– Trajan Bandy: Yesterday, the Sooners picked up a commitment from 2017 Columbus High School (Miami, FL) defensive back Trajan Bandy. Bandy has been public, for quite some time, about his affinity for the Sooners and the OU coaching staff. TFB caught up with Bandy shortly after his commitment went public.
Bandy tells us he is being recruited as a nickel back. That’s a position Bandy feels comfortable with and suits his game. He also is very comfortable with the OU coaching staff saying, “Bob Stoops and Kerry Cooks have been with me from day one. I’m a Sooner.” That led me to ask if he had plans to take visits, other than his April 9th visit to OU. Bandy stated, “As of right now, I don’t have visits planned. That is something I’ll sit down and talk with my dad about later.”
I got a sense that Bandy is very solid, right now. He is already publicly recruiting another Florida defensive back, and Florida State legacy, Stanford Samuels III to join him. Bandy is the type of player OU needed to get in the Miami area. He has a great personality and seems to be a leader and may help open up some doors in south Florida. – (Brandon)
– Cornerback Position: We are told the Sooners are looking to take three cornerbacks in this class and Bandy does counts towards that number leaving only two spots remaining…
– Tre Brown: To the point above, Tre Brown is someone to keep an eye on as potentially the next cornerback to fill up one of those three spots. Brown tells me he had great trips to both Oklahoma and Oklahoma State recently and is currently being recruited by a number of schools including Oregon, Tennessee, Florida and others. But I’m told that Brown may be looking to make a decision sometime in March. He tells me he’d like to get back out to OU to watch a spring practice.
If the Sooners can land Brown to go with Bandy then they will likely spend a great deal of recruiting effort on both Jeffrey Okudah who has visited Norman twice already and Kary Vincent Jr. – (Super K)
– James Robinson: Last week, 2017 Lakeland, Florida wide receiver, James Robinson, put his top four out on twitter. It included Clemson, Florida, Ohio State and Oklahoma. I got to speak with Robinson, yesterday, and he is very high OU saying, “They are one of the schools recruiting me the hardest and I love the way they air it out on offense.” Robinson also credited Sooners outside receiver coach Dennis Simmons for them being in his final list, “I love coach Simmons. He is so laid back and just a really good guy.”
The perception is that Clemson is the leader for Robinson, but he does plan on visiting Florida soon. There is no visit date set to OU, but they will, at the very least, get an official from Robinson, according to what he has planned. Robinson gave no timeline for a decision. – (Brandon)
– Viney Interviewing: James Hale at OU Insider reported this morning that Courtney (Chip) Viney will be interviewing for an open position with Michigan today. We’ve spoken to a source at OU who did confirm the report. – (Super K)
– UPDATE (9:19 am): We can confirm that Kansas defensive line coach, Calvin Thibodeaux is interviewing today for the Sooners defensive line coaching vacancy.
– UPDATE (10:48 am): FootballScoop is reporting that OU has already interviewed Mississippi State’s David Turner for the defensive line job.
So OU CB pecking order would be…?
1. Kary Vincent Jr.
2. Tre Brown (with an OU commitment likely)
3. Justin Broiles (may wait too long and not have a spot)
Broiles is a safety recruit for OU.
I’m assuming the length at CB is not an issue with the 2017 class as both of these guys are 5’10.
Speed. Bandy is more of a nickel. Tre is a CB.
Bandy’s explosiveness more than makes up for his height/length.
Mackenzie Alexander was about the same size and shut Shepard down.
Interesting. I always thought Alexander was at least six feet tall. I didn’t realize he was a smaller CB until I just checked.
that’s probably what allowed him to do so well. Quicker and able to stick with Shep. Jason Verrett was small and he was a total stud.
They def want some long guys but speed is a priority in this class. Fastest db in recent testing was Mbanasor I believe at around 4.5. They’re looking to bring in some faster guys.
Based on your sources or opinion, I would like to get your take on how we could keep Viney. Or, would it be good experience for him to learn another system and possibly bring him back one day. Thanks
Parker and J. Thomas in the 4.5 range or 4.6?
Parker and J. Thomas in the 4.5 range or 4.6?
So would the Sooners even take Broiles commit if the thought is they may wait to see how Okudah pans out to fill the last safety position?
Okudah is a longshot for OU since his love affair with Ohio State is common knowledge….OU may / may not be a factor for this guy……
But you also have to consider his relationship with Robert Barnes and some other Dallas players that we have committed. We beat tOSU in September and it may change things
Do you have a life outside of TFB? Lots of things to see and do in this world Mr. Dale…
It’s Ms. Stephanie Dale not Mr…And no he doesn’t have anything positive to say about OU EVER or anything positive in life except for the SEC conference.
Haha I’m rarely on here and notice the negativity from him every time I see the comments. Lots of comments from him. He needs to get laid. Whether it’s with a man or woman, doesn’t matter.
I agree on that.
I do ; however, I enjoy visiting with the posters on this site. Would you deny me that pleasure ?
Longshot may be a bit strong, but Okudah isn’t someone I would count on either. At lot can change before NSD and Ohio is a long way from home.
I agree. the same dynamics that you mentioned for Okudah applies to Bandy ( distance from home/ homesickness )…..Very true.
Broiles is said to be a close friend of T Moore ….the OSU puke factor may be in play ……..
Would OU take Broiles commit or are they wanting to take their time and see if they can land Okudah, Delpit, or Pryor first?
Really? Interesting.
So are they wanting Okudah more at safety or CB?
Is OU recruiting Jamyest Williams as a CB or WR.
Viney to Michigan, huh… Wonder how Kelly would take that..? Michigan was in his top 3..
Great info as usual. I’m happy and bummed for Viney. Great opportunity for the young man but at the same time I would like for OU to keep him.
Were stacked at DB now.
Long way to NSD
yup more time to sign more 4 stars
We need more variety. Maybe throw a couple of 5* in there to mix things up.
You never say no to a 5 star generally unless they are Brent Rawls, or Josh Jarboe, but man if we don’t get one 5 star but fill class with this level of talent it is going an amazing #SoonerSquad17
Brent Rawls was an excellent holder.
It’s probably a good time now since we’ve wiped out Lackawanna JC.
Will Robert Barnes be moved to Safety? Because my math sucks, but I already count 2 DBs committed to this class, leaving only one more spot open.
Tyrese now has a 6.0 rating updated today
The weekend was perfect huge Boom and had a great birthday. Then I read Viney might leave. Well Crap!
Belated happy birthday! 🙂
Thanks K.
If Viney is going to be an assistant here, I would prefer he have some experience. It’s probably a good thing for him to go to a lesser school like Michigan to get some experience, then we can hire him when Cooks takes the next step. Cooks appears to be too good a coach to not move up at some point.
Viney is interviewing at Univ of Michigan ( per JE)….. figured he was happy in Norman…maybe not so much…….
Or maybe he wants a third assistant job, not quality control? I doubt he hates Norman, like you think everyone does.
Yes Miss Dale wouldn’t consider that someone might be leaving because they were going to triple his salary. It has to be because there is something wrong with OU.
“Miss Dale” good one, Bob. He-who-must-not-be-named has commitment issues: no one will commit to him. Ask his former wife who is banging the cabana boy.
hahahaha, can’t blame the ex wife for leaving. Can you imagine hearing the all negativity all day every day.
I can’t imagine that. He doesn’t come here every day and I can’t take it when he comes.
I don’t know he’s kind of like an alarm clock. He goes off first thing in the morning, gets your blood going, but then all you have to do is slap it and it shuts up for the day.
hahahaha, good one Bob
hahahaha, can’t blame the ex wife for leaving. Can you imagine hearing the all negativity all day every day.
Morning Sam!
Morning Golf
Morning Doc!
actually she married an older guy who has since died….she ‘settled’ with me and got everything he had—-all within a 5 yr period….
How about we wait until we know what position he is interviewing for before making comments like that? If it’s a better position, can you really blame him?
I don’t think it has to do with happiness. It probably has more to do with opportunity than anything. If it is the same job title and money, then there is an issue. If it is a promotion, it is Viney progressing in his career.
I would agree with you…..Michigan probably sees his value like we do……….
Let him go learn some more recruiting tactics from that crazy Harbaugh then come back and spread it around.
Wouldnt you be happier posting on the Scout board?
why would I ?
That was more of a request than a question.
Im pretty sure its by popular demand.
I’m not sure if happiness is really an issue. Especially considering he’s trying to advance his career. I have a feeling that if Bob offered him the same money, position and all other details being equal to what Harbaugh might offer, Viney would stay here. If he gets some good experience elsewhere, and we have a position open up that he’s suited for, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised at him being the first to throw his name in the hat to be considered.
What makes you happier, working for Bob at $30k as compared to $100+K for Jim. Take the money and run. Hmm, I like that saying, I may write a song and use it.
it depends on the value one places on longevity. Bob is known for his loyalty to assistant coaches while Harbaugh has a reputation as a ‘snake’…Just me, but I value loyalty so I’d work for Bob for 1/3 what Harbaugh is offering….Don’t think i’d like Ann Arbor with a copperhead slithering around…….
In life, you need to learn how to work with both good/bad people. This will help you in different situations you face in life.
You know the difference in pay between a QC position vs a Position coach? This wouldn’t be a hard choice to make if he is actually offered to position. Good luck to him if he gets it
You know the difference in pay between a QC position vs a Position coach? This wouldn’t be a hard choice to make if he is actually offered to position. Good luck to him if he gets it
Kelly is signed, sealed and delivered. Don’t need Viney anymore.
That’s wrong. LOL!
I forgot this. (pic)
I know you and I knew you were being sarcastic.
Gonna roll into Columbus, OH tomorrow night. Not sarcastic.
Cool. For how long?
Just a couple weeks, I believe.
Okay. This week doesn’t work. But I can be in Columbus next week. I will let you know.
I’ll have to see what my schedule is like. I’m not sure how much time we’ll put in on a daily/weekly basis. I’ll finger it out and let you know.
*figure it out*
It’s funny, I’ve said/typed “finger it out” for 17 years. I had an awesome HS Calculus teacher that had funny sayings like that and they have stuck with me all this time. Greatest teacher I ever had.
Someone got the grammar police. Too funny.
Isn’t Viney one of the reasons we’ve had that Fresno connection?
Mike is THE reason..he even brought in Viney
Mike is THE reason..he even brought in Viney
Kelly said in one of his interviews, after signing day, Mike was the reason he signed with OU. Viney wasn’t mentioned.
Not a home run by any means. More like a double.
He wasn’t the top of Bobs list. They are concerned about lack of experience.
Glad to know that, thanks.
Well K, you are right he’s not at the top of my list and I am concerned about the lack of experience. But how did you know? Have you been reading my mind? 🙂
Are we swinging and missing or is Bob just doing his due diligence?
He probably is considered ‘good enough’ that, if our top choices aren’t interested we might consider hiring him. It could also be a case of Bob helping a former Sooner out. Just the fact that he interviewed at OU will get him noticed by other schools. So go ahead and interview the guy, if the others fall through we pick him up and if not, we probably have made him a little hotter property by taking a look at him.
Last year I remember Stoops saying the Reynolds blew him away during their interview. I think Stoops wants each of them to bring their A game and then he will see who sells themselves the best and who is the best fit.
Who is are top DL targets for this class?
I’d also like to know. With no DT commits for 2016, I’m assuming we’re looking at taking several.
The top of almost every teams list at DT is Marvin Wilson, a 6’4″ 316lb 5* prospect from Bellaire, TX
from what I’ve read, sounds like Sooners are doing alright with Wilson so far.
#1 Marvin Wilson
#2 Everybody else
Greg Rodgers from Nevada looks legit.
I posted this below, but from what I’ve read, Sooners are in pretty good with Wilson, is that accurate?
They were, it would be hard to say that’s still the case w/o a d-line coach at the moment.
He will be VERY HARD to get to Norman, I see $ec for him
The Wilson kid in Houston is rated highest.. 2nd choice is the guy at LV Gorman who committed to tOSU….
I think we need 3 or 4 DTs in this class…
May have to go the JUCO route I’m thinking for. Couple of them.
The thing that worries me about the Thibobeaux hire is not the experience. What worries me is he’s played for Mike before and there may be a tendency to remain submissive. Will he challenge Mike? That’s a lot to overcome if you’ve never had a voice.
At the same time he is already familiar with Mike and knows what he is getting into. That might be to his advantage.
Which makes me think that if he’s interviewing then we’ve already struck out on our top tier DL coaches.
If you look at his resume, he’s definitely a young coach that’s trending up. Experience is always going to be negative with young coaches.
Personally, i don’t see anything wrong with his resume or experience.. If he played at LSU & his resume was exactly the same otherwise, i think people would be fairly excited about the prospects of hiring him as a DL coach.. For some reason, him having played here, worries people..
There is not really anything wrong with his resume, but he is inexperienced relative to the other guys we are looking at. That makes it seem to some like we are looking at him only because of his OU ties and not his resume.
In my opinion, he is a fallback guy. If we don’t get the guys at the top of the list we hire him because he’s a good young coach and he is familiar with the area and the culture. He just doesn’t have the top level experience we are looking for.
Yep. I’d prefer to see tangible results of him actually coaching.
Personally, i don’t see anything wrong with his resume or experience.. If he played at LSU & his resume was exactly the same otherwise, i think people would be fairly excited about the prospects of hiring him as a DL coach.. For some reason, him having played here, worries people..
I would definitely be alright with Thibs. Young, energetic and has ties to the Houston area.
Looks like a Thibodeaux vs Turner situation……….
Looks like Harbaugh and his staff’s time in Fresno last summer is paying off. Hooking up there with Tony Perry and Viney. Recruiting high schoolers and future assistants. http://www.fresnobee.com/sports/high-school/prep-football/article21637059.html
Everyone now sees the 9:19am update, yes?
I see it.
cool, thx
I see it.
Yes, don’t like it
Hey, Captain Cooks (refresh for images):
Morning Jake!
Good morning, Golf.
Hope business is boomin’ this morning for ya!
It’s going ok so far.
They’ve got you at the helm, can’t go wrong ?
Yes it can: if he’s watching the Hallmark channel, as he loves to do, he’s not paying attention. LOL!
Lol, I could see how this would prove to be a detriment to the business. However, spending an inordinate amount of time on TFB is highly beneficial.
Yeah, Monday’s I do not get to spend much time here, my busiest day of the week.
We will hold down the fort for you, brother.
I appreciate it!
It’s all about the priorities.
Only at Christmas time, to keep my wife happy. As it is I’m in the dog house, I did not get her a Valentines Day card.
Oh, snap!!!
Golf, I’m afraid you have been demoted below the dog house.
Not really, see our anniversary is this Friday and I bought her some sweet diamond earrings. I am about to be freed from the doghouse for the year!
You are the man!!!
We agreed many years ago not to celebrate Valentine’s Day because our anniversary is so close. But this year my wife went out and bought a poster board and hand made a huge poster Valentine’s Day card for me. And I got her nuthin’! You can see why she felt upset at me, however in my defense we have not done anything like this for 2 decades for crying out loud. How am I supposed to know when she is going to do stuff like that? LOL! I did the laundry for a week so that got me mostly out of the doghouse.
Well played, sir. Now is the time I say: “Bow chick-a-wow-wow!”
Were there air quotes over the “Only at Christmas time, to keep my wife happy” part?
No, that is when I watch it. LOL!
Good Morning Jake.
Morning, Doc!
Quick question…Is this normal?
Looks normal too me lol.
HA, I really don’t understand how you find these pictures of me.
It is in my house (especially after consuming the Taco Deluxe Supreme with hot sauce)!
Whew, I feel so relieved. Thanks for sharing, lol.
Good for Chip. He needs to go if he gets a promotion obviously. He’s done some good work for OU.
KJ have you heard any info from your sources on the coaching search? Well, anything you can tell.
No nothing on that front, I’m going to assume that they have one in place before the week before spring break when practice starts.
That makes sense.
We should always be a place where other schools come to get coaches. That means we have the best ones available. As long as Bob’s assistants are taking the next step up when they leave, he’s doing it right.
We were in a drought not long ago where our coaches weren’t being poached. That spoke volumes.
Yep, it’s not bad to have a couple of older guys who have decided they like the level they are at and can still perform at a high level (see Cale Gundy). But for a lot of folks that means they have reached their level of incompetence and aren’t going anywhere.
that can lead to laziness both coaching a position and on the recruiting trail ( thinking Jackie Shipp )…….
We still have a couple nobody else wants……..
Thought YOUR HC pretty well cleaned out his staff this year and is now in trouble himself.
What does that even mean?
Texas’ Strong?
Meaning SD referring to OU as our team, meaning he is an OU fan when everyone on this board who is a regular knows he’s either a Horn fan or an Aggie fan.
Meaning SD referring to OU as our team, meaning he is an OU fan when everyone on this board who is a regular knows he’s either a Horn fan or an Aggie fan.
No, my HC needs to purge a couple of guys and find better recruiters to replace them……Crimson & Cream is where its at…….
Two thoughts. First, Chip needs to be mentored. Second, Michigan isn’t the place.
I’m all for wanting my coaches to get opportunities, but only when they are ready.
do you know if he’s interviewing for defensive backs coach?
Yes Michigan employs 2 DB coaches & he’s up for the open spot.
ah cool, good for him.
IMO, 100% of the coaching fires/hires over the last few years have been home runs, I think they know what they’re doing.
It’s 1016 A.M and Texsa still sucks.
Always true, but their dumpster fires are a joy to watch.
Selfishly hoping Harbaugh is an idiot and hires someone else as his DB coach ??
Its real simple if OU wants experience but not that great recruiting – Brian Baker
If OU wants great recruiting with not that much experience – Mike Sherels
Selfishly, I would like to see Viney stay put! I doubt Cooks is here more than another year or two and Viney could slide right into that role if vacated.
At the same time, can’t get mad at a talented guy moving on up the ranks…even if elsewhere.
maybe at that point, Viney returns…
update added
I suppose it doesn’t really matter as the FootballScoop guys’ rep is more than enough for me to go on, but I’ve seen nothing from Kersey confirming OU has already interviewed Turner as the FS report seemed to indicate.
I’m aware Kersey put Turner’s name out there as a top candidate for the job and appears to be getting all the credit for doing so even though Carey Murdock had it first, but nowhere have I seen something from anyone stating Turner had interviewed until just now.
Kersey? No, thank you.
What do you tell your wife when you get a subpoena to appear in court from your side piece?
Here’s your 50% of everything?
“The core values are for PLAYERS.”
Ah, the old “Do as I say, not as I do” argument. That has never worked for me.
There are PLAYERS, then there are players.
And then there are playas.
Good one, right there, BC.
One-fourth of Kentucky is covered by mountains, the rest was covered by Charlie Strong.
Uh-oh Scooby, we may have a problem.
That whole thing is a mess. LOL
That podcast is rich with information.
There is no way that Mr. Blue would be pursuing this absent of facts.
Deny,deny,deny and swear it’s not me! If that doesn’t work. You are so screwed.
Own it and Admit it and decide that you’re longer going to have a “side piece” (that term just sounds wrong)
Who knew this was only a portent of things to come:
“It was consensual”
“It was just sex.”
“It was a one night stand.”
“She was freakier than you.”
Edit: this is coming from another gender perspective but you could always ask he-who-must-not-be-named what his wife said to him.
If she lets you sleep in her bed again you should NEVER under ANY circumstances close your eyes from that point on.
I would be out of there.
I would have had to call my wife from another county to tell her that. She is a great shot with all of her pistols and not too shabby with a couple of my rifles!
That’s an incentive to wear a chastity belt.
“I lasted longer than Rick.”
“I was trying to get her to commit to me, dear. There are not rules when it comes to recruiting.”
hate to see viney go if he does. hes great for recruiting and seems to have a bright future ahead of him
Love Bandy at NB.. But this makes me wonder even more why did they not move Stanvon Taylor to NB 2 years ago… He is prototypical for the NB spot. Who backs up Will Johnson this year if he is still the NB ?
Antoine Stephens
Did Texas hire a new DB coach yet ?
Yes, Pig Soooey’s
or, was that their RB coach?
Right, Clay Jennings… Arkansas hired Kansas’ RB coach.
Yes, I believe it was a guy from University of Arkansas, Clay “Something”, but not 100% sure on that.
What’s the last name of Strong’s attorney? He’s going to need one, I would suspect.
Jordan, you guys are in with these recruits: what do the recruits share with you all when they hear the kind of news surrounding Strong?
I really hate this for Charlie and all of the kids involved. But the more I see this across the country, the happier I am with OU’s staff.
Amen. Kind of like the FootballScoop article I read earlier.
Not near as big of an issue as an affair, obviously. But, still weird crap, nonetheless.
This all leads you (you as in general not specific type of use) to ASSUME CS was “the other guy” or what?
Well the judge did order CS to return an expensive watch and all the clothes that the “lady” bought for him. I am just drawing conclusions from that.
Charlie is waiting to make an offer the day before the judge is scheduled to commit.
If it walks like a Chuck, and talks like a Chuck, it’s a Chuck
For the life of his name-sake, he can’t chuck this away. It’s like a booger on his finger, the rubber cement kind of booger, he can’t flick it away.
I’ll take it as an admission of guilt since Charlie isn’t saying the affair never happened. That’s the quickest way to kill this fiasco.
or…it could go this route
That’s funny.
Haw Haw!! Good one. I don’t even care if Charlie has been a bad boy. That’s another problem for texsa.
ROTFLOL! That is funny!
I guess when you chuck up the situation it is worse than Metzing it up!
I have thought all along that Strong was dead man walking. This is probably enough to turn on the heat so they can cook his last meal.
That’s right Clay Jennings former TCU DB coach.
David Turner was interviewed already, not sure why this is new news?
I thought he returned to discuss with his family, according to discussions around the interwebs?
Some NFL guy also was in the mix, but that page is now turned. He’s a LB now, but had a long track of DL experience.
If you can show me where it was reported prior to today that he’d actually interviewed w/ OU then I’ll be happy to qualify it as ‘not new news’ for ya.
It’s getting a little chippy in here
not really, or at least not intended. but if you (and not you obviously) are going to call us out for posting something that “isn’t news” and you’re wrong, someone is probably going to point that out.
Things often get lost on here in the OP’s especially over the weekend and people often confuse what is said in the comments section with what is said by the actual authors of TFB. So even if something gets reiterated or recapped by you guys, I don’t see the problem.
respectfully, it’s also not your work being called out.
Respectfully, I was backing you up not criticising. Or were you respond to the original poster?
yes, stupid hard to follow comment section 🙂
No problem. I have had that happen too.
UPDATE (Sat., 3:51 pm):
Last week we were told that OU had generated a list of eight candidates
for the OU defensive line coaching vacancy. Thus far we’ve mentioned
six. We were able to confirm another name. As first reported by Carey
Murdock of Soonerscoop.com, Mississippi State defensive line coach,
David Turner, confirmed through a source close to Turner that he has
been in contact with Oklahoma. We are told that Turner is, “discussing
things with his family”. We were also told that Turner will make a
decision sometime early this upcoming week on whether he wants to remain
in contention for the position or not. – (Super K) I believe this is what PLC is referring to.
In contact with & interviewed are 2 different things.
No argument here. Just showing where the bases of PLC’s claim came from.
Found this on another site (not to be named)
“Coach Turner traveled to Norman Oklahoma where he stayed at the residence of Bob Stoops for 5 days. He states that he hung out with the family, watched movies, talked football, discussed politics, helped Bob pull weeds in his tomato garden, and fixed the dishwasher for Mrs. Stoops. Coach Turner took a 10 tour of the University of Oklahoma campus and had cocktails with David Boren at the presidents office, and later went for cappuccinos at Othello’s. Several players in Headington Hall were elated at the time they spent playing billiards with Coach Turner, and were impressed with his beer bong win over Mike Stoops.” SO THERE!!!! lol
Looks like a solid alibi.
Watched movies.
Pulled weeds.
Fixed a dishwasher.
Had cocktails and cappuccinos.
Played beer pong.
That sounds like an interview process to me or my regular weekend. You decide.
“been in contact with” and interviewed are very different in my book
Refer to Oscar’s post below.
Really hate to lose viney, but cant fault him for taking an upgrade in position.
Bittersweet OP lol.
It’s not often a man gets to get even with the other man having an affair with his wife. It certainly seems that Mr. Blue ( sounds like a code name, doesn’t it?) is going to get even with his wife and Charlie Strong. I don’t think he will let up, Mr. Blue. His wife is going to get a ton of money but she won’t have custody of her kids. It seems to me, Mr. Blue believes this affair will play out in his favor: he gets the kids and Charlie gets fired.
I come to OU Football sites to escape the problems in society and invest emotion into something that I love. Hate to see this stuff filling all the news, but you know what sells…sigh.
I don’t have a soul. LOL!
I need a refund on today’s edition of TFB.
Just send me your credit card number and your current credit limit and I will be glad to process that for you. 🙂
Reverend Ike would say, “Nothing from nothing, leave nothing.”
He has the money to win that’s for sure.
If we keep Viney, awesome! If he moves on to take a full-coaching position, great for him and his career. We obviously liked him enough to offer him a QC position, but not enough to push someone out the door to make him a full-time coach. This talk of him being this “super recruiter” is over-blown. No one knows how good of a recruiter he will be because he has never been a recruiter! In his post-signing interview, Caleb Kelly mentioned his close relationship with Mike S. and Kish. No mention of Viney at all. “I’m coming to OU because of their awesome grad ass’t or QC coach” said no recruit EVER!!
yeah but recruits decisions sometimes are coin flips (like Kellys) and having viney couldve pushed a recruit from being 50/50 OU v ND to 51/49 OU over ND
Kelly wasn’t a coin toss.
nope, he was a hat trick
Lol, I see what you did there.
He actually did say that Viney getting a full time gig did help.
has anyone heard the rumors of Mccombs meeting privately with every recruit and their family on Texas’s big recruiting weekend a few weeks ago? Also heard that a recruit who comes from a very modest background in East Texas with a single mother was seen shortly after with a brand new F250…is any of this true or is this just TexAgs BS? I’m getting all this from a friend who’s an Aggie fan…
any EasTex sighting on here?
None. Nada. Zip.
TFB Mods, are you all able to send an e-mail to EasTex? It’s fun on here but it’s not the same when he’s not present. You probably can’t share anything with us but share what you can. We are all genuinely concerned.
Did he have surgery or something? Any reason to worry?
Nobody knows. His last reply to me was that he was very busy: work and family stuff. That’s it. He hasn’t posted anything since the OU/Clemson game. I believe the last post I saw from him was January 7th.
I thought his last comment was he was going to help the good guys out at the farm in Oregon?
Wow. Is this true?
Well I went back and re-read what he said. He said he WANTED to go out there and help them out but he was too busy with work and personal things going on. I sure wish he would drop us a word or two that he is ok.
IF there was anything to that comment, it would seem ‘good guys’ would reference LEOs and not the occupiers. I’m in Oregon, now, and followed the story including the identities of the occupiers who were arrested and none were from texsa or seemed to fit the age etc of EasTex. LEOs are still at the refuge processing the crime scene so, if he did in fact head this way, he could be busy.
He was referring to the ranchers as the good guys, he posted a very good article about what was going as well.
Wow. Good story. Thanks for posting. Only aware of the ‘surface story’ re: the Hammonds and fully agree, they have and are getting railroaded. Had not seen this story EasTex posted re: ‘the good guys’. In any hoping he is OK and re-joins us here Sooner.
I am glad you took the time to read it. I did a lot of my own research on what was going on there. I came to the same conclusion you did. I won’t say what I think of our media because this is a Sooner site. LOL!
I am praying he gets back to us soon and lets us know he is ok!
This is going to sound dumb but why isn’t the Federal Government protecting these people. This seems like the kind of case that should presented to the Supreme Court.
Is there a character limit to my response? First off the federal government is trying to take the land because they want it. Second off why would you ever trust the government to do something good for “We The People”. Ok, that is the most political response you will get from me on here. LOL
I feel badly for these people. It’s not wonder some people cheat the system whenever they can.
I hear you brother! I have had dealings with the gov’t in the past and it always feels like they are trying to get one over on you.
I thought he said he was busy and that he would return when all the idiots left after the signing day fiasco. Wanted to let the board cool down some and then would return. Hope he is doing ok and everything is good.
That could be as well. I know I sure miss his wisdom.
the good guys?
Not so sure about the “good guys”
I went to one of his older posts and replied, asked how he was, let him know some are getting concerned over here and that it would be good to hear from him on the TFB board again. if he responds I’ll let everyone know.
Thanks, man.
Thanks, Ellisbr! Fingers crossed.
Something definitely seems to be off
Is there anyone on here who knows EasTex?
i heard he might be in a bird sanctuary in oregon.
Really? Where did you hear that?
Here is the last sighting we have:
ET phone home buddy
Need to lighten the mood a bit, enjoy this:
Grandpa The Gambler
The IRS decides to audit Grandpa, and summons him to the IRS office. The auditor was not surprised when Grandpa showed up with his attorney.
The auditor said, “Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I’m not sure the IRS finds that believable.”
“I’m a great gambler, and I can prove it,” says Grandpa. “How about a demonstration?”
The auditor thinks for a moment and said, “Okay. Go ahead.”
Grandpa says, “I’ll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.”
The auditor thinks a moment and says, “It’s a bet.”
Grandpa removes his glass eye and bites it. The auditor’s jaw drops.
Grandpa says, “Now, I’ll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye.”
Now the auditor can tell Grandpa isn’t blind, so he takes the bet. Grandpa removes his dentures and bites his good eye.
The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Grandpa’s attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous.
“Want to go double or nothing?” Grandpa asks. “I’ll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between.”
The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there’s no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees again.
Grandpa stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains mightily, he can’t make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so he ends up urinating all over the auditor’s desk.
The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Grandpa’s own attorney moans and puts his head in his hands.
“Are you okay?” the auditor asks.
“Not really,” says the attorney. “This morning, when Grandpa told me he’d been summoned for an audit, he bet me twenty-five thousand dollars that he could come in here and pee all over your desk and that you’d be happy about it!”
That was fantastic
I am glad you enjoyed it. My Dad just sent that to me and I died laughing.
That’s good stuff!
yes it is………….
❝my .friend’s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet.”….two days ago new McLaren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here!b!541➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsOrange/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:::::!b!541…….
❝my .friend’s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet.”….two days ago new McLaren. F1 bought after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month .,3-5 h/r of work a days ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn. More right Here!!b32➤➤➤➤➤ http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsPoint/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:❦2:::::!!b32……
Awesome joke.
Great joke. I tell a different version of the joke about a guy in a bar. Love it.
Thanks. My Dad actually told that to me. I thought it was hilarious.
Love it.
Ok – good job Golf – you just made me laugh out loud… 🙂
Glad to hear it!
Nice! I see that I will have to get into my old brain vault for some of these during the looooooong off-season. Good job Golf!
Thanks Cush! Yes, I hate the off-season. It’s just too long.
Does anyone know when 5* rankings will come out for the 2018 class? Would be interesting to see Brey Walker up there at the top of the list of prospects.
Once they go over Bama/SEC commitments they’ll have a decent list.
Just curious but, is OU being extremely quiet about the coaching search or is there just not much info out there to be reported? Seems like people in the know would be leaking something by now.
It seems like they’ve tried to cut down on the leaks. It’s really not helpful to the process for names to be mentioned. Think how our fan base reacts when they find out someone is being interviewed for another position. There are lots of people who will think you are disloyal from then on. Even though most of them would leave their current job and go to another company for a big raise without batting an eye.
Bob NEVER wants stuff like this to get out, preferably.
And now back to OUr regular programming.
Just getting into the 2017 recruiting. See above OU taking 3 CBs and would be after Kary Vincent 5’11 155 #23 247 CB but a aTm legacy, and Tre, #22 247 5’10 165 and Jeff Okudah, who is ranked the #1 safety prospect by 247. Was thinking OU would take Broiles but Brandon says Broiles being recruited as a safety to go w/ Barnes. Also some talk about Chaz Ah You, also a safety according to 247. So OU would take up to 6 DBs (2 CBs, 3 S and Bandy @ nickel)?
More Mixon video tape drama incoming.
oh great..what now?
Just in time for Jenni Carlson, who talks like she’s Lou Holtz’s daughter, both from mush-mouth central, to get back on her soapbox.
The kid has already had his punishment given to him and “served his time”, why is there a need to rehash this? I am a firm believer in giving people second chances. Ok he messed up, we all know he messed up, he knows he messed up. LET IT GO!
You know, what you told me about the government applies here, right. It’s self-serving: there’s no limit to what they will do to get clicks.
But I agree, leave the kid alone.
Pretty much!
Best thing I’ve heard all day. Haha well done!
That’s what I’m here for. How’s your Dad? How are you doing?
There’s some ruling where the Mixon tape is no a matter of public record and should be made public. “Investigative reporters” are lining up in Cleveland County right now.
appreciate the use of quotations there 🙂
I just think most have misinterpreted their own title.
It’s off season and they need clicks. This is something that doesn’t come around often. That said, they are all in which is really sad that your career has come to this type of reporting.
Don’t you mean “investagatory journalists?”
Just a rehash of the past. I really with they would just go away and let the young man get on with his life.
It will just be alot of fan hate stuff. The kid has already gone through the punishment and the courts. It may affect him with teams when it’s time for the NFL but by then he will be long (relatively) removed from it. Just has to keep his nose clean like hes been doing.
Nothing to gain out of this but a rehashed story to boost slow media ratings in the off season. The university and coaching staff have all seen it and Joe has been dealt with already whether you agree or disagree with the punishment. He will face no more punishment from the university or others except media and social media harassment.
Joe may face some hate from fans/media but the only people this truly impacts is Boren, Joe C. and Stoops.
I agree with that. I can see a statement or another presser about this before this is all said and done.
I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later. May as well get it over and done with. They’ve probably known it was coming and will handle the situation the best way possible. Been dreading it mainly because of our own state media outlets. Traber, certain Oklahoman and TW columnists and tv news stations will have a field day. If it happens I may have to go off the grid for a while!
That’s the sad part. The Oklahoma media will drum up controversy enough to get the national media on the bandwagon. SMH it’s a wonder how some of them are employed. It may be a benefit this happened in February / March than August / Sept. There will be plenty of time to heal any more wounds, if any are caused.
I still don’t know what they want to accomplish. We KNOW what happened. I haven’t seen the video and I can tell you exactly what happened in the video. My opinion, If you want to place blame somewhere, start with the judge or the DA. He had his day in court, went through the system, was punished by the school…..
I think the DA made the right decision. The witness was very problematic herself, and initiated the confrontation as well as being visibly drunk while awaiting trial on previous underage drinking and other related charges.
I was not at all bad with the DA myself. My point was basically that after being spit on, slapped and repeated racial slurs, he lost it. Molitar got nothing, Mixon got a pretty severe punishment. The fact is he was exacted punishment by the court and the school. He “did his time” and seems to be a better person, Where is Molitar in her life?
The only people that really need to see the tape are the people involved and the people in charge of punishment. The rest are for Sh$@s and giggles
Exactly. It’s being brought up for ratings (click bait) and someone’s morbid curiosity. It’s kind of like that friend of your wife / girlfriend that is always meddling in your business and stirring S**t up! They are more into tearing others down to get attention.
They are going to edit the heck out of the replay of the tape to support their agenda/story line and increase the “suspense” or “shock” value.
Legal “experts” coming out the woodwork now. Only thing that will change is perception, but plenty of idiots think otherwise.
I don’t know much about law and the process of what’s happening but my friends are attorneys and they expect it to go back through a drawn-out court process. I guess take that with a little grain of salt too since I can’t back that up with knowledge of my own.
Theres been a civil case pending for a long time. That wont change with the release of a video. Its already been seen in that case anyway.
Its the idiots who expect him to have to face a 2nd set of criminal charges(aka double jeopardy) that i have to laugh at.
I once played an attorney on stage. Enough said. (expert on the law)
Time for Larry Naifeh to leap into action.
Orchestrated by someone in Austin to deflect attention perhaps?
Orchestrated by someone in Austin to deflect attention perhaps?
Eh, I think it’s more from the desperate journalist who have nothing else to report because there isn’t any real Oklahoma news due to no weather, no football, and half of them don’t understand the game of basketball.
Yeah, I saw that after I scrolled down a bit to see the posted Tweet- I guess it was a good conspiracy theory for all of 3 minutes anyway 😉
It would make sense. I don’t think that issue with Strong is going to end well.
Maybe for us 😉
Pure Bovine Scatsauce!
Anybody have any thoughts on comparing Malik Jefferson to Caleb Kelly? Wonder if Caleb will get as much PT as Malik did last year. I find these two players so similar that I’m excited to see how their careers progress and see which one ends up having the greatest impact for their respective team. Both linebackers can get through the trash and make a big tackle and the next play blanket a receiver on an intermediate route. I think they both just might leave college with AA accolades.
Malik is in Austin
Caleb is in Norman
*puts crimson colored glasses on*
Advantage – Caleb
Malik is a much better athlete. We’ll see if Kelly plays as violent as Malik.
I’m speaking based on SPARQ scores, Malik’s was insane.
Caleb is a MUCH better pass defender though. really 2 different type of linebackers.
Caleb is a Sooner. He’s better.
I am wearing the same shade of glasses. 🙂
No getting Malik was a huge loss to OU last year. He’s faster than anyone in our current secondary and will play around 230 or so. Heck of an athlete and got to give him respect. I bet they put him on the edge this year and he will be a much bigger/faster version of Striker.
Caleb is great in his own right and fits our defensive scheme. His talents will be well displayed and I bet he plays next year. Caleb does a great job in pass protection and has very good hands.
Both are great LBers.
Outside of 85% of the fan base the only people that care about the tape are just media that are salivating for click bate. If releasing it was truly going to shut them up then that’s all fine and dandy but that’s not the case. Bob has been the leader of this program for more than half my life and he really hasn’t made dumb or questionable decisions as far as Punishment. He has seen the tape, as well as D-Bo and JC and they gave the punishment they felt necessary and that’s that. He made a mistake that is unethical and morally wrong and now needs the support and forgiveness to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Yep. Too bad the media doesn’t hound the government for disclosure and transparency as much as they hound individuals for a sound bite or video clip.
the DA made a detailed affadavit of EXACTLY what went on the tape. Unless you havent read the DA’s notes, the video is 0 new information.
People act like this is info NO ONE has seen before. its frustrating.
visual can trump verbal/written
Works both ways though, people are going to watch her push and slap him. People act like this is a choir girl that got popped in the mouth for no reason, and this simply isnt the case.
If she made a racial slur as some have reported, that needs to be aired (a bleep and full explanation that it was such a slur) to show the full context of the situation and the quality of the young woman.
if i understand correctly, its video only. Had there been audio of her calling him the N word, pretty sure any lawyer worth his salt would have had her accused of a hate crime, and he would be absolved pretty easily of the criminal charges.
It should only be released with the stipulation that it be shown in full if broadcast by the media- editing it to fit an agenda or an out-of-context story should not be allowed.
If I were the coaches and admin and they (local media) show that tape…they would never get another interview, ever!
Ethics and morality are subjective. If there was video of all the stupid shite I did when I was 18/19, I would fight relentlessly to have those tapes killed and buried forever. This is a dead story to me. No longer will I read or comment about it.
I get that they’re subjective but I think most have the opinion that you shouldn’t hit a girl no matter what and I didn’t want to disrespect that.
well said
He was punished, he completed the punishment, it is time for them to let it go.
If the video is released,the media will go nuts with it for a few days. If Joe makes a statement that he’s sorry it happened, he has done everything that has been asked of him, and he is trying to be the best student athlete he can be, it may just kill this media frenzy once and for all. The majority of the general public like to forgive and move on.
Does Bob even have to allow local media access to the program? If not, he should shut all of them out who want to rehash the JM event.
I’m certain they can revoke press passes and credentials.
His treatment of the media (warranted IMO) is why they treat him and the program like they do.
I’m squarely in Bob’s corner in that the media are, for the most part, a bunch of twits. That may be putting words in his mouth but I’ll say it for him whenever needed 😉
A much kinder word than I had in mind. HA!
I think he just dislikes how they have expectations for him that he has to meet when most of their job is just regurgitating what he says. They have no respect for the position or his name, so he has the right to treat them as he pleases. Most blogs have overtaken major media and beat writers in terms of coverage and news because like recruiting, it’s all about relationships. They’re beginning to feel irrelevant but since the Mixon situation is a legal issue they can sink all their journalists on it and blow it up into something that meets their criteria for news.
His reactions to their inane questions are predictable but somehow rubs them the wrong way- I would love it if he were to say: “ask an intelligent question and I’ll give you a respectable answer”.
I think he did back after a RRR loss awhile back but Stoops is usually cool headed and doesn’t react as much as other coaches do. I kind of wish he would let loose just once more though.
Could not agree more RBear
I think you have a higher opinion of the local media than I do. Twit is too nice of a word.
I am in no way excusing Bob. But blaming him for the media’s actions is giving them waaaaay to much credit
Shouldn’t there be a “short” list of DL coaches who are in the same class as Montgomery and Reynolds?
Burton, Spencer, and Turner are on my short list, and Hobby. Montgomery and Reynolds aren’t in their class, however.
I’m sure Bob keeps a “short list” of candidates handy for every position. Hopefully, for our sake, it has better names than Monty.
Great graphic. Will miss these guys and sure wish them success at the next level.
I think the relationship between Bob and the media needs to be a two way street and their present relationship is not all the medias fault. They could both be treating the other different. They need each other, but neither side will admit that.
Those local nuts, who supposedly have degrees in reporting, interviewing, writing feature stories act as if they are amateurs. There can be 20 of them in a room and they can’t come up with one good question between them. What a shame. I’m sure Bob is tired of having to deal with them.
I agree with this to an extent. Local media doesn’t do much to promote Oklahoma or extend their reach because they only cater to a small market and don’t have the tools to really go much further than it so they can yell as loud as they want, it won’t be heard by many. Oklahoma does need to buddy up to Fox (which I think they’re on pretty good terms with) and ESPN (who we have constant battles with). Those are the two parties I think can mutually benefit with, especially ESPN.
I posted a week or two ago that I expect Perine to consider leaving after next year, Mixon to stay.
If this video situation becomes a hot button, even if the video is not released, I would expect Joe to leave after next season.
He can’t run from this. It will be waiting for him in the NFL.
He didn’t run before when he could’ve. Stayed and took his punishment. I think he stays until he’s ready and the time is right no matter what happens with the video.
I agree. I don’t think he will run, either. If he has a great season and wants to leave, go. But I would not let this have me make a bad decision.
Samaje might consider leaving, but I think that will all depend on what he accomplishes this coming season and school year. He’s very mature and smart as well as talented as we’ve seen. I believe he intends to leave OU an All American athlete WITH a college degree. So we’ll see I guess. I hope both these young men make the best decisions for their futures even past pro football.
I thought Samaje would be a four-year guy until his recurring ankle injury and surgery this year. I think, now, that he will leave. (I don’t know Samaje and don’t have any direct information. This is just my opinion.)
You could very well be right.
If it’s released he will need to stick around to prove himself in college. NFL teams are going to hold it against him after next season.
Lebron walking in Brockton without notice.
No political message here, only posting due to artistic merit:
Sooner women B Ball. Same ole story, can’t shoot. Have you ever noticed, how the U. Conn women’s team never looks like they are flailing? They shoot more like the men.
Coming back! Down by 4.
After being down by 19, now only down by 4. Gotta give creds to their fortitude. Keep it up girls! Bring home the win!
Just not going to happen tonight, sadly.
Yep, lack of shooting early was our downfall once again.
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