Oklahoma held their first spring practice today. Since it was a first practice there isn’t a ton to report but there were a few general notes to pass along that some of you may find interesting.
– In general I was told that considering all the new faces this was on of their better first practices in a while.
– There is a major focus on accountability in practice. Coaches are pushing the players harder but it sounds like it’s less yelling and more trying to make sure that each player understands what they are supposed to be doing and feel a strong sense of how important it is to be accountable to their teammates and coaches.
– Related to the above note, I was told that coach Mike Stoops has calmed down significantly. I was told that instead of shouting, it’s more about questioning the players and holding them accountable for their responsibilities. To me this was the highlight of the notes I received. I truly believe that Mike has something significant to bring to this team if he will allow the best parts of his coaching ability to shine.
– I asked about rotations and was told that it’s just too early to tell right now, “there is way too much rotating” this early.
– Also, told it was too early to really point to any stand outs. Was told that they’ve “got some athletes but too early to tell how it will translate to field production”.
– Was also told that coach Bob Stoops is involved with every position group. We aren’t just talking about him walking by and checking on things. I was told that he is actually hands on getting involved. I’ll have more on this on Monday as a general topic that I think y’all will really like.
Again, sorry it’s not much but I felt that was at least one or two little notes in there that I felt were worth mentioning. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the update. Any crumb is better than none
No prob bud. I felt the same when I received them. Rather hear something than nothing at all
Thanks for the update K. I hope Mikes new and improved calm state lasts more than just practice #1
Hahaha…I think there is no doubt that despite the warranted skepticism things are changing inside the program and coach Bob Stoops is leading that change. I know a lot of folks don’t want to believe me but I have been told by trustworthy sources just how real things got for coach Stoops this offseason.
Music to my ears. Team talent goes a long way but IMO not any more important than team attitude.
“just how real”? Care to elaborate? I know what that means to me, but it may not mean what I think it means. Great to hear that maybe Mike is being more reserved; time will tell though….
Anytime Bob has to fire somebody or move them into administration then it “got real”..His staff is like family to him..He’s known Jay since college days and JH was his most important player to bring in when he first got here and has been with either him or Mike since then…BJW has been here since the beginning as well…It got pretty freakin “real” if you ask me…I’m sure the Hueple fire was especially difficult with Boren being family and all
……..’real’ could also mean the ‘the deep pockets’ got his attention
Whatever the reason…it happened none the less
One thing is for sure……it’s gotta be beneficial for his blood pressure.
Lead from the front, but be the last to eat = leadership. Bob’s been the first on both for years now. Hope this change sticks.
Thanks for this practice note and for all the outstanding work you do, K.
Words are inadequate in expressing how much you are appreciated.
Too kind Tex!
SK, I need to also add how much you and the team are appreciated.
Thank you.
This ^
Love this. I know it can really hard to get notes on practice so, we appreciate anything we get. Again thanks.
Great day on TFB! Thanks guys for all your hard work!!
Good to hear Mike is taking a different approach with the players. I felt like he lost his defense last year and there seems to be evidence to support that. Hope he can mend fences and get buy in from his defense and keep himself under control. Players won’t play for you if they’re not inspired to do so and don’t respect you.
As I’ve repeatedly stated here, they did NOT have the players to play press last year.
When they tried it, they got beat deep.
What part of that don’t you understand?
No need to apologize. Every tidbit is a morsel of gold and much appreciated. Really like the new approach. Agree about Mike. He has much to offer. Perhaps it’s too soon to make any predictions, but if this attitude is sustained, I see Sooner Magic in the offing come the fall.
Always a great day to be a Sooner!!
Honestly, this attitude is so welcome around here. We’ve all been a little run down from this past season but it’s nice to have a little positivity 🙂
Now I know what it feels like to be chopped liver.
Exactly! You and I can both name quite a few positive folks!
Guess Bob needed that surgery because he knew he would be working his ass off in practice.
LAWL. If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.
Can’t wait to see this WR battle.
I’m ready to see improvement from this position as well. I have always believed that the talent is there, just not coached up right or motivated correctly. I’m also excited about the early word on Coach Reynolds. I truly feel as though he will bring out the best in our D-Line from a technique standpoint. Can’t beat all of that NFL experience.
It was a great report… any spring practice update that doesn’t include major injury news is a great report.
K if you can get some backer weights it would be awesome…Jordan looks like he’s gained some good weight…what are Tay and Bolton up too
Looking forward to the Bob Stoops post Monday. Can’t see anything but positives in him getting involved in every facet of the team!
Can’t wait to see the drills for the DB’s. And the best news above is Mike Stoops, yelling is part of the game I get that, you gotta get chewed out sometimes but when it gets to the point that a senior is willing to fight with you on Gameday ( and I know there are other instances with Mike) it’s an issue that pushes your players away. Great post no matter the length!
I didn’t think Mike was a bad db coach…I think the probs were actually “the call”…I might be wrong but it seems like during the Julian and Mike deal Bob actually was there and signaling the side of his head like a signal was sent in but maybe I’m remember that wrong…either way playing deep in the first place was a bad idea…here and there maybe but everybody knew our guys were gonna be backed off and Briles took complete advantage of it
Thomas playing off on this play :
Saw that too…
No disrespect but in all the times I’ve been to Spring practices, more then let’s say a half a dozen Coach Mike very seldom yells. Coach Mike is pretty calm during Spring Ball. Especially during individual. During team he’s a little More animated but I can name you four coaches on OUs staff who yells more then Mike other then the new guys obviously. And unless Coach Stoops has specifically told Coach Mike to tone it down on the sidline I’m not sure we will see all that much difference in Mikes sideline personality.
I personally don’t think someone is going to or should change their coaching style after 20+ years.. that’s who he is & he should continue to be himself, nobody complains about yelling when you’re winning.. Everyone complains about everything when you’re not.. Kids can spot a fake a mile away, just be who you are…
Well said JP. Very well said. You can’t be what you ain’t. Kids would rather compete for a guy who is screamer then a liar.
I’m at peace with everything they’re doing. This is going to be a fun season to watch.