Football (Free)
Remember @adrian_ealy's Reservoir Dogs-inspired video? Originally it was going to be Fast and the Furious themed: https://t.co/0aN3z4XMRX
— Brooke Pryor (@bepryor) January 26, 2017
.@GuerinEmig: Flex 21 gives NCAA athletes a better shot at a normal campus life https://t.co/tGcm354VTK via @ousportsextra
— Tulsa World Sports (@TWSportsExtra) January 26, 2017
OU is one of 10 schools included in #NBA2K17’s All-Time College Bundle. Fans can play as the #Sooners and some favorite OU legends. pic.twitter.com/0QM9U1y6o8
— Oklahoma Basketball (@OU_MBBall) January 26, 2017
Thanks @blakegriffin32!
New high performance center for @OU_MBBall & @OU_WBBall to be named after Blake Griffin.
➡️https://t.co/PLzhgI3YkK pic.twitter.com/PjM9i90zLK
— Oklahoma Sooners (@OU_Athletics) January 26, 2017
Other OU Sports & News
10 consecutive semesters of higher than a 3.0 cumulative GPA. That's phenomenal. That's @OU_Athletics. https://t.co/qwbDlw72sS
— Mike Houck (@mhouckOU) January 27, 2017
The Most Anticipated Superhero Movies of 2017: https://t.co/JdX5tmDTZj pic.twitter.com/ALXhCUlQV5
— IMDb (@IMDb) January 26, 2017