictions, care to remind me?
The guys usually refer to 247 crystal ball predictions, be careful to look where the predictions come from. Some of the prognosticators are homers like us and want the kids at their schools. The national guys are usually pretty accurate. http://oklahoma.247sports.com/
Yes. They are fragile too.
This sounds familiar. Tyrie Cleveland or somebody last week, if I’m not mistaken…
Warren is a pretty good picker, (55% correct) It’s always, they will or they won’t.
55%? Not bad. I’m close to 60% choosing heads when I flip a coin.
Looking at the median, its not bad, maybe he’s using his lucky quarter too.
A lot of our staff up for awards here:
Nice list, a little surprised to see us in the special teams category.
Prob the defensive side of it
Has to be, we did cover well.
I don’t think we allowed a lot of return yds.
We didn’t punt a lot, either.
We allowed 7 all season if I remember correctly.
#1 in punt return defense and #7 in net punting but the rest of ST is pretty pedestrian. I think this is a case of Boulware having a reputation for being a good ST coach so he gets included, but nobody really looked at the stats.
I honestly think we intentionally cleared out for the reception of punts and tried to phased out MOST kick returns in a trade off to minimize injuries this season. Maybe I’m reaching but injuries seem to occur a lot more often on ST plays, what really would be the yardage difference?
I think there may be some of that on punts. But why protect Ross, its not like he is even third string?
I should’ve said punt returns. I’m not sure what happened to Ross, he looked slow and lost.
Stoops has said on several occasions that we lost a lot of our blockers from the previous year. I think its more about the guys blocking than running.
I understand that, Ripkowski himself was a human wedge. But Ross seemed either under conditioned or playing injured all year.
I could be way wrong here but I think he may have been playing frustrated not seeing the lanes that he grew accustomed to last season. And we all know he needs that lane because he can’t make his own.
This is my impression also.
We were all frustrated 🙂
The key for Ross is to be able to get through that first line without being slowed down, against okie st. they gave him an opening, he made one cut to get into it and almost housed it. That’s all he needs but too many times this year there was a man free to hit him before he got going.
I still think they should of put him in the slot, unless of course he can’t catch.
He has hands.
Ross is a guy playing football but with a track guy’s skill set.
Yes, not to mention he was a DE most of his life.
He cannot return punts due to his speed, or lack thereof. He’s a straight line runner who needs a good head start (KO returns).
This is the correct answer. KO return is straight line speed. Punt return is the ability to make the first guy miss which is more about side to side quickness. Seems to me Mixon would be a great PR guy, he’s got some great side to side moves. May not have the hands though.
Billed as an above average receiver out of the backfield, thinking they don’t want to risk injury where he’s concerned.
I find it fascinating that in all my years this is the first that the risk of injury to a good player on PR ever became an issue.
Truly baffling.
I think the DeMarco injury has them second-guessing themselves
Don’t know why. I never heard any concern for Broyles or Saunders returning punts and they were just as important to the Sooners as Shep is now.
I have more fluid hips than Alex Ross
How do you look in a skirt? LOL!
Hopefully better than Mr. Jenner.
If he’s still got a wiener, he’s still a Mr.
I’ll let you do the verification
No need, TMZ has their hands on it. They’ll let the world know when that times comes…
has their hands on it… yuck
Doubt he does. Just more “attention whore” nonsense from that dysfunctional family.
You check out your dvr today?
Yes, watched it. Pretty funny.
“buckle up, buckaroos”
That’s not me anymore.
If this isn’t partially the case we are truly horrendous at blocking for them.
Seems we would have put someone a little more “expendable”, that could catch, back there than Shep if that were the case- IMO.
From what I heard about spring I think Shep is the only consistent set of hands for punt returns.
FYI, for anyone interested in this discussion here is OU’s team stats page at the NCAA. It gives rankings in all the stat categories.
Don’t hold out on us. 🙂
He’s click baiting us here. 🙂
I hate that. 🙂
That happens when the wife interrupts in the middle of a post. You guys get the leftovers of my brain cells and at my age their ain’t much left.
No problem, I was the youngest of 3 boys so the “chopped liver” treatment is familiar. 🙂
Refresh, I forgot to paste the link first time.
Anxious to hear about this resolve.
How many recruits decisions do you thing hang on this decision?
Kelly’s statement haunts me…”I go where Viney goes.”
I know, I don’t even want to bring it up… If we find a spot for him on the staff, does that mean we have to let someone else go? Or, can a new position be created/shared… NCAA regs in play?
Someone posted the regs concerning how many coaches are allowed, but I can’t remember the numbers. It was stated then that the staff was full, so someone would have to be let go to make room.
What if Coach Merv were to retire?
The staff is full of on the field coaches. I don’t think there are limits on any others. They can give him a job, he just can’t coach on the field unless we get rid of someone else. He also can’t do any recruiting off campus. He did do a little of that this year, but it was because we were short in the interim between the firings/leavings and the hiring of the new coaches.
RBear, how are you, sir? Who is Boomer16? Is that a player or coach?
I can answer.
He is a TFB contributor(can’t remember his nic) that makes fantastic OU related photoshops as a hobby with his son. Click on his twitter feed.
Sure thing. If for no other reason, I hope they keep Viney because he’s a great coach. I don’t think they would have filled that last spot if they didn’t have a plan for viney. Maybe someone retires. Maybe Kish.
I was thinking it might be Coach Merv Johnson
How old is Coach Merv now?
Thanks, I knew he was getting on.
Does Merv still hold a field position? and if so, why would they not boot him to some sort of admin to give a young Viney a spot. That would be stupid.
I thought he was admin as well.
He’s in administration but he also assists some with recruiting somehow and has a few other responsibilities I can’t recall, but it’s administrative for sure.
I didn’t know Merv was a coach. I thought he held some kind of administrative title.
Doing well Sam, thanks- I haven’t a clue as to who Boomer16 is, just ran across it.
Hope all is well w/you.
It is, sir. Busy, with school (kids) and Christmas. Life is good and God is great. EasTex answered the Boomer16 question.
That’s higher than I expected for Penn State but then again there really aren’t a lot of true blue bloods. Everyone just anoints themselves these days.
Adorning themselves in 247 different uni combinations along the way…
True. Honestly for as mediocre as PSU has been in the 21st century that’s pretty impressive but then again the Big East wasn’t the toughest. Also, everyone should behold the power of the original incarnation of the Big XII.
75% of those wins were Joe Pa’s 😉 /s
FWIW, PSU was never in the Big East; they were indy until ’92 & joined the B10 in ’93.
Penn State is the only school on that list that OU hasn’t played, or isn’t scheduled to play in the somewhat near future, under Bob.
LOVE how he schedules.
Man, they are rockin’ through the stadium reno. Sooner Club sent out this pick of the new entrance the team will use.
Oh wow! That is lookin sweeeeet!
Play Like a Champion Today!
They are getting after it. Sure hope there isn’t too much bad winter weather to slow them down this year.
If shushing me promotes a mild winter, then go right ahead.
I think the new model has shown wetter than normal but not colder than normal for these parts but normal will bring bad weather
Wet could present some problems, but ice is not welcome.
Yeah def not ..El Nino has been crazy this year
If aTm can rebuild an entire side of their stadium in an off season, I know we can do it better!
Seeing as how we’re not shoving $75,000,000 in fees down the throats of our students and their parents to help pay for renovations, I’d say we’re off to a much better start than aggy.
Damn, that one guy there has done a lot of work since the last picture. Bob the Builder.
“Bob the builder?” Do you have young children may I ask? lol
No, but about 738 nephews and 1 niece.
You must have like 74 brothers and sisters. lol
Seats right above that tunnel would be pretty darn sweet.
Have y’all seen this lol? Why isn’t this talked about more on the recruiting trail?
Alabama is known for RB and D/ST these days, they don’t care much for a QB that isn’t much more than a game manager. I don’t think Alabama cares all that much
They land 4 and 5* QBs all the time. Their RBs have been vastly overrated. Best one is Ingram and he’s like 14-15th in the league.
Lacy is better than Ingram and Yeldon looks like he’s gonna be pretty decent to be fair.
And dentists
Alabama where mediocre QB’s go to win National Championships.
We want to have you for free for 4 years, then we’ll make sure you won’t get paid in the NFL… but don’t worry, we own the SEC network.
Free? It’s the SEC. There is no free for 5-star players.
They don’t get the money, just their pastors and overlord recruiting agent
Somebody’s got to pay for those Alabama free suits.
I actually heard it today on Russilo’s show on ESPN radio… I thought it was against their religion to bad mouth the SEC/Bama.
Jordan Phillips just got a shout out from Gruden
Is Phillips playing DE in their defense? He seems to be lining up outside the guard and I don’t know if that’s the best way to utilize him.
That stat is probably about the same as 80 other colleges.
Cheifs fan: Oh gawd I know Brodie croyle all to well… Hot wife.terrible nfl QB
It’s probably not talked about because there’s no need. It’s not like Alabama is getting good QB recruits while others are not. They still don’t have a QB!!!
I never read this story before, pretty neat.
Bob pitchin’ Dove soap for dudes now? LOL!!!
Good story. Bob has always been an awesome ambassador for our beloved university.
He is definitely one of the good guys. Need more like him.
Good read, EasTex, Thanks for sharing.
I’ve had a busy weekend: Max had two swim meets in Columbus, Ohio; one Friday and one Saturday.
Today was back to work. But tonight we had a progressive dinner with my wife’s family. I’m just getting a chance to breathe. I’ve been grumpy all day, per my wife.
Enjoy those young’uns. I have to tell ya’ life doesn’t get any less complicated as you get older. 🙂
I second that
I will hug’em up something good. I don’t want them to ever be true if they say I was a bad Daddy.
Plant that voice in their head that will always ask them when they go to do something…”am I using good judgment?”
EasTex, I do. I talk to them about leadership and about being kind.
They will meet a lot of different and be exposed to a lot of things as they get older. Their ability to use good judgment when you aren’t there is crucial.
OU’s road to the college football playoff, if anyone’s interested. ESPNU
Season finale for Fargo at 9.
Good season.
I don’t think it was as good as last year, but it was pretty close.
The mafia business sure has gone corporate.
I liked the first year, but in terms of production quality, sound track and story telling I thought this was better by far. Makes me think next year’s show might be even better.
I do have to say that the sound track was outstanding and very well thought out.
I hate Clemson
I hate waiting.
No kidding. This is rough. I’m sure the players liked have a week of to heal up, but suspect they are ready for game week now.
What a catch by Stills for a TD!
— missed the stills catch, thxs…….loved stills in no with brees, wish he was still there
— watched jphillips from half third q on……..he pretty much got handled and had a roughing call on manning
— damien williams looked good
Tramonda Moore speaks of his OV to Norman:
Sounds like he was close to being ours this weekend. Those future visits scare me a little, hopefully the coaches and players stay real close.
I like this young man. Seems to have a good head and good support. I hope he comes to OU, but I do respect his thoughtfulness.
Good night everybody! I’ll get the lights.
So no “#JustWaitOnIt” tag on the Velus Jones post? That’s not good news.
The ads below are so stupid. Happiness and fulfillment in life from money. Good luck with that.
When is the dead period?
Until January 13th.