Image via Tulsa World
Look, it was Kansas. I’m not sure it makes a ton of sense to devote a bunch of words and/or time to what we watched on Saturday. But I did want to jot down a few quick thoughts and recap my trip to Lawrence for the game.
I haven’t yet had the chance to go back and watch the television broadcast yet (planning to do so Sunday afternoon), but I feel fairly confident on memory we can work through this thing.
* I was a little surprised OU didn’t find more success on the ground, but in retrospect it makes sense that KU would come in selling out to stop the run if for no other reason than 427. As a matter of simple pride they weren’t going to let Samaje Perine beat them again, so in that respect I understand Lincoln Riley taking what the defense was giving. And Baker Mayfield took plenty of it with another fantastic game…
* …however his propensity to extend plays has proved to not necessarily always be a good thing. That said, I think you just have to kind of take the good with the bad when it comes to that aspect of his game. I don’t know how you could coach that out of him or, frankly, if you’d even really want to. You just have to hope the good outnumbers the bad, and for the most part that has proved to be the case thus far.
I’m just saying I could absolutely live with the occasional throw away.
* I know I’m one of umpteen people to remark as such, but very cool moment with Trevor Knight throwing that TD late to his twin brother, Connor.
* Was VERY happy to see Mark Andrews be involved with the passing game more than the occasional red zone target. Can only hope it wasn’t just a one game occurrence and we see more of it over these next four weeks.
* I would have lost a good deal of money if you’d ask me to bet on Alex Ross finishing as OU’s leading rusher in this game. Ball security continues to be an issue, though, and he’s not alone but we’ll get to that below.
* Probably need to watch the TV version to get a better sense of things on this side of the ball, but overall I came away feeling the defense played pretty solid. Granted it was against a clearly out-matched Kansas offense, but there were definitely still some positives.
* The obvious takeaway I’m sure was Charles Tapper and his three sacks. Tapper has never lacked for ability, but these type of performances have come so few and far between during his OU career it’s hard not to factor that in even after games like the one he had Saturday. Nothing would make me happier than if Tapper started abusing offensive tackles on the reg over these next four games, but am I going to hold me breath that it happens? Probably not.
* Thought Frank Shannon played well and continued to look more comfortable being in there for a second straight week. On the flip side, I really didn’t understand what Mike Stoops did with Eric Striker in this one. Clearly didn’t wind up being an issue in the final outcome, but having Striker spend what felt like the better part of the game asked to cover as opposed to terrorizing the QB will never make any sense to me.
* Other than the missed gamble on what would turn into Kansas’ only score in the game, I also though Dakota Austin turned in a pretty decent game. Seemed like KU was picking on him quite a bit, but felt like he held up well. I’m assuming he is being coached to give the big cushions he’s allowing — which I will forever hate — but to his credit when he does come up to eventually make the tackle he hasn’t missed many.
* KU’s quarterback had that one quick-kick punt, which was one more than OU had the entire game.
* Thought it was a fairly obvious but very smart decision on Bob Stoops’ part to let Austin Seibert kick that 46-yard field goal after having missed a chip shot earlier in the game. OU could have easily gone for it on fourth down, but instead chose to give Seibert a chance to rebuild some confidence. And, fortunately, he came through.
I don’t know if Stoops addressed Nick Hodgson coming on later in the game to handle to kicking duties. If he did I’ve yet to see it or missed it at the time. I’m assuming it was just like getting in the backups as they did so many other positions in this one, but I could be wrong.
* The fact they can’t find or refuse to put someone back on punt returns other than Sterling Shepard continues to baffle me. So much so that they basically concede what could be a valuable part of the game that could potentially produce any number of big plays will never make any sense to me. At this point I’m of the opinion the only reason OU even bothers to put anyone out for punt returns is to simply prevent the opposing team from never having to punt.
* The Uniforms: I really, really wanted to like them, but I just didn’t. It’s not like I hated them, but they just didn’t look as good as I’d hoped.
I would prefer the red (or “crimson”) on the shoulders go away and honestly it looked like the jersey and the pants were different shades of white (or “cream”). As I said earlier in the week, I would have like that all white helmet (no stripe) with OU’s typical road whites. I think that combo would have looked pretty clean.
* Some quick back story on my trip to Lawrence for the game. I have a buddy who is a KU season ticket holder AND actually goes to all the games. So every other year when the Sooners make the trek up north, my friend is kind enough to let me tag along.
Lawrence is only about 20 minutes from my house, so my buddy and I headed over around 11:30 or so. I mentioned it a couple times during the week, but this was KU’s homecoming weekend. Considering the season the Jayhawks are in the midst of and some of the crowd shots I’d seen on TV in previous weeks, even with it being homecoming I felt safe assuming we weren’t really in any trouble of having to fight big crowds of people.
So we roll into Lawrence a little before noon and decide to stop for a bite and an adult beverage or two. My buddy has his own win distributor business, so naturally he knows a bunch of people in the restaurant business. He knew the owners at this spot on Mass St. called Merchants Pub & Plate, so we decided to stop in there. Really great food, local ingredients, quality beer selection, and it’s in this really cool old bank building. The restrooms are actually in the old vault. Cool spot, if you’re ever in Lawrence I’d encourage you check it out.
So anyway because my friend knew the owners, they hooked us up with some food shortly after we sat down. And randomly enough OU media personality Chad McKee was just a couple barstools over.
We ate, drank, and watched some of the early games before heading over to the stadium. If you’ve never been to a game at KU, the stadium is kind of off campus and more or less in a residential area. So there isn’t a ton of parking unless you’re willing to cough up some cash to park in someone’s front yard. But of course my buddy knows the owner of a liquor store a short walk from the stadium, so we pull in and they make space in their already full — of almost entirely OU fans as the owner would later tell us — parking lot.
After discussing just how ugly this game is going to get with the owner of said liquor store, who was also in a giant pink bunny rabbit costume by the way, and the unfortunate towing of some poor OU fan’s BMW (presumably, car had OK tags) that had parked in the lot without permission, my buddy and I head inside to grab a beverage — gotta stay hydrated — for the short walk to the stadium.
As you might imagine, the tailgating scene we witnessed was pretty sparse to say the least. In fact, the majority of people we chatted with were only there for the tailgate.
I should say both on the walk to and once inside the stadium, there were a bunch of OU fans there on Saturday. As we were waiting to go inside, we saw the team heading into the locker room before kickoff when I had to explain to my friend who the guy in the black cowboy hat (good ol’ Jim Ross) was being all chummy with the OU coaching staff. We hollered at J.R. who understandably ignored us, at which point we figured it was time to head to our seats.
My buddy’s tickets are in a pretty good spot. On the aisle (which, IMO, is a HUGE selling point), right around the 45-yard line or so, at just the right height level, and close to a bathroom. Early on I actually thought the crowd was pretty good all things considered. As I said, there were a bunch of OU fans there and that may or may not have showed up well on TV but it was pretty clear from inside the stadium.
It’s hard to say the crowd ever really got into things, but to a man every KU fan I encountered was incredibly friendly. They seem to have just accepted the reality of things and so long as you’re not rubbing it in are content to show up and support their team. I will say I lost count as to how many conversations you overheard about the World Series game later that night.
The game is the game, my buddy and I duck out at halftime — one of the few MAJOR advantages the Big 12 has over the SEC, who does not allow fans to leave at the half and re-enter — to sneak in a couple more beverages before heading back for the second half. And upon re-entering the stadium, I’m not entirely surprised to see a lot of people didn’t have the same idea. You could pretty much sit wherever you’d like so we moved to where, in a perfect world, my friend would like his season tickets to be at some point.
As the game becomes even less of a game, the mind starts to wander. I’m sure I have said this a number of times, but personally I don’t really love attending games in person. It’s just as easy (and MUCH more convenient) to hang out in the basement with a giant HD televise and be just as content with things. But when OU is as close as Lawrence is from me, I feel like a bad fan if I can’t manage to suck it up for one Saturday and show some support. But being there in person, you do have the perspective for some things you just can’t get when watching from home.
For instance, at one point late in the fourth quarter I saw Eric Striker playing catch with one lucky OU fan sitting in the first couple rows. Not a big deal or anything of course, but kind of a cool little moment I wouldn’t have seen from my couch. Likewise when the Knight brothers hooked up for that TD, I’d expect they showed some of the celebration on the broadcast but as it continued on the sideline afterwards you could really see just how much the team loved it for Connor Knight. Again, a small detail but one you really only see by being there.
We stayed until the game clock hit 0:00 because that’s just what I do and my friend was kind enough to indulge me the luxury of doing so despite the scoreboard being as tilted as it was not in his favor.
And with that I’m sure I have rambled on long enough. If you made it this far and haven’t been put to sleep from boredom, appreciate you reading!
When discussing Tapper’s performance, I’m surprised people aren’t mentioning the fact that he also had 2 Forced Fumbles, which is more impressive than the 3 Sacks, IMO.
So, Jordan, where do you live? Overland Park? Olathe? I just assumed you lived in OKC area.
nice town ,
and thanks for the read ,, enjoyed it 🙂
I am in agreement. Shep is a phenomenal receiver but he is not his father when it comes to punt returns. It’s a shame Dede Westbrook’s cousin (the little 145 lb fast guy) who was going to walk on at OU but changed his mind didn’t join the team. He could’ve earned a scholarship pretty quickly as evidenced by Jarvis Baxter, assuming he was better with ball security than Baxter or Westbrook. I’d like to see Michiah Quick get a chance to return punts, or maybe Durron Neal. But Quick’s hands are like Velcro to the football and he’s really fast.
Not worried about how Coach Mike used Striker. Think it was really just a case of we don’t need him to be Striker so let him work on his coverage while we play a very vanilla defense. 100% agree that Baker needs to chill on the doing too much. Throw the ball away young man, and take the damn check down on occasion.
Interesting, the pass he did try to throw away, he stepped out of bounds losing 3 or so yards. That was the first attempt of the year to throw the ball away. Jordan put it best, I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Drive me nuts though.
I felt MS knew this QB wasn’t going to air it out and thought by putting Striker in the flats we could eliminate the short passes.
I think the thing that can be coached out of him would be getting his eyes through his progressions quicker and taking his check down sooner. He wants to make the big play but with the athletes around him he needs to understand the 3 yard check down to Mixon or whoever can turn into 88 and out the gate real quick.
Aikman made a living out of hitting Smith out of the backfield on his check down. Same as you, he got sacked caused he held on to the ball way to long. I like Mayfield but with November hitting, I hope he plays smarter with his reads.
We got told in norman last year we couldnt leave and reenter at half, and all we wanted to do was to smoke a cig(luckily we found a ticket taker who was down to take a small bribe to let us do it anyway).
maybe its different from stadium to stadium?
It is. Reentry is NOT allowed at OU. They make the statement over the PA, or at least they used to. It’s been that way since 9/11/2001.
They seemed to be more lenient about it a couple years back, but the last 2 they have enforced it stronger.
That appears to be the problem. enforcement is not consistent.
Havent been able to reenter at OU since John Blake days. Honestly, I cant remember the last time. they used to give little voucher slips to the students LOL to get back in.
I have friends who do it every game. They come in from Northern Oklahoma in a bus and never miss going out and coming back in the stadium.
Guess they are the lucky ones… Since they replay the no re-entry PA ad nauseum in the concourse area.
Jordan, what continues to baffle you about Shepard being back there returning punts? You continue to harp but never offer any alternatives. They tried Sanchez last year, and he fair caught every time. That wouldn’t be satisfactory. They tried Mixon against Akron, and he was afraid to catch the ball and let 2 out of 3 bounce in front of him. Clearly not acceptable. So, to continue to imply that our coaches are not putting the best guy back there, you must KNOW of at least one guy on the squad that will do better. Who is that guy and how do you know he will be better?
Was happy to see Baxter get a shot. Would like to see what he can do but likely the coaches have seen enough in practices and that’s why Shep is back there. Might just come down to reliability/security.
other than his recent fumblitis, I don’t care if they put Ross back there & line him up 10 yards off “normal” let him field it on the bounce for all I care. The risk of Shepherd out there is not worth the reward IMO with Shepherd. Not real sure why they never gave Neal more reps.
The only thing that bothers me a little about shep is his alignment. Seems when the ball is punted, he’s always back peddling or turning around and running after it. One punt was 45 yards and he had to back peddle to receive it. I would prefer him to run up on the ball.
completely agree, that & his sliding crap from time to time. Just let it hit rather than a circus catch
So you’ve seen Ross and Neal return punts before and they were better than Shepard? Just throwing out names doesn’t solve anything. Very few people can even catch a ball with 11 guys bearing down on them at full speed, let alone make the first guys miss and gain positive yardage. Stoops has had some special punt returners in his tenure, Thatcher and Broyles are just 2 who come to mind. He knows who he can put back there and who he can’t. He is not as stupid as several of you think. Nor is he intentionally trying to sabotage the team by putting an inferior return guy back there.
It’s pretty obvious there are PR issues.
Just like JE, you offers no solutions other than the how out names of guys who haven’t returned a punt in their life. If PR is an issue, we have no issues.
BoomerDave, I’ve always liked your insight. However, you are getting defensive over punt returns. No solutions since we aren’t coaches nor are we at practice. Issues, I guess since we are 37th with some fumbles.
Shep does a good job but at OU we are used to having a dynamic returner. It’s been two years since we had a pretty good one. I think that is the crux of the issue. Shep has had some nice returns but they’ve been wiped out with penalties. I feel Bob trust Shep’s hands more than anyone and he does a good job. I think everyone would like to see a sizable return and it would calm the waters somewhat.
Boom, it’s obvious we don’t have that dynamic guy on campus, so we must do the best we can, and that is Shepard.
which is why i’m agreeing with you.
Sanchez did not fair catch every time. I know of at least 2 he returned and 1 was a pretty good one for about 15 yards. I’d try Quick or Neal.
Quick is very expendable option right now… good call, in that he isn’t “integral to offense” for whatever reason
Please don’t act like they haven’t tried all of these guys back there in practice. Stoops said early on that they tried a dozen or so guys out at PR, and that Shep gave them the best chance to be successful. Believe me, they’ve tried EVERYONE!!
One of the toughest catches in football is the punt. Period. If a guy isn’t sure handed and can deal with the ball “drifting” while in the air, they are not going to be successful making the catch. I am okay with the surehanded and not taking a chance with giving the other team a short field anytime. I am sure the coaches know who they can count on to make the catches.
On the radio broadcast, i think it was Teddy who mentioned betweeb plays once that Bob & Cooks were yelling at Dakota to shorten up & not give such a cushion… & im pretty sure they had the walkon reciever Baxter back catching punts once the starters came out..
Saw an interview with MS a few weeks ago where he said he generally lets the corners decide the cushion they are comfortable with.
Shep returning punts is frustrating for sure but Coach Stoops isn’t an idiot. He puts Shep back there because he thinks he is the best option. None of us are at practice to see what the other options can do. It’s not like Madden or NCAA football where you can just pick any receiver with 99 speed back there and he can do it.
Was happy to see Baker come back to Grant after his earlier drop. The guy played TE in hs for a reason. With his combo of size, moved to OT for blocking ability…if nothing else, having him in after that won’t be a ‘give’ that it’s a running play.
The thing I love most about Baker is his absolute refusal to NEVER give up on a play. I don’t think I’ve seen that type of tenacity at the QB position at OU in my lifetime. I’d just as soon he not get into the habit of looking to throw the ball away, because I don’t want him to lose that special ability he has to make something out of nothing.
A lot of times he isn’t giving up on the big play and that causes issues. He must have more situational awareness and learn to take his check down receiver. If he gets the ball out to Mixon or Perine or whoever even on short check down routes they can still make big plays but more importantly you won’t put your team behind the chains.
It’s not that big of a deal until you are in the big games. Then, it becomes a HUGE deal being in 2nd or 3rd and long cause you didn’t give up on the play. I will say it again, I like Mayfield but he’s still on a major learning curve.
As someone posted above, he’s #1 in the country in QBR. He’s doing a lot right, IMO and I don’t want to change who he is or how he plays.
He is obviously having a great season and if anyone says they aren’t thrilled he is our QB they are either full of you know what or don’t know what they’re talking about. These are small things he could do to improve which is what you always want to do. I promise if you asked Coach Riley or Baker himself they would tell you the same thing.
I watched a lot of other QB’s on other teams yesterday and there isn’t one of them I would trade for – except maybe the QB from Memphis. He is just an NFL stud with a cannon for an arm. But other than that, Baker is the Man.
As we all know, all parts of a football team need to work together. I can only imagine Baker behind last year’s more experienced and to this point more talented line.
I focus on this year and who he’s playing with now. He will play for a good line by year end and a good line next year.
“Major learning curve?” <- I disagree with this. Major=Learning to throw back shoulder fades, timing the routes. Scrambling to avoid a sack where a LB blew through a hole is not on him, though I agree on the occasional throw away. Baker is not perfect, but he's not on a major learning curve. His issues are the simpler ones to fix
All QBs are on a major learning curve in college compared to the pros. If they weren’t, then the pros would be littered with all pro rookie QBs. There are some fixes certain areas that are easier than others. What you are saying is, with 14 live college games under his belt, he just has a couple of simple fixes and he’s Aaron Rogers.
No, what I am saying is for *CFB* the dude has already made tremendous upgrades from his TTU days. Pros= Completely different playbook, schemes. He is more than adequate for the college game based on what he’s doing *now*.
If you really want to rate his learning curve, compare him against his peers- Boykin, Russell and Lynch and his on field stats and how his game has progressed over the 14 starts. If he keeps doing what he is, no reason to doubt him being drafted early
I’m with you on Baker and his efforts to keep the play alive. What did he lose yesterday 10 or 15 yards over the course of the game?
On the flip side he easily makes up for anything he might lose. With this OL and until OU gets the OL issue solved we will need a QB who can navigate some trash to make plays. I like Baker just the way he is now. His excited and exciting play is infectious to his team mates and the fans as well. I love it.
BoomerDave, I agree. I’ve seen Baker get out of stuff that would have stalled drives this year. We’re going to have to accept some mistakes in order to get wins. More good has happened than bad.
Maybe if the other 10 guys on the punt return team would actually block someone, Shep might have a shot to make a play back there. 90% of the time I see the entire PR team stand around with their thumbs up their butts, as soon as the ball is snapped, while the other team runs free downfield. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Sterling Shepard returning punts. Get over it.
I disagree not because of his athletic ability. Because of his decision making. He’s fair caught many great opportunities. I think he’s back there for one reason only. He catches the ball. With the fantastic history we have at that position. You would think there is someone on the team who could do a better job. Plus, why risk injury to Sterling? I’m with Jordan. Makes no sense.
Because they aren’t setting up returns. They are playing punt-safe, just guarding vs fake. We set up maybe one return a game.
Not trying to re-direct this article, but I just have to say how happy I am that those arrogant snobs south of the Red River got shut out on the road by a team with a worse record than theirs (at least, at the time of kickoff). It has become a favorite past time of mine to read their message boards when they are in implosion mode, and certainly, reading their ‘game threads’ after the fact offers me much entertainment. They love to say how great their OU victory was and even offer up the occasional “if we could play OU for the rest of the season” type illogical bs, but even though they beat us this year, I have to say, I really REALLY enjoyed watching them lose to ISU … especially by being shut out. Too bad Mikey got the D strategy wrong for that game, but oh well, he’s been spot on ever since. Would love to see OU shut out the Cyclones this Saturday just to make a statement for the entire FBS to see.
Again, I wish we were better than Texsa.
Dude, just because we lost does not mean they’re better than us. I know, I know the adage where the winner gets bragging rights, but the game is early enough in the season where the loser has room to improve during the rest of the season. If we were to play them again, we’d seriously kick their a$$. Mikey knows NOW they’re one dimensional. In case you’re wondering though, OU is ranked and UT is not. I’d hope that means we’re better than them … but as you like to say, “hater’s gotta hate”. In this case, however, you’re on the losing side of that argument.
It’s a joke.
Football season is supposed to be fun.
Yeah, and ‘haters gotta hate’ ….
This comment is sarcasm: Too bad I won’t be around to ‘sarcastically argue my point’ … dang.
Flip side, Baker drives me nuts, I wont lie. But that horrific over throw by Knight in the EZ is what we would be getting all season with TK. I say that in that I saw many “blame” the OL in the quick pressure TK felt. Well, Baker has been dealing with it all season, & I can see where the quicker to take off tendency is helpful. I think what we (me & Jordan) are saying, is escape, but when you can pick up an open WR right away, throw it away. Lots of lost yardage can hurt in a bigger game.
That pass TK throw over a 6’6 kid was tough to watch. I know there was pressure but that was a pitch and catch. I want him to do well but plays like that just make me cringe.
Lawd it was baaaaaddd
maybe that illustrates why BM is starting and TK is #2….
I’m not bothered by Baker’s rolling out in an effort to avoid pressure and make something happen. He’s had a pretty good track record of that so far, and I think back to the Tennessee game and Tulsa game–particularly when he rolled to his left under heat, turned around and hit Andrews for the TD. Should Baker throw it away when he’s already going to run out of bounds? Sure. But he’s making split-second decisions, and he’s a winner. Winners always believe they can make something happen at the last split second.
Baker Mayfield is the best QB we’ve had since Sam. I loved Landry Jones, but he didn’t have that fire or leadership that Mayfield possesses. If the game was not going our way and Landry was in the game, he never gave me that confidence that he could take the team on his back and pull out the win. Coming back from a deficit was not his strong suit. We could be down 3 TDs and I would still believe there is a chance to pull it out with Baker in the game. I never gave up hope vs Texas on offense; but the defense failed us. Baker put us in position to win.
TK9’s pick sixes drove me nuts…and his overthrowing wide open receivers on short passes (saw that again in the end zone yesterday)…then compensating by throwing at the receiver’s shoestrings.
Baker doesn’t give me headaches like that. He is a joy to watch play and I hope like hell with these new autonomy rules we hear so much about that Baker gets his sophomore year back so we can have him for 3 years.
Jones v West Virginia, OU v Stanford, Jones was quality.
WVU was a game we led pretty much the entire game, went behind at the end and came back to score the winning TD. Landry had a great night with 6 TDs, and I thought the Stanford game was his best in all of his freshman year. But go back to 2009, BYU, Miami, Nebraska (a 0 TD, 5 INT performance), Texas or Texas Tech. Or Mizzou or A&M in 2010 where we never led in either game. Or Baylor or oSu in 2011 (I actually thought we would come back on TTU since TTU was so bad but we came up short). My point being, I was never confident we’d come back in those games because Landry didn’t have that “it” factor Baker has. I’m a Landry Jones fan. I thought he was a better QB than most fans gave him credit for. I’d take him over TK9. He had talent, but his overall track record in leading come-from-behind wins was poor and he didn’t exude confidence like Baker does. I saw Landry get rattled in a lot of games. The only game I’ve seen Baker get rattled was a game we won vs TTU. He was nervous and pushed a little too hard early on but even that settled down. His confidence never wavered vs Tennessee or Texas.
Baker is clearly the best option, and he does have that gunslinger mentality. Sometimes it’s ok to throw it away… Like when you scramble for 5-7 seconds backwards & don’t find an open guy
I don’t disagree. But if he doesn’t I’m not going to pull my hair out because I know something good is coming. He doesn’t cause me stress like TK9 did/does. Besides, it’s not like it happens 5x/game. How many times did it happen yesterday…once? Twice? I don’t remember. I was distracted by him throwing perfect passes to Shep, Neal, Mixon & Grant, completing 84% of his passes, and rushing for positive yardage including a 15 yarder.
To me, this is a very minor issue. You may disagree. Fine.
Funny you say that about Landry because he tied the largest come from behind win in OU history, vs Neb in 2010. Which was again tied by Mayfield this year at Tenn.
That pass was pretty bad, I must say.
I’m still a Knight guy but have accepted the status quo. The overthrow was bad but Mayfield’s overthrow of Baxter was pretty bad too. I love to watch Knight run the ball. BM spends more energy per yard run than any player I have ever seen. It’s ugly to watch. I guess he gets the job done, though. Can’t help but worry that his propensity to run the ball instead of handing off or not throwing the ball away when pressured is going to cost us in November.
You & I completely agree on that w/BM… & it’s gonna cost us. Heck it did versus Texas at times
He had no time against Texas.
Most of the time no… But there were several times he scrambled while there were uncovered WRs even at the line of scrimmage…
He wants to get out of the pocket that’s all. What will combat that, is LR making sure Baker has a safety valve.
That overthrow in the EZ was followed up by a missed FG for the exact same reason. The low sun in the endzone blinded both Trevor AND Hodgson so I wasn’t angry at either of them.
Hodgson made the FG, DC.
Baker is #1 in the country in QBR right now(ignoring seth russell since his season is done), id say hes definitely giving us more good than bad.
hitting 70% of his passes, 29 total td to only 4 int, 10.1 yards per attempt, are all pretty amazing numbers.
If he stays at his current QBR, he will break bradfords single season efficiency record for OU, and will have the 6th highest mark all time.
I wouldnt trade him for anyone in the country. Dont forget, 3 of the INTs werent his fault and hes also had many a dropped balls.
Consider the last couple of games when Dahu and Grant dropped easy TD passes among others. The guy is way more than I expected. Wish OU could get another year for him.
We still can, but won’t find out till late in his sr season when they can try for his redshirt back, think it’s at the end or after his sr year
I was a knight guy coming into the season. Boy was i wrong. And boy im glad I was. Baker has been unbelievable.
I was right there with you
I was a Trevor guy, I still am on a leadership basis. Great guy, pretty talented athlete, just an all around great Sooner. Baker is the better Qb, he’s got another gear. He’s got “it”, something you can’t coach. He’s a winner. Trevor will always have a big place in my heart. I will never, ever forget that Sugar bowl. Baker is the best QB we have had in a while. I’m glad I was wrong to begin with too.
AMEN, BROTHER!! We have us a winner, a big-time QB.
Thank you, Kliff Dingleberry, for being too dumb to realize what you had and for being a liar to the Mayfield family. Your incompetence is our gain.
And all of this with 24 sacks….
How long has it been since we’ve seen a LB stone a RB ‘in the hole’ like Shannon yesterday? Maybe since Shannon last played. Jordan has done well, too, but I love Shannon in the run game.
That was a WOW tackle for sure
Lance Mitchell?
Last week Alexander did the exact same thing.
Shannon is very good. Evans even better.
“I’m just saying I could absolutely live with the occasional throw away.”
Absolutely! He’s great at extending plays, but I wish sometimes he’d recognize the need to throw it away and live to fight again on the next down. Otherwise I absolutely love his game. He has given the offense a spark in a way I honestly can remember seeing from an OU QB.
I think the ability to recognize the need to throw it OOB will come with more game experience. Part of the maturation process every QB goes through. He’ll be fine in time.
So far BM is not forcing many balls which is what I was afraid he would do going on past experience. I think maybe the Qb at Tech has more liberty to force things than Bob allows. I too wish he would just throw some away instead of taking a loss, but I can live with that if he doesn’t throw ints.
KU had a lot of dropped passes by open receivers. That, and our less than stellar run game, still has me wondering what kind of team we have.
I like them, but we have been feasting on bottom-feeders since Texsa kicked us out of Dallas.
We’ll know what we are soon enough.
You can’t gauge much about this defense based on the wins over the Kansas schools. We’ll see how good we are defensively soon enough. I’m just going to enjoy another W.
OU wasn’t blitzing or stunting on defense. Those passes wouldn’t have even been catchable in the first place if OU was facing a legitimate offense. We shouldn’t base anything on the results of this game outside of maybe things like OU didn’t punt a single time versus Kansas while both Baylor and TCU had to punt 4 times against Kansas.
As far as “bottom-feeders”, I didn’t see anyone else defend Texas Tech in the conference the way Oklahoma did.
On the flip side you can say the same thing about Baylor, TCU and OSU. Theyve all only been feasting on the bottom feeders as well. We’re about to find out who’s for real in our conference in the next few weeks.
Yep. Good point.
This Saturday is a big week. TCU at the pukes, LSU-Bama, FSU-Clemson. If we crush ISU, we’ll be top 10 with two top ten losing.
nov/early dec shaping up to be very entertaining time for cfb…..starting big next sat
Surely the OU/Baylor game will be a 6pm start, right?
good read above ( again )
Tap has to have been playing hurt or something was keeping him from full speed ,,
now I wish I could remember who hinted something about that a couple(?) weeks ago.
nice article . Occasionally, a human interest surpasses the story on the field………November is going to be a struggle, however. ISU’s demolition of Texas ensures OU will have to fight to win 2 of 4 games…………
Well I guess, based on comparative scores, we’re a 31 point underdog to ISU. I think we cover…and win outright, though.
Then we’ll see how the next 3 go.
Glad ISU licked the crap out of saxeT for two reasons: one, it’s saxeT and two, I have great respect for Paul Rhodes. Great coach at a middle-of-the-road school. The added bonus is that now, because of the beatdown,we’ll take ISU seriously and prepare harder for them.
They will have to fight to win 2 of 4 just the same as they will have to fight to win 4 of 4. Now more than ever, 11-1 is looking far more likely than 8-4.
Iowa St won’t be a fight, unless MS plans to focus on stopping the pass against a team that can only run the ball and went 11 for 26 threw the air. OU 52-14.
But the other three games will be fights. But we freaking knew that didn’t we?
Agree I don’t see Iowa State giving us much of a fight sooner’s 45 to 14 win after that worst case scenario is we win two of the last three but I still think we are going to win the last three with a little luck go Sooners.
We didnt run the ball much because Kansas was selling out to stop the run, hence leaving Sterling Shepard alone one-on-one.
So we threw to Shepard, which makes perfect sense imo
It was pretty much for Kansas to pick the poison and they choose to stop the run. That is a very good thing to have. I really believe that Baylor, TCU and the cowturds will have a hard time stopping both. Our offense is starting to really click and I can’t wait to see how they will play. I think they will be focused for ISU Saturday.
Which a good OC recognizes, adapts and goes with to win the game. The staff seems to have been doing this all season, except for the TX brain fart.
Take what the d gives and make em pay dearly.
I’m reading some comments and I don’t get it. This team is 7-1 and some posters still need for them to play the next four games to see who they are. We are eight games in and you don’t know? Really?
It’s like I’ve said before, the team is going to have to win before they get our “unconditional” support. A bunch of “Doubting-Thomases.”
To me, OU has had 2 head-scratchers in losses to texsa and struggled to win last year. The team can be frustratingly sketchy in the off game. But I see them really hitting their stride at just the right time right now. What looked like a 1-2 stretch at the beginning of the season looks very ‘winnable 3-0’ right now. But it’s I-state next.
SamSooner, we are still finding out who we are since we changed personnel at multiple positions. We have two 1st team LB’s & one 1st team CB out. We replaced a S, G, & OT. We are moving around multiple WR’s due to drops, fumbles, and wrong routes. OL is still figuring it out and our OC is still trying to find that rhythm with all of our weapons. Baker is working on his experience and it’s a curve for any QB.
I’m excited like you for the wins and the confidence the team is bringing each week.
Just because we are pointing out some issues doesn’t mean they don’t have our support.
What WR’s are moving around? Shep, Westbrook, and Neal are the top 3, and have been all season. After that, it really doesn’t matter, b/c those guys aren’t going to play much in competitive games.
Looks like they are trying to find a good rotation. There are a lot of moving parts and they are trying to find the best behind the top 3 you mentioned.
What I’m interpreting in some of the comments is if OU wins out “they’re great.” Lose to TCU and Baylor, “I knew this team wasn’t good.”
It’s the old wait and see before giving the team praise.
BM does need to know when to throw it away. However, the series he scrambled and stepped out of bounds for something like an eight hard loss and then a penalty the next play left OU at second and 32…….. Which OU converted on fourth down and ended up scoring. Not sure I want to squash that moxy for a player who plays it “safe” too often.
My take on the OU offnse in This game is that even though running the ball was tough at times at least OU COULD thrive on the passing game. Baylor is able to do the same thing.
Ross and Mixon avg 7.4/7.3 ypc and Perine 8.2. QB ypc brought the avg way down. With Baker hitting 27 of 32 with a couple of those being drops for 380 w/ 4 TDs and 0 ints… 0 punts … OU was able to do pretty much whatever they wanted to do.
Yep. I think the carries for a yard or two gave the impression the run game struggled (gave me the impression perhaps to type what it did). But the carry for no gain, carry for a yard and then a carry for 20 yars offsets all that pretty well.
When is the last time 2 different te caught a td pass in a game?? Love the way where incorporating more players into the game plan, and more than anything it shows the flexibility of OUr offense.
I think this is my favorite article by you, Jordan. It was a really nice read. Thanks.
Chance Sylvie is a Sooner!
@ChanseSylvie: Officially a #BoomerSooner ! ?⚪️ https://t.co/IDDo8ybXax
I like this young man.
Future star.
Yessir, gonna be a good’un.
Me too. The kid is a heat seeking missle.
Didn’t see it mentioned below but I now would be ok if Shannon starts over Evans. Evans has played well but look at the run Shannon is on and it’s easy to say he’s playing better.
Also I’m looking forward to bond getting healthy, didn’t notice much of lindley this week but if he played a lot I wouldn’t be surprised.
What is it with Devante Bond look’s like the Charles Walker situation from last year first we are told he only will miss a couple of week’s then the sudden it’s already a month.IT’the same situation as Walker last year he eventually missed 6 week’s after we where told it would only be a couple of weeks.I wonder whether or not it’s not the same situation all over.
You must have been pretty close to me seating wise. I was at the 40 ish 37 rows up. I moved down in the 2nd half and also noticed Striker playing catch with a couple people. His only requirement was that they throw the ball back. He also tried to steal a jersey out of the equipment box and give it to a fan (im guessing a kid, but idk) but an equipment person actually fought him for it, and won. I was apparently standing next to Mixon’s mom because she got Joe’s attention and he stopped and posed for her. Gundy also came up and talked to this lady after the game and gave her a hug. Several other players stopped as well.
Thanks once again, hambone694.
Kinda glad we have Iowa state at home…
No doubt.
My wife’s best friend is battling breast cancer: the teams that remain on the schedule is not what I’m thinking about. I could not care less about Baylor,TCU, ISU or OSU.
I want one win and it’s not an OU football game.
Sorry to hear that. Prayer for your wife.
Really appreciate it. She had a really tough day, today.
So sorry to hear this.
Thoughts and prayers for your friend.
Thank you, sir.
I feel for you. My wife is battling the same thing and has a PET Scan tomorrow to see if all the chemo and radiation worked. Prayers are lifted for you and yours.
Prayers going up for you. May God bless your wife.
What is your wife’s name? I would like to send prayers your way, if that is ok?
I beat Leukemia last year after 8 years of battle, so I can sympathize with your grief.
God bless
BC, thanks. My wife’s name is Melissa. Her friend’s name is Michelle.
We really appreciate it.
I had a motto during my struggles. Don’t know it it helps, but it truly helped me.
I found it online and it had an impact on me. I used it as fuel for the exhaustion that I felt. I know that each person has to find something to make a difference in their attitude, but if I may suggest, here is what worked for me.
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up.
God Bless that gal, hope she can beat it.
I understand how you feel right now, I’ve experienced many events in life that gave me a big ol’ don’t give a s**t attitude about pretty much everything. Compartmentalizing my life helps and my love for the Sooners will always have its own special compartment that nothing can touch.
EasTex, thanks.
I can tell, by the way you approach things, you’ve experienced your fair share of difficulties. Now, you’re determined to live.
This is a great community. There are a lot of good people on this site.
If you live long enough you have more experiences to draw from.
We all experience joy and sorrow. The experiences don’t define us, how we deal with them does.
Each new life event is a ‘threshold moment,’ that moment when we can never be the same person we were before. I have had many ‘threshold moments’ and expect many more. In the meanwhile, I will set the alarm, clean the coffee pot and go to bed anticipating what Monday may bring.
Sir, it is my goal to meet you. I pray that I will. God bless.
It might happen.
I thought I was going to retire early then the economic disaster in ’07 derailed those plans. Still working hard to reach that goal, and God willing might be able to accomplish that goal before my 65th birthday in December.
I plan on making many road trips when I do, including many Sooner football games.
I had early retirement goals too. The downturn after 09/11 and the one in ’07 didn’t phase me. I wish I could say the same for the personal economic disaster I created for myself in ’04. #ownworstenemy
Prayers, my dude. Hopeful prayers.
Thanks, RR. All will be well. It’s road that must be traveled.
My wife had the most aggressive form of breast cancer. It was highly invasive but found early and, after treatment, she has been cancer free for 2.5 years.
Once a person gets cancer their life changes forever because anything that appears in their body becomes a worry. Fortunately, though, changes in diagnosis and treatment have also made it MUCH more common to be a “cancer survivor”.
All the best to your friend.
SiL, sorry to hear that. I will send prayers your way.
I will have been in remission for 2 years as of January. I know what it is like to go thru cancer, but can only guess what it is like to be in your shoes. I truly think it is rougher to be the caring, than the one going thru it.
Glad to hear you cancer is in remission. I have seen what you are talking about the difficulties of the caregiver. People think to pray for and encourage the one who is suffering. Often however, they forget to do so for those who are the caregivers.
My wife has a debilitating neurological condition (headed to Mayo next month). We are blessed to have a church family that reaches out to me as well. Just the fact that they recognize the difficulty and care makes it easier.
As being the person being afflicted, I know that side is the easy side. We believe that no matter the outcome, we will have closure. But the ones that go thru the difficulties with us seem to bear the largest burden. It is a burden which is much heavier than the ones that fight the fight.
God Bless.
What is your wife’s name, so that I can send her prayers?
Thanks. Her name is Ramona. She has something called Generalized Dystonia. We are going to Mayo because the treatments that worked for the better part of a decade have lost most of theire effectiveness.
Best wishes to you, your bride and all your loved ones.
Indeed! My 18 year old son was diagnosed with lucemia 5 weeks ago. He is a senior in high school. Two weeks ago while in Barnes hospital getting chemo he crashed due to a staff infection that went to his brain and all his organs. Now he is in a fight for his life. Can’t even begin to explain what he or us as his family has been through. It’s been brutal.
God Bless your son and his family.
I know from experience how deeply the pain goes when your child is seriously ill.
Like a lot of people here, I’ve seen some dark, dark days. Faith is the only thing that brought us through. In it we found strength, and most importantly, healing. All my best to your son and your family.
Prayers for you, your family, and especially for your son!
God speed to your wife and her Freind
prayers to her.
Sending prayers your way friend!
Prayers, man. Stay strong!
Prayers for your wife’s best friend. Stay strong and positive and good things will happen.
Good thoughts and prayers go out to you, your wife, and her best friend. Hoping for a win!
Jordan – The stadium is anything but off campus. Trust me. I was there six years. The stadium is just down the hill from several dorms, class buildings, and Greeks houses to the west. The Campanile is just up the hill to the south. You are right, though, to the north and adjacent to the east there are residences. But it clearly is part of the campus.
That confused me also. I remember the stadium being a short distance from some of the academic buildings but I have never seen the East side.
I will say it again…the rest of this year rest with the performance of the O-line. If they can become semi-dominant this year (run and pass) they will win out. The rest of the pieces are in place.
The back end of the defensive has passed it’s mid-terms (WV, TTU). Front seven failed it’s first real run test (TX) has a mid-term run test (ISU). If the front 7 can dominate (expecting Coach Mike to go with a heavier set and some run blitzes) the ISU run game, they should have the confidence going into finals.
Here is to good game planning, execution and continued momentum and growth.
Time out. What schools let you leave and re enter?
Erik Wren didn’t look bad against the KU starters. He is plus 300 lbs and got good push. He looks really physical too with good leverage.
Pretty quick for a big man. He got his body in position to block off the angle of attack by his defender. Might be a matter of knowing all the protections or identifying blitzes that keep him from spelling Darlington when he was hurt. Still think Dalton needs to get more reps.
Funny thing is Dalton was playing guard at the same grouping. I didn’t see him get one snap at center. But if Wren is going to get better at the point of contact. I say go with him. But they have all Winter, Spring and Summer to feel this one out.
Happy birthday to me.
Happy Birthday, BC!!!
TY Sam
“Excited Kitty” LOL Happy Birthday!
If you had told us sooner, we would’ve thrown you a party…..maybe next year. 🙂
TY Ray, would have been a blowout, I am sure! Life is good.
He knows how to party. 🙂
You said “Sooner.”
It’s in my vocabulary speed dial.
Natural affliction.
Happy birthday!
TY Shelby
What I liked most was that we beat them soundly like we should have. Didn’t appear to be any let down. That was my worry. Same goes for next week against a much more dangerous team in Iowa State. Need to continue to press, get better and take NO ONE for granted.
see several posters below have met the big c…….good luck to all
Awesome write up Jordan. Thanks for sharing your experiences
Was looking at Baylor’s games so far. Wow! Never seen such an easy schedule.
SMU (1-7, w/a win over 1-7 UNT)
Lamar (4-4 w/4 wins over Bacone, Sam Houston, Abilene Christian, Houston Bapt–all I can say is Lamar is lucky Christian schools want to field a football team)
Rice (4-4, w/wins over Wagner, 1-7 UNT who got beat by Portland St 66-7, FAU by 1 pt, 2-6 Army)
TT @ home–the only team they have beat with a winning record, and they played them at home)
WV @ home
ISU @ home. ISU had 4 TOs that lead to 3 BU TDs and an unsuccessful onside kick that led to an BU FG. That 24 pts out of 45 BU scored.
If they hadn’t shown up so well the last two years in the Big 12, and were the BU of old, I could see this team barely cracking the top 25 with this schedule.
That said, I hate the advantage BU has this year over OU. They have 12 days to prepare for KSU (another weakling this year), and then 9 days to prepare for OU alone. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them putting in time for OU before KSU, but 9 days is an advantage before playing OU, and it’s at home.
That said, I still pick OU to win this game this year. Predicted it since before this season started. Also have picked us over TCU this year, and still do, and OSU, too. May be wrong, but still sticking to prediction of beating remaining 4 teams. Have picked OU to make the playoffs since before the year started and sticking with that prediction too.
Looks to me like LR is adding wrinkles (Grant Bothun and Sam Grant) by the week- oughta keep the Baylor game-planners busy.
Saw a tweet that said OU has had 8 700 yard games ever, 2 have been under Riley.
Just scratching the surface- once the O-Line solidifies…
There is still so much unrecognized potential for this offense that we get to literally watch them grow each week.
Pretty good results for a first year OC (at OU), and some unproven, young talent. Gonna have to buy a new pair of shades.
Indeed, he’s done some amazing things this season. I’m a little concerned with the receiving corp for next year, but if we get past that, then lookout.
I think they’ll be fine. If we have to lean on Andrews a bit more to open things up, that’s ok by me. Mixon out of the backfield as well- we’re embarrassingly talented- a lot of it’s still on paper but they’ll shine soon enough.
Every year kids step up in the various positions. all those young WRs will be better next year and people are always better when you get to see them play. We wouldn’t like them playing INSTEAD OF Shepherd. They are going to have to wait until they get on the field before they can shine. They are not going to get on the field until Neal and Shep and Baxter and Westbrooke are not on the field.
Yeah, that’s what the whole conversation is about, next year.
I,agree. Some new guys are going to have to step up and be a lot better than they are now. Perhaps the idea they will get a shot brings something out of them we and the coaches haven’t seen yet.
Yep. LR and th eplayers seem to be gaining a better understanding of the offnse and the parts that make it go. The fact that Shep isn’t the leading receiver every game is a good indication that the team is gaining that multi faceted look we all anticipated. Mixon’s progress has been very encouraging. To see Perine gallop some these last two games has also been good.
And that Baker goes through his progressions a bit better.
Jarvis Baxter was back for and did return a punt late.
Backups were everywhere, even FG kicker.
This was in reply to Jordan above stating he wanted someone besides Shep back there
Ok, was wondering why you just threw that out there. 🙂
Would like to see Super K evaluate A Thomas’s play at safety since Parker’s move from nickle to safety. Thomas seems to be playing faster and better in pass coverage (still a little slow in run support) . Not as many busts deep like we saw last year when the CB let the WR go through thinking the safety knew to pick him up but the safety was elsewhere.
ot……congrats to the kc royals, helluva team………..series was closer than games, mets lost 2 games when they lost leads in the bottom of the 9th or this would be going back to kc …….however, kc seemed to be the superior team and deserved the ws……..end of bb finally
World Series Champions!!!!! Great job Royals!!!!!!
Reading above, it sure seems like the game was closer than the score indicated, which from my perspective, it wasn’t. There are certainly things to work on, and one must balance the glass of (favorite beverage) to half full and half empty. But all and all, it looked to me like the goal was accomplished, meaning to blow out a team quickly and get many of the starters off the field to avoid injuries. I’d take a carbon copy next weekend in a heartbeat, minus the injury to Alverez.
I hated the all white look. Drab, boring, made the players look like the third string scrub team. Hopefully, that was the last time we see those things. We have one of the best helmets with the red helmet and white OU logo. Why change that??
Now if OU would just allow us to leave at the half and come back in!!!!!
I agree the white helmet would have looked better with our regular white road uni’s..
On TV the crowd was taunting Mead ( i think) who got flagged for an illegal hit on his awesome block. Then the refs pick up the flag, I would have liked to see the KU students eat some crow for that.
Jordan, I too stayed until the game clock hit 0:00. I will say that the few KU fans that were seated around us were very friendly. One of the guys bought me a bag of peanuts because I knew the names of OU players making plays and I was correcting the PA announcer because he did not know who Sam Grant was. LOL After half time, there might have been 500 KU fans still there, most of the OU fans stayed for the entire game though.
As for the Siebert missed FG, that was a HORRIBLE snap. It was high enough that OU was lucky to even get off a kick. Austin’s leg was in mid swing and the ball still had not been placed on the ground.
Also, I do not think that Dakota Austin missed a single tackle all game.
I actually remembered seeing at least a couple missed tackles by Dakota myself, but it might have been Thomas.
And yeah, the stadium cleared out of KU fans rapidly after halftime. I was laughing with my girlfriend that there were was more blue due to those rented seat back/cushions than KU fans.
No kidding!!! LOL! I didn’t think Dakota missed any but I thought Thomas missed two. I wish the KU fans had stayed longer, they provided a great wind break. LOL
Isn’t it nice that all we have to bitch about is punt returns and how to get more out of a QB who is matching our best ever in his best year ever (see Bradford 08 thru same number of games).
I honestly don’t believe Bob cares to return one punt again this year. All he wants is to gain possession. We don’t even block opposing players during punts so you could put Charles Woodson back there and he would still fair catch most punts. It is what it is. I don’t know why they do it. Maybe they don’t want an injury and trust offense to move it anyway? Maybe they are saving something? Hell, I have no idea, but it hasn’t changed ALL season. Can we find something else to talk about now? Not saying I like it, but geez.
I like how Dakota has stepped up, but I for one am scared to death if he has to go one on one with Doctson, etc or any large BU WR. I love the kid but we are going to need Sanchez back for those games. Dakotas game experience will be good though regardless (again not dissing him, just sayin I hope the ankle gets better fast for zack).
Last, what’s the issue with striker getting some coverage experience and adding another element for upcoming offenses to think about (I.e. Mixing up blitzes with him dropping). I personally thought it was a great thing to do in KU game. Do we think he needs more practice edge rushing?
(Sorry, I had forgotten mikey is an idiot so we had to find something to dog him on this week, my bad)