Image via Daily Emerald (Ryan Kang)
I just wanted to take a minute and offer a couple alternatives to those out there so quick to throw cold water on the possibility of Scott Frost being a legitimate candidate for the Sooners.
Point No. 1 – If you’re heard Frost’s name mentioned as a potential candidate, you’ve almost assuredly heard the following. (1) Frost is currently paid just $400k by Oregon. (2) “There’s no way he’d ever come to OU because Oregon would just match whatever Stoops would offer.”
Here’s my counter to those two statements. He’s paid $400k now for a reason. It’s not like the powers that be at Oregon are unaware he’s one of the top up-and-coming assistant coaches in the country. If they wanted to be paying him more, they easily could be.
That said, if you wanted to make the argument that he’s only been their OC/primary play caller for a couple years and his current salary is pretty much in line with that level of experience, I’d certainly be willing to hear you out.
However, this is a little out of date but not so much as it negates the point I’m attempting to make. Take a look at what Oregon is currently paying their football staff. I’ll wait. Okay, you back? Not exactly top of the market, right?
And, yeah, win or lose Monday night they’re probably all due for some kind of a pay bump. But will the Oregon brass double the assistants’ salaries across the board and give Mark Helfrich a healthy raise as well?
Nobody needs to be reminded of Oregon’s Phil Knight/Nike money. So obviously they could match whatever OU would potentially offer Frost. But would they?
Based on what they’re paying right now, evidence might suggest otherwise.
Point No. 2 – Who’s to say what Oregon has built in Eugene hasn’t instilled a sense of confidence that their “system” is capable of sustaining the loss of their offensive coordinator?
When Mike Belotti left, they promoted from within. When Chip Kelly left, again, they promoted from within. Both instances they went with, at least on paper, an “unproven” candidate, but presumably because of the confidence in the system, they were comfortable with an internal hire. And obviously those were both much more high profile hires being that it involved the head coach position.
So if someone wants to come after one of their assistants and, in their view, overpay them, there seems to be a fairly decent track record in place to at least argue, on some level, they’d consider letting that person go. A plug-and-play type of confidence in their “system” if you will with regards to their coaching staff.
Point No. 3 – This one is pretty simple and, fortunately, I even have a visual aid.
I’m not going to sit here and tell you Scott Frost is going to be OU’s next offensive coordinator. I’m simply offering an alternative line of thinking for those who seem to be so quick to dismiss the idea of it even being a possibility.
I agree Jordan, just not going to get my hopes up. We should find out in a few days.
Who said the “off season” is boring? Waiting for NSD and the finalization of the coaching staff is almost as bad as waiting for the Baylor game to end….ALMOST!
I agree. And an additional point: Frost probably does not have complete control of the offense with Helfrick the HC since he was also the previous OC himself. Come to OU and Stoops would completely leave him alone to run the offense. Anybody who’s ever coached knows that is very valuable to people. To have more money, have complete control, be closer to his home–I could see three reasons why he might want to come to OU or another high profile school
Thank you Jordan!
My take is that Scott Frost will become the HC of the Offense. This would allow Cumbie to call the plays and be the QB coach. Frost would also be the WR coach.
Bob Stoops will remain as HC at OU and Frost will become a future HC ( i.e. Mike Leach ) with Cumbie becoming the OC at OU after Frost.
My understanding is the biggest con to bringing in Cumbie is that he has never been a play caller
Yep. He needs to be a co-OC and coach QB’s
Frost could teach the offense to Cumbie and allow him to call the plays with supervision from Frost.
This would give Cumbie motivation to leave TCU
At one time none of us could drive a car… Most of us got preety good in withing 2-3 years, but on the other hand…. Some of still can’t do it. #roadrage
The guy sure could run the option.
Thanks again for the write up and information.
TFB is the BOOM!
Another factor in his favor of possibly becoming a HC candidate is that he has coached on both sides of the ball…he was the DC at Northern Iowa and Jerry Montgomery was the DL coach during his tenure there.
The Montgomery connection is the most interesting thing in this whole deal, you have to think they have talked.
Guess we’ll see how good of a recruiter Monty really is!
Interesting points, plus there are other connections with current OU staff. I am thinking that Frost may certainly be at the top of the list. If OU was going to hire someone else, I thought it would be announced yesterday. Since it wasn’t, it may be that OU has already came to an agreement with Frost, or that he has said that he’ll make his decision after Monday’s game.
Would love to have Frost/Cumbie combo. To me this is a huge opportunity for Frost. Storied program, he will be the offensive guy (no meddling from the HC), work under a proven winner in CBS, get back to his roots, healthy pay raise and a clear direction to one of the best head coach gigs in the country. Cumbie is essential for his Texas connections, networking, trusted by Texas high school coaches. And, they each bring the necessary talents that we desperately need.
What a power couple they would make! That is like the dream team of offense.
Yeah, I get pretty excited just thinking about it. Cumbie is critical, we have to get someone with strong Texas high school connections. Texas is ripe for plucking if we get the right guys.
People act like this is the equivalent of Rice offering Nick Saban a job and just completely insulting offer for Frost is what’s annoying to me.
I hear you. I haves scanned some of the longhorn boards and they think OU cant get anyone to come to Norman.
A perfect fit for OU, Frost and Cumbie. Will it happen?
The time line says Yes!
From your lips to their ears!
Ask me a question:
Very good! I bought one of those for my son many years ago and had forgotten about them. Lol!
another poster on another site mentioned both Frost ( OC/qb and his wr coach, Lubich )possibly being a package type deal….certainly would make a lot of sense and might be something to help lure Frost besides just the money…..
That’s a different twist and an interesting thought.
I can’t take credit for it but it is a different thought…………
Stephen, thanks for the additional information. That is definitely a new twist.
Cool twist!
Bob will pull someone out the gutter and we’ll all be clueless. AT this point, I’m resigned to whoever comes in at this point. Just be a decent OC and a good recruiter.
Out of the gutter? That isn’t a very flattering description for a person’s previous place of employment. If Bob brings in someone that hasn’t been mentioned on this board, it will take less than 15 minutes for large number of posters on here to post his background and then we will get many critiques of his body of work. He will not remain a mystery for very long.
I got to believe the way you get a guy like Frost to come in and be your OC is let him be part of choosing the staff on offense. Cale is going to be RB coach but other than him i think that you let him be part of it. Might be something else that might get him to come here.
He can pick his staff. It’s called recruiting. But I know what you mean and as far as everyone is concerned bedenbaugh and cale go nowhere and I’m sure frost would agree.
Agreed, What Cale and coach B have done at there positions is impressive
What if he wants rid of bill b.and cale?
Everyone has their own style.
Then he is too stupid to coach here and we don’t want him.
Point #3 would make it a sweet deal for Frost. And seeing as how Ol Stoopsie seems to not want to bow out on a bad note, I could see something like that being in the back of Bob’s mind – win one more and then turn it over to the guy that helped get us there, if that scenario happens to play out. Bob’s nepotistic ways aside, I do believe that he cares about the program.
I don’t think they need to sell him on “coach in waiting” but more or less just say “hey come here and turn our offense around, get us to the ‘ship and you can almost name the job you want.”
I’m just saying maybe he doesn’t want to be a HC at ou. I mean Darrell royal is probably a rarity that he coached for a blue bloods rival of his alma mater.
Didn’t mention anything about offering that to him. Just saying it may be in the back of Bob’s mind. If he came to OU and it turned out that he enjoyed being with the program and he happened to be offered the program in a couple of years, would that not be a sweet deal? I’m inclined to imagine so.
I agree and that’s the way I feel too. But to the point floating out there of “coach in waiting” I would do everything short of that to get frost. And the other side is if monty was still on staff how do you decide between the 2.
I agree. And that would be a tough decision for sure!
In his presser Stoops said he was looking for an OC who had his own system. Is what Oregon does considered their system or is Frost the architect and brains behind it? I know thie HC was the OC and to the casual observer the Oregon offense looks the same now as it was under Belotti. (Alikil Smith and Dixon days).
Pretty sure they consider it “their system” as in, Oregon’s. Goes all the way back to Kelly I believe (or Belotti, or whomever started the damn system, lol).. When someone departs, they just plug someone else into their “system.”
Thinking Stoops meant he didn’t expect someone to come in and run what we’ve been doing but instead to run what they’re familiar with.
The big change in the Oregon occurred in 2007 when Mike Belotti hired Chip Kelly as his OC . The system is Chip Kelly’s system he brought from New Hampshire.
IMHO, if Frost leaves Oregon it will be to come to Nebraska as Associate Head Coach and/or Head Coach in waiting. Mike Riley is 61 yrs old and Scott’s family lives in Wood River, Nebraska. K-State fans are also talking Scott as Associate Head Coach and/or Head Coach in waiting, won’t happen either, IMO.
if he wanted NE job he would already have it. IMO
Hard to be the returning guy, huh JH?
My impression is that NE didn’t offer HC to Frost.
Frost would be more attractive and selective as a HC if he transformed the OU Offense i.e. Mike Leach.
Leach was an extension of Hal Mummy until he came to OU.
Frost is an extension of the HC Oregon System until he comes to OU.
That would be a risky hire. Scott has no HC experience.
Neither did BGB or Switzer.
Nor Wilkinson..
Every head coach had someone give them their first job, usually based on potential.
Yep and word is Frost doesn’t want anything to do with the current administration that is in place at Neb
OU will offer a lot more money than NE or K-State.
OU will allow Frost to run the Oregon Offense without HC interferance
61, yes, but dude just got there. If they allow him, I bet he coaches til he’s 75. No “head coach in waiting” at NEB, at least not for quite a few years..
OU>KSU and it is not even close
True, but try telling that to KSU fans. NU he is a hero and native vs OU, prob not close either.
has the new nu guy hired his oc yet
Yes, Danny Langsdorf, which would make the Frost speculation less likely.
Riley and Frost are oil and water system-wise. Not happening. Plus, OU is a better job.
Both from Pac-12 jobs, NU fans love him.
Not close enough. Riley throws the ball all over the lot. NO chance Frost makes a move to Lincoln. None.
Hope OU gets him but don’t see it.
Take the welding helmet off and you will see there is a very good chance it could happen.
The NU as the destination the pipedream.
As much as I could be convinced to believe this, there has also got to be a fair degree of caution in returning to the place of your collegiate exploits as a high-level coach (see JH). There might be a preference to make your name as a coach in a new venue.
Very true.
I might agree if Nebraska were still in the Big XII. I’m not convinced he wants an associate or head gig just yet. It feels like he’s still biding his time, learning, etc. Also, I don’t think “Head Coach In Waiting” really exists at any school with elite status. IMO, respectfully.
Good points. Probably so. Didn’t Texas give Muschamp a title like that? I can’t remember the precise title.
Me neither, but I would bet Muschamp cringes when he hears the word, “Hindsight”. He also coined the phrase in the coaching world for those seeking advice about leaving good situations too early for promotion type jobs, “Don’t pull a Muschamp”.
I had a professor at OU that would tell us not to “pull a Bomar.” But that didnt catch on very far..
Muschamp was a HC in waiting with the short horns.
Miz, my mistake, you did say “I don’t think “Head Coach In Waiting” really exists at any school with elite status”, I should not have included Texas in that category!
“Coach in waiting” is as plausible as “multi-tasking”….. Good theories, but provide poor results.
Great write up Jordan. And you’re in a difficult position to say Scott Frost will become our next OC, so I am. Getting past dollars, X’s and O’s, and statistics, this guy is a winner and the upside intangibles he would bring to our program are exponential. Excited for the announcement on Wednesday.
Are you speculating Wednesday is the day or is there some info I’ve missed?
You haven’t missed anything, speculating. Basis is the need to have at least a full day after the NC game to iron out details. I believe there’s been enough dialogue between both parties to secure him as the #1 guy, and the circumstances have dictated what we’re seeing, nothing.
I agree!
How many head coaching jobs are open as of today (NCAA)?
Great points Jordan. On another note, like I posted last week, I am pretty sure MS is not going anywhere. Coach Snyder quote about BS:
“I can only imagine, because all those things you said are accurate about Bobby. He’s a very loyal individual. So I know that it had to be extremely, extremely difficult on him to do so. Hard choices. I’m sure nothing would be as complex and difficult personally than to have to move good friends on. Winning and losing are not that significant when it comes to those kinds of relationships. But the expectations there were just so dramatic.”
In my view, if BS had a difficult time firing JH/JN, how much more difficult will it be to fire his own brother? If MS doesn’t find his own job, he’ll stay.
Snyder retired in 2005 rather than do the same thing.
I forgot about that.
Excellent comment. I agree.
IMHO Kish is gone after NSD .
Wright will assume an administrative position.
MS stays with two new defensive position coaches.
Two new defensive position coaches and a resuscitated offense under Frost will also resuscitate MS as a DC.
If this is the case that MS is going to stay, then he needs to be on a very short leash and better produce results in a hurry if not then it will be a very long year again. The best thing is that BS promoted JM to co-dc.
I am all for MS leaving OU. But remember, fwiw OU defense was number 1 in the big 12 last year. His first year was terrible, last year was pretty good (not great by any means) and this year was terrible. 1st year we couldn’t stop the run. Last year we had solid pass rush. This year we stopped the run but couldn’t stop the pass at all. MS has been very very up and down. So while I am all for him leaving and I understand if BS gives him one more year to get things right.
Long enough for BGB and MS to move on. JM becomes DC and QB coach but OC in waiting could be bait for Cumbie. But, I don’t know if Cumbie’s buyout will allow him to make a lateral move to OU. Would OU just have to buyiut his contact? I’m not sure how that works? Anyone know how that works?
MS should realize that his brother is in a very difficult situation and unless hes absolutely sure he can do a much better job and turn the defense around he should resign and move on. If not there will eventually come a point where because of Mike, Bob will have to go too.
Has anyone mentioned that Jerry Montgomery was Scott Frosts D-Line coach when he was the LB-DC at Northern Iowa in 2007-2008? A up and coming defensive coach like JM thats doing things like jumping 32 spots to become the #6 recruiter in the nation amd #1 in the Big 12 might be enticing to Frost. A familiar face promoted to Co-DC that someday might be Frosts guy is already there waiting on him. I’m sure JM is recruiting SF as well, he is already recruitinf the whole team lol.
Another factor I could only dream plays a factor would be having Texas in our backyard to recruit from
Great piece, Jordan. I doubt that Sittler and John Hoover – who is pitching option 3 himself today – came up with that notion in a vacuum.
I’d have Frost sign on the dotted line at Kyler Murray’s house.
I was JUST thinking this! Murray in the Oregon offense…? That has the potential to be deadly. Shoot, that offense is actually probably better suited to TK9 as well. Okay, I’m in. Call Scott and let him know it’s a “go”.
TK9 I think is as good a qb as he is going to be. His biggest problem is accuracy throwing the ball. Dont think any coach can change that, a qb either has it or he dont
We will see. Can you say Boykin.
If I say Boykin does that help Trevor make better reads and throw more accurately?
OU is a program that requires a QB to get “it” quickly because there are so many other players to compete against. I would expect that he will need to play much better, regardless of the system.
Maybe in a different system the reads are easier and less confusing which free’s up the cluttered mind. That’s why Oregon is plug and play.
Tell that to Mariotta
And if Frost cant make him a better QB, he can help him with transition to safety. Isnt that what frost played in NFL?
Has nothing to do with playing college
Simply making observation that Frost can coach both, and also knows how the transition from QB to Safety works. Hell, I think TK was recruited by Oregon as a safety…
I think Trevor has proven he is not strong enough or is too injury prone to play safety.
hmm, so was a guy named Peterson but after a couple of dinged up years at OU he has done ok in the pros.
Marioti Gives the illusion it’s plug and play.
Look who played before him, they all looked great too. Not taking away from Marioti as he is good, no doubt but it still a system for plug and play.
might need Boykin’s QB coach to do it
Yes. But you have to say it three times and turn around…
i understand but i don’t know of a coach that was able to help a qb throw a more accurate pass, i think boykin was more reads and decision making
Which in turn helped his accuracy. It all works hand in hand.
i hope you are right, just think there are down the field throws TK is never going to consistently make
who does
One needs not to forget that field vision is one of critical shotcomings of TK9. No coach is going to help Trevor learn to see the field. He doesn’t see secondary receivers and he does not see defender positioned for interceptions. He just does not see the field only the primary receiver.
…. All, that plus can’t consistently throw with accuracy.
And buy in…. Gotta think that once it was determined he was the man that he applied himself in a different way.
He has accuracy. Bama game showed that. His regression to me has been because of development IMO
I agree on accuracy. One thing that can make a difference with accuracy is confidence. TK lost his confidence. The question is can he get it back?
Personally I think it is field vision. But for certain he has no consistency hitting receivers.
We will need the players to help this system flourish. If you have a good system but not the players then it looks bad all around. I’m not saying we don’t have the players because in all honestly I think we do. I thought Quick should of been playing a lot last year and used the rb’s a lot more than they should.. I think we have the talent for the system to work and you will need the right chemistry for it to be a success.
What about Baker Mayfield?
New Coaches with open minds and no “favs”. It’s an open competition 1 thru 4.
Interesting thought. You’d have to think he has a puncher’s chance as well. I know it wasn’t the system he ran at Tech, but he also had INT issues there. I don’t recall his game well enough to know. Seems that you have to be somewhat mobile for the Oregon system, though not a a pure runner. The good news for anyone wanting to be QB @ OU is that there is no leader in the clubhouse.
All,four current QBs at OU are considered mobile.
Au contrair. All but TK9 were pro style QBs out of HS. Not to say that can’t change but they are not true mobile signal callers
Unless knight develops some accuracy he could slip way down the depth chart.
I would love this, but so far, Knight has shown that he isn’t durable enough to make it through an entire season.
I wonder if this would have any impact on Braxton Miller’s supposed transfer to Oregon.
Thought he was going to FSU?
You’re probably right. I’m a little outdated.
I just saw a small blurb about it a couple of weeks ago. Made sense, so I took it be accurate. I actually have no clue.
Wonder how many flips would take place if Frost is hired before NSD.
I’ll attempt a back flip so there’s one.
I would expect nothing less Ray.
nice one :o)
I’ll have 911 on speed dial !
Make sure someone gets that on video.
1. SF agreed to be the OU OC before JH was dismissed.
a. Stoops press conference said that he had the financial resources, wanted him to bring in his own system, and track record of OU OC becoming a HC.
b. nothing official until after the season ends for Oregon. No distractions
2. Cumbie agreed to be the QB coach on recent visit to Norman.
Speculation Evidence:
1. Silence from OU consistent with announcement after the NC game.
2. No other candidates are being seriously mentioned or talked about
3. Consistent with Stoops personality of knowing who would replace JH before dismissing him.
I’m speculating that your speculating is sound.
And I am speculating that you have accurate speculations regarding the speculations of others
It’s a speculation celebration!
Waters…. You got it! I think it’s a done deal.
Alot of the names that come up as having lunch or speculated flights into Norman seem to be more position coaches, no one that has struck me a OU-OC type yet. Some making lots of moves upward but I don’t think BGB chances his legacy on hiring any of the as OC right now. That McGee thing had me rolling!
I hope your speculation is perculating in Norman!
In terms of “system vs. players”, I thought it was interesting that head coach and former OC at Oregon Mark Helfrich was hired by Kelly from Colorado during the mid-2000s (during the last years of Dan Hawkins’ tenure, I believe). I don’t know that anyone looking at Helfrich’s production from a play-calling standpoint would have considered that a home-run hire…so my take is that whether we get a big-name guy or someone from Directional University, Stoops wants a guy who has good ideas on how to best-utilize the current talent and then also recruit towards a system that will be successful, rather than hodge-podge a system.
How come no one is doing their best dean impersonation and giving a % on SF to OU. That should be a whole new thread. I’m going to put mine out there and say it’s a 53% chance of being 100% SF to OU
80%…I think it’s gonna happen boys. I think BS is a calculated man and the lack of talk and the fact we have not hired anyone yet leads me to believe Bob has a plan and it can’t be revealed til after Monday. Boomer!
I will give my percentage after the announcement. Fair enough?
Nothing is certain. I give it 90% chance of being 100%
5% of the time he’s 100% correct. Haha
Brian Fantana!
Love that movie!
I was a bit disappointed w/the sequel, but the first was solid!
100% chance we’ll find out one way or another pretty soon.
Scott Frost and Cumbie would be a lethal duo. Just think about that combo for a moment from recruiting, developmental and play calling view. My gosh, it gives me goosebumps and it should for the rest of you too. Also, it’s not “you’re out of your mind” wish on my part, in fact it could be a “strap on your damn seat belt” reality.
I believe this is exactly how it’s going to play it out. As Joe Mixon would say …. “Wait on it”!
Maybe this is what Monty meant by his “PATIENCE” tweets last week..
He’s been recruiting Frost since Baylor! ha!
Haha… Monty is the man!
after reading tons of opinions concerning Frost I don’t understand why he is the hot topic right now. Cumbie I can understand as QB development at TCU gives him street cred. Is Frost a hot commodity because Stoops wants to run that system? I personally don’t like it but that doesn’t matter.
-Team is in NCG…
-Coached Heisman winner this year…
-Continued to run Oregon’s offense flawlessly for past two years..
-Has played and coached both offense and defense…
-Midwest boy that attended Stanford (smarts) and Nebraska (hated rival, but knows fire and history of OU)….
-Knows Monty…
Yea, I’d say he’s, in the context of Zoolander, “Frost is just so HOT right now!”
SO HOT! lol
It’s a system that passes and runs i.e. multiple as BS likes to say. Check out this tutorial http://youtu.be/ekf3RGWwqMQ
…….haven’t read most of the speculative posting frenzy since it began. but what is the opinion, if any, on a wr coach……..obviously the oc is the important dog but we just fired a credible wr recruiter with perhaps some development issues………I hope wr coach is not a sideshow in the hiring
Cumbie could coach WRs, did so at Tech
so, do you know anything about his wr recruiting a/o development prowess at tt….turn out any big-time receivers…..thxs
I really like how the tcu wrs would go up and get the ball even in traffic…was wondering why we didn’t play any of our taller guys and do the same…ya know…make something happen
cumbie wasn’t the coach of tcu receivers
None the less he was apart of a system that did that
I believe he was Danny Amendola’s and Michael Crabtree’s receiving coach.
Hmmm, Frost to OU. Interesting possibility with Cumbie as OB/WR coach and Frost as OC. Now if we can just fix the D.
Good plan. After watching all these teams put up big yards & points in the bowl games, I’m not sure what is considered a good defense anymore.
I’m serious, I’m not sure what is acceptable in today’s game. These offenses are so explosive and dynamic, as well as, the the kids are so gifted and talented. I’m beginning to question what I thought I knew or understood on that side of the ball.
Maybe in today’s football, the best defense is the team with best offense. You kick FG’s or have to punt… You lose!
Totally agree but you have to have a D that gives up 21 or less ppg. The days of 7-6 defense are long gone in CFB.
I think so, or sure feels that way. Maybe the new standard is 17-24 ppg.
I’ll use our bowl as an example. Was Clemson good on defense? Yeah I guess, but I was far more critical of OU’s offense than I was complimentary of Clemsons defense.
With some teams, it is just going to be a shootout and as said, you kick FGs, you lose. Am starting to think if you hold some teams under 30, with some scoring 40+ ppg, you’ve done well. But one thing is for certain about D. You cannot give WRs 7-10 yd cushions play after play. It’s not as simple as it was when Mike left for AZ. Can he adapt?
Several years ago I saw a Steve Young interview. In it he discussed is disgust for settling for a FG. “When you kick a FG, you are 3 points closer to losing”. That comment always stuck with me and I understand it now.
As far as playing 7-10 yards off of receivers, I think Mike was hoping that the more snaps it took the opponent to get down the field to score, the better his chance of them making a mistake… I guess.
cool edit posted on twitter
might have to reload to see pic
Ah thanks.. That’s awesome.
Monty is da’ man!
Don’t forget Neal..he would be a nice flip from neb
Are you the @boomer145 guy?
No sir Zack, I just follow a lot of those to try and keep updated on what my Sooners are up to.LOL
It’s interesting but what would we need to take 4 DTs for?
Does Scott Frost coach from the field or the press box at Oregon?
Believe I saw him in the press box during the game against FSU
Gotta think a coach in waiting offer would turn the tide regardless of what Oregon does.
Just want to throw this out there, our offense looked like it was in disarray all year, to many second calls coming from sideline. I’m not a football genius, I didn’t even play in high school, but from 40 years of watching even I could tell that the coaching staff had our players confused!
JH thought he was clever by changing the offense play based on what the defense shows. In nfl they do that but the qb is responsible for making that call. At OU that call came from the sideline. What Oregon does is they don’t let the defense dictate what they run on offense.
Not just at Oregon, the same could be said for Baylor, and TCU!
Very true. Basically the point of any tempo offense
Daddy r what I seen of their offense, it ran smoothly! I seen players that got to the line, and knew the play within seconds!
I ask because I have never really payed much attention to Oregon’s offense..
DO they do any of the “check with me” crap?
Its a lot smoother when they do. And the QB is coached, prepped, and ready to make adjustments at the line. The process is quick and clean. Rather than the every play confusion, hands in the air waiting for a call, etc.
I watch a few different zone reads and up tempo offenses, this year and then to see confusion on our offense, really broke a old man’s heart!
Same here. Same here man.
Watching them dismantle FSU, they have the Meerkat but streamlined. I marveled when they were showing Frost in the booth making the calls, the sidelines guys with the cards and signals and how quickly they got the play in and off and Frost was already getting the next play in. Would love to get this guy.
I would describe both our offense and defense as being too complicated and not let the players just play.
The irony is that was precisely the point that a lot of people made about Venables’ defenses. The conventional wisdom was that Mike would bring a simplicity back to the defense by fitting the defense to his players rather than the other way around – Mike himself even discussed this in the beginning. The way this situation has evolved suggests the coaches may no longer believe “simple” defenses are adequate.
I remember this…
That actually did happen in Mike Stoops first year back (simplifying the defense). Even the Sooner defenders that were around the previous year with Venables said so. The problem is, that all went out the window for some reason when switching to the 3-4. As far as this past year, there were times that the defense was just bad enough, some failures looked intentional (i.e. tackling). It looked like a defense in revolt. Similar to how most of the team revolted against Gary Gibbs back in the day and also staged that walk-out.
That’s sort of my point. He started with a simplified defense the first year until the bottom started falling out late in the season. His defense gave up a ton of points to Baylor, WVU, and OSU. He then followed up with an embarrassing blowout loss against TAMU in the cotton bowl. He promptly changed the scheme the following spring. To me, this all strongly suggests that he and Bob no longer believe in a “simplified” defense. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been so quick to abandon it.
Some sound points to be sure.
Regarding point #2, the salaries Oregon pays their staff and their tendency to promote from within as Jordan pointed out both lend support to the idea that the powers that be in Eugene do indeed believe their success is based on their system more than their coaching personnel. I don’t know anything about this one way or the other, but we might want to at least consider the possibility they may be right.
Hello fellow jarhead, I think instead of looking at Scott Frost, they should be looking at Lincoln Riley, he has a very balanced offense, and a high football IQ!
His receiving corp was impressive, and they had multiple plays to multiple receivers every time I watched them. Justin Hardy is one of the best.
Semper Fi!
Ooh Rah!
Stoops would probable say ” No Way Jose”.
Riley is a Leach offspring or derivative
Stoops wants more of a running game.
Oh we know. Nobody knows anything much yet. Discussion, discussion, discussion.
who’s your guy? you on the frost freight train?
I am becoming more and more intrigued by Cumbie/Riley. I don’t know, and I’m not making a case, but I have good sense about that combination.
yeah the cumbie/meacham combo looks like it worked pretty well. have to do homework to see if they just meshed or which one is the one with the brighter future. need to do homework as well on whether frost has his own type identity or if qb and oc at oregon is plug and play. i don’t know much about riley but from how ouhomer up above broke it down, that’s a pretty legit offense and super balanced
NCAA stats.com has the numbers on the whole of FBS. That is the conditional though: how would Cumbie and Riley mix? They may not, they may not work well together, in which case I am hoping Stoops is really scrutinizing chemistry between the two hires.
Both are off The Pirate tree so think they would blend well. Riley is like Leach 2.0 with a good run game. IMHO after Frost, it’s the best combo.
He is a leach disciple, he runs a air raid offense, but it is more balanced than most of them are.
so its air raid with zone read principles mixed in?
If you do find yourself doing some research on this, I’d be interested to know what you think.
Of the 500 rushes over a hundred was the qb run, and I’m not a big fan of the zone read. I like a scrambling qb not a running qb, where is Jason White when we need him!
Alright, alright Ouhomer, and boomer. What about this: Cumbie/John Bond. Cumbie: pass game coord/WR’s/ John Bond: run game coord/QB’s.
Not much on bond, he crapped out at UMass and Cumbie doesn’t have enough play callingcalling experience!
He ran a good attack at Army, and coordinating GT’s offense currently. I remember watching TCU. Cumbie and Meacham combined their styles in such a great way. TCU went 3 yard splits between O lineman just like Leach did/does, then the next play they could bunch back up and run something different. I hope to see a similar ‘range of motion’ with this next offense.
I don’t know enough about bond, but GT has always been a run heavy offense, now that doesn’t bother me much! I just think that in today’s football, the Wisconsin’s and Arkansas’s are a dying breed. I will have to read up on bond and form a opinion!
Air attack blend with run attack. But then again, two guys with a similar attack could make it a better attack. All in discussion here. Really excited to see what the Program decides.
one of, if not my favorite sooners of all time. have his and dupree’s jerseys. jason was as hard nosed, dependable, loyal, gritty, talented and likable as one can be
I would go to Kevin Murray’s house and ask him who he would like as our OC so his son Kyler will flip to the good guys.
No way Boom. This is bigger than a young up and coming talented quarterback. I know you must be making a funny comment though right?
Yes, trying to keep things light. BGB is backed into a corner and my money is he comes out a winner in his hire whomever it may be.
529 passes, 509 rushes seems pretty good to me, almost 7k in offense #5 offense in FBS, and he is young and hungry!
NCAA Stats. ECU dominated.
I just know we need young hungry coaches, I’m a stoops fan, but he has lost some fire maybe with new blood he will get hungry again!
Thanks for the info.
I personally prefer the Leach offense and it’s offspring.
His name was initially mentioned but no rumor of a visit or contact.
I believe BS has made his choice and it is not Riley despite his impressive statistics.
Interesting, you have maintained that Bob has made the call. Do you think the call has been and agreements have been made? Or just that Bob knows who he wants?
The former.
Wow. Alright, I got it. Looking forward to it.
Speculation on my part but I believe it is accurate and correct .
Number one reason is the silence from OU;
2. the stoops press conference
3. stoops personality to have his bases covered before a dismissal
Other possible candidates would have been announced by Friday.
I’m working Sherlock now: I think the press conference comments about not describing the scheme at all was quite telling, in a certain direction.
Excellent point.
Two new successful schemes are Auburn and Oregon.
The Auburn OC would have been announced by Friday.
The Oregon OC after the NCG.
I don’t know where my son read or heard this, but he said that Riley was coming for a visit. I can’t say that is gospel, but he texted me that this morning!
Young and hungry sells me. I think that is what OU has lost.
I’m bored…. So in other news, two Texas Longhorn players were walking in the woods and one says “hey look a dead bird”. The other looks to the sky and says “where”?!
That is all….
If I could like this any more than once, I would.
Thx SamSooner. I actually got email yesterday that’s had several jokes. Thought I’d share one.
That was a good one.
I un-liked it just so I could like it again…6 times.
Haha… That’s awesome. Lmao
I think I will do that.
In fact, you may be giving longhorn intelligence too much credit
You might be right. Found this quote from Coach Strong.
“Those players don’t know the meaning of the word fear. In fact, I’ve seen their grades….. They don’t know the meaning of a lot of words”.
oldie…but goodie
I like this Strong character. Does it tarnish me to like a Tejas coach. ugh..
I won’t judge you.
This might sound strange but look at Frost and then look at JH. Frost is chiseled and has a toughness about him in his interviews. Look at his eyes. He has an intensity. JH looks ‘soft’ and lacks that intensity and toughness in his personna. Players can take on characteristics of their coaches. I think Frost would bring an edge on the offense that coupled with Coach B would get guys fired up. And we know he can call plays. I like some of the other combos, especially Riley with Cumbie, but am fully on this Frost train. That dog ull hunt.
we’re really reaching here as the coaching search news well has run dry…
While I think there’s some validity to what your saying, I think that’s on the margins of being important.
LoL. True dat hence the disclaimer. Point is, I would love Frost talking with recruits, players in the locker room, in a huddle or on the sidelines. There is a confidence there. It would likely be a real change not just in play calling but in mindset.
That is the best point: players will play according to their coaches identity.
So we need to find a guy with a Clint Eastwood squint to be an effective OC? Frost used to play pick up hoops at UNI over lunch. Good athlete still.
Sooners W. Layered response. You missed on Eastwood squint though. You seem to be hitting somewhere in the ‘I know a thing’ about Frost, but its like whatever.
Just trying to figure out the ‘appearance’ thing. Mangino’s fat. Could be weight problems for us. JH looks soft.-could fold in tough situations. SF is chisiled evidently-must be intense. We need to find someone that wears glasses. Look smart. Play smart.
Mangino was the OC when we one the NC, so lets try to give him a bit of respect.
Someone who can look you in the eyes and have a plan to beat you, and then see his plan through to victory. These kind of eyes could wear glasses, but the vision meets the execution.
To me, the most salient argument for Frost wanting to come to OU is his personal desire to live in a middle-of-the-country milieu. He gets to live and have his family in a town and region that he feels is good for them. Then compared to Oregon he gets a legacy football program, much higher salary, chance to show HIS prowess with a showcase for HC in ANY league. I’ve lived on the west coast and I’d take less money to live in Oklahoma – he’ll get DOUBLE perhaps.
Eugene is a nice town. Oregon is a nice state. I don’t think your argument holds water. If you want to be an outdoorsman, Eugene is great. If you want culture Portland and Seattle aren’t that far away. People are people, they are essentially the same. People in Oklahoma aren’t nicer than people in Oregon, unless they are college football fans. Oklahoma fans are much tougher and will put much more pressure on you.
There is no upside for Scott Frost coming to OU, and he won’t.
It is a more liberal state than Oklahoma or Nebraska…… and so in that regard I’m sure it ‘s different than what he grew up around or perhaps wants to raise a family in. Do you have a magic 8 ball that told you he won’t come to OU?
I grew up in Oklahoma City.
But if you want reality to invade on your argument, political affiliation of your state rarely makes a difference on what job you take.
I do have a magic 8 ball, but it doesn’t answer this question very well, but common sense does. Scott Frost is going to get a very good head coaching job by staying where he is. Why would he move?
Wasn’t referring to political liberalism. I believe he would leave to accept the challenge of turning around a storied, tradition rich program where that really good coaching job you talk about will be the UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA! BOOMER!
exactly. SOONER!!!!
I’ll take Frost….for sure.
He’s my first choice, all the other “cackling” means nothing to me.
You have really kept the hen house analogy going well ET.
With much assistance, I must add.
Bread and butter as things go.
OC’s only get credit to the extent that the head coach gives it to them.
I am still a BS fan. In two years I may not be.
But bringing in Scott Frost because he might be the next OU head coach is a mistake. BS isn’t leaving and Scott Frost isn’t waiting.
Can’t imagine BS has much longer. I believe you have some valid points. We will just have to agree to disagree on the OC.
Who is your choice for OC?
Barry Switzer.
But why are we talking about somebody who will never come here.
There are lots of young coaches who I have never heard about, let’s get one of those rising stars.
Well….since you’ve never heard of them….they must be better than Frost.
“We” aren’t talking about Switzer! You are.
Hawkins, we see your point: Frost is not coming to OU. Got it.
i think proving to himself and, especially, to the football world that he is more than a system oc would be plenty of reason to make the change. if he can have similar results at a different school, especially one with the clout of an OU, he may just be on his way to a hc gig a little quicker
He is just going to bring the system to OU. If he doesn’t than why would we want him?
point being, how many of their qb’s have gone on to set the world on fire after leaving? how many oc’s have left there to have great careers outside there? kelly did ok in philly. so the system works for them. does it work anywhere else? the answer would be so far….no. small sample size but if he wants to come to OU then he’ll come, if he doesn’t he won’t. if we wanted oregon’s oc(which happens to be frost), we go after and try to convince him. if we wanted gt’s oc same thing. i don’t know that bob necessarily wants oregon’s, he may just want frost, meaning frost may have blown his doors off in the meeting (if they’ve had one) and said something like “you like oregon’s offense? well what if i added my style to it and here’s what it would look like.” has oregon’s system made frost or has frost just continued to make oregon’s system awesome?
I agree with you. I don’t want Scott Frost even if he would accept it.
its not that i don’t want frost. i want bob to do his homework, which he will, and come up with the best guy for bob, the best guy for OU and the best guy to help mike or whomever is here on d next yr stay off the field as much as possible
I hope you are right, but I have lost a little bit of faith in BS’s decision making.
Next year better show improvement, primarily in player effort.
Is it Stoops’ coaching or recruiting that’s the biggest problem?
But therein lies the rub: Is he more than a system OC? Can anyone really be sure?
i think if or when they have the sit down or if they’ve already had it, he will prove himself worthy, be able to talk a good game, or prove he doesn’t know a run from a pass. one of the three and hopefully it ain’t three
I take as given that every OC knows “a run from a pass”, and I also take as given that, if he is interested in the job, he will be capable of making a positive impression in the interview. One assumes Bob is a good judge of coaching talent and will be able to tell if this is the guy we need. But then BS hired Kish…..and Martinez…..and Kittle…..and…well, you get the idea.
yeah i don’t know the exact history behind those hire except that they are people bob knows or whatever and he trusted them to come in and do a job. it got done to certain extents and then didn’t for various reasons. everybody wondered if he could make changes, then he did. then it was yeah but could he get rid of josh? then he did. now we’ll just have to see what happens. he’s on our mt rushmore, so i will love him til the day i die. i want to see what he has in store and hope he osborne’s and wouldn’t mind him doing it with one of osborne’s guys
Bob Stoops coaching tree is pretty impressive, and he seems to have operated a long time under the philosophy that he doesn’t need to go after great assistants – he’ll just grow his own. For a good many years he has gotten by with keeping much of the same staff as well as grooming and promoting from within, and that seemed to work. What he must be realizing at this point, is that there is now an arms race in CFB that has transformed the game. The level of competition has increased to the point where one must work every possible angle to gain a competitive edge…..much like the NFL.
yeah. kinda to your point is he seems to always have just let his coaches coach and it bit him some because you got guys that weren’t recruiting or whatever but banging recruits moms. i really feel like he knows he needs a homer or at least a triple and he seems to be a little more hands on in the last couple yrs. i hope it continues. i want him to prove to people why he still belongs and if he can’t…
Whoa…..banging recruits’ moms? Lol…did I miss an update?
haha. i believe that was the rumor about shipp. that and golf. i could be way off. ole damn rumor mill
Great and good point: this has become an arms race. Where you could once get through a Big 12 with one or two tough games, now you have to be ready for four or five tough games. Which is good, but Bob has gotta keep up. And he will, my opinion.
1. Double or triple the salary
2. OU verses UO 7 NC verses 0 NC unless 1st tomorrow
3. Coach in waiting possible
1. Phil Knight will match his salary.
2. NC’s don’t make a difference to coaches, Only there current situation.
3. Is Bob Stoops quitting soon, if not Scott Frost is a top candidate now.
What evidence is there that Stoops is quitting? And I’m still wondering if NU pursued Frost…
Oregon has legalized euthanasia and marijuana.
I don’t view a state that votes that way as being “nice.”
Living around those fruit loops could be all the incentive Frost would need to take a prime OC coaching job at OU, unless of course he is comfortable living with those fruit loops, in which case I hope he stays there.
Scott Frost runs a system that passes and runs i.e. multiple as BS likes to say. Check out this tutorial: http://youtu.be/ekf3RGWwqMQ
Two things:
(1) that is really good information
(2) that dude is a trip with a lot of time on his hands
Yeah. Too much time. But I thought it’ll help to see what Frost is running.
This was pretty cool. Always nice to see a video break things down. What I like about the zone read is that talent and execution gets rewarded. Defenses may know where the running plays are intended to go, but a RB with quick feet and vision can exploit other holes. It also opens up play action and other pass and run options from that alignment. Like he says, you may get a lot of zero or negative plays, but you will also get a lot more home runs.
Outside of Mariotta, I wouldn’t say Oregon has had a QB who is a very capable passer. Put a talented QB with that offense and you get, well, Oregon circa 2014. My only concerns:
– we may not be recruiting OL to play that kind of offense. We are building huge brutes who, though athletic, may be better suited to ground and pound.
– this offense may not suit Perine. Then again, we saw quick feet. Does he have the vision? On the flip side, Joe Mixon and Rodney Anderson in particular could really explode.
– can we get Mariotta-esque QB play who can run intelligently, safely and be a master at ball handling and zone reading?
I think Perine has the vision. There are reads a back makes. 1 hole 3…etc…Go back and watch some of his runs. I think our “brutes” would be better. I don’t see too much pulling going on. There is some. The narrator points out that Oregon is considered to have a smaller line, but the inside reads call for “physical football” at the point of attack. At least on the inside zone read, our bigger OL will crush the d. Darlington looks like one of the Oregon linemen at least.
The worst part of your argument is this:
At this point in time, which is a better program Oklahoma or Oregon? It isn’t a slam dunk for Oklahoma. Both states are essentially the same size and if they want to invest in there football program than there is no reason they can’t be as good.
Better Program? OKLAHOMA hands down. When you talk of programs, you have to include history. Oregon has little on that..
Who’s to say that if Frost comes, revives a stalled offense for OU, gets a great offer to become HC somewhere after one season, and now we’re back to square one, looking for an OC. Is it worth it? Guess the same could be said of any coach.
What if that revived offense gives us #8….you see what a good offensive outing looked like in the sugar bowl against a good defense…if we can get the offense to make a jump like say tcu’s then it would be worth it…even if we lose Frost after one year…we’ll get the next guy…When we got Leach we actually didn’t win it until the next year after he had left so there’s that to think about as well
In fairness to Bob, he and Leach were at odds on how the offense should be run. Leach wanted to pass even more than they did in ’99 and Bob wanted more balance. That difference in opinion is what made Leach look for another job, with Bob’s blessing.
Leach got Tacos and Bob got his balanced attack with Mangino and #7.
Just saying having him for one year wouldn’t necessarily be bad because it has worked out that way before. Maybe Frost and Cumbie come in and Frost gets a head gig after one year. Cumbie gets a bump in year two and wins it with his tweaks to the scheme
What’s the alternative? I think I’d rather have success for a season and start all over than have what we just had…which was 5 or so years of saying: “Are we actually any good?”
We have one great running back, two good running backs and one who has the potential to be better than all of them.
We need an OC who wants to run downfield and use play action.
Let’s get back under center and run a real offense instead of a gimmick.
If our coaches want to run an option, lets go back to a real option instead of the weak ass pistol offense, read option.
Lets all just wait and see Hawkins. This is going to work out.
Somehow you have decided I am the enemy because I thin k that Scott Frost is a fantasy.
I want a pro style offense that runs downhill.
If I can’t get that than go back to the triple option and never throw the ball.
What I don’t want is this gimmicky pistol offense.
triple option is a gimmick too…just saying……if we don’t have a qb that can complete passes and keep the chains moving then yeah we need a run gimmick offense…the whole point is to keep the chains moving and we were horrible on 3rd downs this year….and some of the times the run game got us into 3rd and long and we were unable to convert
I am not sure that I agree with you that the triple option is a gimmcik. If you commit to it than it is an offense that nobody else sees but once a year and I think that is an advantage.
Gimmick might be the wrong word, but the pistol seemed to be wrong for OU’s talent. We have great running backs, we need to run downhill and have short yardage oh 3rd down.
But of course you are right about the QB. We need at least a competent one, and hopefully a good one, or we are screwed.
The triple option is a gimmick in todays world of offense…it is not a normally ran running game and the deception of who will have the ball is a gimmick much like a magician uses them to deceive
I want a pro style offense with the QB under center. We should run the ball a lot, that is where our talent is. But play action should be a big part.
What we shouldn’t be doing is running 50 bubble screens a came.
I want us to punish the defense with our run game and make them quit in the 4th quarter.
If we can’t do that, go back to the triple option.
I could live with a pro style offense as long as we commit to it…if we have a qb and wrs that can move the chains then we can still punish with the run game in the second half..you’d be surprise how tired a lineman gets running sideline to sideline trying to make a play on those bubble screens…they’ll be worn out in the second half…..I’d really hate to see the triple options…kinda boring to me really..I wonder what the ratings are for schools that run it…don’t think I could make it through a game watching it…I’ll guarantee we will not move to the triple option lol
I want a versatile offense that moves the chains, burns clock and scores points. I don’t care if we pass to run or run to pass or do one or the other when the opponent doesn’t expect it.
Agreed. I want to have options or the versatility. The key to me is if we are up on a team, we don’t have to pass for first downs if we are trying to run the clock out.
Play action should be a BIG part of every offense.
Didn’t Miami figure out the triple option?
Penn St, Meatchicken and Forced Sex University all gave the bone fits.
I almost loathe the pistol… but only because of the way we ran it, and almost never seemed to get out of it.
The triple was a gimmick, so was the wing t, the split t, the veer, the I, the power I, the run and shoot, the spread, the pistol, the diamond and the A-11(of which I am a big fan).
All offenses were gimmicks when introduced and to this day when one of the old seldom heard of or seen offenses are used they are gimmicks.
Read option. Read option. But, cackle, cackle, gotta have the coach to teach it.
The only thing I don’t like about the read option is the QB always gets beat up. When they don’t and they run it right it is a great offense.
Not much difference between pro style or spread. Mainly depends on the players and how you align. Pro style is also out of the shotgun too. If you do some research, you will see that they are not far from being the same.
i thought pro form was 1 back under center
Because the triple option isnt a gimmick at all! ha! lol
I like the triple, I’m just sayin…
I agree that a more traditional offense would be better for OU at this time.
1st scatter thought for jordan’s hoops thread later:
why do we always seem very disinterested at the beginning of games? to me, it seems every game sans one or two where we look like we forgot we had a game and then get pissed at some point and end up beating the tar outta somebody
how do you go to texas and beat the absolute snot out of em and then come home for a brutal k st and lose?
Miss a 19 yard field goal.
I’ll tell you how. With time out, and you have the ball with 32 seconds left in the game, up 2 points, you put in your BEST free throw shooters and make dang sure the average ones or less are O U T!!! So what did Lon do? I’ll ttell you. NOTHING. He left Spangler and Woodard in the game, so naturally K-St fouls Spangler who is shooting a 1 and 1. Misses the first and they get a wild layup to tie it at the end of regualtion. DUMB
I got nothing good for Christmas so someone owes me a Frost and (Helton or Cumbie).
I’ll worry about the bonus D presents when they open up.
The bigger question, is he the best man for the job. I think he’d be crazy not to take it if offered, but should he be offered. Leave a program where Kelly gets the credit, Mariota runs the system, and the current HC is the former OC under Kelly, to take a program in a swoon, following an OC who was fired and for a head coach who is more interested in defense and leaves the offense to the coordinator. It’s a no brainer IMHO. This is exactly the kind of situation successful people look for.
But, is he really a better candidate than some of the others. Not sure because 1) the Oregon system, 2) Mariota, like Manziel, makes the coaches look better than they are. And 3) how would he have done if USC hadn’t been on probation.
I like Frost above all the others mentioned for simple reasons.
He was a successful QB in college, not the most gifted, but a gritty and determined winner that utilized the weapons he had available.
He has an impressive coaching resume on both sides of the ball and is currently the OC of one of the teams in the MNC game.
He gets results, he adapts and he wins.
I want a winner running our offense, one that will adapt to what the other teams are doing as well as to what his players are capable of.
We will only know how a new OC performs after he is on the job, not before.
One thing is certain, the need to hang half a hunnert every game has never been as important in the Big 12 as it is now. No defense is going to shut the Bears and Frogs down completely, so we better be ratcheting up the offense.
You had me at…..”I like Frost”
Anybody ever tell you that you are easy? :-0
Did I ever tell you I like Yoga pants?
Second greatest invention known to man.
i’ll bite. what’s first?
The DVR, silly man.
Thanks Tex, just spewed on my puter!!
hey hey. name calling is uncalled for.
tell ya what. i got that bad boy doing overtime for free movie channel weekend
I need to clear some space, the Barrett-Jackson Classic Car auction starts Tuesday and runs to next Sunday.
this one’s cool looking
I’ve been a fan of this auction for almost 20 years, won’t miss it.
For every car they accept for consignment, eight others are rejected.
Ron Pratte is selling off much of his personal collection this year too include Carroll Shelby’s personal Cobra that he bought at this auction for $5million a few years before Carroll passed away.
If you like classic cars and a good show this is the auction to see.
speed channel? pbs?
No sir, Velocity channel with some broadcasts carried on Discovery in off peak hours.
I’m going to clear my mind amongst this little sub-thread. Brian Bosworth for Linebackers coach.
Been to that auction a few times.
I remember when that one was auctioned.
It was the 1950’s GM motorama, those buses crossed the country and opened up showing future designs for GM cars.
This one was competely restored.
that’d be a kickass tour bus with an added logo on the side of course
you shouldn’t have to
Did you buy the ‘italics’ add on from Disqus?
No sir, I use html codes.
yes. you. do. Well done. Italics is such a good option when writing.
It’s easy.
Type an . Insert the word you want italicized, then a .
Copy That
/insert a b instead of an i and you get bold.
One small step. Its not the moon…its coding.
Good stuff
Really good stuff
Well played!
what the heck are you doing up so late, or is it early?
I have things to see and people to do.
Weekends only last so long.
HA! Good answer- I’d be in bed already but the wife and I just got home from Garth’s late show. Oughta be drifting off here in a couple a three minutes or so.
Looking forward to tomorrows spin.
I went to bed pretty early so I could get up.
Enjoy your rest, time for me to hit the shower.
IMO, Scott should take the job for one; prove that he is a good coordinator that can flourish outside the system at Oregon and show that he can adapt on the fly during the game. With some of the guys we have, I bet he can get them in space so they can use their athleticism to make plays.
The flip side of this argument is that if he stays at Oregon, and has success with another QB there, most schools, or a lot of schools, are going to assume he is a good OC.
Curious…was Frost the co-OC when Kelly was the HC?
Good question.
Not according to the Google. WR’s until Chip left. Also turned down the head coaching job at Colorado State. Can’t find any reference to the $ CS offered or if it got that far. Mike Bobo is reported to have taken that job for about $1.5M per. I’m not saying CS is even in the same are code as OU, but if $1.5M per and being your own boss isn’t lure enough, I’m having my doubts.
Oregon beat USC in 07 way before probation.
An interesting look back at Scott Frost’s last game as the Huskers QB.
I just want to say that with all the bad talk about JH, this will always be my memory of him! We are down 14-0 to NE, our team is looking like the winner was knocked out of them, JH takes off down the sidelines. I remember it well he gets popped by a NE defender, he pops up with a smile on his face, and we were on our way to #7. BOOMER SOONER JH! I wish you well.
That game put OU at #1 and never looked back.
Probably my favorite ever Sooner home game. That and the ’08 TT games are the two loudest I’ve attended with Stoops at OU. For an 11am kickoff, the crowd was insane that day. And not just inside the stadium. The buzz on campus that day before kickoff was simply incredible.
Not to mention, I called the TD pass to Savage/Fagan just before it happened. No safety help, I turned to my buddy and said “watch him throw a TD on a post route right here.” Boom!!!
Okay, Jordan, judging by the decline in the comments, this post is losing altitude and descending back to earth. We need you to lob us another nugget. Please. Please.Please.
“I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a post today.”
Dave Sittler
3 minutes ago
Longtime friend, Omaha columnist Tom Shatel, says Scott Frost will leave Oregon only for head coach gig. Tom should know; he’s the best.
That’s why I keep harping on the Riley/Cumbie combo. I just don’t feel like that’s a big step down, if any at all. Riley calls a very innovative offense and Cumbie has been associated with one as well. In addition, Cumbie appears to be a hell of a QB coach.
Great find Barry. Thank you.
Early on I said probably no chance at Frost, but I’m warming up to the idea IF he is brought in with hopes of him taking over for Bob down the road a bit. If Bob, or Joe C., or Boren, whomever, is willing to have that conversation with him, I think that might be enough to pull him away. Still don’t see him leaving to just become our OC. Not sure what he gains there, unless Oregon is simply unwilling to offer him any more money, which would be stupid. He will likely succeed at Oregon, system or not. If he comes to OU and doesn’t have great success, people with think he isn’t a very good OC. And given our QB and WR’s talents on campus, there is no guarantee we have the talent on campus next year for Frost to make a huge difference.
Certainly is interesting times.
Shepard is better than any of the Oregon wr’s. Westbrook and Quick will be more effective than the Neal, Quick combo.
Something that i have not seen mentioned, but why do the OC and DC have to be a position coach also. I think most agree That the QB position went down as JH focused on play calling and play calling never took off. Same with DBs, maybe just focus on the big skeems and let someone else do the main position coaching with some input.
it’s probably a cost-saving measure, due to paying more for top coordinators.
Aren’t schools only allowed to have so many coaches, or paid coaches?
If you break it down, the OC and DC almost have to coach a position, or you have to be willing to give up a positional coach somewhere, and have a position coach teach two spots. Like, sometimes you don’t see a TE coach, and they are simply coached by the OL coach or the WR’s coach.
Looking around the country though, unless I’m just not remembering right, and even back at OU staffs under Bob, I think most of our coordinators have also been position coaches.
I understand about the limits in staff but with the struggles we have had and the lack of usage of say the TEs, what would be more important QBs and play calling.
The TE usage is due to the QB play, IMO. And TE’s are almost never going to put up big stats. Outside of Gresham, who has at that position under Bob? Doesn’t mean they aren’t important.
And I don’t completely disagree with you, but I’m not willing to change the entire makeup of the staff just bc the last couple of seasons hasn’t worked out so well. Bob got rid of JH and Norvell, doesn’t mean there is a problem with how the staff is set up. Give the new guys a chance. Like I said, look around the country, almost all schools have coordinators that are also coaching a position.
Dingleberry even coaches a position with the tacos
I think our problem is that we are not using the TEs correctly. We use them to block as opposed to using them to occupy a LB.
Running a route downfield on a run play is as effective as blocking on a run play.
Our offense doesn’t always give us the run-pass option. If you get the defense thinking, you have the advantage.
HC vs OC
Scott Frost will become the HC of the offense at OU.
Not the OC of the HC ( Bob Stoops )
Big Difference.
The Reason Leach got a HC job so soon was because he was the HC of the OU offense.
Currently Frost is the OC of the HC and not the HC of the Oregon offense.
This, money, opportunity of being his own boss, prestige FB program ( OU ) will be an offer Scott Frost can’t refuse. IMHO.
IMHO it is a “done deal” to be announced on Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015
If it were a done deal, I think there would be something out that suggesting OU and Frost have met, and I haven’t seen that. With all the people tracking flights, and all that other jazz, it’s tough to hide that sort of thing.
Wouldn’t surprise me at all if Frost and OU hadn’t talked at all, at this point. At least, not directly.
Phone calls, agents…
…..also, don’t you have to get permission from the target school to talk to any coach…..it true, would seem to be very difficult to not have some kind of news leak at some point
that sounds right and yes too many mouths to keep from moving
I like the analysis.
I don’t see Bob going for it, no way I would. Associate HC of Offense, maybe. Never heard about Leach holding that title either.
Leach’s “official title” was OC.
Leach brought the Kentucky offense to OU and was the boss of the offense.
BS didn’t interfere.
BS stepped aside and let Leach make all the decisions on offense.
BS preferred Turner Gill ( NE QB ) to be the OC and install a balanced option offense.
In order to recruit Leach as OC ( 3rd or 4th choice ) he had to agree to let him be the HC of the offense with the “official title” of OC.
It’s of interest that Scott Frost like Turner Gill was a NE QB.
This time BS will get his first choice IMHO.
I remember Bob saying he wanted Leach to run the offense because he had such a hard time defending it at Florida. Could’ve been talking up the hire though.
The mood here has suddenly changed to “Frost or Bust.” Reminds me of the Texas fans’ obsession with landing a Boise St coach (to adopt their system). Harsin was unable to install anything innovative w/o a decent QB. Just as important as the system is the personnel on campus.
I think they found out real quick that Harsin’s abilities were way overstated.
Interesting point.
Great point. Thank you.
I’m sure I’ll catch some flack for this theory but I’m going to throw it out there anyway because in the back of my mind, I can see it as having some truth to it- I just don’t want to believe it.
Could it be that our program has fallen low enough so as to not be as attractive as we all assume it to be? Could we be placing our program on too high a pedestal and fooling ourselves that folks are falling over themselves to become a part of it?
I think Scott Frost would be a great hire based on a lot of what I’ve read and followed links to from here mainly. I’ve also read a lot of opinion(s) as to why he, or anyone else for that matter, would be crazy to not accept an offer, why he/they would be a great fit etc etc.
I don’t know squat really but could it be that we are nowhere near hiring anyone? That the delay is indeed due to Frost’s current focus but that in the end, he will opt out and all the rumored candidates prior to him were groundwork for Plan B if and when he turned us down?
I’m preparing myself for a perceived letdown in that the hire we make won’t be as sexy as we think we deserve. Just have to hope that Bob somehow manages to make it count and finds a guy who wants to be here and brings a contagious enthusiasm along with him.
I see it the opposite for anyone we would really want. Challenge and reward; OU can pull good/great athletes and the right candidate could come in and finish his HC resume in a couple of years through the dynamic turnaround of the offense. I don’t see OU in such a hole that it would scare anyone with a decent set of balls; which is what we’re looking for anyway.
Hoping your right, just trying to ignore that pessimistic little voice in my head saying otherwise.
Well, there’s a less than zero percent chance Michigan is a better job and they just got harbaugh to come be their head coach
True… What did that deal wind up being worth anyway?
Reported $7M per, second only to Saban.
$ talks
5/$40 i think
his alma mater
everybody knows that. did you know that ickey woods will celebrate almost anything?
didn’t know that about ickey
“Cold Cuts!” “WOOOOOOOO!”
44! that’s me ladies! get some cold cut get some cold cuts
I’d like to see what Helton can do with OU.
Our program was WAY worse off after the drunkard and Blake got through with it. We are OKLAHOMA and our tradition rich program will always be attractive.
Before the season started there was a poll that asked division coaches all over the country “if your son was going to a school to play football, what coach would you want them to play for?” Bob stoops was the top answer. So while we have had some mediocre seasons lately, the truth is oklahoma is a respected program and other coaches in the country respect the hell out of BS
I’d forgotten about that poll. Thanks for the reminder.
Any chance Helfrich has NFL aspirations? Frost might just be waiting for the obvious promotion if Oregon wins Monday night and Helfrich gets an offer he can’t refuse. Frost just still seems like a long shot to me.
as long as Kish is no longer the linebackers coach I’m ok with those changes Mike Stoops is well aware of the discontent with the defense.
Our D woes were coverage issues more than linebacker…Kish just can’t recruit worth a crap this year…I like Evans Bolton and Bond from last year but not sure how we finish up this class. That is my main gripe with Kish..on the field I’m not sure Stoops sees an issue with the backer coach
So if Frost declines, then who is #2 option?
your avatar!!
His is good….but I’m thinking mine is better.
we can just make then both co/oc then
And it’s not even close.
JH was the #2 option that was replaced with the #1 option.
‘Aggressive’ animal tramples 2 to death at Texas farm
are they as tired of the geico commercials as we are?
This place is weird without news. They replace Gibbs yet?
Gets pretty echoey.
Look i am at the point i don’t care who we get as a offensive coordinator i just want to win another national championship damn it in my lifetime does anybody agree with me.
just one?
Look the way thing’s have been going around here in recent years let’s just start with one then go from there i just hope we can get that one
I’m 70 starting to get worry.
Me to and i am only 50.
Can’t. Wait. Til. Monday…err…Tuesday.
Not sure how reliable RSEN is but…..Reports are saying Oregon OC Scott Frost will interview for the Oklahoma Sooners offensive coordinator position this week in Dallas. #RSEN
Never heard of RSEN…honestly.
Me neither, Wade from RSEN tweeted it, Jordon was asking him whos reporting it
Copy. Twitter outlet?
Seriously. This is on the top of their website; Not a good sign….
rsenetwork.net is for sale!
Need a price instantly? Just give us a call.
Toll Free in the U.S.
Never trust a guy in a bow tie…
LOL, i hear ya!
people in bow ties are very untrustworthy. It’s like a sign that says “I was be condescending while looking like a complete tool”
Who is this guy?
It’s Wade!
From State Farm?
Jake’s brother? I bet he IS wearing khakis…
Jake wears khakis…..Wade wears the bow tie.
Heh. You’re right. Probably wearing corduroys, that Wade character.
I have no idea and can’t vouch for accuracy of report.
Dunno but he sure has a sh*$ eatin’ grin on his face.
Is Wade just trying to bump a slow thread?
Heh. Technically, the witty banter at TFB could be considered “Reports” so…
Doesn’t look like that tweet is there anymore- unless I’m missing it
never mind, i see it
Wish the FB could confirm this.
Question: If we’re in the hunt for a top OC to run the show, do you think we even considered this guy who tOSU just hired? Just curious if he’s generally thought that much of.
Don’t think I’d want him, considered or not.
It would really surprise me if BS would even ask for permission to talk to Frost until after Monday
Its gonna happen.
I’m not feelin’ it, but I hope I’m wrong and you’re right.
Hope we find an OC that uses the tightend like the DCowboys are today
Go Pack Go!
bear down….wait we’re not in it
We need a QB that is as cool and composed as Rodgers.
Wouldn’t hurt if he could throw like Rogers, too.
lol what does that have to do with our OC search and use of a tight end….btw cowboys got screwed on the Dez catch..he made three steps with possession
Pretty funny.
What is the sudden obsession with OU fans and the TE? You do realize we’re probably a top 3 offense in college football over the last three years, and we did that with exactly ONE TE doing much of anything, and that was Gresham.
I’m not against having a good TE and using him effectively, but some of you act like that has been our biggest issue in recent years. I don’t get it.
No sudden obsession here…the tight end is a nice safety valve for the qb and is usually a mismatch with either a backer or safety and work great with play action
:stat from the twittersphere of Feldman: Oregon has had 6 different wide receivers go for over 100 hundred yards in a game this season.
product of Mariota? System? Talent?
? All three + the uniforms?
unis alone would have to net you two
But we don’t have six WR’s.
Whats a WR? Oh yea! that Shep kid!
Dez….just got robbed!
Don’t see how that’s not a catch….sure it bobbled but went up in the air and he caught it again
payback from last week? do they think like that? big money running around, conspiracy theorists might unite
Im a Raiders fan an i think that call on Dez is as bad as the tuck rule call in the snow at New England.
It was technically the right call. Its a bad rule that probably needs to go to the same rules graveyard as the tuck rule. Hate to see a referee’s decision determine a game. That said, who’s to say Rodgers would not have just marched down to score again as he was in imperious form. Lots of other plays decided this game, but only the Dez play will get talked about.
I heard the rules guru on Fox say that it doesn’t matter how many steps he takes, IF he’s stumbling! WHAT?? So let’s see. If a guy catches a screen pass on his own 10 yard line, but is STUMBLING as he catches it, but STUMBLES out to the 50 it’s NOT a catch. HORSE HOCKEY PUCKS! That’s a dumb rule. Also, Dez was reaching for the goal line. If that call is right, then the rule is wrong and needs to be fixed.
Stumbles to the 50? Have you ever seen anyone stumble that far that wasn’t in a cartoon?
Do drunks count?
………………I’ll allow it.
I will say this – with Scott Frost practically on our doorstep on Monday, it would be criminal not meeting him in Texas before he flies home lol
Coincidence? I think NOT.
GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!
the internet
Good job Colfax. And, good job Wade.
yeah, way to go wade. sweet bowtie, douche
Honest guy, admitted his wrong, I appreciate that. Plus, he seems to be working on our side. edit: in a bowtie no less.
yeah i know. just stirring the pot a little
the ‘ya douche’ statement stirs well. :).
on the rocks
twist of lime
goes down real nice
Is this a test? Are we supposed to match the phrase with the correct picture?
cmon man.
i suck at computers. i shocked myself that it turned out this well. i was here last night while tex was talking about italics and bold and he showed how to do it and it was all waaaaaay over my head
It’s a fine job. I’m glad people take the time to add effects..Since I’m not likely to do it. lol.
haha. you are too kind. its the internet version of finger paints i think
Well heres a guy with visual aids. Boomersooner you’re a teacher at heart.
some guys draw up plays. i create “art” with someone else’s stuff
Concept building with what you’ve got. This is why you talk football shop well.
i can draw up plays too
I like these plays, these guys are creative, their effort is high.
Can coach Montgomery recruit Frost…
I have no proof but given their past relationship….I feel like they have had a conversation recently.
What am i missing with Lampkin?? The last 4 crystal ball picks are OU but every picture i see he is wearing short horn garb and always doing horns up.
This potential Scott Frost as our next OC seems out of character for Bob, with very little experience as the OC running an offense that’s not his design, and qb he didn’t recruit. Our issues lie in recruiting/devoliping of the qb, can he recruit and coach them up? MM was already on campus and a projected heisman finalist, so the jury is still out on his recruiting and devoliping abilities, I just don’t see how anybody can say someone with so little experience should be our next OC that just don’t sound like Bob. We’ve just had our first miss that many including myself thought was a “can’t miss” with JH, wish him nothing but the best, a true sooner legend.
Yeah I think the savior Scott frost mentality has run rampant. I like the wku or toledo guy. Not saying Frost wouldn’t get the job done, but is he the Nick Saban of coordinators?
A not so encouraging update from Deano, not sure if anyone posted this earlier-
UPDATE Jan. 11, 10:30 a.m. – Tom Shatel of the Omaha World Herald writes today that Oregon offensive coordinator Scott Frost will only leave the Ducks for a head coaching job. No surprise and exactly what you’d expect a coach to say as he prepares for Monday¹s title game. But Shatel is money. Tom is one of the writers who has covered Frost and his family for over twenty years. I’m not working the Blitz tonight, but if there were a Play the Percentage question on chances Frost becoming OU’s next play-calling OC, I’d say less than five percent.
Based on this……I’m going 95%.
This is the same deano that said mike to lsu was in the bag. Then back tracked like always.
This bit was mentioned by another earlier today. I think the same journalist, who is very widely respected. Thanks Mizuno.
I figured. Not sure what the other comments were earlier, but for this to be the only news on the subject, out of Nebraska nonetheless, convinces me this could be the finest sequester of all time.
Frost quick on his toes http://m.journalstar.com/sports/huskers/sipple/steven-m-sipple-frost-s-quick-mind-ideal-for-oregon/article_a5ac14d6-d025-5aff-a1ac-0d3bcb23a063.html?mobile_touch=true
NORMAN, Oklahoma –
Sources confirm that OU plans to name Lincoln Riley as its new play-caller and offensive coordinator. Riley has helped set records at East Carolina as the coordinator and quarterbacks coach the past five seasons. It’s a clear sign Bob Stoops is going back to the Hal Mumme/Mike Leach “Air Raid” style of attack that OU ran in the beginning of the Stoops Era (1999 under offensive coordinator Mike Leach). I’m told OU will emphasize getting its talented running backs in space in the attack and that Riley’s success and experience of play-calling helped him become Oklahoma’s choice.
I’m told Mike Leach and Hal Mumme gave rave reviews of Riley, who was a walk-on quarterback at Texas Tech and spent seven seasons in the Tech system. The 31-year old Riley is expected to be named OU co-offensive coordinator, play caller and QB coach in the near future. It’s expected that Stoops will immediately focus on naming a wide receivers coach, and that Riley’s input would be considered. Stoops announced last week that his co-coordinators Josh Heupel and Jay Norvell were not returning to the OU staff following the 8-5 season in 2014.
Nice. I stand corrected on Frost.
I hope it works out for OU.
Does anyone know if Perine can make the deep throw?
of course
I’ll wait until I hear this confirmed by others I don’t think deano is right. According to dean, he won’t be on tv tonight so I think he’s trying to steal headlines.
So we’re going back to a 20 yr old offense. *YAWN*
Yawn away. I’m going to be on the edge of my seat. Have been for awhile now. Time will tell.
IF this is the actual hire, I love it. He was my “realistic” number one and Frost was who I wanted “in a perfect world.”
Same. I watched two ECU games this season. I saw the work he has done.
I know he understands what real WRs look like too…and how to use them. He had two beasts…at ECU.
Yeah, TWO, and a supporting cast corp that could catch the ball reliably as well.
Needs to find some “in space” RBs though. What OU has are “downhill” guys…or develop them to work “in space”
I’m not finding this distinction to be a real issue. Every running back seeks space, and good ones MAKE space. An offense like Riley’s (which will change to meet the talent and HC) will be capable of getting Perine, and Mixon, more space, and make the down-hill run more surprising. My view.
Only real between the tackles pound ya type back we have is perine, the rest will do good in a riley type offense. Perine might not have to carry it 25-30 times for us to move the ball
If Smith was still here I think he would of been a good one in space. Also, even though Quick is not a running back, He is one that I can see in space and making the plays for long yardage. He has some serious speed and put him out there, that would be a very tough matchup.
….so, you’ve watched a couple……….are they just another tech
I would shoot you straight and tell you yes if I thought so. No.
The Sports Animal @sportsanimal 5s5 seconds ago
Sources confirm that Lincoln Riley will become the new OC for OU #Sooners
Sports Animal saying it too
I’m not saying this isn’t true but until the Brainiacs confirm this I’ll take it as a rumor getting thrown around. I know nothing about Riley but it sounds like he likes to throw it a ton…I hope he figures out how to utilize our talented bunch of RBs because I’d hate to not use the best part of our offense.
….don’t think the backs we currently have came here to ‘play in space’…….
Maybe he will make Ross a super star.
I agree with this.
Oh they love space.
I don’t want Perine just in “space” I want him running through defenses and setting a tone…..but maybe that’s just me…
So I reading the tweets that it will be Lincoln Riley
If it is Lincoln Riley then I expect him to bring one of his qb commits. I would guess this one from Shawnee.
6’2″, 220lbs, 4.47 speed, 5 star, I’ll give him a chance.
He’s not a 5 star though. I’m not sure why that was on the video. 3 star on 247 and according to the composite.
That makes more sense, was wondering why we haven’t heard more about him.
I just can’t see cumbie coming here now so I wonder who we go after as the wide receiver coach
No idea. I can’t figure out the plan behind this hire….if it takes place.
Me neither. If we’re going to go forward to the past and be Texas tech again, why’d we fire Josh?
This isn’t valid or sound DC. No, not what is happening.
What isn’t valid?
The assertion: we are being Texas Tech, and because we are, then Josh Huepel should have just stayed.
When I read somebody runs a Hal Mumme air-raid offense and gets kudos from Hal Mumme and Mike Leach, how are they not Texas Tech exactly? Not sure what you’re getting at.
You draw a conclusion, from facts, but the conclusion you come to isn’t real. Its an opinion. Making an assertion as if it is the truth when it isn’t is just plain frustrating. If the offense runs a mimic of TT next season, and we get the same results that TT gets, and we go 8-5, then your assertion will take on reality.
Not sure what you’re talking about? We ran the air-raid Mumme offense for years here before when Texas Tech was running it as well and we always had a different results than they did. I’m drawing my conclusions from installing a re-tread offense we’ve already ran here that won a bunch of BIG XII titles but couldn’t win anything else of note.
Looks like Riley runs the ball an average of 20 times per game and throws it 45-60 times per game. That’s the Hal Mumme air raid offense to a tee. SO……if this is true, we’re going back to being an unbalanced, unphysical, one dimensional team.
ECU Total Offense:
Total Pass Attempts: 637
Total Rushing Attempts: 433
We were one dimensional this season. That is real. Whatever actually happens in 2015, I’ll be ready to see it as it is.
We were one dimensional this year because we don’t have any QB’s that can complete a pass or and WR’s that can get open. So why would we want Hal Mumme offense retread? I just don’t get the thinking. And ECU was 66th in rushing last season.
Also, in perfect Hal Mumme offensive fashion, ECU won a majority of games this year, made it to a bowl game against a legitimate defense, and could only manage 20 points, thus losing the game. Hal Mumme offense ladies and gentlemen *golf clap*
Jason Candle?
Scout has him as a 2star…Seen him play Ardmore in the playoffs…pretty good player…almost brought them from behind to win with some long pass plays…pass D was a weakness of the Ardmore squad but he made some nice throws
It is good news.
Sports Animal facebook is reporting that Lincoln Riley will be the new OC. Any confirmation?
Tfb posted on Twitter they are working to confirm
Sorry I don’t do twitter so missed it
It’s cool. I figured not everyone does Twitter
Jake TrotterVerified account @Jake_Trotter 2m2 minutes ago
Per source, OU has not offered the OC job to anyone. Bob Stoops still talking to candidates, including Lincoln Riley.
Right on cue
Amazing. I have learned a lot about the press. Thanks OUn8v.
Dean being Dean…….again.
Sounds like no Frost but Riley
Opportune time to note the depression that ensued when this came across thirty minutes ago as Riley as OC. I am prepared for the reactions of anyone other than Frost now. We don’t know until the field is sprayed and the boys run out again. I hope the depression doesn’t strike this board as heavily as others, this just isn’t the place for it; but if it takes that downward spin, well, so be it.
I feel like we’re being trolled.
……..well, whether it’s true or not, I enjoyed this observation via LT poster…….
………”At least he’s not a friend, relative, gardener, contractor or neighbor of Bob’s. That alone warrants a thumbs up from me. “
My bad. Just got off of football Scoop.
Read below.
I work on Sunday’s. #outoftheloop
I am way too constant on this board J.K. Just bringing you up to it on this particular thread.
Everyone’s reporting it ……then taking it back.
Out of the loo[p these days
…including the deano?
He only put 73% on it, he still has a chance.
I looked here first. Didn’t see it. Figured TFB would be all over it. I don’t post any more. to much BS on here. Not like back in the old days.
I could tell you why. But, its football. Good decision.
I’ve noticed you haven’t been around lately, still better than most.
I can only imagine Ray. I restrict myself to here, and I would bet it is indeed better than all the others, especially in board talk.
I call this my home base but still enjoy reading everywhere.
Yeah, there are a couple other good sources for information and insight.
I was a regular way back in the beginning. This place has exploded since then.
It did but we still miss the insight you provided. Your knowledge is needed on here. Yea, there are some knuckleheads but we all want to understand x & o’s. You know that so hang in there and enlighten us. I know I appreciate your knowledge
I remember when you started posting, up late at night with EasTex. lol.
We miss you, man.
QBs and WRs gotta love it. Come to OU. You’re gonna get to PLAY.
riiiiiiiiiight. SoonerinLondon, letting some air in.
Someone shoot Deano a message and thank him for giving us a little excitement on a Sunday night
Lincoln Riley is the new OC
Whhoooooooaaaaaaa whoa whoa. Are you 100% sure about that?
LOL, thats good Easton!!
I really want to keep this board sane, myself included.
Not that it is my job to do so. I just really enjoy the news, and conversations.
me too, isnt that what sports are entertainment
Other site and dean just reported it
are you up to date on what many here think of Deano’s prowess (or lack thereof?)
OTHER SITE just reported it
Other site and dean blevins reported it
Don’t believe it to be true.
Is he or isn’t he? I’m gonna need another drink!
Hell its early Ray this is just getting started, Better grab a six pack!
Cheaper to buy 30 at a time, that’s how I roll.
good move!
Isn’t. See this could go on and on.
I guess we will see pretty soon
I’m just messin. Would be glad if he was and this charade was over..
Haha no problem Daddy R. I dont take it too seriously. Got to have fun or else it would not entertaining.
Baker Mayfield is the clear front runner for QB now!
If in fact he is the new OC…..the I would concur.
That would be “co” – OC LOL
My bad…yo.
Would actually be nice if he was just straight OC and they hired someone else not titled “co.” All this “co” crap is annoying..
It would seem that way but thomas did play in a offense like that in high school. He just has to stop playing baseball bc it affects his throwing motion
Wow! Gone for an hour and come back and now this!? Scratching my head… but if Riley is pick, I’m down. As long as dude knows how to use I-formation.
Edit: nice that he has experience calling plays. Plus, before Frosty was being thrown around, it seemed Riley was this boards overall “numero uno.”
Whoever it is, I don’t care. As long as they utilize our playmakers and we score a lot of points, it’s cool.
Bedenbaugh and Gundy will make sure there is a power run game.
I thought dude from WKU was desired more before Frost.(?)
Oh, he might have been. Who is that, Helton?
Can’t recall without looking, there has been so much “cackling” the past week.
Jake Trotter is calling FALSE on the Dean Blevins report… Looks like he strikes again. or, WHAT?
What the heck? I’m embarrassed for Dean if he’s wrong, that’s pathetic.
Didnt he peg Mike to LSU was a done deal?
Didnt he report there was a manhunt for Joe Mixon?
Yes on both counts, guilty as charged.
There was something else a few years back, but cannot remember… another stupid report.
Stoops to Florida Deano’s masterpiece
Lol forgot about that one, up yet that’s not what I was referring to. Oh, didn’t he also say the OKC DE from last class was going to OU before he went to LSU?
Dean Blevins credibility card was pulled a long time ago. I’m sure he woke up in a cold sweat thinking a demon told him Riley was hired.
Like I said dean just trying to stir things up. Not saying he will be wrong eventually but I think this has more to do with the fact that he won’t be on tv tonight
Sorry, I don’t consider Blevins a source for breaking news.
Dean Blevins to be named WR coach………since we’re just throwing sh%t at the wall.
It isn’t sticking and that is a hell of a mess to clean up. That’s ok Deano can clean up the mess. He started this mess to begin with.
Dean can be nuttier than squirrel poop.
now I know how peanut butter is made!
Never had a goober patch, don’t know if those tree rats dig up goobers or not.
and im assuming thats pretty nutty
It is if you have oak and pecan trees nearby.
Regardless of the product Riley has put on the field, many fans would consider this to be a solid hire but not a homerun. From…Decray
Y’all sure there’s any substance to the Lincoln Riley rumor? Starting to see reports that conflict with what Blevins said…
CCM is stating it is false. It could still happen it just hasn’t as of yet.
That’s the feel of it to me. The type of “it hasn’t happened yet but really could so I want to be first” rumor.
Unless or until I hear it from The Brainiacs it is all just rumors and propaganda.
Other site
Everyone but Dean Blevins is calling it false.
Dean should open up an omelet stand with all the egg on his face.
Preach it Ray…!
forget Frost, Dean Blevins says it will be Lincoln Riley from ECU
Last Coach Standing:
Is still Scott Frost!
Riley is back to Leach
BS does not want a modified Leach offense.
He wants a new offensive system that few can provide.
Frost is one of the few coaches.
Frost isn’t standing according to good reports out of Omaha. He is taking an HC job, or staying put. That has been communicated today, but we won’t know until we know.
I saw the report out of Omaha from a credible source.
OU position is a unique opportunity and not typical OC
I am still betting on Frost.
I will eat Internet humble pie ( metaphor ) if wrong.
You do the same if Scott Frost is the OU OC.
(me rooting for the guy, kind of feel bad for him, always reporting wrong info and everything..)
That was the dinosaur pet on The Flintstones.
who Dino?
Not sure who Patrick Quinn is, but he’s reporting the same thing as Dean:
Quoting Dean — “according to News9 in Oklahoma City”
I honestly don’t know how that guy still has a job.
Pictures of Boren.
modern media is about clicks and facts get pushed to the back pages
He is claiming News 9 as a source. Deano strickes again!
Until the Brainiacs announce it….I’m still in Limbo.
Just another Sunday evening Sports Blitz teaser?
Riley/Cumbie QB/WR combo could be pretty interesting.
Gotta run for a few… DONT go hiring a WR coach without me!
Michael Irvin.
Who was the Minnesota Viking wr that went to college at Marshall. I heard he was the new wr coach.
Thank you Eas. It slipped my mine. I guess I’m starting to get a little memory loss. LOL!
Memory loss isn’t all bad.
You get to wrap your own Christmas presents, you never watch reruns and you meet new people every day.
I’m still too young to have it. My two daughters had our first two grandkids this past year and I need to remember their names. LOL!!!
Grandbabies are the best!
Doesn’t matter what their given names are, it’s the nick names you give them that count.
Then you don’t want to know what I’ve called them LOL!!!!
That’s your bidness. :-}
They are good names, wouldn’t give them up for the world. They are a handful though.
Randy Moss. You want Pennington for OC/qb too?
Sure, why not? It couldn’t be worse than what we had last year.
SiL, don’t say it yet, he hasn’t gotten back yet. Patience. LOL!!!!
Tom Sellick!
Goldie Hawn?
And Kurt Russell!!!
Sorry, went a little “Overboard”…
Hey, why not Al Pacino? He is undefeated as a movie football coach.
posted by oklahoma updates
Dean Blevins
Reporting new OC
Lincoln Reilly new OF
Done deal!
Jimmy McGinty-OC/WR
Shane Falco-QB
Falco would be a perfect Bama QB…can’t win the Sugar Bowl.
This I can believe.
Trotter: good trustworthy name. Oklahoma City guy, former high school QB.
Nate Scarborough-OC/WR
Paul Crewe- QB
I heard that Scarborough was a Heisman winner at OU back in the day.
Lincoln Riley is a candidate for the OU offensive coordinator job, but like @Jake_Trotter, I’m told no one has been offered yet. #Sooners
jason kersey…..
Antoine Stephens sounds close to choosing ou
Where do you see that at? If it is on twitter then I won’t know. I don’t have a twitter account.
A link to his twitter account, perhaps?
Last tweets were on the 8th when Monty was calling everybody
Reload page.
he has visits set up through Jan 30th
And he probably knows where he wants to go
hope he commits next weekend when he is in norman
Well, he could be a little more vague…if’n he wanted too.
If Lincoln Riley is the new OC, then that would be OK. Based on the games I’ve watched of East Carolina, they don’t look like a straight an Airraid offense like Tech or early 2000s OU. If Lincoln Riley is the new OC, then I’m confused why Heupel isn’t still the OC. Perhaps the answer is that Josh knows the offense, but not how to call plays or develop a game plan.
Deano is the one. He can turn a calm peaceful evening into confusion,uncertainty and chaos.
Listen to Deano and have another drink.
Have another drink and cuss Deano.
Enjoy the excitement and fun of an emotional shakedown.
Per me:
Nick Crozier and Jack Rooney- package deal
What’s that sound?
Dean has a bear suit?
I think it was the wild-a**ed look in his eyes.
new update on all this noise
go ahead gomer.
Don’t leave us hangin man.
lol, not my update the brainiacs
Jake Trotter solid reporting as always Dean Blevins appears to have it right this time,
Will Lincoln be able to pick receiver coach ?
Anybody know how Bob’s interview today with Frost went? Not! What a pipe dream that was.