Image via Sooner Sports
It had been rumored all week and late(ish) Thursday morning Bob Stoops confirmed, via his official Twitter account, that the Sooners would be going with their ‘Bring The Wood’ alternate jerseys on Saturday.
The Rough Riders Return Saturday.#OUDNA #RespectThePast #BeTheFuture pic.twitter.com/WCHlcputg9
— Bob Stoops (@CoachBobStoops) October 1, 2015
The red (helmet) – red (jersey) – white (pants) is a new color-combo for Oklahoma after going with a white-red-white look in last year’s debacle home game with Baylor.
So it’s the same color combo we almost always wear at home – just different uniforms.
Am I the only one that would like to see all red top to bottom?
I’m for it
I’d rather see all white and a white out for the crowd
Yeah all white would work too….other than white being our dominant road jerseys and not home. There’s something about the top to bottom all one color look that I like though.
Yeah. All red rather than white. It’s a home game. Go with the crimson.
Yeah the white alt uniforms are the only ones I like
How about a “Crimson OUT” day, all crimson unis and all Crimson crowd?
I don’t mind one solid color with different color trim, we have done it with the road unis for decades.
I don’t recall the road uni’s ET. All I can remember is white on white, but with the red helmet. I’m talking about helmet, jerseys and pants.
That’s what I was referring to, the road unis, only back in Bud’s day they also wore a Cream helmet with a Crimson stripe down the middle and not the current Crimson helmet.
I never dreamed that I would like the uni’s, but the kids do and I’m fine with that.
Just posted this above. I am a HUGE fan of this idea.
I’m not a fan of the all red just because I don’t like the red pants. To me, it looks too much like Arkansas.
I think of Indiana too lol…but I can separate us from them.
For whatever reason we just won’t ever do it. Not sure who picks out the uni’s each week…HC? Captains?
yes you’re the only one.
obviously not moron
easy now
Sorry, just don’t understand why some people can’t keep their mouth shut. Just can’t stand not to be a smart-aleck. I will stop now. Thanks Jordan for the great work you do here, man. We all appreciate you.
lighten up francis. I was obviously being facetious.
I guess ET is right and you have to put a sarcasm symbol after a comment like that.
it’s cool magic….just having a rough day in some other areas and took it wrong.
no problem. Hope your day gets better.
Thank you, sir.
Always /s, when in doubt.:-)
Yep, otherwise I get these crazy ideas to comment and ET has to correct me, and he has better things to do with his time. LOL
With the little time I have. π
What with the tots, and the Brisket, listening to old R and B along with the advanced kind, and the Texas HS games to peruse, I really don’t know how you find time to post and find all the great GIF’s in the world as well! But I hope you keep it up!
Thanks to modern electronics I can multi-task like crazy. Several times I have gone to bed with the blue tooth device still in my ear.
I hope so
I believe so. I want to see them go full storm trooper on the road…all whites, baby!
all red/white helmet.
yes, yes————you are.
NO, you aren’t.
Nope. I was calling for it all week.
Not really a fan of the alternate “wood” ones.
Yeah. I think we can do better.
Nike can do better for us. Yes.
I would like to see these. Just sayin.
that helmet makes me want to vomit.
I would like to see Horsepig tails hanging from the back of the helmut. π
Also, surely there is something we could do with small LEDs down the pant legs.
Strobes on their helmets- LED’s on their shoes! They can score touchdowns and then pull over and cuff Stephen Dale for driving 7 MPH in a 45 while talking up the Longhorns!
you are a majority of 1————–the helmet sucks as does the uniform.
Would expect nothing less from you. And judging by the up votes there are at least 5 of us that like em.
Upvoted because never change, S. Dale!
You know who else REALLY, REALLY, SUCKS?
Those do have a very real throw back vibe.
Well, at the very least it ought to get the recruits in attendance hyped up. Other than that, please win the game this time!
I think we play better in our normal unis
Im not a fan at all.
We did play a pretty solid 2nd half against WVU in the alternates last year, but I tend to agree with you. I’m much more of a traditionalist in respect to uniforms. However, if our players get a pump up from it, I can’t complain. I’m glad they’re going with the red hats this time at home.
Stay with tradition…I’m sick of these alternates
What is with the image?
Dont care for putin ty and idont care prefer tradition unis just win
Wrong place…wrong time…wrong person…
I find it inflammatory.
Good man ET
I hit the flag on it.
And the account was created today… Hmmm….
Agent provocateur.
Holgorsen maybe?
Probably the same excretion that has been flushed from TFB on numerous occasions.
One of those un-flushable ones huh!
I’m a fan of the Sooners…period…regardless of the uni…Boomer Sooner Baby!
Let’s hope these don’t have the Dallas Cowboys blue jersey bad mojo.
I like the white alt helmet better than the red one , but back in the summer did Bob stoops say that they were working on some new uniforms?
I’m a fan of the white lid as well. I would be happy if the unis stayed the same and they just had two helmets to pick from.
I’m actually in favor of some sort of black alternate some time. Tradition matters to fans but to 16-22 year old kids it means very little for the most part. I would say 1 in every 10 kids care about tradition.
Now days I would say .5 out of 10. Even know what tradition is. Black would be cool with me. But then again they could wear kilt’s as long as they win.
How about something like this?
Is that a basketball in her hands. Damn they played everything in the dirt back then.
I don’t care much for solid black… I do like black accents though, or the metallic look that they have with these current alts. I like that.
Makes me wonder why Colorado’s recruiting isn’t better.
I really wanted to see the red pants/red shirt/white helmet look. That would be clean.
When these first came out, I was hoping to see other combinations than the ones used in the announcement photos – I am looking forward to see how they look this weekend with the crimson helmet.
Why do people think that OU has some legendary uniform tradition? They’ve worn many, many uniforms throughout the years. The only thing that’s the same is the color scheme and the only tradition OU has is winning a lot of football games.
I agree, stay with the school’s colors which means no black unis.
Crimson and cream only please
It’s not even cream that they wear… it’s white.
that’s not a huge deal though, black is completely different though
And NO pink!
Let the fans and cheerleaders wear that color.
like a breast cancer awareness thing? give them a wrist band if thats the case
Like how the NFL does it… Pink accents or whatever. That’s totally cool with me and it’s a cool cause.
Im ok with the stitching around numbers and lettering
Or a small ribbon.
In Kasitati’s hair
Wrong ribbon, like the tiny pin ribbons that every cause on Earth has.
i knew that, just funnin’
As El Guapo would ask…”do you know what a plethora is?”
Yes elwapo
it’s groupthink month…….the grocery store brought out the pink plastic sacks
I wouldn’t mind seeing them in black unis once. Black helmets with crimson OU logo would look pretty cool.
I would like to see all black. White OU on the helmet, and crimson gloves and shoes.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. That white ribbed tank anger is real.
Crimson and/or bright red is the greatest football uniform color of all time, above all others, for all of eternity!
Agreed. Stamped.
Oklahoma, Alabama, Ohio State, USC. < Think of the AP titles..
Check out that 1904 UNI from your link! Now THAT would be radical! And truly meta retro!
Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
There there, now. It’s going to be fine. Black is the new…black.
It is also the absence of light.
Spittin’ fire.
HAHAHA. The gif guy. EasTex your gif game is strong on Thursdays.
My old HS does the black uni thing. Drives me absolutely nuts. The school colors are red & white. To make it worse, black is the primary color of our hated rival.
If they tried that in my home town(colors are red and white) you would smell the melting tar immediately. They just went with a ohio st like helmet(instead of the red or white ones) a few weeks ago with the all red unis, that was about as extreme as they could have gotten away with.
Tons of people live here now that didn’t grow up here. It’s all going straight to hell.
Ohio State is going all black against Penn State. I do think it would add a good thing to have a third shade/color to the crimson and cream. Maybe sliver-grey. I don’t know, but a third color adds, of course, a variety that is attractive, IMO.
A gif from the CW channel. Haha. You sir, are in Thursday form. I admit, Thursday is the day I begin to ‘feel’ game-day. A little anxious.
Uniforms? Meh.
Uniform debate.
This is gonna be a dogfight.
Don’t worry I’ve had my rabies shot
All I have to say is BRING THE WOOD.
mesquite or hickory?
Doesn’t matter as long as West Virginia leaves with a bad taste in their mouth.
Hickory for flavor, Ash for butt-stompin’.
Good BBQ and a stompin’. I think I’ll bring both
Little Pulp (pup) wood too.
Too soft for fightin’, too much creosote for burnin’.
I use pecan quite a bit when making seafood
Mesquite for steaks… I use hickory too, but hickory is good to smoke a pizza on. Yummy.
Someone is bringing Dalton?
So, are they redoing the Switzer Center as a part of the new renovations? If so, will it have the same name?
Asking because if it’s still right next to the stadium and has the same name etc., it should be nicknamed the Wood Shed. That way, we can say that we take opposing teams out behind the Wood Shed for and Ass Whoopin’
Bringing the wood to the wood shed for a good ole fashion a$$ whopping. I like it.
I dig it.
to WVU
I think the uni’s are exciting for the players and some fans. Me, I’m bumming on it since they picked this weekend. Reason? We are celebrating the 1985 National Champions and they didn’t wear this stuff. If we did anything, we should wear something modern of what they wore.
Bring back the neck rolls like The Boz wore.
Schimmels, few forearm/hand pads along with some bandanas.
And the mid mesh jersey!
And or the “tear away” jerseys.
YES! Perine would need 15 jerseys to finish the game.
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Made this little compilation of the uniforms through the years:
Steady as she goes, comparatively speaking.
The story of the “Rough Riders” from SoonerSports.
A lot of thought about the Sooners tradition went into these unis.
Well alrighty then, now it makes a lot more sense to me, tradition wise, to have the “Bring The Wood” alternates- wear ’em with pride but keep it to once a year please.
Once a year is nice.
EasTex thanks for the info. I had not seen this before and now have an appreciation for the thought that went into design of the alternative uniforms. I like them better already.
You are most welcome.
Let’s quit playing “dress up” and play some smash-mouth football!
It looks better with the red helmet, anyway.
I don’t think they’re all that nice but if the players like them, well then, I love them.
Called it. Weird combo though.
So many excuses on why they alt uniforms aren’t a good thing. Times change, style changes, the game changes…but it’s still OU.
Yeah. OU has changed Uniforms plenty of times. Last I checked the players still play for the Sooners of the University of Oklahoma.
I do not care what time we play. I do not care where or who we play. I sure do not care what outfit we wear. None of that matters as long as we just WIN every single game, every single week, any way we can, whatever it takes. To get what we all really want, we have to win them all. Whichever cute outfit we put on for the dance doesn’t make a damn unless we show up and do the stomp all over their a$$es.
Thank you.
But would you, could you care if they had green eggs and ham?
Didn’t think so.
That’s exactly how I was reading it, with a Seussian pentameter.
Same here.
Me, too! SOONER!!! Just win, Baby! Only way to silence the doubters.
Just win, is right!
I doubt the doubters or if they can ever be silent.
The game is going to be on FS1, right?
Yessir. Which is not HD with my provider.
I hate FS1 games
I hate ppv even more, but yeah, FS1 sucks and blows simultaneously.
I don’t have basic cable, let alone premium channels. I can subscribe and get all the Espn/NBC sports channels through Sling TV but no way to get Fox outside of Fox Sports Go, which also is pretty terrible.
I do have HD/dvr service and purchase the sports package, which has all kinds of stuff I like, but FS1 is not HD so I get a lopped off image. I need to see if I can change the format on my tv when it is on.
That is truly disappointing. If I’m a recruit, I would hate to hear that my family/friends have to watch me in standard definition. (-:
Or couldn’t get the game at all.
I have FS1 in HD.
And you have T-W like me? Strange.
Yes, I do.
Okay, my bad. I was thinking of FS2 as FS1 and FS1 as FS.
What channel is ESPN HD in your area?
It’s 1301 in my area. FS1 is channel 1317.
Yes- It’s in HD on the DISH network that I get, too.
I can’t take anything in SD anymore.
I don’t like to, but there are some channels that aren’t available in HD that I like, such as Top Gear on BBC and American Heroes Channel.
EasTex, I figured you’d carry enough clout that they would figure out a way to pipe HD to you for all the channels.
If I had “juice” like that I would have someone bring me my peach pie and cold glass of milk instead of fetching it myself.
That made me LOL. My wife makes a helluva peach pie. She makes her on crust. We’ll have to figure out a way to get you some.
We go to visit my family in Georgia every year. We schedule the trip mid to late June. We always bring back Georgia peaches. It’s not a peach worth eating if it doesn’t come from Georgia.
She makes the filling when we get home, pours it into a pie pan, then she freezes it. We have peach pie in the dead of winter.
If you’re going to make the Columbus trip, I’ll have her bake you a pie.
We got some big ol’peach tree orchards in East Texas.
I always look forward to late spring when the peaches are in and the blueberry farms are open, we go pick our own. Come back with purple hands, tongues, faces and clothes. π
I remember musing at the fact that we would look back at standard definition as terrible in the future. Well, the future is here and it seems like it looks worse every year as picture clarity gets better and better compared to the past. It makes old clips almost unwatchable to my newly discriminating eyes. And it is especially bad on sporting events where you really miss being able to see across the field without everything being a blob of amorphous color!
It’s strange that it doesn’t seem to effect black and white movies.
I’ll never forget how I had to get used to the great picture when I bought my first HD screen. Flipped it on to espn and saw Lou Holtz and went “blecch,” couldn’t believe how ugly he was and how much make up they glopped on his face.
I watch a dust covered tv when I’m out in the barn so when I come inside to a clean big screen, SD looks glorious. I don’t even subscribe to HD service because tv isn’t that important to me. If I can see what’s happening, I’m good.
Welp, Dustin, don’t ask Sooner Ray for HD in that tent. As a matter of fact, just pack it in since it doesn’t appear we’re getting Whaley.
He was lucky to get the coat hanger to improve reception.
Can’t believe you wasted this on me…..would be a perfect reply to Stephen Dale. π
I think I might use it the next time he says something stupid. It might even replace Kick Rocks!
How could he possibly be negative after watching babies laugh?
Oh, leave it to him. He’ll find a way.
You must be kidding. :-0
That man is welcomed as much as a shot to the head.
Oops, forgot the :-).
Did he even offer some tin foil?
amen brother
I have a feeling we that this young man is going to go down as one of OU’s greats. He is certainly proud to be a Sooner. You have to like that.
We have only seen glimpses of what he is capable of. Once the offense is solidified and everyone knows what to do and when, I expect his skills will be visible to everyone.
I can’t wait.
Would love to see them come out in the ’85 flat red helmets.
flat red, was trying to think of the shade they had for yrs and got away from…….thxs
Funny how the uniforms start looking pretty good after you win consistently wearing them. I can’t make up my mind quite about these, but if we win every time we wear em, they’ll grow on me for sure.
Too bad they lost to Baylor in them
The Crimson helmets will make all the difference, this time.
Yeahhhhhhh lol
I disagree. When I feel good, I look good.
Yeah. That takes some of the charm out of it, for sure.
West Virginia is in for a rude awakening
I think we should wear the traditional uniforms:
NO BLACK unis! π
This was back when the world was in black and white. Once the world moved to color the unis were red.
So putting the smiley face after the sentence served no purpose? π
For the record….I noticed your smile. π
Thank you, was feeling like chopped liver…again.
Oh EasTex you aren’t plain ole chopped liver. You are more of a Liver PΓ’tΓ©. Served with tater tots of course.
Loves me some duck confit, too.
Should I have added a smiley to mine since my comment was obviously humorous in response?
I saw your humor and just added mine.
I wouldn’t want to do it often, but I’d be okay with it once every 3 to 5 years.
What I would like to see is an all crimson uni with either red or white matte helmets. Be still my heart.
The days when pads went on top of the shirt and a piece of boot leather was strapped on the head to prevent lacerations. π
But they are “traditional. And this was the undefeated 1915 team.
I like them…..at least after color became a thing. π
And well groomed.
The 8th national title we have a right to claim. Wish OU would rectify that oversight.
No t bars for broken noses tough guys
I was just noticing that they don’t have the faces of a hockey player, they must have used better technique. lol.
Sixteen players and two coaches on an undefeated team.
Ol’Bennie was quite a guy. He was also the basketball and baseball coach at the same time.
sorry was trying to flag the spam and accidentally flagged you.
Careful where you point that thang. π
I hope we POP before the lights come on because we are playing a day game. ?
As Christine replied I didnt even know that anyone able to profit $28273 in four weeks on the internet ……..Simple online work for all. Make $5000 to $9000 every week online.4-5hour day by day work……….read the full info here
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Since we are on our own with the spammer, at least clicking on the collapse button makes it disappear from the screen.
I’ve done that many times, comes back after a refresh. Wish we had a delete button. π
Yeah, that button or a moderator on the night shift.
I find it odd that there has been no mod response about it. I really think it is above the control of TFB, maybe even Disqus, or the spammers are really on top of their game.
They have to register with Disqus to post, it would take little effort or time to shut them down.
I know you, myself, and many others have used the “flag”. Do you think it doesn’t actually function? They have to know, and many posts have been made inside TFB requesting something be done. Seems as if we are the only one’s who see it.
Seems like lack of interest, to me.
When was the last time we wore all red in a game? I want to say it was during the switzer Era but can’t remember what year if they did?
I know we were ALL red after the Baylor game last year. π
I don’t ever recall a time when the Sooners were in all Crimson.
I can’t remember a time that happened.
And I’ve been following the Sooners since 1955.
The all Red was always a Husker thing.
Yucky. I hope I never see it.
I like the look…for other folks.
As the after pic, sure. π
fresno State and Utah too. I think.
OU coaches corner on Fox Central.
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