– Clifford Chattman: 2016 ATH and LSU commit Clifford Chattman (New Orleans, LA) made his way to Norman for an official visit last weekend, after which we had the chance to catch up to see how things went. Chattman said the trip to Norman was much better than he even expected it to be. He did add, however, that he’s still “solid” to LSU, but admitted that Oklahoma made him rethink things a little.
I got the sense he just didn’t expect to feel such a sense of closeness or as he described it, a “family” feel, at Oklahoma. Chattman’s primary recruiter is actually defensive line coach, Diron Reynolds. And Chattman told TFB the Sooners are recruiting him as an outside linebacker. Which led me to asking what position LSU is recruiting him at, to which Chattman said the LSU staff haven’t actually addressed it with him. So it sounds like the Sooners may have a clearer vision for Chattman, or at least have done a better job of articulating it.
All that said, as we’ve noted several other times previously, the OU staff will have their work cut out for them pulling an LSU commit out of Louisiana. – (Super K)
– Obi Eboh: 2016 CB/S and Texas commit Obi Eboh finally made the trip to Norman this past weekend, along with his teammate and OU commit Robert Barnes. I haven’t had a chance to speak with Eboh yet, but I did speak with someone close to him and was told that Eboh, “really enjoyed himself” during the visit. Eboh’s mother and father are both professionals and their son’s education is a primary focus for them, so Texas having such a great in-state network is a big part of the draw towards the Horns.
But my source told me that Eboh is really close to Kerry Cooks and it sounds like if a flip is going to happen, it will be about Eboh’s relationship with Cooks and less so about where the OU & UT football programs are respectively right now. – (Super K)
Do we take Baylen Buchanan or Obi Eboh or both?
Eboh is longer. Buchanan has the NFL bloodline. I take whoever commits first.
Coach Cooks played with Buchanon’s dad with the Atlanta Falcons. There’s a connection there.
From what i understood before our recent decommittment we were taking 1 more DB doenst this mean we can now take 2? So we could take both.
Id think so yes
I think they would take both with the de-commitment of Chandler.
many mods like Buchanan’s talent ; I like Eboh’s proximity to campus from Southlake Tx.—-doubt it will be more than one of them………..
Thanks for the updates K. Have you heard anything regarding Tyree Horton?
Visiting Baylor this weekend.
Thanks Brandon. Seems to be some smoke out there regarding him and OU so I thought I would check and see if you guys are hearing anything.
Would OU use Tyree like they do Striker?
Chattman – K, based on his build, what weight would he carry if he were to play OLB.
I was curious about his position but I assumed it would be a LB. Not sure if it would be ILB or OLB. ILB, he would be good in coverage but moving to OLB makes the most sense. He could cover a lot of ground in the flats and I bet he could tip a heck of a lot of passes. Especially the slants. I saw his HUDL when he committed to LSU and it was impressive.
Think if he could get to 230-240, that’d be awesome. Might take two years to do though…
Dickson flipped from Ut to baylor…sigh…
Good maybe that helps land another WR.. Next 3 games will play a big part in that.
That dosent help us at all, they lead for duvernay too, and they arent even in the mix for cleveland.
It gives them yet another track star WR..
They can only play 5 at a time. Maybe 6 if they put one at QB.
Coleman gone after this year, that leaves them with lee, cannon, dickson, and possibly duvernay.
Throw in one of their RB, and that sounds like a pretty nasty lineup to me.
we have GOT to stop their momentum.
Good news is Coleman is gone after this year. Billings is also eligible so maybe he’ll leave as well.
The OL except for 1 will leave as they are 5th year seniors. Oakman and since Billings hurt himself, he will leave too as he can’t risk another year not getting paid. This is Baylor’s year if they ever had one and it took a hit when their QB went out.
Their recruiting class is up to 19th, they are positioning themselves for the long run.
Gone are the days where they cant replace graduating talent.
You are right though, this is a huge year for them, its their best shot. Which is why we need to stop them dead in their tracks this weekend.
They are recruiting well but as soon as UT bounces back BU will have to go back to scooping up leftovers and I have a feeling some NCAA sanctions will hit that program in the near future.
Who knows when that will be though. UT’s next class is pretty underwhelming. Hard to catch up with less talent than they are used to.
All that it takes is the next big coaching hire. Strong isn’t the guy for that, the alum/boosters know it.. Within two seasons they will have a big name I think. I predict that’s when Baylor will start their decline. If the NCAA doesn’t get them first.
I agree, i dont think charlie lasts there very long. But, they already swung and missed with the hire of strong, and their pocketbooks were open. No guarantee they will be able to snag a top flight coach for their next one.
Lets just hope they dont convince briles to go to UT lol.
They want Saban. Maybe eventually they’ll get him when hes like 80 years old.
Maybe the NCAA will step up there game
haha we can only hope
They are going to get them just that simple until Briles leaves. I wouldn’t count Baylor out yet on Cleveland. 2 months ago OU had no shot.
Were they in his top 5? i didnt remember seeing them there.
We need a difference maker at OLB for ’16 class AND season. Either a FR that can arrive in Jan for spring practice or a JC (EE would be great there too) that can show up in Aug and be ready to play day 1… This and getting a Tyrie Cleveland type WR signed are huge for the actual ’16 football season. Getting 2 RBs in this class is just as big but not for the ’16 season.
Tyree Horton, JUCO OLB, has 2 Crystal Ball predictions to OU this morning 🙂
That’s the one…
I’m not concerned with LB. We have some talent waiting in the wings.
Not if they all become or are better on the DL.
Dom Alexander, Ricky Deberry, Jordan Evans, Okoronkwo. I think we’ll be ok.
Caleb Kelly and Youngquist this year to go with DeBerry last year
BeBerry and McGinnis were two big gets last year, would go great with Kelly and Youngquist.
You left out Hulk. Don’t sleep on ‘The Hulk’. But…yeah…
Non football related. Any red heads on here? I’m a strawberry blond so I will celebrate National Redhead day. 🙂
Aren’t you supposed to be asleep in your coffin until the sun goes down, daywalker?
Wait. If he’s a daywalker then the sun thing doesn’t apply, right? LOL
Not if he’s posting in the shade somewhere. Keep your crucifix near.
ROTFLOL! I’ve been in the sun most of the day.
Nothing wrong with redheads…..I own one!
Me too…
Does OU have a shot at the recently de-committed Trayveon Williams?
I think he’s an aTm lean.
they have a surgery for that these days
Does Obamacare cover that?
Not in Oklahoma
Does it really cover anything?
I think it covers the removal of a skin tag on your eleventh toe if discovered on a leap year. Paid in full.
Yes, after your $6,000 deductible is met. Lol.
Truck obama
Spelling error.
Yes indeed just being respectful
any word on how things change in regards to OU recruitment of RBs with recent de-commitment of Trayveon Williams from TCU?
Happy birthday to my other brothers in the Corps. 240 years old.
Happy birthday to our baby brothers. Go Army!
That’s the family where the baby brother beats up big bro right 😉
Ha! I was thinking more about the little bro that gets all our hand me downs and is always getting their butt pulled out of the fire by big bro. Hope you guys got to celebrate some and hope OU gives us all a nice Vet’s Day gift.
I’ll give ya the hand me downs lol. But there’s a reason we invade and you guys occupy.
Oh and let’s whoop some Baylor ass this weekend.
Seems a little slow around here. Everybody just too excited about the game to sit at a computer and talk about OU this week? lol
Said the same thing in the daily man its slow
Sorry, working for a livin’ today. Busy, busy, busy.
LOL Me to
Seeing as GameDay is in Waco this weekend, I’ve been periodically checking espn to see if they’re hyping the game at all. One of the shows had an interview with Art Briles. During the interview he was asked why their OOC schedule is such a steaming pile of crap. After spitting some rhetoric, he said, “Well, we tried to get something set up in Australia, but we couldn’t get any takers.” Really? I genuinely despise everything about that worthless program. I really wish the NCAA would hit them with the SMU death sentence so we wouldn’t have to hear about them ever again.
If this post does not receive at least 30 upvotes, then we as fellow Sooner fans have failed you, sir.
Well, if they get in playing such a light OOC schedule, then, the committee owes them an apology and should be seen as hypocrites for last year. What has changed from 2014-2015? Briles will still defy the committee until they put them in. It’s a total challenge from Baylor.
Losses is what will have changed. You go undefeated thru the Big 12, you can play the three smallest community colleges in the country for your OOC games, and you are in the Playoffs. But you better not have a single loss, or you are out.
Bob Stoops is the only coach in the Big XII to regularly schedule P5 OOC teams. He was doing it before it was required. That should be rewarded forward.
OU has in the past been rewarded for our OOC schedule. Think 2003 when we were blown out by KSU in the conference championship game 7-35 and played LSU for the championship. USC had only a 31-34 loss in 3 OT’s to Cal. OU played Alabama and UCLA out of conference with USC playing Auburn.
He stuttered and sputtered and gave some weak excuse about athletic speed between athletes to draw a comparison to his weak OOC schedule.
I was laughing something silly.
He has a face that just begs for a knuckle sandwich.
And he seems to be begging for one too with the way he gets all defensive and bow’s up.
Thinking about it, a knuckle sandwich may render him unconscious. I think I would rather B-Slap him just to see his face after I did it.
B-slapping him in front of a lot of folks with him just looking at you with silver dollar eyes. Then tell him to go home till he can hang with the big boys.
Need to beat Baylor and not slip up the rest of the way and then the recruiting will handle itself.
Funny how that tends to work, ain’t it?
positional breakdown
QB–advantage OU, just not enough seen from Stidham under pressure not to be
RB–advantage OU, Linwood is a beast; the Sooners have 2 of the best 3 backs in the B12
WR–advantage Baylor
OL–advantage Baylor
DL–advantage OU, color me in the Oakman is overrated crowd…Billings isn’t though
LB–advantage OU
DB–slight advantage OU
Good. i’d say WR BU a slight advantage, if any. Nothing I can complain about when I look at mayfield’s #s and those #s are going to WRs. Often, b/f WRs get “names” (i.e., been around a year and everyone talks and writes about them), they are considered “better” than those who have not been around.
I don’t see BU’s DBs doing anything yet. Am I missing something? I might give OU the advantage w/o the “slight.” BU’s defense is either close to “bad” or is “bad.” W/the DL they have, I think you have to question anyone playing behind them myself.
We have ST this year?
they sure don’t seem to block on PR and KR looks like a shell of what it was last year
Baylor doesn’t have WRs. They have Frisbee-catching dogs running around.
When comparing lines, you need to do the O vs. D. If that’s the case then I think Baylor D line probably has a slight advantage over our O line. Nothing OU hasn’t already seen though.
I want to see one of our safeties time a skinny post perfect and take out a Baylor WR with a legal hit. I want it loud and the player to be ok but not play for the remainder of the game. I want all those Baylor WRs to remember that hit when crossing the middle.
I want to see 11 defenders around the ball on almost every tackle.
I want Zeus Brown to wreck the
OakJokeman hype train.He should have 2 tattoos on his torso visible after the game, one autographed “Samaje” and one “Orlando”. At least one should be a perfect impression of a size 17 EEEE cleat.
Like the hit on Maclin by Quentin Carter in the B12 Championship game
No, harder and even more violent. Even if we grab a WR, I want another OU defender to run through them. I want to see the ball ripped out. I want Striker to come around the end and their QB turn the other direction only to be hammered by Bond. I want aggression.
unfortunately aggression these days is often met with personal fouls and ejections…unless of course you’re Shawn Oakman, then it’s ok
Disagree. Aggression doesn’t mean illegal hits. Also, aggression causes the other team to commit the personal fouls. Aggression creates energy and swagger mojo. That will lead to dominating a team mentally. That is the goal.
I’m remembering the hit Striker put on McCoy.
I don’t think we will see Bond and Striker on the field at the same time often if at all.
Agree but for that one occasion this will be the result. Outside of that, he can turn into Charles Walker for all I care.
Hard hitting safeties are nearing extinction with the “player safety” movement.
All that open field grass/spacing, a hard hitting safety that can move sideline to sideline would be extremely valuable.
Briles would have to change his offense. It couldnt send his WR’s deep or into the middle of the field multiple times in the game if they would be punished over and over by a hard hitting safety. Body shots all game long, the WR would start to hear footsteps.
That’s why I really wanted Parker at safety. He covers very well and he’s got the most potential to be our best shot at a safety that can dictate the game like that.
Thomas always seems to be tick too early or too late. The next three games, I bet we see more teams try and isolate him on one v ones. A few time I have seen offenses put it on him to make a open field tackle on running plays and he whiffed, or needed extra help to bring the guy down.
Was watching the Iowa State replay and noticed Haughton in on 3rd and longs. Any idea if he will see more time this week?
Stoops bros value experience… its like gold to them.
Big road game.
Thomas/Parker are the starting safeties with most experience.
I doubt we will see him.
Yes we will, he comes in on the Dime package and I expect we will see that package most of the game with baylor.
What Florida did to us to start that NC game affected our WR play the next 58 minutes.
I absolutely don’t want to be overconfident going into this game. I started the year hoping to come out with 3 or less losses and the makings of a great team next year, so even though I feel much better then I did even only a month ago about beating Baylor- and we are absolutely capable of beating them- I don’t want to endure football PTSD again as I did after the Texsa game! That being said, I hope we kick Baylor’s arse! They haven’t played another team anything close to us and they know it. So let them sweat it out this week! I’m more worried about the D reverting to some inexplicably bad coverage then anything else. I have no idea whether Mike Stoops realizes his overly cautious approach cost us more then just going for it did at times last year. But I hope so…
I agree, I would rather have the DB’s up tight (occasionally getting beat) than playing off and getting beat virtually every play.
On most Cat coverage Mike let’s the DBs pick the depth they’re most comfortable with.
Not all that playing off it on Mike. The DB needs to be confident he can handle it.
I had the most curious experience with my 90 year old Step Father yesterday. He, an Oklahoma alumni, and fan who lived first hand the epic stretch of 47 wins in a row, and every championship team we have ever had, made the following comment; “I have not bet in 40 years but I am betting (literally) on Oklahoma over Baylor”. I asked him, so you think they will win? His response shocked me, he said “Oklahoma will wollip Baylor”. This may be up for debate but that is coming from a lot of wisdom. What do you think?
I like it. His gut is telling him OU is the better team, and right now they probably are overall.
My gut is telling me that I ate too much mac and cheese with my burger.
But was it Laya or Vader?
My dad lived through those years also. I’ll listen to the older guys (I can remember the later Wilkinson teams), so older.
I’ve been saying this for a while. It won’t be close.
No fear right Sam
None. I have it tattooed on my forehead. I ain’t afraid of Baylor.
Not a single remaining game will be close, if we play mistake free football. Baylor, TCU, and OSU will need our help to make it close.
Standing, cheering, clapping! Well done Sam.
Here here BOOM
I totally agree with your optimism,not sure about a tattoo tho.
I just well am nervous not sure why tho
Or it could be senility setting in!
No, in all seriousness, he may be on to something. If russell were playing, I’d give us about 0% chance. But they weren’t impressive against a bad KSU team with stidham. You may call me crazy if you like for this next statement, but I like our chances better if Austin plays over Sanchez. He’s more disciplined/takes fewer chances. Austin is shorter but he’s more athletic. And it’s obvious that Austin is a superior tackler.
I would even disagree on the Russell point. Stidham played as well as Russell would have in the KSU game, the difference was the Baylor D not being able to stop the KSU ground game.
I agree with you on Austin but it’ll never happen.
I think the’re going to rotate them in and out all game Sanchez starts but Austin get’s lot’s of playing time. It’s going to be a plus to be able to have two guys going in fresh and able to go full speed all game.
I think I would love to watch the game with him.
He is a great man. Walks 4 miles to workout on the 9th floor at the hospital (he takes the stairs), then he walks home. Sharp as a tack! I have a feeling he is right.
I like him. I like him a lot. To whollop is good.
Buy that man a BEER, Is what I think. And none of that water beer either. You get him something worth drinking. Oh and tell him this is from 47.:-0
Will do and I shall partake as well!
Not to much for him now. We want him to be able and stay up for the game. 🙂
Been mulling ‘K’s’ comment re: if OU doesn’t take down the Bears this year … Agree somewhat in that it isn’t likely to get any easier than this game. The Bears are a stout team at rb and oline and WRs. But with Seth out, frosh QB, suspect D, they are vulnerable. And while I see OU being a better team next year, think the Bears will be, too. The longer this anomaly of the Bears being perceived as the power program continues and them getting top recruits, the harder it makes it for OU. This stops now.
I don’t see Baylor being better next year, unless the QB position makes that big of a difference this year. They lose 4 starting olinemen, and the giant off the dline, maybe Billings too. Coleman. I’m sure there are others.
Their offense is ‘plug and play’. Stidham is only going to get better and they appear to be assembling another group of skill players OU has offered. They don’t get the highly rated linemen but with their system, don’t seem to need them. They simply outscore most teams. OU’s defense has been adequate but unable to keep up on offense. If they continue to recruit the offensive talent they are attracting (QB-WRs) and add a few pieces on D, it becomes increasingly difficult to overcome. Need to stop and reverse that trend.
They have the #2 OT in the 2016 class in hudson, and another 4 star in urquidez.
They are getting good lineman now too.
What they really lack is linebackers and secondary guys. When those kids start flowing in….
They’ve got 5 star LB named Browning committed for 2017. Hopefully he flips somewhere else before signing day.
Ouch hadnt even looked at their 2017 class. Thats not a good sign.
That comment has been eating at me as well… The dude does not abide…
Baylor won a close, tough game at Kansas State, then had a few extra days off between games. We’ve been trending upward since Texas, so I don’t care if we’re playing at Baylor, by golly, they are going to face adversity on Saturday by double golly!!
Baylor didn’t have a bye after KSU, they played them last Thursday.
Watch as I edit my post…
The first thing I thought of reading your post…
There it issssss Joe
OK, I’m going to irritate most of you. First, I think the Stoops brothers will play somewhat conservative on D. And second, I agree with that.
I don’t think you optimize your chances by taking excessive risks on D. I like the “bend, don’t break” philosophy. Play conservative most of the time, and then pick your moments to get aggressive. We have very good DBs, but not at the level that we can constantly press and get away with it. When BU is ahead of the chains, play conservative most of the time. When they get off-schedule, then press and take some risks. All we have to do is stuff a run, have them miss on a pass, have a penalty …just get them behind schedule. Then we can get aggressive. Just need to force a few 3rd downs, and then win our share of them.
Like all of you, I have never been more frustrated with OU football than I was in the 3rd quarter last year. It was awful. And that’s not what I’m advocating. The Stoops didn’t have DBs they trusted last year and they just sat back the entire drive; in fact, most of the game. This year, we have the personnel to pick our spots and press, but I just don’t think it’s wise to do it most every down. It’s not a crime to give up a 7-yard out, or even several on one drive. We just need to pick our spots and win on 3rd down some. I think we have a better team than BU, and we should win if we play smart. Playing press the majority of time is not smart in my book. Minimizing big plays is a higher priority than stuffing every drive for a 3-and-out. They are going to score on us; we just need to make them earn each of them.
If we want to win, we can’t have their receivers get behind our DBs regularly, like i saw happen 2-3 times against ISU/ Keep ’em in front of us.
Couldn’t possibly disagree more, but I do see where you’re coming from. My thing is we’ve seen the ‘bend, but don’t break’ fail miserably the last two years. We know that won’t work, so why try it a third time?
I’d MUCH rather be aggressive even knowing you’re going to get beat on occasion, rather than just trying to keep everything in front of you.
I’m not advocating playing exactly like we did last year. We had absolutely no trust in the DBs, and never pressed or took risks. We just need to pick our spots. Basically I’m saying exactly what L’Carpetron said above: “make them execute down the field to score.” Don’t press for 3-and-out every possession and give up huge plays; just make them earn it and then score more frequently than they do.
Aggree, be aggressive the whole game. I would like for our DBs from time to time be physical with their WRs at the LOS. Delay the WR timing. This kills quick timing patterns which they will be running a lot of. If we can be aggressive doing this occasionally, Striker/Bond or a blitz will get in Stidham’s head.
That style of football will get the ball run down our throats Sat. (speaking on the D as a whole) We’ve seen some really good things happen with back side DB blitzes for example. I hope we do more Sat.
I agree that the DBs need to take risks to stop the run. Stopping the run has gotta be first priority. But we don’t blitz our safeties every down and expect the CBs to play press. That’s a recipe for disaster.
One of the deciding factors in this game will be how many defenders we have to commit to stop the run.
Yeah I agree playing press all the time isn’t sound in my opinion. I HAVE seen this year our DBs stand on the first down marker on a 3rd and 8 or 7 play and that just absolutely doesn’t make any sense to me. But I agree we cant press all or the majority of the time.
Just put 11 on the line and knock em all down LOL /S
Starting with Oakman as the lead domino…
There ya go Tex
He wont’ be on the field with our D, but I’m not opposed to them running over to the sideline and knocking him down. It would be a well-spent 15 yards.
I can only hope MS Sees my post
KJ How does the d look in practice. You obviously don’t have to go in to detail, as to not give to much away. From what you have seen or heard are they ready?
I haven’t heard any specifics to be honest. Yesterday was walk throughs…today is full pads so Im sure well hear something after today’s practice.
You might irritate folks but doesn’t mean you’re wrong lol. People act like it was all on the defense that we lost and yes they share blame but it’s a team game. 2 years ago the defense balled out until they got worn down because the offense did nothing. Last year after jumping out to 14-3, again the offense did nothing. Baylor doesn’t put up 40+ either year if the offense doesn’t have 3 and outs 50% of the time, or whatever it was. Defense will tweak things because they are better this year and can do more things. But the reason OU has a much better chance this year Is because of the offensive improvements not because the Stoops brothers have magically figured baylor out.
Well said…Sir!
Exactly my opinion too. Our D looked good early, but when our O went stagnant the D got gassed and folded. Team game for sure and each side of the ball feeds off of the other.
IMO I would come after him early and often.I wouldn’t allow this true freshmen gain any rhythm and confidence. Force him to come off his first read, hold the ball longer and throw a contested pass. Dictate with misinformation, physicality and aggression every single snap to slow down his reaction.
Agreed. I was more focusing on the CB alignment: 2 yards vs 10 yards off.
Establish the run: shorten the game and decrease the number of possessions Baylor has
Affect the QB: Stidham needs to have his clock sped up. Blitzes, getting in passing windows, rerouting receivers, press coverage/press-and-bail coverage, and so on.
Be efficient in scoring TDs: When OU gets in the red zone they need to score TDs, not FGs. OU needs to make Baylor chase them.
Adopt a “slow them down” mentality”, not a “shut them out” mentality: Baylor is likely to score and may score quite a few TDs. The team that wins is the one that has more points. That’s it. We fans want OU to not allow Baylor to score more than 21 points. Just win the game and go home.
Be efficient on defense: Make Baylor execute a drive down the field to score. This will further shorten the game and reduce the number of Baylor’s possessions.
Do these and OU wins.
Yes, you’re correct…
I would add, limit penalties. Especially the “knucklehead” ones.
Now if you could just get Mike to buy in!!
Mike and the defense have been excellent this year. Need to find something else to complain about.
I will second that. Complete 180 from last year.
Easy there Hoss, wasn’t complaining just agreeing with the way to play Baylor and hope Mike does too! Although I still haven’t forgiven him for the brain fart in Dallas.
Mike puts people in position to make the tackle. He can’t go make it for them. Poor tackling caused us that game. It’s over and all I care about is Baylor.
Poor tackling and a defensive game plan geared to stop the pass!!!
You are mad at the wrong coordinator over that game.
To some, it will always be Mike’s fault if we lose. Don’t mind the fact that we could only score 17.
I think so too. 24 points shouldn’t have been enough to win with this offense, although the OU tackling was something to behold.
Defensively, get off the field on third downs.
And that is a bit of a problem for OU. Playing some good D and ranked nationally in some categories ( 8th in pass eff D, 16 scoring D, 23 total D, but 3rd down D is not one of them while Baylor is 10th in 3rd down pct and 9th in 4th. Gotta get some stops and TOs.
Doesn’t matter, they will go for it on 4th down. Baylor will play to win with their O. I don’t see them punting much if any at all. Baylor realizes they don’t have the best D so they have to score points.
Hmm, long time lurker, first time poster… uncontrollable urge to fix this for you:
“I don’t see them punting much if any at all. Baylor smartly realizes their approach to [rarely] punting makes up for their recruiting deficiencies.”
Baylor doesn’t have better players than OU.
I don’t think Stoops is a bad coach, but Briles is better – he’s ahead of the curve on understanding how valuable a possession is.
I’m terrified of imagining what the game would look like if he were coaching our players and stoops had theirs…
That’s a good one, a glaring omission from the list. Thank you.
you forgot : keeping composure when Oakman takes a shot at another OU player…..
They will definitely be trying to hurt Baker….I hope he slides or runs out of bounds alot.
I will guarantee you they will cheap shot him all night and I’m sure they won’t mind the penalties. They want to be Miami of the 80’s.
What story it would be if they did something stupid and put Baker out just for the rest of the game…and TK comes in and demolishes them after getting hurt by “Oafman” last year.
quite the story and would be sweet revenge.
I’d love nothing more than for Brown and Farniok to post chop Oakman if he’s lined up on their side. I’m usually not for dirty plays like that,but he’s earned one.
If Oakman were to get hurt, I would prefer he did it by trying to hit someone with a cheap shot.
Not me. That guy is as dirty as they come. I hope the OU hog mollies inflict pain on him.
How they seem to avoid ejections time and time again, I’ll never know.
That’s actually a good point. Hope OUr dudes are getting coached up knowing this team is dirty.
Not just dirty. Exceptionally dirty.
Your #2 point should be the priority IMO. He’s a freshman… make him look like one.
I would love to see us blow them out though. Although I’ll still be nervous going into tcu and osu games even though I think Baylor is much better…should be about even now with Russell out but I think they were vanilla on purpose vs k state.
I’m hoping that Baylor is inconsistent. They were inconsistent, but explosive with Russell. One play Russell would overthrow a WR. Another play they’d get stopped for 1-2 yards on the a run. They next play they’d hit someone for 30 yards.
If we can cause Baylor to be more inconsistent and limit those huge plays, then OU should be good.
If we win something like 55-28 that would be great. Also if we hold them under 400 total yards. I don’t think winning these games 63-56 would be good wins in the committees eyes. We’re trying to tout the best defense in the big 12 so we need that reputation to prove true.
I really like most of these points. My only issue is with the idea of making Baylor execute and drive down the field to score. That’s their bread and butter. It’s near impossible to keep everything underneath AND “Affect the QB” AND hold their rushing attack in check. That said, I do believe the defense mentality is important. Baylor will likely own the middle of the field when they are on offense. Defense should allow underneath until Baylor gets close to the red zone. When they have a shorter field is when we should play tight coverage and pressure the QB.
I know it’s not a good thought but think about (or go watch) how ND played OU in Norman. It was almost like they gave us the middle of the field. It seemed like at a certain point in the drive, the mentality (and philosophy) would shift. They pressed and became aggressive when they could use the end zone as a boundary to the deep ball.
That makes a lot of sense. What are the chances that Mike will think of it?
I think Baylor has probably kept Mike up late at night. I hope he has some tricks up his sleeve. I hope the defense we saw with TU wasn’t a preview of the BU game plan. Our D has grown and changed a lot. I feel like we’ll be up for the challenge early but I’m worried about the second half. As mentioned earlier, I think the defense mentality (players and coaches) will be important.
According to the FEI statistics, Baylor’s strength is not methodical drives (drives of at least 10 plays or more). They are 103rd in the nation.
Their strength is explosive plays (plays of at least 10 yards or more). They are #1 in the nation.
Source: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/feioff
OU’s strength on defense is limiting an opponent’s explosive plays of 10 yards or more. They are 3rd in the nation. They are 39th in the nation at allowing methodical drives of at least 10 plays or more.
Source: http://www.footballoutsiders.com/stats/feidef
Overall, OU’s defense is ranked 2nd in the nation, according to the FEI rankings.
OU’s strength on offense is explosive plays as well, not methodical drives. Baylor is pretty good at both of those.
We can both agree they have been explosive…no source documents needed. That doesn’t mean their goal is to score in 3 plays or look for big plays. Their offense is built around taking what the defense gives them. I believe they would literally run the ball every play if that’s what the D gives them(or vice versa). They are explosive because they are efficient in their offense and have significantly “out athleted” every team they’ve played. If our primary goal on D is to force them in to long drives, I believe it will be a long night for sooner fans. Just my opinion.
1. If anyone thinks they will score less then 21 they don’t have a clue, hope to hold them under 35 and we can win
2. Can’t compare us and baylor k state games, 2 completely different teams us and kstate, we r an uptempo passing team that has some issues pass blocking on the edge and against solid front 7’s really struggling to open holes where ksu has been better in the runblocking
3 yes we need to run but they r not good in the back end, we need to us our tempo and pick apart the db’s to setup the run, NO DEEP DROPS AND GET THE BALL OUT, Play our game don’t change just cause they have a good Offense
A little late but hearing that Frison was back at practice yesterday. I believe only working with the scout team though. Not sure if he will see any playing time at all this year. But at least he’s back practicing and working out with the team.
very encouraging news. thanks KJ.
Alvarez back or do you see farniok getting the start this week?
Alvarez is playing this week. Baring any major setbacks he will start. I would go with Alvarez, Farniok throws off the whole flow of the line and makes too many mental errors.
so, would that mean he’s out of the doghouse and cleared all the hurdles
That is some great news. Look forward to having him and Lampkin both next year. That’s not rebuilding, that’s reloading. We have been missing that around Norman.
I honestly believe and always have, that next year is our year. We could be the Ohio State of the playoffs this year but with Frison adding depth on the line all the young talent and that defense 2016 is the year!!!!!
Yeah, returning everybody except Ty/Nila on the O-line, but they are not all-American types and arguably could be considered the weakest of the five linemen this year. Losing Shep/Neal. But will get Andrews/Quick on the field more often. Should be able to win games running. Defense everybody is back except Striker/Bond/Sanchez. Playing Ohio St game two in our place!
Sanchez will be back, trust me.
Over/Under on point total is currently at 77. Isn’t that a bit low for the #1 & #3 scoring offenses?
Unless they have more respect for OU’s defense than Baylor’s.
So, you are saying Mike Lupica will blow a gasket if we hang 77-0 on them?
I will help him blow a gasket. I don’t like that man.
Nope… 65-12 OU 🙂
i like your thinking
Well I predicted the other day that there would be a push to get LSU into the playoff using the “It’s the SEC!, they lost to the BEST team in the country!, it’s not fair!” justification. But this is a little ahead of schedule:
The thing is lsu got dominated. Bama could have easily beat them by 30 but they took their boot off the gas.
Hey you got no argument from me. What I said the other day is if OU wins out we will definitely deserve to be in the CFP, but that all indicators still point to the committee giving us the finger and an excrement sandwich. That’s probably the case whether we’re getting bumped by LSU or Stanford/Notre Dame, but either way the SEC myth still holds sway over many in sports media and the CFP committee. Someone really should start a treatment center, because clearly these people can’t help themselves.
Even more than the SEC crap, I am angry about the cache given to Notre Dame. Their schedule is vastly overrated and, as a result, their team is vastly overrated. $$ is 95% of the reason why all the network hacks are talking them up.
I’m tired of the sec and ND crap also. It’s just tv. Notre Dame has a big following across the country and the fact that they are not a member of a Power 5 conference makes for good controversy. Controversy increases interest. When you regurgitate the same bs every 30 minutes, you need something. I don’t think the talking heads affect the committee that much, which is all that matters.
I guess that take away the argument for a conference championship. LOL!
If ND doesn’t why should the Big XII?
Best case scenario is Stanford beats notre dame. Stanford loses to Oregon. Florida loses to South Carolina (watch) and beats fsu and bama.
There’s going to be some serious chaos trust me. I just hope ou runs the table.
Not only did they get dominated by bama, but the usual stout defense isnt there in general, after losing chavis. They are giving up 23.5 PPG, a whopping .3 less than what ok state gives up.
Our defense is far better than the tigers, against far better offenses.
Excellent point
.3 less? In a defensive minded conference? That is ridiculous.
LSU coaches made a big mistake, which is what LSU is built to do. Les will run the ball regardless of whether there’s a brick wall in front of them. LSU coaches tried to beat Bama at Bama’s strength.
the only poll that matters is the last one, and the committee will do what they did last year, do what they want to get whoever they want in in the last vote. look at #3 tcu winning by 50 pts against a decent team and dropping 2 spots. none of their polls matter except the last one and they will do what they want. I predict that no matter where lsu is, they will drop out of the top 4 in that poll.
TFB Family, don’t worry about Baylor. OU will be ready. Baylor will be as tight as a dixie hatband. Don’t worry about Baylor.
Part of the concern about Baylor is the unknown. We really don’t know yet how good Baylor is or isn’t. And since they had their game on Thursday, they have had a little extra time to quietly prepare. I would feel better if this game were at least on a neutral field.
All you need to know is how good OU is. The rest doesn’t matter. Do you think Michael Jordan worried about his opponent or just being at his best?
As for the extra time, they will need it.
I’d argue we don’t know exactly how good OU is either. We’ve done everything possible to show we are really good the last several weeks, but there is a LONG list of college teams over the years that have beaten up on mediocre teams for 4 weeks, and come up short against better teams. I don’t think that is OU, but I also wouldn’t be all that shocked or disappointed if we lost close ones to Baylor and OSU.
And for the record, I think we’re pretty darn good. I’m just saying, we can be pretty darn good and still lose a game or two yet this season.
I’ll take my medicine if I have to but OU’s not losing any of these games.
save some for me if we have to, but i agree with you
I usually watch OU’s games three time: once live, once for pleasure, once to study. The offensive line is close, I mean very close, to being dominant. I saw on several plays where Brown was mauling ISU players. And, he seemed to be enjoying it.
Samia is the real deal. He has a nasty streak also. Folks talk about how poorly Darlington plays but I disagree. He spent a lot of time worrying about the younger players. Look at his play the last few games and that doesn’t mean he played poorly the first few games. He can finally focus on his assignments and nobody else.
Shepard, Neal, and Westbrook are solid. Throw in Andrews and there a four receivers Baylor has to cover. Sorry LBs, you’re toast. Watch LR attack the middle of the field with Andrews.
Mixon and Perine, need I say more.
Very close. Ty POG on offense this past week according to Bob. And Brown and Samia are playing like veterans. Glad to have Alvarez back for this one. Gotta stay healthy up front.
i heard several weeks ago that the coaches spend more time talking about how to get andrews into the game than anything else. i think we will see lots of andrews the next 3 weeks.
He’s the best TE we’ve had in a while. He will only get better.
I saw fear in the eyes of the baylor coaches last week when KSt was gouging their defense running the ball. Their defenses alignment didn’t matter because their players couldn’t compete. KSt beat themselves with 3 turnovers.
To me it is unrealistic to think that suddenly baylor will have a great defense to stop our offense. Equally unrealistic to believe that baylor’s offense will perform better against us than they did at KSt.
If suddenly and without warning baylor plays fantastic on both sides of the ball then they will deserve recognition for it.
Exactly. They know who we are. They know this a different OU team.
They will score some points, of that I am certain. I think our defense will steal some possessions from them with punts and turnovers. They just need to stop their running game dead in its tracks and force the newb QB to carry their offense.
Baylor’s defense is outclassed and outmanned. OU should be able to do what they want, though I would prefer running the ball and short passes.
i did too. they were scared at the end of that game
I am cautiously optimistic, of course. Either way, I will be ready on game day, shouting Boomer Sooner for anyone who will hear 😉
I’m optimistically cautious in my optimism.
L’, I’m recklessly optimistic in my optimism.
They don’t worry me none.
So that means they do worry you…?
Au contraire.
Here are the box scores for baylor’s last two games, teams we beat soundly.
First is ISU and recall baylor played their starters the full game, Russell got hurt with less than 6 minutes in the game.
Next is KSt, a team OU pwned from the opening drive.
Baylor has been able to mask some weaknesses that everyone is about to see.
i know, but i don’t like the way we played defense against Tulsa, but think we are better now. that still worries me–how we played d against tulsa
What has happened can’t hurt me anymore. What hasn’t happened can’t hurt me.
Iowa is your 5th best team in the country.
This week they are. Next week, bout 15th or 16th.
Lol. That is hilarious stuff. Iowa. What a joke.
I think it is ridiculous that Iowa is rated above OSU, let alone 3 spots in front of them.
I really don’t like the way the committee is ranking teams.
The committee rankings are out?
Lot’s of football left don’t worry about these current rankings. I don’t care if OU get’s left out of the playoffs OU still needs to win them all including the bowl game.
CFP insulting Big 12 again this week. How do the Gators still outrank us? How does BU stay put and OSU only move to 8 when Stanford and Iowa lack the same marquee win? Imbeciles.
Florida beat the team with the absolute worst offense I’ve ever seen in my life. Ever. Not over exaggerating here. Ever. They won 9-7. AT HOME.
I saw the end of that game. Vanderbilt would’ve been better off punting on first down. Awful.
Yes, and that’s how it was the entire game. What’s even more sad is that Florida’s D couldn’t capitalize off their mistakes.
Ou jumped 3 spots after beating isu. If ou jumps an average of 3 spots after beating far better competition than isu, would end up third going into championship weekend. Teams ahead of ou are going to lose no need to worry when ou isn’t sitting at 11-1 currently.
It certainly helps that our next 3 opponents are all ranked. How many teams can say that at this point in the season?
All in top 15 at that.
OU has no control over what the playoff cabal does. They do have control over what they do this Saturday night.
Cabal: a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority.
Good one, EasTex.
Just win and the rest will sort it’s self out.
I was hoping against hope the committee would be logical and swap us and the Gators. If we look at OSU over TCU as an example, a win over BU should move us up another 4-5 spots so I’m not too concerned. At least 3 teams ahead of us now (off the top of my head) must lose mathematically so we have that on our side as well.
Putting OU over the Gators wasnt going to happen even though it was deserved. The only thing we know for sure after two weeks of committee polls is that they have an SEC bias and a Big 12 anti bias. I expect that trend to continue right to the final poll.
yeah, but a lot of that depends on who loses in front of us too. last saturday it seemed several lost in front of us (can’t remember who right now). Did we jump anyone who didn’t lose, that’s the question. we should however, jump bu and osu if we win out, so that two spots for sure with wins. nd/stanford play each other, so that would be another. who else?
Another list including Baker Mayfield. Admittedly, I’ve never heard of this one.
I watched the Briles interview and one word comes to mind: arrogance. He’s an arrogant little peanuts head.
That a** believes he doesn’t have to change anything. He thinks he’s going to win because he shows up.
Still have this image firmly burned into my brain. Hope to take out a lot of frustration on whoever Baylor lines up behind their center.
Is assface one word or two?
two, but I can be an ass.
No. Not you.
Don’t push me bud. 🙂
LOL. Watching you like a hawk.
Depends. It can be one or two, noun or adjective.
According to Urban Dictionary.
According to Urban Dictionary. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/db618554acf4b2cb0b949153005df342e2b190957fcde0b9644aa9e3984d261f.png
Yep. That’s pretty much it.
Why do they not have Dustin’s face on there? 🙂
You follow up your “cheating on us” with a comment like that?
Wow! Duuuuuuuude!?
This is random, I like them both but I like Shannon starting over Evans.
I think it should depend on the matchup. We have that kind of luxury across the defense which I love.
I like Evans for length when defending short passes. Had a couple tips vs ISU that would have been bigger plays.
Evans is more athletic and prolly better in coverage, while shannon is more physical, better against the run and the more experienced player. I personally prefer Shannon that play where he stoned the rb in his tracts, solidified the notion even more.
With all the recruits we had in last Saturday , no commits?
I mean, i dont like to claim conspiracy, but these rankings are pretty hard to grasp. Our ranking isnt too bad, but does anyone with a brain truly believe iowa is the 5th best team in the country?
How do they jump baylor with an 8 point win over a 4-4 indiana team?
According to vegas power rankings, iowa would be a 20 plus point underdog to baylor. Hell, they would be 17.5 point underdogs to us.
Even if we win out, if ND beats stanford, i dont see us getting in. Not with this committee.
I agree with much of what you say. Funny thing is, except my belief OU should be ahead of Florida, I have no issue with our current rank. The top 10 is a disaster, however. I do believe we beat most of the teams ranked ahead of us but we have to prove it since we took a dump in Dallas.
Hey, Diane!
Are you single?
Get ready, she’s gonna start up voting and replying to you. You will wish you had never met her. HAHA.
She keeps popping up anyway. I figured I’d see she is free. I’d like to meet her for dinner and talk about her pyramid scam. She just needs to give me them digits.
Hope she doesn’t put those digits somewhere you don’t want them. 🙂
She’ll come around. I’m going to stay after her until she goes out with me.
Met a fellow Brainiac for some beer this afternoon, good guy and good Sooner conversation. Don’t care about rankings right now, just beating some bears and finishing the season strong.
It wasn’t me. I’m sad.
You didn’t get the invite?
You cheated on me? And Dustin?
I don’t even know you anymore.
You both would like this dude. Wish we could all get together for some fun.
I’m not even sure I like you right now. 🙁
Classic and Priceless.
You like me, don’t fight it. 🙂
Also classic. You sound like a man who’s been in trouble and has found his way out of it, a lot.
You owe me a beer.
I never run out, just show up. 🙂
A good beer.
Great Lakes Christmas Ale. Yum!
There is no bad beer…….snob. 🙂
This just tells me you haven’t had a good beer.
You crack me up.
You crack me up.
This just tells me you haven’t had a good beer.
The beast is close to being a bad beer.
I just mess with Dustin. My wife tells me what I’m allowed to drink based on how it smells at night. 🙂
If your ever in Edmond you need to stop by the Patriarch. http://www.thepatriarchedmond.com
You’ve posted this before and I looked at the site, would like to try sometime.
You should! Plus I could kick your ass in some ping pong….or drunk ping pong however it goes.
Many beer choices.
Good beer!
There is no bad beer…….snob. 🙂
When I’m out in Norman for the tOSU game, we’ll have to get together.
Thanks my man . Hell of a good time. Rattlesnake Tuesdays get a little crazy. Anybody close to Skiatook would love this palace on the hill.. A poor man’s Cheers.
Yep, and we now know who Norm is. LOL.
Hope the grand kids game went well. As I was leaving the bar I got the taco Tuesday call so went and had some good dinner with the rest of the Baker family on my way home. The daughter’s interview with Stanford went great according to my wife so now it’s down to Stanford or OU.
Good game, they won 4-1. It’s on to indoor soccer for him. Tough choices coming up for your daughter. Is she ok with the distance? Better yet is mom and dad ok with the distance?
Glad for the win. Distance was a problem at first but when she decided she wanted some of her studies to be in Italy, regardless of institution, distance was much less of a concern. She is adult age and want’s to explore the world, already been a student in China, so we have to let her live her life.
Amen to that. You can’t clip their wings. Time for bed for this old coot. Take care.
Have a good night, enjoyed the afternoon on the hill.
Yes, great guy. I may have to leave work early again to have drinks.
Cool! I’m not so mad anymore. I thought it was he-who-must-not-be-named.
Ray sees him every day. That’s his brother.
Ha! Haaaaaaaaaa! LOL!
Gary and I decided that he has to be an Esco sock.
Esco’s alter-ego. That’s great.
Esco’s alter-ego. That’s great.
Tell me you didn’t discuss this man. Please say it ain’t so.
Im pretty sure that if one was to meet “He who must not be named” for drinks that he’d probably order a chocolate milk.
Fear, that was funny.
To be quite honest I would like to meet this guy. Some people I just don’t comprehend their intentions. I think he says things just to push our piss off buttons.
To be quite honest I would like to meet this guy. Some people I just don’t comprehend their intentions. I think he says things just to push our piss off buttons.
You are correct. Im 100% sure he doesnt actually believe 90% of the trash he spews.
It’s Esco’s troll account
Oh, he believes it. He’s an educated dumb-ass. He has a degree but you wouldn’t know it.
Do you plan on pouring his chocolate milk over his head?
I would have a hard time restraining myself.
He a coward and I bet you he’s probably five feet tall.
Because you can only get good beer in sec country.
If you can find a county that isn’t dry.
That’s a good one. Beer distributors will only sell beer in the Pac 12, SEC, and B1G.
Edit: Are you happy, Dustin?
Okay, Editor in Chief.
You work 24/7.
Gotta go, though. Meeting my own friend for some beers. Cheers, fellers!!!
Have good night. I’m calling it a night. I have to get my son to swim practice in the morning. Up at 5am.
But, tomorrow puts me one day closer to Saturday.
*only friend. 🙂
By the way, you misspelled “sell*” . It doesn’t have a * in it. It’s spelled “sell.”
Yep, that was me. Beer and rattlesnake shots and the first liar had no chance.
Yep, that was me. Beer and rattlesnake shots and the first liar had no chance.
Looks like the committee could learn a thing or 25 from the AP about ranking teams.
It’s a joke Barry Switzer isn’t on the committee.
I hope that when we whip Baylor, we don’t let up. Even if we get a chance to play backups at the end. We need to think score, score, score. We need to make a statement with every game from here on out. Forget hanging half a hundred… Hang the whole hundred. NO MORE GARBAGE TIME…KEEP SCORING
I want to whoop them into submission and when they say “we quit”, I do not want the OU coaches accept their resignation: fire their arses.
I’m hoping the game Saturday night will make the game against Tech in ’08 seem merciful.
Im hoping that at the end of the 3rd quarter Art Briles drops to his knees and starts bawling like a baby. Then proceeds into a fetal position and sucks his thumb.
I want to see Stoops get trashed on Sunday morning for running up the score.
I want Stoops to flip-off Briles from across the field with five seconds left in the game, when they are down by 50 points, as OU goes for a two-point conversion, followed by an on-side kick.
That would make me smile.
I want to see a picture like this on Sunday morning except with Art Briles and Baylor:
That’s the look I want to see.
The thing I have always loved about this picture is the time.
The thing I have always loved about this picture is the time.
RTFLMAO. That is funny, Bob.
I loved that game. We could have hung a whole hunnerd that day. Easily.
Whats really nuts is that was still in the 3rd quarter! Wow, I had forgotten how much of a slaughter that was. The final score, oddly, just doesnt do it justice.
Yeah, they actually invoked a rule I didn’t know existed in the NCAA. If both coaches agree, they will turn on the clocks and let them run. no stops for first downs, incompletes, just let them run
And justifying a cheap shot on oakman by saying “its part of the game”.
And justifying a cheap shot on oakman by saying “its part of the game”.
No Mercy . We have to blow a hole so big in ther confidence that the psyche football program never recovers and wakes up sunday bruised and beaten and the realization that there still Baylor and 0 crystal balls with the realisation they now have something in common as well and fade off to the hole they climbed out of.
I think best way to defend this Baylor team is to be able to control the line of scrimmage with 3 down linemen and keeping striker and Bond on the field at the same time as much as possible. We have to confuse their young qb with multiple blizzes and looks. Now I know we are sacrificing an extra db, but we all seen last year that playing a prevent defence sets us up for a slow death… but if we can get to him early and often we can throw off those quick throws and prevent him from finding a rhythm plus our secondary is proving they can cover and tackle in space. K State laid the blueprint down and proved your best defence is clock eating drives. I think it will come down to Mayfield keeping play alive with his legs, and finding a rhythm on offence and nothing would better to see mixon and Perine punishing the Baylor d with a half empty Stadium.
We tried blitzing some last year, they never got close as they get rid of the ball so fast.
We need to stop their run first, like KSt did.
Baylor’s defense, particularly their run defense is horrible. Runs and play action will need to be effective for OU.
I think I’d rather see a legit four man front to stop the run and bring the occasional (hopefully unexpected) blitz off that. Stuff the run and force the young QB to prove his worth. JMO
Spot on.
I think best way to defend this Baylor team is to be able to control the line of scrimmage with 3 down linemen and keeping striker and Bond on the field at the same time as much as possible. We have to confuse their young qb with multiple blizzes and looks. Now I know we are sacrificing an extra db, but we all seen last year that playing a prevent defence sets us up for a slow death… but if we can get to him early and often we can throw off those quick throws and prevent him from finding a rhythm plus our secondary is proving they can cover and tackle in space. K State laid the blueprint down and proved your best defence is clock eating drives. I think it will come down to Mayfield keeping play alive with his legs, and finding a rhythm on offence and nothing would better to see mixon and Perine punishing the Baylor d with a half empty Stadium.
Remember how it was to win v Baylor?