Sometimes You Just Gotta Believe

Two nights ago I sat here in my living room and watched, what I believe to be, the best baseball game I have ever seen.  If you didn’t know, the Kansas City Royals haven’t been in the playoffs since 1985.  So it had been 29 years since they had sniffed the post season, which is in stark contrast to what we’re used to with our Sooners in the world of college football.  I was 9 years old when I gained what I like to call my sports consciousness.  In 1985 the Royals won the World Series, the Sooners beat Penn State to win our 6th National Championship, and the Celtics & Lakers were going at it with ferocity and frequency in the NBA.  The teams I adopted at that time, who I’ve stuck with over the years, have been KC in Baseball (I also root for the Cubs), the Celtics (and Chicago Bulls) and the Oklahoma Sooners in college sports.  My Grandpa was a guy who really liked how George Brett (KC) and Larry Bird (Celtics) played the game, so it was natural for me to root for those teams as well.  They were tough, gritty and while it wasn’t always pretty, they got it done…somehow.

Fast forward 29 years.  It’s now 2014.  The Royals and Cubs have consistently been loveable losers with glimmers of hope here and there.  You guys all know the story as it pertains to our Sooners.  The down years of the 90’s, Stoops and company coming in that 1999 season taking college football by storm and then winning it all in 2000.  As I graduated college about the same time and got a real job, I spent most of that decade being young and being a Sooner fan.  I went to a lot of games home and away, several bowl games, and saw a couple of games in person I’d rather forget.  I met my wife in 2007 and oddly enough, she is from KC. Naturally she and her father are big time Chiefs and Royals fans.  Her Dad has carried season tickets for both of them for a long time.  Over the years I’ve kind of adopted Kansas City as my home since I’ve lived most of my adult life there.  So to see what took place Tuesday night, with the Royals winning a game that many think that they had no business winning, was something special.  It was special because I know how much it meant to the people I’ve grown to care about so much.

When I watch sports highlights, I like to look at the sideline reactions and the stands to see the different emotions people go through.  Those emotions are, after all, why you play the game.  Herm Edwards is famous for saying “you play to win the game.”  He’s right.  There’s a joy that can’t be described when you win.  It’s really special when you find out how to win the game within the game.  When you start to learn how to steal wins from the other team.  When you’re outmatched, but scrap, scratch, claw, fight and find a way to win.

Last October, we got curb-stomped in Waco, Texas getting blown out to Baylor.  For us long timers, losing like we did to Baylor was hard to stomach.  I’ll be honest with you, the aftertaste, which was none too pleasant, still lingers.  Most had written us off at that point.  We still had road games at K-State and Oklahoma State coming and to hear most tell it…hell, we might as well fold the tents….but we didn’t.  There was something in that team last year that didn’t care what everyone else thought.  There was something in that team that went on the road to Manhattan, KS and dominated a tough K-State team.  There was something in that team that went up to Stillwater on an ice cold day in December and found a way to win.   Despite not scoring an offensive touchdown until Blake Bell dropped a dime to Jalen Saunders to put us up for good, that team scored on a fake field goal, punt return, two field goals, and a defensive score as time expired.

I wrote about it last year after that game that I thought we had something special.  We at TFB actually had the Sooners picked to upset Alabama, and then they did it.  Man-for-man it’s debatable that the Crimson Tide had more talent.  They definitely had higher draft picks.  But after being around the game so long, you start to recognize when people have that dog in ’em.  When they got that shat in ’em.  To me the most talented people and the most talented teams don’t care about what anybody else thinks.  They don’t care what anyone else says.  They don’t care what anyone else does.  No matter what the circumstance.  No matter who the opponent, they truly believe deep down that they’re going to win.  Not because of talent, but because they believe they’re going to do the things that are going to add up to overcoming anyone or anything they’re up against.

I don’t believe in omens.  I don’t believe in jinxes.  But I have believed in this Sooner squad we have since we got it done in Stillwater last year.  Guys like Eric Striker, Blake Bell, Trevor Knight, and I could go on and on that just don’t give a flip (edited).  Watching those Royals this past Tuesday night steal seven bases and sacrifice bunt five times is something you just don’t see.  Mind you, in a day and age where home runs are all the rage.  I saw some grown ass men play within the rules of the game to get from base to base and lean on each other to get it done.  I know this is a football site, but I saw those same things I love about this Sooner squad in those Royals on Tuesday night.  I’m having a hard time describing it, because it’s hard to describe what IT actually is, but I do know that we have it.

Deep down I don’t believe that anyone’s going to beat us this year.  Not because of speed.  Not because of size, or strength.  I believe it because of all of those buzz words you hear about.  Grit, desire, effort, toughness.


  • Daddy R says:

    “The future belongs to those that BELIEVE in the beauty of their dreams.”
    – Eleanor Roosevelt

    Great thoughts JY. Appreciate all you guys do.

  • Sooner Ray says:

    KC just went out and got them some NASTY!

    • Daddy R says:

      Awesome to see them in the postseason. Growing up in T-town, I always had a bit of fondness for them..

  • Tony B says:

    Great article JY. As a lifelong Cardinals, Sooners, and Steelers fan living in Wichita I’ve got to hang to the crap on many of my friends about the Chiefs, Royals, Wildcats, and Jayhawks (excluding B-Ball of course) but as I watched that Royals game the other night I couldn’t help root for them and smile at the end of that game. Mainly for the heart and teamwork they displayed to over come what looked to be a sure defeat. Awesome game and I agree these Sooners seem to have something I haven’t seen in an OU team in quite awhile. Say maybe 14 years or so!

  • Roger Nixon says:

    I lived in KC from ’77-’79 and loved the Royals because of their hard nosed aggressive play. George Brett and Hal McRae nearly always stretched singles into doubles, challenging outfielders at every opportunity. Darn near the whole team stole bases. After Ewing Kaufmanns death, I stopped following baseball but this Royals team looks like those teams of the ’70s.
    This Sooner team is a go get it type team as well. Just keep pushing the opponent until it breaks.

  • Ed Cotter says:

    OU Gotta Believe!! Sweet article JY, thanks for sharing.
    My first MLB game was Oakland vs. the Royals in 1984, the day after my HS Graduation. A buddy and I took the bus about 200 miles to San Francisco, took the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to Oakland for the game. A cool road trip for two buddies that played and loved to watch baseball.

  • outsider says:

    My personal favorite baseball game was game 6 in the world series between St. Louis and Texas a few years ago. Twice down to there last out, and the Cards and the Rangers exchange the lead three times in extra innings…then the magic happens!

  • LongBomber says:

    JY, this, quite possibly, is the best article ever written on this site. The excitement that built up in me as I read your words was likely the same you felt as you wrote them. This idea of “just believing” is strange to most, but infectious and electrifying to this site’s loyal readers. Thank you for putting a smile on my face and a little extra hop in my step today!

  • JJsooner1 says:

    I tend to identify the demeanor of this OU squad as “TheTorrance Marshall Effect”. There was just no quit in that guy. He just got it done. If there’s time on the clock he was there making plays. This team comes to work with a blue collar mentality and lunch pail(truck)……….I truly love the chip on their shoulders. Just gives you that edge that defines champions.

    Great literary work JY and pine tar still rules:-)

  • Won says:

    Jerry World in January

  • soonerinks says:

    JY, great article and it mirrors my thoughts. Been a KC fan since the 60’s when my brother-in-law took my brother and I to KC via train to see KC play the Yanks. Saw Mickey hit 2 hr’s and Roger Maris hit 2 hr’s in the same game. Also, saw some little people that had a 7′ son with them (at least he seemed that tall to me). Have seen some great OU teams since I attended OU in 73 and 74 and I see that same greatness in this team. This is the most complete OU team since the one that lost to KSU in the B12C. They do have weaknesses but the sum of the whole is better than the sum of the parts. We are going to win the NC this year!

  • Fear The Magic says:

    Im a life long Yankee fan…..whats this losing thing you speak of????

    ( great article by the way )

  • Grandadsooner says:

    Thank you JY. That was one of the best articles I have had the pleasure of reading in a very long time.

  • Coach K says:

    MoSo Lion, Sooner fan, AND Cub fan?! JY, I think I like you a little more every day!

  • rphokc says:

    ….my dodgers vs the a’s ace reliever, a hobbled kirk gibson and a blast to right……..jack buck call, “I don’t believe what I just saw!”

    • Cush Creekmont says:

      This for me also

    • boomersooner says:

      jack could tell it couldn’t he? “go crazy folks, go crazy” “we’ll see ya tomorrow night” “that’s a winner”. his son’s ok , but coming from a cub fan, he was once in a generation, just like harry

      • rphokc says:

        …….overheard a broadcast bit recently while waiting in line and it was vin scully still doin’ dodger blue………..gettin’ way up in yrs but still got the voice

  • EasTex says:

    Nicely done, JY.
    I didn’t know much more than the Royals won, til now.

    I was proud of last year’s Sooners for their refusal to quit and how much they believed in themselves. Many times I have stated “I like this team,” probably not as many times has I have said “Whitfield, please,” but that’s another issue.
    I see many championship qualities with these young men and not just their physical talent. I don’t know what is going to happen with the rest of the season, too many variables. I do believe in this team’s chances to win it all, based on what I see from their actions and attitudes.

    Keep your dreams alive. Understand to
    achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself,
    vision, hard work, determination, and dedication.
    Remember all things are possible for those who
    believe.(3-time Olympian Gail Devers)

    Morale and attitude are the fundamental ingredients
    to success.(Bud Wilkinson)

    Your belief determines your action and your action
    determines your results, but first you have to believe.
    (Mark Victor Hansen)

  • Cush Creekmont says:

    I agree completely that this team has grit, desire, effort, toughness plus talent and coaching. But as a much older fan who has seen the vagaries of the game, I want a little luck too. So many more NCs could sit in OU’s trophy case with some changes of fortune –

    1967 AP vote AFTER bowl game (#3 OU beat #1 Tenn in the OB)

    1971 game-of-century – last possession pass six inches shorter or clip called on Rogers’ return.

    1973 Lee Roy not sick and makes trip to USC may not be a tie

    1978 Sims fumble at Nebraska

    2003 White not hurt and Mike not gone at Sugar Bowl

    2007 muffed punt at Colorado

    2008 Murray not out for NC game

    I really liked your article. I believe this team has all the things needed to be a #1 team. Now, oh boy do I want some GOOD LUCK for this season!

  • SoonerinLondon says:

    Been a Sooner fan since birth (nearly 60 years ago), Packer fan since I saw Vince Lombardi bring them to Tulsa to practice at TU before the playoffs, Cardinal fan since I was old enough to watch Lou Brock, Bob Gibson and their teammates come through the minors in Tulsa, and a Celtic fan after watching them win 11 championships in 13 years.

    It was tough watching the Sooners in the 90’s, ugly watching Bart Starr and Phil Bengston coach the Pack, tough to see KC come back to beat the Cards, and painful to watch the Celts struggle for years to right themselves after Len Bias, but I’ve never waivered. A fan is a fan. Through thick and thin I live and die with every play.

  • thebigdroot says:

    Brother you and I agree on so many levels. I was born in Cincy and my family never was into sports nor was the area we lived in. Throughout my adolesent life we moved all over the country (not military) and still never lived in an enviroment where sports was talked about. Lucky for me I was not introduced to the culture until moving to this great state. It coinsided with Bobs hire and then the NC year, and that was what I saw in that team. Those buzz words you mentioned. After becoming a fan and being introduced to what OU is, the History, the fans, the traditions. Blessed to be a Sooner!

  • Jon Nakata says:

    Livin up here by KC… This town has lost its mind over the Royals this year. I’m not usually a baseball guy, but my kid started little league last year, and now I am thinking that we might become Royals fans for all those reasons. Great Post!

  • j l says:

    I almost always pick against the team everyone is rooting for, im like the anti bandwagon fan.

    Buffalo fan in the NFL since the late 80’s(damn you scott norwood!!), when everyone loved the cowgirls.
    Portland fan in the NBA, when everyone loved the bulls(clyde the glide baby!)
    Braves fan in baseball since the dale murphy days

    first college football game i ever saw was us beating penn state in 85, been a sooner fan since.

    • ND52 says:

      I cried the year before when the Huskies kicked us in the Orange Bowl. I also remember when OU got their TV rights and was on TV almost every week.

      Talk about a happy boy!

      • j l says:

        I havent missed a game since, but a LOT of them were listening to the radio with dad lol.

        I remember it being a pretty big deal when we were actually on TV though. My how times have changed.

    • ToatsMcGoats says:

      Ha! I was a Knicks fan when they had their rivalry going with the Bulls. John Starks was the MAN!!! I was the only kid in my school that wasn’t a Jordan fan!

      • j l says:

        half the kids in our school couldnt name any bulls players other than jordan or pippen, but by god they would sport those bulls jackets like they were lifelong fans who knew everything about them. God i hate bandwagon fans.

        I always rooted for whoever was playing the bulls, which was a lot of times the knicks. Loved ewing, sad he never won a title. Loved how gritty starks was(plus, who can root against a grocery bagger turned NBA player), but i freaking hated charles oakley. The guy would punch an old lady to get a rebound, and have no remorse for doing it.

  • ToatsMcGoats says:

    Those games post Baylol last season showed me that these guys had/have that Warrior Code that guys like Mickey Ward had. Even when everyone has given up on them, they still have the discipline to get to work, make the improvements, and get where they need to be.

    That may sound simple, but when everyone else in the world has given up on you, it’s not that simple. You have to trust in your coaches and teammates. You have to believe that what they are telling you is the right thing, and then you have to have the confidence to know that, if you do those things, you will be better than the guy across from you, and you will beat him. But above all of that, you have to care about your team.

    In the past, last season (especially after the Baylol game, but probably after the texsa game) other OU teams would have given up. There would have been all kinds of drama in the locker room, and guys trying to up their own stock, no matter what it cost the team. Those days are gone. These guys seem to genuinely care about the “team” above themselves. Maybe that’s why I am so confident with this team as opposed to the teams that I’ve seen in seasons past. I’m pretty excited about the team that OU has fielded this season, and I think we have that factor that those past great teams had, which is a genuine love for the team above self.

    • SamSooner says:

      Toats, good stuff. Your observations are spot on. Watch this team do interviews, you will see that they are all team. They exude confidence. That confidence comes from knowing I don’t have to do it by myself. I have help.

  • James D-Space says:

    JY….. Freaking awesome article.
    Thank you!

  • Hollerback says:

    A lot less homers in MLB not that they are testing.

  • JT says:

    We are the Rulon Gardner of college football. Just with a better nutritionist.

  • John Garner says:

    Wow! I friggin’ cried JY. That was a moving and accurate piece of writing. Gawd, I can smell the Kramegesic (sp?) again that’s how old I am. We have great coaches, great tradition, and great athletes but none of that will keep us in the hunt without great leadership. We have that in spades. I’m like you: I believe we’ll go undefeated. I believe these guys are more than willing to face the challenges of this season week by week, opponent by opponent. But I ramble. Thanks. You guys, your insights into the game I love, are the reason I come here and prefer this site to any other.

  • SamSooner says:

    JY, all you need to do is have a pre-game speech with the team,

  • Mark wise says:

    Wow I sit here and read and get informed but I cannot resist this hell I can’t stop this . I on the other end of the spectrum grew up a cards fan . Sat on my uncle chig’s back porch listened to jack buck call the games . Come 1985 I was living in St. Louis knowing the cardinals would take the I 70 series . The one base at a time “small ball ” was and is known as Whitey ball named after the master Whitey Herzog . By the way one bad call cost St. Louis that series . Lol thanks for the monitors and thank you for all the effort y’all put into this sight I love this place . Now back to silent mode .

  • SamSooner says:

    Ecclesiastes 4:12
    And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

  • OUknowitscomin says:

    Funny, posted some similar thoughts earlier on my other site.
    I think for older people, you just see IT. Especially after seasons you just don’t.
    WVU game was just another example of carry over from last year. Even though have struggles at times, we do what needs to be done. Multiple players making big plays when necessary. The fact that it’s spread across the team quite well. It’s a team. Leadership is very pronounced, hell even ‘superstar’ true fresh Perine has great leadership qualities. How rare is that for a star fresh?
    What really stood out at WVU game, amidst the hostile crowd, smack talking neers players, pressure packed game is our players poise. They were all business, nothing phased them, on a mission.
    Amazing focus as a team. That’s a true sign of a special squad.

  • boomersooner says:

    oregon looks like crap and, SHOCKER, is getting home cooking left and right

  • willie says:

    Wow. You got me ready to put some pads on and go hit a football with a baseball bat. That’s a great article.

  • rphokc says:

    ……ducks go down at home……..beginning of upset weekend?

  • HoustonChiver says:

    You sir, are a wordsmith