– Jauan Williams: This week the Sooners did an in-home with one of their top OT targets Jauan Williams (Washington D.C.). Williams tweeted out some pictures from his visit (below), and he had mentioned considering an official visit to Oklahoma, which we reported last month. Shortly after his in-home with the Sooners, Williams let TFB know he will indeed take an official visit to Oklahoma on the final weekend before signing day (Jan. 29th). – (Super K)
– EJ Price: OU planned on hosting 2016 OT EJ Price (Lawrenceville, GA) this weekend. As most of you know by now the Sooners had made their way into the top 3 for Price which included OU, USC and Georgia. However, in speaking to a source I’m told that the Sooners have decided to back off their recruitment of Price. It would appear they feel very good about their other remaining targets. – (Super K)
– Elysee Mbem-Bosse: OU received an official visit late in the season from 2016 LB Elysee Mbem-Bosse (Ellenwood, GA), who was close to committing to the Sooners and then decided to delay his decision once an offer from Florida came.
Mbem-Bosse let me know the Sooners did their in-home visit with him last night. Interestingly, he was planning an official visit to Florida next weekend but told me that he will now visit Michigan instead. I spoke to a source and was told that NC State is the favorite for Mbem-Bosse right now. – (Super K)
– Dalton Wood: A source close to Wood let me know that he has indeed arrived in Norman and reported to the team. Apparently he’s been working out in the offseason and came in at a muscular and trim 247 lbs. – (Super K)
– Chris Daniels: Not a huge surprise here, but the biggest threat to Oklahoma for current DT commit Chris Daniels is Texas. The Longhorns offered Daniels shortly before he announced his commitment and as I’ve mentioned many times now, there are a number of close family ties between Daniels and Charlie Strong.
This one is going to be a bit of a fight for the Sooners. Texas did their first in-home with Daniels last night and I spoke with Daniels father shortly after, who told me the visit went better than he expected. Daniels Sr. said, “both schools want him to play a similar role in the defense and it’s a role that we feel suits where my son wants to play…Texas was always one of the schools we were high on because of Coach Strong and the respect we have for him.”
Daniels then turned back to talking about Oklahoma and said, “Oklahoma has been recruiting my son for a while and Bob Stoops is one of the best in the game. And we have great respect for him…on our visit he was with us the entire time…and I have great respect as well for Coach (Diron) Reynolds and I feel comfortable with my son playing for him…I feel like he will teach my son what he needs to be successful.”
Interestingly, Daniels Sr. did mention that the loss of CJ Ah You — the former OU defensive end who was also a QC coach for the Sooners until he just recently accepted a full-time DL coach position at Vanderbilt — was a bit of blow as they seemed to have a good relationship with him. However, I didn’t get any sense from talking to Daniels’ father that the loss of Ah You would necessarily change anything one way or another.
This upcoming visit to Texas this weekend will be big for the fate of the Sooners as to where they stand with their own commit. After talking to Daniels father, I’d say right now it’s 70/30 Sooners. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (Fri., 10:25 pm):
Coach came down to see what's was going on @CoachKerryCooks pic.twitter.com/lcZPKxwMTn
— Mot. (@PeeMot11) January 16, 2016
– UPDATE (Sat., 7:26 am): Sooners make the cut for No. 1 JUCO prospect Jonathan Kongbo, but it remains to be seen just how good their chances may (or may not) be in actually landing him.
First to escape the realignment thread.
We are catching up with you buddy!
Runs behind Bob
I figured you were here BEFORE the thread went up 🙂
LOL Naw been busy today.
You mean you don’t like to write and re-write countless scenarios that will probably never come to fruition?
No but I do like all the hypothetical revisionist history. You know, if Germany had won WWII, then Tulsa would have won the NC this year.
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??
No because the Germans had given a grant of rights to Sweden.
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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Classic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8lT1o0sDwI
OMG Is bombs here?
Damn… I wasn’t the only desperate one
Jauan Williams would be a huge pickup if OU can land him.
Jauan looks more like a huge receiver more than an OT… I like it.
Yep. I’m all about the hyper-athletic OL build (Tyron Smith of the Dallas Cowboys).
OT’s are supposed to be big and ugly, smell a little bad, and have a rotten attitude. Hair in disarray, shoes scuffed, pants unzipped most of the time, missing teeth, and butt crack showing when they bend over. I think Jauan is in disguise.
To back off of EJ Price we have to feel pretty good about closing out our OL class. They have been after him for awhile!
Yeah and he’s ranked pretty high. So either Moore, Williams (above) or Willie Allen are pretty certain. I would think we would only take one more. So they must feel good about one of those.
Willie Allen ?
He’s an OT out of Louisiana. I thought he visited but it doesn’t look like he ever did. At least not officially. Maybe he’s not in the mix. He’s not committed anywhere.
Wishful thinking would be that Murray has convinced Greg Little to join him!!!
Ha, no kidding. That would be a great signing day surprise.
BS has a trend of last minute flips.
Broyles, baby
True story. I expect nothing less this time!
Great update. Sounds like we have quite a few guys scheduled for OV’s between now and NSD. Might be good to get a post up with the names and dates. I suppose any guy visiting is a real possibility at this point. Gotta make a strong last impression!!!
I HOPE I am wrong, but I don’t have a great feeling with this Chris Daniels situation. Seems like Texas has momentum in their recruitment of him. Again, hope I am wrong.
better prepare for the possibility of Parrish Cobb flipping to Texas, too…Charlie Strong is flexing his recruiting muscles……..
And we are going to flip Greg Little right?
You’ve now said this 20 times! We get it!
Since he’s such a Strong winner there. Repeating your hopes …… ad nauseum.
I thought OU lost Broyles…twice. Bob got it done.
Nope, Cale was responsible for Broyles. He said he kept Ryan on the phone all night, till the seven am signing time.
Shame they are backing off of Price. he looked to be the best of the bunch IMO. As far as Daniels goes, coaches should probably get a backup DT offer in place.
Price is a SEC / ACC guy.. He wasn’t coming to OU…..
Any word on the visit with Caleb Kelly went?
Didn’t see anything on his twitter about any of the visits so he’s not tipping his hand.
First off I want to thank all of the schools that have given me a chance and opportunity to play there, it really meant a lot however, as of today this is my top 5:
That’s a very disappointing 5 Bob.
Bob’s top five does appear to have some holes in it.
And those colors…
Looks like a 5th grade biology project.
Or a birthday cake candle for 5-year-olds.
It’s my five and I like it. It’s a very personal decision. It’s fans like you that make this whole process terrible for those of us in the middle of it. It’s our moment in the spotlight, let us enjoy it.
Easy, Bob…
I respect your five, it’s just very disappointing, to me.
You numberist.
All numbers are not equal, but they all deserve respect (maybe not those imaginary numbers and sets, but that is another story).
What about quaternions? They are number too.
It depends on just “what conditions” those pesky imaginary numbers are setting. You can’t take them to the bank – well maybe the Federal Reserve.
He’s an anti-numerite!
Why do you hate 5’s?
“It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want too, cry if i want too, cry if I want too!”
The more I look at this top 5, the more I am beginning to worry that Charlie Strong is going to flip Bob –
From “The most Sooner man in the world”
I say – “Stay OU Bob.”
Charlie did promise me immediate playing time.
I suspect more. House on Lake Travis or some really sweet chaps?
The chaps would be the sale.
There aren’t enough $100 handshakes in the world to get me to wear burnt orange chaps.
Oh that would be a sight for sure. Metz, let’s take up a collection on TFB for Bob’s orange chaps.
Indeed lets do it.
Chippendales would probably have some gently used ones for sale in his size.
Trust me gentlemen that is not a visual you want in your heads. I am more in the Chippenwhale category that Chippendale.
Bob, I would NEVER wish “used chaps” on anyone.
Don’t. Go. Bob. !!!! They’re losers!
Isn’t 5 the loneliest number?
Anyone know if Chris Daniels needs a foreign language requirement to graduate? Worked out well last year.
No kidding.
So Dalton Wood made it to campus. Again. Yay. Wake me up if he is still here tomorrow.
With all the stuff he’s been though, you think there would be some compassion for Dalton. my .02
I have compassion for him as a person. I hope he gets his act together, turns out to be a great Sooner, has a long NFL career and becomes a pillar of the community.
However, you have to admit that, to date, he has been pretty flaky with his behavior. It has a certain humorous quality to it but also deserves a “fool me once shame on you, fooled me twice shame on me” attitude until he proves that he is going to follow through.
What does fool me 3 times get you?
When we hear comments about in home visits like Daniel’s father saying, “visit went better than expected”, I wonder what their expectation was before the visit? Did they expect Texas to walk in there and just be terrible? Seems to me, I would have my guard up to sniff out a large volume of smoke headed up my, well, you know.
I also picked up on the “respect for” this and the “respect for” that, expecting the next word to be “but…. ”
Like Exiled said, hopefully we get another in-home from the A-Team.
I’m guessing that BS will make another in-home with Daniels and save the day. Daniels needs to be reminded that Texas will be mediocre again next year and that Strong will be gone.
We need some DT this cycle. Southall and Daniels both.
I think Lampkin should do an in-home visit with Daniels. Let him know exactly what hes getting in to.
good thinking
That would be awesome.
How many times has Dalton Wood been in the conversation? Didn’t he first come in with Jason White? LOL
Nate hybl
I think he was in the same class a Joe Don Looney.
He has a chance to go down in lore with Donta Hickson and Hunter Wall.
its possible OU will lose both Cobb & Daniels to Texas….
It’s also possible that all of Alabama’s 5* change their mind and commit to OU on signing day….
I like your plan
It’s possible you are a big hit at dinner parties…………………
Dinner for Schmucks.
I was thinking more of a Court Jester…
It’s also possible that goiter will continue to grow on your neck rendering you unrecognizable
You were on such a role.
You seem to think texsa will get every player in the nation. Yet they still suck.
A little Official Visit Stat for ya. We’ve had 42 guys on OV’s this year. Currently 14 of those 42 are committed to OU. We’re likely to get up to 5 more of those. So if we get 19 of the 42, that’s 45% of the guys that visit commit to OU…at least this season. We still have several more guys visiting before NSD. I think that’s pretty good odds. Gotta get em on campus!!!
Ju$t checked Ole Mi$$ for the fun of it becau$e you know, they’re great at recruiting and all. They’ve had 45 OV’$ thi$ year. 20 of tho$e 45 are committed. That’$ ba$ically the $ame rate a$ u$. I $till think they’re doing $ome $MU type bu$iness over there!!!
I $ee what you did there.
looks like Texas flipped Cobb ( per SoonerJosh )
Can’t believe NC State leads for EMB – What can they possibly be selling other than immediate playing time and being a little closer to home. He has the same opportunity with OU and can be in the playoff picture year after year.
I mean, NC does have some legit BBQ. Not as good as Texas but still pretty good
Bull. It’s that awful vinegar and cole slaw crap.
Not sure either. I need to call my guy but I got a text from someone I trust who let me know yesterday. I’ll see if I can find out what the deal is there.
I saw Demetric Warrenbon 247 change his projection. Trust that guys opinion
How does the loss of a QC guy really affect him? Wonder if they’ll use that as an excuse… sounds like they want to stick with friends and don’t know how to say no.
I think it’s an excuse for when he flips
That’s what it feels like.
sad part is that after nest seasons 5-7 record, strong will be gone and then he’s stuck at texas.
Yep. I have no doubt they’ll be LUCKY to win 4, actually. Dude will be gone after the RRR.
we thought the same thing this year and Texas played its best game of the year in beating down the Sooners…. Strong isn’t going any place , win or lose, till his contract is finished…….
No, the Sooners beat down the Sooners and Texas is going to fire another coach in 2016. Bank on it.
Yeah. We lost by one score. That’s not even a beat down except for the fact that we should’ve been giving them a brutal thrashing. Even a top 10 recruiting class won’t help if texsa can’t win games and it’s Sorry, Charlie!
that’s the way I see it, too. However, I do think UT will hire someone better than strong, and so whoever does sign with ut will have a better staff in a year IMO
OU took them lightly, not tackling. Stupid defensive game plan. OU is WAY………………Better than the whorns.
I think the relationship with OU is strong. Sooners will be tough to beat and Texas will be tough to hold off. But at no point did I get the sense that OU wasn’t clearly in the lead now but at the same time I got the sense that Texas is a real threat.
Random question. When a guy graduates then goes to another school to play for one year (ie TK9, Justin Brown, Geno Lewis), do they take up a scholarship slot or not? I assume they do but was curious.
I would say yes. Wouldn’t they have to enroll in grad school to keep playing? I’m not sure you can play ball without attending school? I could be wrong though..
Yes. they have to be enrolled.
Generally, yes. They could walk on and pay their own way, but I have never heard of it being done.
Yes, they take up a scholarship.
Anyone know of a current list of scholarship players?
Is Dalton Wood on that list?
No. He’s a walk-on at this point.
I figured as a 10-year walk-on, he might get some special status…
His status is “stick around and perform, you get a scholly.”
I have one in a Word document
Mine’s an excel file with color codes. Ha!
I was hoping to find one online. I’m curious. I’m trying to figure out the scholly situation. Seems like we are waiting on more commits than we appear to have scholarships for.
Edit: And I think we essentially had this discussion yesterday except for the word document.
SEC recruiting math? Maybe we have figured it out.
It appears we will hear about a couple transfers this weekend
Agreed. With Valentin’s commitment, I’m showing 83 accounted for. Of course that includes guys from the 2016 class like Jefferson who may not work out. There’s been rumors about him. Doubt any more NFL declarations although they still have a couple days. Could be some transfers. Anyone know if everything is ok with Courtney Garnett? I thought there were some issues with him earlier this season.
That number sounds right, but it also seems wrong for the number we seem to be recruiting.
I agree which tells me the coaches probably know something we don’t know. They seriously need to put out a weekly newsletter telling us what’s going on and what they’re thinking. Their silence is really causing problems for us.
I have 65 returning scholarship players with 18 incoming. That’s 83 total for next season, as it stands today. Myself, I’m expecting news of some not reporting Monday. If not then, in May.
Also, I’m pretty sure there’s an updated list on OU’s Rivals site. I’m also pretty sure it’s behind a paywall.
Yeah, I don’t pay for that kind of info. It’s not worth it to now a couple of weeks ahead of time how many players we are going to sign.
Why pay for anything? We get 10X the amount of info over here for free.
Gotta love that
This kid needs a nickname. Something that not only says, “I am a man!” but also jumps out of one’s program and screams, “Whamo!” You know, like Shannon.
QD Pie
Mike Gundy?
Nah. That’s a woman’s name. For lepers.
Who is Mike Gundy?
He’s that Disney porcupine.
Oh yeah, I recall my niece and nephew laughing at him when they were toddlers.
The mouse is scraping bottom with this toy!
WHOA! That hair, man…
The residue had to have killed a lot of marine life
Head butt would be deadly!
Breaking: Gundy rescued from being buried on the ocean floor
Hes a man hes 40.
El Gato Gigante?
I wanna call him a Sooner before anything else! Sign the dotted line…
Master of Disaster
Quart Date?
Quart o’ Diesel?
Rock Quarry?
Quart o’ Diesel. I like it!
In Canada I buy it by the liter, but….
Its Liter hoser eh hoser? FIFY, JHF
Dippity Doo
Quick Draw
aggie boy ?
Go to his twitter, may mean nothing but he has several graphics up w/several schools- all have 1 heart icon except Fla St which has 2.
He also did that for Miami and A&M. I wouldn’t look too deep into it.
Like I said, may mean nothing…
I would say it means he’s seriously considering A&M, Miami, FSU, and OU. Which is good for us, top 4 means we are in it.
If Oklahoma and love are in the same sentence, I’ve gotta repost!
Just watched his hudl dammmmmmmmmmm.
Not too shabby, ;].
Hate to say this, but it looks like Texas will end up with a top 10 class. They’ve got some highly touted recruits coming in this weekend for a huge recruiting weekend.
I’m not confident in Daniels ending up a Sooner…which would be crazy since UT offered him literally 3 weeks ago.
It is very disappointing to even see the “consideration” given to UT given the context of the offer
Bright side: At least there wasn’t a frat video.
Positive News!
I’m always positive, man. Just ask my physician.
are you here all week?
And goodnight, Milwaukee!
Did the rabbit die?
Cha. From laughter. 🙂
Maybe the next coach at UTerus wont be able to use them very well either.
Texas has had a Top 10 class for like forever.
they always have top 10 classes.
Its 2.39 and texsa still sucks
Perhaps if they get a top 5 class, they can finish .500 for 2016 or 2017.
I truly hope that Texas rights the ship and assumes their historical place in the conference and that would be 2nd place in the B12 behind OU. As long as we are
in the B12, we need Texas back where they were.
Love the fact that Trent Williams helped us recruit Valentin.
Sic him on Jauan now
How cool would it be for Coach B to have Trent Williams, Phil Loadholt, Lane Johnson, Chris Chester, Gabe Ikard, Donald Stephenson, and Daryl Williams all call a recruit and tell them the path to the NFL is through OU!
The best tackle in football recruiting for you has to be a huge draw.
Reminds me of how much traction OU got in recruiting the ’13 class by having Adrian Peterson visible on the sideline against Bama. The win was the biggest factor, yet everyone saw AD out there and knew the best running back in football was from OU.
Having that NFL connection is huge, and luckily OU has maintained great relationships with its former players.
Why back off on price, when hes probably the best target out of everyone? Do we only have 1 spot left for moore, or could we take 2?
Obviously, our coaches feel differently about Price than you do.
I highly doubt we would say no if the kid wanted to commit today. Hes got an offer list from every major player. Jordan’s answer is the most likely.
Others are reporting that OU is the one that cooled to Price. In a world of unlimited scholarships, yes they would take him. They definitely like Moore better.
You have to really focus your efforts this time of year too. If he wasnt coming, no sense trying to put all that effort in, when there are other viable targets out there.
my assumption is b/c they didn’t feel Price was seriously considering them
Georgia is my guess. Why waste time and money
That’s how I read into that as well
Kind of my thinking as well.
uggh, frustrating when kids put us in their top 3, knowing we have no shot. Hate the drama of recruiting in this day and age.
It could have been an appreciation thing. Wanting to show OU that he appreciates their efforts in the way we recruited him and always had a chance in case his top choice(s) were full or had a coaching change he didn’t agree with.
Sure it’s frustrating, but I bet the OU coaching staff gets a lot more communication and real feel from the recruit than the media does or the OU staff lets on. Probably why they have backed off their recruitment.
Simple. Quit following recruiting, and just check in on signing day 🙂
Having TFB makes it hard, I know, lol.
Unpossible. Since i was referred to TFB 2 years ago, there hasnt been a day i havent hit the site.
One of the many facts of life in this new world of social media.
Love it.Save valuable time for others who want to be here
pretty much
Could be they were never quite as high on him as many would’ve assumed and with the commit yesterday they might feel they’re going to go all out for Tramonda and Williams or save the spot for next yr.
So we would take moore and williams both if they wanted to come?
An interesting dynamic is the chance that Chris Daniels actually flips and signs with UT because of family ties with Charlie Strong; then the chance that Charlie Strong is replaced before the end of C. Daniel’s RFresh. season. What are the odds?
50 : 50 on part 1
1 : 1 if he chooses Texas on part 2
That made me dizzy just thinking about it.
yes, I think there’s a chance on strong being gone after next year. I never have felt like he’d lose his job a/f 2 yrs. But next yr. If they lose 5 games, even if they do go to a bowl, I think he’s gone.
And they play ND in Austin, @CA, @OSU, @KSU, (they are not a good road team) and very well could lose to TCU, WV or Baylor at home. I think OU wins the rivalry next year; stoops usually works pretty hard to beat a team that’s beat him the yr b/f.
With OU being one loss (I think), I think it’s pretty easy to come up with 4 more on their schedule considering their QB position. I think strong is fired after next year and they go all out to get saban.
Time for my hour and a half drive home,see yall tomorrow.
Be safe – and get a job closer to home.
or a home closer to the job
Apparently, he has been secretly training, so is former HS QB Dalton Wood going to be a fullback or tight end?
Yeah, that HB/TE kinda thing we do with big talented athletes here.
Yeah, Stoops likes those flex players that can play more than one position. It allows them to do multiple sets with the same personnel. I suspect they will also flex him out in a slot since as a HS QB he must have at least decent hands.
If he turns out to be good, I hope they don’t flex him out to the bench like most OU tight ends lately.
If you’re talking about Andrews, he ie as never a TE. Wasn’t in HS and isn’t one at OU. He is a slot receiver and that is why he is “flexed out to the bench”.
More about how not much TE passing since Gresh.
Can’t wait to find out- I believe he’s turned the corner from the legal issues, is focused and will grow to be a fan fave.
Yeah agree with Rick below! Millard was about 6’2″ 247lbs and Wood is 6’5″ 247 lbs so should fit nicely in that role!
Let’s all chip in on some…
Chip in for the snippin’. Ayre Condoms.
Nice to know we could have some throwback plays from wood to mayfield if needed.
Personally, I would like to see him as a stand up OLB in this scheme. Very athletic and can move. I will bet that MS & LR fight over his talents.
Coach Riley putting in the work in those pics! Go get em!
Things seem very quiet on the Velus Jones front. Anyone hear anything? This question is mostly for you twitter peeps.
committed to usc
I know that hes been committed to USC for quite some time but since then hes kind of re-opened his recruiting up. Unless he confirmed that commitment and I just missed it.
no, just going by what’s supposedly still a ‘solid” commit- Did Tee Martin leave usc for another gig? If he did, maybe.
For what it’s worth, Demetric Warren has him 100% to OU
Hope he’s right.
Did he? I thought some folks here had him at like 90% us? damn
He’s being a smart arse. Jones has been committed to USC since April
Ah, thanks.
see below DaddyR
He is committed to USC, but has reopened his recruitment. Some sites have OU as the favorite but honestly I’m not sure.
Visiting USC this weekend I think, should know more after that.
FWIW and I am in no way an insider just do a lot of digging on here and other sites (I know shame on me) and via Twitter and other social media outlets. Daniels is ours to lose and I feel like we have a battle on our hands but, I think in my gut he stays a Sooner. Bledsoe wants to be a Sooner but mom wants him to stay in Kansas and go to KU, M. Jackson wants to be a Sooner but his dad wants him at TCU, it’s tough to over come family. I think we have moved on from Moore meaning he has the offer but he better get his stuff together. Moving on from Price was probably wise as it has been stated Georgia is where he will go and he was intrigued by us, but nothing more. Williams is a beast and he could be very very good for us. Kelly has been getting attention from Ole Miss, but think they are too late to the game, Kelly will be a Sooner, Southall will be a Sooner. Q. Davis and V. Jones and J. Wims, I think we have picked up a lot of traction with Davis, I dare say he will be a Sooner, Wims to stay with Georgia and I think Jones is a Sooner also. I think we get one or there other in Bledsoe or Jackson one will win out over their family IMO. Darkhorse signing is Little he has a lot of ties or A. Hansford and Stoops gets one flip or a surprise a year and usually a big one. Bosse will be a NC State guy. Kongbo will be a Sooner also just a gut feeling, Ignore the stupid S. Dale below that said we lose Cobb to Texas he is always high. Now the number game has been messed around so much I’ll let you all figure that out but I say 5-6 maybe 7 more kids and they will all be good! BOOMER!!!
Better find some slots for that many guys – I like them, but the numbers are tight.
Like I said I am not doing the math again on numbers but, I do feel 5 is legit. Kelly I think has a spot reserved and I am 99.9% sure he will be a Sooner. The other 4 slots if that’s all that is left being filled in by Williams, Wims, Kongbo, Bledsoe, Jackson, Moore, Jones, Davis Little or Hansford or a bigger surprise we will have closed the recruiting cycle very very well and with some very good players.
who’s hansford?
Aaron Hansford an OLB rumors are we have been in touch with him and there is an outside chance with him no pun intended!
a good LB from the East Coast…….
So has Erick Fowler moved out of the picture for good?
Not entirely but, according to what I know, he is still an LSU commit and the only school that has a “real shot” is Texas.
Ugh I’m so tired of hearing about texas… Boosters must have realized they couldn’t get rid of Strong that fast and couldn’t take the losing
Just being honest though! I don’t like it anymore than you!
Marcel Southall is visiting UT this weekend . Texas sources expect the Horns to fill their quota this weekend……..
There are two approved spelling for Texsa, the other being UTerus. 🙂
I have a feeling more slots will be available after the wknd…….
thxs…….keep diggin after the ut recruit weekend
Don’t sleep on Guidry. Got a feelin.
If that is true than would hate to see Daniels go but, we could let him go at that point, cause I do feel Southall is OUrs!
Southall is visiting Austin TX this weekend…..kinda a surprise since I read he was going to Stoolwater……
Thanks! Always appreciate what you write, b/c I DON’T troll or pay for recruiting. I hope you are wrong on Wims (I think since I know so little) and right on Kongbo
I am glad to do it, I am just a nerd when it comes to this stuff I follow us and TU pretty closely. In Basketball and Football both, I work a regular job and all but just like to read and listen to videos about players and try to stay in the loop!
when I was young I did that same thing. Now I can almost just wait to see how it turned out. but when I read what you and others say, you stir up those recruiting juices I used to have. I appreciate what you do
I am 35 lol so not really young just a number and stats guy hence the nerd aspect and love my Sooners lol!
I wish I could remember being 35 lol!
I hear Ginkgo Biloba helps with that lol!
I am speaking with extreme confidence that OU is holding a spot for Tramonda Moore. I think you’re incredibly optimistic, but then again I also think you’ll be incredibly sad when the majority of your “gut feelings” and predictions don’t pan out.
I could care less! The point is any of those 5-7 kid will be a great close. Kelly and Moore probably all have “solid spots” but, we land any of those kids they are great players. IMO!!!
Jordan, when is the soonest we might here a BOOM? NSD or maybe SOONER?
there better be some before NSD or OU is in some serious trouble. I’ll be pretty disappointed if they can’t get at least a couple over the course of these next couple visit weekends (this most recent one excluded since there evidently won’t be any kids in Norman this weekend).
Okay Jordan come clean….I just saw the TFB Twitter handle reply to one of Super K’s tweets. I assumed K was running the TFB Twitter but now I’m not so sure. Is it Stephen Dale, CastorBoy Troy? Inquiring minds want to know!
Perhaps… Stephen Troy?
Ha, no big secret, it’s K. He just flips back and forth btwn both. He’s still trying to build up that Super K account.
Never in trouble. Just get the signature on NSD and flip others at the same time.
If we’re at 82/83 slots taken and we’re hoping for J Williams, T Moore, V Jones, Q Davis, J Wims, A Bledsoe, M Jackson, M Southall, C Kelly, Mbem-Bosse, Doucet and maybe one or two others (obviously we’re not taking all of those but we certainly appear ready to sign any 5 of those), who are we expecting to not stay with us? Anyone have any solid names who are not going to be back with us?
According to Stephen Dale we’ll get none of them.
And lose most that we already have.
Haven’t you heard? 83 + williams, moore, jones, davis, wims, bledsoe, jackson, southall, kelly, MB, doucet + two others + losing none we have now = 85!
Sort of reminds me of Brandon Daniels a couple decades ago…
Going old school, eh?
K, can’t take everybody. We recruit nationally now, remember? (Tongue in cheek).
That’s funny. Make room for that home grown talent!
So….Super K is calling out OU on Jacobs. Does he think we should drop Adams for Jacobs?
I don’t think so. Definitely add onto the current class.
I really like this kid… never heard of him until today, but this dude can move! Super quick, yet enough power to bowl over a defender, like you can see in the 2nd or 3rd clip.
Completely agree
Agree that we should try to get him- looks like he’d excel at a variety of positions, namely RETURNING PUNTS and KO’s.
Boy, putting the “special” back into special teams sounds mighty fine to me.
Probably wouldn’t hurt for a kid who wants to play RB at OU to get some experience at the positions nowadays. In Riley’s scheme pass blocking, catching, and running downhill following your blocks seem to be important. He looked sharp in the Hudl vid, but I wonder how much of that was from when they played the Home-School team?
All good points made. But you have to at least “turn the rock over” and do your due diligence with a home-prospect like this (if your the coaches), right?
I would prefer to take all the local talent first, and he looks like he has a lot of it. Did he go to any camps? I noticed that Tulsa didn’t even offer him. Didn’t mean to sound too critical of the young man, but I was surprised to see that he mainly played QB in high school for being the #1 RB in Oklahoma.
Great question. Not sure that he’s attended many (if any at all) camps. That’s definitely one of the factors that will keep a kid like this off the radar of coaches/recruiting sites.
No worries on being critical, I didn’t see your message as coming across that way at all.
If I understand correctly he is an OSU type player.. I.e. Prentiss
I saw that he throws a good jump ball….
Come on man can’t say that unless you know him personally and I am assuming you are talking about his character? This kid would be great at TU be a Watts type kid for them. Gotta make the grades at TU though!
It’s more of things you hear from coaches in the north tulsa area and kids..
Ouch. Aside from the last year or 2, OSU has actually had some nice RBs, though.
I will disagree with this though the Lewis kid from Lone Grove I think that’s it is a stud and think he is currently committed to Ark St.
What do you not like about the Jacobs kid? Just curious.
Didn’t say I didn’t like him just think Lewis is better is all. The Sapulpa RB Dae Williams was pretty good also played for an undermanned team but he is going to SMU but IMO lots of good rbs in the state of Oklahoma just don’t get noticed.
Gotcha. I appreciate the reply.
No problem!
MY FELLOW TFB BRETHREN. Have no fear regarding our 2016 Signing Class.
In the wise, prophetic words of Jerry,
OU should just stop recruiting because they’re terrible at it. /s
Agreed. I’ve all but given up my decades-long white hot passion for OU because they are just terrible. Really poor.
Well said, KJ.
Love Coach Kruger.
Did anyone see that 247 dropped Caleb Kelly down 25 spots to a 4* ?
must be ours if true 😉
They probably based it on lack of playing time or practices of the All-American Bowl. Really stupid because OU takes him and we don’t get a boost in overall ranking. It’s so idiotic. OU is never mentioned on such recruiting shows like ESPN’s Tom Lugenbill etc…then we end up with the 7th best class according to average stars. WTF.
I saw one site that said Kelly actually raised his stock at the AA bowl, they said though he didn’t record many stats he was all over the field and showed a great range. They said whoever got him was getting a real play maker. But oh well the kid is a stud and he don’t need stupid recruiting services saying other wise!
He did great in AA Bowl practices and was written up as the MVP. Nothing outstanding during the game, but Juarez made one good play, 2 bad plays.
LMAO!!! They’re on crack. The best Linebacker recruit available, dominated the AA games and won the Butkus Award. This ish is laughable
Scout kept him the same 5 * in their final rankings not that it means much anyways kid is a stud.
It means didley squat what they rank him. The kid is a damn good Linebacker, and a game changer at that. Kish and crew deserve credit if we can get the dude.
For reference, past winners of this award: Malik Jefferson, Jaylon Lane and Manti Teo.
Hes still a composite 5 star.
Its kinda funny, hes the #3 olb according to composite, and a 5 star.
According to 247’s rankings, hes the #2 OLB, and only a 4 star.
Dalton Wood is a frustrating guy. He has the talent to be a big time player at OU and beyond — but it’s hard to count on someone that left you high and dry so many times.
If he came in at that weight (a “trim” 247lbs), that is a good sign that he, at least, hasn’t let himself go. Hopefully that also means he’s willing to work. If he puts in the work, he’ll be rewarded with a scholly. As much as everyone loves to bag on him, he really does have incredible talent. He can be as good as he wants to be if he’s willing to work for it.
His excuse seems legit to me, and if it is true I have no reason to get upset about it. Family first.
And FYI, Dalton Wood sightings never get old.
WAY off topic but WOW!! Time to stock the pantries?
A further look:
Not buying their rebuttal to the Snopes debunk.
First link is spam and nothing more (see their ads to prove it, or don’t to be careful), second is all doom and gloom stories for traffic, IMO.
Source: I work in digital marketing and have built over 100 content-related sites.
good to know but still very wary of this supposed “economic recovery”.
never have been a chicken little type either- things just seem so off these days, tensions high everywhere you look.
onward through the fog I suppose.
EDIT, good catch on the other Doom links, didn’t see it the first go, my bad.
I agree with you. I’m the same way. I hate looking at news at all these days because I feel like I need to buy land in Canada before WW3 or something.
The Baltic Dry Index is a good indicator of the huge drop off in commodities being shipped. Evidently there are huge amounts of gold and silver being purchased by bullion banks and governments, according to mining operators. Peter Schiff, who has been correct in all his analysis, says QE 4 is coming. Check out Mike Maloney’s video documentary series on the history of currency. It is very good.
and to add, before (and if) anyone points to a Snopes debunk, the second link below clarifies what and when the story is reporting on.
Bored so I found this if anyone is interested in a bit of nostalgia: http://www.footballxos.com/download/offense/college-offense/1999-Oklahoma-Air-Raid-Mike-Leach.pdf
I figure LR is running some variation of these calls.
February 3rd is my birthday I would like a Caleb Kelly, and a plethora of 4 and 5 star studs please.
Anyone old enough to remember this game? I was 11 and sat in front of the TV with an OU helmet on. https://youtu.be/VmCL-k5hWZs
Thanksgiving… OU d only gave up 4 TD’s in first 9 games! Greg Pruitt starting…Little Joe returning punts as a freshman. No fair catches…
I remember every football game available being watched in our house. We had our first color television about that time and I can remember being amazed at the team colors as well as those gold ABC sports jackets. The commercials, looking back now, were amazing. 🙂
Yeah Ray, even had tobacco adverts…amazing how the world’s changed. Sound like my dad now (WW II vet he was). Boomer!
yup, in the stands for the ’71 heartbreak so this was sweet revenge…….screw devaney…….only loss was upset to buffs in boulder
kinda miss the pace of the game then, none of this hunh/pinball stuff
Right. finished 12-1 until Kerry Jackson violation. Although ESPN hacks never mention it, I maintain that OU’s 71-75 run was top three of all-time….71 2nd, 72 2nd, 73 2nd 74 1 75 1….
hey, still wear a helmet during games?…..lol
Yeah but it’s the kind that will protect me if I walk into walls and things. Funny thing I asked for a red and white one, but I am mistaken for a Penn state fan.
I was a Senior at OU – That was the team I knew the best.
That was the first OU game I ever watched and instantly became a fan for life.
One more look to 2016: complete game. OU was so fast. Sims averaging 11.0 yds a carry. One of my all-time games. I talked to T Lott one time and he said, “We fumbled so many times, we should of hung half a hundred on them boys.”
This josh Jacobs guy that K keeps talking about on Twitter definitely looks like a player. Reminds me of Ronnie brown.
What’s the competition level? I say take him. What happens if Perine and Mixon both leave next year?
4A. It didn’t look like he’s playing against inferior competition like you see in most highlights. Most good highlights you see some pretty tiny teams, these looked above average to me. And his speed looked excellent, says 4.4 but so does everyone, he’s probably more like 4.55 but at this point he’s a NSD type offer or preferred walk on. I think K suggested or someone on Twitter, that this kid just needs to be on a roster and find his position later but he looks like a real running back to me.
Yeah, he’s listed at 4.5 for the 40 at 200 lbs. He’s a Rb in college…reminds of a Kejuan Jones but with Demarco Murray cuts…
I said Ronnie brown because he ran so much of of the wildcat.
Here’s Adam’s film. You know looking at their running style I like Jacobs better. Adam’s is listed as 4.5 as well. I don’t know. Adams was committed to MSU before us. I like Jacobs. Adam’s strides like a wide out am I drunk or what? Tell me?
Jacobs looks every bit of 4.40. Kid is explosive.
I don’t know the kid but I wouldn’t be caught anywhere near his school after dark. It’s a Tulsa Public magnet school and their largest victory was against a home school team that I have never heard of. He may well be the best running back in the area but there must be a reason for the lack of interest.
Yeah gets me. He has the short strides and cuts like a true RB whereas Abdul Adams has longer strides like a Steve Sewell remember Ray?
Not sure what that would compare to in okc, maybe millwood? And that produced the woods brothers at osu if I’m not mistaken.
Just a rough part of town, lot of gang activity. Good players can come out of those schools IF they have their grades in order and parents that are watching out for them. We have had good players from the public system but there have also been some “problem” kids. Kejuan Jones came from the inner city, moved to Jenks and turned out good, De’mond Parker from the same area went back to the gang and screwed up his life. There is no way to predict how kids will play or act but coaches do their homework ( hopefully ) and take a chance on a kid when it feels right.
A lot of the rough schools here in okc are still 6A or at least 5A.
Interesting discussion though as far as classes, watch out for Yukon and mustang over the next 5-10 years. The word is they aren’t going to split like the Putnam city, Edmond, Moore and Norman schools.
The West is learning from the East that splitting may be good for education but it is bad for sports (football anyway) most of the time.
There’s no doubt if the west schools didn’t split, they would have competed much better and would have brought the championship to this side a few times by now.
Kejuan went to Hale HS and DeMond to BTW, both in Tulsa but not near each other, at all.
About nine or ten miles, with not much good between them. Wasn’t trying to place them in the same neighborhood, just trying to show how you never know what you’re getting when you take a chance on a kid from an area known to be rough. BTW produces some bright students yet DeMond was tangled with the gangs, Kejuan was from the small public system part of town and turned out pretty good as far as I know.
I graduated from Hale in ’78, 4A was the highest classification. Hale and BTW were in the mix for 4A/State championships for a good part of the decade.
Hale was not considered to be inner-city back then so that’s primarily where my perspective comes from. Hale and BTW were complete opposite sides of the city.
When Kejuan went and then transferred from Hale, things were certainly different as far as the demographics, you’re right. In my day, Jenks was off the map so to speak.
Different times indeed. I remember when 21st street was the happening area, Memorial hs was the south upper class, Union district was farm country, and Jenks was just that little town across the river.
yep, my era as well.
Many (most?) of those highlights were against Cascia Hall. When I played ball back in middle school, some of the kids went to Cascia, and I can tell you they weren’t anything special. To make the point, I was a 140 lb OG, and I was still better than some of those kids in high school.
I’d love to see OU sneak him in on NSD, without losing Adams lol kids film is mind blowing considering the offers…
Not sure if K saw Abdul Adams offer list… Ha yeah right he saw it. Thank you for advocating for Oklahoma high school players K
Adams all the way. I wouldn’t dare take this kid over Adams. I think Adams is perfect for this offense.
Just for the fun of it my all time Stoops team from 99 to present. Not all kids he recruited but played under him. I have added a few spots because of the multiple sets we have used etc.
QB Sam Bradford 09
RB Adrian Peterson 06
RB Demarco Murray 10
FB J.D. Runnels 05
WR Ryan Broyles 11
WR Kenny Stills 12
WR Sterling Shepard 15
TE Jermaine Gresham 09
OL Stocker McDougle 99
OL Jamel Brown 04
OL Trent Williams 09
OL Davin Joesph 05
OL Phil Loadholt 08
DE Dan Cody 04
DE Frank Alexander 11
DT Tommie Harris 03
DT Gerald McCoy 09
LB Rufus Alexander 06
LB Rocky Calmus 01
LB Teddy Lehman 03
LB Torrance Marshall 00
DB Derick Straight 03
DB Andre Woolfolk 02
DB Roy Williams 01
DB William Bartee 99
DB Brodney Pool 04
K Garrett Hartley 07
P Tress Way 12
KR/PR Antonio Perkins 04
Hold up a minute. Good choices…BUT…for production Beal over Alexander…Travis Lewis over RUUUUUFUS…Mark Clayton over Stills…
Can’t argue any of that maybe English over Alexander and Lewis was good but Rufus was a player. and yes Clayton over Stills.
I’ll never forgive FA for going for Tebow on their read option with an inside pitch to the murderer te on like 3rd and 8…
Not much to disagree with. I would make room for Colvin on my list. And I wouldn’t have frank Alexander on my list. I think beal, Austin English and tapper might be ahead of him for me.
And stills would not be over Clayton, Bradley or Iglesias.
I would list Perkins as KR that way I could add jalen as my PR.
Zack I beat you to it!
Yeah but you must be drunk, no way Travis Lewis is on my list. Great start to his career at ou but ended up with disappointing junior and senior years. Would probably be on my second team all stoops.
Well, he made a lot of plays. I put him in for the 2010 Big 12 title game alone. Remember that he had to move from an OLB to Middle when RR got hurt. So he was playing out of position. I am drunk, but it sharpens my memory (at least that’s my justification). Isn’t Lewis the all-time leading tackler as well?
He might be but I’m sure Dom would have gotten close if he stuck around one more year.
Never mind Alexander wasn’t that close. Would have needed to stick around another year, play 15 games and average 10 tackles per game. Lewis did have 15 more games on him and did have a monster freshman year.
I can’t argue any of that but Perkins def as a ST guy and I would say Thatcher was almost as good as Saunders in the PR. Alexander is just a fave but I would have to say English or Beal would be ok. I was tor between Clayton and Manny Johnson over Stills but, Still got better as he went too!
Stills and Clayton are probably similar physically but Clayton wasn’t afraid. Stills played for the NFL. Good player but not extraordinary.
Mark Clayton had a 6 year career with the Ravens.
And had a nice start in his one year with the Rams until he got hurt I still say he was best WR Bradford has played with thus far in his career! Look at the numbers Clayton and Sam where putting up in STL before Clayton got hurt
I’m saying stills played not to get hurt so he didn’t hurt his NFL stock.
Thats true!
This. And Clayton only lasted 6 years because he played for a bad Ravens offense, then went to the Rams and tore his ACL and struggled with recovery. Dude was really good.
I don’t know. Did you see the block he threw to spring Damien Williams against Texas? That was pretty physical and not the only time.
Stills dropped some passes though. Malcom Kelly over Johnson.
Pretty sure Jalen did NOT have THREE punt returns for TDs in ONE GAME – The punt returner is the most clear-cut choice of all positions.
No fair catches either….snicker…
Tress Way was pretty clear cut also lol!
Perkins is my all time returner.
You know Ray, Bama and Clemson showed BS that when teams are equal, special teams can turn the tide (no pun). BS used to be big on that an defeated Bama in 02 that way. We need to have a complete ST in 2016. I mean put Anderson back on punt returns if needed.
No but I would want both on my special teams and I think you could make a case there’s a bigger gap between the 2 at KR than at PR.
And it seems obvious that Demarco and AD are on the list. Who would you list as the first team running back though? If we’re talking career achievement more so than ability, then I would take Demarco. Much more productive player and unlike AD, he got better throughout his career at ou. AD bust on the scene then leveled out albeit at a very high level.
Peterson cause well see what he did as a Freshman when he had help cs the last two years and the fact Murray had better players around him his entire career and was better his senior year the one full healthy year he had. But it’s a win win!
Runnels was probably the easiest choice to be honest.
Well to me he was though Millard was in consideration would be the number 2 guy!
Millard doesn’t come close to JD in my books. Not his fault but the Millard and finch playing time was mind blowing.
Well JD was a stud and Millard is like I said only other guy I’d consider!
Clapp and rip would be close but probably not above Millard.
Rip was the best blocker – backfield guard.
When it came to a FB’s blocking, Rip & Brody Eldridge were 1a & 1b, IMO.
Great discussion fellas I appreciate the input and replies I was bored and wanted to make a list so I appreciate you all playing along!
AD all the way
Perine is an average year away from being in consideration for the 3rd running back. That would be the real debate. I would probably go with Q right now.
What would be fun would be a Switzer all time vs. a Stoops all time.
Just blew my mind! 🙂
I think I could come up with a 70s-80s team that would beat most NFL teams with Switzer.
No doubt.
That would require a lot of work I can say Bosworth would def make the cut lol!
Bosworth probably wouldn’t start on that team.
Didn’t say start I said make the cut lol! I could take the time make an 85 man roster!
Switzer’s overall team speed would prob win out- had some monster D’s and very quick O’s.
Hard to say but I’d give it to the King.
I was amazed at how small those teams were that I remembered so well. Mike Vaughn, for example (the guy we used to call “USS Vaughn”) was only 6’5″ 275. He was by far the largest OL, but they all were mean, nasty and could run all day. The Selmon’s on D weren’t very big, but no one ran over them EVER!!!!! Amazing teams, amazing speed, but not very big.
Good Lord nobody could beat that team
I wouldn’t think so!
What about dvoracek?
Over McCoy and Harris no way but he would make my 75-85 man roster and would be in the rotation probably the #3 DT
You included Straight, good enough.
Love Straight one of the most under rated players in Stoops career IMO!
Why do my pistachios taste like spicy tuna rolls?
Put down the tequila and step away from the bar. 🙂
I have to cut myself off I’m at home. Wifey in Japan.
Thats why your thinking of wife in Japan and wishful thinking your nuts taste like sushi bahahahahaha
3 months now…I’m leaving in two weeks but…
Dang that’s a while!
Believe me, I’ve even thought about becoming an Okie state fan for a moment. Raindeer Love!
You don’t need to be a fan, just take advantage of their livestock then run like hell! 🙂
Funny, classic. That was such a great beat down that night. National TV, ESPN.
Chasing with a Fosters and Jack…but good OU memory.
What Sooner Ray said!
Does Stephen Dale have a disorder? It seems like it by the way he looks in his picture and the way he talks. Does he have autism? Honest question. Not being a dick or anything.
Yes, it’s called Jestrollin and is a serious disorder that there is no cure for, unfortunately.
It’s called Likatexasalota.
Hahaha that’s for sure.
You know those kids that asked for a puppy or pony every year for Christmas and Santa gave them the shaft?……….yeah, one of those guys. 🙂
My guess is that he got a porcupine instead.
I was thinking lump of coal but porcupine would explain the irritability. 🙂
He was arguably lucid and coherent for 1 post this morning, I actually gave him a like, I was shocked several others did also, but his condition deteriorated over the next 5 seconds.
Some days I will read one of his posts and think he really is a fan…….then I read his next post………………………………………….:-)
I don’t think Santa would want to be anywhere near Mike Gundy’s hair . . .
Amani Bledsoe deciding next week..
Choose history and prestige.
Hard to pass up a blue bird. 🙂
If it was basketball I could see this being a tough choice!
Seems like an easy decision from this side. All we can do is cross our fingers and hope mom loses this battle.
Got a good feeling about this one
Texas fan here. I hope C. Daniels flips, but I strongly doubt he will. A lot of these kids who are committed are taking OVs, because they are free trips for kids who’s families could never afford them. Many Texas commits are taking OVs to other schools. The DT that C. Strong wants the most is D’Andre Christmas-Giles from La. Kid went from Rivals number 40 DT at the beginning of his Sr year to 6 by the end.
Get out of our conference.
I’d prefer that we get out of the conference. Let Texas have it.
Yeah let them go down like rats on ship.
I also hope Daniels flips……………….every texsa lineman that gets in his face. 🙂
Haha! We have some young talent on our O-line.
Our O-line is also young, fortunately some of them now have bowl game experience. 🙂
Connor Williams and Patrick Vahe will be 1-3 round NFL draft picks. We also have really good O-linemen in our 2016 class.
Dude, you just hit 10K comments. Congrats.
Seriously? I wasn’t keeping score. Maybe someone should buy me a beer or something.
As soon as you get out of the sticks.
I like sticks, it’s where my friends hang out.
Come out on the Hill next Tuesday and I will buy you all the rattlesnakes you want plus all the beer. Tomorrow – Saturday is KC Chiefs day for the wife and neighbors. Free food and lots of booze .
I will be at our Jenks house tomorrow but next Tuesday might be a plan.
Bobby and I would love to see you there plus anybody else who is a crazy OU fan..
Texsa always gets top talent except at coach.
C. Strong will be OK. We played so many FR and didn’t have a QB who could hit the side of a barn and our OC wasn’t made for BIG12 football.
I hope so for the kids, I am always sorry for the kids when a school hires a loser coach, then fires him leaving a bunch of disillusioned kids, not knowing what the hell is going on. If Texsa does not win this year, Charlie will be looking for a job by Halloween. Then total chaos again for the next few years. That would be a shame for a good kid like Daniels (and many others).
Daniels is not coming to Texas.
I don’t think so either, but stranger things have happened. Texsa has always recruited well, even this year with a really bad team
Today during the Boren debate I went over to the TFB Texas site. One of the TFB mods predicted that Texas would sign 12 athletes between now and signing day. Does that sound right?
I have no doubt. I think they already have a top ten class.
Just a feeling or do you know something? We’re not that confident.
I’m confident. Kid had an OU birthday cake, for crying out loud!!
Did it have candles? That’s the only way to know for sure.
Of course. How else is he supposed to make a wish?
LOL, I knew someone would dig up the pic.
It took a while!
It’s like my father used to say, “Wish in one hand, poop in the other, and see which one happens first.”
Drunken Sooner fans. Freshmen screaming, dogs barking, Quanjo crying, Striker soaring, Sooners scoring.
It was during these moments your puppy dog felt human and a peer among the crowd
Boomer Glory!
What happened to Kongbo’s narrowed list?
was wondering that too- may be a good sign- I think Oregon, Bama and Washington were his fav’s.
TFB putting in work way after hours. Another glaring example of why they are the best at covering OU sports. Thanks guys. I know I speak for 99.9% of the folks on here when I say it is much appreciated.
Imagine where Carey is right now? Drunk off of Quiktrip maple bars and rum. Only TFB at work right now. Good job, K and Esco.
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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What did I miss?
Just a 10:25 pm update above. Late night work.
only worth it b/c of the community you all have created here, so thank you!
Should be 100% I guess the 99.9 is counting SD
That guy loves this place.
I sure do. and think the posters are boss, too.
A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsFun/GetPaid/98$hourly…❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.
I might have forgot but did Quartney Davis announce an official visit with OU and if so when? Also when is our “big” weekend for officials?
I thought it was the TCU game. I also remember a decent list showed up for the West Virginia game.
A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsPlanet/GetPaid/98$hourly…❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.❦.
Of course everything is subjective, but with so few big recruiting opportunities remaining prior to NSD and just after a dead period, I can’t help but feel having literally no one (presumably) on campus this weekend is a fairly significant failure on the part of the OU coaches.
Especially for a class they will have to close quietly strongly with in order to salvage, IMO.
Nothing I or really anyone can do about it at this point I suppose, but just something that’s been on my mind.
Do you think maybe they are just really confident they have their guys secured?
Well, you can continue to keep us posted – TFB job. We will just have to hope the coaches do their job. We will worry, complain, and sweat – fans “job.”
Stephen Dale… Is that you??? Seems to me they’re pretty confident in the guys they’re after & the final weekend looks to be loaded for a strong close…
Just Jordan being Jordan Dale
Man, rough crowd. Express the tiniest bit of concern and you all bring out the big guns. Yikes.
I know it’s always desirable to have thst last big impression but do you think OU had its super weekend for the TCU game?
you knew that going in, right? 😉
Lol… Just busting balls..
Having guys the last weekend is more important IMO. There’s a rumor from LT this is attrition weekend.
But is that cause they have their own big weekend planned perhaps. They know they can’t go against Texas on the same weekend they are doing theirs. Plus getting out visiting their remaining targets is idea to get a feel. Then have a weekend before signing day. Again I say we have known this will be a small class and we have some nice names on board and some still high on us. We are in no way in as bad of a spot as we where last year again IMO. But you all know more than I or us!
Mountain out of mole hill alert: Simple and plausible suggestion on the lack of a slumber party over the weekend could be our remaining targets are silent commits, thus, no coaching failures need to be assumed. Can’t be proven nor dis-proven.
Mountain is quite a stretch considering what I actually laid out, but even w/ that said I don’t entirely disagree w/ you.
Contrary to how that may have read, I’m far from hitting the panic button. But at the same time this idea that every thing is hunky dory when it comes to OU recruiting is kind of funny to me.
Not to mention how for the last however many years it has involved having to close strong late rather than already being in a position of strength. Odds are one of the years that’s not going to work out in their favor and they c/b royally screwed.
Then they can fall back on all the okpreps and everyone can be happy again.
How many slots left can we really have?
The only problem with that is if that were the case why would we still be putting out new offers?
Think Geico or Progressive
I try not to think before noon on Saturdays.
Jordan …this is reminder to change your passwords often or folks like Stephen Dale can spoof being you!
Just conjecturing but is it possible that the reason the coaches dont have recruits visiting is because they wanted to take this weekend to pay in house visits in order to consolidate silent commits?
Sure, but they also have weekdays for that (which they’ve obv done). There are def arguments to be made against my stance above, I get that. I’m just saying it ‘feels’ like a missed opportunity.
It feels like a missed opportunity to me too. Im probably just reaching for a reason to not be hosting recruits to make myself feel better.
Maybe they wanted a weekend off?
I’m thinking they have already been visited by those players they are truly after save for the few that came into the picture late.
There is obviously a change in the recruiting emphasis at OUr school. I think about 10 years ago, recruiting was kinda like, here we are come play for us. Recruiting has changed so much over the years, and is very competitive. Coaches today need to be as adept as recruiters as they are coaches. No more “WE ARE OU”, and have recruits calling us for commitments, we have to get out and get them.
Any chance they have a secret visitor or two? Just a thought.
I would say so. That’s the fun leading up to National Signing Day, the unknowns :]. Mr. Valentin is a nice example of a curve ball
Haven’t most of our top targets already taken official visits? The only targets that could make a drive for an official are Bledsoe, southall and then others who are already committed. Moore could make the visit but like it’s been mentioned, I think he’s silent to ou and if not he’s at least given the coaches reason to believe they will land him.
There all on the road bad time to have visits in my imo.
Is the sky falling? Or is it snow? Recruiting angst. Every year it’s the same, half are excited over who commits, half are unhappy with who doesn’t. BTW Great MBB game today in Norman!
So… EJ Price out = Tramonda Moore in
Jauan Williams according to the above article, Moore they said is and has been a silent but IDK. I’d like all 3 of them TBH!
Who said he is a silent?
Some body commented on a comment I made and he said “I can speak with certainty that Moore has a spot reserved and may be one of those silents”! Idc either way but, tired of the he said she said.
Someone said MOORE is a silent to OU? Just clarifying. It wouldnt be terribly surprising.
Thats what they hinted at and made it seem clear and it’s in this same thread somewhere further down.
Yeah there is 500 comments so I will take your word. haha. and not terribly shocking. OSU is taking one more OL, and I think it’ll be Shane Richards -JUCO guy from NMMI or Moore. But I don’t feel good about our chances with Moore anymore so…
I personally feel that Moore was an OSU lean and if he meet whatever requirements that was supposedly lacking he would go to Bama cause I have heard they are high on him and he would like to go out of state, people think he spends a lot of time in Norman but so did Wariboko but he went to UCLA!
true. but for some reason I don’t see him choosing Bama. My money is still on JUCO but, if he qualifies, OU.
I’ve been leaning JUCO all along but, whatever. Kid does seem very talented though!
What I’ve heard is he’s done enough to qualify but if he raised his act by more than a certain point total (5 I think) then i think the ncaa can make him take it again.
The person who said he is a silent has chosen to remain silent.
Interesting tactic…
Very. Id discuss it in further detail however I too have been sworn to silence.
Only further solidifying the validity of the commitment.
Yes that silent guy.
Kongbo would have an open spot right away. Tapper’s spot is open
Kongbo has a spot simply because his name is Kongbo
King Kongbo
Best site by far for info. Only wish the format was different. I just switched to iPhone this week and having newby problems on most sites.
Keyword… iPhone. Therein lies your problem 😉
Keyword, DISQUS- therein lies your problem. 😉
Ah, apple guy, I take it?
It has something to do with the sponsor ads. I actually have no trouble with Disqus. That’s how I view the comments because I can’t view them on the normal tfb page from my iPhone.
where is that gif from?
I don’t know, I obviously got it off twitter (cpt. obvious here). I’m old, I’m cranky, but I have a soft spot for dads in particular that take the time to “spend time” with their kids. What better way to spend a cold snowy afternoon than to take your kids (or grands in my case) to LNC for spilled popcorn, a dumped soft drink and a saved hot dog (5 second rule) after rinsing. Basketball at your own risk. 😉
Is there even a coach in town to host a recruit?
Those guys are jetting coast to coast. I wonder how much time they get away from football and program related duties.
True. With the number of in homes the recruits are having the weekend seems OUr guys the ones on the road. Might not be enough quality guys to have a big on campus weekend
That’s what I think. Are classes even in session now? If I were a recruit I would rather see the campus on a game day. In my opinion there are very few campuses in the U.S. that can surpass OU on a fall day….. Everything a college is supposed to look like.
In the past, I have read that recruits often have had upper class and younger class hosts at times to show them around. I would think though that the guys are never totally without some sort of (coaching) supervision.
Every team on Kongbo’s lost is a no brainier except for Washington. Really? Thier first problem is they wear purple and then the lost goes from there.
Is that a really tall brain?
Galimore should be his host without a doubt.
Seems weird but not really. He’s originally from Surrey, British Columbia which is right across the border of Washington State. Its a suburb of Vancouver.
EDIT: That’s probably why bigrackhunter suggested Galimore as a host.
Man, Vancouver is one of the world’s great cities. What a fantastic place…beautiful, artistic, cultural, great restaurants, amazing topography, livable. It’s a major city without the major city attitude.
It’s like my favorite place in the world to live, Hong Kong, in many ways. Like HK, though, you’d better bring your checkbook if you’re going to live there.
Makes sense. I was not aware he was from Canada.
Really hoping Cousins shows up tonight, his game favors up tempo, and he will get some nice looks. WVU will force you into some highly pressured situations because of the full court press, handling it calmly is crucial. Woodard is out best ball handler without a doubt, and it’s key he’s our primary pg tonight..
A total of 4 plays will be called today, by both teams. Could be a barn-burner.
Hope our guys can minimize the turnovers today. BOOMER!
That will be the key to today’s game given the WVU defense. Gotta take care of the ball.
They will test everyone’s ball handling skills today.
On way to first OU bball game since Tisdale was a Freshman. Yes I’m old
Prepare to be thoroughly entertained.
Okie, when Heild hits a trey with hands in his face you should stand up, turn to the crowd and yell, “Are you not entertained!!?”
good for you. enjoy! (and be loud)
I went to those games! Crowd was so thin you could buy a general admission ticket for $5 and sit close to court side about 15-20 rows behind the OU bench. My little brother and I would shoot baskets (ball rack was still out) on the LNC court after the game while the band packed up and the reporters finished their notes. When OU played Kansas or Missouri you had to sit further up. After that season the seating got a lot more competitive.
You got Thunder. We’ll be in our OU shirts in LW5 prob with the ‘Eers fans. Watch for us
SIAP, nice interview with Bo Jackson and Brian Bosworth. First time together after the game 27 years ago:
pasted wrong link earlier, refresh for direct link
What’s up, RBear?
Nada- just kicking off the 3-day weekend watching the bb game. You?
Same here. I just got back from Joplin, MO. Planning a trip to Portland, ME. I travel a lot this time of the year.
former dt, jamarkus mcfarland, is a grad asst coach at ou
Where has Eastex been? I haven’t seen him on here in a few days.
I’ve been wondering about the same thing.
Did you sleep in today, Sam?
I did, somewhat. I landed at 8pm. Home by 8:30pm. Up at 7am for a swim meet. How about you?
All the way until 9.
Lucky man. We are entertaining tomorrow. Prepping food. Sitting down as soon as we fining. We have a fire going. Almost time to relax.
That is extremely weird. We need some Tots, man.
i think he checks out this time of the year, too much “speculation” 😉
Makes sense. But we do have NSD coming soon. I hope he pays a visit.
Can we get a Boom this weekend?
Well..OU girls look atrocious and embarrassing in Stillwater today. Only good thing is how good Sheri Cole looks
Time for a change…well past time, actually.
I hope you’re not referring to a coaching legend.
You are probably right. I personally would hate to see it. It would be like firing your pastor or your Grandma.
Well, I won’t comment on that. It’s not exactly the description I would have used.
I think she’s been distracted with off-the-court issues in recent years and it would be best for the program and for her to make a change.
What off court issues?
Over the past few years there have been a series of disappointing stories that I’ve been told at athletic department events or by people in the athletic department. They were surprising to me, as I had always been a big fan of the Women’s coach.
They are not the kind of things that (I feel) should be posted on message boards, but are things that made me feel strongly that it is time for a change.
She has been a very good coach (a Hall of Famer) but, if anyone were to ask my opinion, I would say that the program has needed a change for some time. Wins and losses are not the primary reason for my opinion.
Well with the general public not knowing any of this info, it would be hard to fire someone because of what few know about.
Ain’t happening. She’s earned a lifetime gig here if she wants it.
NO ONE “earns” a life time gig as a coach! Come on!
Destroyed by over 30 points. Embarrassing.
Obviously this is the best recruiting website ever but where does everyone go to find lists of recruits? ESPN, Scout, Rivals, 247. Amy I missing any good ones?
I usually start with rivals then I’ll look at 247 since they do a composite. Not sure who’s the most reliable. Everyone likes rivals but they are southern and southeastern and then Cali biased. I think ESPN is more Midwest/eastern seaboard biased and then obviously SEC biased.
247 gives you the best idea where a guy is collectively ranked and they rank the top 1000 recruits not 250 or 300.
Scout for list here for what ya need to know
1a) Rivals
1b) 247
3) Scout
I think Rivals actually has the most reliable/trustworthy lists, IMO. 247 is always pretty close though.
Also, with Alex, Andrew and Brandon so close to the local Football scene(s), it would be cool to see them start building local rankings for TFB and slowly start building this into an even larger resource for recruiting/team news.
Thats a pretty good idea. Obviously would take a lot to do a national recruiting scene (and I’m not sure what direction K is trying to go but I know he’s trying to expand just not sure how much). But to do Oklahoma and maybe Dallas metroplex rankings would be cool.
I think so too, and would help expose some kids who might not get any exposure locally. But if TFB has any long-term plans on growing into a RIVALS type of site, I think it would be smart to take over those locations that aren’t already saturated.
I go:
1.) 247
2.) Scout
3.) ESPN
4.) Rivals
I would put Rivals higher but the people that run it are kind of a$$holes so it’s hard to listen to what they say most of the time.
This does not answer your question, Zack answered it as well as it could have been. I have often thought that we (all of us together) could possibly put up information as a joint effort and compile information for recruits, players on scholly, depth charts, etc. I would think this would be too much of an undertaking for any single TFB writer, as they not a paid staff, they are passionate, they are knowledgeable, they are professional in information, but they all have a day gig. Maybe having a place here where we could update, refine, change a data base of info would be awesome. Not being a systems guy, I don’t know what that would entail but I think it might be something that could be done.
Rivals. But any recruiting “expert” site doesn’t take into account that coaches recruit prospects who fit their systems. For example, Rivals listed Logan Roberson as a 2-star. Kids a beast but many services, Rivals include, didn’t fully evaluate him like Bedenbaugh did. The point being: trust the coaches first.
Speaking of lists, what would stop TFB from listing OU commits here? Seems doable since there’s room enough in the margins for the schedule.
I’ve never been to this site but Demetric warren runs this site and he’s pretty knowledgable and a guy that knows ou.
So our recruiting right now isn’t even the top 25? What do you guys think we can be ranked by then of all this craziness? Hoping we can be bare minimum top 15 and preferably top 10! And lastly, do you guys think Boren would ever pull the trigger on leaving the Big 12 and if so where would we go and if we were to stay, who are the legitimate teams that would make the Big 12 legitimate again? I’ll leave you guy alone now
The smaller size of this year’s class will keep us out of the top 10. We will rise in the rankings though before its all said and done. If we assume Caleb Kelly is a silent then that would probably put us in the top 20 on 247 already.
There are large financial penalties for us leaving the Big XII within the next 10 years or so. Most of the conferences are in a sort of realignment purgatory right now. That will change as their TV contracts get closer to the end of their terms.
Look at the Avg stars not the total number, this is a very small class. We are in the top ten on avg. figuring the per player stars. We don’t grey shirt and ruin young recruits lives like some in SEC by over booking, maybe a player or two here or there to cover knot head syndrome, but not by the numbers of bama.
We will probably be around 15th. Kelly, Bledsoe, Moore, Mark Jackson, southall and quartney Davis are guys we have a real chance to land. I would say right now we are no lower than 2nd for all of them. I will give you the 247 average ranking for each one of them.
Kelly – 24
Bledsoe – 221
Moore – 163
Jackson – 205
Southall – 506
Davis – 147
And I’m not sure how good we are with Guidry but he’s ranked 289th so landing him over southall would help our ranking. Also were supposed to lose one of our lower rated recruits. Remember we also landed a 5 star qb transfer that has 3 years left, but doesn’t count toward our ranking.
Much appreciated sir and I’m hoping Kelly is joining the crew due to our lack of depth at our LB position. I’d love to see someone like a Teddy Lehman coming into our mix with not only his speed, but his explosiveness as well. You have to have that with our conference and that dang spread offenses everyone seems to run!
Hope so. Another OL would be sweet. (Or Kelly. But too soon maybe.)
Probably about the basketball win.
c’mon, you’re being realistic
One of my many weaknesses.
especially here eh?
good game to have a recruit visiting.
SW corner starting to look saweet…
LOL. I’m a dope.
Did they take some of the upper rows off the seating in the south endzone?
Took about 15-20 or so off to make it align with the top of the main stadium, after the suites are added.
Third row in corner, 6th position in, there’s a weld spot that is not clean. Better redo it.
Feel good about this one
Which one is this?
Jauan Williams
2 fantastic plays called back so far in this GB/AZ game. That’s a bad look IMO.
gb’s dom capers gets so many plaudits, montgomery may have received the big break to be able to work under him
Lol indeed.
GB / AZ I am rooting for Jefferson. Go AZ
Im rooting for Gresham too
No Rooting for Rip?
OL from 215, Philly, who da heck?
JohnCarlo Valentin
Cards have a 210# linebacker. Hmmm
What a throw! Looking like overtime!
I would say AR is back!!!!!!
Any of you knuckleheads watching this Packers miracle
BS!!! not a catch!
It was a catch.
BS, ball hit the ground! period!
Boomer’s right, sorry
No he is not. Period. The ball hit the ground.
Never touched the turf, his hand underneath topside. Weird but true. Doesn’t matter now! I wanted the Cards to win, buh bow!!
Wrong!!!! The end proves the point!!
TD!!!!! Thank you!!! Proves the point that the ball hit the ground!!! 🙂
Yes, Cards win!! Even though the ball never touched the ground, but I don’t have to be right but I am 🙂
Let me revel in the moment. 🙂 The ball was loose!!!!
He made so many big plays tonight… thus reminding us he’s still a top 5 wr.
Perfect example of knowning who you’re play makers are, and getting the ball in their hands when it matters most.
A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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Happy Sunday to all. To those attending worship, enjoy your church families. Amen, nai erchou, Kurie Iesou.
No Greek scholars allowed.
Well hopefully the next 2 weekends are more exciting for recruiting.
add a few days to that and we’ll know all
Way I figure it is we get the last word in and the more lasting impression plus me and you and many others on here have known for a long while our list of remaining targets for us was small. But they are all damn good. Mean we land 5-6 of the 10-12 kids left on OUr board any combination of them we are in a good way. This may be a top 15 class maybe a lil lower unless we get a few surprises which is possible. But, the thing is the lower ranked guys in this class have some really high ceilings and potential. TBH I think we will be just fine, we need to have another fine season next year and we do that the 17 class is shaping up to be a potential top 3-5 class.
I think a guy like Roberson may end up a 3 year starter. Not sure about hardy and motley and I think we are supposed to lose Jefferson any day now.
Next year we need to really go after the top Texas prospects. We have 4 games in Texas next year to showcase our team. Houston, RRS, tech and tcu. Then we get some good home games to host recruits.
I think it depends where they play Motley I think he would be really good as a slot WR!
According to the Texas tfb site we will be in a dog fight for Daniels and southall.
You would think if Daniels leaves Austin without committing, that is positive for OU
Not necessarily.
horn board says he still has visits to tenn, tosu
Well played sir. Sorry that your apprehension was well founded. We can move on to those that did sign with OU.
I would be more than happy to land Mayden. He looks like a difference maker at the CB Position.
Do we have room for another CB?
I think you make room but unfortunately I think us taking mayden (if it were to happen) would mean losing Cobb.
Cobb is drawing a lot of interest and he was our first commit at corner so I could see him not liking the fact that we took 3 more.
These guys have to realize that 1. There is never enough talented depth. 2. Competition is good. 3. Some may be safeties not corners 4. This is still OU 5. Texas and every one else sucks.
Profound remarks. 100% accuracy too- Wikipedia verified.
True story
I think us taking Mayden would mean that the coaches place a higher premium on his talent vs. Cobb.
If the coaches think he’s that much of an impact guy, especially in this pass-happy league- then they’ll definitely make room for him.
Also worth considering the potential for us to try and lure his younger brother (Stud QB at Sachse High School) here in the next couple years.
Was reading that he was high on FSU but they moved his OV to the 29th as have Trayvon Mullen and Carlos Becker higher and likely signees.
Yeah, everybody is wanting to cash-in on their biggest targets for that final OV weekend.
Just a LOT still up in the air. I am taking my “chill pills” for the next 17 days so I don’t worry about things over which I have zero control.
I’m with you. It’s becoming a little more annoying than exciting given the potential decommitments for us. No likey.
Is he saying that representing OU or Texas?
carolina/seattle……….whatta snoozer, over before the half
Carolina just needs to score one touchdown in the 2nd half and it’s over.
well, quit watching it now there’s a little life
As Corso would say, “not so fast, my friend”.
Super K posting on Texas Brainiacs site this morning on the their “big weekend”, feels gross
Yeah, he’s very active in communicating and interacting with their 5-6 posters. It won’t be long before he starts referring to the Longhorns as “us” and “we”.
I kind of wonder who their next expansion school will be?
tfb pukes
No more orange. Please.
Not sure, but I do sense a Premium or Pay Site coming here soon. Anyone else notice how Jordan, in his Daily News write ups puts FOOTBALL (FREE) when he discusses football news. Free as opposed to what?
I think that was in response to a suggestion as to linking to newspaper sites that limit the number of free articles. If it says free, there’s no limit to the times you can view articles for “free”.
That’s just to let us know which news is free to read and which comes from pay sites. Jordan has been doing that for us for a while now. Don’t think it means they’re about to start charging here.
No, you’re correct. He stated a while back that he would start referring to the free information links versus pay sites, so that we could avoid the annoying “your free subscription allowance is up” (e.g., The Tulsa World).
Not sure about a pay site but they may expand across the country. Then I would go after sponsors if they have enough viewers across the country.
@BoomerDave – Did you miss the whole conversation on here about marking the links to articles being either free to read or marking links that are paid-subscription-only sites? As a heads-up courtesy to us?
University of Phoenix
Animosity brewing?
No animosity. But it does make me wanna throw a bit, as we were lead to believe that TFB’s were all big Sooner fans.
That’s what I thought. Don’t like it.
Agreed !!!!
I don’t like it at all. Super K posting there makes me queasy as does his name in that pukey shade. Yuck.
any damage done by the whorns with their big weekend been reported yet?
None that I was able to read about. Just speculation so far.
Comments from the Southall and Daniels families suggesting great visits, and Daniels is still basically a Red River rivalry.
We need both those guys. This is OU… not just the three time whorn Big 12 champs.
One flip for the Horns today. Lineman Zach Shackelrord from Kansas St. to Texsa.
Is K a Sooner fan or neither a Texas fan nor OU fan? Is this just a business?
Not sure anymore, but if this were the Matrix, I feel like I swallowed the red pill
They stated the other day they are trying to grow and expand so they have been posting a lot on the Texas website. But sadly, I am feeling that they are more pro active with the Texas fans. But, also to that they basically said us as posters have great interaction with each other and can carry the board and conversation between us and well in a nut shell said we do as much dirt digging as they do. However that being said they have way more ties than any of us do with the exception of KJ. But, I get they are trying to build their brand and name, but hate they decided to do so with Texas, why not do an OSU or a TU fan page first and then expand in to the Texas area! SMH!!
Ok and so! They are being as real and open and honest as they have here!
Ooook then…. moving on…
It’s a delicate issue, I appreciate the site and it being free, but I would have a whole other set of expectations if the format changes to fee based.
Agreed but, it is free and we have good people with good inside information that post on here. I can go on Tweeter and stalk these guys and tell them I am getting recruiting information and they will be just as open and upfront with me as they are these guys! Most of them are open on Twitter anyway. Jordan does a great job on here and seems very loyal to OU, the Texas site has their own version or Jordan!
I don’t know if they’d move to a fee-based membership type site, but I’m guessing they’ll try out some ads down the road, or affiliate ads. I’d like to see them give it a shot. They could be doing it now…
Brandon is still all ou. I don’t necessarily see him post on here much but I know he’s responsive on Twitter. I get why they are spending time over there (like they used to here) it’s all about getting that site going.
Agreed my friend 100%
In the meantime do,we get shafted with a lack of their time finding OU information ?
The fact you had to ask that question (I have too) just made this site lose a notch or two on my standing.
I’m happy to see the site grow. They’ve worked their collective asses off to build this site and have not done any advertising. Hopefully they can build it up and monetize it in some way. Smart move, IMO.
I wish he would just stick to OU stuff and the OU site. This situation is like having the realator who you picked to sell your house also represents the person bidding on your house- whose interest do they really have?
I want a refund 🙂
Some football student-athletes that OU has a shot at or an interest in. Could be more but in no particular order.
1. Caleb Kelly
2. Amani Bledsoe
3. Mark Jackson
4. Erik Fowler
5. Tramonda Moore
6. Elysee Mbem-Moore
7.Marcel Southall
8. Jared Mayden
9. Jonathan Kongbo
10. Quartney Davis
11. Velus Jones
12. Javon Wims
13.Briston Guidry
14. Jauan Williams
15. Kapri Doucet
Plus I like our 4* walk-on (Woods) and 5* transfer ( Murray) all for 2016.
Very important: Keep Chris Daniels !
Thanks, don’t know where I got Anderson. Slow day and old age.
“None of these guys want to play in the Big 12-2.”
Like he says, FWIW:
Yeah unfortunately that means nothing.
Maybe not in and of itself but the fact the Daniels re-tweeted it may.
I’m not sure on the jinx associated with using an OU birthday cake in conjunction with your commitment announcement, but probably unpleasant
I don’t think a recruit would say they had a lousy visit or would they. Seems like Daniels was just being honest.
missing the point that he re-tweeted the observation made by Przybylo
You can tell I am on top of this tweeting. Thanks
My first response was flagged for review. But wariboko did some crazy “stuff”
Probably still hung over from the long weekend with female recruiters/cheerleaders.
according to a poster ( SoonerJosh ) , Texas has flipped Parrish Cobbs if and when Obi Eboh leaves the Horns for Stanford……..
I honestly don’t know where this momentum for Texas with Cobb came from. No indications of this happening on Twitter. And from what I know, Cobb has not taken an official visit to Texas. I think cooks will keep him. I’m more worried about Daniels, if he flips then I don’t know that Reynolds has a solid backup plan in place. I have more faith in cooks recruiting ability.
Come on man it’s SD being SD! Nothing more nothing less!
He’s not the only one I’ve heard this Cobb and Texas thing gaining steam. A guy I follow who is very positive and talks to these recruits also said this.
Well I think he may be talking to them but like you I feel he is solid and as far as Daniels, I have heard the backup plan to him is the Arkansas commit can’t think of his name he would be a down grade from Daniels but would be better than Southall
Briston Guidry maybe. Was due for an OU official on 1-26 last I heard.
That’s him!
Daniels would be a big loss b/c it doesn’t matter we get someone as good or not, UT gets better and a good player. If two players are the same, and one is between ut and us, and another player is just as good and it’s ut and say michigan, I’d rather us get the guy choosing between us and ut b/c it can make a difference in our games with them, but that’s maybe over thinking stuff.
I don’t think you are over thinking it as that is pure logic! But, OU has beaten better Texas squads than we have had because we won with heart and not talent. You can’t coach heart and you can coach want to and over the years Stoops finds those type of kids. We where not the most talented team in 2000 between us and FSU but we won with heart. We always win with more heart and kids that have issues or don’t wanna be here Stoops don’t want them. Thats the point I am making. Daniels knows this as well and I want the best for him no matter how good he is!
$$$$ ?
I honestly don’t think Texas is doing anything different than ou.
The hand-wringing has begun.
These next two weeks are going to be a real bore, if they are all be about worrying which internet rumors or twitter posts are legit.
He doesn’t care if we lose Cobb, just stirring rumors and being negative as always. You may be right about the stress till NDS for real fans though.
Stephen I have a serious question. Are you always negative about OU because that way when they do win or land a recruit it makes it sweeter or do you really not like OU. I am truly not taking a shot at you but man you really do give 90% of why OU is irrelevant rather than any positive. I am just curious and want to understand.
Dayrl this board is mostly made up of “Glass half full” posters. We also have a fair amount of “Glass half empty posters” Stephen Dale is our “Empty Glass” poster. Theres usually one in every crowd.
As a rule of thumb, when my glass is half empty I just have it refilled. 🙂
Smart man.
FWIW: If they want to be a Sooner let them come, if the don’t wanna be Sooner let them go! IDC Stoops has 9 Big 12 Championships and a Nat Championship is the only coach with all the BCS trophies and a Nat Champ trophy in his case no one else can say this or claim this! We will always be OKLAHOMA and we will have some up years and some down but some of our down years are up years for other schools. The sky is not falling cause one kid or 2-3 and don’t pick us, others will take their place and like many before them we will make them sorry they went elsewhere and despite all of our beliefs that OU is the only team for us we have to remember that these kids do have to look out for themselves and what they feel is best. And as adults we should want nothing more for them than that!
And to my credit and defense before I get stones thrown! I can’t really tell you who the next Sam Bradford or Gerald McCoy will be and if any of you can then please let Stoops know so you can become a recruiter for us!
Maybe Stephen Dale is the person for that job?
We wouldn’t get anybody
Reply of the day. Made me laugh.
Well said.
You are correct, Sir. We are OU. There’s Only One. Recruits: Come and get ya some if you’re good enough and have the DNA. Those are the guys we want.
Daniels flipped?
Did he stick the landing?
Backwards or frontwards?
No he is still committed but it will be a fight to keep him but I think he stays committed to Ou.
In all sincerity I hope not.
Any news about OU coaches visits this weekend or anything. Texas had around 20 visitors this weekend, Okie State had 21 or so, and OU had zero. Awfully quiet ! What’s the deal.
I’m hoping our coaches are giving a personal touch in the homes of recruits and planning campus visits right before signing day.
Almost 800 comments on a slow weekend. I’ve seen or read of 4 possible visits for the final weekend. Kapri Doucett, Jauan Williams, Elysee Mben-Bossee, and Mark Jackson. I have a feeling that B. Stoops and staff will be in full go mode.
Birthday cake>>>>>crystal balls. 🙂
they were predictions from the horns 247 ilk:
So…Daniels flipped?
Not to my knowledge, but my nolage may be limited. ?
Hummer and Holland. Sound like Horn homers.
Daniels still visits Buckeyes on the 29th, I believe those yahoos on 247 crystal balled way too early. Seems his family wants him close to home, I believe his heart pumps Crimson and Cream hemoglobin.
the majority of those yahoos at 247 still have Daniels to OU, the only two that flipped their predictions were horn 247 staffers
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