Image via 247 Sports
After a couple false alarms, 2016 LB Pernell Jefferson (6’3″ 240 – New Orleans, LA) made official today what many have been expecting for awhile after verbally committing to the University of Oklahoma. Which only adds to the recent white-hot recruiting streak OU has been on over the past week plus.
Jefferson joins fellow 2016 linebackers Jon-Michael Terry and Bryce Youngquist in this OU recruiting class, one which could see the Sooners take at least one more LB — barring some type of drastic change, the OU coaches will almost assuredly hold a spot for Caleb Kelly who says he won’t be announcing until NSD — if not possibly two depending on how things shake out.
But as to the matter at hand, Jefferson gives the Sooners yet another talent LB prospect and, perhaps even more importantly, another athlete from ‘The Boot’ as the kids are saying these days.
Well that’s two LBers for Kish this year.
Jackson, Youngquist and Terry I count three.
DC may be giving Youngquist’s commitment to Viney. Just sayin.
Recruiting is done by teams of coaches. Coaches are assigned geographical areas regardless of their position. The position coach also recruits. IIRC, Youngquist was primarily recruited by Simmons b/c Calif is his area. Kish was secondary. Viney is also heavily involved in recruiting Calif.
Nothing wrong with that approach.
OUDNA! are we trending?
Kicking some ass! Loving the “Boot” kids. Our LB group has been getting really strong with the addition of the class of ’15..
So this guy played on the same defense with Arthur McGinnis (aka HULK) is that correct?
Yes…in much of the film it was one or the other pushing the play to the other guy. They worked great together. Big BOOM and looks like score another for Cooks (P) and Kish (S) according to 247.
Definitely! Those two will have their communication and teamwork down pat!
OU’s recruiting, right now.
I really appreciate this.
Still got the phone set up for Cleveland? Must get.
I’m working on it. I feel he may be coming around a bit to us.
Hope so cause he’s special as I visited with him at the opening. He owned the 7-7 when it mattered the most. His QB, Shea Patterson was looking for him almost every play. Especially in the end zone where he won it for their team.
The QB from Westfield was there too and his QB coach introduced us. I just so happened to have an OU visor on. No it wasn’t white with a high front like stoops. Not that much of a homer.
It would help if Austin Kendall started recruiting him and we got Whaley on board. I hinted to Chanse to get in touch with him so he’s trying. I think the more the fans hype Oklahoma and sometime Oklahoma to him directly, it could change his mind. He’s going to be special player regardless of where he lands. I just hope there’s some Sooner Magic somewhere to get us involved.
Side note, he could put 20lbs on and you couldn’t tell. Broad shoulders to go with that height. If he continued to grow and do well, he would be 210 at pro day and still look lean.
Definitely, he’s got the prototypical frame that anyone would wish for in a WR.
I don’t think the door is closed just yet but we need to do something to make up significant ground…like bring in Monty and Gundy.
Oh and I just found out that the recruiters for Cleveland are Kish and Simmons.
Scout lists him at 6 1 1/2at 236 lbs with a 4.8/40 ……MLB or SDE ?
MLB. I don’t see the change-of-direction he’d need in the Big 12 as an OLB. He could crush some people as an MLB, IMO.
So do we still take kelly???
Which one is he, again?
Let me think about that for a secyes we do.
Nope, I think we take Caleb now.
Hope we get Cleveland or Amani Bledsoe next!! #OUDNA
Awesome… Now go get Kelly, Bundage and Saltes and done with LBs for ’16.
That’s someone pretending to BOOM.
Hmm…you sure that isn’t an aggie trying to boom?
I definitely see him as a DE at OU. Not a linebacker.
Joe Buettner @Joe_Buettner 14m14 minutes ago
#Sooners freshman OT Kenyon Frison is suspended indefinitely, according to Bob Stoops. http://bit.ly/1L2wWl9
WTF Hope he is able to work his way out of Bob’s doghouse. Good prospect. Next.
Is he a MLB guy or OLB? 240 is big for a rising senior in high school
He played LB more than McGinnis, who played down more, but also played down some. He really stood out watching McGinnis’ film last season, and often looked like he was actually the better of the 2.
I thought the same thing. Jefferson’s tape was better. But I think both are good, tough football players.
probably OLB, Caleb Kelly is a MLB though
Welcome to the family Mr. Jefferson.
The film I saw on Jefferson was pretty good…
Here’s the link:
hahahahahahaha. Oh, Lawdy, I’d utterly forgotten that until I replayed it. Coffee came out my nose.
JY———–question about ideal speed at the D-1 level : is 4/8/40 enough speed for a LB position or is this guy better suited for a DE spot when he adds more weight ?
Depends on the player. Some De’s get faster than that. Most college coaches want linebackers in the 4.7 to 4.6 range at the elite level. A lot depends on how quickly a guy can diagnose and cut reaction time down though too. The Spikes kid out of Florida who’s with the patriots comes to mind. He always seems to be in the right place at the right time.
I like this guy at linebacker though. We need pluggers in the middle who can hold the point and not get moved around.
Is this called a Boot Boom?
I know a lot of times height/weight get exaggerated but I do like seeing 6’3″ 240lbs
Now all we have to do is sit back sip on a cold one and wait for Kelly to put on that crimson and cream hat.
Ya try to catch a little nap and look what happens! BOOM! Better stay awake and stay tuned! Welcome to Sooner Nation, Mr. Jefferson. Keep ’em coming.
My bad. I forgot to wake you.
That’s ok, thanks tho. It’s what I get.
Can you say “On a Roll”, BOOMER!
how good is this kid? He’s a 3-star on 247 and ESPN but I also see that he has offers from several big schools
Stars and offers don’t always correlate with talent.
Agreed. I only ask because I live in College Station and my aggie friends constantly throw recruiting in my face. They honestly think that they have supplanted OU as a program forever just because they’ve had a few good recruiting classes. Aggie fans are so delusional that they think that just moving to the SEC has forever changed their program and put them on OUr level…and they can’t stand BU fans because BU hasn’t won anything… BU would DESTROY A&M…sorry I got on a tangent there
Well they have recruited some really, really good WR and OL but other than that there is much substance to their classes, IMO. I haven’t watched a lot of his film to make a guess on how good he is or will be but what I notice quickly is he squares up to the ball carrier pretty nicely.
Moving to the SEC has forever improved their recruiting.
As long as they dont completely screw the pooch on evaluating/developing, their program should be better than it ever was.
They still haven’t won anything this century.
Good enough that OU offered before his Sr. year. That’s good enough for me.
How old is Jefferson? This profile has him turning 19 real soon. If that’s true, is he eligible to play his senior year?
If it’s like Oklahoma, there’s a cut off date and his birthday was before it making him eligible.
Yep. September 1st.
He would be eligible if he were in Oklahoma, not sure why he wouldn’t? Most kids who get put in Developmental 1st Grade will be 19 during their SR year. Not that unusual. I believe in Oklahoma you become ineligible at 20.
You’re ineligible in Oklahoma if you’re 19 before September 1st.
According to LHSAA “cannot become 19 prior to Semtember 1
Just found it. Thanks.
The Boot?
Oklahoma kids should start referring to themselves as being from The Pan. lol
Glad to see my preemptive boom wasnt for naught.
Oh, and BOOM!!!
Wasn’t able to get on all day with my new job and I get on and see this. Love to see this. This class is shaping up to be really awesome.
Nice! Keep ’em coming!! BOOMER!!
At this rate by the time of our home and home with LSU in 2027/28, we’ll be firmly entrenched in Tigers’ territory! Love the recruiting going on in Cali & ‘The Boot’ .. I think keeping the roots solid in Oklahoma and Texas but extending out to these 2 areas will be the key to sustaining success for OU moving forward. #BootBOOM #OUDNA
Just for reference, from the current 2015 Roster:
45 from Texas
33 from Oklahoma
8 from California
4 from Louisiana
4 from Florida
2 from Canada
2 from Mississippi
2 from Ohio
1 from Alabama
1 from Alaska
1 from Arizona
1 from Georgia
1 from Illinois
1 from Kansas
1 from Maryland
1 from Missouri
1 from New Jersey
1 from New York
1 from South Dakota
1 from Tennessee
1 from Utah
1 from Virginia
Great list. But should not that top one be Baja-Oklahoma?
So to add my two cents worth which about what it’s worth people have been asking about numbers and the kids we can bring in this what I came up with right after 2015 recruiting ended and we went straight into 2016, my numbers may be a little off. Reading on here and other sites this what I came up with we needed 1 possibly 2 QB’s, 1 or none RB’s going all in it seems with Whaley, not taking any FB/TE type players, 2-3 WR’s and 3-4 O-Line, 2-3 D-Line players and 4-5 LB’s, and 3-4 DB’s and no special team types. So with that in account we take 16 guys at the least and 22 at the most. Before Ford, Hansen and the Wood situations I figured we had 19 spots open so with those 3 guys now not on the roster give us the 22 spots. I don’t know that we fill those all up. But, feel Caleb Kelly and Whaley are guys we most def want, keep in mind that Terry is a big bodied kid also and they could move him to DE if need be. I think OU will be fine and will get the kids they want and again, there will always be room for the kids they want, seen on here they will make room for certain kids. Hope this helped some and glad we got another BOOM!!! Love me some #OUDNA
Welcome to Sooner Nation young man!
Greetings and welcome to OU, Mr. Jefferson.
May your collegiate career be rewarding and memorable.
Love the momentum we’ve got going.
I will add my WELCOME to those of my Sooner brethren! I hope you enjoy OUr school and your time in Norman.
PS – And you can be part of that OUDNA now too.
Good luck on your upcoming season Pernell and look forward to seeing you in Crimson and Cream.
High fives to all.
That’s obnoxious
Tina Fey makes me laugh.
This could be me in a room full of OsU fans 😮
Getting these two LBs from “the boot” reminds me of a Sooner great from Baton Rouge, Rufus Alexander.
“White hot recruiting streak.” LOL. The program’s talent level is now below the level when the greedy Stoops brothers took over. Mediocrity would be an improvement for this program. Get a new AD so we can get a good coaching staff for a change.
Said no one ever..
So…you’re saying there’s a chance…..We could win it all! Hell yeah BOOMER!
What the heck are you talking about? Charles, I get the feeling you really have no clue what you are talking about.
What have you been drinking?
Keep trollin’-trollin’-trollin’
Though your brain is swollin’
Keep gloomy posts a rollin’, you’re high
Through gains and wins and pleasure
You’ll band together
With Stephen Dale complainin’ by your side
All the fun you’re missin’
Tater tots, and lovin’ Kish’in
And waiting for BOOM to make my night.
I finished it for you, EasTex… even worked tots into it just for you.
You did good!
Ya better watch it there, dollface, or somebody’s gonna wipe the floor with ya, then whup yer hiney for not gettin’ in the corners.
More nerve than a bum tooth. Just sayin’.
Well, if someone is “gonna wipe the floor with ya”, it will have to be with someone other than our players or coaches. Just sayin’. I, too, can be romantically blind, but we have had mediocre recruiting for 8 years. I warned you all before last season and I got lots of hate. Just sayin’. Half of our staff can’t recruit. Our best recruiter ran off last year for a non-coaching job. Bob is more tuned in to his golf game. His brother has produced three of the worst defenses in OU history.
I like cold watermelon on hot days.
Have you forget about the dark ages of the 90s already?
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Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you’d like to join and I’ll have one of my associates set up a schedule with you.
Looks like they may be shutting down DB recruiting.
My first thought was the possibility of a different Corner/Safety committing soon, Eboh is my guess. Kind of figured we were on a first come first serve with the db’s. I mean it’s logical, someone is about to commit offer gets pulled? Right?
It has been a while since we would have been in a place to say such things. Nice place to be.