Image via nj.com
Coming from almost out of nowhere, in the sense OU wasn’t believed to still be all that involved according to most, the Sooners have added a valuable and necessary 2016 offensive line commitment in the form of 6’5″ 337-pound Johncarlo Valentin.
OU and Valentin have been involved back-and-forth for some time and while the 2016 OT had often spoke highly of the Sooners, for whatever reasons in recent weeks Valentin’s name just wasn’t one you heard much of in terms of the two still talking.
Well, obviously he and Bill Bedenbaugh knew something very few others did and they kind of shocked Sooner Nation with the announcement Thursday afternoon.
I was on the football brainiacs Texas page thirsting for information come back over here and boom!!!!!
Huge pick-up. Literally.
Atta Boy! First Domino!
Philadelphia? Impressive! Stoop’s boys are really gaining ground in different recruiting areas of the country.
That boy likes some pancakes!!
High points of his offer list are: Arizona State, Auburn, Michigan, NC State, South Carolina, UCLA, Va Tech, Wisconsin.
There are other Power 5 offers as well; that’s a partial list.
Welcome! That looks like the “Big Nasties” BB is looking for!
Nice way to come out of the dead period. For anyone wondering “where’s the beef?” It’s coming to Oklahoma.
Lean beef at that
A whole lotta #OUDNA. He’s hefty and hungry! BOOM!!!!!!!
hot damn!…….a good hs olineman
man, they love that little trap play
what does this mean in regards to Tramonda Moore?
It means OSWho still isn’t gonna get him!!
well from what is being reported he wont qualify anyway.
then i guess you’ve answered your own question. wtf
That he should join the winners
ask a serious question…get trolled…typical day in the life
If you wanted a serious answer, you needed to ask it on LT.
He’ll be treated especially nice if he lets them know he’s an OSU fan. They really like other team’s fans on LT.
dunno what LT is.
They are much more soft spoken and friendly to fans of other teams than we are here. You would love it there.
Oh Bob, your nose will grow a foot for that one.
Just trying to help the guy out. He seems distressed that we are so mean here.
eh… i was there once but I dunno anyone there. Since im familiar with most faces here I just keep hanging around.
Seriously it’s a garbage heap. Just pulling your chain.
Ha…. gotcha! I didnt stick around long enough to find out.
Just ask Stephen Dale – He will give you all the answers you WANT to hear about OU
kyle seems likable, he’d get eaten alive at lt
We keep hoping.
You are on a rival’s message board and a known fan of the other team. Were you expecting that we would give you milk and cookies?
that wasn’t trolling dude, lighten up.
If you want to know how things look and care anything about Demetric Warren’s opinion(s), check this:
that was mild trolling RBear… but I understand taking sides is encouraged here
i think that’s just human nature, happens everywhere- you’ll survive
it stings
you’re assuming I knew who you were and where your allegiance lies- I did not but do now, makes sense.
Seriously though, Moore is a Tackle, Valentin is a Guard.
right…but some were recruiting Moore at guard. Didn’t know if you all had insight to how many OL that OU was planning to take in this class.
All of them.
He said anything was better than going to oSu (I think). 😉
If he wants to win, he’ll go to OU or Bama.
If he wants to lose, he’ll go to osu.
If he can’t make grades, Hello, JUCO!
lol I know most of that is true… just curious if anyone had actual information about him. (if that meant OU may have just found out they cant take him or didnt qualify)
You’re too kind, Kyle. Why don’t you put in your OSU resignation & join the Sooners? We’ll make room on the Schooner.
Unless I go back and get another degree and it just so happens to be OU, I’m kind of stuck on the loyal and true wagon…
You gotta be loyal and true to stay on that particular wagon. Yikes.
the thought to switch has crossed my mind before. believe me…
Don’t fret. You’re not alone. That same thought has crossed the mind of, literally, every osu fan ever.
Oh no doubt. I actually have friends who have crossed over to the dark side since I started HS.
I can respect that. I never have trouble with true fans of a team. It’s the only when we are winning ones that bother me.
pistols misfiring
u again
You can be a loyal alum, but be a fan of the good guys.
It’s all good. I was wondering the same thing.
Guess we will see after his OV this weekend. OSU has another big man visiting along with Moore – if the other guy commits then we know for sure Moore isn’t going OSU. We only have one more spot.
OSU’s admission standards are pretty low. Aren’t they kinda like the Arizona St. of the Big XII? Everybody gets in!!
Yeah, but Moore must really be struggling. We had another guy who didnt qualify either – Tramal Ivy. He was a JUCO originally from Muskogee.
I remember that dude. Had a bit of hype in HS then disappeared. Tragic.
yeah…didnt qualify obviously out of HS either so hes been at Butler County. But I think he may end up at Nebraska.
No the real one.
I went to ASU…Guess that plains’ a lot.
Oh, they’ll let anyone in just to make a buck. But, you have to actually do some work. Their retention rate is a tad low but that’s to be expected. They actually have a really good engineering school that I’m looking into.
if you go to the Stephen Dale Recruting site Im sure you’ll be happy with what you read.
ahh come on. if SD had a site we’d all be reading it for fun
Not me. He’s a joke.
This guy is a guard. Moore is a Tackle and a mauler at that. This guy is a guard….doubtful that OU stops an recruiting elite tackle and especially a local kid
ya know, for a puke you’re not bad, but I don’t totally trust you anyway
whats not to trust lol
Never trust a man who doesn’t wear a beard.
I’ve always thought the opposite.
does he have a totally orange outfit, orange car, anything
i have an orange tie and couple of shirts… but i also have a crimson tie if that counts for anything
Admit it, You have burnt orange stripes in your underwear too.
Not today, no.
Only on taco tuesdays….
From what I have been reading and hearing, it is looking like he isn’t going to qualify. I thought Moore was being recruited as a guard as well. Maybe the OU coaches are looking at still taking both.
Denzel we were thinking you didn’t like us anymore. Glad to see you back.
Denzel: “Ahh, like is too much of a soft word, I love you guys”.
YESSIR!!! Welcome Mr. Valentin
That’s a big boom!
6-5 330.. That’s nfl size in a position of need. Perfect
Size is not all of the answer …OU has another 340 lb OG on scholarship that can’t seem to get playing time….the bulldozers need some quickness, too….May Valentin can bring it if he qualifies…..
Love it, OU going national finding talent.
Right there with you. I’ve been really impressed with recruiting the last 2 years now.
We’re recruiting Biggie and Tupac style, coast to coast
Upvote for Biggie and Pac reference.
OK, I went to watch his hudl highlights and they were showing the Revenant instead. AlI you could see was this bear mauling people over and over.
Yes. The vids are interchangeable.
Do we still have a spot for Moore or Price?
We’d make room.
Yes. Yes we do! More Booms, keep em comin’!
Moore Booms, like the sound.
What has JY said about this kid? I’m curious to hear his analysis. Big old kid though, glad he’s with the good guys.
He literally said he is “so excited, that he needs a minute to collect himself”.
^^^^ That was his response when somebody asked him to offer his thoughts on Twitter. Pretty legit!!!
Proofs or it ain’t so
Refresh the page & check my post above! I gotcha covered.
You da man.
Fantastic GIF. I appreciate you validating my claims! I’m all about them facts, boss.
STRONG comments from our very own, JY!
JY isn’t alone, either….
Still not sure what JY thinks. Is this good or bad? /s
I think he’s speaking in tongues
Can we talk about realignment now /S
I’m thinking some DL in the future may need their spines realigned.
Is that painful?
Sure. Now let’s see how can we…I’ve got it! We don’t have to realign or move – just have Big12 games broadcast on…. (SD anticipation)….the Hallmark Channel.
lmfao good one Cush
OTA, new antenna needed
Cush … that’s right. The Big 12 shall spare no expense to provide us fans with the best possible viewing options. And I bet that SD is for Standard Definition … we’re so spoiled!
A little TOO good
Got to love it when JY tosses out huzzas.
JY doesn’t play games
He’s guard……some concern in the fall about whether or not Valentin had grade issues ….Does anybody know if he is fully qualified or will be signed and placed ?
What no Boom, Sunshine? Funny you’re the first to mention grade issues with a new commit.
Bob Stoops himself, along with brother Mike are in Caleb Kelly’s home tonight. Let’s hope they can seal the deal!
By most accounts, it sounds like it’s been sealed. But I am right there with you!
Can’t visit too often for a guy like this. Caleb will look great in crimson & cream
Oh, trust me. I want them to do anything short of committing recruiting violations to ensure that Kelly is a Sooner. I just wanted to contribute positive words to our man, @BoomerDave:disqus
I’m with ya’ Jake. I got what you were doing, but wanted to give the Stoops boys encouragement to keep on with Mr. Kelly.
I’m the most positive person on here! Lol! I only bash the Negative Nancy’s or people who constantly bash our players, recruits or coaches.
Ive been known to be positive
Ha, sorry for the poor wording. I didn’t read your post as anything remotely negative. You definitely bring some positive Feng Shui to TFB, man!
Random question: Who runs the Football Brainiacs Twitter?
Brent Vulnerables
I have often asked that question myself (to myself). Myself thought and assumed the following. Jordan and Brandon tweet as themselves on twitter, Andrew is writing for ut. JY has occassional articles here, but never see him on twitter, so my guess is that K is the twitter tweeter, because we don’t ever see anyone else. All is assumption.
That’s been my thought process too. Figured Super K as his other account for the other brainiac site he covers.
That’s like asking who runs the illuminati or what does purple smell like.
Or, what does orange rhyme with.
I think it’s outsourced overseas
Droppin’ bombs
Where do the brainiacs project him, OT or G?
I wonder, too. He looks like he has the quickness to play OT. If so, this may allow Samia to move inside?
Or he can play guard and let samia stay at RT. Either would probably work. Excited to have options.
What do you say, Linc???
Doesn’t that final shot at the buzzer by the Pukes in the Bedlam game just symbolize who they really are, close but it never goes in?
Get your mind out of the gutter!
I’m old…..keep that in mind, always!
Oh, Denzel! How I have missed you so!!!
I count 83 scholarships spoken for next season. Things are getting tight as they currently stand.
I suspect there are a couple we don’t know about. As many new offers as have been handed out recently, it seems unlikely we are down to only two.
Are you saying that the OU Coaching staff may have some inside information that we aren’t aware of? Preposterous!
That’s kind of what I’m alluding to. Seems to me there will be some more transfer news coming out of Norman in the coming days and weeks. Classes start Monday.
It could even be a couple of kids that have said they are transferring at the end of the year. We usually lose about 2-5 in May.
Anybody specific come to mind? Just curious to hear your thoughts, Bob.
Would just be speculation and rumor-starting at this point. Not prudent, IMO.
This is also a possibility. One last chance to break through in the spring before seeing the writing on the wall.
Naw. I had an SEC specialist examine it and he came up with 56 total – lots of room if you just know how to che..er..count.
obviously, you understand
Valentine looks the part. However, most of the guys he is working against are lightweights. For a man his size he can move and his feet look pretty good to me. Let Schmidty get hold of him for a year or so and this kid could be a great player.
This guy doesn’t look light :]
This guy doesn’t look light :]
Nope. He looks like he’s on his way to some dirt.
I’m not an Eddie fan, but, I can appreciate his work showing the avg. stars. In my opinion especially in regards to OUr smaller class, the avg. is much more important than the total numbers.
The reason why you don’t get too worked up on recruiting rankings, this reference is MUCH more relevant. Half the class is 4 stars or higher right now.
The reason why you don’t get too worked up on recruiting rankings, this reference is MUCH more relevant. Half the class is 4 stars or higher right now.
How are you not an Eddie fan? Guy doesn’t come off abrasive to me…Carey, I can understand.
Don’t get me started on Carey……
I’m generally not in favor of any writer who profits soley from a player that can not share in the profit yet. I kinda think of everyone in his profession as vultures.
I’m not an Eddie fan, but, I can appreciate his work showing the avg. stars. In my opinion especially in regards to OUr smaller class, the avg. is much more important than the total numbers.
If anybody hasn’t listened to this kid speak in his interview sessions, you’re missing out. Extremely humble, well-spoken (natural leader). I’d expect a lot of good things ON & OFF the field from Chanse.
Already love this kid. Sooner to the core. That’s the best kind of recruit.
No doubt, Slim.
A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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Yes that vid of him in the op bowt brought a tear to my eyes.
Free recruiting specialist for the next few years
Add that to his credentials
He was named one of the Captains in the Army All Star game. That alone speaks volumes.
Exactly. These are the types of guys that truly unite a locker room & get the team to buy in.
WELCOME CHANSE! It’s been over 40 years since I had one of those, but the Sooner memories will stay with you.
Future All-American. No doubt.
Man, we all love you already.
Get after it, young man!
Boom boom boom! Time to get a room.
And the award for best photo and name on here goes to…….BIG TIDDAYS!
And the award for best photo and name on here goes to…….BIG TIDDAYS!
Meat and potatoes
Well, that is a very pleasant surprise. Welcome aboard and hope you have a stellar career here at Norman.
Very heavy handed kid. Him going against Rashan Gary is a thing of beauty.
I only know how to log on here. Linking sites not for me 🙂
lol ok hemi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-DfHfvuT9g 1:30 mark
bad ass thanks hemi
Thanks for posting. 2nd and 3rd 1-on-1 had some holding going on. That was last spring so another year of HS improvement to now and coach BB to help him reach the top.
Things you have to consider. No pads and they don’t have to worry about the run.
Yes. I am all for the young man. And as I mentioned, it was spring and your points are certainly valid.
Another kid I like is Powers. Phone booth kinda guy. Would make a center or guard
Here’s another from the opening in NY.
Watched this and saw that Josephus Smith kid get by with ease, then looked that kid up and saw he was 5’8″ lol Wow, that’s a short DT.
Thanks Mav
Rashan Gary is an absolute freak. That is elite talent. It would be nice to get a couple of kids like that.
Rashan Gary is an animal. Fast feet and hands and great first step.
He’s the only guy that gave JV trouble, too. JV got Gary a couple of times, though. Gonna be a good ‘un with some work from BB and the OU staff. Love this get!!!
I want THAT guy for OU!
Link? Or at least the camp this happened at?
BOOM! We found some beef.
can’t really think of any one at any level who uses they’re hands better
1:21 of the HUDL video he threw that 200 lb dude off like a dad throws a kid across a pool.
Boom! Love me some beef!!
Is Valentin the first chance OU has at training up a first team All-American OG since Terry Webb, or have I been sleeping too long?
I was going to say Davin Joseph but im not too sure now
Davin was a superstar for the Bucs, here in the Tampa area. He was very well respected and had his own weekly radio show, at one time.
The Sooners have shown well here, with Davin, GK, Dewey and Lee Roy. The whole town cried when Lee Roy passed. He was genuinely loved in Tampa. (GK is loved, too.)
If Lee Roy had the advantage of today’s players, he could have signed with a contender and have been a National NFL celebrity. He was great.
Lol, you’ve been sleeping wayyyy too long. Duke Robinson says hello.
Duke needed to show up in Miami, against Florida. That would have helped a lot.
Anthony Phillips?
With Orlando at left tackle, and this big piece o’beef at left guard, we can just tell the left side of the line to fall down on top of anyone in their way after the first step, and almost be guaranteed 5 yards from any of our backs.
Hell, I’m 70 years old and 40 pounds overweight. I could average five yards a carry behind those two.
You don’t look a day over 68!
You’re way too kind. It’s been quite a few years since I scored my last touchdown.
Don’t be sad…It’s been quite a few yrs. since I’ve scored anything 🙂
This is some kind of BIG.
The down side is that the running backs may have to run 5 extra yards to get around him.
Good point
Or have to step through the broken bodies of the defenders that will be sprawled across the field.
Interesting, if you look at the guys we recruited two years ago (270 – 290) compared to what we are recruiting today (320+ & 6’5/6), it’s very different. BedenBOOM is building the great wall of OU. Really looking forward to seeing the OL next year.
I just watched Valentin’s video. It didn’t take long to identify his only glaring downside. He will be flagged by UT refs for hitting too hard.
Boom! Seems like forever since I got to say that.
Will UCLA’s Coach Mora or Alabama’s Sabin wait until after NSD before revealing information about a move to the NFL? If they move will the recruits who signed be legally bound to stay at that school even though they will have been deceived?
2nd part, yes. 1st part – shock if Sabin leaves from Alabama sainthood to nfl grinder. Mora – don’t know, don’t care.
Good point. Maybe its harder to win championships when teams can buy and trade player – all with professional skill sets. Dunno. …jut thinking about Miq Juarez choosing UCLA not knowing how long his HC will be around. But the same thing can be said in Austin, I guess.
that’s why mique Juarez is going to Ole Miss.
Saban already coaches a NFL farm team and doesn’t have a general manager to mess with. He would be insane to leave Alabama.
Running out of places to go. NY Giants, San Fran and Cleveland all filled today.
Valentin Day came a month early!!! SoonerNation LOVES Johncarlo!!!l
JValentin will be penalized for making UT linebackers cry…. before they get hit.
Is Caleb Kelly the same size as LB Rod Choate (at his age)?
Rod Shoate…played at 6’1 214…Kelly right now is listed by Rivals at 6’3 215…after one year with Schmitty…he’ll play at 225 I’d guess. OLB…
Whoa! Thanks!
Looks like the left side is going to be solid. Heck of a get for BB.
I typically reserve judgement on how good a player is going to be till they get some D1 snaps but this guy looks like he’s going to be a good one.
Love coming home to a Big BOOM after a workout!!! ; )
Ok. Calm enuff to type after seeing this ‘BOOM’. OU getting one of their top OGs on their board is a beautiful thing. Trent Williams big in getting JV and OU together. OL recruits looking good. Just give me TramOUndas Moore and call it a day.
I wanted him for nothing more than his name. The fact that he’s a mauler is only a plus.
Johncarlo Valentin. John. Carlo. Valentin. J-carlo. Johncarlooooooooooo Valentin!
What’s up, RR?
This one was a huge surprise. I know he was high on ou around summer time but I hadn’t heard anything about him in awhile. Keep up the national recruiting.
From what I’ve seen EJ price cancelled his visit so I expect us to be holding one spot for Moore, which I think is a silent commit even though Blevins believes he’s osu bound.
Hey Zack, what do you know about the following?
T Cleveland
Jauan Williams
J Mayden
Kyzir White
Elysee Mbem-bosse
Jordan Elliot
and what do you think about Chattman, Wims, Kongbo, Guidry and King?
Don’t know much about kyzir or king. Out of those you named I would say bosse and Williams are the closest to ou “leans” but I don’t know that either end up here. Williams IMO would have to depend on more than 1 OL transferring out. Elliot seems solid to michigan, if he flips I think it would be to Texas. I also don’t know much about kongbo or wims but both seem like long shots. I don’t know that Guidry and chattman are automatic takes, both seem like backup plans. Cleveland isn’t leaving Houston, needed them to lose in their bowl game for some doubt to creep in but instead there’s even more excitement.
Mayden is a guy I thought we could stay in contact with and eventually flip, to my knowledge we didn’t keep up contact while he was committed to Oregon, so I think he’s looking at other destinations. Cobb and Parker are just as good if not better.
Thanks Zack
OU needs to worry about Cobb & Daniels flipping to Texas….Cleveland, Williams, Mayden, White , EMB, Elliot headed elsewhere as is Chattman, Wims, Kongbo, & Guidry…..think OU has a shot with King and may pursue the LB at Tuttle…
who is the tuttle lb
blake barnett
This was a perfect question for SD, as most if not all of these guys are going elsewhere.
I feel good about Kelly, Bledsoe, southall and mark Jackson. Felt pretty good about Moore, but I’m not sure what he thinks about Valentin committing even though JCV is a guard and Moore is going to be a tackle on whichever side of the ball he fits best.
Funny. I don’t read his entries, but I see what people write about him. I only asked b/c I’d written down names from early on I saw and just wondered where they were going. You feel good about k, b, s, j, but what about davis, jones? Wims looks to me like the big WR that OSU has had since bryant, if not b/f. We almost had one in DBGIII (I think is his name). Would love to have one wide out like that. I know we have andrews, but it doesn’t appear that we are going to use him like that. A lot of people seem to be saying doucet = OU. think so?
Personally, I’d like to get wims, kongbo or king. I don’t share your opinion OU recruiting JCs b/c it’s been my experience for 40 yrs that whenever you see upper classmen, even though less talented, they will often beat more talented younger guys, at church volleyball/softball, to HS or college teams. I like have a heavier jr/sr class of athletes on the team rather than always being heavy FR/FR(R)/SO. I think it’s a good thing to have more SRs each year, and a little JUCO recruiting does that. Also, bama, etc are doing it, and ksu–well, we know about them.
Jucos have a higher floor, but a lower ceiling. I don’t have a problem with jucos, but if that’s our deal going forward then we need to force out the young guys that won’t see playing time. My issue this year is that there are still some good HS prospects that we will land if we don’t get cute. I think the late Juco offers is a bit “cute.”
With a name like that I bet he gets all the chicks.
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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