Image of Cornell Powell via Scout
– Du’Vonta Lampkin: I’ve been in regular contact with someone close to Du’Vonta Lampkin and received word late last week there was still a last minute chance Lampkin could participate in fall camp. In fact, you may recall a tweet from the TFB account alluding to the possibility of some good news coming this week. That tweet was in reference to the above regarding Lampkin.
That, unfortunately, did not come to fruition.
However, Lampkin should be good to go for first day of classes. So while the “good news” obviously didn’t happen this week, some may still be wondering if Lampkin ends up a Sooner. To that I will say…#JustWaitOnIt. – (Super K)
– Austin Roberts: As you’re likely aware, the 2015 NEO defensive end did not report for fall camp yesterday with the rest of the team. I spoke with one of Roberts’ former coaches and was told they are waiting on a transcript from another institution. But this coach said, “he (Roberts) should be there in a few days.” – (Super K)
– Momentum: OU seized quite a bit of recruiting momentum last week. To be honest, it was probably one of the fastest recruiting turnarounds you will see. Tomorrow we will try to go into a discussion about some other recruits who are also very high on OU right now. But for now just wanted to mention that this new found momentum put the Sooners in a great position for a number of top prospects.
In fact, the inevitability of certain commitments has created a situation where OU is quickly starting to be in a position where they are going to be able to tell commits, “we need a decision or you’re going to lose your spot.” Which is night and day from where they were just one week ago. – (Super K & Brandon)
– Cornell Powell: The West Virginia game (Oct. 3rd) is turning into a big recruiting weekend for the Sooners. You can add 2016 WR and Clemson commit, Cornell Powell (Greenville, NC) to the already growing list of prospects expected in Norman that weekend.
Powell tells shared with TFB that he and Lincoln Riley have a great connection. “He (Lincoln) was recruiting me when he was at ECU, and I think he’s a great coach.” In addition to his Clemson and OU official visits, Powell will also plans to see Ohio State and Georgia as well. – (Brandon)
– Terrell Hall: Hall, a 2016 DE prospect out of Washington D.C., had been off the market for some time prior to this past Monday when news of his decommitment from Ohio State first broke. Soon after said decommitment, OU defensive line coach Diron Reynolds extended an offer to Hall.
I spoke with Hall recently and asked for his thoughts on the OU offer. “I am interested. As interested as they are in me, right now. I just have to do some research on the school and get to know the staff. I know OU has a lot of tradition.” When I asked Hall what officials he would take, the only school he mentioned with any certainty was Alabama. The reason? “Because they’ve been talking to me the most.”
I get the sense that Hall is very open right now and that sheer will and effort could go a long way in his recruitment. – (Brandon)
– Aaron Hansford: Around the same time OU offered Hall, they also extended an offer to his teammate and 2016 linebacker prospect, Aaron Hansford. When I spoke to Hansford recently, he had not communicated with his teammate and said he was not aware that Hall had also been offered by the Sooners.
Tim Kish made the offer to Hansford and while OU may be coming in somewhat late, there is definitely reason to think Oklahoma can make a push here. Hansford has a connection to the state of with both his mother and brother living in Oklahoma City. He went on to say, “I’m trying to see if me and my mom can set up a visit that works with my schedule.”
OU is playing catch-up with both D.C. area prospects but with Hall seeming to be open at this point and Hansford having a connection to Oklahoma, some serious effort appears warranted and prove fruitful. – (Brandon)
– UPDATE (2:30 pm):
2018 @GoSouthmooreFB OL Brey Walker(@BreyWalker) was in attendance at #Sooners first practice this morning. #okpreps #OUDNA @TheFbBrainiacs
— Brandon Drumm (@Bdrumm_Rivals) August 6, 2015
Rats. Dam tablet
I love you guys
Great news! Thanks for the OPs.
Super K and Brandon are aces!
Yesterday it sounded like frustration was due to a process and not that Austin was having second thoughts which is obviously good news. Hope it gets cleared up quick.
K, with your defensive eye for talent, where does Lampkin fit in our DL and the recruits we hauled in last year. Also, what are his best traits and the ones he needs to work on the most. Thanks
Lampkin will likely be a 3 tech (I still believe OU is moving to a single gap alignment)
From your S report yesterday, really like Parker at SS. If he becomes the stud we think he can, that D secondary will get stronger as the season goes along. I thought he would be the FS but makes more sense with what a SS has to do in today’s game. Also, from the time I saw Haughton’s film last spring, I couldn’t wait to watch him. If we had a slick, we need a silk which is my name for Haughton.
A lot of very good potential news here.
Thanks K & co.
There’s a lot of potential in the potentiality of good news.
Its all about the potentialities.
K, do you know why there has been such a quick turnaround in the recruiting? New coaches, new philosophy?
Like most things…good luck and making a good effort. Sylvie could have just as easily ended up at TCU (trust me it was CLOSE) and Bryce could have very easily ended up at Oregon (it was also close…but believe it or not, not as close as Sylvie to TCU). From there the whole #OUDNA took off and the commitments energized all the coaches…coaches need competition just like players. Additionally, it changed their conversation with recruits. Now it’s starting to look like a good class that recruits want to be part of (though I think they jumped the gun on a couple kids) and it also gives them leverage. I can tell you that Kerry Cooks is actually putting himself in a position where he may have to turn away one or more highly regarded prospects due to numbers. There is a lot of talk behinds the scenes amongst recruits about spots filling up.
Awesome. Thanks for all of the info. Any chance the kids they jumped the gun on maybe don’t stick with the commitment, for lack of better term?
They’d have to nudge them out…forcefully.
Do you think that translates to commitments in the near future?
Do you think he’s taking only 3 or is he taking 4 or 5?
We’re going to have our pick of DB talent this year…
What is the ideal class? Lots of Cali guys interested…
Heard that last year too. Interested didn’t end up committed.
Adams St… I bet it was those damn Alpha Beta’s that lost Roberts transcripts.. It’s time to get them back.. Vote NO ON 15!!!
LOL!!! STILL a great movie to this day!!
well done sir
Good for him & TU…
Fall camp Day 1, #TulsaFB already has a victory: OL Rowdy Frederick of Broken Arrow says he committed after practice. http://t.co/EuLqpPFZVH
I was curious about the offer to hansford but he is definitely the type of athlete we need at LB. wouldn’t mind if he’s the last one we take to obviously go with Kelly’s future commitment.
The OP was put up an hour ago and no updates? whats up with that???
signed: Imtrulyanaddict
refresh brother doh my bad
Can wait for Lampkin. Cant have too many Dlinemen. Plus I would think because of the late enrollment, Alabama would be out of the picture. Doubt they save a scholarship dor that length of time if they even have any available for 2015
Don’t really care. If he wants to be a Sooner he needs to prove it. Right now it feels more like OU is the friend you ask to the prom because your first date didn’t want you.
I don’t see it that way at all. I think he always wanted to be a Sooner; then somehow got pressured into signing with the Longhorns; had buyer’s remorse immediately; and has since done everything in his power to not qualify/get out of his LOI.
Could be, I just want to see it.
I’m not sure how you’ll see it. If he shows up, then that’s proof enough for me.
Someone needs to make sure he doesn’t take any foreign language classes when he gets here. LOL
OU has always been in it with Lampkin. The situation is a long and complicated one. But that family loves OU…no doubt about that
He is going to redshirt either way, and likely won’t be a major part of the defense until 2017 or 18 anyway.
Sorry he’s going JUCO..I’m defying TFB on this one
He doesn’t have to go to JUCO; he’s fully qualified, just not to texass.
I know but wait and se
Can anyone launch a drone with video camera over practice field? Please…
Wouldn’t it be easier to just copy all the film the team is taking themselves? With how wired everyone is these days, there have to be weak points in the wiring. And with the construction, there are so many unfamiliar faces roaming around the facilities. A coupla guys in uniforms mount a box on a wall over wires and eh! Voila! live streaming video….
Best mullet award
To go with best name!
I still feel if OU decides to get involved at some point, Rowdy could be persuaded to de-commit.
Just listened to a radio interview with Austin Kendall. He said that he is aware of a couple of guys that are, in his opinion, very close to committing. No…he didn’t name names. But he did say that he is in constant contact with Parker B and that Parker will be taking an official visit to OU.
There are actually a few guys that some would consider “close”
Devwah Whaley and Caleb Kelly the silent commits 😉
shhhh….not so loud
Not from what I’ve been told. But those are TOUGH to know for sure because there are a lot of guys inside the program that might not know.
Im just trying to be positive and those two are the best players OU has left available
2016 or 2017?
Would you consider them close?
It’s tough to say. I could make a case either way. I think one that the staff thinks is close, is not close. I think one that the staffs thinks is close, may be but he’s not open enough with us for me to say. I think there are two guys that are close that I’d say probably are but I’m not sure OU will be able to take both and that fact may lead to one of them committing.
I am overly impressed with the connections you have.
Love the connections, but love more that they respect the young men’s right to make their own announcements.
Hale did not ask Austin Kendall for names of those he thought were close to committing even though I was screaming at the radio begging him to!!
I’m surprised hale didn’t ask.
Hello super k,
Have you seen any video of the Bryce Bray kid from Bixby. 2018 OT.
Would like to hear your thoughts on him, if you have a chance to watch some video.
I’m sure he would be an OU lean, and a great kid to boot.
Thanks for everything tfb does.
Boudreaux? Geez, that would be a steal to get him to Norman. If anyone can do it, Coach B can. Watched Parker pull a big rig the other day on CFB Live.
Read a great write up on Landry Jones. Apparently he has really taken a step forward this year. I am happy for him and wish him the best!
Practice photos are up: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.460812227418609.1073741949.199712966861871&type=3
Good. Thanks for the o.p. Maybe now some can turn the page on “our qb’s suck already and can’t throw” from looking at a simple picture and ASSuming
Huge news hopefully we can get back in this kids top schools.
Who is Shaq?
That’s his twitter handle. May be just a nickname.
Rahshaun Smith
#1 ILB in the country
I thought he was a DE? i remember monty was going after him hard.
We were after him as a olb. He’s a big kid though could play DE probably.
He is listed as playing ILB, OLB, and DE, over the past couple years. 6’3″ and 239lbs and a 4.5 40yd. Sounds like a guy that could fit any of our LB spots!
Ya i think we could find a spot for him lol.
Got it, thanks. IMG has some great ones. Shea Patterson (QB) is playing for them and he would be perfect at OU. Wish we would’ve got Shea.
I noticed the FB tweet about Shaq decomitting from Clemson because they don’t allow official visits to other schools. In the OP above though it says Powell is committed to Clemson but is taking a official visit for the WVU game. Wonder if he is having to decomitting as well to make visit possible?
Good observation and good question!
So do you think we have a good chance at getting back in with Smith?
That’s interesting that a school would “not allow” official visits to other school because a verbal is not binding as far as commitments are concerned. A staff can ask a kid to “shut it down” but if he wanted to take other trips, then I would think that letting him take the trips would be better than losing his commitment altogether.
I asked Cornell that question and he let me know he was still committed to Clemson, but has a very good shot with him.
Ah ok thanks Brandon.
Is that OU or Clemson has a very good shot with him
WHO has a very good shot with him?
update added
Sounds like OU is in good with Walker already.
Anyone else notice who they have in at RT here? Interesting…#OLShakeup
I’m almost 100% positive that was just some type of three-man line drill. There is no way in hell they’re moving Kasitati to RT, IMO.
I know right? That’s why I was like “what?”.
Oh snap, ish just got real.
I feel like I am being cheated on
Everyone go over and say “HI” lol.
I went over, but can’t stand burnt Orange and left. LOL
well your OU still looks good
It must be a sign went to find it, And no results came up so it is probably for the best. Would probably be the first one handed a “Mighty ESCO BAN HAMMER”
Why, they’ve been high since they woke up.
ok i’ll stop lol
This actually may be fun, once theres a following on that board imagine the back and forth with our OU posters?
True and easy first posts of the day
This is just sooo wrong.
K has a plan to take over the world. This was just a necessary first step.
Good one
Yeah, but starting with Tejas? Ugh.
Nope, they started with OU. Because Texas always comes second where OU is concerned.
Biggest audience out there and that gets rockin like this site, sky is limit.
Yes, good business decision. BUT IT IS STILL TEJAS!!! BLEH.
I guess well have to help out by posting as much as possible on there.
Esco, Who is handing out the BAN HAMMERS over there? Tell them to go ahead and give me one so I don’t have to go to that site PLEEEEEASE!!!
Oh good question does Jordan have Burnt Orange Hammer Rights???
Never seen Esco speechless before.
Please tell me you’re at least charging the texsa fans???
Eric Striker will charge them 50 cent
Per squirt…
Shouldn’t it be the Prestigous Texsa Edition??
Two thumbs up!
I could only up vote once, or there would be a five in front of that single digit.
Bleed Crimson should post the OU countdown on there each day.
I considered it. LOL
Actually, I did post a welcome and a pic for them. I have “0” interest in finding players to post in any color orange.
Maybe a photo of their beloved DKR wearing the crimson and cream. Day 11.
Wasn’t Royal #15?
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth
I had a big lunch, so I threw up a lot. :-0
I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.
went over and welcomed the Horns, it was hard to do, but I support this site when I can, so I extended the olive branch.
D o ten hail marys
what is that url. can’t find it.
Wait, whaaaaat???
Thought I knew you.
I don’t want my Twitter feed tainted with Texsa updates. Do I have to unfollow you guys on Twitter now?!
You won’t
Maybe it will have to be individual contributors that I will have to unfollow
It’s Day 1, gotta help get the word out. I can assure you, it won’t become a habit 🙂
Hahaha! I saw you mention the reason you don’t want a caricature, but at least consider dropping the Zack Morris picture for something along the lines of the “Swoll Bro Man” that Josh McCuistion uses
Zack Morris is a god among men.
Kelly Kapowski is the reason Zack Morris is the man he is today
Gawd, my eyes are burning.
Thumbs up to TFB creators. We love you guys.
Still, I have to go rinse my eyes and take Pepto Bismol. Texas continues to, and forever more shall, suck.
Just saw that Texas signee WR Gilbert Johnson will not attend school due to grades.
So this Texsa site, it’s just so S. Dale has somewhere to play right?? Right, guys???
Refuse to go to site is he on there?
I heard there’s a transfer but they’re just waiting on some transcripts.
He said he had his foreign language courses.
I mean we may just not let him out of his LOI until we get Lampkin.
This does not sound like a fair trade on our part.
He knows morse code. Does that count?
If he posts anything over there, he-who-must-not-be-named, will have positive comments only. You watch and see. They’ll love him if they can read morse code: dot-dot-dot, dot-dot-dot-dot-dot, dot-dot.
lol ………………….unlimited dots for the Orange Board………………….
I wonder if excessive use is a requirement for being negative. Several of em do it
I hate my life….going to insert negative comments….about coaches…players…university ….state…positive thinkers
That’s him.
Do you think he has several sock accounts or is it just contagious?
Well, if we go with both, he has a lot of accounts that are contagious. I shiver at that thought. Let’s just keep it to lots of accounts. LOL!
So you’re saying super k and “our mutual friend” are battling for world supremacy?
Well on a good note at least every the horn fans visit the site they’ll have to see the icon image of Ryan Broyles looking down on them.
Too funny.
We need Boz to join TFB, then.
I second that motion.
All kidding aside, I applaud and respect the business plan The Football Brainiacs have put in place. My hope is you will respect the brainiac team and not bash the UT site.
I wish the best for this growth and may it continue far past OU & Texas. Thanks all.
Can we tease them though?
Isnt that the point???
Remember, it’s a business and if you like this site, you will respect the TFB gang & UT board. I would love for TFB to be at all of the schools and one day be on TV saying, it started at OU. Why OU? BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE.
I’m certainly not against it and I’ll promote TFB to everyone, I’ll just encourage them to use the original site more (:
Agree…TFB has been good to all OU fans and provided tons of information and entertainment…I’m all for going on their UT board and getting their conversations going until their fans figure out that it’s the best site out there.
Better pack a lunch.
And remember to shower on the way out.
Good point.
I gave you an upvote but internally Im “Grrrr-ing”
I support TFB, but will only visit the OU site. I would prefer Texsa play in their own sandbox and not contaminate this one.
I will treat any wHorn visitor as I would any troll in the following order—ignore/mock/shun/castigate
TFB Mods, that’s not right: it’s like your girlfriend having an affair that you know about. Then, you go watch the affair. That’s like voyeurism.
That’s like murder.
you couldn’t resist, I see you opened fire over there
I did say welcome tho
Hopefully its a well thought out dis-information campaign by TFB
I have no problem with you all expanding to other teams and hopefully making some $$ in the process. Just as long as you take care of your loyal, (Sooner) first followers, as I know you will. That being said were you waiting for the first day of camp to spring this on us so that we would be otherwise occupied with the joy of Sooner football starting up? LOL If so tip of the hat to you! Congrats TFB and keep up the great work.
I hope you guys are at least charging money for the UT site.
Well, yeah. They always won’t to mention how much of it they have…even if their coaches have to go hungry.
May the Texas fans on TFB be forever plagued with comment section problems like we used to have.
God help me if I hear “T shirt fan” though.
I resemble that remark, been a Sooner fan since they were still in the 30’s of their 47-0 and graduated from Texsa. I had to put up with their arrogance for a few years and tolerate it then, I haven’t had to tolerate it since.
couple of seasons back, this site was invaded by tt fans with a few days of smack…….gotta feeling this is going to open up crossover smack also at some point…….not always a good thing
Anyone hear anything on the WR play?
I posted a pic for the 30 days to go for Texsa fans. I hope they find it encouraging.
Just watching this…..I thought for a second I could smell a hint of funny weed. 🙂
Did you do a quick check around the homestead? 🙂
It is well known around here that I sleep in a tent in Dustin’s front yard……so I’ve got my eye on him as the offender. 🙂
I’m not seeing over there, but I’m curious what it was.
Bball just got a commitment.
More please, or a link.
Thank you. I like the international reach. Looks like he has some skills.
Watching LHN ( I’m really desperate for football). It must be nice for Longhorn fans to live in a world where they win every game against OU. lol.
I support TFB decision to expand because I appreciate them so much for what they give us here, BUT I’m not going over to the Texsa site. I’m afraid I can’t be nice to the UT fans and I’ll Have to point out they suck all the time. My momma said if you can’t say anything nice, just don’t say anything at all. But momma never had her favorite football source go cross the Red River.
It is never a good idea for me to engage in any football related discussion with a Texsa fan.
Me neither. Their suckage is inbred. #TexsaDNA
I went to school there. Put many of them in their place face to face, swapping pixels with those idiots would bring out my dark side.
That just might be interesting to see.
Thing is when that “thing” gets out it can harm innocent bystanders.
Good lord!, football must be closing in. Come home to find five threads after a day job, helping a friend repair a broke down round baler in the field, another buddy with some calves to round up and doctor, feeding my own livestock, and still looking to eat something for the first time today. Should I read all several hundred post’s or just hit the thread info?
I recommend you get something good to eat, fix a big ol’glass of sweet iced tea and then scan through.
FWIW, no trolling or troll feeding today. 🙂
I’ve noticed bits and pieces of a texsa site mentioned….is it up and running now?
Yes, Stephen Dale already has 20 posts up ending with “Hook em”
Not surprised.
When it comes to that place I am ignorant and indifferent.
I don’t know and I don’t care.
I understand your position. I on the other hand will have to take a peek because it is my nature. 🙂
I’ve seen plenty of cow pies, so I have no curiosity about this one.
That’s what I say to my horse. 🙂