As I suspect a great many of you are already aware, our fearless leader, one Mr. David Boren, met with the media for about an hour on Thursday following an OU Board of Regents meeting. As to be expected at this point when it comes to Boren, a number of things were said on the topic du jour of Big 12 expansion.
Although in a bit of a change in narrative, none of which struck me as all particularly encouraging either for those hoping the Big 12 will add *fill in the blank* number of additional school OR for those of us hoping beyond hope OU might even up and bail on the Big 12 altogether, Boren pulled something of an about-face on expanding the Big 12.
No, instead we were left with more questions than answers, which certainly seems to be a common trend when anyone, at any time, affiliated with the Big 12 speaks on the future of this league.
To be perfectly honest, I debated whether or not to even bother putting something like this together. If for no other reason than you don’t exactly have to be Miss Cleo to determine OU fans and their fellow Big 12 brethren’s collective eyes tend to glaze over at this point whenever the word ‘expansion’ is uttered and/or typed.
But Boren’s comments on Thursday stuck with me both because they seemed to not only contradict themselves in the moment, but certainly as compared to most everything we’ve heard from him in the past. So I decided to muster up the courage to power through the expansion exhaustion and give the people what they don’t want and didn’t ask for.
You’re welcome, (middle of) America.
As you’ll see here below, it didn’t take long for confusion, at least on my part, to set in. As in the span of a couple of minutes, ol’ DBo has already lost me.
Boren: the question about expansion is premature. We need to decide if we're going to have a Big 12 network. #Sooners
— John Shinn (@john_shinn) May 12, 2016
Alright. I mean I don’t necessarily agree, and up until today, based on almost every other comment you’ve made publicly, you didn’t appear to agree either. But I get it, things are fluid. And as this guy once said…
…so I’m tentatively still on board, for now.
Buuuuuuuut here’s where you lose me.
Boren: “If you’re going to have a network, you’re probably going to have 12 or 14 members” to have enough content.
— Jake Trotter (@Jake_Trotter) May 12, 2016
Yeah, um, so about that. If talk of expansion prior to a network is premature, but in your own words you’d have to expand for a network to even be a possibility….? You can see where one might get confused, right?
Boren: If there's not going to be a network, there's no need for expansion. If there is a network, there almost has to be expansion. #Big12
— John Shinn (@john_shinn) May 12, 2016
Boren: "Not at decision-making stage" among Big 12 leadership. "Fact-finding" stage.
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) May 12, 2016
Quick question: When has the Big 12 ever been in a decision-making stage? They seem to be permanently stuck in a ‘sit around and wait for everyone around us to do things and get better and only then, far past the point of anything we do mattering, do we react’ stage. But maybe that’s just me.
Boren: We're trying to figue out how much money we're leaving on the table by not having a network. #Sooners #Big12
— John Shinn (@john_shinn) May 12, 2016
A LOT. But you’ve already missed your window, multiple times now, for a Big 12 network. And don’t think you’re getting that valuable information free of charge, I’m not running a charity here. Consider me now a paid consultant to the Big 12 and send a check payable to TFB c/o Jordan Esco, I’ll leave it up to you to determine the amount.
Boren believes $$ is there to make a go of Big 12 Network, but wants to hear research firm presentations at June mtg in Dallas.
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) May 12, 2016
He (Boren) is wrong.
Again, if you want to piss money away to have someone feed you a bunch of b.s. because it’s what you want to hear, my services are readily available. Spend five minutes on Google searching the current landscape of cable television/rights deals you’ll apparently learn what the rest of us already know. There is likely no deal to be made, but even if there is it almost assuredly will not net you anywhere near what it needs to in order to make if feasible for you and your fellow Big 12 schools.
Boren: "You have to devise a revenue distribution that lets (Texas) get paid back” for giving up the $ in the LHN.
— Jake Trotter (@Jake_Trotter) May 12, 2016
I mean he’s not wrong, obviously it’s very difficult to see Texas voluntarily folding the LHN to take less money from a theoretical Big 12 network. Thus, the logic here is fundamentally flawed two-fold. The first being the aforementioned Texas having literally no incentive to give up their network. The second being that, in theory, he seems to be suggesting some sort of unequal revenue distribution allowing Texas to take a bigger piece of the pie than the rest of the other schools in the Big 12. Which, at least in part, is why you had schools leave in the first place.
So now you’re apparently suggesting a return to what caused a big part of the problem in the first place? Brilliant!
Boren said if Big 12 can't agree to league-wide network, maybe $$-making answer is "everybody go out and figure out your own (network) deal"
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) May 12, 2016
So did he just miss the memo on Sooner Sports TV? I mean admittedly I only have the context of a lone tweet, but this one made me a little concerned for DBo. Is the memory starting to slip? You’re aware you are the president of a school with it’s own network deal, right?
Boren reiterates stance that Big 12 missed opportunities during last realignment. "Old saying is you can hold tickets til show's over"
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) May 12, 2016
David Boren on Big 12: "We’re on a path toward eventual consensus. The consensus could be 'do nothing.'"
— Guerin Emig (@GuerinEmig) May 12, 2016
If that doesn’t perfectly epitomize the Big 12 I don’t know what does.
But perhaps the most concerning to me, as someone who has made it known OU should leave the Big 12 (like now), were Boren’s comments from this CBS Sports article.
After all this, if the Big 12 does nothing, is Oklahoma committed to the conference for the remaining eight years of its media rights deal?
“We haven’t even speculated on that,” Boren said. “We’re committed to the Big 12. We haven’t even discussed the possibility.”
Now you could certainly make the case this is just Boren being “politically correct” and saying publicly what has to be said. Lord knows there are an infinite number of people out there, both fans and media alike, playing the part of “read into it guy” just searching for the hidden meaning in everything else that was said.
But if you’re going to take those comments from Boren at face value, it’s hard not to be pretty discouraged by what looks to now be inevitable at this point, or at least as far as I see it.
Option 1: Do nothing. Very much in line with Big 12 “power plays” of past.
Option 2: Add two middle-of-the-road type schools because those are the only options you have, which really does more for them than it does the Big 12, and get marginally better (at best) in the eyes of the people you’re paying to tell you that you’ll be better.
Jordan, I’ll psycho-analyze later but in a nutshell, to me, he’s put this at the feet of texsa. He’s telling them whether there is a Big XII or not is on you (texsa).
I’m with you Sam… But is a great read this weekend! Much appreciation Jordan
Its time to leave. How can Boren and Joe C not see it? Why doesn’t OU do what is best for OU and not worry about Texas and OSU. If they can stand on their own, they will. If they can’t, why is that OU’s problem? Its mind numbing…
the great fear of the unknown…the future
All in all, not encouraging stuff.
We’ve all discussed how awful the situation is and how little the Big 12 does about….. well, anything. And now one of the few people who were at least bold about doing aaaanything seems to be backing down.
And so much of it goes back to Texsa being chumps. And, for all the extra money they’ve been getting the last few years, it clearly isn’t doing anything to get them more wins/ season. LHN not helping
Thanks for the summary Jordan – I certainly didn’t have the stomach to pile through everything to get some reading-worthy notes, so I appreciate the effort!
Yeah, Jordan, thanks!
Get Notre Dame in and everything changes… !! Let the LHN (by the way Longhorn is 1 word but whatever) and ND’s NBC contracts run their course and let’s get this Big 12 Network going !! (Oh and and Cincy).
If that option really was on the table then, yes, everything would change. Or frankly, if ANY decent football school was on the table as an option, everything would change.
As for LHN, maybe down in Austin longhorn is two words. lol
Hey, great. We could then have the Alma Mater of Bill Cosby…uh, oh never mind.
I think many are missing the point of what’s happening here.
A friend of mine on another board, who is an OU grad, incredibly astute and one of the biggest and most influential players in the business of college and professional sports nationally, had this to say (after I expressed doubt about President Boren’s comments):
“This was Boren putting it all on Texas. Either they agree to work out the LHN issue, or there is no reason to expand. If those two actions don’t happen, the Big XII will continue to lose ground to the SEC & Big 10. Boren’s not “planning” to leave, but this is enough reason to decide it would be in OU’s best interest to do so. Purely a politician being savvy and setting up three moves ahead.”
I believe he’s right.
You can hope that’s the case, but thus far Boren hasn’t shown that he’s willing to do more than talk. Since it’s obvious Texsa isn’t going to budge on the LHN, it’s simple: keep complaining while doing nothing, or leave the dying conference.
He pulled the trigger on the Pac four years ago. That was much more than talk. Unfortunately, he and Larry Scott didn’t have the votes from all the Pac Universities that they thought they had.
I’m trying to remain hopeful.
I can assure you that President Boren feels a lot of egg on his face from that Pac situation and is not going to talk his way into another embarrassment. He wants to make up for last time by the way he handles this time. I think he’ll come through for OU.
He SHOULD have egg on his face. In what way will he come through for OU?
He’ll strengthen the Big XII via the three things he’s discussed…network, expansion, CCG or OU leave the conference. That is my expectation.
Network, expansion and CCG are not better options than joining B1G or SEC…
You are making a strong case for him. But I think most of us are skeptical about him making a clean exit.
you seem to be the lone DB supporter who thinks he can do what you think he can…….
I have a foggy memory of this, what actually happened there? OU and OSU were going to go PAC but PAC voted and didnt let them in?
PAC schools did not want OSU
Basically, that is correct. The Cal Chancellor, among others, voted against expansion. This was a surprise, as Scott thought he had the support of enough university heads.
PAC was fine with OU and UT. Didn’t want the little brothers.
Riiiight. Thanks guys.
So do we think things have changed and OU will go somewhere without OSU?
UT wasn’t coming. It was OU and 3 others. Scott was lead to believe (or misjudged) that they had the votes. When he didn’t, it was a surprise that left he and President Boren looking bad.
Neither Arizona, ASU, or Utah voted to admit OU…not sure about some others….PAC 12 schools didn’t want OU to gain legitimacy in PAC 12 recruiting grounds—but it has happened to an extent anyway…
It was already all on Texas, though. Nothing he said y’day or previously changed that. Not to mention making Texas the scapegoat really doesn’t accomplish anything. It’s not like everyone didn’t already know they’re assholes. That’s common knowledge.
No one, be it fans, media or whomever else, would blame OU if they left right now. They’d be putting themselves in a better position both from a perception/competitive AND financial (in a BIG way) standpoint.
You don’t have to “put the onus” on Texas in order to accomplish any of those things, political savvy’ness (not a word, don’t care) or not.
Astute. It is obvious what you stated, but apparently a LOT of people can’t see the “obvious.”
Yes, but the difference is President Boren is “going through the process” of letting all the schools come to that same conclusion while making OU the “team player” offering solutions to save the conference.
If those solutions are not adopted, OU can leave knowing they did everything possible to save the conference but were left with no choice but to do what was best for the University.
Exactly: one of the suggestion I’ve seen is to pay texsa the revenue it will lose for forgoing LHN. Why should texsa loss be everyone’s loss but texsa?
That kind of thinking is exactly what blew up the BigXII. When UT refused equal sharing of revenue, CU and NU bolted. And, that is the essence of the argument for doing away with LHN and having one network with equal revenue sharing for all. It’s also why UT will not give up LHN and why the current Big XII is doomed.
Bolt, OU. Please, bolt.
Partially right. NU and OU had more than equal revenue in the Big 12 and the Big 8. NU just got tired of the texsa bullying AND a Big 10 offer was a natural for NU. CU has long thought it was a “west coast” school. But that signal of unhappiness did not register with texsa. They overplayed their hand by forcing A&M to make a move. THAT blew up this conference and the pieces continuing to operate does not mean that it is truly viable.
True, OU, NU, and UT got more revenue than the other nine. That doesn’t make equal revenue sharing.
agreed….why OU is so reticent to accept this and move on reverts back to the blind leadership coming from Boren’s office…He enjoys being a ‘big fish in a small pond’ but OU fans, alums, athletes deserve better………
There is a simple reason for not just moving on now. Regardless of the path Boren chooses, he will be criticized. Why didn’t you do this? Why are you leaving OSU behind? Etc., etc. Borne has to make a display of trying every possible path to prove that the one remaining path is the only path that works. I’m not fond of that logic. He will still be criticized. Just do it.
CU bolted when the conference bigs were going to the Pac12, and the quick move was to keep Baylor from piggybacking on UT’s coattails like they did in 1996 thanks to Ann Richards. The PAC was only going to take a few schools and Baylor wasn’t on Larry Scott’s want list. The idea was fill up the other spots besides OU and UT with certain programs they wanted. If the Big 12 died, the Texas legislature would be hard-pressed to force feed BU and TTU again over the risk that UT might be left out of a power 5. Then ut destroyed it by their refusal to ditch the LHN, and the PAC picked up one team instead of 4.
The idea of assuring Texsa the $15m per annum is a legit way to move this forward, but my expectation (and I think President Boren’s as well) is that:
1. Other conference members may not be able to justify the buyout of Texsa because they would not see enough TV revenue, and
2. Texsa will actually want more than the $15m per annum because there is a real value to the exclusive branding the LHN brings them and they will want to be compensated for that, as well.
I suspect number 2 would be a real deal-breaker and upset a lot of Big XII members…which is exactly what OU would like to see happen.
Exactly !!! yet there is DB espousing UT’s demands…Boren just needs to retire and disappear into oblivion…..and the OU BOR needs to ‘grow a pair’, make decisions Boren either gets on board with or forces David to leave—either way OU begins to flourish again ….
I don’t know how “going through the process” helps one bit. The other schools already understand those things. The other schools also understand that if the Big XII blows up, the will take it in the shorts. Sure, UT is shafting those schools but they are more than willing to take the screwing since they’re getting well paid for it. They already know that if OU leaves, the TV revenue coming to them will plummet. They’re getting more revenue from TV than they’re worth.
How is it, if true, is texsa able to influence TCU and TT to accepting what’s not good for them if the league folds? texsa is bluffing at the expense of everyone.
Because TCU and TT understand that the current state of affairs is much better for them than anything else they would get if the BigXII folds. They can argue that if they hold onto what they have, then maybe something else will come along.
They are assuming all of the risk. I really believe they’ll be disappointed. The LHN going away has always been crux of the argument of the continued existence of the Big XII.
AND TT, TCU and even Baylor hope they can remain attached to the whale when things come apart because it is their only chance to come out decently. They cannot afford to say or do anything big texsa does not approve.
The texas schools need to reform the SWC. now that UTEP, Houston, and UTSA are div 1 , that makes 7 D-1 teams in Texas inclusive of UT, TCU, Baylor, TT……let the Texas schools play schedules that never take them across the Red River. they aren’t needed by OU if the Sooners can land in a better conference….
No question.
If UT and OU leave, every team left in the Big XII loses some legitimacy as a worthy addition to another major conference. KU has it in BB, OsU is borderline in football, but the rest of the teams look like TCU looked in its old conference.
The other 8 Big XII teams…especially the 6 after KU and OsU are desperate to save the league.
TCU will be picked up by a quality conference before anyone else when OU and UT leave. They have a long solid tradition that includes national championships, Patterson has been winning for years, and franchione did a good job before him. Being in DFW helps too. Baylor, TCU, oSu, TTU, ISU, KSU, KU…they are the ones who would be out in the cold.
How is going to zero better for them?
It’s the way a politician thinks. You go through the motions to minimize PR damage on the backside.
Who cares? This isn’t, or at least shouldn’t, be about giving others time to reach a conclusion. Again, nothing about this is new information.
It’s time for OU to do what’s best for OU, past time in fact. Screw the other schools.
If the shoe were on the other foot, like it was when the other four schools left, they’re not sticking around waiting for OU to come to a conclusion. They’re going to do (and did) what’s best for them.
Boren needs to do the same, a while ago.
Well, I guess I just disagree with how we leave.
I agree that it is time for OU to move, and agree that the others (Texsa?) would probably be more selfish about it, but I don’t agree that OU should bolt without trying to make things work with the Big XII first.
IMO, OU should (and is) taking the high road. I like that about OU and President Boren. It is one of the things that differentiates us for “the Jones’s” in Austin.
That’s the thing though, they have already tried. For years now. And why is it OU’s responsibility to try and make this league work?
Jordan, I get your frustration. I really do and I’m right there with you.
I just think OU will go the extra mile to appear to be a “team player” and to have exhausted all options to save the Big XII. Partly, perhaps, because I think Joe C is in favor of saving the league rather than moving, but mostly because OU wants to always be seen as an institution that is thoughtful rather than petty or impulsive.
Having said that, there is no doubt that we’ve looked increasingly weak since the Pac deal, and that hurts a lot. It hurts me, it hurts OU fans and alum, and I think it really hurts President Boren (because the Pac deal was his deal, and it blew up).
Fair enough 🙂
Joe C should have a move to the SEC on his mind. More money, more exposure, top 5 recruiting classes (EVERY YEAR), national title closer, Better reputation, bigger games. Did I say better recruiting?
THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^…couldn’t agree more, Hunter.
If OU joins the SUC I’m moving to Canada
It’s not, and Boren is wrong. Whatever “high road” obligations he may have felt OU owed to the conference were completed long, long ago. Time to walk away from the dumpster fire.
SiL…………OU has tried for years to ‘make things work’ , only to have to take hind teat when Texas sauders to the table claiming a need that has forced other conference members to acquiesce. 4 schools finally tired of licking Bevo and moved on….to bad OU didn’t use the same opportunity to do likewise.. its PAST TIME to have moved on—without Texas or OSU–to a better situation for OU.
Agree. Missouri. A+M, Neb, Colorado (LOL), all up and left. They seem to have no regrets.
no, those 4 schools are making more money without having to lick Bevo’s genitals..
we are thinking eerie similar thoughts, once again.
Jordan, I don’t think it’s putting the onus on texsa so much as it’s saying you (texsa) can make this right.
same difference
I don’t think Boren believes Kansas, ISU, and K-State could come up with its own network, much less create content anyone would care for. He knows that not a viable option. It would, in essence, create a greater financial liability to have your own network.
How can anyone blame Uterus for doing what is best financially for Uterus? When the scenario changes, that a better position is available for Uterus, then they will change. In all probability that will happen after we leave the Big12, and no one wants to ride the Uterus train.
My only question is whether, as someone suggested yesterday, Boren is running off a checklist to give him legal grounds to escape the GOR. If he is, then I stand in awe of his 11-dimensional chess. But I hope he’s approaching the end game because I’m sick both of being in this conference and OU looking like a milquetoast.
This is the Big 12 fault for allowing this. OU and the other teams should have voted no that this can’t happen when the Big 12 was formed
Yep. I think well eventually end up in the SEC. I also think that there is a possibility that the OU vs ut Red River Rivalry will be no more, and that we would play a conference game (A&M) at the State Fair of Texas.
more likely Jerry World
OMG would that chap UT’s ass to the nth degree or what.
Oh man that would be a slap in the face to Texsa..
OMG! Saddening, but also beautiful at the same time.
“Yep. I think well eventually end up in the SEC. I also think that there
is a possibility that the OU vs ut Red River Rivalry will be no more,
and that we would play a conference game (A&M) at the State Fair of
That echoes my thinking. Boren is teeing this up for an exit.
BINGO. He is setting the board to allow for the implosion and that invalidates the GOR.
your friend on another board sounds like a Boren apologist and , I believe, gives DB far too much credit for strategic thinking that was vividly missing when OU had a chance to leave the league 4-5 yrs ago and was afraid to make the jump..I don’t think for a moment Boren has mysteriously grown a pair . What we heard from the press conference was a politician speaking but saying little. …Boren is very comfortable being one of this leagues ‘power brokers’ and has little interest leaving for a better conference that would dilute his perceived power. It really comes down to the OU BOR stepping up , taking a deep breath, and making the decisions Boren has refused to make in the past…until the BOR exerts its powers as Boren’s boss , the tail is going to continue to wag the dog……
SD, my friend is far from a Boren apologist. I don’t think there is a need to pass judgements on my friend.
when your ‘friend’ expressed his opinion, that opens his view for judgement , just as yours and my comments open us up for judgements by others on this site…your friend offered his opinion, you offered yours, and I offered mine….fortunately, opinions are like noses: everybody has one and that is fine…you have confidence in your friends views and that’s great ; I think he is being far too generous to Boren….
A friend of mine on another board, who is an OU grad, incredibly astute and one of the biggest and most influential players in the business of college and professional sports nationally
Really. Where does he poop on campus?
Or OU goes independent like Notre Dame.
That seems more risky financially than heading for another conference.
That’s just not feasible, IMO
I know but staying in the big 12 if they do nothing really sucks.
Yes. Yes, it does.
The Big 12 definitely seems like the George McClellan of athletic conferences.
Civil War reference?
Indeed it is. Seems appropriate for the indefinite indecision of the big 12 haha.
Nothing ever changes. Both Oklahoma and Texas have always wanted the benefits of conference affiliation without the requisite of equality among members. They’ve always been content to function under the guise of equality among their conference brethren, with the unreasonable understanding that some members are more equal than others. They have always maintained a myopic view of their fellow conference members as a vehicle for individual growth instead of a league that grows and achieves together where all members benefit thru the successes of their affiliations.
This is why SWC and the Big 8 were always so dysfunctional. Why should the BIG XII be any different.
I will agree that while Texsa shoulders most of the blame for the state of the Big 12, in some ways OU has been complicit. At the very least OU has been the primary enabler for the bully which is Texsa.
It’s past time for a change.
Absolutely. OU has done a masterful job of letting Texas be the villain in all of this, while sitting back and reaping the benefits of the partisan agreements that were by their very nature designed to hold down conference members that lacked any leverage during negotiations. Let us not forget, long before big, bad Texas was bullying their way thru the BIG XII, Oklahoma and Nebraska were doing the same thing in the BIG 8.
Exactly how were OU/NU bullying like texass is now? I don’t recall OU/NU having their own fraudulent network, despite being the flagship that fed the other little 6 for decades as they refused to use their own money, or the massive money they received from OU/NU postseasons success to try and achieve the same.
Tubberville complained about this when he was at Taco Tech.
Nice write up Jordan!
Preaching to the choir!
1. I would like to see at least 1 of the expansion schools be a big program.
2. Can you have a B12 network and leave Texsa out?
Texsa content is more valuable and they the subscription numbers.
and adding more schools to make up those numbers cuts into the revenue pie.
Ah ok.
That is a problem, besides ND. You either get big markets or great recruiting area that’s untapped but not all 3 (brand name, tv market and recruiting).
Maybe, somehow legally but will a provider (ESPN, FOX, TBS, NBC) take a chance on less homes ?
Maybe I’ve missed something about ND? What incentive would they have for change? It seems they’ve had a pretty good set-up during their run as an independent.
Only incentive I see would be getting help in the CFB polls. They get good NBC money.
Hard to imagine them ever agreeing to be in the same conference as Texsa.
Good money but not SEC or Big 10 money which inwould assume Boren is trying to get the Big 12 sooner rather than later
It would be a bidding war when contract are up. ND is driven by money only so they would want another big market or recruiting area (plus SEC, Big 10) tv money. Can’t do that by themselves.
ND will do nothing. The B1G went after them twice. They would have gone after them again but Joe Pa said screw ND, they’ve had their chance to join the conference.
We can wait for the GOR to become more affordable to break as we watch all the other conferences continue to make more money.. (including the schools that left the big 12)
Then agree to move into a conference that wants to expand via pay cut.
OR Blow it up..
Start making alliances with the northern schools. The more of an idea they have of security of a big12 collapse the better the chances of this going forward. What I mean is at least getting KU/WVU set to move. OSU/IST/KST at least 1 of them into a P5. That way when OU does make the move instead of a one school munity.. its a rebellion.
OR Stay Pat
We get Boren to STFU … we continue to win big 12 championships, make less $$$, roll the dice each year with the CFP, and wait for 2022 (? end of GOR) Risk what the college landscape looks like and try to make move. But it may be too late and we look like the biggest idiots ever.
To have a program that has as much winning tradition. A coach/AD/ President chemistry. We are the epitome of consistency. To watch Nebraska make more $$… Mizzou….. “the cult” for god sakes. My vote obv is to blow this up.
A little disappointed you didn’t photoshop Boren’s snowball face into the “O” instead of the globe.
First – Nice job Jordan of making this an independent thread. Many hate to see long runs of realignment talk even if it is in the news. This way you have a forum for the topic, but you allow those that prefer other topics to have the OP clear…
…and Metz head won’t explode 🙂
Really hope these next meetings move this whole deal along, but im not holding my breath. Going to be pissed if we miss the boat, again.
Geez, why would OU stay in the Big 12 when uterus still has their crappy network and gets most of the money?????
Jordan, btw, thanks for posting this topic. It really makes for a fun and active discussion.
Bottom line with me… Texas is not the only school that could make the kind of money they are making with their own network. But they ARE the only school that is trying to do it and still have the benefits of belonging to a conference. And the conference suffers as a result. When the four teams that left were looking to get out of the conference because of Texas we should have done what it would take the keep the others and let Texas fall in line or become an independent. That opportunity is gone.
This is true.
Wonder what would have happened if OU had taken NBC’s offer to exclusively broadcast all our games instead of turning it down and sending NBC to ND?
The world might look a lot different right now if it was OU on NBC every week instead of ND.
Funny, OU (and Georgia) made all this possible by suing the NCAA and winning, but now OU is one of the teams who is not enjoying the full benefits.
All accurate SiL. The history of OUr performance makes it appear that we were originally a “wallflower” and continue to be one to this moment.
I don’t think we became wallflowers until the Big XII. When the Big XII was formed we were really weak because football was in the toilet. By the time we regained strength Texsa had begun flexing its muscles in conference negotiations.
We, I think, were too passive when Texas first started really pushing (and frankly probably didn’t have enough self-confidence) and ended up letting them take too much power.
We, and the entire conference, have been fighting off the back foot ever since.
President Boren is trying to get us onto the front foot now.
I think OU misunderstood their “aggression” and a “collaborative” effort. It’s clear who they are and how they play.
I wouldn’t care if we never played texsa again. Their brand would suffer without playing OU.
OU, on the other hand, has successfully branded itself by taking on a tough non-conference schedule.
texsa has Rice to bolster it’s resume.
texsa can take its little three and see where it can try to land. If OU can get out to either SEC or BI6, the desperate players in order will be: balance of 12-2 other than texsa; ACC schools left (assuming BI6 and/or SEC have already raided them, and the PAC12, which will be further diminished unless they “land” the texsa whale and its three minnows.
Not taking the NBC offer – that was the first “wallflower” or scaredy cat performance by OU.
True about texsa after a time. But there was no OU leadership when the Big 12 came up with a conference network FIRST, but it was rejected.
Lack of Leadership.
Why did OU turn down NBC? It was already pretty much like the Sooner network in an era when powerhouses were relegated to only 1 or 2 regular seasonTV games per year, yet the Sooners were on an extra time each year with their annual Orange Bowl appearance on NBC.
I don’t remember the reasoning. I think there may be a story somewhere that explains it. Coach Switzer would know and I’m sure Larry Naifeh knows.
Because of the concern over “money/the GOR,” the path to leaving at once seems scary. But if Delany offered Boren, I cannot imagine him saying no. The GOR losses would be partially offset by the giant BI6 money, and the law suit/settlement would further reduce any loss.
As highly as we think of OU, we have largely put ourselves in a box from which only others (TV networks “forcing” realignment or Delany/SEC making huge moves) can extricate us. Waiting, while unpalatable, may be the only choice.
I’ve been asking around a bit, the last few days, and my understanding is that “if OU asks the B1G for an invitation, they would get one and be accepted.”
That was told to me by someone I trust, but it is not substantiated.
With or without OSU ?
Who cares? I can live without OSU. I can live without UT.
Kind of asked this question below, but:
Do we think OU will go anywhere without OSU? Why?
Yes. It complicates things if OU has to think of OSU. Plus, the $EC doesn’t want to add team from the same state. Which, in a way, will have texsa looking at another conference other than the $EC.
You’d have to think the SEC would make an exception for Texsa.
Taking texsa might hurt their recruiting in Texas. I don’t think it’s far gone conclusion. aTm has opened up the door to Texas recruiting. Adding texsa might reverse that.
Wouldn’t the recruiting be offset by adding someone with the money/(vomits everywhere)”prestige” of Texsa?
If you consider the branding, you have to give the $EC credit. They’ve done a great job. Add that to the texsa logo, could make it difficult to land a recruit. That’s why I would love to see OU wearing the $EC patch on its uniform.
Good point. But wouldn’t the perception that OU recruits heavily in Texas as well, preclude the SEC taking OU on the same grounds?
I get what you’re saying. My thought is texsa who most of these want to play for. They would lose their $EC pitch.
My understanding is that the SEC would take OU AND/OR OsU right now. They don’t have to come together.
You got that in writing? No offer has been made. Read the BigXII bylaws. Any member school must disclose within 12 hours any offer to join another conference.
I didn’t say an offer had been made.
I can’t see the SEC taking OSU. For what reason? What does that do for the SEC, other than gain them some tv’s in Oklahoma?
It doesn’t add a significant number of TVs. What it does do is divide the TV payout. Just one more mouth to feed.
I think the situation would be that if the B16 expands, then the SEC would need to follow suit and grab the best available. Certainly OsU would fall into the “best available” after OU/Texsa.
I’ll turn that around. Why should we take OSU with us? OU is far more valuable without OSU than it is with them.
There are only two arguments for saying that OU has to take OSU.
One, is Bedlam. Big deal. How many times has OSU beaten OU in the past fifty years? OSU thinks it is a rivalry but it is not when it is so one sided.
Second, those who prefer SEC like to think we must be with OSU because they know only SEC will take OSU.
Hey I’m with you, but seems like the past has shown OU won’t leave them behind.
No, the past has shown that making OSU part of the deal, ruins the deal (PAC).
Well if the PAC whatever number told OU it would take them but not them and OSU together, and OU didn’t take that offer 4 years ago, then…
The landscape has changed.
You are correct, but it has changed for both OU and the PAC. OU no longer feels compelled to take osu with it (the A&M / texsa split makes it easier), AND the PAC is suffering. Their silly network only made 17million (1.5 per team). Now their academic leaders might still cling to “educational purity” and insist on only texsa or such, but if they do, the PAC12 will drop to last place in a few years.
Exactly, so why would we jump on that train?
I don’t think WE would. Just saying that times have changed for BOTH sides and the PAC may regret their miss more than OU.
They probably do, but…….nothing they can do now. They aren’t nearly as attractive as they were.
Right, exactly. And if the BI6 and the SEC make moves, they will fall further. Maybe so far that they take texsa even with the LHN.
Then, Boren regrets that and will not repeat the same mistake. We go alone.
Thank you.
Or maybe because it creates the best match ups every week that a lot of Sooner fans are able to drive to with nice weather and large rabid fan bases similar to OU fans?
Yes. Yes. And YES – Boren would blow up oswho to get into the BI6.
Haha well I hope that is true. Not that the BI6 is my first choice.
LOL well said..
Live without? I’d consider it a bonus. I’m OK with playing them as OOC games sometimes (or if it can be worked out, keep the whorn game annually) but not being in conference with either of them would feel like lifting a massive burden, for different reasons.
I’m thinking that a significant number of those who are pushing for OU in the SEC have the ulterior motive of ensuring OSU is taken care of. They’re much more interested in what happens to OSU than they are about what’s best for OU. In their hearts they know that OU taking OSU to the SEC is the best they can hope for. They know of no other power conference that will have them on their own merits.
Hard for me to believe that Boren would not JUMP on Delany’s lap and say yes if there “is” a current invitation.
I think all of the “he’s setting the table for leaving” talk misses the point. It does NOT matter what any schools think. Some will be mad, most scared, but making texsa our excuse is a waste of time.
There is no invitation on the table (as far as I know). OU needs to ask for one, which I don’t think OU would do until they’ve exhausted all attempts to make the Big XII better for OU. If that doesn’t work, or is 86’d by the other members, OU could (would?) ask.
The goal is to make OU better for the future. The first choice would be within the Big XII. The second would be outside the Big XII.
I get the semantics. I still say Boren LOVES the BI6. He would tell Delany “OUr bags are packed.”
The only way I see Boren slow-playing this is that he wants to talk to every other BI6 president to make sure there is no vote problem like the PAC gave him.
I think you are correct that he wants to be there AND that he wants to be 100% sure the deal would be done before he take another leap.
The B16 would bring OU as much as $1b in grant money, which is REALLY what President Boren wants because he sees all the State funding cuts. This would put the University AND athletic department on really solid footing and help cement his legacy.
I just think he also wants to manage the process so OU doesn’t look bad. (Of course, if he can get a better deal for OU within the Big XII, that’s not a loss either.)
We agree completely on how Boren sees it and HOPES to make it. His push on an improved academic image for OU has been ongoing for many years. BI6 membership would solidify it. The upward trend in OU academics might be enough (along with a huge national football brand) to convince the other BI6 presidents to take OU.
I also think Delany has been the smartest league leader. I would not be surprised if he jumped to 18 or even 20 teams. I would also not be surprised if the KU/OU apparent group became an OU/ND to make a HUGE splash.
But according to big 12 bylaws… if they ask then its an act of withdrawal no?
Boren’s next door neighbor asks – wink, wink, nod, nod.
I don’t know the bylaws, but I don’t expect any of this to happen in a public forum.
I looked it up real quick. legalese
Member (a “Withdrawing Member”) may
Withdraw, or shall be deemed to have Withdrawn, as a Member of the Conference:
(i) if it gives notice of the intent to
Withdraw to the Conference; or
(ii) if a Supermajority of Disinterested
Directors by affirmative VOTE determines that such Member:
(A) makes statements or takes actions that are determined by a Supermajority of Disinterested Directors to evidence
the intent of such Member to withdraw from the Conference either currently or in the future;
blah blah blah
So, do you think it is more of a time issue? Because I think making the B12 better in the sign of a national audience is a significant challenge
I have no idea. I would hope that we’d have some direction before the season starts.
Frankly, I don’t see any way that a deal is done with Texsa to put the network together, which means no plan to expand. That, to me, signals to President Boren that the Big XII is a lost cause.
My hope is that he will then put whatever wheels in motion that he needs to make the move he thinks is best for OU. That would almost certainly be leaving the Big XII, but I don’t have any idea how long that would take to be agreed and implemented.
Thanks. I always appreciate your insight. You seem to know more and guess less than others.
Ha! Thanks.
Well, I don’t know about knowing more, but I do try to guess less.
SiL……..I don’t think Boren has the desire, the urgency, or the intestinal fortitude to lead OU out of this conference. Should he decide to do so, he isn’t comfortable with such a move without taking OSU or Texas with him and, to me, OU doesn’t need a companion school to accompany it.
SD, I think you have it exactly wrong. I think President Boren is absolutely crushed and embarrassed by what happened with the Pac deal and is on a mission to repair that damage by getting OU into the best possible position for the future.
Now, whether that results in getting out of the Presidential Suite on the Titanic or getting new furniture into the Suite, I don’t know.
My hope is to get out.
SiL…………..you have a lot more confidence in DB than I do to solve the problem…..
I do. I hope I’m not wrong.
If the end goal is a P4 16 team conferences, Boren once again might have missed the boat, if the B1G is his vision for OU. Fox and NBC didn’t give the B1G that big contract for adding the likes of Rutgers and Maryland.
ou cannot go b1g without ut…….recruiting texas.
sec is a different matter……ou needs no one.
getting a better TV contract next time does not solve the Little 12’s problems. There is no ‘making the league better’ with the current mix of teams and this conference is not going to raid either coast for the quality of teams lost ( CU,, aTm, Mizzou, Nebr. )…
You are right on about this. My fear is if Texass beats us to it and joins B1G…Then what? I’ll take the SEC hands down. But…
you and me both………..that’s where OU has rivalries established ( Mizzou, Arky, LSU, Tenn., Vandy, Ala. )
while you may be right, the conference leadership ( including boren ) is lacking. Nobody with enough vision at any league school to see the door in front of them or the moxey to open the door, join a better conference, and kiss the Little 12 goodbye….If /when OU ever makes such a decision, I am convinced it won’t be boren leading the university. This conference is devoid of omniscient, strategic thinkers and, as such, are wallowing in their own excrement… the only schools with such visionary leadership are those who bolted for better conferences and better pay days…….while boren is due credit for many things, he is responsible for the current mess OU is in…his legacy will ( and should) reflect a lack of leadership and OU fans should never let him forget his culpability…….
JE the check for your two cents will be in the mail.
That is very well done Jordan.It explained all i need to know.On point Thank you!!!!!!!!!
I will now head back to the OP and finish my sliced beef bevo.
I need more! ! ! Can’t we bribe Boren’s secretary to plant a listening device in his office? We could stream it live on TFBs!
I’m proud of you, Metz for thanking Jordan for a separate heading on expansion. I’ll switch back and forth to see what shakes out in the OP.
I meant what i said,does not matter. Jordan does not respond to me anymore.Guess i might be on probation from him also.
Euphemism does not look good on you.
Too or to big of a word for me to understand Sam. Im not that bright
just a construction guy!
And you’re a comedian. LOL!
He rarely responds. He didn’t to me when I thanked him. You have enough to take on responding to Sam 🙂
Should have said he used to respond some before the giff war day started.Pretty sure that is why.
Ah yes, the infamous Giff War – it was bloody and vicious. I’m glad you survived it even if you are persona non grata with Jordan. 🙂
Think it was more of a meeting amungst TFB that its best to not respond to giffs and stuff or post them themselves.
I recall the actual events. I was being funny cute with my reply because of “giff war.”. You cut way down, so did others. I believe all of that is water-under-the-bridge.
It is im down with it,notice my hipster speak?
I’m kind of “hip” stuck about 1970.
I mean, what in the world!!??
“Although in a bit of a change in narrative, none of which struck me as all particularly encouraging either for those hoping the Big 12 will add *fill in the blank* number of additional school OR for those of us hoping beyond hope OU might even up and bail on the Big 12 altogether.”
This is a meaningless sentence.
True politician
Thanks a lot Jordan! Now I’m confused. (LOL!)
Bottom Line:
Status Quo or Leave.
1. Politically better to stay ( OSU )
2. Economically- short term loses- long term much greater benefits
Boren is a politician that faces short term economic loss if OU leaves the Big 12.
Borden faces short term adverse political and economic consequences if OU leaves.
Therefore nothing changes except a championship game if needed.
But remember we were going to join the PAC 12…So, there is a track record of attempt to leave.
Willing to Leave with OSU. PAC 12 said no.
No one wants both because OSU doesn’t improve market share and dilutes the revenue distribution
If you’re into conspiracy theory, here’s one for you:
What if E$PiN has a clause in the agreement for LHN that says we’ll review the profitability of the LHN in a few years. At that point we will renegotiate the terms or terminate the LHN.
And texsa, those bastards, are trying to hedge their bet by getting the Big XII members to agree to assume the cost of revenue promised by E$PiN.
Far fetched, but something to chew on none-the-less.
Those dirty #&$*#! A cow without manhood and an evil mouse – anything is possible with those two.
That wouldn’t surprise me at all. I think we just need to be patient (like we have any other choice 🙂 and watch it play out. Anyone who thinks Boren and Castigleon (sp?) are stupid and/or blind to the BXII situation are fooling themselves. I think DB is laying the groundwork for us getting out of this conference.
I will gladly volunteer my time to help expedite the exodus.
Wouldn’t we all!
You may very well be right. But if true, we may still be a couple of years away
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Football Brainiacs Court is now in session! The honorable President David Boren presiding!
What is happening to OU and their leadership? Jordon is preaching in this article! Nothing new except contradictions to what Boren said before! In the court of law this testimony would be a big ol pile of crap and in the real world it is about the same thing! My comment in reply to Mr. Borden would be “I OBJECT YOUR HONOR!”
According to Wikipedia several of the following objections might apply to Mr. Boren since he is trying to make himself the Judge, Jury, and Prosecutor in this debacle:
Ambiguous – confusing, misleading, vague, unintelligible
Arguing the law – counsel is instructing the jury on the law.
Calls for a conclusion – the question asks for an opinion rather than facts.
Calls for speculation – the question asks the witness to guess the answer rather than to rely on known facts.
Compound question – multiple questions asked together.
Hearsay – the witness does not know the answer personally but heard it from another.
Incompetent – the witness is not qualified to answer the question.
Inflammatory – the question is intended to cause prejudice.
Narrative – the question asks the witness to relate a story rather than state specific facts.
Irrelevant or immaterial – the question is not about the issues in the trial.
Misstates evidence / misquotes witness / improper characterization of evidence – this objection is often overruled, but can be used to signal a problem to witness, judge and jury.
Counsel is testifying – this objection is sometimes used when counsel is “leading” or “argumentative” or “assumes facts not in evidence.”
Lack of foundation – the evidence lacks testimony as to its authenticity or source.
More prejudicial than probative – Under Federal Rule of Evidence 403, a judge has the discretion to exclude evidence if “its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice, confusion of the issues, or misleading the jury.”
Narrative – the witness is relating a story in response to a question that does not call for one.
Non-responsive – the witness’s response constitutes an answer to a question other than the one that was asked, or no answer at all
Nothing pending – the witness continues to speak on matters irrelevant to the question.
There is nothing to be gained by the current expansion plain with the only thing that could happen is make recruiting harder for OU. TCU was a quality team for a few years before but since their addition to the Big 12 -2 and the added money that comes with it they are real players for all Texas kids now to a much higher degree than before. The same could be said for a lot of the proposed teams: Houston has been trending up! With the influx of new money how much harder will it be to get kids out of Houston. Memphis is in SEC territory so a lot of those kids could play closer to home and it hurts our Tennessee recruiting. I have heard Tulane on a couple lists. Another Louisiana school to much it that much harder to get the kids that LSU misses or passes on. BYU has been solid in football but adds very little to the Big 12 brand just as Air Force, Boise State, SMU don’t All they would do is improve themselves and their facilities and take money away.
The only way a real expansion takes place is to wait out one of the TV deals and try to pouch teams then or a merger of some kind with the ACC ( take the best of the best 16 teams and make a true power conference in both football & basketball) Neither of these are likely to happen so I see OU moving on and the Big 12 being Bye Bye! Either way Boren will have little to do with it as we will just react to what is going on around us and make the best of the situation! Soap Box excited!!!!!!!!!!
Just when I think/expect Boren is going to stun the world with his play, and everyone will be in awe of his mastery of the situation to make OU come out on top of it all, he goes and pulls this. Still hoping, somehow, in the end, I get to have that delicious, stunning moment. But for now …
So he’s turnover prone. That will put you on the bench all right.
Quick check of TFB and David ‘OU is not going to be a wallflower’ Boren shocks the world …. let’s do more research and then do nothing.
I know I am shocked –
Maybe they should call it “As The [Attempt To Force whorn To Blink But They Don’t So We Sit Here Awkwardly] Turns”
Its almost that time———
I physically clock out in like 2 hours but my mind clocked out when I woke up.
I see the weekend and I just don’t give a f***
made myself bored
tick tock
Yea maybe it will rain tonight and no work tomorrow!
You guys who are still working are so lucky. Us retired folks don’t have a weekend to look forward to. With everyday a Saturday, it’s always the same old grind.
I know that is from “Silly Walks,” but I keep thinking it’s the musical version of D Boren dealing with the Big 12-2.
Have a good weekend Metz.
This league dies at the end of the Fox deal, take that to the bank. In the meantime we have to live with the mistakes that were made 3 years ago. This is especially true when one realizes that Boren won’t be President when the contract runs out and won’t have to deal with the consequences.
Let’s be clear, it will be someone else’s problem. Meanwhile we tied ourselves to the likes of Kansas State, Oklahoma State, and Texas Tech, schools that other conferences have zero interest in. We appease Texas, a program that is the world’s greatest under-achiever. Not sure anybody would want Baylor in their conference and TCU wouldn’t be in a Power 5 if not for the schools that left us.
It seems that Boren doesn’t understand the disappointment most OU fans have with the current situation and the very real concern that the Big XII will hurt the future success of the program. The decision he made to stay in this conference was like Coca Cola’s decision to bring out a new Coke 30 years ago, only they were able to walk that one back. The decision to put up the tv contract rights as surety to stay in the conference was the dumbest decision since Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. I don’t know how even the Regents have authority to pledge that amount of money.
Boren blundered with the deal with Dallas that committed us to the decrepit Cotton Bowl then he pledge our future to a conference with 5 teams that destroyed the old southwest conference. In other words, we partnered with losers.
Every conference has teams like KSU, OSU, and TT.
Is NW, Minnesota, and Illinois any sexier? Nope.
Is Vandy, Kentucky, and Mizzou any sexier? Not really.
Some of you want to get rid of every “rival” we’ve ever had. I can’t understand that. Playing these schools that we have no history with, and no geographical rivalry with is going to suck once the “new” wears off. I hate osu as much as the next guy, but I like playing them. That game means something to people around here. Same with Texas. Same with KU in hoops. I like that I can drive to games against TCU, or KU, or KSU, and be there in about 3-4 hours.
And did you really just blast Boren for wanting to keep that game in Dallas? lmao, are you even an OU fan? That game should be played there for the rest of time. Period. Nothing else like it, and in a world where everything changes, I like keeping that little piece of history going. Moving that game to a home and home, or even to Jerry World would destroy it.
The Big 12 hasn’t kept us from achieving anything to date. We’ve played for as many or more football titles (including making the CFP) than any team except maybe Bama in Bob’s tenure? Basketball has made two FF’s in the last 15 years. Softball team is awesome. Women’s bball has been strong this decade. Gymnastics. And I feel like the educational part of OU keeps improving and getting more national recognition as well. So I just don’t understand those that bitch and moan about the Big 12 holding us back. It hasn’t happened yet, and I’m not 100% sure it ever would. How is all that SEC money helping those athletic programs out? Outside of Bama and LSU (and UF under Meyer), they’ve done no better than OU or UT over the last decade+. Why isn’t all that money helping Kentucky, or Vandy, or Arkansas, or Mizzou?
And to suggest Boren would make a decision now b/c he wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences down the road is pretty lame. I’ve seen nothing out of Boren to suggest he doesn’t care a great deal about what happens to OU now and down the road. I actually think he wants to resolve this as soon as possible so that he doesn’t leave it for somebody else. I’m just glad he sees the entire picture, and isn’t as short sighted as a lot of OU fans.
Nice rant. Saying that OU fans who question the way all of this has been handled are short sighted while you aren’t is just plain silly.
1 I never said there weren’t unattractive programs elsewhere. I said no Power conference wants to add these three to their lineup. As a big picture guy, you must understand this.
2. I never made a single reference to other sports in my post. For example, It’s nonsense to talk about men’s gymnastics as the Conference isn’t the Big XII nor in several minor sports where the Conference includes schools that aren’t in it for football and some that play football don’t field a team in that sport.
Of course, we are all proud of the success our other teams have produced, but that is irrelevant to the issue at hand, should OU stay in the conference for major sports.
3. As far as academic reputation, getting out of the Big XII into either the B1G or PAC would improve the reputation. Again, I didn’t mention the issue because it’s irrelevant.
How is stating the obvious, that If we stay in the Big XII to the end it won’t be Boren’s problem, lame. This is reality and a possible influence on his decision making. It becomes part of the natural human bias decision makers face. The bias consciously or subconsciously affects the weight given to possible outcomes. Bush did this with Iraq, where he knew it would outlast his time in office and be passed on to his successor. You couldn’t be more wrong saying this suggestion is lame.
Your rant didn’t address my basic premise, that remaining in the Big XII, expanded or not, carries a risk of making OU football less successful than the alternatives. That, after all, is the fundamental concern. We came close to leaving when the picture was clear. Worse, we did a GOR that limits our options without a fight. Now we see the consequences. Most Big XII teams will never smell the playoffs. OU getting drubbed by Clemson didn’t help the brand. One or two more such outcomes and even OU and UT will find it hard to get in. The media will continue to diminish the reputation of the conference in football.
How is adding Houston, Cincinnati, Memphis, CSU, BSU, USF or UCF making the Big XII more successful? BYU tried to get in the PAC, but the PAC didn’t want the scheduling limitations that BYU demands. So we’re going to accept those?
I know Boren is a really smart guy and I am really grateful he came to OU rather than wasting his time in the Senate. For nearly two decades, I’ve supported OU academics and athletics financially because of David Boren. At this point, I find it hard to understand his performance on the conference issue. He seems to draw red lines then back off.
Now, as for Dallas and the RRS, this is because he and Deloss both listen to wealthy aged donors who hate change. This is all they know. They stay in the same rooms, eat the same food at the same restaurants every October. They’ll be passing on in the next decade and some will bequest gifts to OU. On the Texas side, it’s political. I fully understand why the decision was made. The stadium is one of the worst in the country. If you need a fair to make this game worth attending, you aren’t a football fan. Nothing would prevent you from going to the fair anyway.
Final point. You say the Big XII hasn’t limited us. That’s because Nebraska, Mizzou and A&M were part of the conference during most of Bob’s runs at the National Championship. The issue is the trend. Since those schools left, the conference trend is down. In looking to the future, what happened enforce 2012 is meaningless.
Thanks for gettin that out for me
$ec or Big 10 period
Don’t think OU has any other options, but to get out of the big 12.
Don’t think OU has any other options, but to get out of the big 12.
Time to run the old shribs off, it’s freakin 2016. The Big 12 (really10) is a joke.
Jordan, I know I’m a little late here but this is a very nice rant. I laughed several times, and it very accurately relates to my frustrations with this conference. Thank you for posting.
Just add BYU and get it over with. They are the only program available that will strengthen the conference, they have a better program than every current Big 12 member besides OU, UT, and TCU. 10 conference games would be something no one else can claim.
Why would BYU even consider giving up their independence to climb inside this dumpster known as the BigXII?
lol, they would jump at the chance.
If the BigXII is so great, why does OU want out?
I never said it was “great”.
And OU’s first choice, obviously, isn’t to get out. It’s to make some minor changes, and stay in the Big 12. That should be pretty obvious as well. If OU simply wanted out, we’d be out already.
Getting UT to give up the LHN and finding two P5 teams to join are not “minor changes”. The GOR and the By Laws are why OU hasn’t left.
Respect, stability and money. They have campaigned before to join the conference.
time to try to get into the SEC. thats where all the good players want to go anyway. they get all of the attention and its so easy to recruit that area when you are in that conference. i know we could out recruit the aggies and they did pretty good. we seem to have a conference that excites no one. let texas have it and they can add their other texas schools and be a texas conference. like the old southwestern conference. can you imagine having an exciting game every week?
I think we should understand it isn’t an easy decision, and has many stakeholders with competing interests. I think Boren is doing a great job, and believe he will do his best to influence and put OU in the best position possible.
Have faith Sooner fans. It may not be ideal, but the best outcome possible will prevail.
The sad reality is that there is no immediate desirable outcome.
To get to a desirable outcome for the long term requires painful decisions that Boren is not capable of making.i.e. letting osu go it alone!
I believe the Big 12-2 is viable if texas was cooperative.
texas will never be other than what they are -” self-centered bullies that take advantage of the weaker members of the Big12-2 including OU”
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I don’t think it would ever happen, but could you imagine Big 12 expansion that placed OU and UT in separate divisions? Can you imagine playing UT in Dallas in early October, and then again at Jerry World, or in KC, or wherever the CCG would be played in December? Talk about making the conference some money.
I hope Strong gets UT back to where they should be. It’s better for OU and better for the Big 12. OU and UT should dominate this league. Tired of seeing Baylor and TCU finishing so high in the standings.
I see your point but it sickens me to think of UT dominating the league alongside us. I like that the haughty and self-entitled Horns are low. Very low. That Baylor and TCU now beat them is proof there is a loving God.
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