Image of Jeffrey Okudah via Scout.com
– Baker Mayfield Tweet: For those of you who may have missed it, below is a tweet from Baker Mayfield from Monday evening.
#SoonerSquad17 isn't playing any games….. Just wait on it
— Baker Mayfield (@bakermayfield) April 25, 2016
Yes, this tweet was about someone specific. And yes, it is about a highly recruited prospect the OU staff certainly wants in the fold. If it comes to fruition, fans will definitely be pleased. That is about all we can say for now. – (TFB)
– Jeffrey Okudah: Unrelated to the note above (for those of you playing the guessing game) Sooners DC Mike Stoops is expecting to visit with elite 2017 DB Jeffrey Okudah later today. OU continues to be among Okudah’s top schools and in speaking with him somewhat recently, he has even mentioned that Norman may be the place he is “most comfortable.” – (Super K)
– Trajan Bandy: OU coaches are expected to stop by and see the CB commit later today. – (Super K)
– Colten Blanton: OU is also planning to visit with 2018 OT Colten Blanton (Cypress, TX) this week. Blanton already holds an offer from Oklahoma and was in Norman for the spring game.
TFB caught up with Blanton yesterday, who is sure to be one of the more highly coveted offensive line recruits in the 2018 class, and it sounds like the Sooners have developed a bit of a connection. “I have family up there,” Blanton remarked. “OU has always been a school of interest for me.” – (Super K)
– Taquon Graham: Per TFB’s Andrew King, the Sooners will also be by to visit DE Taquon Graham (Temple, TX). As of right now, this one is primarily a Texas/TCU battle, with Baylor having a very slight outside chance.
Based on what we’ve heard, OU isn’t really a factor in Graham’s recruitment at this point. So we’ll have to see if this visit changes anything. – (Super K)
– Charleston Rambo: The 2017 OU wide receiver commit let TFB know he was visited by Lincoln Riley and Dennis Simmons earlier today. Additionally, TFB spoke with a friend (and former FBS receiver himself) who has seen a number of the top northern Texas wide receivers in multiple settings.
This person spoke very highly of both Rambo and another OU commit in Jalen Reagor. They actually said that outside of perhaps Texas WR commit Damion Miller (who I, Super K, have seen live and can vouch for his exceptional talent), Rambo may be the best and most complete wide receiver in all of northern Texas (with Reagor right behind him, fwiw).
It’s obviously just one person’s opinion, but it is certainly an educated one and vibes with what a lot of folks in the Dallas area believe as well. – (Super K & Brandon)
– UPDATE (2:06 pm): Busy day of offers going out.
Congrats to Narbonne LB Raymond Scott on receiving an offer from the University of Oklahoma. #narbonnefootball #sooners
— Narbonne Football (@BonneFTBL) April 26, 2016
#Oklahoma just offered another SoCal '18 LB, this one for Gardena (Calif) Serra's Merlin Robertson https://t.co/hLcqFCZHpj
— Greg Biggins (@GregBiggins) April 26, 2016
– UPDATE (3:49 pm):
#Sooners stopped by to see star 2017 TX LB, Baron Browning today.
— Super K (@SuperK_TFB) April 26, 2016
Man it is no fun being the first loser——–
nth + 1
I’m ready for a BOOM
Bob’s recent ability to find coaches who have an exceptional eye for talent early on is paying off in a big way. I understand that our brand and recent success is also playing a factor in this but our coaches have been on these top guys before most.
Best guess on the Mayfield comments is either AJ Davis or Trey Sermon
Sermon would be a big get no doubt but the way TFB made it sound, it must be a guy we don’t think we have much of a shot at.
A poster on LT, who speaks fairly regularly with one of the Sooners defensive coaches, said he(the coach) just came back from Miami & was hoping for some “good” news later this week..
Do you know if Florida is this coaches territory to recruit or was he definitely a defensive recruit?
The poster made an assumption it was a defensive recruit based on the coach he spoke to.. & it was definitely a recruit in the miami area..
hmm..Trajan Bandy’s teammate?
I made the assumption it was someone associated with Bandy. but this guy doesn’t follow recruiting so he had no idea..
Stanford Samuels? He is right outside of Miami I think. Didn’t he have a connection to OU somehow?
I know Bandy was recruiting him but that’s all I know.
that’s who I was thinking of
AJ Davis possibly?
James Robinson , who is teammates with AJ Davis . He is a 5 star WR who does have OU in his Top 4 but many believe OHIO St or Clemsoning is the favorite.
I’m going w/ Davis, too, in this guessing game. Heard he has been high on OU for a while and think he wants to secure his spot on SoonerSquad17.
Id be really happy with Davis. He’s my #1 choice at RB right now.
Please, be Marvin Wilson!!
Oh, Lordy, that would be the recruiting coup for 2017 thus far!
I don’t know if Sooner Fans could handle it! We all might die of shock and happiness when we here it!
Hold your breath!!
I want Gumbs!
BOOM 10th!!!
I’m excited to see ESPN’s first ESPN 300 ranking tomorrow. I’m expecting 10 OU commits to be in the ESPN 300. I know a lot recruits pay a lot of attention to ESPN recruiting rankings , it will definitely help OU’s chances with some of these top recruits. My early Prediction for the number class would be Ohio St followed by OU.
They will all go down in rankings since they are committed to us. Jk. But I agree, kids checking out the top 300 will see that gorgeous interlocking OU next to OUr guys and realize we got something cookin.
“If it comes to fruition, fans will definitely be pleased.” I’m going to guess it’s someone that was not talked about seriously in any previous posts.
Same here. Wilson would certainly fit that bill.
Im thinking since Baker tweeted out its probably on the offensive side of the ball, but my guess is as good as yours.
I thought about that too and you could very well be right. I just couldn’t think of a guy that we hadn’t thought of that was outside our reach.
Yeah, good point. We’ll all be ecstatic either way so I’ll sit here patiently ?
Same here brother…same here.
VS21 and CN – Not me, I want my boom and I want it now!!!
No way it’s AJ and his hoss of a teammate? That would probably give me a heart attack.
Do you think it’s related to the kid mention on the Rivals website , who is a DT in the Rivals Top 100? ( I’m not subscribed to them so I don’t know the kids name)
I think a DT would make sense or one of those two LBs, I think that constitutes definitely being pleased imo.
by “one of those two”, who are you referring to?
Hines and Gumbs
I would love to get Hines on board and then get him and Draper recruiting at The Opening…
I’m having a hard time trying to figure out who it is. I don’t think it’s Trey Sermon or AJ Davis. ( I do believe they will both commit to OU soon) I’m leaning more towards the defensive side of ball on this one.
are there any big time recruits that have visited campus but were never really talked about as realistic? It’s not Wilson or Browning or Hines….
I dont know of any recently. Im just totally guessing.
I guess we could always hope for Dylan Moses………….
Please be Cam Akers
A.J. Davis and James Robinson would be nice!!
Or somebody from IMG.
I’m not sure why everyone thinks it is somebody out of left field. My guess would be Trey Sermon.
I think part of it is that everyone is assuming Sermon is not if but when. So that doesn’t seem like news. They may be wrong but that seems to be the assumption.
Hmmm……maybe Hines ran out of reasons not to go ahead and join his squad?
Im leaning toward him too.
except I feel like most people, including the TFBers, have thought Hines was an OU lean for a while?
Yeah I felt as if OU was always in the running, but not 100% on the lean.
This would please me.
I think the surprise Boom coming is a guy called Sterling Shepard
Could it be someone in the 2018 class? Curtis Dunlap maybe?
After careful consideration (and the realization that the tweet # tagged SoonerSquad17) I withdraw my guess.
Curtis has had OU as his ‘fav’ but IMG took a busload of recruits on a tour of FL schools this past weekend and Dunlap now has orange color script in his twitter feed and ‘could see myself’ at FSU. Hopefully the shine wears off. Just need to get him to Norman.
It would certainly set the 18 class up nicely on the o-line. Getting anyone from IMG would be a big foot in the door there.
Trey Sermon my guess
I would have to think so.
I have to admit that I was thinking the TFBers were trying give us a hint with the headline picture being Okudah until I read the note on him. Lol
Me too. There was a noticeable “thump!” in my pants and then TFB shot me down.
Maybe the thump was the Taco Deluxe Supreme from lunch…
I’m hoping that is where that conversation was going. The better, if somewhat more inconvenient, of the potential thumping possibilities.
I could get a ‘noticeable “thump” in my pants, too, if this rumor becomes reality and it involves any of Marvin Wilson, AJ Davis, James Robinson, Sermon or Hines. But I don’t think I’d be typing it out for the world to see. Just sayin’….
17 and 18 year old boys give me thumps too. Oh boy!
Since Stoops is the only OU one recruiting Anthony Davis, why can’t be the only one to recruit Wilson?
…. Haven’t seen it mentioned in this thread …. but BOOMER!!! oh and …..
SOONER… And fwiw somebody that’s hasn’t been mentioned a lot.
Just scrolled down and read everyones guesses. Mine is Sermon but Id be happy with pretty much everyone mentioned. Gumbs Vids blow me away as does Hines…just saying.
It’s gotta be Sermon. Jay tweeted only needing 1 right after Baker’s tweet. My best guess is that he is referring to only needing 1 more running back commitment after Sermon (or one of the other RB targets) silently committed last night.
My hope is that this unknown recruit is an OL. If it is, I think we get a package deal of him and Sermon. Sermon already loves OU and getting someone that is a stud to block for him will make OU the obvious choice.
That is good news that this ’17 recruiting class has done a great job of recruiting and it shows by who we have gotten so far and who we are in on With all the potential weather that could happen this afternoon/evening, is sure does brighten my day and probably a lot of others too.
Those of you actually in OK stay safe.
A lot of the school districts are letting kids out 30 min early in anticipation of the severe weather. The storms are starting to form in western Oklahoma. There are a lot of storm chasers out and about waiting for them to start going up.
And Kansas and Missouri and N Tejas …. Son and his family in KC, a lot of family still back in OK. Prayers up for all ya’ll.
50 mph winds in Lubbock helping with the fuel for badass weather east of here.
he signs off his tweets with DBo? OUr pres has some swag.
And I am sure he does his own tweets or maybe not.
David Boren’s alter ego??
Here is Super K reading our comments…..
He looks different than his avatar!
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!cg463ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !cg463n:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsPointGetPayHourly$98…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!cg463n….,….
He looks different than his avatar!
Great info on the Post today.
Sermon having silently committed makes the most sense to me.
…. and/or A J Davis knows this and just found out he has OUDNA so wants to get his seat nailed down.
Dosent really take a whole lot to make us happy when it comes to highly rated recruits, so it could honestly be any number of kids.
As long as we land who the coaches want I’m good.
Loving the anticipation like a kid a Christmas. Making the long off-season more fun.
Loving the anticipation like a kid a Christmas. Making the long off-season more fun.
Well,figures.I was right,the OP appears!!!!!!!!
Went into a meeting I take it?
You need to go to more meetings more often.
Hell no!!!!!
The last meeting brought out the OP. Another meeting could bring the next Boom. Worth a boring hour or two.
Come on man. Take one for the team.
I just did,im sure OP came up at 1:01
It’s a well thought out plan.
Yep.. Is Metz still here? Nope..just left for his Tuesday meeting.
The Metz factor.
Give us your client’s contact info. We’ll book you solid.
Thanks 737 much appreciated.
You should break up your, let’s say 30 minute meeting, into 30 (1) minute meetings. 30 more reasons something gets posted on TFB. The math checks out.
Maybe if you take a 2 week business trip to Hawaii, you will come back and out entire 2017 & 2018 classes will be full ????
Thats funny!!!!!!!!
If Metz is paying, I’ll take his vacation to Hawaii for him!
Did not get too say mornin. So here’s an afternoon.
Good afternoon.
How did the meeting on concrete paving proper joint spacing go?
You mean you have to properly space it?
I asked what them slick rod thangs was for!
Speed dowel’s are cool prevent cracking in between pours opp’s sounds like another meeting.
Yup every 20 F.T on Metzker’s projects they have a meeting on every detail.
Excellent ,very exciting stuff.
Seen this come across Lincoln Riley’s twitter yesterday.
Interesting, doesn’t have an offer yet.
Looks like he’s got one from about everybody else.
He’s got a decent mustache though.
As for the BOOM i will go with someone other than sermon.
I am amazed at the turn around (LR) has made in OU in 1seaon. I believe LR had a dream when he came to OU. I wonder if he has a 3or4yr plan to see his dream come and have a offense that makes a DC actually fear his system. This is the most complete intact staff that he has personal history and relationship’s with before he head’s to HC. Again salute from a 12 yr vet, you have to respect such a leader: walked into 8-5 team, said he had enough to do what he wanted to do and did it. In 3 yes he will have his own hand picked team no left over’s from JH. What’s your thought? On LR and the OU Offense??
I kinda sorta like it a little.
Survived another meeting!! One at a time, fellas…one at a time…
Having a great time watching what he is doing along with the rest of the staff. It has the feel of something special being built. Hope the group stays together for a while.
Yes he’s doing well but he also hit the lotto with the weapons that were here. I would like to know what he was thinking when he saw all the talent running around after the 1st practice.
I hope he’s the HC-in-waiting.
LR is doing a great job. I suspect it’s made easier with Mayfield running the show instead of Trevor
Once he HAS his own chosen players, we will see. I like what he’s done so far, but we need to see how his O performs without the great RBs and the walk-on QB that he did NOT recruit.
In think the entire sooner nation hope’s this staff stay’s intact. Can I get a BOOMER if you agree!!!! BOOMER Who will approve this message??
I’ll abide it. Boomer!!
BOOMER & SOONER!! Message approved!
Dang. If you are just getting here and look at the first posts w/o reading… it looks like a BOOM. That got me hyperventilating trying to see who committed!! Lol
My question is, is this a commit that we’ll be hearing about imminently or a silent commit that we might not know until like signing day?
Split the rumor difference, and the young man is a whisper-commit. Someone with good ears can “hear” about it for the rest of us.
I think we should get a hint….what parts of the country is he NOT from???
New York City
See….were already on a roll.
I figured Id get the ball rolling.
Lets expand it out to the NY area so we can rule out Lackawana.
Are you sure about that?
Why what have you heard??
Pretty much all I hear comes from you! lol
I thought we offered the whole Lackawana team.
Riley is calling the water boy as we speak.
Is he bobbys cousin?
Could be. I just googled him. Horatio Stoops.
I was thinking bobby buchauex
I laughed so hard from this lol. He legit had no idea who you referring to ?
Foozball is the devil!
See….were already on a roll.
New York City
I pretty certain he is not coming from Grant Alabama.
You sure about that. Might be from Buck Snort.
Stillwater. Because no way would T. Boone let that happen.
As if T. Booger could stop it…but not a great deal of talent from Stoolwater since Shipp.
Burma. Since Burma no longer exists. It is Myanmar now.
I checked 247 and there are no rated players in Alaska so that is probably a safe bet.
I’ll throw Colorado in.
So Texas Georgia Florida Cali are all in play….that narrows it down. /s
He is a transfer from Japan.
He is a fine LT prospect, but he needs to work on his footwork.
Got short arms should play him at RT.
Either way will be fine, Baker will need to work on throwing lanes though.
Gotta be able to knock the defenders arms down…
Mothra appears to be flying around the edge. Maybe Bob could get his signature too. Can never have to many speed rushers.
Be safe, Okies. They’ve issued an apparently rare “PDS” (Particularly Dangerous Situation) warning with the recent Tornado Watch. Be sure you’re tracking the packing list for the Essential Sooners Bug-out Bag:
1. Bible,
2. Water,
3. Canned food,
4. TFB access,
5. Gloves,
6. Wet weather gear,
7. Flashlight,
8. Extra clothes,
9. Weather radio,
10. Whistle,
11. TFB access,
12. Sleep system,
13. Playing cards,
14. TFB access.
Keep you and your crew safe.
You forgot #15. Texsa still sucks clock (displays message at every instance of day)
Sorry if this has already been posted….But can it be posted too much???
hOU,Mojo,Pagan,Fear,Bob,Slim,737,Doc, Cush,
,Boom,Jake,47,Golf,Bleed,J.r.,Woof, Ray,Sam,
Malicongs,Oscar,76, Super K,*Cheryl*,Jordan,
,Dawg,Jp, ,Dustin,Kj, Dick, Joe, Rick, Dave,
, ,Hawk,Hwsnbn, Woods, Alar, Robertson,
Brien,Bear,Colorado, Electric, London, Jed,T.Rob.,
OK see you guys Metz out
She can stay … see ya later!!
That’s the chick from San Andreas?
You’ll get to ‘see a lot’ of her soon. Hanging w/ ‘the Rock…one of the new Baywatch gurlz.
O my!
Keep it real METZ————
Have a good one! Stay safe in the texsa high plains.
Evenin’ Metz
Stay safe
Just a request but can I be 47 th on the list? I really don’t mind. Toddles!!!!
Later Metz. God bless Alexandra Deddario.
How about an All-Wishlist team. On defense. (*commits) Got a good start. Just need the beef up front, now.
DL – Marvin Wilson, Greg Rogers and Trevor Kent
OLB – Browning and Gumbs
ILB – Draper* and Hines
CB – Bandy* and Tre Brown* (Broiles*)
S – Barnes* and Okudah
This would be an acceptable class I suppose. You should aim higher though
Crazy part is… OU is ‘in’ w/ all of these guys and has a decent shot. Wilson the only ‘longshot’ and would need to flip Kent. Once…just one time.. would like to see what it would be like to field a team w/ the top guys on yOUr board.
Realistic shot with Hines, there is hope for Okudah and Browning, Wilson like you say is the long shot. If OU got 2 of the first 3 I’d call that a win.
I’ve been watching Reagor’s film. Does he not look like Juaquin Iglesias 2.0. Good route runner, catches with his hands, physical, and can high point the ball.
Good comparison but looks much fast than Iglesias
I thought so too, saw him listed at 4.63
Scout says verified 4.41. Whatever that means
He ran a laser timed 4.4 at the Dallas Opening.. Legit as it can get I guess.
thanks Jim and Randy
ya that 40 time surprises me he looks more like a 4.4-4.5 guy on tape. Though it could be that his start is slow and top end is much faster. Either way you don’t see him ever being caught that is for sure.
Great hands and blazing speed!
Boom Coming?
Whens the last time a tornado actually hit Norman?
Joe Washington comes to mind. I just don’t recall the year he performed that crazy punt return vs USC I think it was.
Awesome! Thanks SoonerinLondon! He didn’t score but that was the sweetest return.
Right around 1972. Joe Washingtons spin move.
Yeah, but he also kept backing up, as if he was drawing them in. When he broke out from the pack, it was one of the most amazing runs I’ve ever seen.
WOW Fear bringing it!!!!!
“In preparation of approaching storms, many aggies have been spotted leaving town on their reindeer.”
“In preparation of approaching storms, many aggies have been spotted leaving town on their reindeer.”
Browning & Okudah would be a nice combo for the D
That would be an incredible combo.
I won’t even say the other name. Too much to even consider without losing mind
As requested by 47 I have moved him to 43 sorry
Bleed, J.r.
Doc, Sam, Ray,
Kj, Dustin, Cush,
Hawk, Hwsnbn, Bear,
K, *Cheryl* Rick, Dave,
Joe, Dick, Colorado,Dc,Drew,
Ah Cheryl, it was a good ride while it lasted.
It’s like the Billboard top 50 countdown. There’s a new number one every week.
NEWS: Sooner Blake Griffin to miss the remainder of NBA playoffs with aggravated injury.
Yeah CP is out too. Clips are done.
Interesting, probably did not get admitted.
OK Prep?
Originally thought to be an OU lean and presumably was planning on committing on his official visit but we got all filled up in the secondary I believe/knew he was a grade concern so moved on. 4* safety from Cali if I remember correctly
You’re right. I remember now. Do the work or go JUCO. Pretty simple. All part of god’s plan. /s
And either a teammate or just a good friend of Jordan Parker. Most thought they were a package since both were high on OU.
OK Prep?
Can’t say I’m surprised. His commitment to Oregon state reeked of something and I figured it was grades. Would be cool if he went to NEO since he was a big OU lean.
Can he? NEO signed 5 out-of-state players this season. I know there are limits on how many a JUCO can sign. I’m not sure about the specific number.
Now that’s an Open Post! Great job, gents and thank you!!!
whoa, looks like rock&roll for okc tonite…….lot of red/purple on radar hitting here soon
Well that’s no fun…
He’s not going to Ohio state
wouldnt surprise me
I think it’s going to end up being a red river battle. And maybe a&m can make a push to make it a 3 team race.
On September 17th, they will be stopped. That’ll be an eye-opener for sure.
I’m throwing my hat into the guessing ring, and go with… Dobbins.
Lol he’s all buckeye looking at his Twitter. Until September anyways.
Laugh all you want my friend
Also, if you looked at his likes, you might see he’s not as Buckeye as it seems.
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!cg463ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !cg463n:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsPointGetPayHourly$98…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!cg463n….,…
Be careful tonight everybody. Sirens woke up my wife and I in Tulsa but nothing too serious right now.
I just lost tv signal, rain and wind beating the hell out of the house right now.
Wind still whipping around like crazy? Came through Norman like a bat out of hell.
Yep, I’m North of Tulsa right now and it’s getting serious.
Looks like right now heavy rain. Storm is moving into downtown Tulsa right now
I think I’m just getting rain and wind, my wife and kids are at our house in Jenks tonight and are in the tornado warning area. Hopefully this thing blows on through.
I’m hoping so. We’re in south Tulsa where they’re saying it’s going to get 60-70 mph winds. Still just rain and strong winds.
I think we’re good. It’s past the ranch where I am North of Tulsa, pushing away from Jenks/Bixby heading toward BA. As I’m typing, some trailing winds are hitting me and are making the house shake a little.
Glad everybody’s alright.
Tee Higgins would be worth tweeting about.
Praying for y’all tonight. Stay safe.
We just got out of storm shelter. Thank God no tornado formed here.
Praying for those that got hit tonight.
Me too!
“my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet 98$/hr”…..!cc23ctwo days ago grey MacLaren P1 I bought after earning 18,512 DoIIars..it was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k DoIIars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly payouts..it’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over. hourly 87 DoIIars…Learn. More right Here !cc23n:➽:➽:➽➽➽➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsCoachGetPayHourly$98…. .❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦:❖❖:❦❦::::::!cc23n….,…