Image of Devwah Whaley via Alex King
– Devwah Whaley: All week we’ve been bringing you news of soon-to-be visitors as it’s pretty clear business has been picking up for the Sooners. To that point, I had a chance to catch up with OU’s primary, if not lone, running back target in the 2016 class, Devwah Whaley, who let me know he will be in Norman this weekend (Whaley is visiting Arkansas today, FYI).
This is obviously big news. Whaley has visited OU once before and had planned a return trip to OU earlier in the summer. However, perhaps coincidentally, following a trip to Austin that second Norman visit was cancelled. Now, however, another visit to Norman gives a clear indication the Sooners are still firmly in the battle for Whaley’s commitment.
Andrew (he covers Texas for us) spoke with one of Whaley’s family members, who said Devwah is close to a decision and is planning to announce his commitment at the Under Armour game in January. – (Super K & Andrew)
– Jordan Parker: Another visitor Oklahoma will host this season is 2016 cornerback, Jordan Parker (Pittsburg, California). Kerry Cooks is really starting to put together a stacked list of prospects that are planning to be in Norman for an official visit at some point this season.
Parker tells me that he will visit on October 3rd for the West Virginia game. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (9:39 am): Apologies, this should have made it in the original draft for today. A little more good news for ya.
.@NEO_FB_Recruit DE & #OU signee Austin Roberts(@Adr97D)says he has passed all required courses & will be in Norman Sunday. @TheFbBrainiacs
— Brandon Drumm (@Bdrumm_Rivals) July 23, 2015
– UPDATE (1:10 pm): Sooners make the Top 5 cut for 2016 ATH Christian Wallace (6’2″ 211 – Sealy, TX)
Wow that West Virginia game is starting to look like a great recruiting weekend!
My thoughts exactly. Going to this game, so can’t wait to see who else makes it.
need to win the game to enhance the recruiting weekend…..lost KSt & Baylor home games a year ago with many recruits in the stands….
Close to a decision but won’t announce till January..? The last article i read(it was last week, espn) on Whaley, he said OU was recruiting him the hardest & was the leader.. Do you feel like that’s still the case..
My 1st thought, too. A lot of time to waffle and change your mind. Maybe good, maybe bad.
Do you think we would wait until January before offering another running back? Seems like a huge gamble to me.
If I were OU, I would pressure him for a private decision, and then let him have his moment in the spotlight at the UA game, and make his official announcement there. That way, we are not left empty handed if we are not his choice.
Given the depth we have at the position and our, apparent, belief that Whaley is head and shoulders above the next best option, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the them hold out for Whaley. Especially since RB is one position that a really good player can help very early in his career.
Damn. Not first. Lol
But it looks like if all the cards fall in place, the Sooners would get a big grab out of California this year.
Hopefully a visit means we are still firmly in the game.
I know some of these guys want to wait and announce their decisions at those all American games but it would be nice if one of the big name recruits would announce early so it could help create some momentum and they could help recruit other guys as well
If OU doesn’t offer another rb before the UA game, do you think that’s an indication Whaley is a silent commit?
Not sure I’d go that far. I think it would be more of an indication if they don’t get Whaley, they’re comfortable not taking a RB in this 2016 class.
It’s hard to believe they would be comfortable skipping a year at RB. In a couple of years the stable is going to be less crowded than it is now.
Not sure how they could be very comfortable not taking a RB this class. After the 2016 season, Ross will be gone, and both Mixon and Perine would be draft eligible. That could leave us with Anderson, and not much else.
I’m hoping this new O allows the RB’s to rip off a lot of big runs, that will get some RB’s taking a closer look at the program.
Me too. With the O spread out more, I think Ross can be as good as either Perine or Mixon. Ross is a very, very good RB. Flowers is pretty good, too. He can catch; wish they’d throw to him a little more than last year. Maybe they will.
Ross was showing improved play towards the end of the season. With his speed I could see him going all Damien Williams a few times and housing some long ones.
The knock was that Ross is easy to tackle. Can’t break tackles.
They’d have all those guys you mentioned on campus for the 2016 season, during which they’d be recruiting 2017 kids. And you obviously don’t need me to tell you RB is one of the handful of positions where a true freshman can come in and play somewhat easily. Plus if they really felt the need to do so, they could always take a JUCO RB.
If they miss on Whaley, then they still have an opportunity to get in on a recruit (late yes) but tell me the in state running backs won’t take bob’s call in January.
Tells me that Anderson is likely to redshirt but otherwise we can go the JUCO route if it came down to it. Either way, we’ve not had RB issues in quite a while
I’d RS him, plus puts more distance between that injury and playing.
Come on, Jordan. That’s not what I wanted to hear. 😉
If he’s close to a decision, before visiting this weekend, hmm.
Does that mean it’s our last chance to change his mind?
Does that mean a good result would be for him to leave OU “farther” from a decision?
Does this mean he is just coming to OU to “confirm” that this is where he wants to be?
Fun, fun, fun stuff.
update added
Cant go wrong with Dline depth
DE: Tapper / DJ Ward / Roberts
DT: Walker / Dimon / Gallimore
DT: Romar / Wade / Orso
DE: Striker / Bond / Obo
pretty young group, too, aren’t they? Not sure the class of every one but most look like underclassmen
If you factor in a few redshirts then all 12 of those guys average over 3 years on campus. 3 true seniors and 2 true juniors being among them.
Overton not in the 3 deep?
I think he redshirts. DT’s hardly play as true freshmen
Yeah only lineman that wont redshirt (OL and DL) are Neville, B.Evans, D.Samia, and MAYBE Campbell. The first 3 for sure.
B.Evans will redshirt cause of the ACL injury he is recovering from
Baring any setbacks in camp. Samia and Evans wont RS. Campbell most likely, but you never know.
Any news on Lampkin ?
Thank Brandon, K and Andrew.
G-Day minus 44
1 AA and a couple of great players.
I absolutely loved watching the Boz play.
Blew up SO many plays in the backfield. I want to see more of that.
How I miss the intensity that the Boz played with. It was Sooner Nirvana!
Fierce player who brought a sense of drama to every defensive play and never stopped hustling. We have been having discussions about things which motivate players to commit and one of the best ones has to be having an exciting player as Bosworth always was. He was criticized for being a showman, or for seeming arrogant and brash, but it excited people to watch our games- and ignited young players to sign with OU and be part of something memorable. I find that excitement returning with Perine, and maybe with Mixon playing with a chip on his shoulder, and Shepherd and Westbrook making circus catches, and when we beat some folks we weren’t “supposed” to, then we may have both a great year and a boost for recruiting. Even Johnny F’n football gave recruiting at A&M such a rocket boost that it’s lasting beyond his leaving AND his rehabs. The Sooners have gotten so much better with the aspects of guerilla marketing, social media memes and viral promotions, coupled with some great players to cover we could have a great year and something to build on.
it is amazing, looking back, the impact jf had at tam esp his first yr……he actually boosted cfb interest and sent a shockwave thru the ou program
Had the work ethic to back it up. Loved that about him. Ran his mouth, popped you in yours and went to work
damn we need this again… seems like lately our linebackers are waiting for the play to come to them instead of just attacking
And was soo explosive off the ball. Great timing
The timing he had was like no other. He was hardle ever blocked because he was through the hole before the lineman could stand up. Uncanny how great he timed his blitz!
Freakin exactly, read and react still? Or is it not sure what I’m seeing…oops there goes the TE…
Dude was a killer coming through the A gap
I forgot how much speed that beast had. Dude looked mean and fast all the time.
Those blitzes were insane
Yeah, that one play against Neb at 2:15 was amazing. Can we work blitzes like these? Or do we need Bosworth?
My pick for ’44’. I even got the haircut!! LoL Will we ever see another LB close to him with the different expectations for LBs in this spread dominated league?
Hands down my all-time favorite. The determination and ferocity were what made me focus on him every defensive play. Swagger that was definately backed up!!! We need that again!
No way you could pick anyone else. One of a kind!
30 yrs since he donned the crimson & crème and still the standard by which all others are measured……and nobody on campus who could carry his jock.
Jeremy Beal
Jeremy Beal
Explosive athlete with great closing speed. Loved seeing him run down people from behind in the backfield.
He is like a gator – tackling and then rolling
#2 All-time sack leader behind Cedric Jones. Beal = beast.
He was so quick. Great motor.
How are people forgetting Clint Ingram?
Another great Sooner!
This number was easy to find some great ones, loved them all.
Thanks EasTex. Take care and best wishes for the family.
Juco Kid, has some pretty nice plays on his highlights.
Who here hates the SEC as much as me? I’m a Sooner fan living in College Station so I have to listen to delusional Aggie fans all the time and now I’m seeing a ton of SEC excuse articles on ESPiN
definitely. way overrated too
Put your house up up for sale, quit your job, and get the heck out of there!
I do. I’m sick of the undeserved hype they always receive. I get Bama, Auburn and LSU (and at one time Florida) getting the hype, but teams like vandy, UGA, Tennessee, Arkansas, a&M, Mizzou, S Carolina, Kentucky, ole Miss, MSU…I just shake my head. But it is a formula that works…hype your own league so much that you can “justify” playing a typical oSu non-conference schedule loaded with nothing but weak sisters and 1-AA teams, get the media to buy in which gets 90% of your league in bowl games–most of which are against weak teams so they can brag about their great conference bowl game record.
Nailed it. Only thing I’d add is those easy peasy bowl games are “home” games too
Now with those teams are getting great player too. Just because of espn pumping sec. I’m afraid of a self fulfilling prophecy.
I live it every single day in SEC country. I don’t even talk football with them anymore. You can imagine trying to debate someone who believes louder = smarter then argues from a constant position of willfully blind ignorance. They simply cannot be educated. They’re impossible. Ugh.
here you go this is for you and Matt
is Michael Onuoha no longer on the team? I didn’t see his name on the online roster?
left in the spring I believe
I think, if memory serves, it was last year actually. But I could be wrong. Regardless, as you’ve said, he’s been gone for a while.
He was suspended over a year ago and hasn’t returned.
I don’t recognize the name. What was he suspended for?
Actually, I believe it was an academic suspension, if my memory is correct.
Correct. He didn’t make the grades, not sure suspension ever entered the equation.
I believe you are correct.
Not sure he was ever actually suspended, didn’t make grades.
Like the Switzer speech reference
Why in the world does Coach Cooks still have Notre Dame wallpaper on his Twitter Feed?!
He doesn’t.
Well, that’s weird. When I clicked on that last night the page wallpaper was blue, and had a ND football logo.
Must have been old cookies or something. Bizarre.
Heck ya ! can’t wait too see Austin Roberts in action!
To turn the tables, I would love to know the recruits Tennessee has as visitors for our game. If OU were to dominate and win big, wonder how much the may help us.
I seen in a local paper here in Arkansas per Whaley he will probably silent commit to a school soon.
Not to be confused with “double secret, silent, triple silent commit”. Just standard “silent commit”..
You can tell we are getting closer to the season because we are getting daily Open Posts. Love it!
and the post count is picking back up with a lot of new names. OUr little TFB-Sooner family is growing. Maybe a reminder from the mods that what makes this board great and so different…the mindfulness and respect we show towards each other… for differing opinions from fellow Sooners.
not necessarily……”the mindfulness and respect we show towards each other… for differing opinions from fellow Sooners”
and the inside info and great breakdowns by the TFB writers/contributors…but I thought that was a given…
sorry, perhaps I misunderstood your post
shut up nerd
Great News on Austin Roberts!
I’m just wishing we had A&M and Mizzou in the B12 instead of
Iowa St and KU now..That conference would literally be solid from top to
Until it’s roundball time.
Aggy, Mizzou, KU, ISU = roughly 68 years in the big 12, collectively, yet only one BIG XII title. I always enjoyed the games against Aggy and Mizzou, but the point is, the perception of this league has always been about what successes OU & Texas have achieved. If both us and TX could turn things around, the opinions of the BIG XII would change as well.
Would take Mizzou but sub in Neb for aTm. sec can keep aggie.
Haha. Good point
I read TFB everyday but never say anything I will say this though. This is my favorite website on the Internet hands down can’t get enough reading about OU and it’s free? U can’t beat that u guys are awesome at bringing us updated and correct news keep it up!
P.s. I still think yall should make your own app that automatically updates when yall update on here 🙂
Agree on the app. I would pay $4.99 for it.
Id up the anti and go to $5.18
Well…maybe $2.99.. ; ) These guys are making enough off of us already.
I mentioned this to them once myself. I think a phone app for TFB would be a BOOM. Keep it free on here and I would still pay to have it on my phone. Can anyone say Weekend UPDATES, holy smokes. 🙂
Appreciate you reading!
Regarding RB depth my guess is we have 1 year of Ross left, 2 year of Perine. 3 years of Mixon, and 4 years of Anderson.
RB class for this upcoming year: Ross RS Jr.; Brooks RS Jr.; Perine Soph.; Mixon RS Fr.; Anderson Fr..
Ross won’t leave early, nor will Brooks, so barring transfers, they are here for two more years. Perine and Mixon 2 more at least, before they could leave early. Anderson 3 at least.
I am still in the Quan Hogan camp, whether Whaley commits or not.
Hey, EasTex! Been in Branson all week with the kids and grands so I’ve missed a lot and been trying to catch up. Hope your girl is much better. Missed the banning and media days. Lots going on without me.
Thanks, bud.
See what happens when you look away?
Hope y’all had a memorable vacation.
I’m lighter. I’m stronger. I’m faster. Come get you some of this.
In most cases, RBs try to run away from DBs. Last year was the first time I remember seeing DBs trying to run away from an RB. Gotta love it!
There were several games where the safeties were coming up fast early on, but by the 3rd qrt, they were trying to tackle from the side or wiff completely. He is a can of whoop ass looking for a place to whoop.
Samaje Perine is here to kick ass and chew bubblegum… And he’s all out of bubblegum
DB: Yeah, I feel a cramp coming on, coach. Think I’m gonna have to sit out this one.
Whose dad is that posing in an OU uniform?
I played some DB and I think 1 heaping helping would have sufficed for me.
He is just so adorable.
Yeah, I’m a mama.
Watched the CFB live segment with Stoops/Strong. At the end of the segment, Stoops was talking about Samaje and that he will get his carries, he is lighter, faster and stronger. The look on Strong’s face was like he had a bowel cramp and the interviewer said something to Strong along the lines of he couldn’t be happy to hear that, and Strong’s reaction was hysterical. You could see the wheels turning in his head regarding what that information meant, knowing he wouldn’t be able to load the box.
Got the link EasTex? Love to watch it! 🙂
No, dvr’ed it from Wednesday’s show.
Austin Roberts could be a beast!
It is national hotdog day. Here is something to go with the dogs.
Yeah, baby. Hey, BC, thanks for posting all of those countdown photos and videos.
You are very welcome.
Finger lickin’ good!
man those look tasty
update added
What position does he play?
I think most are projecting him as a DB
Kids pretty smooth. Hardly breaks stride when he cuts.
Soooo, when is the first podcast of the season and can we expect any special guests? (-;
Just kidding, but not really!
OU needs to beat Texass for some of these cats
Temporary lockers got that ol HS feel.
So Smallwood could play this year, was thinking he would be done with a ACL.
3 kids I really want OU to land have been here in Arkansas visiting the last few days (a week because of family for one).
Tyrie Cleveland
Devwah Whaley
Chris Daniels..
Big time prospects, if they all go to Arkansas I will be so upset. Not mad at the OU coaches just upset I will have to watch them here in a Razorback uniform.. On a plus rather them come to Arkansas than TCU, Baylor or Texas.
Tyrie Cleveland is a stud.
I was at the opening and no one could cover him. 6’3, 190 ran a 4.38 & averaged 42″ after 6 tries on his vertical. His team with Shea Patterson at QB owned everyone. Shea is awesome and not getting him is a true miss but to have Tyrie would be incredible. Stud he is.
Found his film when I was bored one day, couldn’t believe how fast he was eating up the cushion for safeties. He’s a pretty fluid athlete for his size. If I’m OU, I tell him we’re reloading at WR after Shep/Neal/Westbrook leave and he’s got a huge opportunity to be the next guy up.
Recruiting is so slow right now:/ there are only 3 power five schools ranked below Oklahoma we need something to happen I need new highlights to watch.
Here is a nice highlight
This should cover my fix for the rest of the day.
That back shoulder against ISU was nice.
3 still beneath the Sooners ? and they would be ___________, ______________, _________ ?
Kansas,Kansas st, Colorado and Iowa state there are 4 that’s my bad.
I think I read someone on twitter say that KU only has something like 65 scholarship players total. Not sure about that, but if true. wow
Ya I think Beaty said something along those lines at the media days gonna be tough couple of years for him.
Good to know nsd is now the 4th Thursday of July
Go ahead and tell me it’s ok Oklahoma only has 6 commits because the coaches told all 170 something offers to wait and commit when they want. While you write a response I’ll just watch a few more of our targets commit to Baylor,tcu, and whoever but I’m sure you’ll just say we stopped recruiting them or my personal favorite ON TO NEXT ONE!!! Lol
Here’s the pitch from recruiters to uncommitted guys early in the year “We have about 1 or 2 spots left”. It’s funny how they ALL follow that script. If there are only 6 commits come December THEN we have a problem.
EDIT: Ok December is a little bit of an exaggeration, lets say October.
Yes, and one thing we know from history is that many early commits eventually de-commit. Do you recall how excited every one was last year when we got our first 3 commits, Lampkin Wariboko, and Jamille Johnson? How did those guys pan out? And we closed strong by signing kids who de-committed from their commitments at the last moment. Panic if that makes you feel better, but I like Stoops’ approach to making sure a kid is solid. Pressuring kids is generally not a good idea, IMO.
You care too much about pageantry. I’ll be concerned when players start signing NLIs next year. Until then, recruits can commit and decommit, just like Wallace did to TCU earlier this year.
I don’t know how to shut it off.
It’s not about shutting it off. Rather, it’s about knowing when to be emotional (during a game while throwing I mean accidentally spilling beer on your friends) and when not to (6 months from NLI day).
As an example of the exception to your mild hysteria, what do you think about Wallace decommitting from TCU earlier this year?
So what happens when we end up in the top 15 or so again? You get to say “I’m glad I was wrong”? Like I said before it’s a lot premature to overreact right now. If you had to choose one and only one, would you rather be in top 15 now or on signing day?
Signing day of course.
Good. Give it 7 mos
Like Aaron Rogers said to the media last year after their first 2 losses and going 0-2 – RELAX.
Be glad to oblige:
kokevo, it’s ok Oklahoma only has 6 commits because the coaches told all 170 something offers to wait and commit when they want.
Last year we had 7 at this time and the 7th came on 7/23. Looking back at past classes 8 or 9 is usually the average. If you look at 2011 the dreaded class that is a big reason this team is/has been in decline, that class had 15 of 17 committed by now. So having more kids committed isn’t a guarantee that your class will be good.
Speaking of that class if you were following closely (which I wasn’t) that would have been a depressing year for recruiting. We went from June to February without a commit and if anyone committed in that time period then they must have de-committed and went elsewhere.
And why is anyone stressed about recruiting this early? It looks like we will land Caleb kelly unless something crazy happens. He was a top ten guy last time I looked. I feel good about landing another good LB or 2. We may not land Whaley but we will probably land another 4 star RB and I would bet we land another pretty solid WR. That doesn’t include picking up at least 3 DBs and probably 3 more OL and 3 DL kids as well. So that’s another 14 recruits to add to our 6. And 20 kids is way more exciting than the 12 we initially thought this class might be able to add.
Don’t let your facts get in the way of all the emotions around here!
And I think it’s only a matter of time before we land tramonda Moore.
You must be new to this. Or else you have a very, very short term memory.
Anyone aware how the stadium construction is coming along?
They moved into the temporary locker-rooms today so I’m guessing the Switzer is pretty close to empty now. The turf on the practice fields has been rolled up.
Thanx for the update. Anyone have any photos of the progress?
Just random thought: I’ll never understand how some kids don’t realize how big of an opportunity this is and how you only have a small window to make it happen. A few years is not that long to keep it together.
It’s easier for us to say and think that, a few years isn’t that long compared with how long we have been living. To an eighteen year old, a few years is a very large percentage of their total life time.
It’s tough being a kid, especially these days with all the inappropriate influences available.
I watched quite a bit of the TCU-WVU game on espnu last night. I don’t know much about the frogs, who they have coming back or coming in, but what I saw last night reaffirmed what I thought I saw in their game with BU. No depth on defense.
In the BU game they were still playing the starters when they were clearly out of gas. When WVU would sub as many as 3-5 players for a 3rd and whatever, the frogs didn’t sub at all…ever.
They had a capable starting 11 on defense, no doubt, but with no substituting that means several things, that the subs are inadequate and aren’t being developed for the future.
The frogs were very fortunate to have a great season last year. I don’t think they will be as lucky to avoid injuries to starters for two years in a row.
I haven’t looked into it that much but thanks for reaffirming what I believe will happen. I don’t wish injuries on them because I actually like the frogs but it’s very very difficult to be that lucky 2 years in a row. Especially when the 2nd year they have a target on their backs.
They have no idea how heavy that target is, nor does bu, but they will soon find out.
I suppose the frogs subs got some PT in trash time of some of their blow out wins.
Well and to be honest they’re back ups will be better prepared than ours will. Good thing for us though is the talent level is perceived to be higher here.
I’m not willing to concede the frogs back ups from last year will be better prepared than ours. Clearly a talent advantage for OU.
I think it’s splitting hairs but I think Patterson is an excellent defensive mind. I’m not so sure the stoops are anymore outside of mark, and cooks has yet to be seen. I do think this year’s secondary will be improved.
The person I’m most interested to see isn’t any of these freshman. It’s stanvon. Has he stepped it up enough to play defense? If not let Riley have him and I bet he will be good in this offense.
Patterson is a good defensive coach, not having back ups ready to spell the starters makes me question not only their development, but their skill.
The Dline performed well last year and numerous returning players were rotated on the line to keep them fresh, which is crucial in this league.
The changes in the defensive alignment are an unknown right now, but I am encouraged with some of the comments the DL players have made about Coach Reynolds and what he brings to the game.
I was also pleasantly surprised by how well the OL performed in the Spring game, overall, with the lone exception being how badly Alvarez was man handled by Romar.
Watching film on Denzel Mims…the kid has tremendous upside. Baylor got a good one.
KMO Wallace Looks LIKE A safety
I could be wrong, but I will be surprised if Gallimore is red shirted.
That just happened.
What did?
The beast behind the link you posted. I didn’t know those ropes could do that.
It happened back before he reported on campus. Smitty must love this guy.
I thought maybe you were saying he had been red shirted.
I thought he might rs due to his knee injury. Depending obviously on how bad that injury was. He has had plenty of time to heal though so if he’s healthy I think it will be expected that he will see some time.
I vaguely remember seeing he had been injured, perhaps because it didn’t seem to be very serious.
Who draws Neville for the OU drill?
Glad it isn’t me.
Gallimore vs. Perine
But who will be the OL guy trying to block him?
I vote for Joseph Paul.
That was sick…east Tex! Thanks for sharing!
It helps that he can play both DT and DE…just as long as he gets the mental part down he should be able to keep the guys fresh later in the year at the least
He would be a gap plugger on short yard downs.
Definitely…I don’t know about Reynolds but Bob and Mike like guys that can play multiple positions..especially in the hurry up era…I really like his film and size..hope he stays healthy….btw I could almost hear the waves when he was doing the ropes lol
I felt a cool breeze from those ropes. 🙂
hope I feel one tomorrow!
Not until next mid-week.
Ill survive lol
Gallimore on the ropes was just madness!
I have never seen ropes move that fast.
Jefferey Mead is looking Stacked after this offseason and Durron Neal is huge
Durron has always been well put together.
Sure was good to see Morris’ name on the roster.
well for mead that picture doesn’t show that he’s still extremely thin. He posted a dance video last week and he’s still needing to hit the weights.
Interesting though mayfield must be on photo duty. I know he’s not throwing but I would be shocked if he’s not there at 7 on 7 workouts.
Shep looks looks bigger (than Neal)…cant see Meads legs…he was pretty thin there
which one is Dede Westbrook?
To the left of Durron
Would OU be interested? He fits the type of back Lincoln Riley is looking for. He is a 4 star Tx RB that didnt get accepted into Wisconsin
He will probably end up in the big 12 or sec. Maybe Nebraska though if their standards aren’t as high.
Well we been notorious lately for grabbing guys late so I wouldn’t be shocked…that said…were pretty stacked
How about a laugh? https://youtu.be/3WVjNsvsyMo