This is going to be short and sweet.
Had a great home visit with Big 12 Champs #oklahomasooners @Coach_Diron @Zulu4lifeMarcus @Shasmia1970 pic.twitter.com/MgpMK0NmkV
— Marcel_Southall (@marcel_southall) December 4, 2015
And the big news of the day.
I have officially decommitted from Oklahoma State pic.twitter.com/xUAvlpEhfi
— Levi Draper (@ladraper_6) December 4, 2015
– UPDATE (7:38 pm):
Boomer Sooner ! Good Home Visit🔴⚪️ pic.twitter.com/ULbOe9HuI9
— Coach Juarez (@miquejuarez3) December 4, 2015
Nope. LOL Just kidding.
Is that that important to y’all?
No. Just a running gag.
Here it comes. You can feel the burn!
Come on Levi!!
Looking good. How great would it be to have those three at OU?
Tramonda! come on down!
Wow..that’s big. Saturday sounds like a Boom is coming.
boy, poor pokes. the hits just keep coming.
Whoa!! Marcel is one large human. Think he is OU bound along with Levi. Hope we are adding EJ to the BOOMing crescendo!!
He looks big there for sure. But that just tells you how big Daniels and the Elliot kid are. I think all 3 were in a picture 2 weeks ago vs tcu and he didn’t stand out as much.
Hopefully Draper will get to make his commitment with a 5A State Championship trophy in his hand. 🙂
There is gonna be a helluva explosion when him and Taven Birdow collide
Who is that. Can we get him too?
He is the rb for Altus..he is prob closer to a fb really. I don’t think he’s OU good but he is a good hs athlete over 6ft prob 220-230. I think he has offers from the likes of Air Force..Draper should handle him but from what I saw he always falls forward for sure
An airforce offer is excellent, but we could always use fullbacks.
We can haz studs?
We can haz studs!
We haz studz
We want Mo Studs!
Missouri studs?
Moar studz
I can’t say it enough, what a difference a year can make. Sometimes it takes schools several years to reverse a bad season, sometimes they never quite recover. It’s as though we’ve risen again (I say that not in jest, but giving all Glory to the Almighty).
Very cool for TFB!
Isn’t this technically breaking the story???
Kinda sorta I think, but none of the paid site guru’s are getting any of this. Will be a killer LB class.
He is in the 17 class but our future at backer looks promising for sure. Look what we are doing with 3stars currently
I wonder if SS is now gonna send a video crew up there. I guess I shouldn’t say up there since its at Yukon if I remember correctly and I can see the stadium from my backyard.
I could tell Brandon was having a ball tonight, his twitter page was full of goodies. I figured Jordan was going to post Brandon’s tweets and I didn’t want to ruin what he was working on, when he didn’t post them I put the two that were the most important up.
That is sweet.
Sweet Tweet!
I wonder who he is committing to since he is allowing you guys to be there?
Samaje must have run into it on the other side. Something had to give.
I love coach B and what he has done for our OLine, but someone in the athletic department needs to work with him on posing for pictures. He always looks like he’s posing for a mug shot for a mobster.
LOL!!! OL coaches don’t do glamour shots.
Glamor shots? I’ll take one that doesn’t look like Vinny the Butcher.
That’s how I want my OL coach to look. He’s the kingpin of the “big uglies.” I want him to look like a stone cold, hardcore Marcellus Wallace looking m’fer.
I like the big smile on mom’s face tho!
No doubt. Coach B does a great job, but some people just don’t take good pictures. One of my granddaughters is cute as a bug in person, but something happens in front of a camera and she just looks goofy in pictures.
Indeed. I’ve watched him on the sidelines during games. He likes to keep to himself and is very reserved. Strikes me as a low key guy.
Brahahahahahaha! I was gonna say the same thing! Gotta work on that smile
update added
That’s youngquist at 7:38 update right?
Yep..you can see his tweets blown up in the background
and Juarez
Had to refresh a second time to get that one
Juarez? Am I the only one not seeing Juarez?
It requires the double secret refresh.
Turn it off and back on again!
Got it, thanks.
Mique “John Houston” Juarez
Maybe he can talk Houston into transferring. Think we have a shot?
Transfer? He’s been secretly red shirting at ou.
As 47 says. Another great day to be a SOONER!
As for Draper, to the victor goes the spoils!
I think seeing that reindeer on national tv was the final straw lol
Only you can prevent reindeer abuse.
And before that, there was this guy on national tv.
I can just envision the Draper family all watching the game together dressed in their Crimson and Cream cheering for the Sooners and Levi suddenly realizing “Crap! I’m still committed to these losers”!
thats when he realized there was more to the myth
Also having to watch a combination of OU’s LB’s running around in the OSU backfield and the OSU LB’s having to take out extra insurance because of Perine and Mixon had to make him think about which one he wanted to be.
Osu fans showing their colors. Guy on Twitter who probably should have his account blocked for cyber bullying a 16 or 17 year old kid.
What was said?
Do we need to posse up and go destroy him?
Some guy calling him egotistic and a prick. Some adult by the way. I don’t get how dumb some people can be. I don’t get mad about kids who are in high school changing their minds about where they want to play. I guess the guy is calling him out for “advertising” his commitment.
Wow….see what you mean. Grown man told Levi he hopes he tears his ACL.
Thats terrible…someone needs to call him out
They are kersey and mccuistion are chiming in.
They are. This guy has a pornhub link in his profile and his follower list is full of young sorority girls. What a sh*tbag…..
Did they have wool or were they already shaven
Can we turn this conversation off?
ill edit..sorry bud
OU has those types too.
I think we have enough good ones though that will trash our village idiots.
You must have missed the crazy stuff that was said to the OKC kid who chose LSU over OU. I was extremely embarrassed for everyone involved, and I’m all for trash talk here and there.
Wow did you read that one tweet he made about F’ed’ his B**** in guchi flip flops. What a looser. I can’t believe that idiot.
And apparently he has a pornhub link on his profile. Idiot.
Bryce Youngquist, Ricky Deberry, Caleb Kelly, Levi Draper, we could have one of the best linebacker units for many years to come.
You ain’t lying.
Add Tay and Bolton also..I was really pumped about Bolton
Same re: Bolton. Kid looked special on film.
He is a lot like Striker. He was almost exclusively an edge rusher at Vista Murrieta. He was wreaking havoc when I saw him play Corona Centennial in the Section finals his SR year.
Ed are you from the Riverside/Corona area? I lived in Corona and MoVal for a while, but grew up in North OC, so just curious.
Yeah, Riverside. I get out and watch Centennial games quite a bit. They have a big one with St. John Bosco this week. Winner plays in the Open State Championship vs. DeLaSalle, and the loser probably plays in the D1 Final. Some great football players and teams in the IE, that’s for sure.
Coaches loved him in spring practice before he got hurt.
But…Fire Kish, right? 😉
I like Mique
Mique with those guys would give OU the best linebacker class in the country, bar none.
I fear, however, that it is a pipe dream. I will be stunned if Mique leaves Cali. If he did, though…
Don’t forget the ” HULK “
Great Open Post today
I see you Juarez
I just want to point out all those who were premature to freak out about being “late” on draper. This is why you take your time and make a genuine offer/connection.
I don’t know, Zack. He doesn’t graduate for another year and a half, seems like a slow play to me.
You believe these coaches? I mean like what the hell are they waiting for? 😉
It’s like they are just sitting on the dock of a bay or sumpin’.
I think we probably would have flipped him if we would have offered him at his signing ceremony next year. #oudna
Just more proof that Kish can’t recruit.
For sure, just think about the top recruits we could be in on if he we had a LB’er coach that could recruit.
Just wait until Kish gets to coach that talent. It’s amazing what he has done with the guys on campus right now. We pull in these guys and he works with them a few years…..watch out.
And diron too. He may send 5 guys on this roster to the league, possibly more.
Just ridiculous, ain’t it? Fire em all now.
For real. FAR Kish!!!!
OU needs to recruit Dylan Moses and Najee Harris , those guys will ne stars.
I’m not sure why Harris is the #1 RB in the country…kid doesn’t have that special highlight reel that you normally see (ie, Perine, Mixon, Peterson) in special RB’s.
I don’t think Moses is going to leave Louisiana, which is why OU isn’t recruiting him.
His size most likely but I still really like him. They would be the next thunder & lightning for OU.
I like his size too, but he’s not fast and seems to go down way too easily for such a big dude. I watched his HUDL film again and saw kids much smaller than him make shoestring tackles. He has Derrick Henry size and Trey Franks’ running ability.
Their should be a real chance for OU to get Dylan Moses , with all the LSU drama going on and with Bama already having 2 RB recruits committed.
I know he’s smaller, but I personally like McFarland better: http://www.hudl.com/athlete/2906544/highlights/192465375/v2
Not bad for an Irish guy. Reminds me of a bigger, faster Finch.
Sooners putting on a clinic against Central Arkansas. Up 71 to 31 with 15mins left in 2nd half. Dish channel 446
One of the FSOk channels. This team is gonna be good.
Yeah, really really like this team. If AK continues his current improvement this team will be scary good. Woodard 6 straight 3’s!
I believe he has tied his all time high for points.
DTV Channel 676-2
What’s up with the non-crowds this team draws? This is possibly a final 4 team- students need to get with the program!!
I blame it on the Thunder.
I think they are competing with the Thunder tonight.
The who? 😉
No, Thunder are AT Miami. Plus, I would be at OU long before going to a Thunder game.
It’s not just OU. Many CBB teams are failing to draw a crowd.
Sad- Sooners about to top 100
Cousins got a double double.
Agreed, if I didn’t live an hour and a half away, and have to get up at 3:30am, I would be there. Both MBB and WBB. Love both of the teams. Great personalities.
Wow they hit 100, and still have 7:30 to go. Is Billy coaching here again? 😉
Have you not heard…Big 12 doesn’t play defense…in any sport..just ask the SEC
Jordon Woodard with six threes in a row.
This team is sick
Buddy, wasn’t shooting well from the floor, but made up for it at the line.
It’s good to see Manyang get into it the last few games. I thought he played really well against the bigs in the Wisky game.
Thanks for all the good news and the OP, Brainiacs, whoever you may be.
Lots of talent in those images and some very large lads.
ET, I am starting to feel like the rich kid getting too many XMas presents. BUT, I like it!
Those boys have had a tot or two in their lifetime.
And some biscuits. 🙂
With gravy 🙂
Coach Tiff will break them of that!
No doubt. After 4 years of Coach Tiff, they will be prepared for life. Loving the Coaches!!!
She better not take away their biscuit soppin’ syrup.
Looks like they are on the see food diet. If the see it, they eat it.
And gravy..or gravies…lol
Interested to know how many here are actually students at OU?
I’m not, but I’ve put in 8 years worth of tuition there (for myself).
I was just going to ask one, if they replied, what the general feeling was about attending BBall games.
If it’s anything like when I was a student there, it would often depend on who’s playing.
I guess my point is that this team is quite possibly a Final 4 team and deserves a crowd no matter who’s playing. Owen Field fills up no matter…
Well, I’m not, but my identical twin brother is. Is having a clone there close enough?
Sure- ask what the deal is with not supporting the BBall team if you don’t mind.
I’ll see what I can do.
I was there during the Tubbs era and went to all the games. My recollection is that most of the games this time of year were pretty sparsely attended unless they were a name team. I know we used to complain about all the old fans who would buy season tickets and only attend half the games.
Yeah, seems that Tubbs had the thermostat cranked on high as well- he’d practice his teams with it pretty warm so they’d be used to it but it tired the opposition out. I think I recall fans complaining about how warm it was to sit there and watch Billy Ball Games.
You remember it that way?
No, not really. We used to come watch the women’s games so that we could sit on the front row of the men’s games. It was often somewhat cool. I remember it getting warm if the place was full, but it seemed normal to me otherwise.
musta dreamt it… hmmm… I’m old
I wouldn’t exactly take my remembrances as gospel either. I can believe Tubbs doing that.
and, you may have had a beverage or four beforehand
I do. First taking off my sweater, then taking off my shirt down to my T shirt. Then carrying everything out wanting to hit that cold night air.
*are. 🙂
*gotcha. 🙂
He’s wanting to know why the crowd sucks at the BB game.
I’ll never have to read another thread with you around, Ray! In all seriousness though, I had a conversation about this very thing at work this week. Puzzling to say the least.
I’m here for ya bud. 🙂
Me too.
Ditto x2
I attended for a couple of years. I attended more parties than classes, though. For some reason, i was asked to not enroll after my GPA fell below some arbitrarily high threshold like 1.5 or something.
I won’t lie I never attended and I am a fan cause of that’s who my big brother rooted for and all I knew was OU and still all I know. I still bleed C&C but attend a small school close to home as it’s all we could afford and that was ok with me! I am Sooner born and Sooner bred and when I die I will be Sooner dead!
I like the sound of that!
Yeah, it’s just the phrasing. Sounds kind of paddle people-ish. :-0
How do you embed tweets? haha
click on the … , then embed tweet, copy the link to the post.
You have to be a platinum member of the board. Just send your check to me and I’ll set you up.
I’ll send you a penny check.
Hey, Bob, I want to be platinum too. Checks in the mail. If you want you can use it to shoot hoops!
Hand type in all of the codes.
Nah, click on the tweet, then where it says “Details”, it’ll open in a new window with the link being in your address bar, copy and paste that.
Guess I forgot the /s note.
Yeah, I got it- just thought I’d try to be helpful to the guy/gal
Isn’t that a violation of board policy? /s
absolutely, that’s why I did it
You rebel.
And only Gary and I showed up at the TFB donor’s meeting on Tuesday, what’s up with that? 🙂
I knew nothing about this so-called “meeting”. Does this have anything to do with the secret dinners you guys were having without me a year or so ago?
Were having? We’re still eating like hogs! LOL.
Wow…thanks for hurting my pride, AND embarrassing me in one fell swoop!
That’s because if you didn’t send me your check, you didn’t get on the new email list and so didn’t get notified of the schedule change.
They sent them, I put in a change of address for you
Didn’t see RSVP request homie. Maybe next time….
Sounds like tramendous likes ou over his coaches and cousins Cowboys. I think it would be a lock if he didn’t have those connections to osu. I think we offer to sign him and place him if he isn’t able to make the grades which is the big rumor about him.
Channeling Billy Tubbs, the BB team hits a 100 with 7:32 left.
Did anyone already see this?
Yes, 2 posts below
did you guys see this? HA!
3 posts up.
I’m getting dizzy.
Getting? 😉
It was a joke that I posted again.
I suck at life!
C’mon man, it is posted only two posts down. Look before you leap bruh!
Didn’t Levi have an Alabama offer also? Is everyone sure here? I don’t want to jinx any hopeful good news come Saturday.
Guessing since TFB has an exclusive on the announcement, it’s a lock.
You should have been a detective. 🙂
Sure hope so
He also had a Clemson offer and visit.
Don’t forget OSU… ????
Allow me to retort, OSwho!
Anyone else think Kish looks like an old Jimmy Kimmel?
Jimmy Kimmel looks like an old Jimmy Kimmel
OK, Brandon … I was getting pretty impatient this afternoon. But with the great open post, I guess I forgive you. You can be slow when the news is this good!
Juarez looks huge, right?
Oh man, if Draper goes with OU, some people on here are going to lose their minds after being so upset at OU coaches for slow playing on him for the past year. We will see.
Experience has shown that those kinds of folks never seem to remember how wrong they were and will be back with a new complaint in a week or two.
I think you might be right.
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Booms with every post!
We don’t need no stinking luck; we’ll be landing all these bucks
Because Texas still sucks.”
You’re a poet and I think you know it!
And I make a mean quiche.
Tater tot quiche of course.
With cabbage.
How about cabbage rolls?
I love to unroll those and eat the filling. I treat the cabbage the same way I treat the corn husk on a tamale. 🙂
Is there any other way?
Not me, I eat the cabbage and sauce off of the filling then eat the filling.
Mmmmm…maraming masarap!!!
Damn you, now I want some tamales.
Also a favorite. If you ever get a chance, get your hands on Eastern European cabbage rolls (Romanian sarmale). Amazing.
I really like the Polish Cabbage Rolls…not sure of the spelling but sounds like calumpis.
Where can I get some?
Don’t know, but you can make it.
Good thinking. Thank you, kind man.
Good thinking. Thank you, kind man.
Did you ever try the ones from Jamil’s or Silver Flame?
OK… mixing it up a little here:
Is Sterling Shepard the best receiver in OU history? If not, who’s your pick?
Note: Not talking about strictly comparing stats.
Over the course of a 4 year span I would say Sterling is perhaps one of the best, I think Broyles, Clayton, Shepard, and Stills are the way I would rate them if it was me, I also say Travis Wilson, Inglasis, and Manny Johnson where all very solid. But those first 4 are my all time at OU in my time as far as seeing them and what they brought to the table.
Tinker Owens should be in the mix. Billy Brooks.
Shep is legit! He is like a bail bondsman….always there to bail you out on 3rd down.
Mayock likes him, that’s enough for me.
In history I don’t know much pre stoops receivers, but I would say since think Clayton, broyles, and then shep. But if shep is a part of a national title this year then I would give him the boost to number one. Stats wise it’s not fair to compare, because shep had 3 years of very questionable play calling. Again winning a national title would mean that he would be there for 3 of the 4 biggest wins in stoops era.
Well his Freshman year he was the number 4 guy. And his numbers where good being the 4th guy his Soph and JR years. yea very questionable and injury last year no pun intended hurt him # wise. Still say Broyles and Clayton are ahead of him!
You can include TE’s if you want…
Can’t remember watching Jackson but Gresham was nice and Trent Smith can’t be overlooked that dude was a stud one of my favorite Sooners all-time for some reason
Gresham and Smith were nice but if you haven’t already watched Jackson’s highlights, you owe it to yourself to do so. He was a man among boys at times.
Ha, I will watch again but don’t need to. One of my ALL TIME favorite plays ever!
I saw it live and every time I run across it i have to watch it again.
I can’t remember if I had anything in my hand at the time but if I did, it was long gone because I was doing flips. lol.
Uh . . . any chance we could bring this play back? How fast is Andrews?
He showed some pretty good separation on one play down the right sidelines for sure.
Oh I know he was really good! I have seen the TE reverse videos are something special! He was a legit athlete and I wish I had been old enough to have watched him play or at least remember it!
So many players for us to love. Uwe van Schamann & Tim Lashar among them. Years ago in Norman, a quiet, kind woman came into the store where I was working & paid for her purchase with a check. I saw the names on the check and just had to say, “Lashar?! Our kicker Tim Lashar? You thank him for years of great Sooner memories for me!” She looked surprised and said, “You know who he is? I didn’t think anybody around here remembered any more.” I was shocked and said “Well, for heaven’s sake of course we do! Real fans never forget great Sooners.” She left with a huge smile, moist eyes and a promise to pass my message along. Left me with a pretty dang big grin too.
Lashar was money in the bank.
Should probably recruit Arkansas more than we do.
For pure dazzle per catch I would have to go with Broyles.
I love Shep for the story, but Clayton and if I may include a TE, Jackson really kept me excited.
Keith Jackson was just a monster. Switzer could have used him at FB and they would have lost nothing having him there. Talented…period.
Clayton was by far my favorite! If not for injuries I believe he would have had a terrific nfl career!
He invented the “YAC”.
He was the most exciting player to watch with the ball in his hands behind Adrian Peterson
Little Joe
Stephen Alexander was my favorite offensive player of the 90s
Good home grown kid.
Broyles and Shep are pretty interchangeable to me. Shep did play last year in a mostly run oriented offense and put up good numbers. Both pretty much caught whatever was thrown at them, but Shep has just been clutch the last two years. Broyles was stellar and had the numbers, Shep just has that “it” factor you look for in a receiver. Just my opinion.
Keith Jackson. Averaged 23.7 yards/catch on a wishbone team. Two time consensus All American. Named Offensive player of the century for OU.
I noticed yesterday that Shep didn’t have a carry all year. Are we saving something for the playoffs like the reverse he ran against bama?
Talent wise probably not I’d say Clayton but for all time Sooners I’d say yes. Kid is a great player, worker, teammate, competitor, and person. I will say this, if I were taking a player to make my team better I’d take him as my #1 WR. If taking one for a FFL I’d say Ryan Broyles.
I say Shepard is. Like Broyles he’s a tough dude who comes down with the ball in almost every attempt, but he’s faster than Broyles and more dynamic. Loved Clayton, but I think Shepard is a bit better.
Just for pure fun watching, my pick has to be Tommy McDonald. He was zippy as a greyhound, and when he got tackled, no matter how hard he was hit, he’d bounce up like a rubber ball. A non-stop dynamo. Keith Jackson, of course, was almost robotic. Get a ball within two yards of him and he’d pull it in, every damn time.
Tommy McDonald, huh? He was amazing in the pros at Philadelphia as well, and the last man to play in the NFL without a face mask. That reminds me- I saw Orlando Brown penalized after saying “I’ll put your bitch ass in the ground” the other day and now I’m certain he actually had told the player he was as “zippy as a greyhound!” These refs! Am I right? Man oh man.
Jackson. Shep. Broyles would be my top 3.
And even though Jalen Saunders was here for just a moment, he was awfully good too. Would put him in my top 10.
That guy named Tinker
could play with the very best of them.
Though Saunders was a great WR he was also a short term guy. In my view the top three are Broyles, Shepard and Clayton. These three had it all — ran great routes and found ways to get open, caught any ball that hit their hands and were the most adept at yards after catch. And best of all they were incredibly consistent over four years.
Mark Clayton is my guy when thinking of the best. Shep is my favorite though.
Memphis hired a coach
Same with Mizzou:
One of their coordinators I believe.
I saw the name Norvell and thought…..Jay? Really. Nope, Mike Norvell, OC at Arizona State.
Lol doubt Jay will be getting a head coach job any time soon, but I did the same earlier.
Love seeing Youngquist decked out in Sooners gear. Kid looks like he loves OU.
And just because:
Barry Switzer. We all wish we could be like him, but we can’t.
That’s right. There is no ethnic food now. It’s not allowed by others who know better then the rest of us, LOL!
Looking at the old highlights below gets me thinking about how cool it would be if at some point next season while playing nobody state to reenact and only use the the best plays in the history of OU Football.
Only ULM and KU are bad opponents next year
Well there are two shots at it!
OUr schedule next year is awesome. Too bad the rest of this league doesn’t schedule as well
I hear ya!
Wouldn’t it be sweet to see a wishbone formation just once with Flowers, Perine, and mixon? Hell, put Knight in as the QB if he can pitch.
It would be amaz…balls to see that!
No it wouldn’t.
Did Riley have a phone interview today with South Carolina? http://twitter.com/VelusJr/status/672449960089100288/photo/1
Those Leer jets are fast suckers.
I know…just holding out hope. 🙁
sec speed
Looks promising but like the article says, he could land on staff at Georgia or Alabama.
I have no air left in sails ray…thx.
Sure you do, don’t forget about Arizona’s coach pushing for the job. 🙂
I find this quote humorous and typical of the
AggiesAubbies.“There are Auburn insiders who believe the program is two or three really strong signing classes away from having the kind of talent base required to compete for the SEC West again”
Isn’t every school pretty much two or three “strong” classes away from being able to compete?
Yep, give Tulsa 3 years of five star recruits and I guarantee you they could compete. Lol.
Exactly. And I am just a couple or three million dollars away from being a multi-millionaire.
I think Captain Obvious needs to discuss things with Auburn Fan.
I know a lot of Auburn fans, it wouldn’t help..
Good article. Thanks.
He showed up, started talking about the forward pass, and was immediately dismissed.
Love it! I bet one of the questions was…how do you plan on attacking all those amazing sec defenses!
That appears to be Indiana at Duke on behind him, which was Wednesday night.
As much as I want to believe we have a chance with Juarez, his profile picture is him in ole miss gear.
RIP Scott Weiland.
Dang! Only 48.
The more appropriate song, unfortunately:
He was supposed to be here in OKC on December 15th with the Wildabouts. I guess he went out in his own way. When the Stone Temple Pilots dropped him because of his heroin problems he said he couldn’t be fired because he had founded and fronted it!
Wow, that’s too bad, but I’m surprised he lasted as long has he did. I still remember the first time I heard “Sex Type Thing” on the radio. I immediately drove to the record store and bought their CD and have been a fan since. RIP.
Wow, he was so young! Very sad.
Mikey likey…
Are these based on Vegas odds or something else?
Click the link, 50,000 simulations.
Click the link, 50,000 simulations.
I like it!!!!!!!!
Wow! Sounds like we’re getting a BOOM from Draper this Saturday. Hopefully that will coincide with LR declining the SC job.
Can someone interpret the Twitters for me? Who’s with Kish and Stoops? None of those twitter handles makes sense.