News tends to come in bunches this close to National Signing Day and while it might have been of the bad variety Wednesday night following the decommitment of 2016 DT Chris Daniels, things took a turn in Oklahoma’s favor Thursday afternoon with the commitment of DE Amani Bledsoe (Lawrence, KS).
While it sounds almost ludicrous to say out loud, the Sooners had a true fight on their hands from the hometown Jayhawks. But it would appear the appeal of both winning and the development he’ll receive in Norman won out over saying close to home.
Bledsoe now stands as OU’s lone defensive line commit as the Sooners are less than two weeks from NSD on Feb 3rd.
too slow
Thank the heavens. Big time BOOM.
BOOM Update!
Told y’all the sky wasn’t falling!!! BOOMER!!!!
I still think some hit me…or something SD tossed up and came back down.
(edit – and SOONER!)
Yikes! No telling what he threw. Ewww
SOONER!!!! Hello, Denzel!
keep it rolling
BOOM! And much needed.
LOVE me some Booms – Thanks for UPdating us Jordan.
BOOM!!!!! Needed some positive news
Yes!!! Thank you sweet little 8# 6oz Baby Jesus!!!
Laying there in a manger, don’t even know a word yet, but still omnipotent
Welcome to OU Amani, hope all your dreams come true and greatly anticipate your contribution going towards #8.
Yes indeed! Enjoy your time – before you know it, you’ll be an alum like many of us.
thank god needed this today after all the downdates
That tackle at the 0:41 second mark in that video though…….. talk about a throw down
Boom. Good news for a change.
Nice. Need more Sooners! Boomer!
See there, Give you a nice pep talk and just like that it starts to turn around.
Bledsoe has a helluva offer list. His recruitment has been so quiet I never got a feel for where he stood. All that being said…….BOOOOOM!!
His list was huge but it was basically OU and KU for the last 3 months!
is this a reynolds catch
good to hear, thxs
Fantastic that he picked up where Monty left. Not bad at all, considering all the angst last night
I check out for a little power nap, come back and BOOM! I may be taking more naps!! Day just got better and Welcome Mr. Bledsoe!!
take a nap until Nsd if booms happen when u sleep
Ha! That’s not a big problem at my age. I can drift off anywhere anytime.
This kid has the perfect build to come in and let OU’s trainers and nutritionist make him into a monster. Welcome Moose!
Can we get a Mayden and Kelly Boom next?
Both in the same day!!! Like NSD lol!
LMAO. Wonder what’s in the bag hanging from his belt!
Is that Bernie Sanders?
Nope, Hillary’s discharge.
Definite resemblance. Lol
sorry, didn’t see you beat me to it
Yes it’s Bernie’s inauguration!
Yes it’s Bernie’s inauguration!
God forbid. You shouldn’t joke about things like that.
redistribution (free) money
Benny Hinn rally at Del Boca Vista
Amen and Amen!
bernie sanders socialist mixer
Nice one Colfax! I hope I can give it H when I’m that old!
He’s only 52.
A LOT of miles then…
Eats nothing but GMOs
After hundreds of hours lurking in the background I just had to join the fun! This is my daily hourly fix as a long time sooner fan. I still have bad dreams of Johnny returning that punt in 1971. This is a great site with great information and great entertainment from all you posters
Welcome CCR!
Thanks kelsta this really is the best place to get sooner info
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But, but, but……he had SEC offers.
SD already has him flipping to Texsa.
Literally, LOL
I am curious if he has any recruiting trips planned south of the Red River…
Lol…I bet you are Stephen, I bet you are.
Thanks. That’s what I was thinking, but I don’t like to give him a reply.
More BOOMdates!!
I needed this, I was starting to feel like SD.
Stephen Dale impression, “Well, i guess this means Chris Daniels is gone for sure, to bad OU had to…………….settle.” “I predict………….too.”
you are on a roll…………..keep going………….
What SD? No Boom? No Happiness? No Well done coaches?
Nothing positive to say? nada?? ………………
He’s the worst kind of troll. Presents himself as an OU fan but can never be positive about OU. 17 ‘I told you so’ comments while reveling in the Daniels de-committing thread. OU gets a commit from another 4*, 3 comments, none congratulatory and 1 (below) wondering if Bledsoe will visit ‘down south’.
see above….
Yep saw it. Your very slight attempt at being positive ( I know that must have been tough for you ) only came after prodding and even then it was tinged with negativity. Nice try though.
Looks a bit like Leroy Selmon to me…too slow…really?
“‘He’s the closest thing to a freak I’ve seen,” Lawrence High coach
Dirk Wedd told 247Sports in the fall. ““So explosive, so powerful,
sometimes it’s not fair.’
Bledsoe ran 4.71 at Oklahoma’s camp.
‘He has a huge heart and he competes every snap,’ Wedd said. “The
things we ask him to do are unbelievable for a high school football
player. He plays both ways, he’s on special teams, he rarely comes off
the field.
‘He’s the most unselfish kid I’ve ever seen. He has two blocked
punts for touchdowns. When you get your best football player to sell his
soul on special teams that rubs off on everybody else. He cares about
his teammates. He’s a very caring kid and an unbelievable student.’
‘You throw all that into a 6-foot-5, 272-pound body and that’s something that doesn’t come along very often.'”
good to see some kids with integrity and a want to play at ou unlike _______
Sounds like a good get for OUr program all around.
yep. Bledsoe represents a different type of SDE that OU hasn’t had before…good to see him come aboard…..
Agreed. Already Prototype 3-4 DE and could easily add muscle for next level. Has a 3.6 GPA to go with his incredible football talent.
“…two blocked punts for touchdowns.” New THAT would be refreshing at OU.
Chip Viney is keeping a very good secret from us. Congrats to Amani , he sounds like a great person.
i feel the same way re: Viney… just bits and pieces here and there
Yup , I think OU will do their best to keep Chip Viney on the staff.
What bits and pieces am I missing?
could be reading way too much into these “bits and pieces” but, stuff like this:
It’s your party big man, read into it whatever you want, BUT, it’s always been said he’s OUr’s to lose. (personally I hate that phrase, but it is what it is) I think we will be having this 5*.
Hope your right Rick!
For a long while, it has seemed like Quick and Kelly have been tight and Quick is our player-to-recruit rep.
Caleb & Ty Darlington convo is getting pretty interesting.
Do share.
Welcome to the Sooner family!
This is the way I hope all OUr recruits feel.
Yep. Said it on the OP – Chanse is a GREAT SOONER.
Yessir!! Welcome Mr. Bledsoe
Huge Pickup for us. Gotta keep the good vibes going the next two weeks. #OUDNA is in these kids
Yes! Welome to the family! BOOMER!!!
I’m watching Training Day right now
“King Kong has got nothing on OU!”
Kid sheds blocks, even when they triple teamed him!
Yes! He will be a better Tapper than Tapper! Why, he’ll be the bestestest!
Beware the Mooooooose!
Oh, I can’t wait to say that. Is it too soon to say that? I want to say that. That I want to say. That.
Good evening, sir.
It’s better than this morning isn’t it. lol.
Yes. I left the house to take my girls to swim practice and come back with a BOOM waiting. I’m good with that.
Can we start calling the Line of Scrimmage “Moose Crossing”?
Great idea, I’ll start working on the signs.
Canada already on it….
Better, I was just going to redo the image on a deer crossing sign that I may or may not have seen in someone’s barn.
Campbell is from Canada right? I’m sure he’d be willing to share.
Thinking of Gallimore maybe?? He might have a spare sign or can get one.
Yeah, wasn’t sure if it was Campbell or Gallimore. W/ both on the line at the same time, Moose Crossing would be pretty accurate.
Neville Gallimore.
RR, my man. What’s up?
Need good ole JR to call that tackle at :42
“Bah gawd, he killed em!”
Needed this one bad, welcome aboard. As big and athletic as tapper, with a lot of room to improve. Should be a good one.
Reynolds can prepare Bledsoe for the NFL as he competes beside Lampkin and they have fun winning championships.
Ball battin’, snot knockin’ man child.
BOOOOOM! and welcome aboard Amani.
I know that your decision was difficult but you absolutely made the right choice. You now have the best DL coach, best teammates and best fans in the country behind you and if your goal is the NFL you couldnt have done better. We’ll all be proud of you in Crimson and Cream.
See Denzel didn’t leave. He’s still here.
Yes, he is. Denzel has an open invitation.
The sky has returned to its rightful position, the ending of the world has been halted, the clouds have parted, and I say LET THERE BE LIGHT!
But, but, but…..some have already jumped.
Meh:they were expendable.
Absolutely, fantastic.
This is looking good. Front 7 of the future is looking bright!
OU is so close to being a runaway truck. I can’t wait.
Don’t twitter but just going through CK’s tweets, most seem to be from/to OU players and hopefully, his future team mates. #gottahavefaith
Reading between the lines, Caleb is drawn to academics. ND trolling him on OU’s supposed shortfall so having him talk to TD is the perfect comeback from the perfect ambassador. People moaned about OUr center last year. Sometimes, football isn’t everything. Rooting for you Mr Darlington whererver you go
I wonder if Mr. Winchester, Stephenson, and Flemming, (and now also Millard) had any communication with Mr. Bledsoe on the glories of Sooner Football!
Millard is on KC correct?
I think Millard is retired.
I mean Trey. Signed with my Chiefs.
Cmon now, you cannot afford to forget the best of the best to come out of KS, THE BELLDOZER!!
Think he was just talking about the chiefs roster.
Better than Jake Sills?
Come on back to the fold Mr. Daniels and be part of this Crimson Curtain that’s being put together in Norman. Of the conference teams, OU has the best tradition of championships, will have the best stadium and facilities, and absolutely the best fans. Make a great decision and be a Sooner!
Crimson Curtain: I like it.
Better than the ole’ Black Shirts…not as good as the Steel Curtain.
You are correct.
I’m hoping he makes the right decision by himself and for himself and it leads him to Norman. If not, when one door closes another opens and in walks Marcell Southall and Briston Guidry.
This kid has tons of potential. If he ever learns to play low he will instantly be better. All the tools are there. Time to get to work Mr. Bledsoe. This is the beginning, not the end.
It doesn’t seem people are as excited today as they were disappointed yesterday. People should be more excited. Bledsoe is a big deal, just comes from Kansas. Imagine a kid with his talent from Texas or Cali.
For the record, I’m EXCITED!
Me too Ray!! Ready for NSD to see how we close!
I think everyone is very excited over Bledsoe’s commit. I know I am for sure.
I think some of us are just worn down from the last couple of days emotional rollercoaster is all.
I think everyone is very excited over Bledsoe’s commit. I know I am for sure.
I think some of us are just worn down from the last couple of days emotional rollercoaster is all.
Would be nice to add jones tonight or this weekend to keep the momentum going. I’m not sure how many guys are going to be NSD decisions.
Looking at the weekend visitor list TFB put up, would love Mayden, Blue and Tupai, if not this weekend then whenever. Feel like the most likely ‘weekend BOOMs’ are Doucet and Beal, the jucos.
It’s a different crowd tonight. I didn’t recognize any of the posters from last night.
Zack, I think the guys here today are the same guys about every day, and really happy for the good that comes OUr way. When something negative comes around, the other guys come out of the wood work. ie yesterdays decommittment, loosing to texsa or clemson. Those guys never post on a daily basis, they are only on here when something bad is aloof.
It seems this comment is repeated on here at least a 15x a day. Someone says something like “hey, where are all the negative nancys; it seems they only come out of the wood work when things go bad,” to which some other fella says “yeah Rick, they are not the regular posters (like us awesome posters), they only come around when things are bad” and then the same sentiment is repeated in a celebratory manner as if the “regulars” are the only ones who “get it.” It must make you guys feel like you’re part of some elite, super-positive, everything-is-always-awesome club. Personally, I didn’t post a negative comment yesterday, but I enjoyed reading the positive and negative comments. I do not enjoy reading your negativity against the negativity – it really bums me out. I love reading the knowledge you guys bring, but the daily reminders of your superior positivity is beyond the pale. Sorry for the rant; you’ve just really bummed me out.
Try a dose of Julie Andrews. One cannot possibly be sad when watching Mary Poppins.
As I told you before, I really do hope you feel welcome. That is not lip service. I didn’t remember calling you out, but I guess something on the inside of you felt like I was. First off, this is not a paid site. This is not an exclusive club, I don’t know personally a single other poster here. I LOOKED for a place where there was something different about the mentality of the posters. You can get angry, mean spirited, ill thought and ill intended comments anywhere. I personally wanted something different than that. I had been on Landthieves for quite a while. That is the typical site where “negativity” abounds, and is the norm, not the exception. They are very intellegent, knowledgeable posters that can’t put 2 sentences together without bringing the utmost in negativity and disrespect. Many of us left that type of environment. I stumbled across TFB one day where the writers are courteous to the readers, the readers were courteous to each other and all the sudden I had what I craved. A respectful, well thought, place that even in disagreement, you’re not cussed, stomped, humiliated and cast aside. Zack’s comment yesterday was valid. There should have been more people happy that we got an awesome new recruit, rather than a whole day dedicated to “what’s wrong with the program?”. Is it perfect, NO, but, it is better than a couple of years ago. It is trying to improve. We do have some people that come to TFB as I stated yesterday ONLY on days where something “not good” happens. I have seen your comments on both positive and negative days. I honestly was not even thinking of you. All of us will rant sometimes, but to me it would be a very bleak world to look for what is all bad and ugly. I can’t speak for all the people here, only me. I truly want you here. You are not cut from the same cloth as everyone else and your opinions are valid. My suggestion to you is phrase your opinions so that everything is not a personal afront. Diversity is very healthy, NEGATIVITY is not. Disagree with me respectfully , and I will respect you (I’m an old fart). Get in my face with “all that”, and this old fart would rather find somewhere else to be. While thinking about how to respond to you, I was thinking of how the writers on this site write. I don’t have a problem with any of the writers, all of them have a day gig and write here because they have a passion for OUr Sooners. My personal favorite is JY. He does the articles on the trenches. Notice his writing style. I guarantee if you met this guy, he would be the most liked dad on his block, the best employee in his office, and probably goes out of his way to help a little old lady across the street. He is able to point out flaws in OUr performances without name calling, and brow beating. I’m sure he’s tough as nails, but as a lineman would have been able to pancake you and after the play, smile at you and help you up. I have writen all of this to hopefully help you see where I’m coming from. I would hope we could come to common grounds. The only thing I’m really sorry about is your disdain for the positive vibe, I don’t know how to get around that one.
Rick: Thanks for the thoughtful response, again. I didn’t feel the comments were directed at me, but it bums me out when negative comments are discouraged on this board. (Note that I feel there’s a major distinction between critigues of the program and personal attacks; I’m not defending the latter.) We probably disagree on the extent to which so-called negative comments are appropriate or entertaining, but I can certainly respect your opinion. I enjoy reading the commentary where posters vent about areas in which the program may need to improve, whether that be coaching, recruiting, etcetera, and do not particularly enjoy posters adopting a rose-colored-glasses view of the program. I think there’s too much group think and a strong “homer” mentality. I do not believe it makes someone a lesser fan to point out perceived flaws (even major flaws), in the same way it doesn’t make one less of a patriot to question his/her gov’t. This notion that you can’t question BS is ludicrous; the guy is paid millions of dollars to coach the team and he is not above criticism. (Again, note that I’ve never criticized BS publicly, but I enjoy reading others thoughts on the matter, critical or not.) In any event, you’re probably one of the most thoughtful and nicest posters on the Internet and I enjoy reading your explanations.
Just got home and saw the BOOM
For the record…I am far more pumped by Bledsoe’s commit than I was about Daniels party or his decision to step back (won’t say ‘committed as he was never ‘committed’).
Same. Kid has raw athletic ability.
I know, right. If you take a look at the people who were on here last night, you would not recognize them at all. There were names I’ve never seen before.
Negative Nellies, I suppose.
I thought there were a lot of unfamiliar faces.
Yep. It was that feeling you get when you step in the ladies restroom. You know right away that something is different.
I was thinking more the other end, but I’ll go with faces.
For the kids in the audience, let’s just call them mules.
They only come out with bad news. That tells you all you need to know
No they are “realists.” Apparently being a realist means you only post when something negative happens. They are the same people that complained about how bad we were before the season, but going 11-1 forced them to go underground. The Clemson game brought some of them back and, since the last couple of days events fit their metanarrative, the rest came out in droves.
You are correct. I saw the news last night and started reading some of the comments, I told Fear I’m out of here. I wasn’t here all but 10 minutes before I felt I need some psych meds. I was depressed.
And there I thought or community either got bigger or Stephen Dale had a TFB family reunion.
Agreed. This kid is the real deal and has the chance to be great.
Heck ya!! I guess Reynolds can recruit
Let’s get a few more this weekend, Bledsoe is great, and he is going to make America great again. Sorry couldn’t help myself.
I’m not sure it will matter but I just sent an e-mail to Timothy Cook, Apple CEO about a possible solution to extending the battery life on the Apple Watch. I’m sure they’ve considered my suggestion but sometimes the obvious gets overlooked.
Yes, your needs are high on their priority list. Lol. BTW I’ll be absent tomorrow, going to visit two kids and my granddaughter.
You know I’m needy. I was able to add little comedy to the e-mail. Just kidding.
You enjoy your family. Tell your kids I said they’re lucky to have you. Spoil your granddaughter; that’s their problem now.
See ya when you get back.
Hey Sam, I know you asked this the other day, but any word from East Tex? So strange not seeing him on here at all. Hope he is alright…
Daddy R, I have not heard anything. I’m sure he’s fine. After the conversation got started, several people noted that he said he’d be off the grid for a bit.
Well that’s it, he went and joined the malitia.
You’re a nut.
I’m glad we got Bledsoe today. Conspiracy theorists were coming out the woodwork.
Thanks Sam! Appreciate it!
YES!!!!!!! Who’s next?
How many spots do we have left? Anyone on here know for sure?
not for sure, but I think maybe 5-7, but could be more if there are spots I don’t know about.
Awesome pick up.
Let’s get Jackson and southall
Defensive line is set.
I would check with he-who-must-not-be-named to see what our chances are.
I knew it. I knew it all along! BOOM!
Boom! Really like this young man and hope he realizes his potential while at OU. Great pick up!
We needed this pick up….we need a DT now!
This kid is a monster! And it should be more comments congratulating the next Sooner great, then that was crying on the other guys decommit post.
You didn’t see me on here crying.
This is an awesome get for the defense. Athletic ability and a frame to build a beast.
Wow, this place went bipolar over the last 24 hours!
It’s all good. Will those questioning diron be ok when we end up with Bledsoe, southall, and Guidry? That’s what’s bout to happen!
Next year though, gotta get that double team eatin machine in the middle. We weren’t in on any of them this yr.
Pretty quick for a big guy. Most impressive play in the entire video was at the 1:48 mark. That’s the moment you decide to spend the rest of the night running to the opposite side of wherever he’s at.
at the 1:41 mark of the video, he was triple-teamed and still made the tackle. BEAST!
I saw that. Awesome!
I saw that. Awesome!
Big time momentum change after this morning
We lost a 3* manipulator and gained a 4* freak. I think it was an either or as we’re stacked at d line. BOOM!
We lost a 3* manipulator and gained a 4* freak. I think it was an either or as we’re stacked at d line. BOOM!
Love the double Boom!
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Welcome to the Sooner Family, young man. I hope your time in Norman is ten thousandfold more fantastic than you hope & pray it will be.
This kid is a freaking monster, huge get for OU.