– Team Note | Jordan Thomas: We are aware that OU cornerback Jordan Thomas was arrested early Thursday morning. However with situations like this it’s easy to jump to conclusions, so we’re hoping that offering some specifics will help to provide context as to what led to the arrest.
To be perfectly clear, as you would imagine there is still information coming in as to the events of Thursday morning. That said, here is what we can share at this time.
* Thomas was out with a friend and had been drinking.
* Thomas’ friend got into an altercation with the staff at the establishment where the two were hanging out.
* Thomas involved himself in the altercation and ending up putting hands on the bouncer at said establishment.
* At some point Thomas evidently fled the scene after which he was picked up by the authorities.
As one would expect, the coaching staff is going to gather all the details and make a decision about any potential punishment. And while this behavior clearly isn’t appropriate, from what we’ve been able to gather it does not sound like this will result in any dismissal from the team or possibly even a serious suspension. The sense we get is that this could be something handled internally (i.e. quality time with Schmitty), though a suspension for the season opener against Houston cannot be ruled out at this time.
Now that is of course dependent on what, if anything, else the coaches are able to determine in the coming days. But we will let you know once we have that information.
Clearly this isn’t Thomas’ first ‘incident’ with respect to his time in Norman, be it legal or otherwise. But we feel it important to again offer some context. One previous incident was for a simple unpaid tickets, while the other was as a result of missed practices. Which isn’t to excuse that behavior then or now, rather to state none of the known offenses are particularly egregious with respect to any number of kids in college. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (3:57 pm): Baylor’s Rivals site has confirmed, what Brandon broke five days ago, that 2016 DE Brandon Bowen has requested to be released from his NLI. As we previously told you, OU is a strong contender here.
I trust Stoops to handle the situation well. He always has.
I do too. That’s why I expect JT to be somewhere between long-term doghouse and gone, but if he’s not then I know it is justified exactly because Stoops can be trusted.
You’re letting your team down, Jordan. You’re better than this!
Esco does the best he can man /s
lol well played
Thanks for all the hustle Super K (and Jordan too). This is far and away the best site on the net.
Oh frick me, I was talking about Evans! Now everybody is gunna think i’m an A-hole! AGHHHHH
Summer time! Can’t wait for practices to start.
No way he gets kicked off the team
no chance
June was bad. July tomorrow.
Much thanks Jordan and K! The “event” as described above is a little more understandable. Now, going forward Mr. Thomas – for YOUR sake more than OUr team’s, don’t drink and come home early.
We’ll see.
Damn it JT!
Glad it was a somewhat minor situation, could have been much worse. Still want some of the young secondary guys to push hard.
Seems trouble continues to find JT. Was he not committed to Northwestern before flipping to OU? A man has to demonstrate that he is dependable; co- workers/ team mates have to feel that they can depend upon you, no matter how much ability or talent you possess. Guy has to mature.
When I saw this kid flipped from Northwestern, I figured he would be smart enough to stay under the disciplinary radar…not the case
Anyone else reading that Sanchez was involved in this as well?
I was told Sanchez was there but had no involvement. I was also told Sanchez left as soon as the crap started. Don’t know how accurate this is but it’s what I was told
None the less I just read a funny comment on Zak being there.
“Holy Hell, Sanchez finally hit someone”
This man begs to differ on that comment haha.
That’s slanderous!
For all we know, he rolled back first into the guy’s shins 馃檪
(Just some fun. I love all the guys who represent OU positively as Sanchez has done.)
that was funny!
I can’t confirm that. Sanchez name never came up in any of my conversations but you obviously could be right. I just don’t know.
Or I could obviously be super wrong in this case I hope I am lol didn’t mean to make this seem like he was for sure there. I was just reporting what I was told by someone who always tells me things that majority of time come out to be true.
gotcha! you could be right. I don’t know
Shouldn’t he be in Carolina for his training camp?
They just stared two days ago…
nvm… that’s next month.. oops
Thanks for the notes K. Glad to see it’s nothing too serious. The secondary was set to be a strength, even with replacing Sanchez. If Thomas were to be suspended, that position goes from a strength to a question real quick. Glad to hear it seems less bad than it could be
This time?
I feel better now having read this.
I vote for quality time with Schmitty.
That’d be enough to scare me into never doing so much as jaywalking ever again
No kidding. Probably too stove up and tired to cross the road anyway! LOL
RIP Thomas
Talk about a self contradictory statement.
As somebody who got smoked at Marine bootcamp, quality time with a DI or Schmitty will set a young man straight most of the time.
Sugar cookie time.
PI or SD?
Haha you never forget them days. It’ll be 10 years in January for me since I first stepped on the yellow footprints at Paradise Island.
Every time is quality time with Schmitty.
I vote for this guy:
Nothing like spending some good quality time on deck with the DI.
Pay the fines, Run steps, get ready for Houston… Nothing to see here..
I must agree with K about Thomas’ transgressions – “none of the known offenses are particularly egregious with respect to any number of kids in college.”
Also Zach Sanchez – you wanted to leave Norman early, so maybe you should leave and go about your business and not get your former mates in bad situations.
Just to be clear I didn’t hear anything about Sanchez being there at all. I’ve seen someone else with a similar comment and I’m not sure why people are assuming Zack was even there?
Okay. It has been on several sites – I was not there, so I sure don’t know. If he was not, my apologies to him.
Someone done “seen it” over on LT.
I seen it on Landthieves after I heard from this person who told me. If you are trying to throw shots at someone throw them someone else.
It’s all good Mikey. Let’s not have an altercation here. One in Sooner nation is enough for today 馃檪
Haha amen to that. God it seems like July is dragging and it hasn’t even started lol I wish we could fast forward time into September lol
Actually, I should clarify. I was poking fun at myself for assuming something just because Sanchez was mentioned. I should know better than to assume. Usually I do better. 馃槢
Btw K, that comment was intended for OoRah not at you lol
Good thing you clarified that Mikey. You almost got suspended from posting here for the Houston game.
However, there is a pattern of bad judgment since he’s been here.
Again I’ll say: 2:45 a.m. Dorm. Apartment. House. Hotel room. Bed. Behaving. Representing positively.
Not a difficult concept to grasp nor follow.
Nothing ever good happens after 2am..
Do you guys think we should suspend Thomas for the Houston game?
OU fans- NO
Rest of the College world- YES
Speak for yourself. This OU fan says yes to suspension. It’s all about judgement and discipline.
Definitely should not wait until the ULM game.
Think it will depend on what the details are but the team pressure against Houston will be on the front 6/7 and whether the safeties can run the alleys. Additionally, the offense is going to need to torch Houston’s defense in general…and that’s something they are capable of.
do you think Mikey Stoops finally got the kinks in his run defense against these “smashmouth” spreads figured out K? It seems like that has been the biggest threat to his defense the past few years.
One quarter of the ULM game.
Keep him out of next years spring game.
Based on the details above, it depends on what Thomas “putting his hands on the bouncer” involved. If he laid his hand on the guy’s shoulder and said “we don’t want any trouble man,” then no. If he grabs a couple of handfuls of the dude’s shirt and said “I am going to bust you up if you don’t leave my man alone,” then probably yes and some more.
You sound hideous.
Haha, easy there, Bob.
I have been meaning to ask where you get your khakis though.
Neh. He was drunk and got in a fight.
I think we should really punish him and suspend him for a conference game. I recommend Kansas.
September can’t get here fast enough.
Did Thomas get suspended for any games last year?
Yes for half the opener and for the Tulsa game. Both for missing practice.
Don’t know if you can consider this new incident worse than missing practice, but one would think the coaches are started to get fed up with JT; therefore, resulting in at least the same punishment as previously.
It’s always prudent to wait until all the facts are in before jumping to conclusions. Best case, he made a poor decision and gets some ‘Schmidty Time’. Worst case, some young bucks are going to need to step up in a big way. JT has pro written all over him and I hope he can right the course and end up fulfilling his immense potential both in Norman and the league. Fingers crossed things work out for all parties involved! Boomer.
How many news outlets are on here here poaching this info? smh
I poach this information for personal benefit.
Plus I pay an ample amount in TFB Membership fees.
KJ – You are our only other “news outlet” – run your sources 馃檪
Lol, right on.
Team will be addressed later today.
IF there are addressing the team over this, he’s gone.
Come back off the ledge, he won’t be kicked off.
After reading this, I agree, this may or may not result in a 1 game suspension, but that is probably worse case, unless something else happens. For the most part, his troubles have been small potatoes over the years. Hopefully this serves as a wake-up call.
I think you make him do about 30 straight Oklahoma drills against Perine and multiple OL’s followed by another 30 min of gassers, and finish with running stadium stairs.
Backing your buddy up always better than starting the altercation yourself, at least from a PR standpoint.
Glad it wasnt as serious as it sounded in the daily, thanks for the update.
1 game suspension against ULM sounds about right =)
Meh…..this happens every week on campus corner.
Meh…..this happens every week on campus corner.
Never forget my Frosh year, we were at Dallas the dancing Palace in Norman. There was an OU wrestler (120 lbs or so) got in to it with a O Lineman for OU and we all went to the parking lot to watch it unfold. The wrestler ducked the only punch thrown, took him down by the legs and road his face and chest across the Parking lot. Still can see it today.
Haha! What year was that? I may have known the wrestler.
Well, definitely not then.
yeah, i think i am as old as dirt now.
Happened to a guy in about 1988 as well at the Fiji thing. 3rd team OL/DL and the wrestler was a HS 140ish pounder from Union, I think. I went to HS with the OL/DL and I have no doubt he deserved it. I’m just sad I missed it.
we observed the same last October in the RRS……one team did the drubbing ; the other got turf rash all game long. maybe the reverse will happen this fall….
Fleeing the scene is where the cause of the interfering charge is coming from? That’ll be dropped at his arraingment
Probly the physical contact with the bouncer. But you’re right, it’ll likely go away. Hands on a bouncer is not hands on a cop.
And hands on the bouncer could mean everything from him trying to keep the bouncer from hurting his friend to trying to hold the bouncer while his friend hit him. A lot comes down to the details.
Is there film? Otherwise bouncers’ words don’t count for much, considering their well earned reputation for enjoying beating the hell out of bar patrons.
Lack of evidence might keep him out of jail but may not keep him out of Bob’s dog house. I don’t think Bob would appreciate a player lawyering up.
Definitely not. I was addressing the legal issues only.
Details? Did you say details? Those are kinda like facts, right? 99% of the people that comment on this site don’t need no stinkin’ details. 馃檪
There’s a feeling type catch all charge where I live and the DA HATES when it gets used. 90% of the time it gets dropped.
Sounds like it might be the case.
Bob hasn’t shown a lot of tolerance for bar fights. To me the issue is what does “laid hands on mean?” Did he shove someone or slug someone?
Quick needs to get up to speed fast. He could be the guy.
I mean, who hasnt gotten drunk and ended up in a altercation/s !?!
But I am a homer that sees everything thru crimson colored glasses.
I will support Stoops in whatever punishment gets handed down. Most people don’t get 3 chances.
Not worth keeping on team. Let him get his degree and grow up. Will be a bruise for the Sooners if he stays. You’ve got to watch yourself when you’ve had two team problems already. Best wishes but got to keep it clean.
I don’t think we need to give up on him.
He’s too young and hes been accounted as smart a dude.
He made another mistake.
Short leash and plenty of discipline, sure.
But I’m not showing him the door just yet.
I say that we all post pics of half naked women to get our minds off of this new and disturbing incident.
Seems like a perfectly reasonable and healthy reaction to help everyone get past the bad news.
Seems like a perfectly reasonable and healthy reaction to help everyone get past the bad news.
Fear…you gonna’ get’em riled up…:)
I got a pic all but the trolls can agree on.
Bring forth the magic and have no fear of the chronically offended:)
Got to love the off-season. Lots of testosterone and very few outlets that won’t get you in trouble. Hopefully, it is no more serious than it sounds and the young man can overcome the consequences. I had a couple of altercations as a young man and managed to turn into at least a semi-respectable/productive adult and family man. No excuse for the bad behavior, but I don’t see a reason to shun the young man over a bar fight.
Well posting on this board is prima facie evidence against being a “semi-respectable/productive adult”. But other than that I agree.
I would call it proof positive of a sound mind and strong and healthy spirit if not highly productive in the conventional sense.
I don’t care what team a kid plays for, you never want to see a young man’s life derailed by a single incident, especially one that everyone was able to walk away from. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions, but I do hope it can be resolved quickly, fairly, and put behind him.
Common ground again? Who would have thought it possible?
Lol… I would have. I bet we also both think A&M is hot garbage too…
Now that is a disgusting thought, hot garbage! It brings to mind a pungent odor and swarms of large green flies.
Similar to A&M, no?
Similar to A&M, no?
This is more how I see A&M, but I’d say we’re pretty close on this one.
Suspend him for the ULM game and move on is what I say.
Lol, I thought that too..
Media will throw a hissy fit
Need to make an example – suspend him for every SEC game this year!
One quarter. It’s not like he killed multiple people. Sheesh.
“SEC games” – kind of a joke, ya’ know since we play NO SEC teams…
I guess you missed the sarcasm while thinking I missed your sarcasm.
Suspend him for the ULM game and move on is what I say.
Oh I’m sure Shmitty is going to work him.
I’m guessing “5 miles” of stadium stairs with a 45lb plate every day for two weeks or
it until his vomit changed colors..
That seems like a reasonable and proportionate punishment that would make the necessary point.
an alternative to Shmitty’s regimen would be a in-patient alcohol abuse treatment program . The guy needs help with his drinking problem.
Oh shut up.
That seems like a reasonable and proportionate punishment that would make the necessary point.
Ok, I know sports are tough, but never once have I heard of a punishment of that magnitude in 1 session. He will get a combination of extra Schmitty time plus some sort of suspension.
JT is in shape enough to do 5mi.. probably will need more..
Vomit changes colors thing Is more of an joke and story..
During offseason, a guy drank blue powerade before starting.. puked blue and then he started to drink purple powerade and literally two mins.. purple puke.. Then swear to god the colors started to change..
I don’t care what team a kid plays for, you never want to see a young man’s life derailed by a single incident, especially one that everyone was able to walk away from. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions, but I do hope it can be resolved quickly, fairly, and put behind him.
Bar fights happen in college? Who knew?
This is his third time. So, this isn’t his first and only incident. By this time in his life he should have all of this stuff out of his system. I just don’t think he needs to be excused. The team needs players that they can count on. I think he has proven that he can’t be counted on. So, maybe the coaches should find someone else that they and the team can count on.
Missed practice was his “violation” for last year’s suspension. ALL the players need to be home before 2AM – play games, chat, watch flicks, but stay out of bars.
“Stay out of bars?”…. Did you go to college? Maybe 5% of college kids don’t go to the bars. Obviously college is a social environment. Not sure you can say “stay out.” More along the lines of “stay out of trouble while out.” There’s more than just football
“Stay out of bars?”…. Did you go to college? Maybe 5% of college kids don’t go to the bars. Obviously college is a social environment. Not sure you can say “stay out.” More along the lines of “stay out of trouble while out.” There’s more than just football
AFTER 2AM! …and yeah, I even graduated from OU!
I stayed up after 2AM all the time in college. They were called “after parties”.
1st offense: hit the snooze button the morning of a walk through and missed practice
2nd offense: didn’t pay a traffic ticket
3rd offense: got into a fight at a bar while drunk
You’d ruin a kid’s life over these things?
I don’t agree with Roy, but there’s definitely a pattern. I say this from experience…
Yeah he’s obviously an irresponsible kid. They usually follow a pattern of being irresponsible.
I agree. You don’t expel him for these offenses. Does he need to do better? Sure he does, but you can’t kick him off the team for this. Maybe a suspension or some hard time with Schmitty.
No, I wouldn’t ruin his life as he is doing a good enough job all by himself. I don’t buy the young and dumb excuses. To just excuse it is to be an enabler.
Nobody is excusing anything. I’m saying none of these are criminal acts. They’re irresponsible acts. What is he? 20 years old? Since when do 20 somethings get in fights drunk out at bars? That never happens.
Nobody is excusing anything. I’m saying none of these are criminal acts. They’re irresponsible acts. What is he? 20 years old? Since when do 20 somethings get in fights drunk out at bars? That never happens.
Hoping for time with Schmitty, but expecting some kind of suspension since this is his third “incident’. Stoops will dole out proper discipline, so we’ll see.
to me, I’m just amazed he could make it through Schmidt’s workouts with a hangover. (I’m assuming this wasn’t the only time he drank on a night when he’d have to work out the next day.)
Hey Golf, I see you’re lurking.
Shhhh! I’m hunting for football season!
Hey, buddy! I saw you were there, but I didn’t want to “out you.” 馃檪
No worries. I’ve been lurking for a couple of weeks. September cannot get here fast enough!
No worries. I’ve been lurking for a couple of weeks. September cannot get here fast enough!
Well I can breathe a little easier now. Sorry for all who I popped off on earlier. This is much better news and hopefully it will only result in a 1-2 game suspension. We need him for all our games, but I’ll live with a 2 game suspension. that Ohio state game will be interesting.
Kids have to realize as a member of the team they have a greater responsibility than just to themselves. Sick of this. Losing this guy would cost a chance at the title. Why hang out with dumb ass friends? Why? JT has a shot at all-american, A title and draft status. Further, not only will Stoops drop the hammer if warranted, but the LEAGUE (NFL) does not mess around any longer. Kids that get in trouble lose draft status. Don’t tell me kids will be kids…they have too much information now a days and too many bad examples. I hope he didn’t swing or did any thing chargeable.
I’m about to utilize the blocking functionality for the first time.
It’s time for wearable GPS devices for all scholarship athletes, sort of like a shock collar for dogs /s
Sounds good but ramp it up to tazer strength. That way they drop to the ground wiggling and a team emergency response squad swipes in, collects the player and delivers him(or her) to Smitty’s lair for immediate commencement of re-education protocol.
If I read that correctly, …”no charges filed.”
“at this time”
True. But still, better that none were filed – Bar probably does not want the pub for charging on such a minor matter.
Thats true. Im hoping thats the case here. /crossesfingers
update added
Good news today>>>YEA
Updates > downdates.
I recall the TFB news – good job! Now, when do you see a “release” and can you guys run his numbers by us again?
People are so quick to want to give up players who give their all to a program. Was it stupid? Yes, but if you didn’t do any stupid things back when you were in your early 20s, then you might just be the man Jesus Christ himself. Smh. Unless it’s something that is morally wrong, give him a punishment and move on. But don’t expect every kid to behave or rather make the “same” right decision in every situation, that’s when your let down. Doesn’t mean you can’t hold them accountable to higher standards then the average student. Bottom line, you have to help these kids not just on the field and in the classroom, but in life general.
T. Rob, you’re of course correct. While there are a few true ‘bad apples’ who coaches and parents need to keep their charges away from, the vast majority of kids who get in trouble are not bad.
Chill. First, most of the negative comments you read are just people who are blowing off due to being so enthusiastic about this season that anything that endangers it gets a big reaction. Second, these folks are not going to make any decisions regarding the players. Stoops is the one who’s to do that. And he’s famously evenhanded. Stern, perhaps, but arguably that’s needed sometimes. In any event, he doesn’t seem to fly off the handle.
It’ll be cool.
I agree, good points of emphasis.
T Rob I agree that we all did stupid things when we were 20. I also agree with Jed Stoops has great track record of dishing out punishment to those who deserve it and giving second chances to those who deserve that. He know Thomas and the situation more than any of us.
I think the reason you see such reaction, me included, is that he has had chances. And it’s not like his mistakes have been over a long amount of time it has all been in the last 6 months. I trust that Stoops will do what is best but from the outside looking in it is hard to not judge because of the number of offenses.
We have all been in situations like this or similar when we don’t do the right things. Is this immature? Yes, but hell who hasn’t done something that is immature at points in their lives. I still do and probably more than I realize. College is a learning experience. Not only in the corporate sense but in life. Most learn more from their mistakes than triumphs. Was he wrong to get drunk, be in a bar, out at 2am, run from the police, and raise hell with his friend? Yes and he should take his punishment and grow from it. Should that punishment be a removal from the team? I say no but a game suspension wouldn’t be a bad idea and hopefully wake JT up as it did last year. I don’t hold him to a moral higher ground than the next guy but his teammates and coaches will. I guarantee he is hurting right now just by knowing what this looks like to his family, teammates, and coaches. His true colors will show with how he reacts to this adversity and challenge in his life. Stoops will do the right thing, He knows more about the situations JT has been in than any of us.
I got arrested twice at his age for………..not paying outstanding traffic tickets. I got in some skirmishes at bars too during those days. These issues of his aren’t serious character issues. They’re just maturity issues.
Heck, a ton of us got notices that said, if you don’t pay your parking tickets, you will not graduate. They got paid.
U r spot on sir, but being the second time hope bob, gets him good this summer and makes him sit for 2 game, who knows we might find 2 or 3 cbs that can get it,
I agree DC, but I don’t think we are going to like the outcome of this one, Bob don’t play around and I’m hearing he is pissed.
We can’t afford to lose JT and still expect to content for a Natty.
All I can say is, I’m so thankful that every bad decision I made when I was that age did not become news headlines. I would have kept the journalist’s very busy.
I’m glad I made most of mine before the Internet
No internet, no camera phones, no problems. 馃檪
Just a black eye, or broke bone every once in a while!
Ah, the good ol’ days.
Yes indeed.
Now days someone gets a black eye, they want to call the cops. I have some friends from the seventies, that we became friends after one of us got one.
I hear ya. This is the 3rd time I know of I think he has made a mistake. I hope he gets a punishment and learns his lesson and learns to focus on football and school the rest of the time he is in Norman. Had AA potential so I hope he buckles down after this and has that type of season. Bad thing though is it gives others a reason to bash the program and hurts his draft stock. I hate seeing kids hurting themselves more than the program, team and all that. I wished more people thought about how these are still kids and realize they made mistakes that their age too. The average student wouldn’t be affected by something like this a few years down the road like these guys will be being in the public eye. Keep your head up JT!
Not paying a ticket and over sleeping for a team meeting are the two previous “serious” transgressions. If some of you want to beat SEC teams for NCs, you’re going to have to stop being so thin skinned. You can carry a stolen handgun (felony) in the SEC and not get charged…
I am not thinned skin about it. But the fact that I don’t know if BS will kick him off the team or not is the issue! I do not know if people get it but a consequence of Baylor’s blow up will be stricter policy on other schools in the conference.
Sorry but I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. I didn’t mean to sound thin skinned if that’s how I came off. I was basically saying I think the public is going to make a bigger deal out of it than it probably is. Idk if you were implying I said serious but I just said mistake. This one, pending the full story could be kind of serious though I guess. Also, if tr handgun & drug think happened in out program I would applaud BS for dismissing them. I care more about these kids learning how to be responsible men and not ending up in prison or something like that than a NC. It also probably makes the program look bad to parents of recruits in the future IMO. Just my opinion though, everyone in entitled to their own.
Hoover being Hoover.
Why would you even read that hack?
It showed in my Twitter feed. Before I clicked the link I predicted in my head what the outcome of the article would be given his proclivities for anti-common sense. And I was right! Knee jerk journalism and punishment without gathering all the facts. I guess bears never stop crapping in the woods and Hoover never stops sucking.
He is an idiot at best.
never was a more appropriately named man in the history of forever.
A veritable legend in his own mind.
What makes it worse on JT is that he fled the scene when the police showed up and then kept running. Such a stupid decision. Generally people who run aren’t innocent and know they did something wrong
“no charges filed”. Does that make any difference to you (or Hoover)?
Yeah I get that. Was just speculating as to why he ran and how it looks bad. Don’t know if Stoops will take that into consideration or not
“difficult but easy… ” whatever you say Hoov’s
Gives him something to bash Stoops for the rest of the year.
Hoover needs someone to write his headlines for him. SMH
More than his headlines.
If Hoover came before my “court of intelligent writing,” he would be in jail. Furthermore while there is no primary evidence, his body speaks of illegal use of jelly donuts.
Awesome news about Bowen. I wanted him in our 2016 class from February but I will take him now too.
Hoover=idiot. Jordan Thomas= immaturity but most of us have been there and ive over slept for work got a couple of speeding tickets and yeah also ran from a lake park ranger for urinating beside my tent while intoxicated instead of finding a bathroom when i was around 20 and it was foolish and very immature but at 20 it seemed minor stuff to me at the time and i turned out fine and haven’t gotten even a speeding since the park ranger thing and thats been 15 years and a wife and 2 kids later. Hes a young man doing immature things. But alot of small stuff can add up.
No you have it backwards. Hoover is right. Thomas is the idiot.
I hope Bob suspends him for the first two games. What coach wants a kid who simply can’t be counted on when the team needs him.
O i agree he needs suspended for a couple of games
Small stuff. I know of two your men who paid their way through OU back in the 1920s making bootleg beer. They bottled a batch every week and sold it along fraternity row. Paid their way through college. One wound up a federal judge and the other became a high ranking politician.
Of course they did! But there were people that turned out to be decent citizens as well after College shenanigans!
Did you learn anything about the use of periods between then and now, LOL?
I didn’t realize grammar got policed. My bad??
We strive for excellence around here. Claiming to be under the influence gets you a free pass. 馃檪
You could get suspended for one open post and your annual subscription fee would double.:-)
Or have to deal with the wrath of Dustin. We all want to spare people of that. 馃檪
I ran naked up Asp for 2 blocks “streaking” in ’74. Does that count?
That was YOU?!?
I will be curious if Cam Robi son gets suspended against USC. If not I wouldn’t suspend JT. If they suspend him the first (whole) game then I would probably do the same. I mean being in possession of a stolen gun and drugs is worse than being intoxicated and getting into a scuffle with a bouncer, am I right?
Stoops has never been one to compare his punishments with someone else’s. I think he’s always been tougher than other coaches, just does what he thinks is right.
You are not wrong, but Bob will do whatever he feels is best regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Yes you are right, and in Bob we trust.
Would Bowen play LB at OU?
The picture showing the charges show he is only 20 so how is the place he was at serving him liquor?
Probably the same way I was served as under age, and the same way the thousands and thousands of college and high school kids are served now days.. I have only read that he was intoxicated, haven’t read that he was served inside the establishment.
Not trying to “out” Loagies because I enjoy going there when Im in town. But players are welcomed.
I have no problem with that but they should “keep an eye” on them. 馃檪
Seems like a BIG can or worms for them – serving underage. Why would they call the cops for a scuffle? No charges and I doubt they want to pursue it.
Maybe spilled out into the streets or something.
Yes I did as well but with this happening there I would think they might get a fine of some sort.
From what I understand, the establishment isn’t really involved here, other than one of their bouncers pressed A&B charges. He was apparently intoxicated but who knows when or where that happened.
what ever happened to Bryce Youngquist?
Please scroll back to the other 539 times its been asked ( probably by you )
Thats his first ever comment. Looks like a troll just trying to create problems.
Probably some butthurt Oregon fan thats pissed Bryce chose the better school.
Seriously. Trolls need to give it a rest.
first time asking. calm yourself. He looked like a good player. Didn’t see any info on him on scouting sites so I thought I would ask.
So I am bored as hell in class while the professor is lecturing and decided to rant about something. While I totally trust what the coaches are doing, I hate the fact that it seems like we are going with a smaller 3 man D Line. Guys like Bowen are exciting and all but I grew up with DL guys like Tommie Harris, Gerald McCoy, Dusty, Dan Cody, Jeremy Beal, Frank Alexander, Austin English, Calvin Thibideoux, and plenty I have forgotten. It feels like the team is going with lighter guys on Defenisve End who have the size of guys we used to recruit for Linebackers. I wish we could go back to a 4 man front. I think Coach Stoops excels at that. Kind of like a 4-2-5. I feel like our defensive live is going to get torched with a 3-3-5. It leaves to much space for holes to open. I feel with recruiting smaller D ends it won’t help our cause when we play teams who have big boys on the line on the ends. Now you can rip me. lol
I don’t like the 3 man front either.
Agree. I am all for playing faster but just because we are putting more speed on the field doesn’t mean we should go lighter on DL. My dream Defense for this year would be a rotation of Walker, Lampkin, Overton , Roberts, Ward, AND Galimore based on what I’ve seen on film haha. Then at LB I would go with Jordan Evans and Tay Evans with Jordan Thomas on 1 side, Mbanasor on the other, Will Johnson at NB, Thomas and Parker at safety. I base my D line assessment on not being impressed with guys who played DL last year like Dimon, Romar and Wade. Th haven’t impressed me at all. I felt like they only played because they were veterans.
Right. “Speed” doesn’t help you in the trenches. Size and strength does. A fast defense doesn’t mean it’s a good defense and when you sacrifice size for speed, you’re also sacrificing leverage.
Amen. The obvious speed didn’t help us vs Clemson and their run game. I forgot how much they abused us and our 3 DL group
lol Shoot as dumb as I am in redzone short yardage situations I would go with a 5-2-4 lol 5 DL 2 LB’s and 4 DB’s. haha It works on the video game all the time hahaha
they abused us mainly bc Evans went out early and Charles walker was out with concussion
And we had a glorified safety playing OLB who was too small to set the edge.
Yes they will all be around 240 now. Much more conducive with a 3-4 or 3-3-5
And 6-5.
Striker wasn’t the issue in that game. Bond was. He had no discipline against the run. They teach junior high school kids to play outside contain and. Bond was jumping the gun all game. Striker was actually right when he jumped.
Clemson put 550 yards the next game on a 5 star defense that checks all the boxes in height and weight.
Respectfully disagree. While I agree that Walker and Evans are a huge help to our Defense if I recall correct Evans got hurt mid game. Also, Shaq Lawson wasn’t healthy and did us dirty on defense. Injuries are a part of the game. Next man up and at OU, we should have guys ready no matter what.
Lawson went out of the game in the 1st quarter. Zeus shut him down. In fact, Lawson looked afraid of Zeus to me.
I believe one of the first plays of the game was a Lawson sack he went right past Zues
Yeah Lawson had a sack and a half in the one quarter he played against Zeus.
While I agree with your next man up philosophy….taking a run stopping force like Walker a day or two before a playoff game is played is not an easy task. Any team would struggle with the interior DL with a loss like that.
Yeah they ran off Dimons side the entire game. Walker being out killed us. Devante Bond , Dom and Ahmad Thomas missed several key tackles. D-Line apart from Dimon held their own.
And we were winning at mid-game!
Yeah that and I don’t believe the greatest defense in CFB (Alabama) exactly shut them out, either.
Amen. The obvious speed didn’t help us vs Clemson and their run game. I forgot how much they abused us and our 3 DL group
Romar and Wade are great NT.
1974 defense was the “old” 5-2-4. The “ends” were LBs. Nose, with 2 “tackles” and a will and mike LB and strong/weak safeties and two corners.
Now days the “ends”/LBs MAY need to cover someone if there are 4 or 5 receivers. Still, I’ll go with the Switzerism and say it was not the scheme, but those “Jimmies and Joes” since there were Selmons and Shoate.
If Bowen ends up at OU, I’m not so sure he doesn’t become an OLB.
Thats my worry. How many damn OLB do we need lol I can think of Obo, Kelly, Jackson, Deberry, Rodriguez, Beal, Potentially Bowen, Browning. I may be missing someone
I see your point on a position getting quite crowded but I’m also of the opinion that you can never have too much talent because of the competition it breeds. The best will play but they’ll play even better.
I hope so
Gumbs and the kid from Houston ( forgot his name )
Well, considering OU faces spread offenses, with quick passes and runs, having lb’s to chase them down is more prudent (in my opinion).
Agree but the thing that comes to mind when we line up 3 DL man with 3 LB’s is getting torched by a spread team. Example. A spread team with 4 wr and 1 RB. They can spread the field and make the linebackers go out a little and leave 3 DL with maybe 1 LB against 5 OL plus a RB. so it ends up a 4 versus 6 match and I’d take the 6 every day of the week.
Ah, Baylor had a great running attack last year and a veteran O line and after that opening drive they didn’t rush for much.
I don’t remember Dan Cody being all that big. He was great and fast but I thought he was undersized.
if you trust wiki 6’5 250 haha
I saw Dan Cody in person up close and he was HUGE.
I would think Bowen is a OLB. Kinda how Striker was listed as a DE but we all know he never put his hand down as a DE. Gallimore and Lampkin are what they are going for as 3-4 DEs. Most of the time they are call 3 techs or 4, 4i techs.
Had a test tonight myself!! What you going for? And about the d-line. IMO, it is the nature of the way the game is now days!! Everything is so uptempo that you have to have speed to counter speed. Now absolutely you can pound the ball down after down and ware them out. But who runs a he ball every down anymore? We were the best at that game many years ago. Not trying to bust your chops but this is not the days of Jaimelle and Charles anymore.
I asked this the other day, but I still don’t understand why we can’t run a 3-4 and have a package with a 4 man front for when teams like Texas and Clemson try to stick with the run. Texas was clearly afraid to throw the ball, and they beat us with a bunch of short runs.
This is what I want also, seems simple on paper but maybe too difficult to pull off in game prep.
That’s what I assume too. Some of our new linebackers are a little closer to the size of DE’s so that may fix itself.
Texas QBs couldn’t hit water if they fell out of a boat. They never should have been able to run on us with that kind of handicap.
I totally agree. I kept praying for them to toss one of those lame ducks up for Sanchez to take to the house.
It’s nice to put a face with a name. Let’s count ’em out. Starting with the back row: Amani Bledsoe, _, Jon Michael Terry, Erik Swenson, _, _. Second row: Zach Farrar, Caleb Kelly, Jordan Parker, _, Parnell Motley, _, Mykel Jones. Front row: Abdul Adams, Mark Jackson Jr.
Name ’em if you know ’em.
Except Kelly isn’t in that picture.
He’s wearing the gray tank top
I thought so. Maybe got a haircut?
Hairs pulled back in a ponytail. The coaches tweeted that picture out earlier today.
Is the gray and neon Tre Brown?
Crazy how similar Jordan Parker looks to Sterling Shephard in this picture
Are we sure Bowen isn’t going to Texas like everyone else?
Hopefully he has the right genetics
They have no room and it would be rather tacky to take all of the Baylor decommits.
I know the Bowen news is relatively new but any info on his time frame on where he is going to land? Also is he visiting schools again?