Report: Lincoln Riley To Interview For South Carolina Job Today

Image via Tulsa World

After being reported earlier in the week that South Carolina was interested in speaking with Oklahoma offensive coordinator Lincoln Riley about their head coaching position, JC Shurburtt is now reporting that Riley is expected to interview for the job today (Thursday).

It remains to be seen whether or not Riley is South Carolina’s primary target for the job, or if this is simply a case of the Gamecocks’ administration doing their due diligence on multiple candidates.

Either way OU fans will certainly be waiting with bated breath for any type of news about somebody else accepting the job.



  • Mike Reed says:


  • Mike Reed says:


  • metzker says:


  • metzker says:


  • cheezyq says:

    Damn. Can’t people just leave OU alone for a couple of years instead of poaching all our good coaches?

    • Stephen Dale says:

      maybe its because OU has a history of having good coaches and other schools know where to go to find them….the problem for OU coaches is where do they go to replicate the facilities and infrastructure that helps make the Sooners a good program ? Money is one thing but , that alone, doesn’t guarantee success

    • Stephen Dale says:

      maybe its because OU has a history of having good coaches and other schools know where to go to find them….the problem for OU coaches is where do they go to replicate the facilities and infrastructure that helps make the Sooners a good program ? Money is one thing but , that alone, doesn’t guarantee success

  • Soonerfandave84 says:

    While I think SC is a lower mid tier P5 job and think he can do better, I’d be happy for him. His loss would definitely hurt the Sooners NC hopes.

  • OU ON MY MIND says:

    The only thing I worry about is losing our play caller right before the playoffs. At least stay here your first year before looking for a new job, goodness. We’ll be fine with a new OC next season.

  • Soonerfan24 says:

    I’m baffled how Brent Venerable’s name hasn’t been thrown out there for any of these open jobs

    • Stephen Dale says:

      no kidding……

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      I’ve always thought he’s holding out for the KSU job

      • Tony B says:

        From a good friend of mine that is a KSU booster is that Venables will never return to KSU. Something went bad there right before he left for OU that was never disclosed. As long as Snyder is still alive I don’t believe they will be after Venables. People and administrations do change their minds though.

        • Stephen Dale says:

          Snyder’s success at KSU is an anomaly. Others didn’t enjoy it either before or after Snyder retired the first time..Its not a better job than Kansas or ISU and far less appealing than Missouri…small population base, no beaches, limited recruiting area: dwarfed on the south by OU, the north by Nebraska, the northeast by Iowa, the east by Mizzou……when Snyder finally retires, the Mildcats will probably go into an extended hibernation….

          • Tony B says:

            I agree that it is not an attractive job. The recruits in the KS area are subpar, comparatively speaking, and the good ones usually leave (for good reason). I would say it is more appealing than before Snyder got there, the first and second time. Their facilities have improved vastly and their fan base, although annoying as hell, (trust me living in KS I get to see / hear it daily) is much larger and more vocal than before. That being said it is a hard sell to get recruits to Manhattan and a coach has to see that. Also they don’t pay Snyder what he should be getting paid and I very seriously doubt they’ll pay out the big bucks to get a coach that’s hot and on the market.

          • Golfluvr13 says:

            I’m right there with you, but all I have to do is ask when was their last national title in football. They usually shut up quickly.

        • Golfluvr13 says:

          Didn’t Snyder say or do something that caused this friction between Brent and KSU? I seem to remember some public comments made speculating at that.

        • Golfluvr13 says:

          Didn’t Snyder say or do something that caused this friction between Brent and KSU? I seem to remember some public comments made speculating at that.

        • Jake says:

          Boss played football at KSU back in the early 90’s. He doesn’t like Venebles and said something similar about Snyder not only king it when Stoops and Venebles left.

      • Super Keith says:

        I don’t think so, but only because I think he’s destined for a higher profile job. KSU would be a step down from most P5 programs (not all, but most). Then again, I wonder if maybe he just wants to be a DC. Some guys just aren’t interested in a HC gig. Cale Gundy is a good example.

  • Jordan Esco says:

    fwiw, I think the job is Muschamp’s if he wants it (and I believe he does) UNLESS Riley comes in there and just absolutely blows them away (which is possible).

    • Tipman says:

      I heard Muschamp is unhappy at Auburn and would even leave for a better DC job. This came from a ‘Bama fan, though.

    • metzker says:

      Hope you are correct sir

    • Tipman says:

      What do you mean by “think”? A gut feeling or you’ve heard reports he’s their top guy?

      • Jordan Esco says:

        There are no reports that I’m aware of. Everything out there is speculation, some of it educated to be sure, but still just speculation.

    • SoonerOracle737 says:

      I totally agree.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      Why even interview? Should be out freaking recruiting. South C will never be on a par with OU, Bama or LSU. It is a good job, but there are great jobs.

      • Jordan Esco says:

        He is out recruiting, but coaches go through this process. They have to. If for no other reason than the experience.

        It’s the price you’re going to have to pay if you want to be an elite program.

        • Nate Broadus says:

          It will also likely garner him a nice pay raise.

          Nothing gets the admin cooking on a raise faster than someone trying to poach your main guy. That’s true of all businesses.

      • Jpsooner23 says:

        Same reason u interview, to make more money.

    • Super Keith says:

      I think the same thing Jordan. Mushchamp’s been chopping at the bit to get back to head coaching, and it seems like a good fit for both parties. Maybe some wishful thinking on my part, but it seems to fit.

      • Nate Broadus says:

        He has Spurrier’s endorsement.

        As much as I love Riley and want him to stay, logic says Muschamp is the better fit if South Carolina is looking to right the ship. Riley will need time to build connections. He’ll also be learning on his feet; Muschamp has already been a coach in the SEC. If he can find a good OC, he could be much more successful there than Florida.

        • Bill Duncan says:

          IMO I don’t think connections would be a problem. He’s coached and recruited in the Carolina’s. I’d say the lack of head coaching experience is the one thing holding him back.

      • tfb_fortyseven says:

        Muschamp needs to keep valium handy for when he feels the need to go ballistic at his players on national TV … his anger issues are bad for recruiting.

  • Birddawg says:

    IMO If I had my choice of muschamp or riley.. I would roll the dice on Lincoln Riley. You know what you are getting out of Muschamp. LR has a much higher ceiling. SC has an opportunity to hire arguably the youngest smartest coach running the Air Raid into the SEC. That could cause a culture shock.

    • Stephen Dale says:

      good in theory but sometimes bad in application …..youthfulness plus EXPERIENCE is usally the best recipe for success…..Riley is an exciting young coach who lacks the resume of Muschamp….sometimes youthfulness is not enough : just ask gary gibbs….

      • Birddawg says:

        I think LR is a talented coach and playcaller that relates to all his players. If I’m SC I “roll the dice” with LR youthfulness and inexperience.

        Because guess what.. Later if LR decides to stay at OU and he racks up win after win.

        He will be able to pick and choose where he goes and he wont chose a school like SC.

        It will be a strong p5 team with history.

        Unless, you offer him the $$$ now and recruit him in now, SC wont get him and settle for the experienced 57% win record muschamp. LR has more potential than winning 57% of his games in four years.

    • Soonerfandave84 says:

      also Kingsbury, a bright offensive mind who looks like he could be good someday but to this point hasn’t really done much of anything

  • Kevin Burger says:

    Man, I really don’t want Riley to go. I think he’s the best play caller OU has had in a long time. The biggest gripes I can recall about his play calling is that Andrews didn’t get more opportunities. For that to be the main gripe about an air raid guy with a deep backfield is outstanding IMO. I don’t recall any/many gripes about run/pass balance, or bizzare play call choices.

    • Thomas Lenard says:

      Andrews has a lot of drops on the year…….maybe why he didnt get more oppurtunities.

      • Kevin Burger says:

        Yep. So there’s even a reasonable explanation for the biggest gripe.

      • Brad Warren says:

        2 against Baylor doesn’t equate to alot. They were both crucial and could’ve been tds but he’s been pretty damn solid. If I’m wrong, give me some numbers, stats, to back up your claim.

      • Lane Gilstrap says:

        I remember Dede Westbrook having twice as many drops. Andrews run blocking has been suspect at times though.

        • Golfluvr13 says:

          Andrews blocking has improved as the season has gone on.

          • Nate Broadus says:

            He’ll get his opportunities. Sometimes it is easy to forget that he’s a redshirt freshman. Hell, Dimitri Flowers is only now starting to come into his own as a sophomore.

            Guys like Andrews are too talented to fade away. His time is coming.

          • Doobie74OU says:

            Along the same line, it took Riley a little bit to get the running game flowing with Perine and Mixon as well. We ran and blocked better as the year progressed partly due to OL play improving but partly because Riley has never worked with so many elite athletes at so many different positions. As he continues to figure out how to use all the pieces that he has this offense will just continue to get better and better.

          • BoomerDave says:

            People forget that Andrews was Shepard’s back-up.

    • Super Keith says:

      I think the Andrews thing is overblown. He’s been great, but who are you going to pull off the field to get him in more? It’s not going to be Shep, and Neal has been as consistent this year as ever, so Andrews is just stuck on the depth chart. It’s all going to work out though, as he’ll get his chance next year.

  • Golfluvr13 says:

    IMHO I think Muschamp gets this based solely on the fact that SC’s defense last year was horrendous. I really think they are going to go with a defensive minded coach.

    • SoonerOracle737 says:

      I tend to agree that this is the safest route for SC. Plus, Muschamp does have some HFC experience, which is more than LR has. I know he didn’t succeed at FL, but experience running a program can’t be overlooked.

      • Golfluvr13 says:

        His offense was disastrous at Floriduh. He has said in the past that he would go to a spread offense if made a HC again.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      Muschamp might be able to have more success from day 1 there too, as Riley would need a little time to overall the offensive talent, and to get a QB on campus.

  • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

    If he takes the job, best of luck to him. But for the sake of the players,* I’d hope he’ll finish what he started (that’s if he accepts credit for OU’s current success). If his leadership has impacted the players as is reported, I couldn’t imagine their disappointment.

    *And, of course, for my own fanaticism.

    • Stephen Dale says:

      if South Carolina offers and Riley accepts, one can only assume Riley will have to leave NOW…..South Carolina will probably force that stipulation as part of the hire…..somebody will have to head recruiting for SC and that somebody will have to be the ‘face’ of the program—the HC

      • Robertson / Robertson 2016 says:

        Right. And there will be lament.

      • D Hunter Sanchez says:

        This is bs. We lost to K st and LSU because we were disrupted by losing MS.

        • SoonerfanTU says:

          Eh, I don’t think that is why we lost either of those games. KSU we just didn’t show up. Either side of the ball. LSU was just a weird game. JW playing injured. Throwing that stupid pick 6. Throwing down by the goal line after running it down their throats late in the game. Playing a road game against a rabid fan base. The D played pretty good that game if I remember correctly.

          • Nate Broadus says:

            Chuck Long lost the Sugar Bowl. Kejuan Jones was setting up camp on LSU’s tired corpse and Long called 4 straight passing plays. They were gasping for air and Chuck Long gave them an oxygen mask.

        • brainpimp says:

          I agree with you. MS leaving was a big disruption.

  • Jordan Esco says:

    Muschamp also expected to interview in the next 24 hours.

  • Jordan Esco says:

    Muschamp also expected to interview in the next 24 hours.

  • soonerinks says:

    I hope that Lincoln stays at OU for a couple of years, but wish him the best regardless of what may or may not happen. Am sure that Bob already has a pretty good idea of who would be next in line for the OC position.

    • Exiled In Ohio says:

      I think Bob also has a pretty good idea of what kind of counter-offer that OU could make to keep LR. I’m assuming they are planning on a huge raise anyway, but USC will have to give a good offer to beat what OU would pay to keep LR.

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        It won’t come down to money. LR is going to get a raise if he stays at OU, even before the SC stuff. But the highest paid OC in the country is only making $1.5M. I’m not sure what the going rate for a HC at an SEC school is, but I imagine it’s at least $1.5M/year.

        • SoonerfanTU says:

          Heck, Fuente is making about $3.2M his first year at VT. No way OU can/will pay Riley to be our OC what SC can pay him to be their HC if they really want him.

      • D Hunter Sanchez says:

        Didn’t work with Monty.

  • Waters says:

    Assume Riley is the SC HC.
    Future depends on SC success.
    OU offensive success this year could be attributed to many factors other than Riley.
    Riley stays at OU and has NC plus Big 12 championships.
    Riley would keep his stature as a top OC regardless of success as a future HC.
    Riley is young, talented , needs to build his resume at OU before move to HC.
    I don’t believe , he will be offered but would be a long term risky decision vs building a tract
    Record at OU before move to be a HC .
    The wiser safe decision is to stay at OU.

  • rainydaze114 says:

    Man… I can’t imagine a major(ish) school hiring away a OC fresh of their first year at a big school. Seems like this would be unprecedented.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      I hope that is the reason he doesn’t get offered, but he does have 5-6 years experience as an OC at D1 schools, and an additional 3-4 years coaching WR’s at TT. He started coaching so young that he has quite a bit of experience to only be 32.

    • Super Keith says:

      Is there precedent? I was just trying to think if it had happened before, and I’m drawing a blank. I know there’s a long list of newish OC’s interviewing at various schools, but I can’t think of one that was hired (I’m talking about higher profile, P5 schools).

      I suppose it’s always possible, but I’m really hoping it doesn’t happen. If Riley could hold on, I think his options will grow, and eventually he could return to OU as a HC when Bob hangs it up. I’d like to see him prove himself somewhere first though.

    • Nate Broadus says:

      From reading around, it sounds like South Carolina was getting to the bottom of their wish list. The main guy they wanted was Tom Herman from Houston, but he is staying put. Lincoln Riley is getting a lot of buzz for what he did this year.

      Now that some other big names are coming out with interest, I will be stunned if Lincoln Riley is hired. Of all the names that I’ve heard, Rich Rod would be the big time hire — and it sounds like he wants out of Arizona.

      If South Carolina can hire Rich Rod, you gotta make that hire.

    • Snr4Life says:

      Wasn’t Mike Leach hired at TT after his first year at OU?

      • tfb_fortyseven says:

        Yeah, but he had already made a name for himself and his high-powered attack while at Kentucky of all places. Leach was ready to go (I’m sure he and Bob were total Alpha dogs too), and Tech made a great hire.

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    He’s hired. I am resigned to the fact that we’ll always lose coaches. Monty left right away, now LR will. Muschump will be another Les at LSU winning offensively challenged games 10-7 victories.

  • BigJoeBrown says:

    I have been mum on the whole Riley deal. Because there isn’t really much we can do unfortunately. As for SC being attractive, I kinda think it is a bit. The SEC east is really down. You have Georgia and Florida both looking mediocre a bit overrated with Georgia getting a new coach (even though its Kirby Smart) and the Vol’s. Although I really think Butch Davis is turning things around. But overall the SEC is up for grabs IMO. You will have funding, and recruiting, ect…

    But I really think Muschamp will take it if offered. He wants to get back in there and I imagine he isn’t content being a DC on a mediocre Auburn team. Also I can’t figure out the Brent Venerables deal, is there something we are missing. I think this guy would be the perfect fit. He is argueably one of the top DC’s in NCAA, knows the area in regards to recruiting, and most important imo is spent a lot of time under the tutalege of Bob Stoops, Bill Syder and Dabo Sweeney. This is were you really learn about being a head coach.

    Lincoln Riley is the man and I understand if he really wants to go but just like Stoops when he was under Snyder and Spurrier, the lessons you learn under a good coach are invaluable not only in the good years but the rough ones as well. Dealing with the media, Administration, Discipline, and a whole lot of other stuff that I can’t even imagine.

    Think about all the sucessfull disciples that have been connected to not only Stoops and Saban but Bill Snyder, Schembechler, and Haden Fry.

  • Mizuno44 says:

    “Last look” in the interview process matters. If reports are correct, Riley is interviewing today, Muschamp either tonight or tomorrow. Advantage Muschamp.

    • paganpink says:

      What about Rodriguez?

      • Mizuno44 says:

        Good call out, wasn’t aware of RichRod before my earlier post. Knowing now, I’d most definitely place him in the top category, but really feel Muschamp is their guy.

    • Golfluvr13 says:

      This one looks like a winner:

      Nichols College (D-III – MA): Nichols College is looking to fill two part time offensive skill positions. Stipend is $3000-$3500. Those living in Central Massachussets are encouraged to apply. No housing, o classes.

  • Nate Broadus says:

    I’m reminded of Stoops as an example of a young, energetic coach WITH experience when he came to OU. He learned under Hayden Fry, Bill Snyder and Steve Spurrier. He coached in championship games, in hostile road games. He proved his mettle against some of the best in college football of the time. He also proved his worth when it came to the most important aspect of a head coach: managerial skills. Spurrier made him associate head coach — basically “head coach: defense.”

    I am convinced that is one reason why he succeeded so early at OU. He may have been a young coach, but he was seasoned and battle-tested. In fact, he may have been moreso than many HEAD coaches at the time.

    Lincoln Riley is too good to keep forever (unless he takes over for Stoops). That said, there are still things that Lincoln Riley can learn that will ensure he is better prepared to succeed right away and build a program. If he wants an example of that lesson, all he has to do is go down the hall and talk to the HoF-bound head coach who has been there and done that.

  • Waters says:

    Is Riley shopping his interest via an agent?
    Venables should be considered before Riley if Venables is interested in being a HC.
    Question? Did Riley contact SC or SC contact Riley?

  • Big Higg says:

    Come on Bob just announce LR as head coach in waiting, get another NC or two, learn your successor some HC skills, and hook ass while you’re on top (in a few years)…

  • Super Keith says:

    I just don’t see Riley leaving. It appears as though he took the trip to interview for the North Texas job for experience (and, I assume he’s a smart guy and why not listen to what they had to say). Could be the same for the South Carolina job.

    I can’t blame a guy for wanting to do what’s best for he and his family, but I’d be shocked if he left after 8 months to take a job at a place like SC. That’s a tough spot to put yourself in for your first HC gig.

    • SE Sooner says:

      The other thing is with Muschamp and Rodriguez in the mix , how could you go with the kid with zero experience . The AD would put his job on the line

    • Oscar says:

      Anybody with connections? Can we get a quick DUI on Riley’s record to make him look like a bad hire? Then maybe S.C. would back off. clever tactic!

  • Bill Holder says:

    If LR leaves, let Baker call his own plays.

  • Lane Gilstrap says:

    247 sports saying Muschamp not expected back at Auburn. Hopefully he goes to SC.

    • Nate Broadus says:

      Right now it is looking like Muschamp is the guy. He has cancelled all recruiting visits, went in for an interview and has recommendations from people within and familiar with the program.

  • Jpsooner23 says:

    OK, gotta chime in here. I live in SC and mentioned this Tuesday as the rumors were picking up here.

    First off, for those that say this would be a bad hire for SC, that’s absurd. Risky, yes, but this is not a top end program. They just went 3-8 folks. They need a game changer. They could totally whiff, I get it, but hiring the known entities such as muschamp won’t do anything more than maybe return them to mediocrity. I can also tell you that EVERY SC fan I talk to wants him badly now that Herman, Fuente, and richt are off the board. None of them want muschamp and several didn’t even want smart. They understand that they need a fresh approach to compete.

    Second, to say LR shouldn’t take it if offered is crazy. If he wants to make 6-8 times his salary then I say he’s crazy not to do it. Some people take their time and some don’t. If he is offered and goes then congrats to the man. Even if he fails he returns to OC somewhere making what he is now. I’m not saying he should go, just saying it makes a ton of sense to do so if the chance were there.

    I hope he doesn’t leave. Badly. But some of this speculation on what SC and, or LR should do is going overboard.

    (Jumps off soap box, says a little prayer that LR stays, waits for the masses to pummel him)

    • Waters says:

      A game changer would be to hire an OC who installs the spread air raid offense.
      HC requires lots of expierence. Venables has it. Stoops had it.
      Hire Riley as OC at a rediculous salary but not HC.

      • Ed Cotter says:

        OU would counter with more money to keep Riley. Now if SC wanted to pay an absolute ridiculous sum to get him, then best of luck to them…but don’t see that happening.

      • Jpsooner23 says:

        Many things can be a game changer. Not saying LR would be that either. Just saying that’s what this fan base wants and they see it as a possibility with LR. No one has a clue what he would accomplish as an HC right now.

        • Sooner Ray says:

          Remember when Baker went down in the TCU game and we almost lost? Riley was in the game the whole time. He is producing with some very good players, Baker would be harder to replace than would Riley. I hope he stays because I like his attitude and think he is a damn fine coordinator.

          • JJSoona says:


            ok….rant over………. back to being more subtle.

          • Jpsooner23 says:

            So u have no issue losing him then??? Edit – you also missed my point.

          • JJSoona says:

            Absolutely I want him to stay. I think he was a great hire along with several other coaches now on staff. This team had one bad game. Second in line was the 2nd half of the TCU game. Coach Riley has players who bought in to his system to go along with their talent. Sorry if I conveyed anything other than………please stay. Its a great ride. Good leaders + good talent = winning, which = money. Money will come in due time.

          • Jpsooner23 says:

            it’s all good. It will be muschump anyway.

          • Jpsooner23 says:

            Missing my point, but that’s ok. We all want the same thing, which is for him to stay put. I don’t know who is more important, nor do I care right now. All I want is #8.

    • curt gomer says:

      i will say this. if bob retired tomorrow and the 2 choice were rich Rodriguez or riley i think id take Rodriguez

      • Jpsooner23 says:

        Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying he’s the best hire possible. I think it’s unlikely he is the choice. My point is they aren’t bat sh*t crazy if they do offer him, like some on here are implying.

    • Carolina_Sooner says:

      I think it would be pretty risky for the Gamecocks but get what you’re saying. Certainly would be the other end of the spectrum from the last 2 coaches. Where do you live in SC? I’m near Greenville.

    • Wishbone4Life says:

      He’s 32 years old and if he waits a few years will get MUCH better job offers than South Carolina

  • Oscar says:

    Hoover’s latest headline at The Tulsa World “Stoops Attempts to Run off Knight and Riley at End of Season” (s)

  • curt gomer says:

    Brandon Drumm ‏@BrandonTFB 14m14 minutes ago
    The big recruiting news I tweeted about earlier will break around 6:45-7pm tonight. @TheFbBrainiacs

  • curt gomer says:

    ASU Assistant Mike Norvell will be the next coach at Memphis

  • Rich says:

    I have no problem with these assistant coaches wanting to move up the ladder. However, it is not fair to the players or fans that this takes place before their season is over. This should be part of their contracts that no contact with other schools as long as there are games left to play. This could cost a championship plus the effect on recruiting.

    • curt gomer says:

      yep, signing day so close to the end of the season is a problem.

    • JD says:

      It goes both ways really…its his life and job security so he would need to get on the recruiting trail for his new job…It would be nice to juggle both thru the bowl season though but waiting until after signing day is really not a good idea for the other program. IF he does leave hopefully Cale was paying attention because I assume he would be intern OC

    • Waters says:

      I agree . As the coaches tell their players, “The team comes first!”

    • blaster1371 says:

      I posted before reading this ….. You said it better !

    • Matthew Hawkins says:

      Never going to happen. The new school needs to start recruiting so they need to hire. The good assistants want to move up. If you tell the good assistants that they can’t take a job and move up until after a bowl game than you just won’t get the good assistants.

  • Jesse says:

    Levi Draper has officially decommitted from Oklahoma State

  • curt gomer says:

    0 retweets0 likes



  • Jeff says:

    Not worried

  • soonerbred4ever says:

    I’m pretty sure Mike Gundy is the one who recommended Riley to S Carolina.

  • Jeff says:

    Like I said he is staying at OU

  • blaster1371 says:

    I don’t get it. A coach is hired for a season. To leave before said season – and I’m not talking regular season- comes to an end seems like a breech of contract or just leaving before the job is done. Not cool in my book and I don’t care what others have done.

  • Walter Sobcek says:

    If he is interviewing, it’s just so that he can say no afterwards.

  • albsooner says:

    If you accepted a job, and 10 months later, another company offers 4 times what you are making- you go. If LR is offered, he is gone. I would be happy for him.

  • Billy says:

    If I were Riley, I would take the job if offered. However, as an outsider, I think he is still a work in progress (as a head coach prospect). His offensive system and play-calling looks great now, but it really has only been outstanding since Texas. He also has a Heisman candidate at QB and a record setting RB and WR. I also doubt he has been around Bob long enough to learn enough about the defense and other aspects of being a head coach at a major football university (could be wrong). Now, please don’t take this as me hating on Riley. He has been great for us and it’s only a matter of time before he becomes a HC.