Sooners CB Zack Sanchez Declares For NFL Draft

Image via Tulsa World

Seems like it has been talked about for the better part of two years almost, but Oklahoma CB Zack Sanchez ended any speculation Friday afternoon when he announced that he would be foregoing his senior season and entering into the 2016 NFL Draft.

Often a risk taker, Sanchez had one of the more productive careers for an OU defensive back in program history. He leaves the program near the top of the list in career interceptions and has been a fixture of the defensive backfield for quite some time.

He will not be easy to replace among an OU defense that is losing a number of other key senior contributors. But best of luck to Sanchez at the next level.


  • Jordan Esco says:

    I left my personal feelings out of the post for what I think are obvious reasons. That said, this makes almost no sense to me. I mean I get it from his standpoint of your NFL clock only ticks for so long, but I will not be at all surprised if he goes undrafted.

    Would love for nothing more to be wrong and he has a long, productive, and lucrative NFL career. I want that to be perfectly clear.

    And granted, not much may have changed were he to come back so again, there’s the argument for this decision, I suppose.

    Regardless, it’s his decision, not mine. I wish him nothing but the best.

    • curt gomer says:

      Good instincts but struggled vs elite receivers with size. Probably a backup CB at best in NFL. Doubt that would change after another year at OU. All the best.

      • akryan says:

        Well, you can have a pretty nice career with a really nice salary as a backup CB. A kid from my HS has been a backup CB and a ST contributor for about 10 years now. Is he a star? No. Has he made a pretty nice chunk of money and avoided horrible injuries? Yes. Sanchez probably wasn’t going to improve his draft stock much by staying around another year. Most likely he’s about as big and as fast as he’s going to get. How much more technique was he really going to pick up from another year of college football? Not much I’d guess. One more year at OU would just be one more year to risk an injury and one less year of getting a paycheck. The only reasons I can see why he’d stay is if he hasn’t graduated yet and/or if he wants to go for a national championship.

    • Lincoln Hawk says:

      Did he graduate? If so I understand, if not he probably should’ve stayed to get his diploma in case the NFL didn’t work out.

    • Mike says:

      Agreed. I don’t see him getting drafted. His game still has a lot of polishing left.

      • Oscar says:

        Wish him the best, and hope he excels further than we expect, but his leg and body strength, core strength, seems under-developed. Excellent straight away speed and good leaping ability, but lacks lower body power to quickly shift, change body direction, and power into tackles. We wish you Zach, a long and happy life.

      • D Hunter Sanchez says:

        Well me too. But 8th will get him drafted.

    • ND52 says:

      FWIW, this is Mel Kiper’s list of top 10 draft-eligible CBs:

      • Indy_sooner says:

        That’s a good list. I think he’ll prove many wrong and get drafted. I say third round.

    • soonermusic says:

      I agree. and I’m one of the ones that thinks Sanchez was underrated by most fans. I thought he was a terrific corner, who made many, many key plays, both visible and unnoticed. That said, other than possible concern about injury, there’s no reason I can see that he wouldn’t be even better and more desirable with another season under his belt.

  • Martin says:

    Apparently, he learned nothing from Tony Jefferson’s departure. If he thinks he is ready to leave, then I hope he makes it big in the NFL.

    • Zack says:

      I know TJ mentioned regretting that decision about a year ago but I bet if you asked him now his answer would be a little different. At best TJ would have been a second round pick if he stayed. I’m not sure what the difference in money is and all that but I do know TJ is closer to free agency than 1st round picks are so he’s closer to a new deal where I expect him to get a pretty nice deal.

      • Mike says:

        TJ left a TON of money on the table. If he was picked at 3.1 in the 2014 draft after staying a year (not unreasonable) he would have received a $3.1 million contract. To date he’s made $1.5 million. That’s a huge difference.

        • Zack says:

          But that’s best case scenario. He was undrafted so it’s hard to imagine best case scenario. Also he only was afforded a 3 year offer where drafted players are locked in to a 4 year deal. So my point was that he is one year closer to free agency.

          • SoonerSpock says:

            That is the reason potential draftees get assessments from the NFL and then discuss their options with Bob and staff. As fans we are excluded from those discussion and are only guessing on what Sanchez’s options really are.

            Sometimes those assessment do not turn out to be correct but at least with the information there is a better chance of making an informed decision. But the decision is still the players and we as fans should not be second guessing that decision since we do not have enough info to make an informed decision.

        • Kelsta says:

          You don’t know that. He also might have got hurt. He may not have been a good fit on the team that drafted him in 2014. He may not be looking towards a nice new contract in free agency.

          Listen, I’m not saying anyone’s decision is good or bad. But I am saying that the decisions are subjective to the person making the decision. And we can play the “hindsight” game all day but the truth is there’s no way to know for sure if these decisions are good or bad because we can only guess what ‘might’ have happened.

      • SoonerSpock says:

        Looking at the Sooners in the 2015 NFL draft Blake Bell was drafted in the 4th round his 4 year contract was for $2,785,132 with $505,132 guaranteed. Aaron Ripkowski was drafted in the 6th round his 4 year contract was for $2,386,396 with $106,396 guaranteed. Julian Wilson was a free agent. His 4 year contract was for $1,584,000 with $9,000 guaranteed. Average annual salary is the contract amount divided by 4.

        Also rounds 1 and 2 have multiple year guarantees that are greater than just the guaranteed signing bonus. Rounds 3 and later generally are only guaranteed for only the signing bonus. Hence not coming out your junior may give you shot a becoming a second or first round choice it is very financially significant to stay in school as it could result in a $200,000 to $1,000,000+ increase in your guarantee.

        Even staying and moving up from a free agent is worth $337K more salary and a $97,000 dollar larger signing bonus.

        • Zack says:

          Undrafted to 2nd round is hard to picture. Having one less year on his deal allows him earlier opportunity to enter free agency which is a big deal.

        • Zack says:

          Mike mentioned TJ has made 1.5 million which I think this is the last year of his deal. Say he signs a 4 year $12 million deal this off season. He will have made 4.5 million in his first 4 years compared to BB who you mentioned is 2.8 through 4 years.

          I’m just saying once he signs a new deal this off season, I don’t know that he’s going to regret his decision to leave early as much as he was saying so last year. He’s also on a team contending for a super bowl this year so naturally those players are going to be sought after if the cardinals do win the super bowl.

          • Indy_sooner says:

            TJ will make way more than that IMO. Dude was solid all year -very impressed

          • Zack says:

            I was being conservative on the number for a reason. He probably sees close to double that amount but hitting free agency a year early will help him in the long run financially. And that’s why I don’t think he regrets the journey as much now and shouldn’t going forward.

  • Chris White says:

    Bring on Dakota Austin! Gets a full offseason to work with the ones and a starter mindset!

    • Boomer4life says:

      I like Austin! He did a great job when Sanchez was out this year. He needs to get those noodle arms in the weight room in the off season though.

    • Brad Warren says:

      That will be Mbanasors job.

      • Boomer4life says:

        I don’t think so. You do know he was Sanchez’s backup right?

        • Brad Warren says:

          Mbanasor will start next year at CB opposite Jordan Thomas. End of story.

          • Boomer4life says:

            Lol…ok. how much do you charge to use that Crystal ball of yours?

          • Brad Warren says:

            It’s free as it’s common sense. I’m not trying to argue with you. Just stating a fact. Obviously you’ll see next year when we line up in week 1 that I know what I’m talking about.

          • Zack says:

            I don’t know that it will be mbanasor. If i had to guess right now I would say Dakota Austin will get the first chance. And mbanasor will likely be Johnson’s backup at nickel.

          • Brad Warren says:

            We shall see. Mbanasor is a CB.

          • Zack says:

            So is Johnson. And PJ did not get very many reps this season so it will be interesting to see how much he improves from that Tulsa game.

          • Brad Warren says:

            I know Johnson is our nickel guy, who replaced Byrd. Mbanasor will be starting CB opposite Thomas. Tired of talking about it. I’m right. Just wait and see. I mean my real identity is my profile, so wanna wager a pizza?

          • Zack says:

            On whether mbanasor is the starting corner opposite Thomas against Houston next year?

          • Brad Warren says:

            You’re saying Austin, I’m taking PJ. I lg pizza. Just Facebook me. I’ll pay if I lose. I’m in okc. Boomer!

          • Boomer4life says:

            Scratching my head….does your crystal ball say why the coaches put in Austin all the games? Was Mbanasor on vacation at the time…?

          • Brad Warren says:

            Well Boomer4life, with that handle one would assume you know a little about football. Mbanasor is a true freshman. He wasn’t quite ready. That’s why Austin played in Sanchez’ absence. PJ will develop and be ready to start/contribute next season. I mean he chose between us and Ohio St. He’s a stud. Is the crystal ball thing your attempt at humor? Pretty tired.

          • Boomer4life says:

            Well Brad Warren, you are just assuming. And you might be right. Mbanasor’s start against Tulsa was a little less than spectacular, lending to the fact he will need a little more development. It is however a (fact) that Austin backed up Sanchez and did the job well. But what do I know about football? Maybe just the facts.

          • Brad Warren says:

            You’re right. Austin will be our starting CB. Feel better?

          • Boomer4life says:


          • Brad Warren says:

            Awesome! Lol. I’ll be able to sleep. In all seriousness, I hope you know this is all in good fun. I could care less who starts at CB as long as it’s the best option available. Boomer!

          • Boomer4life says:

            Same here Sooner!

      • bigrackhunter says:

        He has all the makings of a shut down cb just got keep his head on a swivel.

  • Indy_sooner says:

    Best of luck to the young man. I don’t think he’d really benefit from an extra year to work on his game but I also don’t know how string the DB class is either…

  • Sooner Ray says:

    Loved his college play and wish he would have stayed, he is what he is and another year doesn’t necessarily mean more money for him. Not expecting to see him start on Sunday’s but wish him all the best.

  • albsooner says:

    We don’t walk in his shoes and cannot begin to understand what goes into his decision.

    Thanks Zach for the great efforts and memories! You had some amazing INT’s and loved your spirit.

  • Zack says:

    I get it for Sanchez. I’ve been a big fan of his so it sucks that he’s leaving with eligibility on the table but he came in with shep and striker so he feels like this is his time to go as well and I don’t think staying would increase his stock as much as it could hurt. And I really believe it’s the whole time ticking thing because if he plays another year he will be almost 24 before the possible NFL game and that’s old compared to some kids being 20 or 21 in the draft.

  • SoonerfanTU says:

    I don’t see how next year’s D cannot take a step back. Losing Striker alone almost guarantees that. Tapper. Sanchez. Bond. Those might have been the 4 biggest “play makers” on the D this year.

    • albsooner says:

      Agreed. A lot of question marks. I hope we have some serious talent on the bench ready to contribute.

    • OU ON MY MIND says:

      Sanchez isn’t a big loss at all. Losing the Striker and Bond combo will hurt. Tapper was good, but we have guys waiting in line on the DL.

  • Brad Warren says:

    All the best to Zack. Played his tail off for us and I’m thankful. Boomer!

  • hOUligan says:

    Very well said, Zack. IMHO, he could use another year improving his game and showing consistency to nil teams. Wonder what Bob has told him. Wish him the best. Boomer, Zack!! Thanks.

  • Ed Cotter says:

    Warmest Regards Zack, and thanks for putting it on the line every week and giving us some great memories. Boomer!

  • Josh says:

    I feel like my uncle died… like not a favorite uncle but one that you’ll miss you know. Not just because of this decision but because of the game too… I know we didn’t expect this season but to have it end like it did really makes me want to throw up and kill a ref. I need to vent and possibly cry and I’m hoping we’re all in the trust tree. I need to go get really drunk with some of my Sooner fam!

    • Boom says:

      where & when?

      • Josh says:

        Norman, Spring game… gotta go see my son Kyler. I think we need to organize a tfb spring game get together! Who’s coming with me?

        • Boom says:

          good call. I’m in as I think it would be a hoot. tailgate with a TFB tent and then game.

          • Josh says:

            This sounds like a plan that needs to happen! Would be great to put faces to the names. I’m making this happen and I’m not just saying that because I started drinking again because my hangover was going to kill me.

          • Boom says:

            I will help with arrangements, food, and whatever else.

          • Josh says:

            No kidding I think that would be a really cool idea. Tfb tailgate at the spring game. I’m gonna get k on board and even Esco can’t be negative at the spring game lol.

          • Boom says:

            Esco? Sure, he will get his feathers ruffled but with the gang and a beverage, I’m sure he will be just fine. I will help too and could exchange emails with you through K and we can coordinate.

          • Josh says:

            I’m just glad you’re still on the board. Thought you were bouncing. We need good folks like you on here.

          • Boom says:

            If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t come back on. The regs were always good but some others, I will leave it at that. For this, I will bust my butt as I think it would be fun but more importantly, it would put TFB right in the middle of OU media. I could reach out to some buds and get some tents made with TFB but will need to get permission from K & gang. Great site so we need to support as it will only get better. You and I could really make this big and TFB crew could sell T-shirts etc.

          • Josh says:

            100% agree and on board!

          • Boom says:

            K has my email if you ask as I told him it was ok to pass along to you.

          • hOUligan says:

            Am sure a good number would show if this gets set. Spring game good. Another possibility would be the Kansas game Oct 29. Likely a good number of tickets available for that one. Would be a chance for some of us traveling from a distance to actually see a game, again, while connecting with the TFB family. Just a thought.

          • D Hunter Sanchez says:

            Great idea.

          • hOUligan says:

            If we could get some of the guys that live in the immediate area to set up a pickup w/ a cooler and a grill, I’ll pitch in for a case and some wieners!!! Would love to make this happen.

    • hOUligan says:

      Pour yourself another and let it all out, big guy. And we should be able to do that as a ‘Sooner fam’. Circle of trust.

    • Wilson says:

      Count me in…I’m a Spring game regular…

  • hemisooner says:

    Good luck to him. Had a good career and I hope he gets his degree.

  • Rick says:

    He will have to tackle a lot better to play at the next level.

  • EasTex says:

    Good luck, Zack.
    Thanks for so many wonderful memories.

  • rainydaze114 says:

    I’ll be curious to see the starting defense next season. Lots of key players not returning.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      Replacing Striker and his back up Bond, Tap, and Sanchez right? Striker’s position: No idea…Tap well DJ Ward, but is there someone who is more dominant? and Sanchez will be replaced by Dakota Austin.

      • bigrackhunter says:

        Obo and Deberry at jack backer, Lampkin, Roberts, or Ward for Tapper spot, and PJ manning half the field and showing us why he was one of the cb in the nation.

  • OU ON MY MIND says:

    Not a huge loss. Hope the kid does well in the draft.

  • paganpink says:

    I think he would help himself with another year at OU as well as the team. But it is his decision to make and only his. Best of luck.

  • Chris White says:

    Let’s move him and Bobby Evans to guard and put Alvarez at center. There would be zero penetration

  • bigrackhunter says:

    He was a ball hawk and a big risk/reward type player that’s been apart of some huge wins. With that being said an extra year could improve his jump ball skills and being a more consistent cb.

  • Jesse says:


  • Tucker says:

    Very happy for Zack. Good luck to you and thank you for all the memories.

  • Jack Durrett II says:

    I doubt he makes it but good luck. I dont think it will take the pros long to see that he cant cover further than about 20 yards downfield and cant cover anybody who has any kind of a move. He’s great at about 15 yards in.

    • Maverick says:

      Great analysis Jack. Now take your negative bs somewhere else. Jesus. Just wish him well and move on. No one asked your opinion. /endrant

      • OU23 says:

        What we learned from this post: 1. You must say something positive (as determined by that guy); 2. We have to “wish [Sanchez] well and move on” or you ll have to deal with the ire of Maverick or some of the other condescending, sunshine-pumpers on this site. 3. You must first be asked your opinion before you can comment. Good lord, get a fucking grip. You and these other “positive-only shouters” are too sensitive. The real world is full of diverse opinions, some positive and some negative, and that s okay. Sanchez doesn’t need you to save him; OU staff has prepared him to deal with the criticism that comes with being a public figure. By the way, I wish Sanchez all the best and think he was a great teammate.

        • Maverick says:

          I guess you’ve never heard of the whole “there’s a time and place for everything” thing huh?

          It’s a free country, say what you want. I’m not “positive only” or a “sunshine pumper”. Go read my post history.

          In my opinion, it’s not the appropriate time or place to bitch about a player who has just got done thanking fans.

          • CT2 says:

            Who makes you boss bro?

          • Maverick says:

            Who said I was boss? I gave my opinion just like he gave his. Bro.

          • OU23 says:

            Nah, nice try. Some other poster criticized Sanchez to which you replied “take your negative bs somewhere else, “just wish him well and move on,” and the typical “nobody asked your opinion.” Sanchez isn’t losing any sleep over Internet comments and that type of comment shouldn’t turn you into the Board s tyrant.

          • Maverick says:

            Lol, tyrant huh? Now who needs to get a grip?

          • OU23 says:

            You, still.

          • hemisooner says:

            Not bad for a 3 star. He is right up there as one of the best CB in the Stoops era.

  • Maverick says:

    Comment section showing its ass on this thread. Some of you are just flat stupid. Not other word for it. This kid exceeded expectations and played very hard for us. He was also one of the better corners Stoops had at playing the ball and getting interceptions.

    But please let’s hear more negativity from “fans”.

    • bigrackhunter says:

      Agree he’s had his ups and downs but where would we be without him? The big pick in the sugar bowl setting up shepherds end around td and the game sealing int in Knoxville. Dude has earned his stripes to chase millions.

    • CT2 says:

      he isn’t an NFL corner. Period.

      • bigrackhunter says:

        Time will tell, but he’s a Oklahoma Sooner corner let’s not forget that.

        • CT2 says:

          Yes never forget that. We will see, I don’t think he has the size to play.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            He will play on Sundays not saying he will dominate or be a corner stone to a defence but there’s a place for play makers.

          • CT2 says:

            Don’t think he has the tackling skills to play. He can read QB’s but his tackling in open space isn’t good.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            He can struggle at times but that’s where you practice and get better and never stop improving. I will take a playmaker over a cb with stone hands and a little better tackling ability any day. I like game changers and so does gms and coaches.

          • CT2 says:

            That’s why him coming back would be best but I think he needs the money to support his family.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            One thing we can agree on..

      • Maverick says:

        And I doubt you’re an NFL GM. Period.

        • CT2 says:

          So someone has to be an NFL GM to evaluate talent? Nah. Just watch the corners, he doesn’t come close at 5’10” 170lbs. It’s just facts.

          • Maverick says:

            Cause there has never been a 5’10 170 lb NFL corner? You don’t have to be a GM to evaluate talent, but someone making the argument that he is too small is just ignorant. It’s a fact.

          • CT2 says:

            Only thing he is good at is reading the qb’s. That’s it. Dude can’t tackle and is lazy. Watch games, last night he was pathetic.

          • Indy_sooner says:

            He struggles to tackle-yes but lazy? You’re talking out of your ass, man. He was in a position to make plays the whole night. Yes, he was beaten many times but he did not take plays off. You may be bitter, but quit bashing the kid out of spite. No idea what personal vendetta you have with ZS15

          • CT2 says:

            Being in position to make plays and making them are two different things.

          • Clint Lenard says:

            Average height of an NFL CB is 5′ 11″, 190. I have no doubt he will be able to pack on 15 pounds of muscle by Pro Day, and I highly doubt they’re listing him as 5′ 11″ to fool other teams, but there’s plenty of morons who believe this.

          • Bill Holder says:

            If he can pack on 15 lbs of muscle before pro day, why didn’t he do that here? He could have really used it this year. He was a decent player during his career. A great one if you take out the plays where he got beat on the stop and go. High risk high reward type of guy. I’m not bashing him in any way, just didn’t like his game. He was a great Sooner and great team player. Good luck to him.

          • Clint Lenard says:

            They play fast paced offenses all year long and their focus during off-season workouts is cardio, not “bulk”. With a few months of solid nutrition and strength training he can add 5-8 pounds of muscle per month, while maintaining speed and athleticism.

            There’s less creative ways, of course…and most of these guys take that route/risk.

          • Bill Holder says:


        • CT2 says:

          There were many people that think his backup should’ve kept starting when Sanchez went down and came back if that tells you anything. Also, he wasn’t even ou’s best corner. Thomas is.

    • Indy_sooner says:

      I will never forget the surprise feeling when he started opposite Colvin and made some QB pay on day one.

    • Christian Reese says:

      Gotta agree with CT2 on this one. He takes big risks which sometimes translate into great interceptions, but often also translate into being burned for big plays. Not necessarily a great cover corner that’s going to lock down an opposing WR. I absolutely wish him the best and hope that he does well, but his INT numbers don’t automatically translate into playing well at the next level.

      I also have no idea what you consider a “fan”, but I can’t imagine it has any validity.

  • Rick says:

    I would think he probably got some kind of idea where his draft status would be after being named to all the All American lists that he was added to. I would also think with his integrity he probably let the coaches know in advance that he wasn’t going to announce anything until the season for the team was over, so that they could recruit to fill the vacancy. He is a ball hawk, he’s not a great tackler, but he has helped turn a lot of games around for us over the years. I will never forget his pick in the Sugar Bowl, I wish him well.

    • Bob Edwards says:

      My understanding there is a process for them to find out their likely draft position. I can see an athlete getting feedback that has mid round draft status but the main comments are “too short” or “too light” going ahead and declaring. It’s not like he is going to grow six inches or put on 30 lbs of good weight in a year at this stage.

      • Dick Bump says:

        I seem to recall one of the talking heads to say the draft feedback projects if they are likely to be taken in the first two rounds. Other than that, there’s not much feedback.

      • Rick says:

        After a little digging I found a Pro prospect site that had Zack listed at #10 national prospects for all CB’s. It was only one site, and probably the opinion of the author.

  • Bob Edwards says:

    Good luck Zack. All true Sooner fans wish you well.

    • CT2 says:

      I think all sooner fans wish him well. But some sooner fans don’t agree.

    • OU23 says:

      Yeah im sure most sooner fans him wish him well and are rooting for him to do well. He s one hell of a leader and teammate but a little too much risk in that reward in my view. But the old head, condescending posters on here cannot handle anyone with an opposing opinion. They demand you leave if you disagree with them.

    • OU23 says:

      Yeah im sure most sooner fans him wish him well and are rooting for him to do well. He s one hell of a leader and teammate but a little too much risk in that reward in my view. But the old head, condescending posters on here cannot handle anyone with an opposing opinion. They demand you leave if you disagree with them.

  • DCinAZ says:

    No surprise here. Hope he does well! Good luck Zack!

  • Walter Sobcek says:

    He’s a ball hawk, and that’s alway sought after in the NFL. If he continues to get stronger in the weight room, and hone his technique, I think he’ll make it. He was a great Sooner.

  • ComancheJoe says:

    Negative fan reaction to Sanchez leaving just boggles my mind. The dude is an All American for the University of Oklahoma! It is clearly not just “sunshine pumpers” that think he is a pretty good football player. Now, if I were really of the mindset that Zack is a terrible player and liability to Oklahoma’s defense, the last thing I would want him to do is come back for his last year of eligibility! Instead I thank him for his hard work and representation of Oklahoma football. Good luck to him!

    • Maverick says:

      Exactly this. His NFL potential is irrelevant. He was a great Sooner and clearly cares about the program. Bashing him right now is completely unnecessary.

      • bigrackhunter says:

        How many 4 star cbs have we seen come thru over the years and never came close to having the type of impact he had in just one season?

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    • OU23 says:

      This is laughable, both you and the other dufus. The term “sunshine pumpers” was used to describe the condescending posters who shout down anyone who dare say anything they deem as not positive. Your buddy, Dufus #1, demanded positivity, demanded everyone wish Sanchez well, and demanded that we leave if we say otherwise. The group think and the lack of tolerance for other opinions is embarrassing. Sanchez was a great Sooner and teammate and had his moments. In my opinion, he will struggle in the NFL.

      • CT2 says:

        BOOM. Thank you.

      • Maverick says:

        Another person with reading comprehension problems.

        I, Dufus #1, never demanded anything. I welcome your opinions and defend the right to disagree with them.

        Some people are just angry and glass half empty. Negative comments on threads like this do not facilitate the type of environment that TFB have tried to build.

        • OU23 says:

          You never demanded anything? In response to another poster, you said: “[g]reat analysis Jack. Now take your negative bs somewhere else. Jesus. Just wish him well and move on. No one asked your opinion.” A demand is defined as an “insistent request, as if made by right.” By any measure, you were demanding, and certainly not welcoming to that guy.

          I don’t mean to pick on you; it’s just that there are a lot of self-righteous assholes on this board who try to shout down anyone with whom they disagree. It’s the old, tired “you’re not a fan if you’re being negative.”

          Lastly, all I’ve said is that he was really great at times, an awesome person, but overall a huge risk/reward guy. And, that I think he’ll struggle in the NFL against bigger receivers.

          If that doesn’t fit your BS, subjective mold of a positive comment, go pound sand.

          • Daddy R says:

          • Daddy R says:


          • Daddy R says:


          • OU23 says:

            Arguments are okay… This board should be more tolerant of opposing viewpoints. Too much group think.

          • Maverick says:

            Lol, I’m over it. Agree to disagree. You’re not picking on me, or even describing me. If you wanna be a keyboard warrior, knock yourself out. It was my mistake to try to reason with message board people. Every once in a while I forget why I don’t post much, but you’ve reminded me, so thanks for that.

          • OU23 says:

            Go back and re-read your own post and mine. You seem like an alright guy but you shouldn’t demand people leave just because they disagree with you. This should be a place where people can share opinions.

      • bigrackhunter says:

        Your entitled to your opinion and he will have to have a good combine showing for sure. But this is not the place nor site to bash a guy that WON us big time games and came up big when we needed it most. Not trying to come off rude but we try to maintain a level of respect for guys that earned it. No sense in bashing him, he earned the respect of many and saved our asses plenty of times so please stop with all the negative.

        • OU23 says:

          First, I never “bash[ed] Sanchez.” I said “[i]n my opinion, he will struggle in the NFL. Second, I’m not going to limit my speech to conform to your standard of “we try to maintain a level of respect for guys that earned it.” That is an incredibly subjective standard. I think Sanchez had a good career, has done some amazing things, was a spectacular leader and a great teammate. I also think he was beaten badly several times. He s a huge risk/reward guy. But, it s also my opinion that unless he finds a way to match up better against bigger receivers, he will struggle in the NFL.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            I can live with a missed tackle here in there.. give me a guy that seals the game in front of 110,000! Or the pick six at KSU! Nobody will remember how he got picked on most of the game. Most importantly that int aginst Bama was the momentum swing that gave us hope and gave us the confidence that propelled us to victory. That’s what he should be remembered for. No sense in predicting his downfall.

          • Wade Durham says:

            That int against Bama is my fondest memory of Zack , they had just completed a pass on him but, the next play He got em!!! Zack, I will miss You and the best to You in the NFL. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!!!

          • albsooner says:

            I wish you would take your “speech” elsewhere. You don’t match up with our level and have been burned beyond belief by bigger, smarter, better posters.

          • OU23 says:

            haha… Go elsewhere unless you agree with me. What a condescending asshole. Agree with me and the other group think or go somewhere else. Go pound sand.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            It’s not so much go somewhere else because your opinion is different. It’s the total disregard for this site and the relationship with recruits and players. Thus we try to maintain a level of respect and appreciation for our players and coaches. I understand your voicing your own opinion, and what you think Sanchez future holds. But you came off rude and unappreciative. He’s a playmaker that will be remembered in sooner lore. You can’t come in here and make comments that, Sanchez could potentially see himself.

          • OU23 says:

            This is awful and a bunch of malarky. I can’t see you way up there on your so-called high horse. I stand by all of my comments. Unless someone tells me otherwise, this isn’t a cheerleading board for players and coaches. I’m a fan, but part of the experience of being a fan is talking about ways to get better and critiquiing performance. These coaches and players are public figures and do not need the likes of you (or that silly/goofy poster albsooner) to save them. I hate to tell you this, but we’re not that important to them. Now, here’s your assignment: point to one comment on here that I made about Sanchez that he could potentially see that would make me look like an unappreciative jackass. You’re on the clock.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            It’s not so much go somewhere else because your opinion is different. It’s the total disregard for this site and the relationship with recruits and players. Thus we try to maintain a level of respect and appreciation for our players and coaches. I understand your voicing your own opinion, and what you think Sanchez future holds. But you came off rude and unappreciative. He’s a playmaker that will be remembered in sooner lore. You can’t come in here and make comments that, Sanchez could potentially see himself.

          • Rick says:

            People on here have agreed to be respectful in disagreement and one absolute on this board is to keep it clean language wise. You have been neither respectful of the other posters or our code of keeping the language clean. I would hope you either clean it up or go elsewhere, your choice.

          • OU23 says:

            Are you the site moderator? If so, I’d recommend you read all of the comments before passing judgment. If you had, you would’ve seen that I was defending another poster who was criticizing Sanchez. This was the comment I originally replied to in defense of another poster: “Great analysis Jack. Now take your negative bs somewhere else. Jesus. Just wish him well and move on. No one asked your opinion.” Is that respectful? Did you lecture that fella? While this board has many knowledgeable contributors, it has too many old-school nitwits who think this is a cheerleading board.

          • Rick says:

            I am not a mod. We have mods who come in when beckoned to handle something (we had a guy a few weeks ago who actually asked one of our LEO how many people he had murdered, the mod was called). We try to self govern as much as possible and leave the mods out of it as much as possible, I personally missed the beginning of the exchange, coming in somewhere in the middle. People will disagree, if not in sports it will be politics, religion, or any other subject. This is a more conservative (I am not referring to politics) board. The first exchange was not a respectful disagreement as you stated. I’m not going to promise going forward that you will run into critisizm again. I would hope it would be respectful and like I mentioned earlier PG rated language, as most of us are in fact “old-school nitwits” who do tend to remember our history. I remember OU teams back to the Wilkinson days. Some on this board actually remember teams back into the 1950’s. We have seen what trashing players and coaches have accomplished throught the years and generally don’t like the results. All in all, most of us try to welcome new posters, and most of us will occassionally blow it with a new poster. Please remember the type of people that post on this board were looking for a place to go where they could validate their ideas. Most of the other boards (Landthieves) already thrive on trashing the team, the coaches, and especially the other posters. If there are too many cheerleaders for you here maybe you could give Landtheives a try. It’s a constant blood bath there. I for one would welcome a respectful discussion with you anytime, as long as respect stays at the top of the discussion. I do hope you will come back.

          • OU23 says:

            haha… Go elsewhere unless you agree with me. What a condescending asshole. Agree with me and the other group think or go somewhere else. Go pound sand.

          • Wilson says:


    • CT2 says:

      *Slow Clap*

    • bigrackhunter says:

      No doubt players I know a few players that are tied to this site and are blessed to have the recognition and eventually led to a scholarship offers we want players and coaches to come on here and see the truth and see guys that appreciate what they do some guys earned the right to walk the walk let’s not try and trip them before they ever leave.

      • Brad Warren says:

        It’s pure numbers. When you’re a big time program and have millions of fans worldwide, there will always inevitably be clowns. It doesn’t mean we have to like it but it’s just reality.

    • albsooner says:

      +1 Brother! Cannot believe our fans. Trash a young man who is trying to fulfill his dreams. Some of our fans suck and I wish they would leave and become OSUck fans.

  • Walter Sobcek says:

    Ohio State looked very solid today. We are going to have our hands full with next season’s OOC schedule. Looking forward to the challenge.

  • Daddy R says:

    All the bickering below reminded me of a scene…enjoy!

    “Christ almighty its like I’m playing cards with my brothers kids or somethin’!”

  • j l says:

    Sad to see him go, but far from the end of the world. Time for austin or PJ to shine. Best of luck, heck of a playmaker and seemed like a good kid.

  • actual1 says:

    Good luck Sanchez

  • hushnpa says:

    gonna miss you on Saturday’s Zach ,, Sunday’s ,, not so much !
    Blessings 🙂

  • Slim Sooner says:

    Well, I for one am going to miss Zack Sanchez and am sad he’s decided to leave us. I like the young man and believe he has many more pros than cons. Sure do appreciate all those awesome interceptions and that’s what I’ll remember most about him. Thanks for the memories, Zack and wish you success in the future.

  • Royc says:

    He had a great, well thought out, press release. Sorry to see him go.

  • akryan says:

    I think he may have benefited from one more year, but he also may have come to the conclusion that one more year wasn’t necessarily going to improve his draft stock enough to justify the injury risk. I’m worried for him if he doesn’t finish his degree though. NFL careers usually end before the age of 30. There are a lot of years in life after that. Does anyone know if he graduated? At any rate, the young man has made his choice. Good luck Zack.

    • Clint Lenard says:

      A lot of guys that leave early come back to finish school when their career is done, or when they get suspended for PED’s lol

      • akryan says:

        Funny but no joke. These guys are constantly staring down the face of a new crop of guys, whether in FA or the draft, looking to take their job. Imagine constantly being under the pressure of knowing that you may never make a 10th of your current salary ever again. I can see how PED’s are tempting.

        • Clint Lenard says:

          Actually there really was a player who was suspended and went back to school, from what I understand. I think he finished the credits he needed to graduate.

    • Pokerman says:

      My biggest concern is what happens to these guys if they don’t get drafted or don’t get a guaranteed contract and can’t make a team. Sure they can go back to school, but then it’s on their own nickel.

    • Jpsooner23 says:

      He was here 4 yrs so my guess is he did get a degree, but not 100% sure.

  • soonerborn says:

    Do we believe anyone else will declare early?

    • akryan says:

      no one obvious, but I didn’t think Sanchez would go so you never really know.

    • Brad Warren says:

      He was only possibility

    • bigrackhunter says:

      C. Walker was the only one that makes sense, but with the injury it might of knocked him off any draft board.

    • Jpsooner23 says:

      J Evans had been rumored to be curious about it, but that one seems highly unlikely IMO. Walker would probably be the only one, but like someone said below I think not being able to play on national stage yesterday may have sealed that deal (hopefully).

  • Billy says:

    Overall, he was a great player for OU. We were better with him on the field. I thank him for what he has done at OU. OU will be fine without him though. That’s not a negative comment about Zach’s worth, but a positive one about the Sooner football program.

    • bigrackhunter says:

      Some of the posters below need to take note! You showed the proper respect and appreciation. Yet was able to get your opinion across in a manner that doesn’t offend anyone in a negative way.

      • Rick says:

        It always seems to me, directly after a loss, guys who have never been here before, badmouthing us, our comments, and OUr team. You never hear from them on a day to day basis, its only after a loss. I appreciated Billy, he was respectful, but…..

      • Billy says:

        Thank you. Just trying to express my opinion.

  • Wilson says:

    Good luck Zack! Go try and live your dream! Only opinions that matter are yours and NFL player personnel. Go make it do what it do… As an Alum and Sooner for life thanks for the sacrifice, hardwork, and determination it takes to be a successful college student athlete. I’m sure your family is proud. ….the rest is just noise.

  • angellajsherron says:

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    A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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  • OUhound says:

    From what I have seen all year, Zack needs another year. I understand the temptation of all of that money, but don’t feel that he is quite there yet.

    • Rick says:

      I was reading a draft report on him yesterday. They had him top 10 CB in the upcoming draft, with upside of ball skills, instinct etc. The draft report even listed his tackling as serviceable. They saw his strength as a possible issue. The overall report seemed to showed him in pretty good light.

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    FYI: Sunday on Fox will be the Semper-FI All-Star game. Four Sooner commits including Kendall, BY, Jon-Michael Terry, Parrish Cobb. Also, possible commit Bledsoe,.

  • Zack says:

    Whaley to Arkansas. Called that one.

  • Brad Warren says:

    Dom Alexander leaving early. Wow, most definitely didn’t see that one coming.

    • Zack says:

      This one hurts. But I think he’s a good draft prospect, and to think Evans is probably just as highly graded if not higher and he’s the one with a serious injury to consider going pro. Don’t be surprised if he goes too.

      • Brad Warren says:

        I’ve yet to hear any details about the extent of Evans’ injury – you?

        • Zack says:

          Nope but to immediately be taken out of his pads and not come back to the game, I would say it’s a torn something. Hopefully for his sake it’s not a pec, that is probably as tough as an acl injury to come back from.

          • Brad Warren says:

            That’s exactly the injury that happened to Corey Nelson. He’s clearly recovered well.

        • soonersd says:

          i heard torn pec muscle

  • Brad Warren says:

    Dom Alexander leaving early. Wow, most definitely didn’t see that one coming.

  • Zack says:

    This is why I don’t get the hate for Sanchez. The kid has been a great ambassador for the university and this interview proves so.

  • vanessarcabreras says:

    ❝my neighbor’s stride mother is making 98$ HOURLY on the internet❞….

    A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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  • Spitting Bull says:

    I’ve long had a Love/Hate relationship with Sanchez. He’s a gambler. I think we’ll do better with a consistent player like Austin. I wonder. How many times has Sanchez set the table for his own heroics? He’s saved us many times. Example Tennessee. But how many times did he get beat and give up a huge TD to put us in position where we have to be saved? Everybody gets burned. I think we’ll do better with Austin. We’ll get less pics. But better coverage. I may eat these words as Austin gets more games under his belt. We didn’t have a huge sample size of his play. But except when he tried to play Sanchez against, who was it? Kansas? Where he jumped the route and got beat for a TD? Except for that gamble that did not pay, he was pretty solid back there. We’ll see against Baylor etc…

  • SoonerinLondon says:

    Clemson didn’t seem to want any part of Sanchez. They were all over Thomas, though.

  • SoonerfanTU says:

    Thought he played much better this year in terms of not getting beat deep. He had a bad game against OSU, but other than that, I thought he played pretty darn well.

  • Hollerback says:

    This sucks, I wanted him back on the team next year to lead the secondary and team to a national championship.