One QB (Possibly) Out, One QB (Possibly) In?

Image via USA Today

News Dump – Part One

If you’re one of those unfortunate enough to follow me on Twitter, you already know I’ve had some fun with how this whole Trevor Knight “news” came about. For those of you who don’t follow, you’re probably better off so I won’t bore you with all the specifics.

And while I normally detest commenting on stuff like this prematurely because neither of these things were about to discuss may even happen, but it’s the ‘gimme, gimme, gimme, now’ insatiable appetite for content world we live in. Thus I feel somewhat compelled to address both, if for no other reason than to those of you who wish to discuss it a dedicated place to do so.

As to this story that broke yesterday regarding Knight and whether his future next year may or may not be in Norman next year, I’m just not entirely sure what the big deal is.

That Knight is considering a transfer?

Why wouldn’t he? He’s a current backup who lost his starting job to a guy that isn’t likely to be losing it any time soon, and a guy who, whatever his issues, is unsurprisingly somewhat in demand both due to his experience and immediate eligibility in 2016.

That Bob Stoops would grant Knight a full release?

As if this was ever not going to happen? Of all the players in this program, Knight was always going to be a mortal lock to receive said release.

Both the report itself and Stoops, later Thursday night from the CFB awards, stated that a transfer — contrary to the Google news search I did this morning that revealed there are a lot of people on the interwebs that either can’t read and/or aren’t very smart, shocker! — IS NOT a foregone conclusion.

Now is that the scenario which makes the most sense? Clearly. But much like the other half of this news we’re about address, I’d probably hold off taking this and running with it just yet.

News Dump – Part 2

The other part of a busy Thursday night was the news out of College Station that one-time five star QB recruit, Kyle Allen, will be transferring.

Adding to the intrigue were the comments Allen made to Fox Sports’ Bruce Feldman about a possible landing spot.

“Oklahoma comes to mind because it does fit all those things, and my old (high school) teammate (Mark Andrews) is a receiver there, and coach (Bob) Stoops is an all-time great coach.”

Alrighty, then.

Again, I’d caution you from writing Allen’s name in pen on your 2017 OU depth chart. This is far from a done deal — at least as I type this — but I will admit it’s hard for me to imagine Allen’s interest isn’t legitimate and, in my opinion, quite strong when you read what he said. I just don’t see how you say something like that if you’re not seriously considering the Sooners.

Adding to all that is the connection to OU that Allen mentioned in former h.s. teammate and current Sooners TE, Mark Andrews. It’s not as solid a lead as checking who someone’s latest Twitter follows were, but one would have to believe it can only help OU’s chances.

On paper, it’s certainly a move that would make a lot of sense for both Allen and OU. Baker Mayfield will be a senior next season — barring some change of direction regarding his appeal of have that lost year following his transfer from Texas Tech restored — and Allen will have to sit out the 2016 season wherever he winds up (assuming it’s a D-I school). Then, starting with the 2017 season, Allen would have another two years still left to play.

Only time will tell whether or not anything ultimately comes of this, as Allen will certainly have no shortage whatsoever of potential suitors.


  • Mike Reed says:


  • David Morris says:

    I respect Night a great deal. Whatever he decides I wish him well.

  • SoonerMagic76 says:

    I hope Knight doesn’t transfer. Always saw him as great leader and a Sooner.

    Interesting note: Kyle Allen is a sophomore, and would have to sit out a year. However, he still has his redshirt to burn. Therefore, wherever he goes, he would sit out 2016 then be able to play in 2017 and 2018

  • Collin says:

    Conventional wisdom says don’t look too into twitter following, but it is nice to see him follow Bob Stoops and Cale Gundy on twitter shortly after stating that Oklahoma comes to mind. Additionally, wish the best for Trevor! Great kid and great teammate.

  • Mike Reed says:

    Knight is an awesome young man. I wish him well whatever he decides to do. I liked reading that Kyle Allen understands he’s going to sit out next year and hopefully win a starting spot in 2017. I wonder what the true reason is that he is transferring?

    • Shelby is a Patriot says:

      From what I’ve seen from Aggie fans, Allen is transferring because of coaching. They’re saying Allen was very likely going to be their starter next year, but with their issues on offense and some trust issues with coaches he wants to go elsewhere. Apparently, Allen got injured but was cleared for bama game, but didn’t seem healthy during the game. He got pulled, Kyler Murray came in for a bit and then got pulled and they put Allen back out, who seemed to be injured again. Then they started him the next week and he played terrible and pulled him at the end. Aggie sites are also saying Kyler Murray might be considering transferring as well. Sumlin doesn’t seem to have control of his locker room. Anyway, that’s what I gathered.

  • drew T says:

    Wish Trevor the best wherever he decides to go, always seemed like a good guy and I really respect how supportive he’s been of baker this year. Would like to see Allen transfer in and pick up where our last transfer QB left off but like everything with recruiting won’t stress about whether they’re coming or not until they’re enrolled and at practice.

  • Zack says:

    It would be crazy to think (if Allen comes to ou) how different the 2 backgrounds would be of our last 2 QB transfers into ou. Mayfield – 2 time walk on. Allen – 5 star qb who could have played anywhere.

    When will kids notice that the ship is sinking in a&m? Or have they already with this Houston emergence?

    • soonerthunder says:

      No doubt. Crazy thought about Mayfield/Allen’s backgrounds. The average finish of A&M in the Big 12 their last ten years in the league was 8th place. Think about that! There are only 10 teams in the Big 12 and KU is always 10th. The SEC made A&M look like some powerhouse. The first two years in the SEC w/Big 12 recruited players A&M beat Bama at Bama and scored 42 pts on them the next year.

      And did I mention that Missouri won the east their 1st two years in the SEC w/their Big 12 recruited players?


      • Bob Edwards says:

        Not that it has any impact on your point but most of the years A&M finished 8th there were twelve teams.

        • soonerthunder says:

          Thanks, Bob, didn’t know that. I just remember going back over their last 10 yrs that first yr they were in the SEC and everyone was talking about what a football powerhouse school A&M was and seeing where they finished.

          And, the 2nd yr in the league, when A&M scored 42 pts on Bama, only two other teams in the SEC scored more than 10 pts on Bama: LSU 17 (wow!), and Auburn at Auburn 28 in regulation.

          With the worst team in OU’s history under BS (IMO), we scored 45 on them.

          SEC=NO OFFENSE

  • Jeremy Phillips says:

    I will be surprised if Allen doesn’t end up at Arizona St… I hope that if Trevor wants to transfer & play, that he picks the school wisely.. Too many times these kids transfer & still never get the PT they were seeking…

  • Lane Gilstrap says:

    Bout time we get one back from A&M after all we have sent them.

  • Clay Davis says:

    About these transfers, you can go back all the way to Tommy Grady as a cautionary tale. Tommy transferred out because he was #3 behind Paul Thompson and Rhett Bomar before the 2005 season, but when Paul Thompson moved to WR and Rhett Bomar got kicked out, he had a real shot at winning the starting job back. Instead he sat at Utah.

    • tfb_fortyseven says:

      As much as I like TK as a person, I’m not gonna lose sleep if he transfers. I believe (note I said “believe”) actually that Cody is a better player on the field that TK, but at the time of writing this I do not know his level … is he a Junior? If Cody is a Senior then yeah, you’re totally right … .as much as Baker runs the ball, it’s likely he’s gonna get a few more TCU-like hits to the head (or whatever) before he leaves OU and our best backup will have to come in. This QB situation/potential is an interesting scenario for sure.

      • Rick says:

        I’m kinda hoping that as this O line progresses, grows, matures, gells, however you choose to phrase it, Baker doesn’t have to run as much. I know some is by design, but some is for self preservation. I’m looking for that sack/scramble number to cut in half.

    • rainydaze114 says:

      If you sit at Utah, you’re more than likely going to sit at OU.

  • Tim Wilson says:

    Selfishly, I want Knight to stay. However, if he finds a situation that he is comfortable with, I hope he does well. I would freaking love to get Kyle Allen.
    I’m guessing that if we do get Allen, that a Cody Thomas transfer isn’t far behind?

    • Collin says:

      Not so sure and would highly doubt it. If Allen came it would be Allen, Cody, and Austin Kendall. Allen won’t simply be given the spot and Kendall needs to learn the system so he might redshirt. Cody would at least want to compete for the QB1 job.

      • Brien Brown says:

        They are saying Kendall will be the backup next year they said he has the tools and is a stronger armed QB already then Thomas or TK.

        • hemisooner says:

          Well he isn’t on campus yet. Let him get to campus and practice first before giving himthe backup job. I’m curious who said this.

          • Brien Brown says:

            OUr very own Toby Rowland said it this morning that he fully expects him to be our back up and he said no offence to CT or his fans but that they view and I guess they implies coaching like Kendall. It was on the radio this morning

          • hemisooner says:

            I was going to write something but you said toby Rowland expected him to be the backup.

        • Boom says:

          Brien, I’ve talked to QB coaches from the elite 11 and they say he’s good but will need a couple more years. His release is long and not quick and he his accuracy needs to improve. He’s a good player but not a plug n play his first year.

          • Brien Brown says:

            Like I said just what Toby Rowland was saying this morning. I personally think Kendall didn’t put up great numbers this year but maybe due to his injury and players around him. Very few QBs come in and help out immediately anyway but he is an early enrollee so that does help him get a leg up

        • Dick Bump says:

          There is a lot of speculation by fans on the Internet (imagine that). I doubt the coaching staff has penciled-in Kendall as backup at this point.

        • Dick Bump says:

          There is a lot of speculation by fans on the Internet (imagine that). I doubt the coaching staff has penciled-in Kendall as backup at this point.

    • soonerduke says:

      he will stay an concentrate on Baseball

    • paganpink says:

      Or Cody steps up! That is always the option when there is competition, and there are at least rumors that he has already improved a great deal. He was an excellent QB in high school by all accounts in a tough Texas competitive league.

  • Kelly Gurbcock says:

    Could Trevor Knight play receiver? you guys think he has the skill set to do so?

    • CrimsonNative says:

      Not again….

      • Kelly Gurbcock says:

        I’m sorry, has then been brought up before? I’m not on here all the time so I wouldn’t know. It was an innocent question I promise.

        • hemisooner says:

          I can’t remember someone bringing this up. I thought it was a good question

          • Brien Brown says:

            Was discussed last week I believe all day when there was first rumors he was transferring out

        • bravesaint says:

          This topic has been discussed ad nauseum on various sites dating back to last year when he was struggling at QB.
          Bottom line is that he may have the quickness and speed to play a slot receiver, that doesn’t change the fact that he is made out of porcelain. He needs to take less hits, not more. If he played receiver, he’d be riding off on a stretcher again within a few games.

    • hemisooner says:

      I think he would be a good WR or FS. The young man is very athletic

    • Swanny says:

      I would love to see him as a KR as well haha. He’s athletic enough to probably play WR, S, RB, etc…

    • Brien Brown says:

      No but I think it foolish for him not to consider it. Mean Bell didn’t tuck tail and transfer when he lost the job to TK he stayed and found a way to help in other ways I would like to see him do the same.

    • Rick says:

      In my mind Knight is in the same class as Bell. He was an awesome ambassador for the U, he is an exceptional athlete, he had an absolutely magical Sugar Bowl (as well as a few other pretty good games), he is a leader, and by example a true role model for younger players. He’s probably a better athlete than Baker, both have good arms, Baker makes much better decisions on the fly. He like Bell will always be amongst my favorite players, I would love for him to find a place on the field. I just think he is only a QB in his mind, and is not interested in doing anything else. I think if he goes, he’s saying, “I want one more chance….”.

  • CrimsonNative says:

    Seems fitting.

  • Kevin Burger says:

    So, are Texas Tech and A&M OU’s farm teams now?

    • CrimsonNative says:

      Seems like a good trade off if this story comes to fruition. We’ll give you our garbage running backs and you give us your best quarterback.

    • Rick says:

      Only aTm. TT is not because Cliffy doesn’t know how to use his talent, and we are rewarded because of it.

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      We have been optioning our back up RBs to Triple A A&M of late

  • Rick says:

    BTW Jordan, thanks for actually reporting the facts. Of all the tweets I looked at last night, I think there were only 2 media types that were “reporting facts”, the others were jumping into foregone conclusions and conjuecture. Good job Bud!

  • yungkobra says:

    Where is this news coming from is it OU or Knight? I guess I am confused a little with the timing either way.

  • Josh says:

    Jordan I’ve heard rumors you were going to start a TFB for Clemson and after doing hours of painstakingly in depth research into twitter followers. I feel comfortable going public with this story

  • sooner44 says:

    I try to make a point NOT to watch ATM so its been a while since I’ve seen Allen play. Does he have any mobility or is he more limited to inside the pocket?

  • jonnyBgood says:

    I ALWAYS start here and then wade into the muck to see what other sites are reporting. The fact that putting up a story first, facts be damned, before anyone else is the goal is shameful.
    I understand it’s a supremely competitive media world we live in but I would prefer outlets have factual, trustworthy info opposed to the “me first!” garbage most cites put up. The problem with releasing info too fast is many times the reader has to return to said site for a retraction or updated version of the story. I love everything about TFB, but the fact careful consideration and factual worthiness are at the core of what you all do may be my favorite.
    Keep up the great work and know that myself and countless thousands of others make this our first stop on the web every morning! Thanks for all the hard work you guys put in and know it is very much appreciated and not taken for granted. I think of the days before TFB and it scares me. I don’t want to live in a world like that…Boomer!

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      I see things ending badly for Sumlin in College Station.

      • Bob Edwards says:

        He does seem on the glide path to mediocrity.

        • Soonerfandave84 says:

          He should’ve gotten out of College Station while he was a hot commodity. Now it’s looking more and more like he was riding Manziels coattails

          • soonerthunder says:

            But, but, but, you must not have been listening to Eisbach and Trabor. They said it was a brillant move by A&M into the SEC. And they are never wrong /s

          • Boom says:

            They got more money and instant ESPN marketing ability – that’s it. They will be the same in the SEC as they are were in the Big 12. I did say that Sumlin should’ve left cause the expectations in College Station are not of reality.

        • Johnny Greenlantern Otis says:

          he and strong are taking similar paths

      • paganpink says:

        Unless he can get Johnny F’ing football to come back from the pro’s he is a done deal.

      • cdzendolet says:

        The fan base there certainly thinks they are entitled to compete for championships every year (remember when they did that in the Big XII?), so of course him continuing their tradition of being mediocre at best will likely not end well for him.

    • Collin says:

      “But, but, but, this is our year.” -Every aggie fan ever

  • Crimsonncream7 says:

    Jordan you are a massive Dbag, you idiots live and die on here by Twitter and yet get your panties in a wad when other people start connecting the dots. I’ve already heard you were a Dbag by people on other boards but dear lord you far and wide surpass that label.

  • Crimsonncream7 says:

    Jordan is a self righteous d bag full throttle.

  • j l says:

    Allen is the kind of transfer who would probably land at an SEC school, which he is blocked from going to.

    If he dosent end up back home at ASU or AU(unlikely with soloman only a soph), i really like our chances here.

    Id trade knight for allen(in a sense).

  • Birddawg says:

    Why doesn’t TK9 convert into a safety?
    He’s a great athlete that can move. I may be mistaken but I thought he played safety in HS.
    When he got beat out, Take a step back and realize
    1) I’m not a NFL qb and 2) How do I help my team?
    Safety was/ arguably is the weakest position group. He could have switched to that group and helped the team and possibly give him a chance to be the next Harrison Smith (6’2 200lbs 4.57 It may be farfetched). But its what I have wondered about this whole TK9 situation.
    I just hate to see players that has helped us win games leave.
    Good luck to him
    He will always be a Sooner.
    What are your thoughts?

    • soonerthunder says:

      He has one year left. I don’t think he would beat out Thomas who has started for some time now, and no one, IMO, is going to beat out Parker, so he’d just be a backup like he is now, imo. I wouldn’t trust him to read the offenses and always be in the right position like I would trust Thomas. Experience plays a huge roll at safety; that’s why we are so much better in the DB backfield this year. I believe the safeties we have coming up behind Thomas are probably better than TK, too.

      QBs often get injured. Look at TK last two years, Boykin this year, Baylor’s top 3 QBs, even Mayfield in TCU game, OSU’s QB, Ohio State’s QBs last year, and on and on. I think his best chance of winning a NC and being the QB is to stay at OU. There is a chance Mayfield could get injured, and then he’d be in the national spotlight again. he won’t be probably anywhere else he goes, and may not even start wherever he transfers to.

      • Boom says:

        Plus there is no reality of TK going to the pros at any position. My hope is he would stay too based on Bakers attitude in running the ball. Injuries happen especially if your not smart and the back up is the next most important position on the field.

        • soonerthunder says:

          yeah, you’re right, but I think this whole discussion is a moot point. I don’t think this would come out if TK hadn’t already decided to go. I think we’d better start looking at who’s going to backup Mayfield. I guess the only choices we have for ’16 are Thomas, Kendal and a walkon(?). Sure hope they come along fast.

          • Boom says:

            Reality for next year is scary if you ask me. Baker, Thomas and a RS freshman. Heck, even if Allen comes, he will sit out. 2 QBs is not a winning formula for championships.

      • Birddawg says:

        You make some great points.
        He’s an great athlete.
        Remember Kansas years ago, they had a QB switch to WR and became their best WR target. Forgot the name. #10 I believe.
        Could you see TK9 working a little as the 4th WR?
        He’s probably gone :/

        • soonerthunder says:

          Yes, it sounds like he’s gone. I definitely could see him as a great WR. Great hands (big,too; I’ve noticed his hands when I’ve been around him). Actually, his knowledge of defenses would help him a lot; what makes a lot of WRs great is they just know where to sit in space for the QB to make them an easy choice and target.

          And TK has speed to burn. He’s very fast. He’s run w/the ball in his hands 80 yds b/f and DBs don’t catch him. AND, if Mayfield went down, they could switch him over pretty quickly.

          Tannehill competed for QB at A&M and finished 3rd, so he played WR as a FR. He competed for QB again as a SO, and finished 2nd, so played WR as a SO. He played the first half of his JR yr as WR also, until something happened, not sure what, but moved to QB and played QB the rest of JR yr and SR yr. He’s a pretty good pro QB.

          I think TK ought to stay at OU. I think he could be a player at WR, and if Mayfield was injured, he’d probably be the one to lead us to another Final 4 next year. I think we are better next year than this year.

          If he goes to another school, depending upon where he goes, there’s no assurance he starts. If it’s a small school, he starts, but it kind of hurts his reputation and influence he’s built up at OU, imo. If he goes to a bigger school (Utah St like school), he might not start.

          I know OU fans don’t want to think about it, but the chance of your QB getting hurt is pretty substantial, and with as good a team as OU will have next year, TK could be the QB on the big stage — the final 4.

          • Boom says:

            Awesome, couldn’t said it any better.

          • Birddawg says:

            I didn’t know that about Tannehill.
            It could work.
            We can use him somewhere.

          • soonerthunder says:

            I’m kind of disagreeing with my point about him playing safety. When I think of college QBs who have gone to the pros and learned the position and started in their first year as a DB, I kind of disagree with TK not being able to play safety next year.

            Anyway, it sounds like he’s gone. I personally think it’s a bad decision he’s making. It just doesn’t seem guys who transfer out ever are accepted by the alumni in years following. The person who transfers out feels odd coming back and alumni feel strange toward him too. He’s loved by the players and alumni, and I think he loses that maybe entirely with OU if he leaves. I don’t think he can get that wherever he goes for one year. To be well-loved for decades by your school and the alumni and administration is very valuable. Proverbs 22:1 “A good name is more valuable than great riches, to be esteemed more than silver or gold.” Even as a backup in Final 4 national TV will talk about what a great guy TK is.

            Personally, I think he’s making a mistake to “maybe” play somewhere else. If I was him at this point in his career, I’d put my bet on the possibility that I might lead a very good program next year in a Final 4. Anyway, it’s his decision.

            Being the QB in the Final 4 or playing in any position for a final 4 team next year = unbelievable dream/possibility
            Being QB at small school and losing the shine off his reputation at a big-time school = so what

          • Boom says:

            Again, spot on. We are used to Baker getting up after some of these hits. This won’t always be the case if he continues. TK has the coaches and players trust. Also, I agree that Trevor staying would bring more value in the long term long after he’s not playing football.

  • Collin says:

    Can confirm via twitter sources that Crimsoncream7 lost his girlfriend to Jordan Esco in high school.

  • Birddawg says:

    As far as this Kyle Allen kid..
    We got 2 qbs coming in for 2016 and 2017… I’m all for depth
    But come on..
    Giving Lincoln Riley a huge pay day is my number one offseason story.

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      I’m hoping mine is coming up with a catchy name for 2016 being the chase for 9, such as “Wouldn’t 9 be divine”

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      I’m hoping mine is coming up with a catchy name for 2016 being the chase for 9, such as “Wouldn’t 9 be divine”

    • soonerthunder says:

      If OU is to become a good QB school, IMO, we need 5 QBs on staying on campus at all times. When I look at the great BYU QBs, or the great Tulsa offenses under stubbs, they had QBs who stepped in for just one year many times, but had been on campus four years already in the same system. I wish TK would stay and Allen would come, and we’d keep the two guys we already have committed. As you know, QB is the most important position especially in this system b/c he either puts you in the best play taking advantage of the D, or he puts you in a play that blows up b/c they play went right into the teeth of the D.

      I think we’ll keep Riley for at least for one more year. Have heard for weeks now that they are working on his contract. And, I think we’ll get someone like him when he leaves, so not worried about that either.

      The main person OU needs to keep is a guy by the name of Bob Stoops. I think as long as we have him OU will be very competitive. I also think BS learned a few things over the last 4-5 years. I have a theory that he was spending a lot of time working on his house and the program suffered a little from his abnormal lack of oversight. I think last year really burned his hide and he’s more committed to recruiting possibly than he ever has been.

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        It is tough to keep 5 good ones on campus. Kids want to play.

      • Boom says:

        Soonerthunder – I had and said the same theory on his house. I’ve built a custom house and between the meetings with subs, builder, and wife, it takes a lot of time. I think he delegated a lot of these responsibilities. He suffered for this and he is in full throttle mode to get back his mojo. Good points.

        • soonerthunder says:

          yeah, I’ve built a 3 or 4 myself. the stress and time it takes in all the areas you mentioned and probably a thousand others, it’s time consuming and stressful. The planning, thousands and thousands of options. That house cost $4m I understand. Can you imagine all the options they had to consider over some little house I build?

          The good thing is: He’s now using that house as a tool to be a better recruiter. Lots of players and recruits invited over to his house.

      • Maui Sooner says:

        I think the hip problems and the constant pain had to be both a distraction and draining mentally and physically.

        • Boom says:

          there’s medicine for that.

          • EasTex says:

            Yeah…nothing like having a HC in a fog from pain killers.
            I like the new and improved, surgically repaired Bob. 🙂

          • Boom says:

            I agree 100% and and it was a huge distraction. Pain causes all sorts of other ailments like high blood pressure along with a multitude of others. There are some meds to minimize the pain, not eliminate it. They don’t have to be narcotics but I get your point.
            BTW – great discussion on some of this stuff. Hope you understand that’s why I’m doing. Not trying to get under your skin or anything. I like your take as it opens up other thoughts too. good stuff.

          • EasTex says:

            I have no problem with disagreeing agreeably.

        • EasTex says:

          I totally agree.
          His attitude and energy level has changed dramatically since he got the hip fixed.

    • SoonerinLondon says:

      So, you’re suggesting that we should pay Riley more instead of saving some of the money for Allen? I agree.

  • Birddawg says:

    As far as this Kyle Allen kid..
    We got 2 qbs coming in for 2016 and 2017… I’m all for depth
    But come on..
    Giving Lincoln Riley a huge pay day is my number one offseason story.

  • Doobie74OU says:

    I don’t know there QB situation but wonder if TK9 would be interested in a Heupal reunion at Missouri? Might not be a bad union! Both of there best games ever came at the
    Wait for it
    Sugar Bowl domination of Alabama!

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      Trevor is 3-0 vs the SEC, he should go to Missouri

      well 2-0 as a starter

      • Collin says:

        How great would that be to have Trevor beating SEC schools on a weekly basis while we lock up the Big 12? Best of both worlds.

        • Soonerfandave84 says:

          then in the Playoff he’d have to play a B12 defense, and we all know how that’d go.

          j/k Trevor if you for some reason read these boards. Just having fun!

    • rainydaze114 says:

      When I first saw the new of a potential transfer, Mizzou was the first school that popped into my head.

    • Birddawg says:

      That makes a good pairing.

    • Bill Deblassio says:

      Trevor Knight having a horrible season last year is the main reason Heupel and some of the other coaches were let go.. Turned out to be a good thing though for us.

  • SoonerPhins says:

    Probably in the minority, but I don’t think we need Allen. Thomas, Kendall, and Robison should be just fine

    • Chris White says:

      Probably True but I said this about Mayfield after I watched Knight in the Sugar Bowl..Always good to have competition

    • EasTex says:

      I’m with you. Having watched him some he seems to be very heavy footed and doesn’t move around in the pocket very well. Seeing the rival page above, his 4.9 time might be generous.

      • Boom says:

        I agree with this too but in reality, we have Baker, Cody who is still trying to prove himself and a true freshman. That is not good for a championship type team. Not saying he’s the answer but we need more depth. Even if he come, we will be down to 2 QBs with 1 red shirting.

        • EasTex says:

          Personally, I like this preferred walk-on QBs game more than what I have seen of Allen.

          • BleedCrimson says:

            I like this kid. Short highlight reel though. Would like to see more.

          • EasTex says:

            Be sure and click on his roster page.

          • BleedCrimson says:

            Thanks, will do

          • EasTex says:

            Be sure and click on his roster page.

          • Boom says:

            EasTex, I’m not to impressed with this footage. I’m not going to get into my reasons why but he will need to do a lot of work before he ever see’s a college field. My .02

          • EasTex says:

            This was from his senior year. He has been working in Riley’s system since August. Show me where Allen ever did anything like McGinnis did with his feet.

          • Boom says:

            I want to be clear, I’m not touting Allen. I was just commenting on his reel, that’s all. If I came across as hammering him, I wasn’t.

          • EasTex says:

            From what I’ve seen of Allen, I never understood the 5* rating. It appeared to me that Andrews made him look like a stud in high school.

          • EasTex says:

            From what I’ve seen of Allen, I never understood the 5* rating. It appeared to me that Andrews made him look like a stud in high school.

          • Boom says:

            I’ve watched a lot of his games and fairly close to the ATM program due to my wife’s father. I’ve seen him in some spring games and he has a darn good arm. You can’t hide that and a good arm will kill you more than a forty time. He’s good but I’m not one who rates or puts stars so I have no clue.

          • EasTex says:

            I know he has a good arm, not disputing that. He belongs in a pro-style system not an Air Raid. His lack of mobility is a liability.

          • Furr-Sure says:

            Nothing against McGinnis. But Kyle Allen is a former 5* QB for a reason. Here’s some highlights from him vs. WVU last year


          • Furr-Sure says:

            Nothing against McGinnis. But Kyle Allen is a former 5* QB for a reason. Here’s some highlights from him vs. WVU last year


          • EasTex says:

            He’s a statue.

          • Boom says:

            Maybe so but so is Brady & Bradford. His offense is designed for the QB to throw the ball. He’s just following orders. He won’t be a threat with his legs but neither were the other two. Again, if he comes, he will have to prove himself. No one can hide at the QB position.

          • EasTex says:

            The Air Raid is attacked by blitzes. Mayfield was sacked what, 34 times?
            You could easily double that number with Allen.

          • Boom says:

            OK, I get it, you don’t want him and that’s fine. I never stated he should come to OU. I was talking about his abilities.
            34 sacks, Baker held onto the ball to long especially at the first of the season? Baker is Baker and we love him but he also caused some of these sacks too. Also, the OL was not set for several games which didn’t help.

          • EasTex says:

            I wish the kid well, I just don’t think he fits the system Riley is running. I’m not a big fan of DT QBs, but I do like a QB that can move in the pocket and make some yards at times. I see him as a pocket passer with poor mobility. The QBs OU has and the QBs coming in are all good passers with excellent mobility.
            I think Allen would be better off looking at schools that run systems that better fit his abilities.

          • RBear says:

            Yeah, no grass growing under his feet. He made quite a few mistakes in that small sampling but he’s got raw talent, is young and should be fine as long as he is coachable.

          • Philip Capeheart says:

            You watch Allen’s footage from high school and he’ll look like a runner as well. Forget they’re running, look at their feet in the pocket. Allen consistently puts his body in a solid throwing position, he’s fundamentally sound and has a short, strong motion. The other kid drops the ball to his waist and has a long wind up to get velocity on his ball. Noted, McGinnis could benefit from some college coaching and might be a good college player down the line. But as a passer, you watch those tapes and it’s not even close.

          • metzker says:

            Looks good to me

    • Furr-Sure says:

      No offense to Thomas, Kendall, or Robison…but Kyle Allen is a tremendous talent and has shown it at A&M.

      Yes he struggled at times this year. But Sumlin pushed him to return from a shoulder injury too soon, then benched him because he promised Kyler Murray playing time. That turned into a drama nightmare.

      OU should absolutely take Kyle Allen if he wants to transfer here. It’s low risk, very high reward

    • Furr-Sure says:

      No offense to Thomas, Kendall, or Robison…but Kyle Allen is a tremendous talent and has shown it at A&M.

      Yes he struggled at times this year. But Sumlin pushed him to return from a shoulder injury too soon, then benched him because he promised Kyler Murray playing time. That turned into a drama nightmare.

      OU should absolutely take Kyle Allen if he wants to transfer here. It’s low risk, very high reward

  • ccmosaic says:

    I would love to take Allen. All I would worry about is if it would affect our 16 or 17 recruit. I really think if Allen had a year off to let his arm heal fully, and to learn the system under Riley we would be set for the next 3 years.

    • Zack says:

      I would hope it wouldn’t affect the other recruits. Kids need to bet on themselves more often. If a guy is transferring from one school, it’s most likely because he wasn’t going to be “the guy” so even if Allen comes here, I won’t expect him to be the starter in 2017 and I hope the recruits can look at it that way as well. Plus if it’s a close race between a RS freshman and a junior, I’m going with the younger guy.

  • ccmosaic says:

    Would love it if we could get back to the actual topic Jordan posted on. Thanks. So, Allen coming to OU? I sure hope so.

  • sooner44 says:

    I thought it was interesting to see the QB’s that were listed as “similar to” on his Rivals page as a recruit.

  • SoonerinLondon says:

    You know, I don’t care about the novella drama on message boards. I don’t have the time or interest to follow it, but WTF is all this whining about Jordan and twitter?

    • Rick says:

      Jordan used to write for Crimson and Cream Machine. He had a online running battle with the guys on board, (I think from the OSU site, that is my memory), he was asked to leave C&C, he wound up at TFB. TFB has a great board with good discussion, C&C is almost dead. Sour grapes, butthurt, call it whatever on their part. I thought Rich had more class than that.

  • Dustin says:

    Why would Allen get to redshirt while he sits out but Baker wasn’t able to?

    • JR says:

      Allen has a RS year available.

    • JD says:

      Baker had the in conference rule causing him to lose a year since he wasn’t released

    • Rick says:

      The only difference was Baker didn’t ask for a release, he just left for OU, cliffy probably wouldn’t have given permisssion for him to leave TT. Allen asked for a release, and was granted one as long as it wasn’t a SEC school or a school on aTm’s schedule.

      • Dustin says:

        Serious question: If McGinness transferred to Kansas would he have to lose a year? I doubt it.

        • Rick says:

          According to the transfer rules (paraphrased to Rick speak), walkons and scholly players follow same rules mostly. Both have to ask for a release, both have to be granted a release, both have to abide by what the U has to say regarding the release. If coach A is approached by said player for a release for transfer, coach A has option to say “yes” to a full release to go anywhere he wants, “no” to the release, or “yes” with conditions like Allen had with no SEC schools or schools on near future schedules. Bob has always to my memory given full releases, Sumlin doesn’t, and Cliffy is an A**, but walkons has the same set of transfer rules as Scholly players (most people don’t agree with this, that I have heard or read), but Baker suffered a loss of the year because of it.

          • Dustin says:

            We’ll, the rules are crap. Especially for walk-ons.

          • BleedCrimson says:

            Agreed. If a person is paying for said education, they should be able to transfer without a penalty. If the school has a scholarship invested, then sure, they should have a say on the exit terms.

          • BleedCrimson says:

            Agreed. If a person is paying for said education, they should be able to transfer without a penalty. If the school has a scholarship invested, then sure, they should have a say on the exit terms.

          • j l says:

            Walkons actually have a “non recruited athlete clause”, where they can transfer without the need for a release.

            The NCAA denied baker from using this clause, probably because he actually was offered some scholly’s to lower tier schools.

    • SoonerNutt says:

      In-Conference transfer = sit one year plus lose extra year of eligibility. out-of conference = sit one year.

  • Cory Pedersen says:

    I don’t get what the big deal is… Guerin Emig honestly just made a good observation in my opinion… and this was before the news broke that Knight had been granted a full release. He didn’t say Trevor was going to transfer, he just threw it out there.

    I understand the frustration with sites putting out click bait, but honestly, I appreciated him putting it out there as food for thought.

    My question to you would be, what do you think he should be writing about?

    • Clint Lenard says:

      Is that who that shot was towards? Guerin? Dude seems like a pretty cool guy and a good writer. Not sure why there’s any need to take shots at other writers anyways, other than Murdock. It won’t help this site by doing it.

      • soonerthunder says:

        murdock and hoover. I don’t respect either. I used to try to listen to murdock, but haven’t for couple of years now. the way he mocks Stoops really sickened me. I thought, “Yeah, when you’re around Stoops you don’t even insinuate what you’re saying.” He’s such a hypocrite. At least hoover isn’t a hypocrite; he puts on no airs that he likes stoops.

        And that guy he has on as his side-kick (name?)–he reminds me of a jr high girl with diarrhea of the mouth. He’s sillier than a jr high girl with the things he says. I heard him say one time: “Hey, Bob, what’s-his-name here. I just wanted to say that when you went to this such-and-such game I had a friend who said he sat two rows in front of you.”

        I’d be embarrassed to be a male any age, much less a man, and say the silly things he says. It’s like an excited girl never invited to a sleep-over for the first time with popular girls w/diarrhea of the mouth talking about sports. I absolutely cannot listen to the guy talk.

    • Clint Lenard says:

      Is that who that shot was towards? Guerin? Dude seems like a pretty cool guy and a good writer. Not sure why there’s any need to take shots at other writers anyways, other than Murdock. It won’t help this site by doing it.

  • BoomerDave says:

    Jordan, sorry but when one of your team captains asks for, and has been granted his full release to go play for someone else just weeks before the biggest game that his school has played in a decade, that is a BIG DEAL!
    I’m not sure what all the denial is about. Perhaps it stems from the mocking you gave Guerin Emig for writing about it yesterday morning, or perhaps that Soonerscoop broke the story, but whatever the reason, the story is true! FACT: Trevor asked for his release. (In fact, with Trevor graduating in a few weeks, his release was technically not necessary, but with a release he can attend anywhere regardless of Masters programs offered). FACT: Coach Stoops granted him his full release. This has been confirmed by Stoops by various sources and Stoops certainly didn’t deny it last night when ESPN was scrolling it all night long during a broadcast that Stoops was attending and interviewed several times. In fact, several sources have reported that Stoops has already reached out to Coach Snyder on Trevor’s behalf. If none of this was true, where are the denials? With Twitter as it is nowadays, denials and retractions would have been tweeted hours ago. But yet there has been nothing in the way of denials. TFB break lots of stories. It’s OK to acknowledge other sources who break some as well.

    • cpearc00 says:

      Agree with everything you’ve said, but I think Jordan is peeved that TFB doesn’t get the same courtesy from other sources when TFB breaks a story. I know I’ve never seen SoonerScoop or others even acknowledge TFB’s existence, let alone give them credit for breaking a story.

      • BoomerDave says:

        That’s probably true. Soonerscoop wouldn’t want to drive traffic to a free site, I suppose. None of my Sooner friends have ever heard of this site, and it’s in the best financial interest of the pay sites to keep it that way. But it doesn’t explain to the denial of the story. It’s real, it’s happening, so why not report on it instead of sticking your head in the sand and pretend that everyone else is making it up. BTW, not saying that Trevor is for sure transferring. Just saying that it is a FACT that he has asked for his full release and it has been granted.

        • soonersd says:

          Umm, it sounds like you should tell some of (or all) of your friends about this site if NONE of them know about it? Unless, of course, you don’t actually like them… or perhaps, you think they would have nothing to contribute?

          I’ve told all of my Sooner family about this site because… they’re fam.

          • BoomerDave says:

            Oh, I have!

          • soonersd says:

            So technically they have heard of TFB then 😉 Just messin’ with you BD. I love having this site to go to daily for Sooner news and the more the merrier. Boomer

          • soonersd says:

            So technically they have heard of TFB then 😉 Just messin’ with you BD. I love having this site to go to daily for Sooner news and the more the merrier. Boomer

      • Gary Robbins says:

        Sooners Illustrated/Scout/Bob Pzyrbylo has a free football forum called the Schooner. They quote TFB all the time and they acknowledge TFB. Some of their posters have 10-15 thousands of posts. I think the CC character that posted needs to go sit in the corner and let his pups suck. Rant over

    • JD says:

      Better to do it now then before the potential champ game..He would likely want to get somewhere for the spring and get going and surely is looking at suitors…better to face it head on as a family then find out via the media or social media that would cause more problems. Being a team captain I’m sure everybody in the locker room understands in POV. Attrition happens every year

  • Furr-Sure says:

    Always lurked, first time posting.

    I personally think Trevor is a great athlete and has all the tools to be a good QB. It’s all mental for him. Last season his confidence took a big hit, with the tough INT’s and then being temporarily paralyzed by Oakman. I believe he can go elsewhere and play well because he’ll view it as a fresh start.

    He’ll always be a Sooner to me, though. Wonderful person, great teammate, high character, and a true leader. I wish him the best both on and off the field.

    All that being said…you take Kyle Allen if he wants to come here. The guy has a great arm and can sling it all over the field. Would also boost WR recruiting

  • DCinAZ says:

    Seems to me like Allen admitted he doesn’t like the recruiting process and was publicly telling Oklahoma to “call me and let’s wrap this up”

  • BoomerDave says:

    Someone said on here last night that Kyler Murray was also possibly looking to transfer. If so, there’s our guy!

    • SoonerinLondon says:

      Take them both. LOL.

      Seriously, though, Charlie Strong must be salivating over this opportunity.

    • DCinAZ says:

      I don’t want Kyler Murray anywhere near our campus or our team.

      • cpearc00 says:

        Attitude issues? I hadn’t heard. Care to elaborate?

        • DCinAZ says:

          He’s a lockerroom and a sideline (during the game) cancer. He’s divisive and a diva. He was caught on the sidelines, on camera, during the Ole Miss game making fun of the ATM QB that was playing and acting like jackass every time they made a mistake several times. When he got pulled for throwing an INT, he was on national TV dropping F-bombs at his coaches right in their faces. Screw Kyler Murray. DO. NOT. WANT.

      • Clint Lenard says:

        Intrigued. Do tell…

  • hOUligan says:

    Competition is always good. Allen gives OU competition in 2017 but if Allen comes, does it further the ‘domino effect’ with CT looking to transfer? IMHO delicate situation for the staff and how they see CT developing.

  • Mizuno44 says:

    Knight is all class and it was apparent he owned the role of team captain, very visible supporter throughout the season. Hats off to him, and if he leaves, thank you for your service. With that said, the kid had the starting job but lost it to a more talented QB. He had another opportunity this year, in a backup role, during the TCU game to step in and secure a win, and we all saw what almost happened there. It’s a valuable lesson to learn being on the championship trail once again, we must be deeper in all positions, and our QB depth is a definite weakness. It’s a brutal reminder, without Mayfield this year, we are not in the playoff, and having similar discussions as we had last year.

    • metzker says:


    • Big Higg says:


    • Fear The Magic says:

      Thats Hillarious

    • Tex'ish says:

      Nothing like laughing out loud on a Friday afternoon… Good stuff!

    • Austin97 says:

      Lol funniest thing I’ve seen all day… I think

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  • Blake Lee says:

    ” It’s not as solid a lead as checking who someone’s latest Twitter
    follows were, but one would have to believe it can only help OU’s

    Check Allen’s latest twitter follows. Cale and Bob : )

    • Daddy R says:

      Yea, I was unsure myself if JE was being sarcastic with that quote in the news above, lol. If he was, he forgot the /s !!

  • M Shuster says:

    I wish Trevor all the best if he goes. He is a class act and will always be a Sooner.

    That being said, I think he helps/would help our team as we prepare for Clemson. Deshaun Watson is an OK thrower. But he is a better runner. Does his skill set not match that of a Trevor Knight? How valuable would it have been to have Trevor running drills for our defense? I personally believe that would have been huge as we prepare for Clemson.

    But, Trevor needs to look out for himself. He needs to be in a place where it is his show and he is allowed to be him. OU became a rough fit confidence wise. We, as sooner fans (including me) are hard on our players when they make mistakes. Many times I saw posts like Trevor “Pick-6” Knight. I bet players read stuff like that, and they may hate to admit it, but it has to tough on their psyche.

    Whatever you do TK9, best of luck to you!

    • Kevin Burger says:

      I would think that he wouldn’t have to leave until the end of the bowl season. If that’s the case, then I would think he would stay through it. Leaving a team that is possibly two games from winning it all is a tough thing to do, even as a back up.

      • Daddy R says:

        I read somewhere, that he is expected to begin bowl practices with the Sooners, regardless of his decision. If he does end up deciding to transfer, he would still be eligible for the Sooners until he actually enrolls at said new school. I’m guessing he’ll be around here for a bit longer.

  • CrimsonNative says:

    I was going to ask what position would we receive our first five-star recruit in the 2017 class, looks like it might be Allen. I didn’t see that coming but I’m good with it.

    • Zack says:

      We still haven’t landed a 5 star for 2016.

      • CrimsonNative says:

        I know but 2017 is already nothing but 4*’s and the momentum is strong with the 2017 class. Not to say that a NC won’t change that for this year but I see the chances being higher in 2017.

  • Andy Fox says:

    After the TCU game, Trevor was demoted to a third string role. I wish the best for Trevor if he does transfer to another school.

  • bjwalker82 says:

    Looks like it’s a strong possibility now Jordan..

    • Daddy R says:

      Strong possibility in what? that he (TK) is here through at least the playoffs, or are you inferring he is definitively transferring, cuz I’m not getting that from the article..

      I was pleased to read though, that both he and coach Stoops expect him here through the end of the playoff run.

      BOOOOOOMER! (and good luck TK, no matter which way you decide..)

      “Both Stoops and Knight indicated that a transfer is not a forgone conclusion for the OU captain, and that Knight would remain with the Sooners at least through the College Football Playoff.”

      “Said Knight: “My decision to reach out and communicate with other potential programs is something I feel I must do in order to see if there is a perfect fit for my senior season. I can promise you that no one is more proud to be a Sooner than I am, and in no way shape or form will this take away from my excitement and commitment heading into the championship season. I am truly touched by the support from both Coach Stoops and Coach (Lincoln) Riley, as well as all of Sooner Nation during this time.

      “Enough about me. Let’s go beat the Tigers. Boomer!”

    • CrimsonNative says:


    • KatyOUdad says:

      Not a lot of “stars”, but who cares. Will probably turn into a rock solid guard and a starter for a couple of years. Congratulations to the young man.

      • Bob Edwards says:

        It looks like the only place he camped was OU. Looks like he didn’t “play the game” so he didn’t get the attention of the recruiting services. I trust coach B more that I do the recruiting services. He has actually produced NFL caliber linemen.

        • EasTex says:

          The fact that he trained under J.D. Runnels was very beneficial for him.

        • Rick says:

          I read an article about him somewhere, the article stated that his run blocking skills were 2nd to none, and he had a mean streak. Said he would have to learn the pass blocking schemes but if he used the 5 to play 4, learns his craft over the 1st couple of years he should be pretty polished.

          • Nate Broadus says:

            He sounds like a guy who could shape up to be an elite guard. This guy’s toughness was enough to impress Bedenbaugh who offered immediately following the camp — that’s more than good enough for me.

            I trust Bedenbaugh when it comes to finding badass maulers in the offensive trenches.

    • Bob Edwards says:

      I have a feeling that this kid is going to be a sleeper in this class. Coach B offered him and he accepted before the phone call was over. Gotta love a kid who really wants to play at Oklahoma.

    • Indy_sooner says:

      Why do I get the feeling that this kid will be a mauler when he hits the field.

    • Daddy R says:

      You know, sitting there at the table, he kind of looks like Coach B, a little anyway..

  • STL Sooner says:

    If Allen comes in and has to sit a year, it doesn’t seem to matter if Trevor stays or not, in that regard. I hope he stays, you never know how someone with his character (perceived, since I don’t personally know him) can help a team. Young players need a humble, hard working example to follow. As always, I will trust Bob and the staff to do what is best for the Sooners.

  • Jason Vos says:

    @MartinaFOX23: BREAKING: Sources tell us Sterlin Gilbert has turned down the Texas OC position, will stay with TU.

    @NathanDThompson: BREAKING:
    #TulsaFB co-offensive coordinator Sterlin Gilbert is turning down
    #Longhorns & will stay at TU. Great news for the Hurricane.


  • EasTex says:

    Just found this, don’t know if it has been posted.

  • metzker says:


  • Birddawg says:

    I don’t know if this was posted.
    But apparently we are going up against the best cornerback in college football.

  • L'Carpetron Dookmarriot says:

    I was just at my local Whataburger and just saw Trevor park next to someone (looked to be in his 40s) who wasn’t on the OU football team. My very strong conclusion is that this person is a coach on another team and he’s transferring to that person’s team.

    There you have it.

  • CrimsonNative says:

    Per ESPN, Knight is gone

    • EasTex says:

      Knight to remain with OU through playoffs

      • CrimsonNative says:

        Same difference

        • EasTex says:

          Not really news anymore. 🙂

          • CrimsonNative says:

            No but Bob hadn’t actually verified it until now. It was all just “speculation.”

          • EasTex says:

            TK’s statement several hours ago was pretty clear to me.

          • CrimsonNative says:

            I agree but ultimately Knight isn’t the one who gives the final stamp of approval.

          • EasTex says:

            I think we are going in circles here. 🙂

          • CrimsonNative says:

            I was laughing about that too but seeing as I’ve got two hours to kill, I figured what the h*ll. 🙂

          • EasTex says:

            I think it needs to be mentioned that Orlando Brown and Steven Parker made 2nd team Big 12.

          • CrimsonNative says:

            Orlando Brown is my favorite offensive lineman. I have never said that about an OL player since Loadholt but this kid is nasty. I know his temper gets the better of him and has cost us some penalties but man is that kid special.

          • CrimsonNative says:

            Orlando Brown is my favorite offensive lineman. I have never said that about an OL player since Loadholt but this kid is nasty. I know his temper gets the better of him and has cost us some penalties but man is that kid special.

          • EasTex says:

            I knew he was going to be special when he gifted us on signing day.
            Yeah, had some bad penalty calls, but I will allow his treatment of Jokeman. That big ol’wheel came back around and landed right on top of him.
            Parker is also destined for greatness and at least he got some recognition for the season he had.

          • CrimsonNative says:

            Parker is the keystone of our secondary. If it wasn’t for him coming in and picking up the playbook as quick as he did, we wouldn’t be near as solid on the back end. He’s an exceptional player that will undoubtedly be playing on Sunday’s.

          • Wishbone4Life says:

            Ahmad will be the key vs MSU or Bama though. His ability to make 1 on 1 tackles vs their RBs will be the key to the game

          • D Hunter Sanchez says:

            Dru has stepped up.

          • BleedCrimson says:

            Who would have believed that the 2 Frosh bookends on that line would be playing at this level. Most Excellent!

          • Boom says:

            wheels on the bus go……

          • EasTex says:

            …Proud Mary keep on rolling…

          • Boom says:

            you rolling with proud mary. dang, wish I’d thought of that one.

    • Slim Sooner says:

      They may be suffering from premature male problems.

  • Mizuno44 says:

    Regarding our matchup with Clemson, those media types creating their “keys to the game” crap keep missing a huge point with Perine and Mixon. Yes, they’re great backs who can run, but they are the most physical backs in the country who punish defenders. Clemson will not like this very much and feel betrayed nobody told them.

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      At this point, I’m just ready for the pads to the do talking.

    • Kevin Burger says:

      Yep. Clemson has a great defense, but they seem to start running out of gas in the 4th quarter. If Perine and Mixon can get touches throughout the game, then I’m guessing Oklahoma takes over in the 4th quarter.

      • Birddawg says:

        Agreed, They don’t rotate the Dline.
        I mean they don’t have 6-8 dline man like we do that can take series to get the ones rest. Huge advantage.

        • JD says:

          Huge Huge advantage especially if the opposing OLine doesn’t rotate. You stay fresh and they get tired. That is why our D is so strong late in the game

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      Just worried about the OL. But they blocked the hell out of Okie St so…But BV will zone blitz…there has to be a back Mayfield can dump it to instead of trying to scramble out of the blitz…I’m thinking we’ll see the shovel pass…for a big gainer/screen etc…

  • Boom says:

    OP is up

  • blaster1371 says:

    Don’t think Allen would have two years left to play. I thought he was a sophomore – played two years already. He would lose a year spent sitting out and have one year left.

    • Boom says:

      He’s never red shirted.

      • blaster1371 says:

        Not sure that matters. Mayfield didn’t red shirt and he only gets three years of playing time (one at TT and two at OU) and lost a year having to sit out. Even Allen said on fox sports it would leave him with his senior year to play at OU.

        • MJ says:

          It does matter. He would redshirt his transfer year.

          • blaster1371 says:

            I thought transferring or not transferring within the conference related to the conditions of the release by the current team.

          • MJ says:

            I’m not sure how that all works, just the conference transfer rules, but Texas Tech fought against the transfer. Kliff was a real dick about it.

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  • Tag says:

    Birddawg. You might be talking about Nolen Cromwell with Kansas back in the 70’s. He was QB when they beat OU in Norman to end OUr winning streak. I thought he was a DB for the Rams. Really good athlete.

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