– Isaiah Thomas: This past Sunday, 2017 OLB/DE Isaiah Thomas (Tulsa, OK) made a return trip to Norman and brought his mother along for the visit. The following day, he and his mother visited Oklahoma State for the first time.
So where do things stand now?
Thomas had mentioned to TFB that he may be looking to make a decision later this month. However in talking to him after the OSU trip, it seems that decision became a lot harder.
Firstly, Thomas has a couple ties to Oklahoma State. He’s known current Ok State DE Jordan Brailford for a while and was teammates with a player, 2016 LB James Lewis, who will join the Pokes later this summer.
Thomas compared OU and OSU to a bigger city vs. a smaller city, in that he seemed to indicate OU may have had the flash but OSU had that tight knit feeling you find in a smaller community. And in listening to him discuss his thoughts, I got the sense he was asking himself what he’s truly looking for in a program. The answer to that question will probably determine where he ends up.
Thomas will return to Oklahoma this weekend for the spring game, but he also said there are plans for another trip to Stillwater as well. After seeing Oklahoma State, Thomas said he also wants to try and visit at least one or two additional schools out of state to make sure whatever he decides is done so based on a fuller picture. Nebraska was the out-of-state school Thomas mentioned he’s most interested in seeing. – (Super K)
– Player Note | Jordan Thomas: We’ve been reporting Jordan Thomas had been out for the past few practices, but can now confirm he returned yesterday (Tuesday). – (Super K)
Primero !!
Great news about Jordan Thomas, thank you
Ronald McDonald orange vs the storied Crimson and Cream. Dave, I guess I didn’t understand the question.
If he’s a small town kid looking for a small town feel, ya can’t blame him for knowing what he wants.
I think it will benefit OU if he takes some out of State visits.
You can use that, but most of your time will be on campus. Nebish is about 25K student body, osu is 25K, and OU is about 28K. There isn’t a recognizable difference in the size of where you will be spending your time.
He’s from Tulsa, goes to Tulsa Memorial. Tulsa has the population of Norman plus Stillwater x2 . It has nothing to do with city or campus size.
Give me “#OUDNA or Not” for $500, Alex.
Here’s a little Kobe humor… If you haven’t seen the game of zones shorts before you should check them out lol
who’s the primary recruiter on thomas
Sounds like Thomas wants to be a bigger fish in stagnate still water.
That’s a real problem. If water sits still long enough, it always becomes stagnant, doesn’t it?
And breeds skeeters.
Was about to post this exactly.
I hope he’s wiser than that. I graduated from memorial and the overwhelming majority of people I knew there went to oSu. I was one of about 10 people I knew that went to OU. I will never regret that decision. I went to a 4 house (Sig Ep, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu and Felt) party in Stillwater with my fraternity roommate. It was so lame. It was in some barn in the middle of nowhere. The only good thing was the band…which happened to be a band from Norman. I think my fraternity house at OU had as many or more members than the 4 houses that hosted the party in stoolwater.
It also might as well have been a Tulsa Memorial High School reunion. I saw the same people hanging out in the same cliques as high school. I pitied them, because I thought they were pathetic for refusing to grow up and being too scared to move past high school. I remembered most of the people I asked why they would choose oSu over OU, even though there would be so much more to do in Norman and OKC and OU is superior to oSu in nearly every academic pursuit. The answers I always received were, “OU is too big” or “You have to be in the Greek system to have a social life, otherwise you get lost in the crowd” and “I don’t want to go where I won’t know anybody.” It was all based on fear of the unknown and the fear of growing up. Pathetic.
I know I made the right choice to go to OU (especially since my major wasn’t offered at oSu!). No safety net of HS buddies, meeting people from both inside and out of Oklahoma (Texas, Colorado, Arkansas, South Africa, among others), and having to assimilate in a larger crowd.
I hope Isaiah Thomas is wise enough to expand his horizons too.
I’m sure it’s hard for recruits when they first get back from a visit, and since OSU was his last visit, they were standing out to him. I suspect as a little time passes, that excitement will wear off a bit, and it’ll go back to looking at what each program offers.
The downside to the recruiting hot streak we are on, is that you get so many really, really good players and that can be intimidating for some high school kids. It’s not much of a downside from our perspective, but if you get a recruit that’s not really excited at the thought of competition (or the fear that they may never be a starter), that can seriously sway their view. I’m not saying Thomas is like that, but if he is, OSU is probably the better fit for him.
Don’t for get to vote for Erin
Thanks for the good news on Jordan T., Super K. Been concerned about his status lately.
You have to get really creative in a trophy room when you have no trophies.
Customize shoes, take selfies, and play video games like a champion Today!
“We have no tradition, but we sure do change our ugly uniforms a lot!”
OU made the top 15 for 5 star OT Wyatt Davis and made the top 7 for 5 star ATH JaCoby Stevens.
Top 15 ? I can’t even get excited about that lol.
In these hard times between football season, TFB gives me just enough info to help me survive til September
Come to Stillwater….so we can build a…ummm…Dynasty????…or something…
A bigger pig farm?
“Team on the Rise” for the twenty-seventh straight year.
Someone on LandThieves found a newspaper from the early 1900s that described OSU as an ‘institution on the rise’. It must be an extremely gradual rise.
I think Miami is falling into the Atlantic at a faster pace.
I think Omaha is falling faster.
You misspelled Pacific.
He meant Miami, OK.
Makes sense.
If you are familiar with western OK, and the panhandle of TX you know that rises are measured in inches.
I stumbled across a wikipedia page for a small Texas town the other day. It described the population growth as steady for the whole of the 20th century, averaging 25 people added per year to the population.
Just add them to the list with Tennessee and Miami.
Given their recent success winning conference championships it should only be another thirty years to the next one. 1976, 2011, 2046.
Pretty steady trajectory.
Yeah, 1976 was their one Big 8 championship and it was shared three ways with us and Colorado.
I like the math. Approve
Oddly, that kinda reminds me of die hard.
“..we’ll get together have a few laughs”
One of the best movies of all time, Where is Bill Clay?
I think he is still falling out of that window!
He is I don’t want to waste one of my two gif postings though————
OSU is 2-8 versus OU over the past decade. Size of city only matters if you don’t care that much about winning.
And it’s Norman and Stillwater. We’re not talking about Dallas and Checotah here.
Hey. ✋STOP. Don’t throw us in this neck of the woods into that comparison!
You from Dallas? 🙂
His decision might come down to where he believes he’ll get PT.
I thought the same thing. The size difference of the campus/town doesn’t really hold much water.
Some thrive competing for a starting spot, others shy away.
Exactly this monster 2017 class will have some 3 star recruits cautious on jumping on board for fear of not playing.
Can’t fathom choosing OSU over OU due to any facet besides a truly personal connection. This one would hurt because we really need some DEs in this class
I won’t lose a minute of sleep if he chooses the cowgirls
It never ceases to amaze me how butt hurt some OU fans get when a player suggests he might want to go to school and play ball somewhere other than OU.
Which school has the best shot at winning a Big 12 title or NC is probably pretty far down the list for most kids.
But to be a member of the Sheep team really.
The majority of players not in the top 300 nation wise just want to go to a school where they know they have a good chance of starting at some point. You Dont want to be a average college player going to a school where they recruit elite guys at your position because its harder to get that playing time if your average. That’s the problem OU will now have if they keep up with recruiting high level players.
The student body size may not be that different but Norman and Stillwater are completely different places. One still has people when school is out for summer and is 15 minutes from OKC the other is only cows when school is out and is over and hour from OKC. That is also probably why the players are very tight with each other is because it’s footbal school and sleep. Just not as many distractions in Stillwater but I would also agree. It nearly as many championships either.
It’s a good place to party though
Will Grier is transferring to WVU
WVU only seems to get what others have already decided they can live without, at least at the QB position.
Florida’s offense didn’t really live well without Grier.. Hes a good qb talent going to a quarterback driven conference..
Well yeah, but their offense wasn’t exactly lights out with him either.
It’s the sec no offense is lights out there
True that!
How did TTU and Okie Lite do against those “non offense” playing SEC schools?
Do you people even watch football?
Oh forgive me… /s. I thought I was on an OU board talking smack having fun.. Thanks for the rain
Don’t be an idiot and you won’t get called one, if being an idiot is fun to you that’s on you.
Shoot if being an idiot got me where I am in life.. I’ll gladly take it!
I believe you.
Still bitter from the final 4 loss?? It’s okay life will get better for you
Why would I bitter? You’ll get tired of being bullied before I get tired of bullying you.
I am going to win so much I will get tired of winning….stop me if you have heard this before.
Lol oh you are highly mistaken.. But can I get a B, can I buy a vowel??? E!! I’ll solve the puzzle now.. Watches Vanna White walk across the stage….
Will Grier was the best QB in the SEC last year. Stick to golf.
That ain’t saying much and I will gladly stick to whatever I want.
So ,what is it you wish to stick too!
Why are idiots allowed to post on this board with no consequences?
Will Grier was a heisman favorite after he threw for nearly 1000 yards in his first 4 conference games, two of them blowout wins over Tennessee and Ole Miss.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
I don’t know, why are you posting on this board? Take a hike if you don’t like it.
Cry more. Don’t be an idiot and you won’t get called one.
If you think Will Grier is a bad quarterback you’re a moron, end of dicussion.
LOL! Cry? I’m not the one with the blood pressure on the rise and in need of some actual intelligence. Take a hike.
Really? You seem pretty ass devasted to me, but then people always are when their idiocy gets exposed
Really? Oh yes, I am so hurt by some random person on the internet who thinks they are smart but clearly show they are not. Waah waah.
You must be Will’s agent. LOL. Or possibly Paul Fineboom.
Definition “idiot” = a person that calls someone that they dont know from Adam an idiot.
noun informal
– a stupid person.
Of which you and your non football watching country club doofus clearly are
Surely if you were not an id-i-ot you would know that calling others on this board “idiots” is a personal attack and not permitted here.
So you should be banned then?
Nope….if you actually read what I wrote I didnt call you an idiot I just implied it : )
Have you already been banned here several times?
I don’t know how many. Disqus Tier 1 network security is a joke for someone like me. I come and go as I please.
Although it’s funny how all this boards little ban hammer memes disappeared after I hijacked the entire board for the whole afternoon.
It’s not your fault.
I blame his parents
Now that you’re here, perhaps you can help me with a question I have had for some time: what does this little kerfuffle you’ve managed to stir up here do for you? You’ve succeeded in what you seemingly intended, but I don’t get what you’re gaining from it. I will not indulge in labellling the role you’re playing but I’ve watched others do the same thing and never understood what they gained, either.
This isn’t for me. It’s for you.
This OP had less than a dozen posts before I showed up. Now look at it. 3-4 times that just from my two comments.
Say what you want but your lives are here meaningless until I show up.
Also I’m a diehard sooner fan, this school has been in my blood for over a hundred years (literally), and how incompetent, decadent, and pussified our fanbase has gotten disgusts me. Way too many country club idiots, not enough real fans.
Thanks for your reply. Every one helps to flesh out the profile.
You only know what I want you to know
And thanks again.
He just needs some love is all.
Im pretty sure that he gets all the love that he needs. His right hand must be exhausted though.
Is your midget ass still crying? Take your little man syndrome back to the kiddie table little fella
Im impressed. My 9 year old son used the same comeback on one of his friends last week.
Oh please no woman in the world would have sex with you, and if she did post a picture so we can we what the women of “Ripley’s believe it or not” actually look like
lol your insults are childlike and simplistic. Really is this the best you have?? Why dont you try the OSU board. Maybe with their mindset you might actually get a rise out of some of them. Hell they might even offer you one of there ewe’s for a free night of lust just to shut you up.
You are very popular here when you show up and tech smart. Expert hijacker! Watch out for that Hammer, though.
There’s no need for name callin’. Lmao!!
Tennessee missed a game winning FG and Florida won. That’s your definition of a blowout?
And Will grier threw 2 Touchdowns in 2 and a half minutes to win the game. i think that has more to do with how good Will Grier is then whether or not Tennessee can make field goals.
That is NOT what you said.
He insinuated it.. Haha
So you’re defending people that are objectively stating that Will Grier is not the best QB in the SEC last year but I get attacked for semantics.
Good ole Oklahoma logic and reason.
I defended no one. I simply stated your statement was incorrect.
Fine, a single statement in an entire essay was entirely 100 percent correct but ultimately irrelevant because they still won the game on Grier’s arm.
Essay? Where was the essay?
Still. You said “blowout win.” You may wanna think before you type.
If idiots weren’t allowed to post on this board you wouldn’t be here my friend.
Yes I would, because your bans don’t phase me. I’m a celebrity here. Look how many responses I’ve gotten in like 20 minutes.
The sheep doesn’t tell the lion. Take your little man syndrome somewhere else.
You’ve obviously got some stuff to work out. I hope you the best.
I think you’re mistaking our boredom for your celebrity.
Are you his mother or dad? You sure are emotional about a guy none of us care about.
I’m the daddy to every single one of you bitches
My Father isn’t of this world. Lo siento!
Your father is my bitch too. Maybe he’ll strike me down for saying that.
Nope still here oh well.
I hope that he won’t have to one day. It’s your choice, you have the opportunity, just take it and be happy for eternity. If you read the book, you will find out how it ends. I still love you.
I read it when I was growing up in Oklahoma and that death cult bs is force fed down everyones throats. 14 countries and 4 combat tours later I realize there is no god. The infinite suffering that is humanity is not a test, its just a reflection of what we really are.
There is no God. We are alone. Your failures are your own, and when you are 80 years old lying on your death bed you’re going to realize then that you wished you’d lived a more selfish, less naive life.
You do know who has control of this world don’t you?
The strong. Strength is the only god. Capacity for violence is the only dogma.
People turn to religion because they need it, and they need it because they’re weak.
On a serious note, I really do hope that you will stop and give this some more thought and consideration.
What if I am wrong and you are right? No biggie.
What if you are wrong and I am right? Biggie
If you’re wrong then you wasted a life that could have been spent learning new cultures, exploring new ways of thinking and living, pushing your body to the very edge of temptation, and for what? So you could spend all your time, energy, lust, youth, and potential on a god that does not exist. That is my idea of hell.
Heaven to me is two eastern european girls taking turns doing rails off my cock on a balcony in dubai. Heaven to me is smoking a blunt in a gunners hatch in the mountains of Afghanistan after a kill, heaven to me is double teaming my best friends wife with him because they want to share the immense love they have for each other with me, heaven to me is waking up smelling like sex, weed, and whiskey on a boat with the love of my life and not being able to see land in any direction.
That is real love. That is real life. Mindless obedience for nothing in return is not life. That’s slavery. Thats what you are. A slave to a god that doesn’t exist, all brought to you by the 50 million dollar Joel Osteen who needs your money to help you learn more about your slave master.
A man chooses. A slave obeys. You can’t define heaven to me because you will never experience it.
I’m sorry to hear that your heaven is on this Earth. Coincidentally that is just what Satan wants you to believe. Hopefully God will reveal Himself to you in the future, your heart won’t be too hardened and we can be together in heaven for eternity.
Satan is a hebrew common noun that means ‘to oppose’. It’s also used as a verb.
if you had spent more time studying history and less time studying the bible you’d know that half the stuff in it is made up and thrown together to convince people they should be afraid. Why? Because if you give the church half your money and do what they tell you then you get to go to heaven.
It is literally the worlds oldest pyramid scheme and I feel sorry for all the smart, bright, capable young Oklahomas whose potential is wasted on that crock of nonsense
If god reveals himself to you then maybe youre own some heavy drugs after all
Thanks for your opinions. They are noted.
No, it’s literally a fact of anthropology. The story of the holy trinity was told by ancient egyptians a thousand years before the birth of christ using Isis, Osiris, and Horus as the big 3. It’s the exact same f’ing story predating yours by a millenium.
It’s all bullsh!t dude, you just have to take your nose out of the big book of lies and put it into ones where people tell the truth.
Thanks again for your opinions, even if I do not agree. God still loves you and sent his Son to die for you, even though you may not love him back. That’s true love.
Now you’ve stepped in it. You need to do some research. People like former Professor of Anthropology at Miami of Ohio U, Edwin Yamauchi have documented the differences between the Mystery Cults and the Trinity outlined in the New Testament. There are no real similarities. Plus the reverse is most likely true given that the stories of the pagan religions are of a late date! In other words, The concept of the Christian Trinity PREDATES THE PAGAN NOTION.
Who sold you that lie?
Bitch please Christianity is a blatant ripoff of so many religions that you even tried to make this argument is pathetic.
Here’s a summary of some of the characteristics of Mithraism, invented in 128BCE when the Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Rhodes discovered the precession of the equinoxes:
Mithraism! No question. Of course you could say that it was itself a rip off of previous ones but that’s a given when it comes to any religion, especially the younger ones. It’s all part of our cultural evolution.
Here’s a summary of some of the characteristics of Mithraism, invented in 128BCE when the Greek astronomer Hipparchus of Rhodes discovered the precession of the equinoxes:
Mithra (also spelled Mithras), a Graeco-Persian invention, was born of a virgin on the winter solstice – frequently December 25th in the Julian calendar. Being a solar deity, Mithra was worshipped on Sundays; after Mithra had become amalgamated with Helios, he was depicted with a halo, nimbus, or glory around his head. In some cases it has been difficult to tell if ancient images were intended as depictions of Mithra or Jesus. The leader of the cult was called a pope (papa) and he ruled from a “mithraeum” on the Vatican Hill in Rome. A prominent iconographic feature in Mithraism was a large key, needed to unlock the celestial gates through which souls of the deceased were believed to pass. It would appear that the “keys of the Kingdom” held by the popes as successors to “St. Peter” derive from Mithra, not from a Palestinian messiah. The Mithraic priests wore miters, special headdresses from which the Christian bishop’s hat was derived. (The Latin name for this Phrygian/Persian hat was mitra – which also was an acceptable Latin spelling for Mithra!) The Mithraists consumed a sacred meal (Myazda) which was completely analogous to the Catholic Eucharistic service (Missa, or Mass). Like the Christians, they celebrated the atoning death of a savior who was resurrected on a Sunday. A major center of Mithraic philosophy was at Tarsus – St. Paul’s hometown – in what now is Southeast Turkey.
If God wanted me to be a christian then he wouldnt have surrounded me with a bunch of idiots and hypocrites who called themselves christians.
Theres a reason people like you used to burn people like me, and it wasnt because we were wrong
God won’t force anybody to be a Christian, He gave us all free will. Hypocrites is probably right just due to the fact that there was only one sinless man, and it’s not me. We all fall short of the glory of God, I agree. As for me, I have never burned anybody and I can’t speak for other people who are or claim to be Christians.
No one cares about an obnoxious old fat racist and his 2 bit sex fantasies. Lots of delusions of grandeur and they get old quick coming from an obnoxious druggie too old and washed up to do anything but
get butt hurt over trivialities and minor nada! Leave the crack alone and maybe you’ll live another 5 years- as an asshole- but you can change.
I’m 28, and I pay more in taxes than you make in a year scrub, I don’t blame you for tying yourself to me like the rest of these insects.
Learn to speak english at a first grade level before you talk to me, you sound like some fossil that just discovered the internet.
I do know to an extent where you’re coming from on this, and agree with most of it
Someone seems either testy or phony. You pick Golf.
Both! LOL
Poor trollage at its best. Now I’m conflicted.
I have like 30 people hugging onto every word I say everytime I post here and it’s poor trolling? Guess you people are just that desperate for my attention then.
I’ll just stand by my original thought; poor trollage at best. I dropped the “its” intentionally.
And the liberal christians stood by their statements that muslims deserved equality in lebanon back in the 70s, then the muslims raped, tortured, and massacred them all anyway.
Being defiant is admirably, as long as you’re not defiantly stupid.
In a rush, I have like two dozen people who want my attention right now. Guess I’ll just go back to ignoring you like everyone else does if you’re going to whine and cry about syntax.
Actually if you were as bright as you think you’d realized that we have all conspired to make you “hug” onto every one of OUR words.
And you so fell for it.
not a single one of you is smart enough to pull off any sort of kind of conspiracy but thats pretty funny to think about
And here you are STILL falling for it! lol
Falling for my own thread. You got me
that’s like saying Kyle singler is The best player on the thunder…… From duke /s
Um is it? Because the SEC trounced the Big 12 in bowl season last year, along with pretty much everyone else.
They need to change our motto from Boomer Sooner to “WE DON’T ACTUALLY WATCH FOOTBALL!”
Here we go.
He wasn’t close to the best in the SEC, not even in the games he played. He only averaged 200 YPG and his QBR was well below Brandon Allen, Dak Prescott, and Chad Kelly.
On top of that 2 of his six games were vs New Mexico St and East Carolina.
Dak only had 210 yards against TAMU and he’s better than Will who shredded Ole Miss? K.
Chad Kelley only played lights out against FCS and non P5 teams. Got humiliated by that rough tough Memphis D.
Brandon Allen spent half the season on the Bench. Try again.
Brandon Allen played all 12 games and passed for 3125 yds and 29 tds with a QBR of 165.2 which was only topped by Paxton Lynch and Baker Mayfield.
Grier went 125 yds with 0 td and 1 int vs Kentucky.
Kelly went for 341 with 3td’s and 0 int’s vs Alabama.
Prescott went for 300 vs Alabama and 500 and 5td vs Arkansas.
Your turn.
You act like shredding Bama is impressive, if Trevor Knight can do it anyone can.
The difference between UK and those other games is that it was the first conference game for Grier in a new system under a new coach.
It’s funny you’re bringing up Kelly when he was OBVIOUSLY the inferior QB in the game where the two actually played.
Grier was the best QB. Ole MIss had the best weapons though I would agree.
I don’t think either are anything great actually. Kelly was reckless and caught some fortunate bounces in the Alabama game. Grier only had one really good game and that happened to be the game vs. Ole Miss. He struggled the next week vs Missouri and would have had a sub-par game without the Tennessee secondary choking and allowing a slant to go for 63 yds.
I don’t think he is terrible, but I don’t see him leading them to a Big XII Championship either.
Kelly didn’t do nada in that Bama game his stats look good on paper but how hard is it to succeed when you only need one first down every possession and then you’re in the red zone? Plus how hard is it to throw the ball to the best receiver in the nation that has a catch radius of like 10 yards?
Grier struggled at times buts that’s because had literally zero help. His wideouts and the running backs on that team were trash. When he beat Ole Miss he was doing it almost by himself
Ole Miss would have been a four loss team in the Big 12.
You can be right, without taking jabs at people. Grier is a heck of a QB, and was probably the best in the SEC last year.
That’s all I’m saying. That golftwink or whatever was saying he wasn’t a good QB (which no matter who you think was best in SEC is totally false) and that there are no offenses in the SEC which is also totally false.
Ole Miss and Arkansas had two of the best offenses in the nation last year.
in general, they werent that great, but agree on ole miss, and agree about arky the 2nd half of the season. Took the hogs a bit to get on track.
Think ole miss takes a step back this year without tunsil and treadwell though. Those guys were studs
He actually never said he wasn’t a good QB, he said Florida decided they could live without him. While it does imply that he isn’t very good, he didn’t directly say it.
I don’t care that he was too much of a pussy to directly say it
Lol you sure talk big..
No I dont. I am big. Its just talking normal for me border jumper
Lol did you just call me a border jumper?? Hahaha please tell me your at least a Marine, and didn’t waste your life on a ship…
Airborne Paratrooper, four tours, literally 12 different unit patches I can put on my right arm. They keep the killers in the warzones, right where we belong
That’s true.. Life isn’t complete when there is a war to be in..
Id thank you for your service if I actually believed you lol
Or maybe he doesn’t think he is all that bad, just not what Florida was looking for.
Florida most definitely didnt want him to transfer lol. They were going to give him the starting gig after his 6 game suspension.
THANK YOU. Like if they didnt want him, why the hell were they trying so hard to get the suspension lifted?
Grier singlehandedly carried that team to a top 10 ranking and what did he get for it? “You’ll compete for the job when you come back.”
Baker left TTU for the EXACT same reason
I don’t disagree with that, just trying to interpret some else’s comment. Although they do have that Franks kid as an early enrollment and he has big time potential.
I don’t disagree with that, just trying to interpret some else’s comment. Although they do have that Franks kid as an early enrollment and he has big time potential.
They sure werent going to give the job to “noodle arm” treon harris lol.
Will Greir sucks as much d*** as you do!
Awww look who came crawling back for another ass whooping.
Dick. Guess mommy cut of your balls and put them in a jar so you aren’t actually capable of saying naughty words. When I’ve got her bent over my bed tonight I’ll see if she’ll unground you
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonor’d, and unsung.
I bet you got picked on a lot by the kids that were actually taller than 5’10.
The ‘Neers sure like them Florida QBs
Is Chuck filiaga from the same school as Curtis Bolton?
Yes. Vista Murrieta High School
Thank you I thought so . I hope it gives us a little advantage.
I believe he’s transferring to Texas for his Senior year.
Most underrated QB in his class….but that’s okay because we got him. I’ve been watching Chris play Tyrese Robinson team the last couple of years because their in the same district. He has definitely improved a lot since he has committed to OU. That’s what you want to see in young players. I look forward to seeing him flourish even more the next 4years
Hopefully after these camps this summer he will get a fifth star. I know stars don’t mean that much to us, but the recruits like it and it ‘looks’ better.
Hopefully so. Stars Dont mean much but they do. It says so far in high school you have put in the work to become the best at your position. You Dont get 5 or 4 stars by being average amongst your peers. But it starts over once you reach college. Your equal again until you make that separation
And it also lets you know where you stand compared to the rest. I like it.it creates a competition between players nationally and not just locally
Only to Texas, Ohio State and SEC schools
He needs to put on weight. A 180 pound pocket passer is essentially a punching bag in the big 12.
Hard target. Lets be real how many 200 pound plus QB. Do you see in highschool. Hell get there. He has a nice strong frame. The kid is athletic. In sense a baker mayfield with a stronger arm. Has throws bullets.
T. Rob, HardTarget is a guy/gal who comes in under different names and acts like an OU fan, just to jack with people and bag on OU FYI.
You don’t speak for me. I tell it like it is.
You just need some love. It’s not your fault.
A King doesn’t need the approval of peasants, and to say that a 180 pound QB is too skinny is not to bag on him.
We need to motivate these kids to continue to work hard and do better, just blowing smoke up their ass all the time leads to complacency.
If he wants to stay king, he better earn it or he won’t be king for long.
Or what? You ban me and I right come back behind another proxy?
I own Disqus fool there is nothing you can do to me.
HA you get———–
I bet he did.
I don’t care whether you are banned or not. I love you.
You and every other woman on the planet
Why only 50%?
Gotta weed out the fatties and fuglies
Are you short, cause you really have short guy complex. I wish you the best.
6’3 230 is short? Lol not on this board. I feel like I’m walking through a bunch of asian midgets on this board. You little fellas get enough of me.
And he’s funny too! I’ve never witnessed someone get their nose out of joint so bad before, because the thought of the “best” QB in the SEC is not impressive.
That’s because you’re a liar, so you when you see lies you aren’t bothered by them.
A man’s commitment to truth is never ending, you would understand that if you actually were one
I’m actually 6’4″ 270 but I am partially Asian.
And I’m a world class mass murderer whose stereo, tv, oven, and dishwasher combine to voltron, defender of the universe.
No one cares about who you are
Except you who kindly responded of course. Thank you.
Post a pic of your Volton appliances, that sounds pretty cool.
It’s only fair, you people worship me
Wow! You’ve managed to offend two segments of the world population. Outstanding work. Here’s a gold star for you.
LOL Sam!
They’ll get over it
Lol ok.
He was clocked in the 4.6’s, that’s far from being considered a “pocket passer” he’s lean now, but there’s plenty of time for him to put on weight.
Irrelevant. He’s a pocket passer.
That’s a trait that isn’t and nor will it ever be considered ” irrelevant”. Label him what you want, the kid is qb, and a damn good one at this point in his life.
I mean it really is though. Big 12 is nothing but 3-4s and nickel packages. There are 240 linebackers on OU’s roster who can run a 4.6.
It’s irrelevant, I really doubt Robinson will play as a true freshman with Murray and Kendall already being ready to go. He’s at least two years from seeing the field
No, it really isn’t. I’m sure anyone on here would take a kid who can throw the ball well and happens to have 4.6 speed. You seem to be the only one who doesn’t like that aspect of his game. Never once did I say he will play as a freshman. I’m well aware of our qb situation, thanks for the update though, not. You purposely seek out arguments with other TFBers for no apparent reason. 4.6 IS relevant for a QB, get over it.
I dont like my slow ass Qbs running because they get injured. Just like Mayfield. Just like TK did two years ago. Just like Russell. Just like Stidham. Just like Hawthorne. Just like Zaire.
the potential of injury is there and always will be there. How did having a statue as a qb (Landry jones) work out for us? Every team beside bama has won with a semi mobile qb. You better get use to OU having mobile qbs bc Lincoln has already said any qb they recruit will be able to run and throw. Get on board or get the hell out of the way kid.
The only QB that has been mobile was Sims. McCarron, Coker, Mcelroy(sp) were not mobile at all. We sacked Aj like 7 times in one game dude. He was only mobile when he was running for his life.
I said every team besides bama.
I said every team besides bama.
The only QB that has been mobile was Sims. McCarron, Coker, Mcelroy(sp) were not mobile at all. We sacked Aj like 7 times in one game dude. He was only mobile when he was running for his life.
You forgot, we’ve got Tyrese. No one is getting close to Chris.
I hope so. Watching Ty and Nila get blown off the line like a couple of a kites everytime the wind blew was really frustrating to watch
Nila only benched 11 reps at 225. I can do almost 30 and I’m forty pounds lighter than he is. Hell Zach sanchez did 19.
T Rob, you’re back. Up close and personal information is always welcomed. Thanks for sharing.
Aunty JOAN makes 86 dollars/hour on the internet . She has been fired from work for 9 months but last month her payment was 18619 bucks just working on the internet for a few hours. see this website,,,,,,,,,,http://GoogleHomeProfits/GetPaid/98$hourly
It still mind boggles me that kids consider Norman a “bigger city”
true but if u go to norman then shoot up to stillmater youd be like man norman is bigger hhahaa i hate stillwater i wish to never go there again but i love going to norman
perception is that OKC, Moore and Norman are no longer separated. It is grown together. I was surprise when i visited OKC last Thanksgiving, how much it had filled in.
Same for Mustang on the west side
Or Yukon and Piedmont.
I like the rustic country as much as anyone but sooner (heh) or later you’re going to get tired of not having anything to do. Norman has way more to offer a popular college kid and even then downtown OKC is not that far.
If a kid likes the “smaller” feel of osu, then there isn’t much the Sooner coaches can do about that. He seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and is considering all things important to him. Would rather see him up in Nebraska instead Stillwater, have a feeling he is going to be good. Who knows, maybe we can still get him.
hate to see him go to osu but if he wants to take L’s then ok
Who is it now?
The idiot who just said a 4.6 40 time for a qb is irrelevant.
Gotcha! I see who it is.
Scroll down, Sam
It makes for an entertaining read.
His MO is familiar to me.
He made his first King like responses in the Final Four game thread. He is pretty easy to spot.
It makes for an entertaining read.
I think it is Kim Jong-un in his fuzzy pj’s in his Mom’s basement taking some time away from Internet porn and video games.
Can’t be. He had his mom shot back in ’14.
Prince is back.
My bad. But it was just hors d’oeuvres, the other guys gave him the entrees.
My bad. But it was just hors d’oeuvres, the other guys gave him the entrees.
I don’t particularly like him and he will eventually get himself the hammer, but is it better than discussing Lifetime Movies.
Yeah, no dissing Hallmark or else knives come out.
She’s quite the sweet talker
‘Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.’
Good one!!!!!!!!!!
Sure wish I had the ability…..
It won’t do any good to hammer him. He comes and goes as he pleases and hijacks this board at will. He is the greatest OU fan in history and despises everyone here except his own self. He will cuss and call anyone just anything he wants to call them. The ban won’t work!! LMAO
Might get rid of today tho!
Ha!! True.
‘Ha, we’ll show him after he’s already completely tore us all apart and hijacked the board for the fifth time! That’ll show him.’
You see why this is entertaining for me too
Plus, you sure take lots of pressure off old Stephen Dale! LOL
O dam you said the name!
Is even here? Do not compare that whiny ass fossil to me, all he does is bitch and half the time it doesn’t make sense.
I’m only an asshole to people that I feel deserve it.
Which is everyone.
Jesus is my bitcch and you are too. Fag.
Hey Jordan———————-
What’s the matter cuck? Ready to go back to talking about lifetime movies and sunday school? Bitch
Yep confirmed, he is definitely a Trumpkin. Sealed it with the “cuck”.
Ill comment,you are entertaining,but when you bring God in to it
well thats gotta stop,have a nice day!
Still here. I’m beginning to think that Jordan secretly hates you rich kid whiny ass losers which is why he lets me terrorize you all.
Man the king is back————-
Anyone going to the game? Looks like they have alot of stuff going on all morning.
hey KJ..Stoops says Alvarez looks excellent at center..that true?
I think he looks pretty good there. He’s pretty strong in his lower body. Wren even looks decent this year imo. Eventually Roberson will catch up, I’m sure he’ll RS this year.
sweeeet…I’m curious about Daimler in pass pro since he’s the starting tackle when Samia kicks in. How does he compare in pass pro to Samia?
He ok, he has a strong punch and is heavier with a wider base. Samia struggled at times because although he was really light on his feet, he could not set his base strong enough when he got bullrushed and he was just too light for a tackle. This year Samia’s obviously going to be better in all phases, but I like Daimler. Needs to minimize mental errors though. Making too many right now.
KJ, you think this years O Line will be better. Who do you think will be the starting 5. Could you compare any new starters on OL to last years on why it will be better or worse.
The 3 starters will be better for obvious reasons. Physically I think Alvarez is better than Ty. Cody isnt better than Nila was last year, but after a year of playing time he will be pretty close.
cool, good to hear but now the concern is that Samia won’t have enough power to play guard..
I think he’ll be ok at guard he’s heavier and stronger (had a good off-season lifting and gaining weight) plus guard is alot different obviously than tackle. MY main concern is, if Samia is the best option at guard, then what the heck is going on with the actual guards we have on the roster.
good point..maybe Samia is just the best at hitting targets in space?
True he does do that well, with the zone stuff Samia has a better knack at getting to the point of attack, the issue with him was, what he did when he got there. Our cut back lanes weren’t always the best last year and Joe is a really good at cutting back. I hope to see alot of yards on the backside this year.
yeah, if we could get to where the o-line is hitting the linebackers and the backs are able to get to the secondary before they’re actually having to break a tackle rather than having to break tackles of the linebackers because the pulling blockers couldn’t get there? run game could skyrocket
Wish I could, I have enjoyed going to the spring game for years.
I went last year and I may make the trek this year, but with different expectations.
I never go with expectations. I always go with the mindset that this is just a practice, lots of young players are going to play, and I get to see some of the older guys from my days and the younger guys who are going to be playing. I always love it.
I’d like to see Kyler take some snaps, I’ve only watched him at a camp.
That would be great! I’m just glad FS OK is carrying it.
I would but last year they didn’t open up the playbook at all. Perine isn’t playing (my fav to watch) and our spring games our glorified practices
Yeah that’s true. I’m almost inclined to say I’m watching this year to see what the backups look like.
Wish we had more freshman enroll early, i.e. Mark jackson and Caleb Kelly.. Just to compare them to others at their positions
Right, I wanna see Rodney run the ball a bit too.
I still wanna see stanvon Taylor take some snaps on offense.. But I am excited to we chanse play!
All the players say the same thing.. It’s what they’ve been doin in practices just with a crowd
Yep, hoping to get there a little early so my 5 year old can enjoy some of the pregame stuff.
I have taken my grandkids, they used to do an autograph session for the kids, they loved its. I think the players enjoyed it too.
Thats the one afterwards right? Ive looked at those lines, good lord they were long.
I couldn’t remember if they used to do it before or after, but for them, to have those little footballs, with their favorite OU players signature on it is priceless and well worth the time invested. For them it doesn’t even matter if it’s one of the stars, any player in Crimson and Cream will work just fine.
I only have little girls, who dont really care about football, for us its more about just doing something out of the house and getting to spend some time together.
Who knows, after seeing it live, she might take an interest.
She wouldnt have any idea between a future NFL player and a walk on.
Ill get her a hat though. She likes hats =)
I have 5 grandaughters and 3 grandsons, I think the girls enjoy it more than the little guys do at this point. The little Sooner Spirit outfits and poms, red and white ribbons in their hair. They have a ball.
Shes got an issue with loud noises, so we are trying this out before i go and spend hundreds on game tickets. I just gotta remember to tell her to cover her ears at the end of each quarter lol.
We got her a couple OU outfits, she likes wearing them, just dosent know what its really about except i watch them on tv. Hopefully this gives her a good taste.
Nice, hope the weather warm, it was a little overcast at the beginning last year.
id almost rather a little overcast than what it was 2 years ago, freaking HOT.
Of course, the whiskey probably didnt help matters =)
Yep, looking forward to see the guys run around, playing catch. I do not expect anything other than touch for the most part, but looking forward to seeing guys getting reps.
Yes sir driving down Saturday morning from Derby, KS hitting up the festivities and game then off to Bricktown for the evening and I’m sure a few celebratory beverages after a Sooner win.
I’ll be there. Might go early for the spring sale
Stoops was on with Dusty and Mark today and he seemed to be giving a lot of praise to Antoine Stephens. I couldn’t believe I had kind of forgotten about him, but went back saw his film and looked really smooth. Could be a great one.
On another note does give you any concern that this year we seem to have less competition at positions. Stoops talked about how the ones were not going to be tackling to the ground when they were on the field and things. Seems like that attitude could really pull the edge back from these guys. What do you Brainiacs think?
Probably an old headline….Mike Gundy Calls Longhorn Network “A Failure”….yep
TLN is a thorn in the flesh for lots of people, including ESPN for all the money they’re losing on it.
You think they use that during recruiting? “We have our own network”….but you suck Chuck.
“We have sucked now for several years, replaced a lot of personnel, both players and coaches, but at least we still have the LNH”
from what you hear KJ, Who would be the starters on Defense if the season started tomorrow? Other than the obvious guys like Parker, A. Thomas, J. Thomas, and Walker and Jordan Evans
I guess it depends on the package but the names I’ve heard are Obo, Tay, Roberts, Romar would be in the mix, and Hunters been playing alot, but that’s because Evans is out.
You think our defense will be better overall?
I can’t really say at this point. Better than this time last year? Definitely not.
I definitely didn’t think replacing Tapper, Alexander and Sanchez would be all that tough? We don’t have better talent to replace those three?
I believe we do. But at this time last year those guys had already been through a few springs…and at least one as full time starters. I just hope the coaches will be able to get some of that talent to step up. Although last year we only really had 4 returning starters on offense (I think) so I’m hoping the D will gel quick and get on a roll.
KJ, how are the two LB’s we took last year doing, DeBerry and McGinnis.
I think Deberry will play before Arthur. McGinnis will have to improve leaps and bounds imo to fend off the recruits that are coming in.
I was thinking DeBerry was pretty talented and a highly sought after recruit, I remember McGinnis was getting big in the weight room, may have gained his way to the line instead of behind it.
I still think McGinnis would make a great goaline battering ram. The kid definitely loves to hit.
The last couple of recruiting classes to me have had the feel of great LB classes again. I really enjoyed watching Striker play, and he will always be one of my all time favorites, but a more prototypical LB would probably be more successful.
the ancillary players like FB and blocking TE’s can make big differences in games against physical teams. I would love to see Mcginnis at FB if he can be useful there.
Trey Millard was recruited as a Lb. Id say the move to fb was rather smooth.
He was recruited as a lb by some schools, and was listed as a te recruit on some sites but bob said he would be an h-back on signing day
JMT sounds like another Teddy Lehman..could be the solution to our ILB woes once he gets some experience
He’s one of the 16s im looking forward to seeing. He seems like a kid that just stays out of the spotlight and works hard.
Stoops claims he’s very athletic too…very Lehman-esque
on that note, out of the 16s who are you most looking forward to getting? For me its Mark Jackson followed by Caleb Kelly followed by JMT.
Kapri Doucet, I think he can be an immediate impact player.
Lehman says he’s staying outside. For some reason, my understanding was that he would be moving to ILB. What have you heard?
Havent heard much position wise, I thought I remember seeing him play mostly outside though on his film.
I think choices are good.
Had my fun for the day. But this blonde volleyball player isn’t going to stick my face in her ass for me.
See you losers next time.
I guess that would explain it all, he’s a cowboy fan. His girlfriend is kinda cute but…..
You know this is the Prince, right?
King only, don’t give others my credit bitch.
Love all the 16′ signees and the SoonerSquad17 guys in town saturday, but we need to get some top targets on campus for them to recruit!
I think most of the SS17 guys are supposed to be in town this weekend, I don’t know about non commits yet though.
Today was “hard.” It was as if I had a “target” on my back. It was cheap shot after cheap shot. Unfounded and unruly and downright out of control. I couldn’t get it done. I found it “hard” to be on “target.”
Please, someone, make it go away. Someone who can “Modulate” things. Hit it “hard” wth the hammer and ban the “target” that is affecting my accuracy and bringing me down.
Sorry Sam I don’t have a ban hammer only the picture of Jesus as a Sooner fan.
Let’s hope that works, Doc.
We will see.
Why so i can come back again? Lol. You really are some kind of asspain loving freak, but that’s fine, I can go all night.
Metz out——-
NICE vid-gif! It’s always nice to see two texsa shorthorns on the ground – 🙂
Metz out——-
150 Days to KickOff… Ho Hum
So far away
At least it will be summer time so that we are not cooped up in doors for the duration.
Very true
Is this one of our TFBers?
“Benjamin Earnest Nichols, a 37-year-old ETA member from Oklahoma City”
Just saw it on a news feed, a hacker that is facing 10 years.
i don’t think we will ever know the answer to that since any deal he cuts would involve no internet/computer usage.
Not from Texas so don’t know what the scoop on this HS is…EasTex would know.
located outside of Fort Worth – west. interesting to say the least.
Aledo is a power house team in the ft worth area. They won a few championships over the past 6 years.
if you were to rank our wr in order where would you have them? no matter inside or outside including incoming recruits
Westbrook and Andrews are my top two. Not really sure after those guys.
I would think that Geno Lewis has a fire lit under his rear, this being his last chance to improve his stock.
Nearly forgot about Geno and we’ve all been hearing only good things about him this spring.
Andrews, Westbrook, Quick/Baxter, the rest is yet to be determined.
Also heard from Riley/Stoops that they really, really like Hardy so I guess that could be something to watch in the fall.
Hardy’s Hudl footage is pretty impressive, even if it is at QB. He can really make plays with the ball in his hand.
Hardy is one of those guys that kinda slipped through the rankings because he plays all over the field and never defined what he can be at the next level. Played QB in HS because he was the most talented on his team. If you look at his runs though, he has pretty great vision and lateral movement, that and he has a frame that should fill out in a year or so.
Just looking through all the names it seems if we have some were the light finally clicks we could have an extremely deep group for a couple years atleast..
In potential I say Quick, Andrews, Westbrook, Baxter, Smallwood, Mead, Green, Miller, Humphries.
This year I would probably rank them Westbrook, Andrews, Lewis, Baxter and quick. I want to see Smallwood, mead, Todd, Miller and green all make it a tough argument.
I really think Humphries can make a name for himself if he can just catch the dang ball
I think the redshirt year helps and then this year I don’t expect much unless they let him field kicks and punts. I don’t think he will be used much on offense in crucial moments.
Humphries I think could be a great weapon on PR’s. At WR I think he will mainly be deep threat rather than a go to guy.
At this point I agree. In 2 years can he be a key wr? I think so but he needs to really watch how Westbrook goes about his business and hopefully he really paid attention to shep.
The potential is there for this group. I saw flashes that have me salivating. I think by mid-seaso on this group is going to surprise folks.
Hi guys. What’s goin’ on?
Having a beer outside. Writing some stuff for Saturday’s game
P.S. weather is solid right now
It’s solid wind where I’m sitting.
Wind has died down a lot here in okc/downtown.
40-50 mph where I’m at.
What ya writin’?
A little ‘what to watch’ if you will. Trying to hype up some of the second-team players since Bob basically said yesterday that the first team won’t really hit much unfortunately for fans.
Who ya write for?
Right now, myself. Sort of a little side project, it’s nothing big.
Cool. You gonna share on here?
Probably would ask for permission first. I’ve been posting in the comments for quite awhile here and would hate to lose that privilege.
I can’t see why it would be a problem. But, alas, it’s not my forum, so…..
Eh, it’s more just a courtesy thing.
I get it. I agree.
Yeah, but what do you say to your guest when they visit you? Something like “make yourself at home.”
Take some liberties. We can always blame Metz.
I’ll blame Ray.
I agree. Both of them are bound to have some kind of violation before next week.
If they’re violating people, I don’t want to know about it.
Forgot the name, but about a year ago there was some troll that posted here quite often but Jordan finally ended that.
It was fun while it lasted though, he was a great scapegoat.
We got your back. 🙂
Were you absent the day he told us about his writing aspirations?
Apparently. Plus, I’ve probably had a few beers since then. The ol’ memory bank has less storage space these days.
I’m sure my floppy disc is full. 🙂
You can’t help yourself, can you? Damn, Rain Man.
Job security.
Checked in a couple times today, smelled a$$ and left until the odor cleared. 🙂
Well good. How ya been?
Been good, was having some beer earlier with a friend who stopped by to look at a saddle. That was a lot funner than reading through some of the stuff today that needs some bleach to clean up. 🙂
Some people can’t resist feeding the trolls.
It just makes me rub my head watching the buffet get restocked.
He’s back, in case you’re wondering.
I wasn’t.
I wasn’t. But I did notice.
(Raises hand) My apologies sir. My name is Lincoln and I’m a trollaholic. I will try to resist in the future.
Take your pills. Call me in the morning.
Hard Tar-J.
As soon as I see people responding to that type, I’m out, don’t like watching the same pony show over and over.
I jabbed him before I realized what was going on. I stepped away for about two hours. Came back and started reading. I saw his comment and gave him a jab. Once I realized he was instigating, I let it go.
Softball team taking Wichita State behind the woodshed.
Thanks, just found it on the tube.
Sooner Ray, what the heck is up with you?
Beer and softball at the moment, thanks for asking. Hope you’re well.
I am. I just finished working out and picking up the kids. I’m trying to relax. I think I’ll watch a quarter of an OU game. I have 6 or 7 on the DVR, still.
What’s up, Dustin? Traveling?
Working in Indiana. Snore.
Drive over to French Lick and tell Larry hello.
If I knew where it was, and it wasn’t too far, I might just for the hell of it.
Larry legend and I are tight. He’ll hook you up. It’d be worth the drive.
Just found out it’s over 3 hours from here. I won’t be making that trip.
That’s nothing, a three hour drive. I drove two hours just for you to stand me up. LOL!
Now I feel bad.
It’s past your bed time.
Our Indians are better than their Indianian’s. 🙂
Native Americans*
You are a fool.
Where at in Indiana? In the loser Northern part?
“Near” Fort Wayne
Where at in Indiana? In the loser Northern part?
Yep, just got home and watching 1st inning. Already know the ending, so just gonna enjoy the whoopin’ we gave out.
It was over after the second inning.
These freshman stepping into some large footprints are not losing much of a beat at all. Very impressed.
It might be time to take my ball and go home. There is a troll alert.
Made top-10 for Browning by the way.
In order or not? LOL!
No order, but if you want like Kelly, he is looking at the OU logo. Coincidence?
I think not.
Thank you, sir.
I don’t feel like we have him. It seems like Hines is more realistic
Hines is much closer than Browning. I wouldn’t count Browning out at all though. I think we in the top-5 as of now.
Troll warning.
I only troll people that ask for it. Play nice and you’ll be treated nice. Everyone, every single person that I have ever attacked, came at me first.
I return what is brought to my doorstep. As always. Your King.
It seems like he will end up at Texas to me. I would love to have him though. Him and Kelly together would be a thing to watch.
Yeah Texas is up there, could potentially be the leader. Any other year I would say this would be similar to Malik Jefferson. Visited, showed some love but ultimately we never stood much of chance pulling him out of Texas. With how our current commits are recruiting and staying in the spotlight, I still think we stand a chance. Him combined with Draper and Hines would be insane.
looks more like he is looking at Michigan, but I still think we have a shot here.
Looking past Michigan.
That dude does almost as much recruiting as #ss17
Yeah, I know.
Are the Mods checking out at 5pm these days? They used to hang around and chat with us.
Where my dogs at?
Abandoning you to your own devices.
Yo bro, turn off ur web cam while u troll……
That’d be funny if I wasn’t in my profile picture. Seems like I’m the only one around here that has the balls to do that.
Which word didnt you understand retard?
When your wife stops blowing me
Which word didnt you understand retard?
Night, night folks. Time to take a shower, read a bit, then hit the sack.
Night Sam
Take it easy on the sack.
Sorry if this has been addressed, but has anyone heard from EasTex?
I would really like to know this as well.
I fear the worst. It’s been 3 or 4 months for a guy who posted daily.
In all fairness I believe he said he wouldn’t be back until after the spring game. He even said maybe towards the start of the season cause then of wouldn’t just be speculation of who was going start and what kid did this or did that. He was getting pretty tired of the negativity, but i am also concerned so prayers and thoughts’ that all is well. I expect he will make his return soon.
Hope you’re right.
Nope, and I don’t have a good feeling about it.
Sharp, well spoken young man.
Need him to step up this year and make some huge plays.
I love this kid but I’m disappointed he hasnt put any weight on. Two springs in a row he showed up at 180
Ok so Isaiah, there is really only question you need to resolve. Are you interested in championships or not? The answer will determine which school you choose.