Image of Marvin Wilson via @BrandonTFB
– Marvin Wilson: As you all know by now, the Sooners hosted 2017 DT Marvin Wilson this past weekend. Wilson arrived in Norman on Saturday and spent the morning and afternoon in Norman meeting with the coaches and touring the facility.
TFB had the chance to speak with someone who traveled with Wilson, then our own Brandon Drumm was actually able to speak with the 5-star defensive lineman himself. Here’s what we can tell you from both of those conversations.
*OU is now firmly in the Top 5 for Marvin Wilson.
*Wilson let TFB know he plans to return to Norman in July for a second visit.
*Wilson also said the plan as of right now is to use one of his five official visits for the OU/Ohio State game.
*Wilson noted that he has a great relationship with OU d-line coach Calvin Thibodeaux, and TFB has also been told by someone close to Wilson that “he loves Mike Stoops, loves his intensity.”
Wilson’s mother also came along for the trip to Norman, and TFB has been told she came away thoroughly impressed with Oklahoma as well. As we understand it, she is expected to make the return visit with Wilson when he heads back to Norman next month.
Wilson’s other upcoming trips in the month of June will include a trip to Florida State, Miami, OhioΒ State & USC. – (Brandon & Super K)
– My Take | Marvin Wilson: As mentioned above, Brandon spoke with Wilson and I (K) had a chance to speak with a coach who made the trip with Wilson. So I wanted offer up my general impressions as to where OU stands with Wilson.
Most people have pegged LSU as the leader for Wilson for quite some time, and at one time I believed that as well based on my conversations with people close to him. But more recently I’ve been under the impression that Florida State may be the school to beat. However, Texas has always felt like a spot Wilson could end up as well. It’s Wilson’s in-state program, and I know that he has a tremendous amount of respect for Texas HC Charlie Strong. That said, for the Longhorns to be a big player in Wilson’s recruitment, they are going to have to win on the field.
When it comes to OU & Wilson, I’ve always been a little uncertain about where things stand. I have been told for a while now that he was interested, but to win in the recruitment of players like Marvin Wilson you have to be extremely aggressive. In fact, I can tell you Florida State communicates with people around Wilson literally on a daily basis to ensure they remain in the good graces of anyone who might have the ear of Wilson.
After this past weekend, I believe OU can win with Wilson. But they have to actually win it. In other words, as a staff they have to collectively decide they are going to go ‘all in’ on Wilson and recruit him and everyone around him.
OU has a lot of advantages with Wilson. Firstly, I don’t get the sense that Alabama, Texas A&M, or even Ohio State are big players in his recruitment. That potentially eliminates two of the top teams in the country and the P5 team (A&M) that is closest to Wilson in terms of proximity. Looking at some of the other teams that are in contention (USC, FSU, LSU, etc.), Oklahoma is the school most likely to impress on the field this season. Additionally, OU also has unquestioned stability at the top with Bob Stoops.
Right now it seems pretty clear that Wilson has some schools he likes, but hasn’t made any firms decisions yet. And it also seems clear that the fate of a number of schools will be contingent on their performance this fall. The biggest among those, in my estimation, will be Texas and LSU. I could be wrong, of course, but something tells me that as much as Wilson may be fond of a school like FSU, proximity will eventually eliminate them. Afterall, who doesn’t want their mother to be at their games?
Even though Wilson may say otherwise at the moment, I have a feeling that if all three teams are getting it done on the field this season, it’s going to be an OU, Texas & LSU battle.
Before this trip I wouldn’t have given OU that chance. Now I think they can win it, IF they want it bad enough. – (Super K)
– K’Lavon Chaisson: The Sooners also hosted 2017 DE/OLB K’Lavon Chaisson (Houston, TX) over the weekend, and TFB had a chance to speak with some folks close to Chaisson following said visit.
The impression we were given was that the visit went ‘very, very well.’ Which we realize isn’t exactly in-depth, but we expect to have more of an update with Chaisson in the next couple days. We will say, however, that Chaisson is close to both Wilson and one-time OU commit Ceedee Lamb, which could help the Sooners despite the fact the latter has since decommitted. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (2:00 pm):
2018 Owasso safeties Wayne Jones(@wj63196) & #Sooners offer Joshua Proctor (@jproctor_2018) will be visiting #OU weds. #OKPreps
— Brandon Drumm (@Bdrumm_Rivals) June 6, 2016
Just had to say first.
You’re first in lots of ways, Bob!. For this event, good job of perseverance.
Cush was 1st to congratulate you. That’s BIG.
Congrats Bob!!!!!!!!!
I’ve never ever been first. Too old and slow.
update added
Wilson saying he’ll be back in July and an Official is huge imo. K is 100% right though, if we really want Wilson to seriously consider OU all the staff needs to get on it and start banging the drum with his HS coaches and family members. Plus get it done on the field of course.
It’s also huge! lol
SS17 may need to show their love too. This class is “creating itself” picking up guys and getting them to help get the next one.
And, they are already creating that team chemistry which will hopefully keep everybody solid when other teams take hard runs at our commits.
“….consider OU all the staff needs to get on it and start banging the drum..” That just sounds strange, doesn’t it? A stud like this? If I was a coach and recruiting this kid, by the end of the day he would complain about me stalking his arse π GO GET HIM!!
We have to get DT even if it’s not a Wilson!
Texas won’t be getting done on the field this year…so that narrows it down to OU, LSU and FSU.
Awesome notes TFB. Imagine Greg Rodgers , DJ Johnson , Elijah Conliffe , Marvin Wilson on that Dline. I have a really good feeling about this class. This class will be special #SoonerSquad17.
Agree about the class being something special if the D-Line prospects step up. Calvin be representin’. With each passing day I’m glad he came home.
Amen. He is becoming my favorite coach on staff honestly. His attitude and positive attitude is what makes me happy as an OU fan. The guy seems like a happy dude all the time haha
Good to hear. Reel ’em in Coach Thibs
Ceedee tweeted me and my boy have something good in store for y’all stay tuned
‘Preciate the news
Here’s to hoping that is good news for the good guys and not LSU.
According to Marvin, CeeDee is going to LSU which is no surprise.
LSU is putting together a monster class…..
That makes u happy doesn’t it? Go away.
Whether we get Wilson or not, it’s very encouraging to see Coach Thibodeaux having success this soon in. A coaching change can cause issues with recruits and to be in on this big a name early in his tenure bodes well.
Well said, Bob.
I agree Bob. I always was of the give him time to show his worth and it seems like Thib’s is and up and coming STAR. The best part is I don’t think he will leave anywhere since he is an OU alum.
Agree, Wilson is Thibs claim to recruiting fame at this point imo. Big time feather in his cap if he (and the staff) lands Wilson.
and likely a fat raise lol.
Hope this quiets some of the negative nancys on the weekend op complaing about how Marvin isn’t coming here and etc. Also those people saying how he left right away. The OP says differently. I have all the confidence in the world that OU can get him in and I feel that OU has a better shot than texsa and here’s my reasoning. Texsa just signed 4 Defensive Tackles this last class plus Super K points out that in order for Marvin to seriously go to texsa they need to have a good year. Look at their record and I don’t see anyway in hell they win more than 6 games and that is taking my OU bias out of it. I feel it will be an OU, FSU and LSU battle. Coach Thib’s is doing an awesome job in my opinion
Any insight on how Casey’s visit went?
Yes I was at the shop last week and talked to my barber who cuts all the Thompson boys up. He has for a long time maintained his opinion is that Thompson was going out of state for school…….but……………..things have surprisingly changed. (thank God) lol…The sense now from what he told me was that after Casey got offered he had a 1 on 1 talk with Coach Riley and then Coach Stoops and that they told him that he is the guy they want. According to my barber, that is something that made Casey feel good. Now there’s a long way til he chooses but I think its safe to say that OU is back in a good spot with the Thompson’s. Once again take my info for what its worth. I am just passing info along that was told to me. By the way, I seen Julian Wilson in town last week at a restaurant and anyone who knows Julian knows he is EXTREMELY close to the Thompson family. He and Kendall are brothers and have been since kids. I asked him where he think Casey would end up and he said he thinks OU as well
Great news, And Yes I believe Julian is their cousin correct. And I see you felt to awkward to tell Charles I said What Up!!
I cant say for sure if they are cousins. I will ask next time though. And 47 I haven’t forgot to ask Charles. I just haven’t seen him in a while. I’ve seen Cade though. The youngest Thompson. Do you want me to relay that message to him as well?
To be honest they moved from South Side before Cade was even born.I believe Casey may have been just born or not to long after. So Cade would not even know who you speak of. I actually used to date Kori’s sister. Used to help her babysit Kendall when he was a wee tot!!
haha so you know them pretty well then
I believe it would be a “Used to know them pretty well” situation. But like i said in the start, I believe they would have nothing but good things to say about me.
Always like to hear your info, Mikey. Thanks, man!
There’s always a certain number of fans that dwell on the negative side of things, expect the worst, and hope to be pleasantly surprised. Whatever.
No offense here at all (seriously), but why when people report what they have heard and it’s not great news are said people negative Nancy’s? You have reported not so positive news from the shop, right?
I will be the first to admit I was down on our chances with him, but that comes from things I hear and see. this news is absolutely great to hear and obviously changes my perception on the situation.
Just know there are only about 2 or 3 regulars on this board that fit you and dicks description below. We all know who they are. Let’s all make sure those few hear it.
Great OP,thanks TFB!!!!!!!
Totally agree. Thanks TFB.
Meeting or not? 2:00 before they got it going – I worried that you skipped the meeting and TFB has spies that knew you skipped π
No meeting today just been busy!
My opinion: consistency on the field = consistency in recruiting. If OU wins out it’s first 3 games, we’ll again be the hot team in recruiting. Then make a big statement against Texas on the limited viewership of FS1 we’ll be the team to be in terms of recruiting the state of Texas. A lot of if’s here and even with some success it will still be a long shot with a few highly rated players, notably Lewis, Ausbon, Wilson and Browning, however there’s a big opportunity here for OU to show up and grab some elite players it hasn’t had to opportunity to get in the past few years.
For those that would like to vote for yOUr softball team.
I just hope the ones that count “vote” for themselves – Gasso Gang all the way!
Update; 574 have voted, 66% think yOUr Sooners are gonna win it all.
Really proud of the effort this staff is making. We could have easily continued the downtrend of the 2010-2013 recruiting time, and instead the staff has turned a 180.
Sounds like this ohio state game might be the biggest “recruiting” game of any team this season. Its going to be a star studded affair that would make even harblow jealous.
Like tOsu vs OU doesn’t have enough cache’ … going to be huge for rankings w/ the eastern media paying attention and huge for recruiting. If OU can open big against UH and then take down tOsu/Urban and follow-up w/ a W against texsa … huge momentum. O and D should be firing on all cylinders by then.
Agree Houligan. This season can be a program changing season. The run as had last season paved the way. Now we need to come out guns blazing next season and steal all recruiting momentum plus on field momentum. I honestly like our chances. I’m confident Mike will get the lbs ready to go for the thousand spread teams we play. My biggest concern is out offensive line. Those fellas need to step up in a big way so things can open up for everyone else.
Absolutely. I cant even think of another OOC game with this much riding on it in a LONG time. Kids are going to come out fired up. Some early success for us could turn into a nightmare for the suckeyes.
Exactly JL. I can’t stand not at least making somewhat of an effort on certain kids. 3 years ago Chanse and Mykel from The Boot would have never been on our radar, let alone our roster. We gotta at least try with these kids. That’s why I love the effort being made with the IMG kids.
The difference between 3 years ago and today is staggering. No way would we have gone and gotten the #1 RB out of georgia.
Cant hit the target if you dont take the shot. We werent even loading the gun previously lol.
Student athletes like Wilson have figured out that they shouldn’t commit based largely on just who’s the head coach and that drama around the program sucks (see TAMU). OU’s coaching stability, tradition and relatively low drama level makes us appealing to someone like Wilson IMO. Nice post TFB’s.
Hopefully Wilson makes it to the season opener in Houston as well.
yeah I never expected to read the Sooners would have that kind of chance with him. Hopefully Bob remembers the recruiting prowess that helped him land Adrian Peterson. Its unreal seeing a guy that big move that fluidly.
Man, it looks like he has some feet on him.
I’m thinking ‘did they not have a jersey big enough for him’? He’s got that ‘O K L A H O M A’ stretched to the max. Looks like a kids size on him.
I saw video from the Rivals camp where he went up against his teammate Walker Little and he showed major power and quickness against him that I didn’t see him really show against everyone else
Yeah, you were negative nancy on my post the other day. You have no faith
well darn.
Actually, I’m adumbass. You weren’t even the person to make the comment I was referring to. My apologies, Matt.
no worries, I honestly wasn’t that optimistic about them with Wilson before this anyway so this definitely changed my mind though!
I think since you commented on my comment on the Daily news you were just in my head lol. Hopefully this next season will be a success and result in some big time recruits signing with us.
yeah I hope so. I don’t think the Sooners have landed a consensus, or even non-consensus now that I think about it, top 10 recruit since GK McCoy. Would be nice to have that streak end.
It was me I think. I ended with the bailout statement “I hope I’m wrong but” so that should get me off the hook!
Seriously, this is awesome news. I know some guys that are well inside LSU news and general consensus is he is (or was I hope) theirs to lose and that was a long shot. They have Ed O down there and he’s hard to beat as a recruiter. Sounds like Thib is starting to assert.
It was you lol. Even though it was directed at you I’d like to take it back. I was being an ass for no reason! You did include that last part so I’ll let you off the hook ?
You ain’t gotta take anything back! It’s all good. I admit when I’m (hopefully) wrong, lol.
Great seeing the Wilson news – as others have said, Thibs is doing some really solid work. Hope the good news keeps on rolling!!
Had to do it!!
Love it!
are the Sooners still in on DJ Johnson or have they been eliminated? K’lavon sounds like a great get also. Would love to get a commitment from him and Gumbs.
OU is in DJ Johnson’s top 4. He wants to visit this summer .
nice he’s a consensus top 30 player. Big time.
another question for those in the know, are the Sooners recruiting Wilson for the Nose or the 4i?
Thanks for the Wilson news!! TFB did something not many others could do in getting info out of him. I love his size that guy is an instant game changer if we get him and the vegas kid we could start a Bama type run (of course this includes all other aspects of recruiting going well)
Agree on all. Marvin hasn’t said a lot. Saw a tweet on Sat after his visit that he and his traveling mates were headed to ‘reindeer state’ so left thinking he was not impressed. Very happy to have TFB show me the error in my thinking.
Just get ’em on campus and anything can happen.
Beautiful campus, great coaches, and fabulous family environment.
Don’t forget. (Not that you would)
Think OU goes w/ Parker in the first game or rest her game 1 and have her for 2 and 3 if necessary?
I think Patti will go with Parker in gm# 1 & gm#2 & gm #3 if its needed…really don’t think she has any confidence in Stevens or Chestnut and is unwilling to use either in gm#1 tonight…OU’s hitters need to convert the runners on base into runs. Auburn can hit and Parker can’t be at full strength since she has pitched so much the past 3-4 days………
I think Paige starts Game 1. If OU wins, then she might get a rest for most, if not all, of Game 2.
I think Paige starts Game 1. If OU wins, then she might get a rest for most, if not all, of Game 2.
Patti said last night when asked about the 800+ pitch count Paige had thrown up to that point, was that a concern? Patti said that it wasn’t a concern and Paige could throw another 800+ if needed.
There have been pitchers in the past that have pitched the entire WCWS. Parker can do it and she’s got the best defense behind her.
I agree. Patti has been building up her pitch count during the season to get her ready for post-season. Being this close to her dream, Paige will sling it until she can’t swing her arm at this point. π
Thanx, Shelby, BleedC. Was not aware. In the ‘bigs’ they always talk about tired arms and rotation and rest so figured there was similar in softball. If Patti and Parker say she’s good to go for 2-3 more games, I’m good. Bring it on home, ladies!!!
The throwing of a baseball over hand is not a fluid motion, it is quite violent (I had a buddy of mine in HS that popped his arm out of socket pitching, had to give up baseball). Whereas the throwing motion of a softball is a very natural motion.
This is true. The only worry would be the fatigue of the arm/shoulder muscles. If she is conditioned well enough to overcome the fatigue, then I don’t see why she wouldn’t pitch the next two days. Only her, the coaches, and the training staff know her body. I’ll trust their decision.
Yep, they also said that Paige is going back to the OU training facility each night to get treatments on familiar devices. I would think that would help mentally as well.
Baseball is definitely a lot more stressful on the arm than Softball. They have to be more mindful of the pitch count because they are more prone to injury, whereas in Softball it really comes down to the individual pitcher and how long she can pitch without getting so tired she loses control.
oops. I just referenced this, didn’t realize you’d already done so.
No worries. π
There was an in game interview last night in which Gasso basically said she wasn’t even considering fatigue as a factor, that Parker could pitch as many innings/pitches as necessary. Didn’t sound like she was even considering an alternative.
Metz, Since I figured you were in a meeting, I asked everyone to avoid posting here until you had a chance to be first. All of your friends did that.
Just looking out for you Buddy.
Thanks rocket!
At least now you know who has your back and who doesn’t.
Sorry bruh, couldn’t do it. π
I like Metz, but do not stand between me and an OP!!! π
I understand that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metz, did you see that Bob was 1st to the OP? I was proud of him for jumping in there.
I did!!!!!!
Asked after I already upvoted Bob for being first –
Here’s a nice article on the game: http://espn.go.com/espnw/sports/article/15992740/spotlights-falls-oklahoma-sooners-auburn-tigers-women-college-world-series-final
Mendoza is probably my favorite for softball coverage. One of the best to play the game.
Is that promo implying that we’re the away team again??
I don’t think so. We should be the home team for Game 1 and (if necessary) Game 3.
Go SBallers! Win that Natty!
Just a quick reminder: Today is the 72nd Anniversary of D-Day. A quick thanks to our Vets.
To my Dear Pop who served in the Navy during WW2. Uncle Bill: Medic who landed in North Africa, Sicily and Italy. Uncle Calvin: Army Intelligence. Uncle Tom: Captain of a B-26 at the ripe age of 21. Bless and miss you all.
Absolutely!! Without those that serve our country. We would not be FREE!!!
My father-in-law was a B26 pilot, out of the Cypress area and was actually part of the groups that took that Nazis out that were around the Vatican. My dad was part of P-38 mobile group that was pulled back, at the last minute, from D-Day. By that time, he was supporting the 38 being used for recognizance, which became more important for his team than trying to go in a repair or destroy over the line. He said no one knew the exact time, but they had everything that could possibly fly ready to go. And were joking the only think keeping GB from sinking with the weight of the allies, was the birage balloons.
Uncle who was on leave and away from his ship when Pearl Harbor happened. He ended up with 2 more ships sunk that he was part of. Uncle that was part of the Flying Tigers of China.
Very thankful
I’m actually going to be in France in a few weeks. Definitely going to check out Normandy and surrounding areas.
I’m so jealous. I’ve always wanted to see Normandy. I’ve been to Pearl Harbor, which was amazing. I was obsessed with WWII when I was a boy and since then, I’ve always wanted to visit both those locations. I hope you have blast.
I’ve been to Pearl Harbor a couple times now. Hawaii is legit. It’s my first time to Europe though… I don’t know what to expect.
I think you will find that the older locals have a fondness for those that paid such a high price.
I also hear the younger generations have a noticeable disdain for Americans. Fortunately, France is only part of the trip. π
A lot of people base their feelings on the French toward Americans from going to PARIS. Just imagine a nice country French couple going to NYC and imagine what they think of Americans. When I was there, the smaller cities and towns had people that were very nice – particularly if you tried to speak a little French.
Yeah… I guess being the major population center in France, it’s easy to apply that to the whole country. I’ve heard similar sentiments though.
Luckily everything is geographically close in comparison to the States. How long will you be there? Expect to drink a lot, eat a lot and see some crazy ppl lol. I’ve only been to Spain. It was fun, but I would have rather taken a 2-3 week trip and just knocked out 4-6 European travel destinations all in one trip to then narrow it down for a follow up trip to really get to experience the city. I’m sure you’ll have a blast, unless you’re a home body lol.
I’ll be in Europe for about 25 days. Starting in Amsterdam, heading through parts of Germany and Austria, several places in Italy (Venice, Florence, Rome, Cinque Terre), Switzerland (!!!!!!), Belgium, and France.
You’re literally taking the exact trip I want to take lol. I officially hate you! Jk. So I take it you’re going to be flying to all those locations after you visit Amsterdam ??
Flying in a different sense if you catch my drift π
kidding… sorta. Mostly trains and buses.
I know you take buses and trains in Europe which is why I made the joke! Lol. I meant flying in the same sense you did hahaha. Living in Vegas is nice for that sense, since we’re so close to Colorado and Cali.
Well you know… when in Ro… er, Amsterdam right?
Sounds like a trip of a life time. Who are you traveling with? Is it a tour package or did you piece it together yourself?
My girl just finished up her internal med residency so it’s a gift to ourselves. Part tour/part wingin’ it. Should be fun!
Good for y’all! Should be a blast and a bucket full of memories.
Have you been to Pearl since they redid the exhibits a few years ago? We went in 2014….AMAZING!
Yeah… I went twice last year π
Cool! I’m a high school history teacher (with patriot leanings). I timed our visit so I was at Pearl at exactly 0800 on a Sunday morning (though December 30 instead of the 7th) just so I could get as close to authentic setting as possible. My eight had old daughter soaked it all in too… Made her daddy proud. I wanted to question the Japanese tourists as to why they were there but couldn’t think of a way to ask that with tact – I wasn’t mad just genuinely curious.
I was curious about that too… I guess for them it’s a testament to what their country was then versus what it is now. Good or bad, you need to know where you come from.
True. The Japanese I encountered were actually more respectful than some of our countrymen/boys.
intertwined history.
I think that the decision to attack America (along with blind allegiance to the Emperor) directly has affected the Japanese ethos from WWII onto the present. The fact that their military is called the self-defense force pretty well demonstrates that. With us being the only country in history to use a nuclear weapon in anger, and the stigma that we have regarding them (necessary evil as a deterrent), I can’t even fathom what it’s like to be the only population to have been attacked with nukes in anger. That’s a trip to the whipping shed that could scar a population forever, and to some extent, I think it has.
I know when I was at Pearl, the Japanese tourists were very respectful, and very intrigued about our perception of that time in history.
We used a nuclear weapon in self defense- not anger.
Don’t go throwin’ technicalities at me! lol
Semantically, yes, you are correct. Even though it is believed that they were used in order preserve life, as estimates for a conventional finish to the war far exceeded the “quick” end caused by the nuclear option. By “anger” I meant in a time of war, versus peace time.
There was some anger in the mix. Along with politics (both national and international), diplomacy, expediency and maybe most important, scientific curiosity i.e. what would these devices do to urban areas in a given geographic locale. There was almost no question regarding whether these would be used – the question was where, how and when.
Doug Mac, Nimitz, Marshall all went on record saying it didn’t have to be used! Blockade without invasion would have worked. I respect FDR more than Harry T. Truman who used the bomb to show the Soviets we had more power.
Also, the bomb was dropped to show a STRONG signal to the Soviet Union, “Stay out of Japan.”
Sorry but that wasn’t a nuke it was a Hydrogen bomb. A nuclear fallout will leave a area uninhabitable for at least 50years. Nuclear bomb has never been used in military history. It’s about as real as going to the moon.
I spent 14 years and 5 deployments, 4 combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Politics play a big role in the military. And we all know how politicians can lie. I’m just saying don’t believe everything that your told.
There’s not a single war that couldn’t have been avoided. But defense contractors need war to stay in business, just like pharmaceutical company’s need sick patients to stay in business. Money makes the world go around. Ford sued the US govt for bombing their factories in Germany and won in court. AT&T helped established communication lines for the Nazis. Folks if you still believe all your history books from school you better go back and do your own research. I say this and I have put my life on the line for this country countless times. To learn that in the end politicians and super elite people actually make the decisions that everyone else in the military fellow behind. We just follow orders.
The concentrated amount and radius of the nuclear fallout is dependant on the altitude of detonation. Closer to the surface, and you have a smaller, but highly concentrated fallout area. Higher up, it’s more widespread, but weaker in its concentration. Below are a few links i brushed up on a few weeks back when North Korea claimed it had tested a hydrogen bomb. Pretty fascinating if you’re into that sort of thing (I am)!
Sorry Rob, but you’re actually incorrect. A nuclear bomb is a bomb that derives its thermal yield from a nuclear reaction, of which there are two types: fission and fusion. An atomic bomb, which were the kinds used at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, forces a fission reaction from an enriched Uranium (238 amu) or Plutonium core, which results in explosion equivalent to around 20k tons of TNT. A fusion reaction, on the other hand, uses a hydrogen core (hens Hydrogen bomb, which yes, is also a nuclear bomb), and has a much larger yield, reaching anywhere from 100k tons of TNT to well into the millions. A Hydrogen bomb has never been used on a live target, whether by the US or anyone else.
And I’m sure you got that information from them.
There is an interest about the war among Japanese people. You can see why they would visit Pearl. It was a momentous event in the history of their nation. Attacking the US! Remember Japan lost over 2 million soldiers as well as close to 800,000 civilians because of this aggression in Hawaii. In all their history, they had never lost a war until that time. People lost whole families.
Next chance you get take a ride on a B17. it is just as you imagined it would be as a kid. IMO.
I absolutely LOVED Pearl Harbor. In fact, I was a little upset because I didn’t get to see every single thing I wanted to. I took pics at every room on the lowest deck of the USS Missouri, but our tour was moving on, so I didn’t get to the upper decks. Since I went with my mom and my two sisters, we naturally took lots of pics at the USS Oklahoma memorial. And I read every single name on the wall at the USS Arizona memorial. I have little interest in France as a tourist stop except for Normandy. If I ever make it across the pond again, I’ll check that one off the list.
Not to rain on your parade but Omaha Beach looks very little like it did on June 6, 1944There are till some German pill boxes on the high ts but much of the high ground was bulldozed in the days that followed to make it easier for trucks and tanks to head inland from the beach. Still, it is a place that any American traveling within 100 miles of Normandy really should (maybe even owes out of respect) see it. I’ve only seen pictures taken by friends who were there a few years back.the French have done well keeping it up. I’ve always wanted to wade out in to the water about waist deep and turn around and face the beach. Those guys had some serious stones— as did the Marines who had half a dozen Omaha Beach like landings in the Pacific.
Yeah… definitely not going there for the views.
I get ya.
A must see is the American Cemetery. That is a view you will never forget. I guarantee it will make you cry.
I think it is all the more astounding that most were 18-20. SOB. A bunch of terrified kids. A couple of take aways for me:
1. Never, never, never again do we allow ourselves to go without a standing army of pros. War is not a job that lends itself to OJT unless you just outright hate your enlisted soldiers.
2. In addition to the enlisted men, we should never forget Gen. Dutch Kota who was almost single handedly responsible for getting the guys up and off Omaha Beach. 53 (?) years of age, suffering from gout that made him use a cane to walk, he landed with the second wave because he could see that no break out was happening and it was getting ready to be a slaughter. Apparently he gathered up guys who were huddled, pinned down right at the high tide mark, told them that they could follow him or stay on the beach and die. Led the first break out past a German bunker that pretty much turned the day.
I was also married for a time to a Japanese woman who’s uncle claimed to have commanded the last Japanese ship (an armed merchantman) ‘sunk’ by US subs in the war. He was 18 and a newly minted junior officer. When they encountered a US sub the day after Hiroshima, his captain went to his cabin and shot himself in the head. The 18 year old was suddenly captain of the ship. He did two things: ordered his colors struck and aimed his ship at the beach. He got his crew off the grounded vessel and the US sub never opened fire.
So much epic stuff went on; and now those people are mostly passed.
blaster: You are 1000% correct. The Marines had plenty of D-Days in the Pacific. One of the bloodiest was Tarawa. If you have a chance to read about any Battle in the Pacific, “One Square Mile of Hell” is the book to read: 76 Hours of Hell. An Island half the size of Central Park, 5,000 Japanese Garrison fought to the death on this small Atoll. Over 1,000 US Marines died in 3 1/2 days of battle. This was the largest death toll percentage wise in any battle fought in the Pacific. God Bless the U.S. Marines!
I looked this book up on Amazon prime. Here is the price tag for a used one. $2,498.91!!!! Wow!!!!
I will have to read that book, thanks. I was also in the Corps. We had a WW2 Marine at our church who was at Tarawa. He said a lot of those thousand KIA came due to having to wade ashore from a far out reef. This led to the use of more tracked landing craft and better pre-invasion water approach and beach reconnaissance.
My grandpa was also in the Navy during WW2 in the Pacific. He’s 90 years old now… one of the few vets left from the war.
my uncle is 91 and served on a mortuary ship that followed the landings in the Pacific : Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Iwo Jima, etc ——lots of stories around his 2 yrs on that ship. He broke down and cried when telling about helping pick up American soldiers on the beaches…..the burdens some people carry !
Thanks for this: My dad served in the “Tough Ombres” Patton’s Third Army, 90th Div 358th, CO F… Went in D-Day + 30…5 battle stars, bronze star at Metz battle. Miss you dad!
I graduated from Florida State but am a Sooner fan. I just do not understand the attraction to FSU. It is in the middle of no where. It is freaking HUMID. As for the girls, they are no different than any university – just more silicone and due to the heat, less clothing. Ok FAMU is across town but that does not add much. And Tallahassee is a college town no different than Norman. At least we have OKC around the corner. The drive to the beach is a pain in the neck. The drive to Atlanta is a pain in the neck.
So when did you graduate? Nephew one got out three years ago and Nephew two is finishing up this winter. They’re both Jax boys so it was no shock that they went in state, and both enjoyed it. Seemed like an okay place to me the once or twice I was there.
On field performance is a key factor in recruiting.
Also, keeping juniors/rSO from jumping early to the NFL.
The most important position that impacts on field performance is QB. We got it locked up with a Heisman candidate for the next two years.
I’ve been pretty sure unlike most here that perine, JT, parker and evans were gone after this year.
But even after expecting a natty this coming year.
I becoming more inclined in thinking 2018 we wont see anyone leave and one hell of a class follow 2017’s amazing group.
OU program is flying high right now.
I expect to see every one of you guys in the softball game thread tonight! It was a blast if you missed out last night, so come join us and help us cheer our girls to another National title!
800+ posts. That was awesome!!!
I think we’ll break 1000 tonight. If not, definitely tomorrow!
I look forward to it. I wonder if the players have anywhere near the butterflies I do?
I’m sure they do. But they seem to be pretty good about keeping it in check. I think they know they have business to attend to. Hopefully they know they have all of us in their corner to go crazy for them!
Metz out,texsa SUCKS and BOOMER SOFTBALL———-hOU,Mojo,Pagan,Fear,Bob,Slim,737,Doc,Cush,Ray*Cheryl*,Boom, Sam,
,Jake,Scott,Golf,Bleed,J.r.,Woof Dave,Rick,Joe, SuperK,Jordan,, Wilson
Malicongs,Oscar,76, Alar,Robertson,Woods, Kj,Dick, Dustin, Rainy,Tex,
,Dawg,Jp, Hwsnbn, Electric,London,Jed,T.Rob., Jason, Dc,Drew, Vegas,Daryl,
Hawk, Brien,Bear,Colorado,Higg,Stl,47 Cdz,Cav, Garner,Brown MarkVA.,Matt,
Collin,Doobie,Bgood, Pimp,403,Zack,Shelby, ,Ouknow lβcarpetron,David,Framoka,
Mike,Sooper, ,Ed,Lane, Soonersd,jimin,Chubbs ,Sanchez, Raida, Boz,Hogg,CC.Rocket.
Cheer loud tonight
Have a good one and BOOMER for SB!
I broke Disqus……
Check out the time it says these posts happened……
At my email, the “response to your post” must be EDT because it is an hour early. But Disqus can’t spell discussion, so why should they tell time.
I guess I can’t argue with that
Buhh to the bye
Have a good one Metz!
See ya!
I was reading about how she was charged with assault for shouting a racial epithet and punching out a washroom attendant…:-)
Have a great one!
That shirt looks mighty small on Wilson! LOL
It takes a big man to fully spell O K L A H O M A on his shirt – not much to misspell texsa. I’m sure he can see his best option.
That is a large young man. I’m sure we’ll get him one that fits when the time comes.
Hey guys, just checking in from Italy. I hate being away so much, but I’m so busy. Great to hear the good news about Wilson! Good luck to the softball girls tonight!
Sounds like a tough life! Have a real pizza for me!
yessir, i sure will!
Where at? I frequent Lucca often. Love it.
I am actually on a business trip to Florence! Getting a little time to enjoy myself though. Yes, Lucca isn’t too far from me, heard really great things about Lucca.
I was at the opening last year and Kendell was standing next to a guy who was talking to me. I don’t think people understand how tall and massive this man is. In the picture, those arms make him look 6′ but he’s 6’5 or 6″ 370 and not fat.
I remember seeing some video from him at the opening, massive kid. Maybe not the most fluid but definitely a space eater.
Why the “hush-hush” on where he’s enrolled?
Who knows, maybe it’s not a football school? I really don’t understand why the big deal.
I feel like I already know the answer to this, but, what are the SEC’s rules on non-qualifiers that go JUCO?
Video of Wilson and Chaisson from the opening.
No notes on Creed Humphrey? hmmm…
I have some stuff on Creed. Spoke with him. Saturday night. OU is pushing him hard. Will have a note up tomorrow, along with Deangelo Gibbs, who had a good time, as well.
Ok Good to hear and thanks Brandon.
Why is OU even having to push hard? A Shawnee kid with OU ties.. Is he really serious about ATM?
Yes he serious about ATM. Will have more tomorrow on that.
You have people constantly state that we need more Oklahoma kids. Sometimes the Oklahoma kids are the most difficult to get.
Hmmmmmmm??? (no, I’m not S.Dale)
Yeah, if I go and actually look at Bandy’s page I can’t find that, but I canfind OU stuff all throughout. The general impression I come away with is that he is an OU commit that acknowledges other folks who are recruiting him. As for that particular tweet, it looks like he was just responding to the Happy birthday and didn’t feel it necessary to correct the future teammate stuff. As they say a text with out a context is a pretext.