Image of Tramonda Moore via Scout.com
– Tramonda Moore: Last night Oklahoma offered 2016 OL Tramonda Moore (6’6″ 330 – Oklahoma City, OK) out of John Marshall. Moore is a guy Alex discovered about two months ago (here), and we were all really impressed with his size and athleticism. To me, Moore and Tyler Brown were the two in-state OL both in-state programs should go after. Both Moore and Brown are raw prospects, but in my estimation when it comes to a combination of length, fluidity throughout the lower body, initial burst, and snap in the hips, they are about as good as it gets in offensive linemen.
Moore also picked up an Ok State offer last week if you weren’t already aware. When I had a chance to speak with Moore, I asked if a commitment was at all imminent. He said the current plan is to “take a little time” before making a decision. It may also be worth noting Moore’s head coach over at John Marshall is former Oklahoma State player, Rashaun Woods. Not sure just yet how, if at all, that may factor into Moore’s decision. – (Super K)
– Bryce Youngquist: For a while now OU has been sitting in the Top 5 for talented 2016 linebacker Bryce Youngquist (Rancho Cucamonga, CA). Youngquist is a prospect I am personally very high on, and I previously offered some notes about his game here.
Yesterday, Youngquist let me know he will finally make his trip out to Oklahoma next week. During the trip, he is planning to visit OU, Wisconsin, Illinois & Northwestern.
In a recent conversation I had with Youngquist, he told me he was very high on Oregon right now. He said he loved his visit there and it sounds like if he had to pick right now, that’s where he would go. This, despite the fact his mom ran track at Arizona State.
But the Sooners will still have their chance to turn his head on this upcoming visit. He’s likely going to leave the state of California wherever he eventually winds up committing, so this is a battle that can definitely still be won. – (Super K)
– Team News: Checked with a couple sources on the young linebackers and one name I keep hearing over and over is Curtis Bolton. I have been told by two separate sources now that Bolton can ‘really run’ and is having ‘a great summer.’
I also asked about Ricky DeBerry and Arthur McGinnis as well. Was told DeBerry has not been cleared just yet (as of yesterday) since he arrived late. So I’d expect him to be good to go next week. Also told McGinnis hasn’t been able to run or participate in much thus far, other than weight lifting, due to some kind of minor (key word) lower body issue. But again, just to be clear, based on what I was told it sounded very minor, so I’d expect him to be good to go here soon. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (Fri., 11:12 am): OU has offered 2017 WR Jhamon Ausbon (6’4″ 214 – Bellaire, TX).
-UPDATE (Fri., 1:41 pm):
first!!!! BOOMER!!!!
update added
I like Bolton the fact that he is playing inside is still a pleasant surprise him and Tay Evans both impressed me in the Spring game. I hope both McGinnis and DeBerry redshirt. I guess special teams would be ok, but sometimes seems like a wasted year.
Agreed. Been high on Bolton since he signed. Gut feeling, he is going to be a good player for us.
DeBerry has the same film pretty much, but Bolton seems to have those quicker feet and moves better but still makes wonder if they try DeBerry inside.
Something about a LB named Curtis gives me high hopes.
I honestly dont think McGinnis and Deberry will play this year. It would be way more beneficial if they sit in my opinion.
If they earn their way onto the field, it bodes well for the defense.
yep, likely it means they are better than Bolton and others
Not only that, if the offense is as productive as many of us expect it to be, depth on the D will be critical.
Great point! Short drives (whether score or punt) makes for more series that the D will have to play, with less rest in between.
I actually watched the fourth quarter of the toads and bears. By then the toad defense(with an excellent starting 11) was completely gassed, but they had no depth on D and got blasted.
Most definitely, if they are good enough to play their first year then by all means….I just dont think they are, but we’ll see. I think the WRs, DBs, OL, and maybe one DL will see time this year.
If the offense scores quickly and often, having two of everything on defense that can play well is essential.
I would think the opposite if we need freshman LBs to play we are in trouble. If they earn back up time in blowouts maybe then. But redshirting them still sounds better to me.
Think it could go either way, just depends on each specific circumstance. Are they too good not to play as freshmen or do we need them to play because the current LB’s aren’t good enough.
Deberry could play just because he is a rusher, and you cant go wrong with using pass rushers. But McGinnis will likely sit for the year
Love the team news section of these posts.
Ausbon was a sophomore in this video?
Someone needs to check his birth certificate, it can’t be possible for such a young man to be so big, fast and fluid.
He does have a really nice stride, seems effortless.
Your post is vaguely obscene.
They are everywhere in Houston. My son’s 6th grade 7 on 7 team had a 5’10, and two 5’9 kids who could flat out fly. They weighed between 140 – 155. It’s unreal to see some of these kids development at 12 years. Their daddies were 6’4 – 6’6 and they will be playing on Saturday’s. Can’t wait to watch their careers.
Start putting a bug in their ears now!
I see what you all are doing here. We love the updates the most. Therefore, create an Open Post just to update it and work us into a froth.
Tramonda Moore is a violent blocker. He reminds me of Jamaal Brown. He wants to beat you down mentally and physically. If you let the former happen, you might not make it through the first half because this kid doesn’t stop coming at people.
I loved the one clip where he went all Michael Oher on one guy.
Me too. And like you, even said so. Would love to see him against equal competition.
how large was the opponent ?
7’2″, 404 pounds, with 4% body fat. Answers to the name Hercules, son of Zues
I will give you credit. You get creative in finding the most negative thing possible.
So sorry for you I am.
Love the team notes, Super K. Nuggets of knowledge.
The only thing I can think of now(being an old lineman) is the fact that the OL doesn’t get any work on the field with 7on7. While conditioning and classroom work is important, what the OL will be facing this coming year is ominous.
First of all, lots of new faces and even with the old faces it is a new offense. Defenses will be blitzing much more, they always do Air Raid offenses and inexperienced OLs.
Summer camp can’t get here soon enough so the big boys can get the work they will need to make the offense work.
The OL is working out. Drills and plays in the morning.
Excellent, thanks for that.
Nuggets of knowledge.
Tasty, they just need a little help.
Tots of tutelage?
Taters of take.
Whispers of whimsical rumors.
Man, I love tater tots almost as much as I hate off-season.
Tots are perfection, off season is imperfect.
Jordan Evans getting a lot of national attention as a LB. I think it will be him and Shannon starting with Alexander as the back up.
Anytime a previous starter is most likely gonna come off the bench, you know depth has improved in that position
I am not saying I disagree but I don’t u defer and why Evans is getting so much attention. Alexander was a freshman all American and when he played with Shannon they played very well together. Last year was Rvans first year and I do t think he played poorly but I wouldn’t say it was good either. All that to say I have see. More good from Alexander than from Evans. So my view is if we are a 3/4 it will be striker and bond on outside with Alexander and Shannon in middle.
I agree, but I think we’re in the minority. Alexander seems pretty polished to me, but Evans has a lot of growing to do.
Forgot about Dom. Duh! Yes Dom and Shannon would be impenetrable.
Easy Evans is bigger, stronger, faster & better in coverage
Evans played his first year, how many LB’s dominate their first year? Even Striker didn’t do much his first year. Expect big things from Evans this year
Sure makes it tougher to complete passes over him or Tay Evans in the middle.
Yep…Tay caused an int in the SG
And Jordan had at least one and caused another in game action last year.
Oh and stay away from IH-35 today.
I had to take 35 yesterday evening and was fine…Caddo was up to the railing…pretty freaking crazy…did you see the skunk riding on the floating round bale lol…wasn’t mine lol..got mine in the barn…creek made it just up to the barn but going down now
Go check out Meteorologist Brad Sowder’s Facebook page…he has the vid of the skunk
Not that, the rock slide on I-35 near Ardmore.
oh..yeah 35 north bound is closed thru the Arbuckles…I’m a few miles south of that w no plans to head north…sounds like the red river 35 bridge will stay open…I’m staying in town this weekend for Kooterfest anyways …3p-10p at red dirt brew house..come on
Have fun.
It’s Father’s Day weekend, I ain’t going nowhere.
There are sections of the Arbuckles where you can tell by looking at te he layers that even though it’s a topographical dome, it started as a structural basin. It is an OLD mountain range when you see valleys become hills. We took a field trip in a geology class I took at OU. The only geology class I have ever taken I might add! And yes, I know everyone is fascinated by my trivia, heh heh. OH! Also tombstone topography- where the rocks end up looking like grave markers is quite rare and very apparent there as well. You’re welcome!
I knew these things but thanks for the trivia hehe
Ya I agree but that his what I am saying. If you go back and look at Doms numbers his first year they were pretty sick. So again I think Evans is a better athlete but I have not seen him be a better LB yet. But I am no means an expert just my thoughts. Either way LB has potential to be strong a deep position this year.
Dom has been set back with a wrist injury over the winterspring…Jordan has past him physically and he along with Tay and Curtis got a lot of reps this spring…I just don’t see Dom keeping his spot between those three and Shannon coming back…good for depth of our backer group
The guy I expect to the most improvement from is Devante Bond
Anybody remember Trey Lealaimatafao? former ou recruit, now an LSU player. Well he was arrested this morning for assault and robbery plus he apparently struck a female. Crazy
From reading the report last night it sounds like he’s a real POS. Tried robbing a concussed dude and then punched the guys girlfriend when she tried to stop him. Another scumbag.
I never could read that guy’s last name without thinking “LMFAO”
Any truth to the rumor that the Daily Jokelahoman sent their entire reporting staff to Baton Rouge to cover the story?
G-Day minus 78
Stockar was/is a big man.
Excellent choice.
There were several 78’s that could have posted.
Thank you EasTex
Missed ya yesterday, But I am guessing you would have chosen Loadholt for 79?
I got one in, but it was later in the evening. I used Mike (USS Vaughan) Vaughan. Loadholt would also be a great choice.
Yes ; although some times it was hard for him to holt his load 🙂 He did have a tendency to start before everyone else.
Geez, Tremonda reminds me of Michael Oher in the move “The Blindside”. Why did we wait so long to offer?
not again
Whoops! Did I err with the comparison to Oher?
I think it was the “slow play” meme.
OK. Thanx!
Fiftieth! SOONER!!!
You know it is goin to be a great day when the 2nd comment on the Open Post is from good ol Jordan saying “Update Added!”
Well, not all updates are positive. Some read like “:X just committed to ….”
I’m surprised brown and Frederick haven’t been offered. I say take the 4 instate OL and Parker B. and call it a day.
With the Roberson commit, Frederick may not wind up getting an OU offer.
according to a Bleacher Report today, Boudreaux’s favorites are Clemson & Notre Damn with Florida 3rd & OU 4th……….if BR is correct, Boudreaux won’t be headed to Norman………………..
I stopped reading at Bleacher Report
lots of people agree with you and disagree with you……….
i tend to have that effect on people
Interesting. Would rather have that scenario than yours – i.e. no one agrees with you…………………….
And yes, I put more periods at the end of my comment than you did.
well good for you.
are you crying in your mom’s basement right now?
And, if you group them in threes, you use more ellipsis.
I agree to disagree with you on that.
I stopped reading at Stephen Dale
I just tell him to kick rocks. It’s fun. I like when he says something stupid, which is often, and I get to reply with Voldemort.
Stephan Dale for President!
now you are talking !!!!!!
What about Stephen Dale, though?
Post of the Year candidate^^^^
@jordanesco:disqus I stopped reading at 7th grade.
Even better!
can i up this one a hundred times ?
I want to retract my ban Stephen Dale request .
I have not laughed so much reading all the come backs here
in months ,, years maybe ,, tears in my eyes , my stomach hurts , love you guys 🙂
God bless Stephen Dale !
I literally LOL. Thanks, Jordan! 🙂
can i up this 10 more times ,, maybe twenty ? 🙂
Well based on br track record, I’m saying Boudreaux is an OU lock. Thanks for the heads up.
you are welcome.
Thanks! I was needing some unwarranted negativity today. Actually the odds they gave were 2-1 ND, 3-1 Clemson, 4-1 Oklahoma, 5-1 Florida, and 8-1 Ga Southern, so in this exercise they were 3rd. They gave those odds based solely on 247 Crystal Ball projections (which mean next to nothing), not on info from Boudreaux.
Malicong—-would agree with any crystal ball projection……just reporting what BR printed……
You mean “Misreporting” what BR said… since based on the odds given, OU was 3rd, ahead of Florida, not 4th.
Except you didn’t. You misrepresented what they said as Boudreaux himself was saying OU is fourth in his top 5 in an attempt to make OU look bad (misquoting the report in the process as well). Instead of seeing that OU was a 4-1 chance to land a coveted prospect from half-way across the country, you took it as OU isn’t a lock 9 months before NSD and it is a complete failure. I am a self-professed sunshine pumper, but I do appreciate a counterperspective when it is constructive and relevant. We get you don’t like the program right now and they don’t do anything right in your eyes, but the act is getting old. People don’t log on to TFB for the daily Negativity Forecast from Stephen Dale.
“People don’t log on to TFB for the daily Negativity Forecast from Stephen Dale.”
Wait a sec I do. It makes me appreciate my life so much more.
thank you, Thill………
No you did not. You purposely put OU at 4th and the article had them at 3rd. Nice try though.
BR is never correct. Basing their projection on a 247 report which means they’re just guessing.
You always assume OU is the last place any talented recruit will want to come to. Do you know the recruiting rankings have OU as a consistent top 15 program?
Pardon my language (TFB), but…Dale, you sure make Norman out to be a shit-whole. Stop comparing OU now to the King’s Sooners. I don’t think Barry would be able to recruit the way he was able to in 70’s and 80’s.
D, it’s so natural to him he’s probably not aware of it. He-who-must-not-be-named thinks he’s being positive. There’s no winning with that one.
Okay. I guess I should stop replying. I am not a rose-colored glasses fan, but the reality is young high school players need to know that OU develops pros and does not take a back seat to the Bama, USC, OSU etc when it comes to preparing players for the league. This is a top 5 program.
the little 12-2 ranks 5th ( behind the other Power-5 conferences ) in providing talent for the NFL…..the recent draft was no exception..
Sorry not true. NFL says we are their O line pipeline. We also have place d a couple stud running back in the leave recently with a couple more headed that way in two or three years.
My last dialogue with Stephen. Just this last draft OU tied Bama with 6 drafted players. What do you want from OU?
D hunter………….never said anything about Norman. spent 15 yrs in that city and got my bachelors degree from OU….I will say the location of the university –and every other town / city in the conference other than Austin TX—does little to attract the elite talent now flowing to other conferences…….that is the reality of 2015 when comparing Barry’s recruiting to Bob’s……I agree, everything about recruiting is different than in the 1970’s / 80’s……the way people view the conference, the TV exposure, the density of population, beaches, mountains, winning games , etc—-a lot of factors…….
Granted that Ames, Norman and Stoolwater etc…are not Los Angeles, Austin, etc…but Tuscalosa, Columbus, and wherever FSU plays aren’t much better. I disagree about talent flowing away from the Big 12. This past recruiting cycle OU achieved a higher average star ranking than in years past. So, no, at least talent is not flowing away from OU.
We’re in the middle of the country and certainly a LOT of folks would never want to live in a place like Florida. It’s like a third world country transported to America with crazy amounts of crime and humidity. I spent 3 months there on assignment in the Miami area and didn’t like the rude people, the arrogant gold chain wearing Cubans who think they’re better then everyone else, and store clerks who expected me to speak Spanish. The ocean is very warm so it’s a nice place to visit.
You’re right, recruiting now is a whole different animal. Scholarship limitations being the biggest obstacle. That said though, I would never bet against Barry Switzer.
Well, by golly, then, let’s just pull PB’s offer. Let’s just assume we’ll never break better than 8-5. Matter of fact, let’s just cancel the program because Bleacher Report tells you so. Honey, don’t exactly know what you need but your chin’s getting road rash from constantly dragging the ground. Lighten up and smile, Francis. You’re worrying yourself into an early grave. It’s old.
Could Frederick play center or am I thinking of someone else? I know Alvarez is in line for center in 2016 but didn’t we burn his RS just like darlingtons for no reason?
I think you are entirely correct about Alvarez & Darlington……….
What happened to dalton? I thought he was slated to take over the center spot when he came in.
You may be right. I haven’t heard much about dalton
Probably not a good sign for his chances if we haven’t heard anything about him.
Dalton and Alvarez both played guard in the spring. Alvarez played very little to justify burning his RS. He didn’t even play ST.
The transfer walkon Erick Wren held the 2nd team center spot and looked pretty good in the spring.
Funny, seems like we have good LBs now. But if we don’t get Youngquist this yr or Draper next I am sure the Kish must go chant will follow.
Nice. LOL!
I like this ALOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and I like ice cream.
That is slick!!!
That’s nice. So we will have someone who will drape you (Draper), strike you (Striker), and tap you (Tapper).
Hah! I like it.
Thanks. One of my better ones if I may say so myself haha
You do excellent work, I must add.
Thanks man, its a hobby for my son and I. Appreciated.
Is that from twitter?
Yeah I make some edits and post them on twitter.
Very cool. What is your twitter handle, if you don’t mind telling?
Thanks, it’s @Boomer145
Um…when did our LBs become good? They weren’t very good laat year. We have little depth unless we go back to a 4 man front and avoid the injury bug for the whole season.
You said last year…we’re talking about this year..I get that you’re a “wait and see” guy (and that’s alright)…all reports suggest the young guys are growing up and doing pretty good…they looked good in the SG as well…we’re on the up and up…cheers….edit…depth is fine considering we have 3 guys for the “striker” spot and only two other positions to fill
Yes, it must be proven to me first. Our defense was so awful last year that I’m having a hard time picturing any scenario where our D is suddenly a strength or even competent. I hope I’m wrong, but I think we fired the wrong 2 coaches. With Riley & Simmons on staff, I expect our best defense will be our offense scoring 50 points a game. Sorry to be Debbie Downer but last year’s repeated failures took a lot out of me. So much so that I didn’t renew my season tickets for a 25th season, dating back to my freshman year at OU.
I will leave you to your suffering…sad that you give up season tickets for one bad season…I’m sure another feller was happy to get those tickets
Hes always a debbie downer. Wehad 3 freshman playing in the secondary that were learning on the job. We have a new DB coach and seems like everyone is pumped. Offense feeds of defense and vice versa. That said, if we kept JH & Norvell, it’s a debbie downer for the D. New guys on offense, LBs solid and secondary that should be better. I’m excited. Also, I’m sure the folks who sat next to him are excited he left.
I’m excited too…I’m prob one of the view that think we can make a playoff run
It’s not the LBs has been the performance and depth of the secondary last yr and this year.
Our secondary was awful last year. The D line was good (not great) and the LB crew was good (not great). Where the LB crew broke down was in their drops and depth on pass coverage. That will not happen this year I promise.
Our problem last year was a very young secondary and a very scared DC along with an outdated secondary coach.
Shannon is back as well and that’s big.
The LBers were a little light last year, but that seems to have been cured. Shannon and a much bigger Evans should do a great job on the inside. At the OLB slots, Striker will be Striker and in the 4 LBer set, Bond or Obo will be on the other side.
What’s not to like?
Your asking the wrong guy lol…throw in Bolton and Tay and I think we have nice depth all around really
Tramanda Moore (sp): When you guys first posted his film (back when), my first thoughts were “it’s like getting hit by a truck”. Kid is just so massive and moves his feet so well. Would really like for coach B to get that kid – so much upside. Really good find (back when) and kudos to you guys for finding and publicizing those kids.
Is that what used to be called the Cate Center “mini-tower” in the right midground?
If so, my first wife and the late Eddie Foster’s wife lived on the same floor in the wing coming towards the camera.
Honors College
Baker sure seems to have taken a leadership roll on this team..
It looks like he has. His statement was well-stated. I’m sure the overwhelming majority of Americans concur with him – I sure do.
What’d he say?
Edit: Nvm, saw the update. Well stated indeed.
Jordan’s update of 1:41 PM shows the text.
If racism is taught, where did the first racist come from? Turtles all the way down?
Makes more sense to me that racism is an outgrowth of a tribal instinct that human beings have, and that people need to use reason to overcome their baser instincts.
Viney seems to be cranking out these videos.. Is he a recruiting coordinator by title & i missed it?
Love seeing Viney openly pumping us….wish we knew how they plan to keep him around!
We need to offer Tyler Brown, he said he is an OU fan
I like the face that Curtis Bolton is a pass rush specialist also.
We need someone that can rush consistently from the ILB position, so that we are not as predictable in our blitzes
Did Jhamon Ausbon get held back in school 3 times? That is one big, athletically mature 15 year old sophomore. Very impressive looking young athlete.
Remember when we had defensive backs that ran 4.7 and 4.8
(Marcus Walker, Lendy Holmes, Nic Harris) and played better pass D than we have
the past few years? We’ve had safeties and corners running 4.5 or better lately
and still can’t cover
Bring back BV!
Lendy could carry his pads…sprinters speed and football speed aren’t the same thing and being able to carry your pads and not lose speed is another
Michael Irvin says “Hi.” Word around Dallas was early in his career he ran 3 straight 40s at something like 4.59 in shorts and a tshirt. Put on full pads and ran 3 straight 4.59 40s.
I agree with you on that but these guys are young with the incoming freshman this year and a new dB coach and having everybody in the same room hopefully we can see the results on the field
I’m almost positive I saw Moore at the OU/Tennessee game last year. He had his JMHS jacket on (that’s my alma mater, so that’s why it stood out to me), and was waiting in front of the Switzer Center (and went inside later). That could be a good sign. If it wasn’t Moore, I don’t know who else it would be, since it was a really tall kid in a JMHS letter jacket…unless there’s someone else that we’re looking at from JM.
He’s a beast.
Given the number of offensive lineman OU has put in the pros, he really needs to come to OU. The line that we have on campus are outstanding. Once they’re coached up by Coach B., are going to attract a lot of NFL scouts. That’s going to be a lot of visibility for Moore.
is Sterling fully recovered?
WOW! What river is that?
Red River.
that’s what 11 plus inches of rain in a 24 hr period of time upstream gets you—–a flood of historical magnitude….somewhat surprised the bridge did not collapse as others crossing the Red River between Okla-Tx have done in the past……have to agree with SoonerBred4ever—–a tense and dangerous situation……….
UM UM UM seriously it said in the picture and the fact it is RED mean you know. Are you a Texas fan trolling lol jkjk had to bust your chops man!!!
Notice it’s not called the burnt orange river.. HMMM
You’ve Cat to be kitten me right meow!!!
Red river
good grief………been across that innumerable times……..wonder about the weight of the water, speed of current so high on the structure and what it can take…….that’s quite a force hitting it…….there’s also a rail bridge just out of the pic up stream
Same. Born and raised, lived my 1st 25 years there and never saw anything remotely approaching that. Stunned.
went over it yesterday heading to Norman for a wedding. Gotta say, i was scared it would break at any minute.
good thing the triple X adult, texas welcome store is on hi ground…….lol
I would NOT drive across that…….unless I was headed North, might be worth the risk then.
That looks safe..
It has peaked at a record level, 42 feet. The previous record was 40 in 1987.
I drove over it a 2:00pm today and it was above the bottom of the bridge. You couldn’t have driven a pin in my butt with a sledge hammer! I came back over at 6 and it had dropped about 6″. I could at least see the bottom edge of the bridge.
that’s crazy
Is it just me or does the board seem more kind and gentle now that Levi Draper has gotten his offer? That’s a good thing IMO.
The pitchforks have been put away…..for now.
“For now” is accurate. LOL
It’s always temporary, haha
Yeah… WHY THE HELL AREN’T THE STADIUM RENOVATIONS FINISHED YET? Jeez, they started on those things 3 weeks ago.
Has Draper committed yet? 🙂
Here we go again…
Sit by the phone
He doesn’t live very far from me…..I’ll just keep my eyes open. 🙂
You better pitch a tent in his front yard.
Go looking for the young man!
That son of a &$@&? Hasn’t committed yet!!!? What the…!!?
As matter of fact……NO NO HE HASN’T 🙁
Amen Baker. Amen!
The kid from Hollis looks good on film as well possibly one of the best oline class we seen in the state in years.
G-Day minus 77
From a time when players played both sides of the ball.
A legend.
His pic should be next to Beast mode in dictionary.
What Baker posted needs to be shouted from every mountain top on the planet until the message starts to sink in.
To all the Dad’s here.
early view from the vols side…….
I think OU will be favored to win. I haven’t looked but I think the early line should be at least 3 1/2. Vegas loves OU which tells me the public bets OU more than we would think. And I doubt we will look bad against the zips.
I believe and I say believe cause I could be wrong I think very early reports are that the Vols are a 3.5 favorite right now. For what it’s worth at least
@Jordan_Esco: w/ the requisite 5Dimes qualifier, some super early #Sooners lines: (-29.5) vs. Akron, (+3) @ Tenn, (-26.5) vs. Tulsa, (-9.5) vs. WVU
I think that will change but maybe I’m wrong. To me it should be a pick em which is probably why tenn is plus 3. Maybe the shine has worn off of OU enough in Vegas
Not familiar wth Vegas but seems I read 3 pts given for home field right off the top. So basically a ‘pick’.
With 77 days to go, here is one of my favorite games of Sooner Magic. Lott, Peacock, Simms, and Ewe just to name a few greats. I remember watching Peacock drop the ball going into the pile, and chasing the bounce and behold, bounced right back up to him.
Thomas Lott said we fumbled 10 times should have hung half a hundred on those boys. Darryl Hunt crushed the QB…can we get a LB who drives the ball carriers back?
So just throwing out there that I think everyone has their wish list of recruits that OU lands this year. I may be missing out on a few names reports or if any of the following kids are names OU has really offered or if we have a legit chance at but just asking what’s up with Willie Allen OL prospect from LA, Rashard Lawrence DT prospect from LA, McTelvin Agim DE prospect from AR, Brandon Jones great OU name btw S prospect from TX, Keion Joyner OLB prospect from NC, Deontay Anderson S prospect from TX, and Michael Divinity OLB prospect from LA. Mean anything on these kids as they all look like studs to me or is there any real shot at them? People have been high on Whaley, C. Kelly, Youngquist, Boudreaux, Dickson and Jackson oh and Mayden and rightfully so but, any other names I am missing I should take a look at? my wish list is currently Lawrence, Jones, Joyner, Whaley, Youngquist, Divinity, Boudreaux, Mayden, C. Kelly, Eboh S from TX, Bledsoe DE from KS, McDoom WR from FL. I kept it to these 12 cause we currently have 7 so if we signed these 12 with the 7 we have committed it would be an impressive haul. People would forget missing out on LB’s this year if they could land, Kelly, Youngquist, Joyner, and Divinity they look as good if not better than the guys we missed out on this year IMO.Jones, Mayden, and Eboh would be 3 DB’s to go along with Chandler considering they would take 4 this class as I know numbers suggested 3. Bledsoe and Lawrence would go with JMT to make a nice DL class considering they don’t use JMT as a OLB. Hardy, Parker, and McDoom would be great replacements for the guys we lose this year. Mittermeier, Boudreaux, and Roberson would be solid OL to add, def would like to add probably a 4th though last years haul was nice. Then Whaley and Kendall setup your backfield nicely for years to come. Sorry was bored and this was my list of guys that I feel would make this a fun class to watch for years to come that would mesh nicely with the incoming guys. Have a great fathers day weekend friends.
I’m pretty sure Agim has committed to Arkansas
247 crystal ball points to Ark but no commit. With Monty, OU had a good shot at him and Lawrence and a better shot at Xavier Kelly and Bledsoe. Small chance now.
Yeah my bad it was 2016 OT target Kellen Diesch we lost to Arky
IMO, with OUr stable of RBs, will have a better shot at a top back next year. Boudreaux in my top 3, but <50% chance. OU in on several ILB/OLB prospects like D. Jackson, C. Kelly C. Bundage and ones you mentioned. Think that's OUr best shot at some top players on OUr board. DE to a lesser extent. Might get a WR (Duvernay, Williams), CB and S you mentioned. Good year to take some OK kids. Like K has been saying, a bit 'raw' but could be good players in a couple of years.
I agree, but feel the talent in OK is on the OLine and at WR mainly I know Bundage is a LB recruit but I rather, Kelly, Jackson, Joyner, Divinity, or Youngquist over him just IMO. The RB comment I can see and agree with but, also you can never have too many RB’s again IMO. Also Boudreaux is def a must get in my eyes he would be the anchor of the OL for many years and a great building block. Have your center piece in Kendall, Boudreaux, and a kid like Duvernay at WR could be your center pieces on O, an don D Kelly and another one of the before mentioned LBS and a kid like Mayden or Jones could be the center pieces on the D. But I think this years DB’s could be very special and I think DeBerry and McGinnis will be studs.
Just ran into Arthur McGinnis, can confirm he is a monster sized human.
Did it hurt?
It’s that sudden stop that gets you.
Haven’t met Stephen, but have the feeling he should start with someone smaller than ‘The Hulk’ for the Oklahoma drill. Maybe look for Sanchez.
How about Austin Seibert.
If you’re looking at frosh, maybe…but he’s around 200# and got the feeling he’s pretty salty for a kicker.
Well if you can’t take the kicker in the Oklahoma drill not sure what is left.
Give me the PUNTER over the kicker just saying BOB just saying!
Won’t work with The Big Seib, he does both.
We have more than one kicker and punter I am sure let me at the backups!
Backups would be the way to go.
Everyone watch Rudy? Well I am Rudy in practice like all the time never like Rudy on the sack just the practice Rudy 24/7 that was me lol
But he’s a right shark.
I haven’t ran the Oklahoma drill in a solid 4 years now, I’m not going to say I was bad at it but I will say I have no chance against McGinnis, he’s all of 6’3 at least and looks like he lives in the weight room.
Sounds like a start to a bad pickup line!!!
Bored. Here’s my list of the greatest FB’s in that I’ve seen play in OU history. Stanley Wilson, Trey Millard, Kenny King, Aaron Ripkowski, Lydell Carr.
Given our history, there’s a bunch who could have been mentioned but to have left off Joe Washington was sacrilegious. 🙂
Ah, Little Joe never played Fullback. My list is fullbacks. Apology accepted.
Whoops! I saw FB and thought football players. Not Fullbacks. I really braincramped on that one.
Waymon Clark has to be number one. Also the meanest and perhaps the one with the most jail time.
Just found this:
Switzer tales: Waymon Clark
by Berry Tramel Modified: March 27, 2013 at 3:20 pm • Published: May 15, 2010
Waymon Clark hasn’t played played football for OU in 37 years, and Clark is mostly remembered as the wild man who got kicked off the team in 1974 and has spent most of his life in Texas prisons and mental rehabilitation wards.
Barry Switzer still bittersweetly recalls how Clark got in trouble for stealing as a Sooner. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to pay for the item; he just didn’t want to stand in line to do it. Some have characterized Clark as criminally insane. I know at the least, he is a tragic figure in OU football history.
But grim expressions turn to smiles when the subject turns to football. Those who remember Clark remain amazed at the ballplayer he was.
Switzer recruited Clark out of junior college, where he was sort of a reverse Lucious Selmon. Clark was a defensive lineman who belonged at fullback. Clark’s juco coach told Switzer that if he put Clark at fullback, he’d never put him back.
Switzer assistant coach Gene Hochevar recalled the first play in practice that Clark ran the ball. “Everybody on the whole team’s on him,” Hochevar said. “He’s dragging them.”
Clark rushed for 1,014 yards in 1973, joining Joe Washington as 1,000-yard rushers on Switzer’s first team.
Clark was an intimidating force. In August 1974, before Clark was booted from the squad, Elvis Peacock was a freshman halfback. They were in the same backfield for a practice drill, when Peacock went the wrong way.
Peacock still remembers the conversation: “Look freshman,” Clark told him, “When I’m getting the ball and we’re running the lead play, you get that defensive end.”
Said Switzer, “He got their attention more than Galen Hall did.”
Clark stayed in hot water with his teammates. He once angered Gary Baccus, a tough-as-nails defensive end. Baccus told Hall, the offensive coordinator, to run the fullback stunt. Baccus wanted a piece of Clark.
Switzer assistant coach Gene Hochevar recalled the scene. “Run it again,” Baccus said after the first play. “Run it again,” he repeated. After the third collision with Clark, Baccus said, “That’s enough.”
The Switzer Era began with a road game at Baylor, in September 1973. Tim Welch, nicknamed We-We, started at fullback. Clark entered the game and reeled off a 50-yard run.
“Everybody on the sidelines was going, ‘We-We, where you going to play?’” Hochevar laughed.
Forgot about him. With Pruitt and Mildren. I chose Wilson because he finished 4th in all-time rushing when he graduated.
My favorite Clark story was the one Steve Davis told about how they had marched down the field without giving him the ball, play after play they faked to him. Galen Hall called for another fake and Clark told Davis in the huddle “if you don’t give it to me, I’ll kill you.” Davis decided he was more afraid of Clark than Galen Hall and gave the ball to him.
I’ve been really lucky to see great Sooner football. My freshman year was 1973, Switzer’s rookie season. I was 18, so started driving in 1971 and began to attend games regularly that year.
I didn’t miss more than a handful of games from 1971 until 1980. I went back to school for a graduate degree from 1985-1987, so I was really lucky to see all of The King’s great teams.
Since then, I’ve lived all over the US, in Brazil, in London, in Hong Kong, but I still made it back for several games each year. I now live in Florida and fly back for every game. Gotta support the Sooners…especially now, when they need it the most.
My all time favorite FB is JD Runnels he was the start of the hybrid FB for us Fazade was more a FB then a RB as well. Just throwing in some names.
Apparently it’s getting out on Twitter that BBJ was killed in a motorcycle accident today.. Man, life is short.. Prayers for the family & friends…
You sure? nothing on local news yet,,,
All of the state’s sportscasters are tweeting it.. Appears to be true…
Seems to be true….RIP BBJ.
I can’t stop reading all of the tributes.. Incredibly sad..
KFOR has released a short statement acknowledging such……….
tragic news about BBJ …….occurred in OKC this afternoon…..
……..dok says motrocycle crash
…….man, didn’t know him personally but if you listened to him for any length of time on air he sounded and acted like a jovial, friendly person just like his father
yep, just read it……..
Sad news about BBJ, was always exciting to listen to.
RIP BBJ. Life is too short
Story on Logan Roberson and J.D. Runnels http://newsok.com/ou-football-guidance-from-former-sooner-helped-harrahs-logan-roberson-gain-recruiting-attention/article/5428916
JD is one of my favorite Sooners. I’ve ran into him a few times at bars and the guy always takes time to talk to fans.
Yep, met him at Lake Tenkiller one 4th of July weekend. He wasn’t partying like the few others he was with. Just chilling. Talked to me for about 15 minutes about OU football. Cool cat.
JD is a dude that you can tell, loved being a Sooner.. & he love’s it still every day.. Even in bad times, always has positive things to say…
Rip…BBJ! So sad…
Wow BBJ you will be missed
Yessir. RIP indeed.
Oh no, I’m just hearing about BBJr. I’m stunned. May God hold all who love him gently in the palms of His loving hands.
Sorry to hear about BBJ, prayers for him and his family.
Happy Fathers day
G-Day minus 76
Dr. Death
Happy Father’s Day to you.
Is that Steve Williams?
Thank you.
Yes, it is.
How appropriate.
I am about to make “pancakes.”
Sounds delicious. With a side of sausage would be an excellent choice
Oven fried bacon is the desired and recommended accoutrement.
I sure like to eat!!!
Yes indeed.
Eas – sounds great, but in watching my “boyish” figure, I am passing on breakfast so I can over-eat on BBQ ribs, BBQ beans (with lots of bacon), cole slaw, chips and three (yes 3) cold IPA beers.
I have been type cast by my kids and grandkids. They demand my buttermilk pancakes whether I visit them or they me.
Never cared for staged wrestling, so I had no idea about his life after football.
Me either, didn’t realize he was a wrestler until I searched his name.
Great choice!!happy Father’s Day to all you dads.
Thank you, and happy Father’s Day to all dads out there.
It doesn’t matter what side your on. When something like this happens we all come together to mourn the loss of a great one. RIP BBJ.
All I can think about is how his family is suffering right now.
They definatley need prayers from everyone right now. I ride so it hit close to home, it doesn’t matter how safe you try to be there is always dangers out there.
I rode from the age of 10 until a few years ago when I sold my last bike. Still plan to ride in the future.
Nothing can save you from a scum bag driver, though.
Absolutely, me and my wife were riding last night and there was a drunk person in front of us on the highway doing45-50 miles per hour swerving all over the place. Hate to assume but by the looks of the vehicle very seriously doubt they were driving legally.
I see that crap, I call it in.
Too many innocent lives are destroyed by scum bags.
havent seen it posted here but along with rip to BBJ My condolences to the families of the 9 people killed in Charleston,SC.
Not only is it Father’s Day, as of now(12:38p.m. EDT) it is officially the start of Summer.
Training camp and football season start in the summer, so we have that going for us.
Happy Father’s Day, TFB Family.
Happy Father’s Day to you, Sam!
And to all those ‘Fathers’ who are fortunate to be G-Fathers, too, in the TFB family!
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY TO ALL DAD’S IN SOONER NATION. RIP BBJ. FOOD for thought if any time you think you see a drunk driver please, please, please report it. Here’s why, someone maybe having medical issue’s ie… Heart attack, diabetic on set for the first time or just a diabetic attack, seizure, choking, blindness happened to me had to stop safely as I could until help came, anxiety attack or anything not covered. It’s really important to save lives. Thank you TFB for everything you all do, especially to the new editions that where born this year. I promise you THE SOONER NATION DAD’S are praying for you.
I was hit by a drunk driver about 14 years ago. He was so drunk he could barely stand, and if that wasn’t enough, he was running off at the mouth. I listened to all I was going to listen to and went after him. My wife and several bystanders kept us apart.
After the cops arrived he became even more unruly. They gave him a breathalyzer but he didn’t have any alcohol in his system. Although he exhibited the signs of a drunk driver, he was actually suffering from a brain aneurism. He went into a coma shortly afterwards.
He eventually came out of his coma, but I haven’t heard anything since. I shudder to think what may have happened had I gotten ahold of him. It’s doubtful he would have survived the fight and I would likely be in prison still today.
Lots of my work takes me through the south, Florida, N. and S. Carolina, Georgia, etc. I was on my way to deliver this morning at a military base in the south. Nearly every Church I passed this morning had at least 1 law enforcement vehicle at or near the entrance of the Church. Not that I care that the officer is there, I just think it is a sad state when one nut case can demand so much attention through a malicious act, that dozens of law enforcement people are tied up so folks can Worship on Father’s day. My prayers goes out today to the families of the murdered people in S. Charleston this morning.
You sure the police were not there to direct traffic? Most of the churches here in North Alabama will have police present on Sunday morning to direct traffic.
Could have been, I suppose, but, these were all small churches in small communities on non-busy highways. My assumption was as stated, not like at home in a busy community where dozens of cars are getting out into heavy traffic.
Thanks for the clarification.
Faith, family, and football. A big thanks to all you Sooner dudes who sacrifice for your families. Feeling the love from my babies. A couple of months and I’ll have them under my arms in jerseys, waiting for kickoff.
Where you been hiding?
Been around, breh.
Bleed crimson had your nemesis on the countdown yesterday.
Lol! Oh? Who’s that? I guess I missed that one.
Dr. Death!!!
Gah! That rascal! Good catch, my brother. I needed that one. Ho!
G-Day minus 75
All American: Terry Crouch