Parker Boudreaux: Yesterday OU offensive line target, Parker Boudreaux, tweeted out that he will be announcing his commitment decision next week.
1 week from today on July 2nd, I will be announcing my college decision on @BleacherReport and commitment song by @CODEiNEROBiNSON
— PARKER BOUDREAUX (@TheParkerB_) June 25, 2015
This is certainly a departure from what we were told was Parker’s original plan. When we last spoke to Parker’s father earlier this month, the plan was for Parker to take an official visit to the OU home opener and then announce shortly thereafter.
I chatted with Parker’s father yesterday and he said that the official visit they had originally scheduled to OU may not work out due to a possible scheduling conflict. He didn’t say whether they’d take a later visit if that first home game visit doesn’t work out.
What we do know is that this change of plans comes after a recent visit Parker took to Notre Dame. I spoke to a couple sources in SEC territory including one in Florida and they both seemed confident that Parker was likely heading to Notre Dame. My Florida source said he/she was about “90% certain it’s Notre Dame”. Parker’s father wouldn’t comment on which way his son was leaning but did say that regardless of the decision they may still take a couple of official visits.
Can’t say with certainty but there are definitely some signs that would seem to point towards Notre Dame. We’ll know for certain in a week. – (Super K)
Devwah Whaley: I exchanged a few texts messages with OU 2016 running back target, Devwah Whaley. Whaley told us back in May that he would be making a return trip to OU in June. Earlier this week he told me that the trip doesn’t appear likely to happen. I’m hoping to speak to him sometime in the next week in order to determine whether the trip will be rescheduled for after the dead period. Whaley did visit Texas A&M and Texas recently. – (Super K)
Team News: With the dead period rapidly approaching there isn’t (and won’t be for a couple weeks) a ton of recruiting information but I’ll continue to try to get updates on how summer workouts are going. It can be tough to get much but here are a few quick notes:
Joe Mixon – I had a number of requests from readers to look into a Joe Mixon injury rumor that surfaced yesterday. I did hear back from a source but am not ready to comment fully just yet. I’d like to gather a little more information over the weekend first. What I can confirm from a source is that Joe was on crutches yesterday so it does appear he does have some lower body issue (for lack of a better word) but I can’t confirm what it is. It may be something very minor. I just can’t say for certain at the moment.
Immediate Impact – I asked a source earlier this week if he/she had to wager money on two freshman who would see the field this season based on how they’ve looked so far who would they be. The response I got was that the only freshman the source would be willing to wager on at the moment is PJ Mbanasor. After that it would be Kahlil Haughton but the source said they wouldn’t be willing to wager money on anyone just yet other than Mbanasor.
I will say that in talking to other sources, those are definitely two names I’m hearing more and more of. I have heard that Haughton does something the OU safeties haven’t done lately which is close space quickly. A source really praised Haughton’s range. It sounds like he’s the kind of guy who can get where he needs to be quickly when the ball is in the air. Obviously OU was primarily a single high cover 1/cover 3 team last year so the pressure on the high safety to cover ground was much heftier than it likely will be this season since you will likely see OU in more quarters based coverage. In general though, I’m told that wherever Haughton plays he just eats up space really fast.
Campbell – Another name I heard this week from a source was Gabriel Campbell. It’s obviously very difficult to gauge talent in the summer and without even 7 on 7 type things for defensive and offensive linemen, it’s even more difficult. But a source mentioned Campbell to me as someone to keep an eye. It seems he’s turned some heads right away with his length and athleticism. Source actually said that while Campbell is raw he could end up being ridiculously good.
Westbrook and Mixon – I was told these two are a bit of dynamic duo in 7 on 7 and have apparently scored touchdowns just about every day (every day the team does 7 on 7 which is 2 times per week). – (Super K)
– UPDATE (Fri., 11:06 pm): I know almost all of you are already aware, but even having to check in from vacation I wasn’t going to let you be deprived of Denzel.
– UPDATE (Sat., 6:16 pm): I spoke to a source regarding the Joe Mixon injury and I have been told that it appears he did suffer a high ankle sprain along with some bruising to the knee. It’s just painful right now so I’d expect him to be taking it easy for a few weeks. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (Sat., 7:33 pm): Very little surprise the Sooners make Top 5 cut for 2016 RB Devwah Whaley.
My top 5 school. S/o to @Hayesfawcett3 for the edit , and I would like thank all the programs who have offered me. pic.twitter.com/66OQRRc6bu
— R Y (@devwah_whaley) June 28, 2015
who cares
[Raises hand].
I love your work on “To Catch a Predator”.
Yeah, but when it comes to predator hunting, no one can hold a candle to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Granted, he had help from Carl Weathers, but he was also saddled with that douche, Jesse Ventura.
It more than equals out. If anything, Ventura tilted the scales in favor of predator.
G-Day minus 71
Jim Weatherall
Man they could almost pass as brothers. WOW!!
Hey, it’s EasTex!
No, it’s my hero. The finest gentleman to have ever lived.
Does that tweet from P-money really say “commitment song?” This guy is too much like the Boz not to come to OU. Looks, demeanor, and extreme confidence.
These Parker and Whaley decisions make me a little nervous.
I really think our offense will light it up this year. If our coaches continue to stay in contact with the guys, they’ll keep the kids trust. When the other schools sputter in any fashion, the kids will come back. Our offensive staff has 3 fantastic recruiters, and I bet Boulware will follow suite.
I’m not sold on Boulware. Last year the TEs did nothing and the specials teams were not special. I’ve also read where the players don’t like him.
Why? How longs he been here? Is it his fault the te’s aren’t awesome? Is it his fault one of our best k’s got the yips? Is it his fault the extra punt backfired? Internet rumors don’t count for much, where’s proof the players don’t like him (besides I heard from a guy who heard from a guy)?
People need to stop throwing dumb stuff out there. It’s a pretty tired act. A link is easy to add to a post
I’m not anywhere close to getting on a “Fire Boulware” bandwagon, but the answer to all of the questions you just asked is… “Yes.”
Yes, it is his fault the TE aren’t awesome. He’s the position coach; it’s his job to make the position a strength.
Yes, it’s his fault the kicker got the yips. It’s his job to have the kicker ready to hit clutch field goals. Given the importance of the kicking game (we lost 2 games because of it), he has few tasks more important than having a kicker ready.
Yes, it’s his fault the re-punt call backfired. It was his unit that gave up the TD return.
That’s all part of being in charge. It’s your responsibility to have units under control ready when called on. Stock the positions. Identify the best man for the job. Train that man to do the job. Have him ready when called on. Accept the glory when your units perform; accept the blame when they don’t.
Again, I’m not at all saying he needs to be fired, but his performance as a coach can only be rated by how the players under his control perform. And last year, his units provided few standout performances and some notable failures/ lack of production. Given his track record with special teams, I think he’ll have all units performing better in the near future.. the same way the kick return unit performed last year.
Last I checked you can’t coach a ball through the uprights. Last I checked you can’t coach a punt where to go once it’s left the foot. With the te’s, you got what you got. Sure, as a humble person he will take blame. As a leader and one who will set a good example, he will take blame. But, anyone like you who blames the freaking position coach for a fg miss is reaching quite a bit. He didn’t punt the ball. I’m sure he told him NOT to kick it right to the kid with no coverage on that side. Only so much you can do, then you gotta trust it gets done. How exactly can the coach have the kicker ready besides reiterating that he’s the best he’s ever seen? And give him plenty of time to get warmed up(which he probably does on his own anyway)
Then why bother having a coach?
A coach’s job includes being daddy, priest, therapist, disciplinarian, and cheerleader. It’s his frickin’ job. I bet you will never get hired as a coach if you interview with the head coach and say “I’m going to do my best, but you can’t blame me if my units don’t perform. I don’t kick the ball. I don’t make the blocks. I don’t catch the passes.”
Hell, by your logic, John Blake should be in the college football hall of fame as a coach. He didn’t tell those guys to drop passes, throw interceptions, miss blocks or fumble. He didn’t miss a tackle, give up a TD or commit a single pass interference. It’s not his fault the team sucked under him because he didn’t tell the players to mess up and he wasn’t on the field to mess up himself.
Like I said, I’m not saying he needs to be fired or that he sucks. I am not anti-Boulware at all. But, it is his responsibility to have his units ready. When they fail to perform, he failed in his job. He gets paid to have his units ready, not do interviews and show up on gameday in a nice polo with the university logo on it.
This all of it.
I really didn’t intend to start a Boulware debate. Our offense didn’t utilize TE’s. That doesn’t mean the tightends weren’t ready to be used. Bell was ready enough to get drafted after 1 year at the position. Also, Bob is the one who rekicked.
You’re trying to blanket everything under this. Kickers are a different breed. One of our best kickers ever got the yips. Not easy to coach him out of. Sure, if your unit sucks and they don’t get better, you could be gone. But to act like it’s boulwares fault he missed chippies to win ballgames is a stretch. If Bob asked me what happened on the repunt, I very simply say “I told him to punt it out of bounds at worst”. You’d probably call that throwing the punter under the bus. I call it putting food on my family’s table
Accepting responsibility is one thing but coaching is another. Take the TE, he had a guy who was a QB then became a damn good TE. However he can only catch what was thrown to him. I didn’t see him dropping passes and he went 3rd or 4th round, not bad. Also, JH’s scheme wasn’t that friendly to TE’s.
Bob called for the 2nd kick – not Boulware. Boulware said NO & Bob has taken the blame for trying to burn 8 more seconds of clock.
Kickers – the line blocked well and the snap & hold was good but the kick was pulled. Boulware was coaching an all american and he messed up, happens.
Kick off – seemed like we had one of the best units in college football.
Kick return – same as above and we have a 1st team All American returning KO’s.
Punt Returns – Didn’t drop any and Boulware was told to fair catch when Shep was hurt. Not his call.
Players not liking Boulware – really, one guy who leaves cause he can’t beat the competition in front of him. Got to be someone to blame.
I’m really struggling on how Boulware has caused so many problems.
I’m not saying Boulware caused so many problems. Boomersooner asked if the problems at Bouleware’s positions, to whatever degree there were problems, are his fault and then said no.
I take a totally different perspective. You sign up for the job, take the paycheck and the accolades… you then also assume responsibility for those units. Their performance is a direct reflection of your performance. If Bouleware is even half a man, and real “coach” (which I believe he is), I’ll guarantee you he wouldn’t make excuses like “well, I could only work with what I had and that wasn’t much.” No, he’d do what Coach Stoops did we he got here… “they’re my players now and we’ll win with what we have and work to get better.”
Again, I’ve never one time in this discussion said Bouleware was a bad position coach. I’ve not made one accusation that he sucks or isn’t doing his job. I sure as hell have never said he should be fired.
But, they are HIS players in HIS units… so the fault when there is any failure is his. Bob screwed up big time when he re-punted. However, once the call was made, it was Bouleware’s unit that didn’t execute the second punt correctly.
Therefor, it’s his fault that it happened. He’s responsible for the punt unit. It’s not easy being a coach. You teach the players, direct them and advise, but it is they who have to perform. But, their performance is your responsibility. Heupel and Norvell never threw a pass or dropped a ball or missed a block… but they got fired when their units didn’t get the job done. It is their responsibility. And as a coach, your responsibility for your unit starts the day you accept the position.
Yep. Pass blame. Seems what the world has become. I missed a kick? Position coach’s fault, etc etc. Who should be blamed? Everybody. Its become easy to get rid of coaches. Salaries and unions have done it. Don’t get me wrong, I love it cause I played a sport professionally, so I was a part of a union. It’s easier to get rid of a coach than a player and his contract. But to blame the coach for missed fg is ludicrous. To blame him for a punt that went to the wrong side of the flipping field is ludicrous. What ain’t ludicrous is if the same mistakes keep happening over and over. Like I said, he’s a good coach and as a man, coach, leader, job holder he will step up and take blame. But to lay it all at his feet is kinda stupid. You don’t want him gone, so this ain’t aimed at you, necessarily, but people who run their mouths about taking guys jobs, who don’t know what they’re talking about and come into a chat room wanting blood ruffle my feathers
Anyone who wants Bouleware gone at this point will find me arguing at your side against it. My position isn’t that he’s a bad coach. I think he’s got a track record that suggest just the opposite.
My position is about responsibility and accountability. The kicker who missed the kick should feel the responsibility for not getting his job done. I never suggested the kicker should blame it on Bouleware. But, Bouleware should feel the responsibility, too, and I’m not talking about the Mack Brown fake responsibility we heard from him after every bad loss at Texas. “It starts with the coaches; we didn’t have them ready to play and we have to do better.”
I’ve spent my entire life in the home building industry, literally; I grew up in it. I built homes in Dallas from ’98 to ’09 as superintendent/ project coordinator. I did almost none of the actual labor on the homes I was contracted to build, but if a trade under my direction failed to deliver the product I was selling to my buyer, I felt responsible and took responsibility.
I didn’t do the work myself. But I provided the plans, the direction and the schedule. I sat the expectations for every pair of hands that touched any part of that home. And if we failed to have a fixture hung correctly or a wall out of square, etc., I felt the responsibility myself. I dealt with my contractor directly and made sure corrective actions were taken, but when it came time to meet the buyer, I never, ever felt justified in saying “well, HE did the work and should have gotten that right, but don’t worry; we’re gonna correct it.”
I felt and would say “this is my responsibility and we didn’t meet your expectations. Somewhere I failed to communicate correctly with my contractor and the results are my fault. We will correct the issue.”
It’s personal accountability. It’s chain of command. The buck stops somewhere.
That’s cool. Love watching the steps/planning on houses going up. My father in law is one of those that could do all that himself. I, on the other hand, ain’t built that way.
I agree with you that he will be a man and step up and wear 100% of the blame. 100% of said blame WILL land squarely on his shoulders. Just the nature of the beast nowdays. Should it? Nope. That’s been my point all along. Once the ball’s snapped, coaching is over. It’s all execution. Everybody shares blame.
The other part of my point is all those who don’t know what they’re talking about coming on the internet looking for heads to roll. That’s it. Those people serve no purpose. Seen it my whole life. They want results but don’t give a damn about how it’ll occur(they want the burger, don’t care how it’s made). Spoiled is what we call it. Col. Jessep had it right. “I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who sleeps under the blanket of freedom which I provide and questions the manner in which I provide it.”
That was a good line from Jessup and well delivered.
Haha. Every time I hear it or even read it, it gives me chills
And Boulware’s best special team acheivement was Ross on kickoff returns. Jay freely admitted that Ross was the return man on the advice of Cale Gundy.
IDK about the players not liking him. The only one that said anything close to this was Ford, and that may have just been a reason to push for a transfer, more than anything. We need to just let him do his job and see what transpires.
Not a lot of ‘good news’ on the recruiting front fo sho. Lack of love? Maybe. I’m still leaning towards the ‘winning cures everything’. But maybe time for OU to drop the ol ‘we’ll win with or w/o you’ and play the ‘love card’. Think OU still pulls in some good talent, though.
Neither are big positions of need, and Coach B has shown he’ll land good talent. Not worried about these two at all. Hope we get them, but if not, those positions will be fine.
I’m not that worried. PB will be a big get, but I’m not concerned as long as Coach B. is still hitting the recruiting trail. Whaley sees the best backfield in the country and probably wonders how long it will be until he’ll be able to contribute. If competition scares him, welp, deuces.
Pay sites are saying the Mixon injury is no big deal.. Bone bruise is what i saw..
Still sounds like something that would make me cry like a small child!
running at near full speed as big as he is, and landing on a knee would hurt like a mother #^<%*#
Pay sites also said he never threw a punch…
What? Your lame.
Agree!! Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone.
One of the pay sites contributors said he was in picklemans that night and that mixon didnt do anything. But whatever
Faniac News: It’s Frah-deh. We gots an Open Post and cooler temps coming our way. God is great. Beer is good. And Texas still sucks.
I would probably say that beer is great too… on a different level of course.
Nailed it.
Amen, brother!
I heard Mixon fell while they were running stairs but he’s fine, nothing big just precautions.
I call not so fast on what you heard about Mixon. Falling while running stairs does not = crutches
Totally depends on how fast he was going and how he fell. He could’ve easily sprained an ankle doing that.
He did fall while running stairs. The kid has a bone bruise. He is ok and will be good to go.
I can only imagine being a defensive CO and seeing Westbrook on the outside with mixing shifting to the slot along side Shep with Perine in the backfield. That just sounds so amazing.
OU just needs to play well, and show out with the new offense. Maybe that will help some in getting recruiting going
Creating some excitement will definitely help recruiting. Players want to go where they can have stats and win.
I love the way that for years Gundy has carefully chosen a back to pursue, locked onto him, and shown him great love. This year Whaley was that guy, and I’ve been assuming it was a done deal. Given OU’s success with backs, I can’t imagine why a guy like Whaley would go anywhere once he knew he was Gundy’s guy. Do you want to go to the NFL, or go to pasture? Maybe Whaley is being told that OU’s new system won’t be good for a feature back. Or maybe I’m just panicking for nothing since it’s the off-season and there’s nothing else to do.
I know Gundy isn’t the RB coach, but I hope he’s still in a position to seal the deal with Whaley and other future backs.
It is important to remember that sometimes a recruit goes somewhere else for reasons having nothing to do with the coaching staff and/or the program and its tradition. Such as:
1) It is close to home or it isn’t close to home (kid wants to get away)
2) They offer a major he is interested in or academic prestige of the school
3) A girl
4) Friends/family go there
5) Likes the beach/the mountains etc.
6) They offered more money
Exactly, same story with Boudreaux. Some of these guys act like if the kid doesn’t come to OU they will fail. If they have the talent and work ethic they can make it pro from any school.
I understand that, but I assume that Gundy explores this stuff before he locks on to a recruit. RB and QB are recruited differently than other positions: Whaley isn’t just the top of our board at RB … he IS our board. Missing on him would be a much bigger deal in my mind than if we miss on Boudreaux, Letting one of these elites know he is our only option is probably a pretty effective way to show him love, but it leaves us scrambling if we miss.
I guess I’m just kind of spoiled about RB and QB, because we’ve pretty much been able to chose our recruit in recent years. (Yes, whether they worked out is a different story.)
With Boudreaux sounding like he’s going elsewhere and Whaley cooling, it’s time for bob and co. to go after the instate talent. He could take 10 of the best instate players this year and while that won’t light up the rankings, it would probably be the best class in almost a decade.
I’m all for taking more instate talent but I would also like to hear about Bob aggressively going after these talented out of state players and really put himself at the forefront of OU recruiting. Try and get the best of both worlds.
Well that’s what he did to get haughton and keep mbanasor from waivering.
Which based on the OP seems to be working out well for us. I’d just like to see it on more of a regular basis.
Yeah I agree. He needs to personally go see the kelly guys and dontavious Jackson and the youngquist lb
Like Dalton Wood.
I think dalton wood is the exception his situation is something that probably effects less than 5% of these HS recruits. And i think he will be convinced to join in the summer and they will try to give him some guidance knowing that he wants to be close to his newborn and family.
Twenty third
According to my sources, Mixon hurt a ligament or tendon while running stairs at the stadium. Nothing serious whatsoever and if I were a gambling man, looks like we lost out on Parker. Also, do you think 2017 Southmoore QB Thompson will have a chance of being a top 3 QB in the nation going into his senior season and lastly, when was the last time the state of Oklahoma had such a highly touted QB that was gaining so much national attention?
Thompson might be the #1 QB
Interesting. I wonder what the chances of him are truly wanting to come to THE University of Oklahoma.
I think he would still want to. I don’t think there’s any bad blood between bob and the Thompson family.
I agree. Charles’ problem, if any, was with Huepel, not Stoops.
Not to interrupt, but Bob is actually the one that welcomed Charles back. I know I will probably take a lot of grief from some on here for saying this. But I am a huge Thompson family fan.
I read it was a sprain or bone bruise and that it wasn’t severe.
Thought not a native of oklahoma, cornwell was a 5 star just 2 years ago. Pretty sure he was a top 3 QB.
My source, the Wizard and High Priest of the ancient city of Rumor, said that Mixon broke his leg. Sorry guys and gals. It sounds like he’s gone for the year.
It’s just a flesh wound!
NFL ranks OU as Oline U, yet we can’t get the nations best linemen to commit to OU. Not many even visit. We produce more NFL linemen than Notre Dame too. It will be a damn shame if Parker finds them more appealing.
It just makes room for someone who wants to be in the league, and more importantly, wants to be a Sooner.
Just to let you know, I wrote “Bedenboom” before I saw your post. But I must say, I like yours better. Nice touch, breh.
I believe in this man!
The difference in the quality of OL play since his arrival is obvious.
It’s gotta be those eyes…
A face only a moder could love.
has Rowdy Frederick committed yet ??
Not that I’ve seen, but I’d take him if only for his fantastic mullet.
OU will need to keep Frederick on speed dial .
Amen to that. We haven’t seen a mullet that cool at OU since Brad McBride.
Amen brother
That is what I am thinking as well. But one thing that we have been blessed with is our development of talent on the line. What OU does to prepare guy’s to get the the next level is something that is really special. If we don’t Parker that’s okay….I am thinking we are going to see some amazing deleopment out of Frison, Brown, Evans, and Paul. With Alex Dalton taking over at center, once Darlington graduates.
Kids don’t pick a school for all the same reasons i.e. pro pipeline. Obviously that helps, but each has their own list of what’s important to them. Maybe he is big on academics? If he goes to Notre Dame do you really think that would hinder his chances of going to the league? If he’s great, he’ll make it to the league at any of the schools on his list.
But I agree it would be a shame. Only for us as OU fans though. Not for the kid. ND is a darn good education.
agree with you………hate to lose Boudreaux, however, to the domers…
Interpret education as brainwashing; a darn good education can be obtained anywhere.
True, but some institutions offer more opportunities and they offer reputations which count as much as the actual result. My dad would agree with you, though. It’s dependent on the student not the institution how well-educated that student becomes.
Or, maybe his family is catholic and Notre Dame makes the most sense to them for that reason. Like you said, unless/until a kid tells why he chose a specific school over the others, you never really know, but it’s safe to assume that different kids have different reasons for their commitments (to OU and elsewhere), and it may or may not have anything to do with OU.
I’d be interested to see what region of the country produces the most NFL linemen. If it’s the southwest, then it would stand to reason that OU puts more guys in the league because more guys come from a region that is attractive to high school kids (because of proximity).
Landing kids from Florida has never been OU’s strong point, so not getting Boudreaux out of Florida wouldn’t/shouldn’t be considered odd. The fact that he’s shown as much interest in OU (as he has) is more an exception than a rule. And that speaks to Bedenbaugh’s ability to recruit. If he lived in Texas, and was leaning to Notre Dame over OU, that would be surprising.
Notre Dame?
/slowly I turn…step by step
Yes! Hey don’t the recruits know that we have a current winning streak against ND?
Don’t know if they do.
I still have the residual devastation and inconsolable sensation from 1957 which turned to blind HATE for the hunchback leprechauns.
Please tell us how you really feel. I wasn’t even a twinkle in my mom or daddy’s eye back then. And I don’t like them for that game alone. Should we have won that game? it seems like maybe we could have based on the 7-0 score. Did you watch it? Please give me knowledge.
Here’s the set up.
I became a Sooner fan in 1955 at the age of 4.
I listened to the Bud Wilkinson show every Saturday morning, he was a wonderful man and was like having a third grandfather.
I believed then, and still do, that Crimson and Cream(or any bright shade of red and white) are the absolute best colors for a football team.
My Sooners never lost.
I was hooked.
Then, as a 6(almost 7) year old boy listened to the game with the fightin’ frenchies. The frenchies were out of time outs, one of their players acted hurt which stopped the clock and gave the frenchies time to strategize and make a first down. A play or two later the “injured” player was back in the game with no sign of injury and they scored the winning TD.
I was inconsolable and still am.
Makes me dislike them even more now.
My dad was worried about me after that, the volatile temper I was known for was making everyone nervous, especially at school.
To try and get my mind off of the loss, the following weekend we were at my grandparents farm in NW La. celebrating Thanksgiving, and my dad let me shoot a shotgun for the first time. I didn’t see a paint can on that fence post, I saw a leprechaun, and my very first shot of a firearm blasted that demon center mass.
I not only felt much better after that, I discovered that I was a natural good shot and that stayed with me to this day. So has my hatred for hunchback leprechauns and my love for Sooner football.
That sounds like a Hallmark Channel Holiday special movie script. 🙂
Or OUtdoor Channel.
That shotgun became mine for Christmas just after I turned 7.
Always great stories from you EasTex.
Thanks, bud.
Seeing the Sooners pound everybody left on their schedule and then Duke in the Orange Bowl was also soothing.
always knew there was a reason why I didn’t like Ara Parsegian or Lou Holtz.
yep, never have liked the crooks in South Bend…hate seeing Boudreaux sign with them……….
That is the same reason I hate the Irish! It’s in my DNA to hate them!
If he goes to EnDee, poor fella will be stuck slapping that ripoff “Play Like a Champion Today” board.
I’m sure the good guys left that sign behind after going up there and whooping their flat butts in ’58.
Win games, make sure the offense looks good, into the playoffs and recruiting will take care of itself. It is and will be “what have you done or shown me lately” business for a while now. Does seem more so now though, but maybe that’s because we have had more success (or at least looked like it).
So who is OU next target for a RB?
That’s my point: Whaley is THE entire RB board. All eggs in that basket.
I understand.
I was mocking her/him with the “Hello.”
Has anyone heard any news on Matt Farniok? His recruitment has seemed to be incredibly quiet.
He has 16 offers, but not from OU.
Interesting: 247 shows an offer and Scout doesn’t.
Doesn’t show one at rivals, though there is a feature story about him today which I think is behind a pay wall.
Interesting. I knew he visited for the spring game but that was pretty much it.
Austin Kendall and his family is on campus.
how did he end up in that qb comp recently….
The elite 11? He didn’t make the finals, but he actually moved up in the espn recruiting ranking services.
Howdy brother. Such a shock when one of the resident aholes brings up the negative. Douches are gonna douche, I reckon
Hey bruh!
Hope the man cave is progressing nicely. 🙂
Coming along well. Thanks. Be nice if they used more than one dude but oh well
what kind of man cave you building?
Just a kids playroom on one side and daddy’s playroom on the other. Hope to get some OU carpet to learn these people out here something but probably get overruled. Busy busy times. Gotta get it all squared away before bambino 3 gets here
What is everyone’s take on Logan Roberson and his commitment? I just watched his film. I didn’t see great hands or feet, but he appears strong like bull. Was there a TFB analysis I missed?
Really slow but you are right about being strong he manhandles his guy when he gets ahold of them. Brown was by far the best lineman in the state then Roberson, Fredrick, so on.
He’s actually worked on his speed/quickness from what I’ve read. Linemen shouldn’t be judged on their 40 time but what I read said he’s under 5.0 now.
I think we should go after brown, Frederick, fialo plus the other 2 good OL from the state who’s names I’ve forgotten.
Shu-weet. Bronson Irwin 2.0.
I’d have to see those numbers. There are very few OL that will run a 5.0 40.
I’m not sure where I saw it mentioned but I think it was a story about him and JD and the work outs they do.
It was.
I guess someone could give J.D. a call.
Tex coming through in the clutch
It’s what old OL guys do. 🙂
I like Roberson.
Not only because of his size, strength and wants to be a Sooner. I like the fact that he has worked his big Ol’butt off to get the offer. When he first started working with J.D. he was not fit and ran a 6.0 forty. Now he is fit, stronger, improved his skills dramatically and runs a 5.0. What that tells me is he has the physical tools, will work hard to be his best and takes to being coached up.
I’ll take a dozen of him, please.
Exactly the kind of kid you’d like to coach. Coach B knows exactly what he’s getting in Logan.
Love to hear that. Anxious to see what the film for his senior year looks that. I read where he performed well at camp. I trust Uncle Bedenboom’s analysis.
I tend to agree with you Robertson. I’m going to ask Chris to do a film breakdown of all the in-state OL.
I think it’s time for the coaches to start sharing the love or try something different. Winning is not the only way to recruit.
I can’t imagine what the feeling of “love” can be from people like Meyer, Saban or especially the cow patty Chip Kelly.
I’m really not sure either duchbag,duchbag, and wormy duchbag is my take on them. You think they use $?
I wouldn’t know, but if it is “love” it is nothing like most of us would define it.
Nothing like how I love fishing, dark German beer, my hound, and my wife?
Or my love of tater tots.
I’m so hungry right now I put 2 slabs of ribs in the smoker about 2 hours ago just a couple more hours and I’ll be in what I like to call rib heaven.
My appetite disappeared when I turned on the news this morning.
That’s why I don’t turn on the news. 🙂 Anything specific?
The Supremes.
The Supremes are great … just not the ones you are referring to.
Since they have now assumed the power to rewrite the text of laws based on what they think the legislative branch meant to enact, I hope they decide to take up a case involving the Revenue act of 1913. Maybe they’ll conclude that even though Congress wrote that everyone would have to pay a percentage of their income as a tax, they didn’t really mean the government would take a percentage of everyone’s income. And then we can all stop paying taxes.
Not going there, said too much already for TFB.
Ya know…Disqus has multiple non-football poly tickin’ talkin’ groups available…
Sounds like the beginning of a nice weekend. 🙂
Wanted to update you on something.
When we were researching Kempenich the other day, I came across a story of a Scott Kempenich from a few years ago being announced as the Junior High Principal in Coweta and it showed a photograph.
I couldn’t be sure it was him until I was watching a replay of the 2000 Nebbish game and ABC showed the starting line up and sure enough it is the same Kempenich that started for OU.
Excellent, my son is working on getting his teaching certs now. Great teachers make all the difference in kids lives.
So close now.
You know, I wonder how much their gameday/ interview demeanor actually plays into a positive experience for the recruit. When you see guys who are usually stoic, or even a bit curt and angry seeming, on tv… then that guy shows up and is friendly and outgoing towards you personally, I can see that having a big impact on the recruit.
It’s like Bill Parcells… he was an asshole. A hard ass, do it my way or else coach. But because he was so hard on his players, they, almost to a man, say it made it that much more special when he put his arm around them and said “I appreciate your effort; you’re doing a good job.”
The juxtaposition of those guys’ public persona to the interactions with recruits may actually be a positive impact for the recruit. Just speculating. They’re all three still a-holes in my book. LOL
I stayed at the same hotel he lived in when he first moved to Dallas. He would sit at the bar at night, eating a burger and watching ESPN. Never was a problem for anyone, was quiet and incredibly nice. He was easy to talk to and he and I would often chat.
He was a great guy, I found. Before I spent that time with him I thought he must have been a jerk. Not at all.
Most people think of the old coach Buddy Ryan as a total jerk. I knew him long before then, he was my next door neighbor for a year when he was an assistant coach for our high school. He came to Marshall, Tx from Hugo, OK.
He and Mrs. Ryan were just plain good folks .
*EDIT* He came to Marshall from Gainesville.
Am I the only one who has grown to like the #OUDNA thing our coaches are using? At first, I was kinda “meh, what’s that? Whatever.” But as they’ve continued to use it and push it to recruits, It’s kinda grown on me. I think it’s something that coaches with good interpersonal skills can use to good effect with recruits. Telling recruits that “you’ve got that OUDNA; you’re our kind of player down to your very makeup”… I can see them using that well.
What he said!!
I am experiencing technical difficulties. Stand Bye.
Ive been worried about ND for awhile now. I don’t like that fact that the Father appears to have shut it down.
Parker would have been a good get, but I know Coach B. has others in mind.
I just don’t worry about his recruiting.
Joe mixon story
Oh, thank god. James Hale has come through and abated our worry…
Ha,Ha,Ha. He just got off the phone with Deano.
Today is both Beauticians Day and Take Your Dog To Work Day.
Ironically, this day of all days is also Forgiveness Day.
I’m dumb, can someone explain what this means?
(every day the team does 7 on 7 which is 2 times per week)
Exactly what it says: they do it every day but only two times per week. This year’s team is very talented, both physically and mathematically. 🙂
Must be the new coaches.
On every day that the team does 7 on 7 (which happens to be 2 times per week)…..yada yada yada
Big difference between “everyday” and “every day” http://www.elearnenglishlanguage.com/blog/english-mistakes/everyday-vs-every-day/
The big difference is belied by a small space. :-0
true dat
Ahhh, the enlightened musings of Mr. Hale… a man with a face fit for radio, a voice fit for print media, and a grammar set fit for crayons.
Some of the best humor on oui was reading a hale article, esp if he was angry, reaching the end and thinking, what? Rereads didn’t help.
Just came in and started catching up, was going to post about the exact same thing you did. Glad someone is watching over this place, LOL!
I do what I can lol
Reminds me of a song.
Many thanks to you and JD, I knew you guys could help my small brain!
Just funnin’ with ya’.
It’s always disappointing to read that recruits we were hopeful about are likely going elsewhere. So goes the life of following recruiting. Don’t ever get too excited about a player until you see him on Saturday in uniform! I was looking back over the recent scholarship list https://thefootballbrainiacs.com/ou-oklahoma-sooners-football-scholarship-breakdown. This does give some hope regarding some positions. If half of these freshmen work out, it will be hard to crack the starting rotation for several years. Of course that’s the optimistic view. I’m always good for that. Happy Friday!!!
Go USA Womens Soccer Team, Beat China.
Game starts 6:30pm ct
I’ll bring a snack.
That will go great with the beer and scotch. lol
and you will be invited back
MMM…a beer and scotch mixer? Sign me up!
Killians Red and Aberlour. Nuf said?
More than enough! I’m on my way over!
lol, wasn’t born Irish or Scotish, got lots to make up for.
I’ll bring the Lipitor!
I’m digging those.
Change your life, they will. 🙂
I’m going to have to chase some tots down while I’m at the beach.
It shouldn’t be difficult for a biped such as yourself. 😀
I’m hanging out at my best friend’s house, in Williamsburg, Va. We will hang out tonight and head to the beach tomorrow.
Okay, but you ruined my *zing*.
You know I’m slow at times.
I did not know that, just figured your mind is in vacation mode.
Glad you get to hang with your best bud, no friend like an old friend. They not only know where your scars are, they know how you got them.
Yes. And I certainly know how he got his. LOL!
Aint that the truth
I am thinking some Tatchos after a nice long bike ride tomorrow to help replenish my starch and cholesterol levels. However, needs more Jalapenos.
Some Dutch Bonnets would be nice. ;-/
Not familiar with Dutch Bonnets, but knowing your love for good food, I am guessing it has to be something totally excellent.
Meant Scotch Bonnets, a caribbean habanero.
Jalapenos are about 2,500-8.000 Scoville units, Habs/Scotch Bonnets are like 90,000-525,000 Scoville units.
Wow, I think I like the top of my head attached, thank you very much. 🙂
Lincoln playing games with the fans
Was about to post the same. Who was he talking about in the tweet below that?
QB comitt Austin Kendall visited campus.
He was talking about Robinson which I didn’t see coming. But I guess he and Kendall are buds
need some O-Line now with athleticism & mobility….wonder if Frederick will get a call now that Boudreaux is off the board ??
I get all gittyup when coaches start throwing the DNA around!
There’s a mental image I could have gone the whole weekend without and not felt slighted. LOL
Quit fogging up my windows! 🙂
So glad I wasnt the onlyone
Lol…. I should just keep my mouth shut
You just shush!
Yes well I did… I can’t help it I laugh at Will Ferrell, my sense of humor is juvenile… Probably in the water I drank
BOOM, Chris Robinson 2017 QB
Jay Gatsby@OfficialChris_R
Im officially committing to The University of Oklahoma #OUDNA #boomersooner @LincolnRiley
2017 Qb
Chris Robison dual threat QB from Mesquite. If star rankings are worth anything, he’s a 4 star on Rivals. 6’1, 183 lbs. Seems to be a good, grounded young man
U S A! U S A! U S A!
OU! OU! OU! 🙂
I want to hear this chant in OUr stadium every single game this season!!!
<——–Hey. That's my thang.
…I can’t tell you who to sock it to…
Sometimes it takes a few brothers in arms to get the job done.
BOOM on ’17 QB seems to be a reality. Not a bad day.
TFB’s Facebook page posted that he committed, not sure why there hasn’t been an update on here yet…
And jordans out of town so hopefully K has the Denzel gif ready to go.
Which one of us does the HOLLA meme?
At this rate, Riley’s going be signing jr high kids in a couple of months.
He’s gotta get them lined up in case he gets a head coaching gig after a season or two. At this rate, he’s gonna be lining up the QB for the class of 2021 before we kickoff against Akron.
We can only hope that is the case.
TCU and OU both get their 2017 QB targets on the same day.
There we go
Area code 817 is Arlington/Ft Worth…Mike Williams?
Nah it’s the QB… I would think since he hash tagged 17… But I could be wrong
I don’t follow.
Whenever Bob says ### Stand up, he is referring to the area code. Unless he got bad intel.
Where bob put #Sooners17. The QB is in the class of 17. Bob May have just had wrong area code…817.
I think that’s it.
Actually now looks like he deleted/edit’ed
No update on the new QB commit?
I’ll take a “Boom!” for 2017. But please, Parker Boudreaux, for all that is Sooner awesome, come to OU. Boudreaux? Bedenbaugh? Bedenbeaux? Boudenbaugh? Tomateaux tomataugh. Match made in football heaven (which is located in Norman, OK).
He’s going to Notre Dame unfortunately.
Here is what MaxPreps has on Chris, his videos are Coaches Cut-Ups.
Hey, a 2017 commitment!! Guess it’s never too early to send out an offer to a talent player (Levi Draper reference). Hopefully Robison will be a good foundation for the rest of the class.
On another note, if OU misses on Boudreaux and Whaley…well it’s going to be a rough time on the message boards. Question, what other prospects are we looking at for RB? I know Adams has committed already and so did that other back I don’t remember his name but got on the Houston hype train.
It’s about to get bad on the boards and I really can’t blame them we keep missing out on our top prospects eventually it’s going to bite ou always signing second or third choice prospects.
It’s not that it would be the end other world if we don’t land either, there’s plenty of talent left out there. It’s that these guys have been hyped up to the point where if they commit here it be very up lifting, if they don’t it could feel like we’ve taken two steps backwards.
That’s where I’m at we have been led to believe they were locks to come to ou.
Who is it we get to commit?
Who would be the next best realistic option in the event that Whaley lands elsewhere?
Oh not sure… But my question was referring to the 2017 QB commit. Who is it? I havent heard yet..
EDIT: okay, I scrolled down some and saw. Chris Robinson.
Oh he’s 4* Chris Robison out of Mesquite, Tx. 6-2 about 185, definitely more of a passer than a dual threat. He’s got a decent deep ball. I think East Tex linked his film below
Don’t know what video player MP uses, but it sure doesn’t seem to like Linux.
Hmm strange. There’s always hudl: http://www.hudl.com/athlete/3130932/chris-robison
Same videos and the same video player problem.
Went to the browser console and there are some certificate and java script issues Linux doesn’t like.
Java is a weird and confusing world. Everything runs on it, it doesn’t run on everything. Trust me, I did IT for 3 years and I still don’t understand it all.
Well Java and JavaScript are two different beasties. And they really have nothing to do with each other.
I’ve been using Linux distros for years, I won’t consider anything else.
I like my java served black in a cup with a handle. 🙂
You go for that exotic stuff, eh. Maxwell House is good enough for me.
Depending on the flavor of Linux and the browser you use, it can be tricky to get everything working right. Particularly, when it comes to video.
I need to go into this weekend and check it out. It started acting weird the other day after an update.
Thinking of going back to Linux Mint from Ubuntu.
Never used Mint though a couple of my sons used to use it. Ubuntu is what my work computer runs as its base operating system. I seldom have problems using Chrome on Ubuntu.
There in is the problem, I went back to Firefox from Opera.
Really need to address that this weekend.
I have found that Chrome seems to work best for me. Firefox, works well sometimes and other times just seems a little flaky.
It was out of laziness on my part.
When I got Firefox updates the other day that required authentication I knew things were going to get…altered.
Yeah, Firefox has something of a reputation for churning the updates and sometimes not getting them right.
Should get an Apple lol
I have one, but I’m saving it for Tuna salad tomorrow. :->
To clarify it’s ROBISON, not Robinson.
Ah, thank you sir.
I think you are referring to Williams who verbaled TCU.
Boudreaux will commit to OU, folks. Don’t worry. He loves OU and OU loves him.
Stop drinking the cool aid. Hes going to ND.
Not until he signs.
You are right there is still a lot of time to try and flip him.
‘Cruitin’ is a weird and wonderful thing.
He’s going somewhere. I choose to believe it will be OU. No Kool-Aid involved.
Well I hope you are right and I’m wrong.
Just a bottle of Cuervo!
You’ve got it.
Bedenbaugh Magic.
This new QB commit looks like he can put some heat on the football and he is rated as a pro style qb but from some of his highlights he looks like he has some speed and quick feet. Bravo for Lincoln Riley and OU for picking up the face of the 2017 class this early. Getting him this early could pay huge dividends on recruiting.
I liked his highlights more than Austins.
I thought my highlights were pretty impressive but that’s just me 🙂
They were really nice.
I still like Kendall. But the Robison kid has a chance to be the best QB in Texas which means he has a chance to be the best in the nation. That’s a big time pickup early for 2017 which should help Cale and Simmons out a lot.
I agree, a huge commitment.
How he does the next two years could impact D/FW OU recruits overall.
I hope the kid proves to be as good of a recruiter as a QB. Getting a solid 4* QB this early should make a huge difference recruiting especially if the kid can build relationships in some of these camps and get players wanting to play with him!
I had to keep in mind that I was watching a Soph in high school. He is no where near his ceiling in skill or physical growth.
Definitely has great ball placement, can’t wait to seem him progress.
I hate to be political, but…
/slowly I turn…step by step
I have a buddy that’s in Colorado with baker m this weekend and they have been talking baker says Dede w is the best reciever he has ever thrown to that includes sterling s. It’s scary to think with Dede and sterling at WR as long as the qb can get it close to them we should be alright.
Nice, keep an open line with this buddy.
Last I heard they were going to the gym tomorrow kobra will prolly get his feelings hurt.
I’ve been saying Dede will have a better year than Shep.
Probably starting out just by reputation Shepard will get the coverage rolled his direction or straight up double teamed. and this should really help Westbrook coming out of the gates. We have a chance with this receiving core to dictate coverage for the first time in awhile and that should help our QBs as well. Looking forward to this year!
I’m sure Andrews will command doubles too if he can stay healthy and if he can play as well as most think he will. But that doesn’t excite me more for the other WR to get less coverage but to me that’s going to make the box much lighter for perine Ross and mixon. And I believe we will see some of brooks too.
Anderson I think will RS unless he’s 100% coming off the “minor” knee injury in the spring and if he lights it up in practices.
My thoughts, too. The main coverage and attention will be on Shep. This leaves some poor defender in single coverage every time.
This WR corps has the potential to be very special.
Jason White had some great touch throwing the deep balls. I miss that.
So do I.
He also was excellent when throwing under duress.
He and Nate Hybl had plenty of opportunities to hone their under-duress skills for a stretch of time.
First time watching this one and I liked it!
Will Peoples was a long strider despite not being particularly tall.
Thanks for sharing. I loved those little bubble screens to Rankins
You know the one thing that stands out to me, which I haven’t seen in a while? The number one by OU on the ABC, NBC, ESPN…ETC. scoreboard. I miss the days when OU was the envy of the college football world….:-(
update added
esco……had you ever heard of this qb
yeah, camped at OU a couple weeks back. looked good, got an offer. was thought to be an OU lean, but I think this commit came a little earlier than most expected (even if probable).
Do you think this effects Thompson recruitment at all
The bigger question is does this change anything Austin K? Two QBs same class never works out for one of them.
Kendall is class of ’16; Robison is class of ’17.
Oh my bad I missed that. Thanks for clarity.
You betcha
How do you feel about Boudreaux announcing his commitment on B/R? (-:
Thanks for taking one for the team. And reporting while on vacation. Have an extra piña colada on me. Did I spell that right.
You are dedicated sir
I know, I know. Sorry.
Who are Gabriel and Andrew in the Brainiac profiles up top, and why hasn’t Esco been added to the Brainiac Rushmore hall of fame yet?
Last time it was asked Jordan said he didn’t want one. As for the other 2, I think they are from the new brainiac site.
New site?
There is a TFB Texas site coming
Who is going to guard the troll bridge?
I’ll cover this end of the bridge…
You just reminded me of Remagen.
Clearly the answer is you
I wondered how many TFB team specific sites were out there.
My eyes can’t unsee what I just saw.
WHY !!!!! can’t there be one site solely for OU without providing the same quality to Texas ? why can’t this site be unique just to OU ??? Texas and their fan base do not deserve this service……
ugh…it’ll probably be like the new UT Football Visa card being offered in Texas. Lowest interest in the state.
What new site?
I believe Andrew covers Texas in the same way Brandon and Alex do for OU. Not sure about Gabriel.
Late but…BOOM!
Me, too. Just returned from grandson’s baseball tourney. BOOM! Just love me some Boom on a late Friday night/early Saturday morn.
Draper commit yet?
Super K : which is the better talent for college ? Shawn Robinson or Chris Robison ? can you break down the strengths & weaknesses of each HS QB ? thanks…
Did LR even offer or consider Shawn? Just curious.
Shawn is a 5 star. I’m sure he was considered but maybe he had better connections to Chris and liked what I saw. I like that we have the center piece already in place for both classes and yet everyone thinks OU is dead in the water when it comes to recruiting. And I’ve never cared about rankings I just want us to find the right guys. Find the 2 and 3 star guys that when their college career is over all the scouts will say “hmm should have made him a 4 or 5 star”
Exactly Zack. As I recall, Sam was a 3-star. Others as well who the coaches turned into 5-stars and put in the league. We’ll do fine. Especially if we can kick some ass this season.
no idea who Robinson had on his list………..
When in August does the fall camp begin? Checked at sooonersports and couldn’t find it. Getting anxious.
Probably the first or second week. I would guess a later start since the first game is sept 5th.
Thanks guys! That helps. So sometime around Aug 5th or 6th. Good! That’s what I’ll countdown to.
To piggy back on. What Zack said if you find the date of the first game and count back thirty days yiu usually get the start day of practices. That would be why difference teams have different start dates as they have different opening dates. I read somewhere that the NCAA rule is no sooner than thirty days from first game.
Thanks Jordan!
My four choices to watch this coming season who never played a down for OU last season. I will follow them more closely for obvious reasons. In no order.
1. Baker Mayfield
2. Frank Shannon
3. Joe Mixon
4. Dede Westbrook
Maybe like four incoming freshmen with experience.
Are you back home?
Have about 3 weeks left on a 3 month job I started the last of December.. Building a 10 story hotel and Casino for the Cherokee Indians in Roland, Ok. Read the TFB postings almost every night on my lap top. Will get to watch Draper play this year as I have 2 grandkids that play for Skiatook..
Just make a top 5 and add Andrews
I certainly hope OU utilizes his size and athleticism in their new offense. Wasn’t it Gresham a few years ago that was a real threat especially in the red zone.
Yes Gresh was an outstanding target in the RZ…had Wilson continued to go to him in the natty against UF it might have had a dif outcome…Gresh also kept the chains moving…if we can do that we’ll win a lot of games ( I like a defense that is on the sideline)
My 5 are as follows:
1. Joe Mixon
2. Dede Westbrook
3. Mark Andrews
4. P.J. Mbanasor
5. Khalil Haughton
The Four Horesmen of the Apocalypse.
So, finally got around to watching Robison’s film, and I’m impressed. I’ve always been of the opinion that QB highlight film shouldn’t tell you how good the receivers’ hands are, and Robison’s did just that. The ball was on the money everytime, so that the receivers never had a chance to show off. And the film is from his sophomore year, so he’s only going to get better.
We’re on top. No worries.
He just visited Texas and a&m and canceled his visit to Norman and isn’t sure if he will visit at all now. What makes you think we are on top?
Has he been to Norman yet?
I don’t think so.
I sure hope the Sooners are keeping an eye and ear on Quan Hogan out of Norman North.
Not the fastest cat out there but he runs tough and is pretty elusive. Even better, he’s a good pass catcher. If he can pick up a blitz, I say sign him up.
Good size, too.
Dear BRAINIACS educate myself and other’s the difference between 4.45 and 4.50 speed so that we may have a better understanding of we’re seeing in translation to positions. Thank you.
The difference is 5 hundredths of a second..very minimal…for a wr you can be slower and still win with good route running..for a db reading, reacting, and proper angle will off-set slower speed but they can’t chase down a guy faster than them (even 5 hundredths of a sec)..there are exceptions..some guys can carry their pads better than others so track speed doesn’t always translate to football speed in that regard (see Lendy Holmes)…for a rb vision and cutting ability plays a role as well as physicality and balance…in short that slight a difference only matter at one place…on a track
Man 247 just posted Ohio States pump up video and wow. It’s pretty sick. Obviously they have the natty momentum but listening to heir coaches get after them is awesome too.
G-Day minus 70
Kelvin Chaisson
Saturday afternoon and yes, Texsa still sucks
Thanks JD helps a lot and makes sense. So I’m guessing this is what makes Mixon so special. His cutting ability reminds me of Joe Washington, defender often left wondering what happened or where did he go.
Don’t high ankle sprains frequently linger?
Yeah some linger over 2 months.
So he didn’t injure it falling on stadium steps?
I had been told that by a source but couldn’t confirm it from a second other than to say it happened during a “training session”
What level of competition does Robison play at Mesquite?
Very good it’s a burb of Dallas, but close to east texas so great players in that area. EasTex may know better then me as I am more south texas ( Houston area)
A couple of tough non-district games and a fairly tough district. Highland Park is a perennial state champion contender. If Horn qualifies for the playoffs their level of compo goes up dramatically, as they will then have to play teams from ETex.
We made the top 5 for D Whaley..
I think it’s safe to say the kid likes red
I noticed that as well and a&m’s colors are the closest to his HS
Is OU in the top 3 for Whaley?
If I had to guess right now Id say his top 3 are OU, UT, TAMU. Not sure about the order but something tells me Texas has made a push. Going into the summer it seemed to be OU vs TAMU. I think UT is in it now
using deductive reasoning I would say you are right.
Based on his HS offense which is a spread offense, it would most likely be OU or TAMU
Arkansas runs pro style (No go)
Georgia runs pro Style (No go)
Texas runs who the hell knows ( that’s why I think he doesn’t end up there)
Just a thought, but pro-style isn’t so bad if he’s getting a lot of carries. Say what you will about Bielema, but Arkansas’ O-Line is well coached and their run game is stout.
Yes buts its not a fit. He earned his high rating operating out of a spread offense. Why go to an offense your not used too?
And hopefully, the presence of multiple former 5* OU backs at TAMU will help push him our direction. Hopefully.
Shouldn’t even take THAT for him to choose OU. RBs who go to ATM always fade into obscurity and never accomplish much there.
I don’t know what those other schools have on campus, but maybe he just wants more playing time, earlier. A lot of good, young backs at OU in front of him. When he gets to OU, Perine will be a JR. Mixon a SO. Anderson a FR/SO.
But if mixon and perine have 2 good years in 15 and 16, then I can’t imagine them staying in school. And when gundy was the coach he wasn’t afraid to play guys early, he would just make them earn it. Perine was clearly the best back last year and it took him several games to start.
Yup. OU started a walk-on over 5* guys, because Whaley earned it, too.
Forgot about that. But the most obvious “earn it” was ad when they didn’t start him from day one.
Why would any major RB go to ATM? They never turn out great RBs.
The last great RB I can remember from TAMU died a few days ago, John David Crow.
Yep. Last notable TAMU ball carrier I can remember is Toombs and he was a FB. And I guess Jorvorskie Lane.
Curtis Dickey played in 78 was a solid RB by what I understand, George Woodard was a FB type player back in the 70’s also, Rodney Thomas is another name that comes up a lot, Greg Hill was solid believe he played in like 92, John Kimbrough was their starting RB on the 39 national championship team, Bob Smith played in the 50’s, Darren Lewis was a stud and if I remember right was a stud his entire career ran for over 5,000 yards. Leeland McElroy was mostly a return guy but did rush for over a 1,000 yards in his Junior year. Then guys like Toombs, Lane and John David Crow have been mentioned. I love college football history and all so I looked some things up plus I remember watching McElroy, Lewis, and Hill play. All teams have had some great players.
They had some very good RBs, greatness is subjective. TAMU went the entire period(55 years) between John David Crow and Miley Football for their only two Heisman’s.
Don’t think you base talent and players greatness off awards mean it certainly says greatness but some of the games best players never won the Heisman, umm Peterson is better than a lot of the names I read off never won the Heisman. OU has been spoiled with talent.
AD was second in the voting as a freshman, don’t know of a list of seconds but I doubt any gAggie RBs would be on it.
They have had some good players there over the years, but only two great ones that I recall.
In 1957 Bear Bryant said “If John David Crow doesn’t win the Heisman, they oughta stop giving it.”
Recently, Kahlil Haughton did an interview with ESPN. It was pretty interesting, here’s probably the most interesting comment, Haughton: “I think they just need determination. The program isn’t as confident as they used to be. They need to get that confidence back up and just try and do what they used to do.”
Link to full interview: http://espn.go.com/blog/big12/post/_/id/99633/qa-oklahoma-s-signee-kahlil-haughton
Jordan or Super K or even a long time reader with input. With Kendall on board and if we secure a commitment from Whaley how much do you think it helps us with some WR and OL recruits? Also same ? other side of the ball, who do we need on the defensive side to kind of be the corner stone of this class to build around that is a must get that would really help maybe bring in more recruits?
As far as Kendall and if Whaley commits, I think it would help maybe secure one or two more receivers depending on what the numbers can handle. Currently they have Parker and hardy at wr and I think Parker is gaining hype while I don’t know if hardy will even play WR in HS.
On defense I think they need to land either dontavious Jackson or Caleb kelly or both to really get going. Possibly youngquist.
Big time players want to play with big time players in big time games under the big time spotlight (not 11am games all season). (-:
I scratch my head when I think that there are OL recruits that aren’t attracted to blocking for Perine/Mixon.
Most these guys may never get the chance to block for them, mean maybe one or two could be good enough to start as Freshman or Sophomores but think Perine is a Soph and Mixon a RSFr so by time guys get on campus they will be a JR and RSSo and then by the time they may be ready to go Perine is probably a SR or gone and Mixon a RSJr or RSSr or gone by that time that’s if they play as a FR or RSFr. But guys like Whaley and Anderson would be the guys they would pave the way for that would be appealing!
Exactly. Just look at the resume for stoops running backs. They said Arkansas was running back U but ou was 2nd. It’s pretty simple if you ask me. AD and Murray ‘nough said
G-Day minus 69
Brad Davis
Ticking them off, day by day.
Thanks BC.
You are very welcome.
By the way, totchos were great yesterday as a recovery meal. I used home made bean chilli instead of bacon though. I should have taken a pic, but the pic would not have done it justice… haha
Bean chili?
That isn’t chili, it is bean stew.
I hear ya, and have to mostly agree. lol
You gotta have pinto and/or kidney beans for it to be chili
If it is chili there can be no beans cooked in it.
Best chili I’ve ever had is my dads and it always has beans. No others come close from what I’ve had
I should add I only eat Texas chili and have never once tried it in another country or state.
This recipe is the way I like to go, not ground beef, but cubed chuck.
This is a subject that could be argued till the end of time. If two pots of “chili” are in front of me, one with beans and one without, I will always pick the one without. One of my favorite meals is my wife’s bean soup and sausage with corn bread so it’s not that I don’t like beans……it’s a weird food thing.
I don’t have a problem with beans, either. Just not in chili, you can put all kinds of “floaters” on it that you want, fine with me, but I’ll just eat saltines if some one calls it chili with beans cooked in. The starch just ruins the gravy.
Sunday afternoon and Texsa still sucks
It appears we made the top five for juco ’16 OL Tate Leavitt.
Not sure what our chances are. Crystal balled 100% to UK, offers from Bama, Auburn, and others. We were listed in the offers as almost a side note yet made his top five. Should be interesting at least.
Well, I will have my great cut and paste of Arnold Bedenbaugh ready, just in case. lol