K is working on getting some additional notes. This is what I’ve heard from my sources:
– Trevor Knight and Baker Mayfield were the two best quarterbacks today. I’m told Hansen and Cody struggled a little. There were 4 interceptions thrown…Hansen threw one and Cody threw one.
– I am told that Knight threw two of the interceptions but don’t let that make you think he didn’t look good. I’m told that he did. I’m told he looked very comfortable in general. I was told that Knight and Mayfield both look similar in terms of their mechanics. I was also told that while Mayfield didn’t make the mistakes Knight did, Trevor has such a presence as a leader of the team that it’s hard to ignore.
– The scrimmage was a touch scrimmage. There was no tackling. I’m told that Mixon is so explosive that it was difficult for defenders to even touch him.
– Westbrook, Shepard, Mixon and Perine, I’m told are on another level than everyone else. Very real offensive threats.
– Sanchez, Hatari and JT all had interceptions.
– Striker had 3 sacks and Tapper apparently had a great scrimmage.
– I was told that the defense actually played pretty well.
– Carson Meier had a pretty big day. I heard from a source that he had multiple catches. Source couldn’t recall the exact number but said that it may have been 4 or 5 catches.
I’ve seen a rumor posted that Smallwood tore an ACL, any truth to that?
It was posted in the weekend op
I’ve seen it now, just missed it earlier I guess, been a busy weekend.
Sucks for him hopefully he can get a medical redshirt if he doesn’t end up good enough to go to the draft. Lost his first year to a broken foot I think. Lost last year to a poor offensive structure and is going to lose this year. Feel bad for the kid I think he has the talent to contribute in this offense and I know a lot of people are going to say he should bulk up and move to LB
Tough break for sure, hard to not feel bad for the kid. He’s never got to show what he can do.
Sucks. Well, next man up.
Trevor has always practiced well it seems but in actual games had much more trouble and perhaps even more importantly, was easily injured.
My thoughts exactly. I love the kid and think he has all the tangibles to become elite, but I’m off the wagon until I see on Saturday what everyone reportedly sees Monday through Friday. Nam sayin’, doo?
I’ve never put much stock into a blue jersey, the cream rises when the bullets are live.
I take it as a good sign that Byrd and jt made some plays. We all know Sanchez can find the ball on defense but outside him last year, every DB and LB who got their hands on the ball would look like Perkins trying to catch a pass from westbrook. I’m looking for an opportunistic defense more so than a suffocating one, because suffocating defense no longer exists in college
Correction: The CRIMSON and cream rises.
[Licks finger and smoothes eyebrows in self-satisfaction].
As long as they continue with the Knight experiment at quarterback he will suck life out of the conpetition because of his perceived leadership…truth is leaders are playmakers, not bench warmers. It will just hurt the decelopment of the other quarterbacks. Similar to why you saw Green Bay move on from Favre.
awesome, thanks.
Are we using Flowers, or any fullbacks, in any way shape or form? Perhaps motioning them or having them flexed out?
A touch scrimmage?!?!
And people wonder why we see the soft team ms we continue to see.
As for Knight…his leadership ability masks his terrible play in practices…but not open scrimmages or games. Oklahoma needs to desperately get him out of the quarterback race.
He will most likely be the starter, so it’s time to get behind him or find another team to cheer for.
False. I hate notion it’s suck and enjoy it or leave. Only losers think that way…
I’m with you BoomerDave. Just glad these guys who keep putting down players are not on the coaching staff. If Knight does win the starting job, he will only keep it if he performs in games. I also believe our coaches will run the team that way until they prove me wrong. I thought last year ALL the QB’s were playing very tentatively, like they were afraid to make a mistake. When you think like that, you’re practically guaranteed to screw up. I say, let’s start with a clean slate and see what happens.
Not by what has been reported thus far. If he is, then we have bigger coaching problems than some of you think.
I hearing he is getting the first snaps with the 1’s. But I suppose you have better sources.
First, a review of English grammar. It’s “I’m or I am hearing…”Second, no, I do not have better sources. If he’s continuing to throw freaking picks, he should not be the starter. He is the worst QB in the Stoops era. However, with that said, if he is the best we have, then I’m all in.
Little early to assume he will start based on getting reps with the 1’s this early in spring. I mean, it only makes sense considering he was the starter last year. But TDs on 3 of 4 drives compared to 3 picks tells me it’s not even close to in the bag. With that said, I fully support whoever earns the starting job.
Knight is a mistake waiting to happen. Hope we move on!
Is Keith Ford still participating? LT rumors that he left the team following Wednesdays practice.
I’ve been following that but have only seen what you have seen. Nothing concrete.
Yeah, one guy claiming to know something that no-one else knows & provides zero details..
Trevor Knight threw 2 int’s. Shows he is still mistake prone, don’t care how good he looks in mechanics. Trevor Knight has fooled us in training one too many times, I for one will not fall for it again.
At the end of the day its will u make a big mistake (Pick 6) or not.
Baker Mayfield had no int’s, that’s all I need to hear.
kind of hard to make a blanket statement like “still mistake prone” Unless you were at the scrimmage. For all we know the interceptions could have been deflections off receivers hands. Probably not but Id rather know the facts before saying something like that.
You are correct about blanket statements…but after 2 seasons of Knight tossing picks, making poor decisions and just playing worse than any Stoops era quarterback you have to understand why people feel that way.
Logic says Knight is the same guy and that’s where those turnovers came from.
To me it’s hard to watch Trevor’s first starts and last starts than envision a scenerio where now after 3 months he is magically good.
You could be right and he might be the same Trevor Knight but as I stated yesterday on here that New ( and supposedly better ) coaches, new schemes, a year more maturity and better receivers could do wonders.
I guess Im just not as fast as some others are on here to completely write TK off.
Great coaches have great players. If Trevor Knight hadn’t been terrible Josh Heupel would still be coaching at Oklahoma.
I don’t think Heupel was Bill Walsh…but Landry Jones set records under him. Knight starts and he is fired.
Nice. I hear crickets.
They completely changed the offensive Scheme for TK. Obviously Heuple wasnt comfortable with the new scheme and his calls were very erratic. Heuple didnt get fired because of TK. Heuple got fired because he called predictable plays and a game plan that was to be honest consistently terrible.
Yet that consistently terrible gameplan placed his Oklahoma offense ranked higher in essentially every statistical category than this superior coach you now think will be coaching them up.
He changed the offense to fit Knight’s strengths and they proved to be very little in scope. A quarterback that can’t complete passes is called a placeholder on extra points.
Trevor Knight sucked because he didn’t make the consistent routine plays, outside of his pick six’s. Not because Heupel did something too him.
Don’t get me wrong…Heupel was a jerk that a lot of kids didn’t like…but that didn’t cause Knight to suck on the field.
The Baylor game sums it up. He looked good until they put a spy on him and for all his ability Knight athletically could not beat a linebacker with his feet. And when forced to win with his arm Oklahoma scored the fewest points at home in forever and got blown out.
Trevor Knight was the problem with the offense!
Well I see that you already have Trevor Tried and convicted.
I suggest that you wait a bit on actually hanging him till you’ve seen him under a whole new set of circumstances that he’ll be facing this year. I dont have a clue who will end up being the starting QB but if it turns out to be TK you better believe that the reason for that will be that Riley and BStoops have more confidence in him than any of the other QBs.
It’s not tried and convicted it’s judging him by how he has played for 2 years….that’s simply going off facts and not hoping that things suddenly change over night. Doing the same thing but expecting different results is called something….
But thats just it. When you interject other variables ( ie: new coaches, better scheme, more experience, better receivers ) by its very nature its NOT “doing the same thing”! so the results MIGHT very well be different!
subtle insult noted btw.
It is a rather large assumption that it is a better scheme and better receivers. A very good argument could be made it will not be a better scheme.
And if experience determines play than how can the receivers be better outside of Neal?
Seems to be s lot of assumptions being made.
From everything I’ve read Westbrook alone is a BIG upgrade in our receiving corp. Thats been stated time and time again. That already would double the very dangerous receivers from last year ( the other being Shep of course ). Others are being mentioned like the TEs, Dallis, Mixon all being talked about as kids that are coming on and looking good catching the ball. I think its pretty safe to assume that the WRs will be improved if not even drastically improved from last years group who outside of Shepard were frankly pathetic.
As for the scheme. I have no reason to think this wont be an upgrade as well. Its been describe as a passer friendly scheme so why would that be such a big assumption?
Well…it would by definition be an assumption because you are basing your analysis off things that have no foundation in facts. You are assuming essentially everything.
I don’t at all want to sound like a Heupel apologist, because the guy had issues with pace, adjustments and identity at times offensively…but to say it again he was not the main reason Oklahoma stunk throwing the ball last fall…that was Trevor Knight and all the facts point to that. Those facts being Heupel’s track record prior to Knight and all the film Trevor Knight has ever put out.
And you are ASSUMING that Trevor Knight wont improved. You can go by past history all you like but the fact of the matter is that kids DO often improve and sometimes by leaps and bounds.
My whole point here is at least give TK the benefit of the doubt before trashing him as a kid that will never be a good QB. A whole new set of parameters are in place for him to do just that…improve.
Im sure there were plenty of TCU fans who a year ago at this time were praying that Boykin wouldnt be their starting QB. Boykin last year was a completely different QB than the year before.
First, I don’t believe that I said Knight will not improve. He is a hard worker and probably will. What I am saying is he so far has been a terrible enough quarterback that it’s time to move on from him and give the others a real shot.
And I am hardly making a complete assumption because we have statistical and video evidence of Knight over the course of 2 years where he has shown little to no improvement.
Even removing the Russell athletic bowl from the scenerio look at his first start, first conference start against West Virginia and his last against Baylor.
You are confusing the reality of who Knight is as a quarterback as trashing him. I am not trashing him…I’m simply trying to point out who and what he has been as a player.
So your point as stated is to “give the others a real shot”
Whelp…you got your wish because they’re all starting out with an equal and real shot. Thats been clearly stated by the coaches.
Thus far it seems that with them all getting that equal shot TK and Mayfield are right at the head of that pack.
I think you have misinterpreted things. Because from the sounds of it Knight is also continually struggling on the field with performance…where he excels is in his ability to be a perceived leader. Which does take me to my point of leaders are playmakers and not talkers….and for that reason, among others, Knight needs to move on to another position.
Just as Knight would not have been able to take a leadership role with Landry it is difficult to ask the others to do so with Knight assuming that role.
continually struggling on the field? From the reports that came out of the first scrimmage yesterday he excelled rather than struggled.
The two interceptions as mentioned by another poster werent even his fault. Glowing reports dont equal struggling IMO.
Look you and are are just going in circles here. I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree about TKs potential and see how this all plays out. fair enough?
Two interceptions… Turnovers are turnovers. Turnovers have been his issue, along with extremely inconsistent play and poor decision-making.
Sounds like all of that continued, only excuses were made for it, and he was given props for leadership.
I will say this, I highly respect how persistent you are. I just night night is what he is, and much else is an unknown at this point.
I see you want to continue with this lol
Turnovers are turnovers? ok….so if the turnover is the result of a bad play by a WR thats still the QBs fault in your book? Or is it only the QBs fault when his initials are TK.
Very solid logic there. It seems to me that you’re hell bent to say anything that will make your case against Trevor even if it defies logic.
Well I hate to tell you this but the coaches really liked his game yesterday so Im sure you know better than they do.
carry on
It is all speculation from the scrimmage… And third hand or floorhand speculation. You don’t know that those texts were not his fault, just as you don’t know that the coaches thought he played fantastic. Those are assumptions… And speculation by you.
And I don’t want to discount Trevor, or anyone else. But what I don’t want is for smoke to be blown up peoples butts, just go by what he is… And eye in the sky does not lie, we have over two years of Game film of the player… He, as in Trevor Knight, has made it extremely clear what type of player he is and who he is, it’s only you that wants to turn it into something else.
Any argument given for him to be the quarterback is one that is based on wishful thinking and not studying his film.
I have no earthly idea why it is so hard to look at it objectively for what it is… Without the buts and wishful thinking.
So I would challenge you to do this, use what we have seen from Trevor in games and last year’s spring scrimmage to prove your point. Do that and I will concede.
The assumptions are based on what I have read on TFB ( unless you doubt their sources as being accurate ) and also from another from site where people supposedly in the know are saying the same thing. Is it speculation? Maybe but its much more speculation on your part for doubting the most reliable sources that we have access to (unless of course you have some inside information that youre not sharing with us you know nothing more than what is said on here by supposed reliable people.)
As for your comment “its only you that wants to turn it into something else”….that couldnt be further from the truth. I can guarantee you that I have no horse in this race. I dont care if its TK, Mayfield, Thomas or Hanson that ends up being our QB. I just hope that at least one of them is good enough to lead this team to a great season. So again, you’re 100% wrong there.
My problem is with those people that dont give Trevor a chance at all. He can absolutely could become a very good QB under Rileys direction. Im just saying those that say it absolutely cant happen either are clueless to the true possibilities or just have an issue with a particular player. In this case TK. So which of those two are you? Now Im curious.
So yeah….you admit all of your assumptions are based off third and fourth hand information coming from people who are wrong almost 100% of the time. The proof of that being the unrealistic things we hear every spring failing to even emerge in the vicinity of true come fall. Last year it was the offense was unstoppable, Knight was unreal and the defense was going to be on par with the 2000-2004 groups. So yeah…I take practice reports from Oklahoma with a grain of salt.
You are obviously using the term reliable extremely loosely.
You can say you aren’t turning it into something else but its all right there…and you are. It’s assumptions and excuses coupled with wishful thinking. I have simply maintained over 2 years Knight has shown who he is…and that in order to move forward cleanly a position move needs to be made.
So this crap of I am 100% wrong is silly…because at the end of the day the only hard evidence we have tests on my side of things.
So youre saying that the TFB sources are wrong almost 100% of the time…….well there goes your credibility on this whole subject because that couldnt be farther from correct.
Also if you actually read what I wrote youd see that I said that youre 100% wrong about me trying to turn this into “something else”. which is blatantly false since as I said I dont care which QB gets it as long as hes good. Im not a big TK supporter OR a detractor. Im just about giving the kid the benefit of the doubt that he could improve under this new system.
You do realize that all your comments about Knight are just that as well – speculation. From the scrimmage.
Yes, dear…so stop doing that.
Landry Jones also had games where he wore that same damn “deer-in-the-headlights” look people accuse TK of having. That same Landry Jones was also inconsistent, prone to panic and had games where fans were left puzzled, cussing and flat out sick. I was one of the most vocal ones…drove my oldest right up the wall every time I opened my mouth about him.
Or it could have been just a little too high for the receiver and it was tipped. Still TK fault. Be happy with BM.
Or the receiver ran the wrong route.
Dont care could have deflected off the moon. I’ve seen one to many pick 6’s to make any excuses why he threw those int’s
So basically you’re saying that every interception thrown is the QBs mistake…ok lol
I think what is being said is Trevor Knight’s interceptions are his fault….not every quarterbacks.
So all of TKs interceptions where his fault? It couldnt be that the WRs were running the wrong routes and TK might have thrown it where they were supposed to cut to?
Come on… Im sure some of them were TKs fault and others werent.
And Mayfield lost the starting job at Taco Tech. That’s all I need to hear.
Works both ways, huh?
We know what TK cannot do in an OU uniform, we don’t know what Mayfield can do. Knight had his chance.
We know what he can do too. With an ineffective coordinator and a lack WR coach, he was able to pick Bama apart. Admittedly, that’s just one game, but it does show his ceiling. Mayfield? He’s never put up a performance anywhere near that. You could say Mayfield had his chance too. Me? I say give them both a chance at the starting job, and give it to whomever does best.
Same here, I will go with what the Coaches say and do.
I never said that I would disagree with the coaches decision. I’m simply doubting TK as any reasonable OU fan ought to do. If he wins the job, it’ll be great. Mayfield was the Big 12 Freshman of the year same award that Perine won. I think that trumps a single game performance by Knight.
Sorry, I probably mixed up some of your arguments with Warfield. I disagree with your conclusion, but fair enough. Personally, I think the potential shown by Knight was far beyond what Mayfield’s shown so far, but if he can’t produce that consistently then it doesn’t matter. Still, I don’t want to give up on TK before I have to.
Oh God…more ‘we beat Bama talk’. I wish that would die.
At what point do people stop judging him by one fluke game and instead focus on the 2 year body of work.
If it’s all one game than the Russell Athletic Bowl shows Knight should be moved to another position and never allowed to throw the ball again.
My entire point is that we’ve seen what Knight can do, and it’s VERY good. He’s also done poorly, but that’s with a mediocre OC and undeveloped WRs. As that will change going forward, I think it’s not only fair to him, but best for the team, to see if he progresses. It’s not like Mayfield has been any better in the games he’s played against lesser competition. Remember, he got benched by TECH.
In fairness, TK was coming off of significant injury. At best, the two cancel each other out, his ‘ceiling’ and ‘worst’. That still leaves a suspect body of work. Really hoping Cody or Hansen step it up big time. Hoping OU doesn’t start the season with no clear cut ‘winner’ at QB. If you have 2 or 3 you have zero.
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Remove the two outliers from Knight’s resume and analyze what he is as a quarterback.
And what that has been is really not good.
That’s why I think you have to move him to wide receiver. He is not only taking reps from other players who need to develope, but is also holding those individuals back from taking the reins as leaders.
If I’m not mistaken, most of Baker’s success came against inferior talent. Out of conference schedule. With that and the TK history, I was actually hoping one of the young guns stepped up. Time will tell. At least we have a fresh set of eyes evaluating performance.
Not really, he is on a different team. We have seen Trevor Knight for 2 yrs, and nothing has changed,
Yep. There is no answer to your post. Good job.
No int’s in a scrimmage, wasn’t the case when he actually played at Taco Tech.
Mark Andrews brother posted on rivals that he had two LONG touchdowns today.
Did he say anything about Keith Ford?
Hi brother usually sticks to tidbits on Andrew’s and the general feel for the squad. He probably wouldn’t divulge issues with other players. Just what I’ve seen from the dude.
Is there a link to this?
Link to what? Andrews? His brother is on another site and I am sure talked to his brother.
I heard he had a TD grab. Didn’t hear about the second but that is great news!
So the TE’s looking great, that’s great news
Heard the referee said he has been doing the scrimmages for years and never have had 2 backs like Perine and Mixon at the same time. Heard they were slicing and dicing the backs ( don’t know what that really means) . Heard the linebackers look real quick. The offense is go go go.
You know, you’re like an Open Post within an Open Post. Let’s be friends.
you know anything about Keith Ford ??
No I don’t specifically but it is off the field issues
Thank you
Why do some players just self-destruct? Don’t get it. He needs to transfer and start over after he gets his off the field issues straightened out.
You know, I’ve had that same thought lately, but about AD. Very good kid, sweet, never seemed to be the kind that would go over the top. Between his issue with the son’s whipping, his issues with the Vikes and then riding into his own birthday bash like a Potentate on the back of a camel no less…hard to watch one of my all-time favorites perching near the edge. *sad*
Thanks for extra notes SR!
After this post, that ref will never work again
– Westbrook, Shepard, Mixon and Perine, I’m told are on another level than everyone else. Very real offensive threats.
And so I now introduce to you the TMST: Teenage Mutant Sooner Turtles! With Lincoln Riley as Master Splinter.
Will say my sources told me Mayfield threw 3TD’s In 4 drives today. K and I are putting the most in-depth report you’ll have on the scrimmage. Notes will be added, possibly, tonight, but for sure tomorrow. Its some really good stuff that you all will enjoy .
any Keith Ford info…??
Digging. What I hear isn’t good for Ford. Until I can confirm it, I’m not posting what I’ve heard.
3 TDs in 4 drives? Im just guessing that MStoops has decided to move the DBs from 7 yards off the WRs to 14 yards.
That’s a ridiculous statement. Mike is coaching DB’s. Cooks does. Also, that’s not just against 1st team D. QB’s rotate in spring.
It was actually said very tongue in cheek. My attempt at humor.
Guess I wont be appearing on David Letterman any time soon.
Haha! All good man! I gotcha.
Mayfield has that swag about him. Baker Swagfield. Thanks for the info, Brandon.
I really appreciate and respect the work you guys put in here and the insights you share but… at the risk of seeming ungrateful, I would like to request that we somehow get a response from a new set of eyes on what they’re seeing/feeling so far and by new set of eyes, I mean Riley- Is there any way we can get some feedback from him on what his thoughts are thus far?
It’s just that I get caught up in the same hype every year/spring and my hopes get built up… it’d be nice to hear a new perspective, straight from the new horse’s mouth so to speak.
Thanks in advance and accept my apologies if I offended any of TFB contributor’s, as this was most certainly not intended.
….if bstoops does things the same way, the only time you’ll hear anything directly fron co-ords is in a called media conference where q/a is allowed
OU football is locked up tighter than Alcatraz. No hope that anyone of the coaches would give out any info.
Are they giving out blindfolds at the spring game this year?
We’ll know a little bit after that I’m sure. In last year’s game Knight did not look good remember? I think some real truth can be gleaned from that game.
Alcatraz is a tourist trap.
I share your feelings regarding OUffseason hype. I was just looking at the team and scrimmage notes for this time last year. “Player X was awesome! Look out for Player Y this year!” And then, you know, the season happened.
So I say, we need a mole. A faniac mole. Someone who’s (1) known for keeping it real. (2) Not an idiot (which counts me out). (3) And unemployed.
LR will not come out and say well, “we’ve got guys dropping balls, the QBS are not reading the routes correctly,” nor would he say any other thing that is negative. It’s too early for that and besides why would he? We have some talent this year. Last year, all we had was Shep going in and I for one had questions. I trust TFB to never sugarcoat.
Thanks in advance!
Carson Meier may turn out to be like a Jay Novacek type. This all gets my Sooner senses tingling! Hope springs eternal.
Mark Andrews and him are versatile. Great for new offense
Has anyone heard what is going on with Dimon? First they said on OUI that he would return, now, the door’s open for him to return.
I heard Tito Windham has also been playing well, is that true? He has really good speed and a quick stop and go twitch
Yes heard his named mentioned
…..an LT insight…..”Start the QB that has the most tattoos”
This is recurring problem we keep losing good player’s and it hurt’s are depthif matt dimon,and Keith Ford don’t return these are major losses.what happens if ford doesn’t return and joe mixon ,or perine get hurt it seriously hurt’s are depth it seem’s a lot of people on this site are ignoring this.
No, just ignoring you.
You know the sad thing is this is Easter week and you still have all that hatred pent up in you may are lord Jesus Christ will forgive you if you ask I have already forgiven you god bless you eas tex.
At my church we witness with good deeds, not with big mouths.
This is a sports board. Please keep your comments to yourself.
You must go to a liberal church because it’s the blood of Jesus Christ and not good works that saves that is in the Scriptures good works is the lie of Satan and the freemasons who do his bidding.
…..allahu akbar
Sooner76 wasn’t talking about justification before God but about being a witness before people.
I do share my faith with people because we are taught to go to all the nations and preach the gospel god bless all of you who do this.
He listens to his internal monologue then types it and believes it is brilliant. Why I don’t know.
Like it. St Francis of Assisi said, “Go preach the gospel, and if you must, use words.”
You assume much and know little, that is what I despise about you the most.
Your opinions are bizarre and uninformed, your spelling and punctuation are deplorable. If you want me to love you then go away.
Yes but Jesus taught us to love those that despised us no eas tex I am not ashamed of the name of Jesus and i won’t just go away but i still forgive you my future friend.
You and I will never be friends and I thank the Good Lord I never had such a goof as you for a ‘Battle Buddy.’ You are nuttier than squirrel poop.
Oh God…this Jesus Christ stuff. Please….like the myth of a good Trevor Knight it’s just not real and doesn’t belong here. As a worshiper of Zues who converted from the Norse God’s and Thor I find the talk of the christian God offensive.
He pulled out the Jesus card lol
He always does…always.
What’s with that guy? 🙂
Can’t stand it when ppl try to stoke fear thru the devine…I usually just tell them to go pray then…I’ll handle myself
He’s implying he is holier than thou, he doesn’t know me and never will because I won’t discuss my religious/spiritual beliefs on TFB and I certainly won’t use Jesus to hide behind.
I have never said i was better than anyone else i am a sinner but i love the lord eas tex and i am not a shamed and i will not hate anybody or wish ill will towards anybody.
You act as if you are holier than thou.
Since you claim to have your soul in good order, you have time to work on your sentence structure, spelling, grammar and cogent thought.
When we become friend’s you can give me some pointers god bless you eas tex.
So you will continue to annoy people here with your barely literate alarmist bovine exrement?
Fine, expect the same treatment you’ve been getting.
Yeah but jesus said he return and when he did the world would be in chaos look at what is going on in the middle east Saudi Arabia and the Arab nations are about to invade yemen to stop Iran very prophetic what’s going on.
This is TFB, try and remember.
Every team has attrition. TCU lost quite a few players b4 last season started and they were ok. Alabama lost some players already this year, Michigan has already lost like 2 Olinemen.
Its foootball. ppl come and ppl go, no need to get upset over it.
This is true but Keith Ford,and matt dimon are two of are best player’s not just scout players that’s the difference .
It’s “our” not “are.”
It’s not certain that Dimon is gone. Latest report is that he’ll return in the summer.
Let’s hope so he is one of our best defensive lineman.
If Ford leaves, Perine gets hurt, AND Mixon gets hurt, we’ll still have Ross (whom I think Riley will use better than JH) and Anderson, who by all accounts is also a stud. Even if Ford leaves, RB will still have better depth than most of the other position groups.
I thought the talk about Ford leaving was put to rest earlier this week? Has there been a new development?
Just continues to be rumors he is leaving.
Good to read about Meier. I was impressed with him at Tulsa Union and was hoping he stepped up his game in his freshman redshirt year.
Soonersports has a live wire on Coach Simmons.
Thanks, EasTex. How are things, my friend?
I do good, thanks for asking.
And how do you do?
Tough being on the road with younguns back at the house, hang in there.
“There was only man who walked this earth that was perfect….And I dang sure wasn’t him.”
(1) I like this guy. (2) And Dallis Todd looks legit.
I like his calm and thorough approach.
Todd and a few others looked good running routes, wish we could see a whole lot more of them.
Good stuff!
Yessir, just too danged short.
That was sweet, but too short. Was #19 Mark Andrews? If so, he looks very athletic. Anyway, thanx for posting.
I think 19 is Dallis Todd. Mark Andrews is 81 per the guide roster.
Oh – alrighteee then! Dallis it is. Kid looked fluid running a fade into the corner of the end zone. Thanks!
Thanks, TFB! I landed about an hour ago and drove to Joplin. Just checked into my room, connect to Wi-Fi, log into TFB and there’s an Open Post. You guys rock.
Where the dawgs at?
You da man, EasTex.
Few thoughts: Were any of Knight’s int’s tipped? 3 out of 4 ain’t bad Mayfield. It’s good to hear the TE’s were even thrown at. Can’t wait till this season starts, I’m not sure the spring game is going to help my nervousness. Keep praying for limited injuries
Would be interesting to know if they were lined up as tight ends or split out.
Yeah, good point. I understand that they flex Mark like Tech did with Amaro but with Carson, they keep him inline. Could be wrong. It just what I read.
Take out msu for OU and my final 4 is on point… 🙁
nm I think I picked zona over wisc
Wow, alot of back and forth ball busting from posters re: Knight & Mayfield. I love the passion and am happy that we have a QB battle. It’ll work itself out. So excited to finally see Joe play.
Happy about a QB battle as well. It will only bring out the best in each of them. Even happier about reports that LR’s system is easily understood and executed. That should eliminate many, if not all, of the delays we saw with JH.
Heard Knight’s 2 INTs were not bad which is why Brandon alluded to him having a good day. Was told he and Baker both looked very good and in control and well ahead of the other 2. Was told that one of Knight’s picks was on a Trick Play on what the O though should have been a PI and the other was in the red zone on a good ball that was on the WR. He also threw for 2 TDs with a long TD to Andrews. The other long TD to Andrews was from Mayfield I heard who had a very good day. Also, no worries about the RBs…was a glorified touch football game in which there was no opportunity for them to shine. Mixon and Perine though are going to make this offense special and a lot more balanced than many probably think.
Thanks for the details BoomSoon!
Appreciate the clarification on the ints. More good ‘inside’. The opening lines, TK had 2 of the 4, but looked good….I’m flashing back to times he ‘looked good’ last year but it was a pick 6 that ended up being the spike through the heart. The O cannot give ints, esp, for TDs and win in tough games. Also made me think “is the competition at QB really open”? With the new coaches, I hope EVERY POSITION is wide open and if last years’ starters are sitting, so be it.
heard this as well from someone there. Heard Trevor has picked up the offense really well but that Baker was ahead (expected) but that his athleticism now that he is up to 221 and still ran a 4.52 made him a weapon. Hopefully the weight gain helps his durability. That puts Knight as heavy as most all the backs except Perine.
I am pulling for Trevor, if he is able to overcome last seasons miserable finish and shake off the INTs(he had 2 in the scrimmage) OU fans will be very forgiving. He has a lot of character and I would love to see him lead the team to what they expected last season. Then have a monster SR season in ’16 and lead OU to the NC…not saying he can’t next season either 🙂
Thanks TFB and fellow followers for the information. It will be more instructive when the scrimmage is full-contact. I still worry about OUr DBs and consequently worry when our QBs throw interceptions to them. With no QB contact ever in practice, their poor passes should be very low so passing accuracy will be at an acceptable level in games.
What a great way to start the day! A cup of black coffee and a dose of vitamin TFB!
LOL great comment!
I could care less about huddle presence…I care about results. 2 picks by TK indicates he’s still not the guy you want under center. It certainly offsets his “field presence”.
The best players should play and it sounds like Mayfield is the best.
I couldn’t of said it better 2 picks is not the way you want to lead. No turnovers is most def. not idea, that has been the issue inconsistent play with TK, and sounds like he is still inconsistent maybe why we heard so many good things about our D last year they where playing against TK, I mean IMO!!!
2 picks, that the Knight we know and love
If Knight was putting the ball up and expecting a receiver to make a play on it, I can accept that pick. If the ball was tipped and picked, I can accept that. Not sure why this seems to be such a huge deal, especially after Brandon says he looked good…
I talked to two people there and they WERE not like against TCU, KSU, and Clemson.