If you’ve been paying attention, this one has probably been building for a while.
2017 CB Trajan Bandy put to end the speculation Monday evening when he officially announced he was decommitting from Oklahoma.
Earlier that same day, in the TFB Open Post, his father alluded to the possibility of a decommitment and the pressure his son was facing from those in the Miami area.
Also discussed in that OP was the fact the OU staff were well aware of this possibly coming to fruition and having already taken the necessary steps to prepare themselves. As Bandy’s tweet states, OU is still among his top schools but history tells us the likelihood of recommitting isn’t all that uncommon.
Regardless, both sides must do what is best for them whether that is ultimately parting ways or reconnecting at a later date. We’ll have more on how/where the Sooners go from here at DB in this 2017 class over the next several days.
Well a long way to signing day!!Still sucks tho.I still think we will be ok ,wish him the best,BOOMER!
Well that’s a bummer.
I feel as though everyone here knew this was going to happen. The odds are against us, but the fight isn’t over yet. On to Okudah!
Next as always.
Well, poop. Best of luck to Bandy.
Bye, and best of luck.
Don’t care. If he wants to “hang at home” and be with his homies and play for a losing school, go on ahead.
You need a snickers Sanchez?
Does his mama want him close to home?
Since there hasn’t been a daily news post today, I wasn’t sure where to post this. It’s a shame to hear of anyone being dismissed from a football program, but he was in line to be the potential starter (although the odds were against him starting). i can’t help but look at this with my crimson colored glasses on.
This was kicked around last night in the OP. Guess we will face the freshman RB now.
Ah, I’ve missed the last couple of days. Been trying to catch up, but must’ve missed that.
Bro he definitely wasn’t going to start for them. It’s going to be Weber. Well, it’s obviously going to be him now but even before this news it was going to be Weber.
Just went off what the article said
What pressures? 1. Dad and I assume mom would like him close to home, but dad seems like OU would be his favorite. 2. Freaking Friends? Believe me over the years most peopel realize that they only have one or two real friends that will charge the gates of hell with them. If it’s friends, he is showing immaturity. Good luck to him, but he’s missing out.
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Your point is well taken, and I agree with everything you said, but you don’t gain that prospective on friendship by 17 or 18.
He’s young and committed early. Now things are opening up for him and he wants to check them out to make sure where he wants to go. He was mature enough to decommit and let OU know rather than staying committed while looking and taking visits and I respect that. It is a two way street and OU also may move on and find someone else, but I’m sure he’s aware of that.
Saw that coming a mile away. Especially once we took Cobb.
Good luck in life young man
‘Reframing’ lol. Wherever you go, kid, you should probably brush up on your English.
Too bad for the young man. Pressures from those with fewer choices than he pushed him to fall into their life pattern. As far as his football future, he might do very well, yet he will never know the life he might have lived, on his own, away from the usual, sharing the special bond of SS17, and finally the tradition that is OU – there is ONLY ONE.
Good luck for the young man. Bottom line is he needed to get real and if he wants to hang with his friends in Miami, let everyone know. These young kids have some tough decisions to make. It takes someone special to want to win championships at OU
TFB with Bandy decommited now does that open up room for Deangelo Gibbs?
Who were the posters last week saying they weren’t worried b/c Bandy said he was solid?
The writing was on the wall.
I’m here. And, I’m still not worried. However, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all of these “Strike Up the Bandy!” Gameday Posters I had printed up.
I thought he’d stick. My gut let me down, not unusual for my age! I was wrong, just didn’t want to lose one of our killer b’s.
I called it after the opening. He didn’t rewtweet any of the ss17 guys winning awards. On the other more. C. Robison looked really losses that he didn’t win the QB mvp. You have love his passion to be the best.
Just leave me hanging for 2 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe he would prefer to play in front of 45,000 fans? There is a lot of pressure at OU when you are playing for championships. Some don’t have that OU DNA.
To me this is the bad side of recruiting. It was pretty obvious from the beginning that OU was this kids dream school. The pressure being put on him is not for his best interests, but for the best interests of the people around him. He is being lead away from his dream so others can hang on, IMO.
Bandy will be a good one and I hope he ends up in Norman.
Either way, good luck Trajan.
Exactly this. Well said.
You’re absolutely correct.
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As a Sooner fan, I hope he reconnects with the reasons he wanted to come here in the first place. As I recall he expressed a desire to get away from the life style of south Florida.
As a father of two young men, I hope he is able to make the best choice for his future. Football may or may not be his ticket, depending on how the chips fall. HIs education and choice of friends will go along way to determining his life path with or without football.
Only wish the young man the best. God Bless, Trajan. May you choose the path that works out best for you.
Exactly. That’s why I’m dumb founded at this point. Clearly he’s an easily influenced individual and I can’t blame him, but I mean it’s just a little funny to me.
Who knows, could just be doing this as a way to ease some of the local pressure. Might end up at OU in the end.
I agree with what many of you are saying in that this smells like the actions of a few looking out for themselves opposed to the young man. I hope he goes with his gut and ends up going to the school HE feels is the best fit for him. He made it crystal clear early in the process that OU was a dream offer for him and hopefully that wins the day and he doesn’t allow others to make the decision for him. Not surprised but disappointed nonetheless. I have a hard time knocking a HS kid when it comes to stuff like this. As his age I was choosing between a state school or a community college. Natural Light AND some Marlboro Lights or just the Bud Light. Blond or brunette. There are many perks that come with being a high profile athlete these days but just as many detractors as well. Best of luck to the kid and I still hope to see him in Norman next year. Boomer.
Can’t get down on a kid for searching what is best for him. I only want kids in the OU locker room that are totally invested in the program and not having second doubts about why they are in Norman. That said, Trajan clearly stated OU is in his top 6 and I hope his heart leads him to OU for a great college experience. Here is to clear eyes for the young Mr. Bandy.
The only ones I get down on are those who commit then continue to take visits and then at the last minute change their commitment. Those are the ones that hurt because the coaches held a spot for them then usually wind up wasting a scholarship on someone who will never see the field because that was all they had to choose from. I would like to see Bob set it in stone that if you commit, and it is found out that you are taking visits, your offer is immediately revoked. That way you get guys who are sure they want to be Sooners. I know that would cause you to lose out on some you would have eventually got, but that’s still the way I would like to see it work.
Well how is that fair, when the coaches still get to look and recruit guys in your position. Your looking at it from your team or school prospective. How would you feel if your the kid. Not saying your wrong for your wish but understand there’s no one way street.
I think the coaches should be held to commitments also. How about you recruit, kid signs right then, ship is guaranteed, when you run out of ships you are done?
Better he leaves now vs. signing day or when he makes it to campus and misses his friends / family and transfers. I bet proximity to family is playing a big part of this decision.
Best of luck to the kid.
Kid is a stud. Best wishes to him if he decides to stay close to home. Damn him if he goes somewhere other than us or canes.
I think if SS17 stays on him and he comes for an official he will remain but Mark Richtis a great recruiter so it will be tough. I just think what his dad said about visiting and loving it but feeling distant is the issue. If he can come back to campus and feel like he belongs he is in I think.
Put the full court press on Okudah and let’s land him then none of us will ever worry about bandy again lol
I would love Okudah for sure but I still think that Bandy was the best true corner in our class. I still think Okudah will play safety if we land him.
Like others have said, I’d rather him cut ties now versus a week before signing day. I was a big believer that Okudah was almost a lock for Ohio state but I feel like I was being a tad pessimistic. We need to go all out for that young man. Considering we could possibly have 3-4 spots in the secondary opened up I think he’s a must get. Even if all we do is replace bandy with Okudah I still think it’s a massive success since we got Cobb. I’m honestly a little surprised the coaches went ahead and took Cobb knowing dang well it would cause issues with the killer B’s but oh well. I’ll take Cobbs size over Bandy’s but that boy Bandy believes he’s great and plays with a confidence that not many DB’s seem to display. I would have jumped into this conversation last night if I didn’t pass out at 9 pm lol.
I love how the Miami sales pitch has been the same since 04. “Come rebuild the U into what it was”. Hmmmm? They play in arguably the weakest power 5 conference and can’t seem to even win their division. Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter now.
No surprise there.
Sorry to hear but the expectation was building. Again, sounded from his Dad’s comments that he knows getting Trajan to OU would be best for Trajan and wants him to use an official to rekindle that flame. Seems like a great kid who works and is passionate. Want him at OU but if he doesn’t feel that’s what is best, better to part company now. But he needs to understand that OU will move on w/o him and he loses his seat on the SoonerSquad17 bus.
Nature of the beast, EVERY year… this too shall pass.
FWIW, in the end, I think he winds up in Norman.
Really liked this kid’s competitiveness from the limited clips I’ve seen. Hate to see him go. Hope he comes back around, but best of luck to the young man if he moves on.
I just hope this isn’t something that will affect other SS17 guys to start looking around. Seems like a very isolated thing, so hopefully that’s not the case.