BREAKING: Former Texas A&M QB, Kyler Murray, Transferring To Oklahoma

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Welp, this was certainly an unexpected development on an otherwise relatively quiet Christmas Eve. Out of really nowhere, Oklahoma announced Thursday afternoon that former five-star Texas A&M quarterback Kyler Murray would be signing with the Sooners.

And yes, there had been some talk of Murray having interest in OU after his announcement that he’d be leaving College Station. But to this point that’s all it had really been, talk. Whether because of the perceived baggage he’d be bringing with him, or the prevailing opinion that of the two now former TAMU quarterbacks, Kyle Allen would be the better fit for what OU is looking for in their QBs.

One would have to believe Lincoln Riley — in addition to Bob Stoops, of course — had a significant say in signing off on this move. So maybe in terms of the Murray vs. Allen comp, Riley sees a fit with the former that most others do not?

There will be A LOT of questions to come in the following weeks and months as to how this came about. But in terms of today, the Sooners just added arguably one of the most talented h.s. players to ever come out of the state of Texas.


  • CKill1 says:

    Doesn’t he have to sit 2 years?

  • SoonerOracle737 says:

    Uh, boom?

  • Soonerfan24 says:

    Well, I feel like a jackass. I’m sorry to Kyler Murray for saying we don’t want him. The coaches obviously know best. Welcome to Norman!

  • soonerinks says:

    I am good with it, of all the head coaches that could handle the baggage that Murray may or may not bring with him, Bob Stoops is the most qualified. Good luck Tyler and wish you the best in the Crimson and Cream. A fresh start may just be the ticket.

  • hemisooner says:

    Dont understand how he fits at the qb situation.

  • BoomerDave says:

    I have always felt that he was a much better fit than Allen. Not sure what baggage you are referring to Jordan, but I don’t see Stoops bringing in someone with the baggage you refer to.

    • hemisooner says:

      I disagree respectfully

    • KatyOUdad says:

      Kyler’s dad is/was an issue at A&M. But his dad was a QB there too. I don’t think Sumlin knew how to handle him. Stoops won’t put up with a helicopter dad.

    • Clint Lenard says:

      The baggage being that he reportedly [allegedly] cussed out his offensive coordinator after an interception and was suspended for a game. And his dad is [allegedly] a bit too involved in his son’s college career.

  • Tim A says:


  • Hotrod33 says:

    Could they possibly use him as an athlete and put him in at slot or rb just to utilize him anywhere. Can’t wait to see what happens.

  • Sooner Ray says:

    Hopefully a year of running the scout team will take some of the diva out of him. I just hope he adopts the team first mentality our guys have.

    • SoonerOracle737 says:

      I’m hoping for this ^^^^^^ so badly. We can’t let him divide and fracture the team.

  • Jordan Esco says:

    I didn’t even think about going w/ Denzel.

    Does this qualify?

  • Wilson says:


  • ND52 says:

    @jordanesco:disqus Did OU have an equal shot with either QB or was Allen never really an option, i.e. he had his heart set on somewhere else?

    • soonerinks says:

      Very good question, I personally thought it would be Allen but I trust Bob and Lincoln to make the right decision.

    • Elitistculturesnob says:

      I think Allen was still an option but not ready to commit, and they took the first player to commit.

  • Zack says:

    So if we consider his ranking from last year to our current class, surely were in the top 20 now right?

    • Sooner Ray says:

      You know the value drops when you cross that conference line. 🙂

      • Zack says:

        Well now we have something to look forward to in the spring game.

        • SoonerOracle737 says:

          If we see fit throwing in Spring game there will be plenty of angst in Sooner land. I hope the kid matures in a good way between now and then.

          • Zack says:

            I doubt we see anything alarming in the spring and frankly next year at all. He’s going to redshirt so unless he just gets homesick I don’t think there will be an issue until 2017 and by then lots of things can change such as baker getting his year back.

    • ND52 says:

      He’s not a recruit though.

    • BoomerDave says:

      Yeah, he’s terrible, isn’t he?

    • soonerinks says:

      I see a very talented individual. Plenty for Lincoln to work with here.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      Okay. This is better than an in-coming freshman. He can run and hit short passes. The only areas that need work in my view is 20+yard passes. He’s better right now than the Whorns qb’s. So this is a good thing. I hope it doesn’t drive our other qb’s away.

      • JB says:

        I’m not sold he’ll finish his career at OU as a QB. I’m sure he will be listed as a QB, but that may change during his time at OU. He could be moved to slot or CB with his speed. He’s going to have to develop some passing skills downfield if he’s going to work out well in this offense.

    • OceanDescender says:

      He can make those quick passes. That’s no small thing in Lincoln Riley’s air raid.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      I didn’t watch the entire film, but does he throw the ball more than 10 yards past the LOS at any point?

    • Carl Carter says:

      It is unbelievable how much talent their QBs and receivers have and they still lose the way they do

  • Doobie74OU says:

    Do we know if he will play Baseball at well? Can this help us with other recruits like Greg Little?

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    Wow? He’s so short.

  • Josh says:

    This reminds me of when we found out about Baker and there were a lot of negative voices out there about him and not wanting a kid that couldn’t make it at taco tech blah blah blah. This is a huge get, just wait.

  • Baron Boomer says:

    Looks good material for OU to work with from the vid below!

    Boom Eve!!!

  • KatyOUdad says:

    He is Manziel size. I trust our coaches will make him a better player than what A&M can do.

  • Soonersalltheway says:

    Can we get Christian Kirk too?!

  • Collin says:

    In regards to the complaint that he is only 5’11, I can recall a handful of friends that grew significantly their second year of college (myself included). He’ll have a year to learn the system and to grow into his frame. Scout team will sure give the defense prep for any QB we face.

  • bjwalker82 says:

    TFB, you seem a little lukewarm to the signing. Any reason why or am I reading too much into it?

    • Doobie74OU says:

      I think it is just the shock of it! I think TFB and everybody else, first didn’t expect anything to happen this quickly and Second of the 2 guys transferring most thought it would be Allen at OU!

  • Nate Broadus says:

    Gonna have to trust Bob. This kid seems like bad news, then again I don’t see him off-the-field. If Bob and Lincoln think he’s worth a shot, who am I to argue?

    Hopefully his signing came with an ironclad ultimatum: your dad stays out of the locker room decisions.

  • OceanDescender says:

    At the very least, there’s gonna be one helluva QB competition when baker’s time is all said and done.

  • ccmosaic says:

    Boom! I trust our coaches when it comes to transfers. I have no doubt he will help our team.

    • EasTex says:

      That brings up an interesting point. How will his decision effect potential recruits?

      • Lincoln Hawk says:

        I would bet it only fuels the momentum

      • Stephen Dale says:

        it will impact signing the SouthMoore QB for the 2018 class one would think….

        • Lincoln Hawk says:

          Nope, probably 2016 or 2017 though. I am pretty sure Kyler will be a junior when he can play in 2017.

          • JD says:

            He will redshirt next year and be a redshirt sophomore won’t he

          • Sooner Ray says:


          • JD says:

            Merry Christmas Ray..better get that hay out before the weather gets bad

          • Sooner Ray says:

            Already done, getting ready to hook up a tank heater for the low 20’s predicted next week.

          • JD says:

            Do they have those you can put in the edge of the pond…A few years ago we had to chop a ice trail 50 feet out because a horse walked out and fell thru…I don’t think we are gonna get it as bad as you (this time)

          • Sooner Ray says:

            Never heard of one for a pond lol, I won’t use a pond in the winter for that very reason ( the falling through).

          • JD says:

            Yeah..I water in a trough and break ice at the pond just in case they go there. They don’t always do what you want lol

          • Lincoln Hawk says:

            I think you lose a season when you transfer to the same level. Unless you are a grad transfer or certain family reasons.

          • Sooner Ray says:

            Not when it’s out of conference ( with a full release), he can redshirt during his sit out year and still be a soph.

          • Lincoln Hawk says:

            Sweet. Thanks for clarification!

          • JD says:

            He was released and it wasn’t in conference anyways

          • SoonerSpock says:

            Kyler was a true freshman this year at aTm. He will use his redshirt year as his tranfer year and be redshirt sophomore when he becomes eligible. He does not lose a transfer year and a forfeit year like Baker because he is not transferring within the B12

            In fact the SEC does not have a transfer restriction like the B12 for in conference transfers and they are very common.

        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          I don’t think we have to worry too much about recruiting for a while. OU near the top of CFB baby!

        • ND52 says:

          An OU legacy who has a clear shot at starting after a RS year? I’ll take those odds sir.

      • Scott says:

        Breaking News Malik Jefferson is transferring to OU , wait were getting reports that Daylon Mack has left the Texas a&m program.

        • Indy_sooner says:

          I know that was a joke but Malik is an absolute stud. I works sell my pinkie to sign that boy. He may be the only reason Strong is employed next year

  • Jason Vos says:

    Holy cow saw the headline and thought it was Kyle Allen. But Kyler Murray wow

  • bigrackhunter says:

    There is a lot of negative spin out there with him joining us, but I think it shows the state of our program in a positive way. Talented kids want win and have fun these days. It proves that our success is contagious, pair that with our prestige of the past. We will find a happy medium with murry and I’m sure stoops will make sure he understands both on the field and off.

    • Collin says:

      Thank you. When did we become so cocky that we wouldn’t accept a former 5 star recruit with open arms? It’s important to step back and appreciate what you noted above.

      • Indy_sooner says:

        Cocky is the wrong word. We are cautious in the character department- when you have a team like OU that has been through what they have the last year the last thing needed is attitude, regardless of the number of stars. I hope he checks it at the door and tears it up. He wants to don the crimson and cream, so that alone is a stride in the right

        • Collin says:

          I think what I was implying is that we are blessed in the QB department at the moment so this situation is looked at through a different set of lenses. If we were lacking QB’s I feel the discussion board would have a completed different tone. But you’re right, maybe cocky wasn’t the best word.

        • bigrackhunter says:

          Stoops will be the first guy to shake his hand when he walks through the door. Leadership starts at the top and flows through the team in a manner that players follow suit and weeds out the Prima donnas

    • Doobie74OU says:

      I agree! A7M came at this kid all wrong. Swagcopter(or whatever they called that thing) and all made him think a lot of himself. They make players divas by treating them like divas. Bob Stoops will make sure the kid is reaching his potential or he will never see the field!

  • SoonerfanTU says:

    I’m not really a fan, but I trust Bob and to a lesser extent Riley, so we’ll see how it goes. Kid has a lot of improvement to make next year before he is ready to lead the OU offense, potentially, in 2017, IMO.

    Hopefully the kid’s dad stays out of the way, and Murray buys in. We all saw how close the OU QB’s were this past season. What we’ve seen of Murray so far is the exact opposite of that. Time to buy in kid.

  • Indy_sooner says:

    Why-o-why blackjesus? I have never been so ambivalent about signing a 5 star as this. I hope he proves me dead wrong on this one in two years

  • Ed Cotter says:

    Riley and Stoop know what they are doing. I am a skeptic, but man, imagine what he can do as the scout team QB helping the defense get ready for dual threat QBs next year.

    • Stephen Dale says:

      LR may not be around by the time Murray is ready to play….It won’t be his worry…

      • Breadburner says:


      • Ed Cotter says:

        And then again, he may be around. Worry about that when it gets here. Happy Holidays and BOOMER SOONER!!

      • soonersd says:

        Stoops may not be around by the time Murray is ready to play… Murray might not be around by the time Murray is ready to play… blah blah blah. Stoops, LR and the rest of the coaching staff have no doubt done research on this kid. He has a chance to come in with a fresh start at one of the most storied programs in CF history. He will buy in and compete for the job in ’17 or he will fizzle or transfer to a DII school. In my eyes the risk/reward here (trusting the coaches have done their homework) is a no brainer.

      • soonersd says:

        Stoops may not be around by the time Murray is ready to play… Murray might not be around by the time Murray is ready to play… blah blah blah. Stoops, LR and the rest of the coaching staff have no doubt done research on this kid. He has a chance to come in with a fresh start at one of the most storied programs in CF history. He will buy in and compete for the job in ’17 or he will fizzle or transfer to a DII school. In my eyes the risk/reward here (trusting the coaches have done their homework) is a no brainer.

      • Spitting Bull says:

        Thanks for chiming in Sunshine…It’s Christmas, don’t steal hope like the Grinch.

  • Docknoss says:

    I hate this, I’d rather just have Mayfield, Thomas, and Kendall on the roster for next year. Murray has too much baggage and didn’t play up to expectation this year. With him possibly bring a cancer to the team and this will surely make other high profile QB recruits from 2017 on over look OU as a possible playing destination. Only positive is he will bring a mobile QB to the practice team. Hopefully a miracle happens and we get Baker for another year.

    • Brent says:

      it will be a 3-way QB battle to be the starter in 2 years. I love it.

    • Stephen Dale says:

      agree with you……….

    • BoomerDave says:

      Another poster pretending that he knows all about Murray. All this talk about him being a diva, having baggage, just needs to stop! None of you guys have ever met him. Stoops and Riley have, so I trust them more than a bunch of Internet know-it-alls.

      • SoonerOracle737 says:

        I trust Stoops to lay down the law and keep things in check. Hopefully, everything works out and there are zero issues like the documented ones that occurred on the sidelines at AT&M.

      • SoonerfanTU says:

        So if all these other posters don’t know jack about Murray, what makes you such an expert on him?

        • Docknoss says:

          Exactly, ole BD has just as much room not to talk. This is a community to come speak your mind. Who is he to regulate, especially when it’s all personal opinion and he knows as little as anyone else.

        • BoomerDave says:

          Did I claim to know anything about Murray? No, I didn’t. What I said for those with difficulty with comprehension is that Stoops and Riley have both personally met Murray, none of those making disparaging remarks have. I trust Stoops and Riley.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            Sweet. So you will NEVER question a move or decision either of those guys makes. Or will you?

          • BoomerDave says:

            Since when do we trash one of our plavers? I just think it’s ignorant the way people on here are talking about a kid they no absolutely nothing about! They saw him yelling at a coach on the sideline, and now he’s got baggage and a diva! We saw Julian Wilson yelling at his coaches and he’s a competitor! Murray’s a Sooner, so let’s stop the trash talking.

      • D Hunter Sanchez says:

        I have my reservations, but after seeing what LR has done with Baker, we shouldn’t doubt this move. Murray reminds me of J Heard a bit. A 5 star is a 5 star. You don’t pass on these guys. Nothing too lose as long as Kendall/Robinson stay put.

    • soonersd says:

      Stoops, LR and the rest of the coaching staff have no doubt done research on this kid. He has a chance to come in with a fresh start at one of the most storied programs in CF history. He will buy in and compete for the job in ’17 or he will fizzle or transfer to a DII school. In my eyes the risk/reward here (trusting the coaches have done their homework) is a no brainer.

  • OUn8v says:

    Chris Robison tweeting “decisions”.

  • SoonerOracle737 says:

    Kid has amazing physical and mental (decision making) talents. I just worry about the diva aspect and how it would hurt the team. I hope Stoops told him and his father how it will be in no uncertain terms.

  • JB says:

    All I can say is, I hope the stories about him are NOT accurate, that he’s not a spoiled brat locker room cancer. And if that is not the case, then I say welcome aboard.

    I have a lot of faith in Lincoln Riley, so if he’s on board with it, then I will give KM the benefit of the doubt.

    • Kevin Burger says:

      Well, at A&M having a girlfriend who isn’t classified as livestock is considered spoiled. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    • D Hunter Sanchez says:

      Imagine if he improves his downfield passing and with Mixon in the backfield?

      • JB says:

        That is an interesting thought.

        If we ran the wishbone (and no, as much as I love our wishbone days, I don’t want to go back to the ‘bone), he’d be a PERFECT fit.

        • SoonerfanTU says:

          Or if we were running the offense Bob wanted to run the last couple of years with JH/TK. No doubt Murray can run the zone read, but I don’t want that to be our bread and butter. I want guys that can spin it. I know some of you swear Murray can do just that, but he hasn’t proven that yet at the college level. If he can, and he can check the attitude, he could be special. I have no problems saying that.

      • soonersd says:

        Hope Mixon (and/or Perine) do not decide to leave early. Love watching both of them in Crimson and Cream.

    • Clint Lenard says:

      There were similar stories about Mayfield, so who knows…

      • JB says:

        I never heard any such stories about Mayfield. Not even one. And no one had to hire Mayfield’s dad on their staff to guarantee his commitment to any school.

        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          Well, no room on this staff for dad.

        • Clint Lenard says:

          There were quite a few stories from Tech fans/reporters, and some even went as far as claiming that’s why he wasn’t given a scholarship. I’m sure there’s true stories about every player, just like there’s fabricated stories as well. If the coaches took the chance, I’m not going to disagree.

  • OUn8v says:

    Stoops, several coaches, and several players/recruits have positive tweets about the Murray news. Sumlin being a former coach, I would imagine that he’s visited with Bob about the young man and that Bob or LR has visited with Kyler and his parents. We have very intelligent coaches. I find this to be exciting news. May the best man win!

    • JD says:

      Im not sure they can have any communication with him until he is signed or enrolled..kinda like the Baker situation

      • Bob Edwards says:

        I believe Murray was released by Sumlin. This is different than the Baker situation.

      • OUn8v says:

        Is he different than a “recruit”? If not, the player can initiate the contact, as I understand it. Either way, I’m sure expectations were communicated. I’m not worried about how Stoops handle any of the players. He’s been great at it.

      • SoonerSpock says:

        I think they can have any type communication desired once Murray got his release for aTm provided they did not contact him during a dead period.

    • Dick Bump says:

      With his relationship with Sumlin, I’m sure Bob Stoops knows all about whatever issues there were at A&M. I think he can handle whatever they are. I suspect most of the negative comments are just Internet stuff.

    • says:

      I would trust Stoops and Riley, would not trust Sumlin’s evaluation. Sumlin may just be trying to save his future recruiting. Not looking good for him at all with his two top QB’s walking out the door. If he can say he helped them find a good place to move to that might help his persona.

  • Daddy R says:

    I really don’t think Bob would have signed off, if he thought Murray would be an issue in the locker room. He may have been a diva at A&M, but he was also playing for a diva at A&M, and that type of attitude is more tolerated there, big time. At Oklahoma, he will not be playing for a diva, but rather a tough, but sincere, loving coach, who is respectful to all (‘cept SEC), and respected by all, and helps his players become respectable young men.

    I’m guessing Murray will follow his new coach, and fit right in perfectly. Who knows, he probably wants this (more discipline) from a new leader. Will help him become a better man.
    Sometimes the ones with the most “diva,” are the ones craving the most leadership.

    Welcome Kyler Murray, and Boooooooomer!

  • JD says:

    Would he have to sit a year to play baseball. Is he solely football or what

  • Jason Vos says:

    Texas Tech fans said MAyfield was a problem. Mizzou fans said the same about DGB, now we are hearing the same about Kyler Murray. Bob Stoops knows what he is doing, can we please trust our coach. This is not his first rodeo

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      Bob isn’t beyond “mistakes” either. OU has booted lots of kids during his tenure.

      • D Hunter Sanchez says:

        They all deserved it. No?

      • ThatLibertyGuy says:

        I appreciate that you put the word “mistakes” in quotes, because, after all, it is certainly not an exact science determining the choices young people will make and how one will respond to new circumstances and relationships. Coach’s track record suggests that he does it better than most, imo.

    • JB says:

      Tech fans got on Mayfield when he decided to leave. Before that, he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then when he left, he was awful and Davis Webb was the savior. Now Webb isn’t on the radar.

      DGB was a criminal.

      My concern with Murray is the whole dad thing and his insistence on being played as a true freshman when he still needs to adjust to the NCAA.

      • ccmosaic says:

        A&M promised playing time his freshman year if he came to CS. This kid would not have been an issue nor his dad if he would have went to just about any other school other than A&M. The culture of the program drove this. HS kids need discipline not a party school. Bob will help this kid become the best he is capable of. I am very excited.

      • Spitting Bull says:

        DGB never caused any problems at OU and seems to be adjusting to the NFL pretty well. He was never convicted of a crime that I know of. Where there is smoke there is fire but that whole story had a lot of holes in it or he would have served time. But then again, Missouri and law enforcement has definitely had it’s fair share of problems of late.

    • says:

      Mayfield worked out, DGB left without even giving BS a year on the field for working with him. I would say that one did not work out.

      • ThatLibertyGuy says:

        I see your point with DGB, but from what I heard his work on the scout team was exceptional, his conduct was exemplary and it certainly prepared him in a better way for the NFL. Unless I am unaware of it, I don’t believe that DGB made any promises to stay longer, nor did Coach expect him to. I consider it a win/win even though I would have been pleasantly thrilled had he decided to stay.

        • says:

          I know Stoops said there were no promises made by DGB. However, to me, if the kid had any character he would have given back to someone who had given him a second chance. Just my opinion. I guess some could say he did help by being on the scout team.

      • Spitting Bull says:

        I think DBG worked out fine. I think Bob knew going in there was a pretty good chance he’d never see the field as a Sooner. He liked the family and Doral and wanted to help him get on the right path. He did that from all accounts and is a budding superstar in the league. Only a year, but with this kids track record, going 12 months without incident is an accomplishment.

    • Spitting Bull says:

      Yep, Bob has shown the wisdom of Solomon when it comes to giving second chances and turning so called, “problem kids” in to model citizens. The only one that comes to mind is Metoyer as being a lost cause. And Bomar of course along with the lineman whom I’ve already forgotten. Look at Ryan Broyles. Stole gas, given a chance, made more than the most of it. Dusty, Mixon, DGB all have turned their lives around under his watch. The ones with the bad attitudes seem to shape up or ship out. The chemistry is so strong right now. Even though we lose some important leaders next year, we still have plenty to help this kid learn how to practice and play hard without the diva junk.

  • D Hunter Sanchez says:

    Nice Sooner Christmas present! Boomer!

  • Lane Gilstrap says:

    Okay, so does this mean we could talk That talented OT into coming too? Greg Little!

  • AmaGoh7 says:

    Maybe he can recruit Greg Little to OU. Oh, wait he’s going to Ole Mi$$$$$$.

  • Lane Gilstrap says:

    Greg Little come on down too!

  • Fear The Magic says:

    I dont want to say anything negative so I’ll just say that I hope at the very least we just got an ubber elusive slot back.

  • bigrackhunter says:

    I would rather have a 5’9 qb that has the “it” factor, ability to make all the throws asked of him, great leadership and command of the offence, and respect from all teammates. Instead of a 6’5 “photo typical size qb” great nfl arm, no pocket awareness resulting in max protect most of The time, but he can throw 70 yards from his knees, and bad decisions at the worst time yet he can drop a pass on the dime from anywhere on the field. (Sorry LJ)

    • EasTex says:

      The only time I have seen anyone claim he is 5’9″ is from the one with the initials that represent Standard Deviation.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      lmao, Murray hasn’t accomplished a fraction of what LJ did while at OU. How about we wait and see if he ever does? Most of the problems we had on offense with LJ starting at QB, weren’t necessarily LJ’s fault.

    • JB says:

      I will say this. I am all for guys with that hard to define quality (IT factor) at QB. Baker Mayfield has IT. I hope this guy does too. I don’t expect a Baker clone, so it will be in his own way, but I always love to see gamers come alive on the field.

    • ND52 says:

      Hey now: Landry Jones was only 6′4″…………..

      • bigrackhunter says:

        Parade all American was the big thing coming in, only to be know as treating the ball like it’s a hot potato on the biggest stage in front of the whole country. plus that 5 interception game at Lincoln is still face palmable..

        • ND52 says:

          All in the past @disqus_mzMmDGh4Kj:disqus. That’s why guys like me pay no attention to the so called recruiting “experts”………………

        • D Hunter Sanchez says:

          No OL.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            Adam Shead, Lane Johnson, Gabe ikard, Bronson Irwin, Donald Stephenson, Ben Habern, and a few other solid contributers. It was a solid group nothing compared to youth and growing pains in front of Mayfield.

  • Lane Gilstrap says:

    Tay Evans, Bobby Evans, Kyler Murray, could Little be next?

  • Baron Boomer says:

    Word must be getting out…BOOMER!

  • curt gomer says:

    College Football: Oklahoma traded quarterback Trevor Knight to Texas A&M for quarterback Kyler Murray.

  • Lane Gilstrap says:

    I’m betting this kid could blow up our recruiting.

  • DCinAZ says:

    Here comes trouble…..

    • Daddy R says:


    • Sooner_Ace says:

      unwarranted at this time….

    • bigrackhunter says:

      Stoops and current players won’t allow it to happend it was atms destiny to have a little success only to be reminded it’s still atm just one of those unexplainable karma things 🙂

      • DCinAZ says:

        If he comes off the field and ever ONCE drops F-bombs on Riley or any other member of our staff on national television he better be gone the next day. All I’m saying…

        • bigrackhunter says:

          He will be trust me on that.. oklahoma is not the place for me guys never has been never will be as long as stoops is here

          • DCinAZ says:

            I agree. This program is much bigger than Kyler Murray OR his dad.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            Ask Bomar and his dad how does guys who think they deserve special treatment career end.

          • DCinAZ says:

            Exactly. So why bring the exact same set of problems in when you’ve already had to deal with that problem before?

          • bigrackhunter says:

            I understand you concern but it’s a new environment and fresh start I’m sure him and his dad had a nice long talk with stoops about what is expected out of him.

          • DCinAZ says:

            I agree. He’s just a kid and he deserves a second chance and a fresh start. I’d prefer Allen because he’s the better QB with better size but I don’t think Bob will accept any bullsh*t of of Murray or his father and I’m sure he made that clear. This isn’t Texas A&M.

          • bigrackhunter says:

            When there is no recent greatness or prestige to speak of, it creates self proclaimed success and with no parameters or guidelines to Follow.

        • BoomerDave says:

          Didn’t hear you asking for Julian Wilson to be gone when he was screaming at our coaches on national TV, did I.

    • Dick Bump says:

      Hope it’s the opponents that say that.

    • Jpsooner23 says:

      You telling us that stoops and LR didn’t consult you first on this? I’m shocked I tell you!

      If you think for one minute that this coaching staff and team will let one kid ruin the locker room, you have no faith in them. Stoops will send him packing in the blink of an eye if he causes any trouble.

      Another guy who knows more than the coaches…..we love you guys. Keep the great insight coming.

  • Sooner_Ace says:

    Welcome to show young man, make the doubters eat their words! Boomer!

  • Kevin Fielder says:

    Was listening to Finebaum last week and all the aTm fans seem to think that Sumlin promised him when he was recruited that he could also play baseball. I guess he told him in bowl practice that he wasn’t going to be able to do that, so the exit.

    • SoonerfanTU says:

      He’ll have a hard time doing both at OU too. Won’t hurt him this year b/c he cannot play football next season, but it’s awfully difficult to play baseball and be the #1 QB at OU at the same time.

      • Clint Lenard says:

        Jameis Winston didn’t have a problem at FSU. Not sure why Murray would at OU.

        • ND52 says:

          Murray will never (short of a late growth-spurt) play QB in the NFL.

          His chances of playing in the MB though……………..pretty damn good.

          • Clint Lenard says:

            Disagree with the “never” part of that. His size as a QB will affect him just as much as his size in the MLB, if you go by the same old “too small” claims.

          • Daddy R says:

            A lot easier to be successful in MLB being 5′ 10″, than it is in NFL being 5′ 10″. At any position. Just look at the averages of height and stuff..

            But I agree a small qb can succeed in NFL. Brees, Wilson, etc..

          • Clint Lenard says:

            Yes and no. Being under 6′ tall is going to affect your draftability in the MLB just like it will in the NFL. You have to be a hell of a player in either league to get drafted high. There’s quite a few players under 6 feet tall, because there’s A TON of players in the minors (and leagues around the world) that help boost these numbers.

          • Oscar says:

            Kirby Puckett

          • Clint Lenard says:

            Hall of fame player. Outstanding athlete, outstanding player. Not sure what your point is, to be honest.

          • Oscar says:

            5′ 9″

          • Clint Lenard says:

            Yeah, and Marcus Stroman is 5’9″, but ask either of those guys how much harder they had to work. Those guys are extremely rare.

          • Oscar says:

            True. Height seems to be an obstacle in every profession and in society as a whole.

          • ND52 says:


            Murray is a highly-rated MLB prospect. He’ll never play a down of NFL ball as anything more than a wildcat-type QB.

          • Clint Lenard says:

            That’s your opinion, but that’s not factual at this point.

          • ND52 says:

            I meant he’ll never play a down of NFL ball at QB—-he’s just too small. On the other hand there’s millions of $$$ awaiting him in the majors.


          • Clint Lenard says:

            I won’t rule out anything until he gets a few years in College. If he can make big plays he could get his shot. With that being said, he could make 3-5 times the money in Baseball, so he’d be crazy to not give Baseball a shot.

        • Kevin Burger says:

          We can all name a few people who have tried and succeeded to do both, but we can also name a lot of people who have tried and failed to do both. Just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean it’s probable. 🙂

          • Clint Lenard says:

            I agree that there have been plenty of kids who struggled, but a great Baseball player and QB shouldn’t have much of an issue.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            It’s an issue b/c the starting QB at OU needs to be going through spring practices and leading his team. Tough to do that while playing baseball full time. It isn’t a very big list, but I don’t think anybody has successfully played both sports at OU under stoops. Jones tried and couldn’t do it. Thomas tried and quit baseball b/c he knew he couldn’t win the starting job while playing baseball. But nobody has successfully done both at OU under Stoops.

            Impossible? Maybe not. Just highly unlikely IMO.

          • SoonerfanTU says:

            It’s an issue b/c the starting QB at OU needs to be going through spring practices and leading his team. Tough to do that while playing baseball full time. It isn’t a very big list, but I don’t think anybody has successfully played both sports at OU under stoops. Jones tried and couldn’t do it. Thomas tried and quit baseball b/c he knew he couldn’t win the starting job while playing baseball. But nobody has successfully done both at OU under Stoops.

            Impossible? Maybe not. Just highly unlikely IMO.

        • Baron Boomer says:

          Did make him a little “crabby” though I hear! 🙂

    • bigrackhunter says:

      Stoops let Cody play until he took it apon himself to make a career decision.

  • Jason Vos says:

    Looks like A&M and OU are becoming feeders for each other

  • Jason Vos says:

    He has a year to red shirt and get better as a passer

  • Brien Brown says:

    IMO of course. Let us not pass judgement for we too will be judged. This young man by all that we have heard was a hot head and had attitude issues. Now if it’s true he was promised one thing and then something else was done once he got on campus shame on the coaches for lying to a young man. We where told Mayfield was a gun ho QB that forced things and was too small and would be bad for us and now we love the kid. Not like we all disliked BM coming in but still there was doubters. Lastly when has Stoops ever made a bad choice on a kid I trust that Bob and LR did their homework and you can never have enough talent!

    • Sooner_Ace says:


    • SoonerOracle737 says:

      Stoops has had to clean house a few times with bad apples on the team. So, he will do what is necessary to maintain order. I just hope it doesn’t come to that again. I trust it won’t.

      • EasTex says:

        It’s not like he is unknown, he was a visitor to OU on several occasions and OU recruited him. I trust the coaches on this explicitly.

      • Brien Brown says:

        Yea but some of those kids acted a fool once they got on campus and maybe some of them had issues before hand but we didn’t know that and I doubt Stoops just brings in bad kids. I think he is fair gives them a chance and fool him once shame on you shame him twice shame on him mean. We have all needed people to give us second or third chances and some of us where better for it. I agree Stoops isn’t afraid to clean house clearly a kid learned that this year,

  • Jason Vos says:


  • EasTex says:

    Despite the yeas and nays, I say BEAT CLEMSON!

  • Dick Bump says:

    Outstanding! Merry Christmas, Sooners! Welcome Kyler!

  • Sooner_Ace says:

    Herbie approves:

    • BoomerDave says:

      What does Herbie know QB skill sets? Can’t possibly know any more than the naysayers on here!

      • EasTex says:


      • SoonerSpock says:

        Perhaps the following gives Herbie some ability to know QB skill sets.

        Herbstreit graduated from Centerville High School in Centerville, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton. As a quarterback for the Elks, he was the Ohio Gatorade Player of the Year as a senior. He also was a standout baseball player.

        Herbstreit was the first player to commit to the Ohio State Buckeyes after the hiring of John Cooper as head coach in 1988. Herbstreit was a four-year letter winner as a quarterback at Ohio State University from 1989 to 1993. After waiting his turn as aBuckeye starter behind Greg Frey and Kent Graham, Herbstreit finally led the team as a senior in 1992. That year he was a co-captain (along with linebacker Steve Tovar) and was voted team MVP. Herbstreit passed for 1,904 yards that season, including four 200-plus yard games, before losing to the Georgia Bulldogs in the Florida Citrus Bowl. As a college quarterback, Herbstreit had held the Ohio State record for pass completions in the rivalry game against Michigan, with 28 passes for 271 yards in a 13–13 tie in 1992.[2]

        Herbstreit’s father, Jim Herbstreit, had been a co-captain (along with offensive tackle Jim Tyrer) of the 1960 Ohio State team, and was later an assistant coach at Ohio State under Woody Hayes. When Herbstreit was named co-captain in 1992, the two became only the second father-and-son duo to have each been Ohio State captains.

    • ThatLibertyGuy says:

      He’s one of the few sports commentators that will cause me to stop and listen. He is not always right of course(Heck, even I am not always right), but he seems to understand the nuances of the game and team chemistry better than most.

  • SoonerOracle737 says:

    Who would have ever thought a 5* recruit could cause so much controversy? I hope it’s unjustified. Time will tell.

  • Brad Warren says:

    Tennessee game other on espnu now of anybody needs a bump

  • RBear says:

    What are the chances of Murray moving to the slot?

    • John Tolomeo says:

      zilch…hes tiny slides if anyone is near him. he can play qb or cb

      • Clint Lenard says:

        He slides because he has been instructed to do just that. He’s a QB running the ball, which means he has to protect himself. I’m guessing he’d do different if he played receiver.

        • John Tolomeo says:

          idk i think he is too small to take the beating

          • RBear says:

            Jalen Saunders small?

          • EasTex says:

            No, don’t know about now as the gAggies have already removed him from the roster…5’11” 170lbs at the start of his senior year.

          • RBear says:

            Refresh- I edited with the latest info I found. He’s added some weight, too.

          • EasTex says:

            I see it now.
            Isn’t Shep like 5’11” 193?

          • RBear says:

            According to Sooner Sports, 5′ 10″ 193.

            I think Murray in the slot would be a great move- put him in the wildcat as well- a threat to do most anything from many positions.

          • EasTex says:

            Just looked at the 12-12-15 gAggie depth chart and they had Murray listed as 5’11” 188lbs.
            I really don’t care how the coaches utilize him, but I still think he is an outstanding QB.

          • RBear says:

            Another tool in Lincoln’s box

          • KJ1123 says:

            I dont pay too much attention to measureables anymore. Linc will make a kid like this successful in his system.

          • EasTex says:

            It’s the first thing many look at. Some here still think Darlington is too small to be the starting Center, intelligence and technique be damned.
            I had the pleasure of watching Murray play since he was a sophomore and watched him grow and develop throughout his high school career.
            He has the one thing that Riley says he looks for in a QB, he’s a winner.
            Besides his athleticism as a runner and passer, the kid sees the field and makes good decisions like few I have ever seen.
            I just hope the toxic situation at gAggie hasn’t done a number on his head.

          • KJ1123 says:

            Exactly right…Ive seen this kid compete with all the top QBs in the 2015 class last year. He was up there with Rosen and Barnett. When I first saw Baker in person last spring I was like….thats Baker??? Cant measure a kids heart. Like you said the kids a winner and knows how to win. It obviously has to be something happening internally thats causing all these issues. Why else would you leave somewhere with seemingly little competition to start?

          • EasTex says:

            Indeed, he along with another 5* and a 4* last year.

          • Bill Holder says:

            Kinda like some substances……get away from the substance for awhile and his head will clear.

          • brainpimp says:

            After watching his highlights the thing that stood out the most to me was his ability to get the ball into small windows and his great ability to lead players on LONG passes and just drop the ball in a bucket.

          • Clint Lenard says:

            It’s possible that his frame is too small in the long-term, but all QB’s are supposed to get down rather than take a hit. There’s a reason guys get flagged more often when tackling/sacking a QB than any other position as well.

  • albsooner says:

    I hope it works out. Have to trust LR. I guess we will find out how well its working next year when he is Scout team QB. I wonder how/if this impacts Austin’s development… i.e. less reps as Scout QB.

  • Maverick says:

    If Lincoln Riley stays at OU for Murray’s whole career, I will be really happy.

    As for those questioning the decision to take Murray. Isn’t it a win-win? If he works out it’s a potential all american at the most important position in football. If he doesn’t, we still have other options. Hopefully Kendall will welcome the competition and stick with his commitment.

  • Mustvid says:

    Last year, Alex King from the Brainiacs reported Murray’s interest in OU. I believe his girlfriend is a student at OU. I also remember Riley making a late charge and got him to make an official visits. It was believed by people close to him ( according to Alex) that he was very interested in OU. Makes me wonder about any promises made to him. I never heard anyone who played with him speak negatively of him. Didn’t he have a good friend (highly ranked WR) who signed with Notre Dame who is also transferring?

  • Steve Cooke says:

    Didn’t want the 1st time & damn sure didn’t want this time. Another QB with a helicopter dad Ala Bomar.

  • Mustvid says:

    When can be start practicing with the team?

  • bigrackhunter says:

    If he can’t move this offence down the field on a consistent basis weather it’s physical or mental limitation, he may have the options to change positions or play baseball that simple.

  • Jdizzle says:

    I’m glad all of you know a lot more than Stoops, Riley, and the rest of the offensive coaching staff.

  • Kelly Gurbcock says:

    In Lincoln we trust. Let’s welcome the kid and hope a change in environment benefits him well.

  • soonerinks says:

    Too short, head case, entitled! Geez, let’s cut the guy some slack and have some faith in Bob and Lincoln. Count me as excited to see how it works out for the young man.

  • paganpink says:

    If he can’t hack it then so be it. But the 2014/2015 national high school player of the year? He deserves at least a chance with a new team doesn’t he? He isn’t the only one to flee in terror from the flying Aggie/Manziel’s lately. Sounds like they made him feel like the 12th man on their team. Har, see what I did there? 12th man outta 11?

  • KJ1123 says:

    This was suprise…..even to players like Bobby and Tay. Riley working some magic.

  • CcrBoomer says:

    Does anyone know the status of Jordan Smallwood or Anderson. Would they be available for the Bowl game?

  • KJ1123 says:

    The good thing about this happening now. Is the trolls and negative Nancys on the board have another thing to bring up at nauseum during the offseason.

    • Mustvid says:

      What’s your take on Murray KJ? Do you think this effects QB recruiting of Thompson?

      • BoomerDave says:

        Not gonna effect Thompson as much as Kendall and Robison. Thompson would most likely redshirt ’18 and not expect to see the field until ’19 at best. Murray would be a SR by then.

      • KJ1123 says:

        I like Murray…I commented below that the kids a winner. Hes a leader and is very skilled. Not to mention Lincoln will not have to change the schemes too much because his skill set is similar to Bakers. Size is irrelevant, the kid plays big. I dont think it will affect his recruiting much. These kids they dont realize you have to be in camp and on the same field to see how you stack up. Dont just go off of stars and blogs. Have to look at the bigger picture.

        • Mustvid says:

          Thanks KJ. The only noise I’ve heard has come out of A&M. I followed his recruitment and I don’t recall negative comments from his high school team mates. To do what he did in high school would indicate a great leader to compliment a very athletic and well coached kid. I saw him play against Arkansas this year and I thought for a true freshman, he looked really good. It will be a fun 2017 when he can compete.

    • Mustvid says:

      What’s your take on Murray KJ? Do you think this effects QB recruiting of Thompson?

    • EasTex says:

      As if they wouldn’t just manufacture some outrage.

  • Dustin says:

    Can’t have too many good QBs.

  • Slim Sooner says:

    Hey, I’m not a smart man, but I do trust our coaches. So I’m just gonna give the kid a BOOM! Welcome to Sooner Nation, Kyler. You’ll be in a much better place.

  • RBear says:

    May have already been addressed below, will he enroll for the Spring semester and be eligible next bowl season?


    forgot the /s

    • BoomerDave says:

      He is set to enroll in January and will be eligible for the ’17 season. Not sure what you mean by being eligible next bowl season. If you are not eligible for a particular season, you can’t play in the bowl game.

  • BoomerDave says:

    I crack up when I read the negative comments about Murray’s dad coming from the same people who are anxious for us to sign ’18 QB Casey Thompson. NO ONE has been a bigger pain in the butt for OU coaches than Casey’s dad, Charles.

  • KJ1123 says:

    I know this is a Murray thread. But I was talking to someone today and apparently Rodney Anderson has just become a BEAST during his recovery. In fact hes almost broken all of ADs training numbers and is starting to look like AD too. That got me pretty pumped up. Too deep.

    • Sooner Ray says:

      Love hearing this kind of news.

    • RBear says:

      and we thought Riley would go elsewhere… why would he?

    • EasTex says:

      Great to hear.
      I thought the area he needed to improve on most coming out of high school was strength, especially upper body.

      • KJ1123 says:

        Hes a really good back…cant wait for him to get his opportunity.

        • EasTex says:

          I know he is, got to watch him in the playoffs for three years. I sure hope his knee/s don’t effect his career.

          • KJ1123 says:

            Sounds like hes taking his rehab super serious….I hope it doesnt either.

          • hemisooner says:

            Love kids with great work ethics. That’s the kind of players stoops loves and thrive in his system. Look how hard Orlando worked to get his weight down and become future all american. Hard work beats talent

          • paganpink says:

            They are SO much better at their repairs now that it’s kind of amazing, thank goodness. Anyone who said that no one can fully come back from an injury like Peterson had was proven completely wrong. Times have really changed. AD believes he is faster then he was before and the time off helped him get there!

          • EasTex says:

            I agree, the advances now are amazing. It wasn’t that long ago any knee surgery meant a “California road map” scar and a long and excruciating rehab.
            My concern for Anderson is this is the second knee injury, once in high school and now this year. Don’t know if it is the same knee or now both.

          • bmrsnr says:

            Was it a knee injury? I thought he broke a bone in the leg.

          • EasTex says:

            Had to look it up.
            You are correct, it was a broken bone, but it did require surgery.

          • paganpink says:

            They are SO much better at their repairs now that it’s kind of amazing, thank goodness. Anyone who said that no one can fully come back from an injury like Peterson had was proven completely wrong. Times have really changed. AD believes he is faster then he was before and the time off helped him get there!

      • paganpink says:

        If he’s rivaling AD then he has fixed that problem in spades! Peterson was always one of the fittest men on the field then and now. Didn’t you find yourself as a lineman sometimes marveling at the sheer toughness of the running backs? What great news from KJ that we have another one possibly waiting in the wings.

        • EasTex says:

          I never doubted his ability as a RB, just knew his young man, slender physique would need to add on some muscular bulk to play at this level.
          Kid is a ferocious runner with great balance and hands.
          I was thrilled when he committed.

          • paganpink says:

            I didn’t mean to infer that you were. I was just flashing back to the best of the running backs that I knew who sometimes got the ball play after play with little rest and endured everyone on the other team trying to hurt them and almost all of those seeking their injuries were bigger then the backs were. You see that same fierceness in all the good ones, even Perine, who isn’t smaller then most.

          • EasTex says:

            Back when I played everyone used a FB and those guys were tough. The RBs only impressed me when the OL and FB did their jobs correctly. 🙂
            Even now when my Senior class gets together at least one of my old team mates brings up the story of me tackling the QB and RB together, as I didn’t know which one had the ball so I planted both of them in the ground.
            Never had to face any as talented as AD or the group the Sooners have each year.

          • paganpink says:

            We had a little 5’7″ guy who not only could fly but was absolutely fearless. That fierce nature made even some of the linebackers a little leery about hitting him because he would go straight into them at times and try to knock the tackler down. Tired of getting hit all the time he once told me, LOL.

          • EasTex says:

            I played against one of those tiny waterbugs like that, and I got so tired of his elusiveness I finally grabbed his face mask and used it to swing him into a 180 degree back slam. The satisfaction I got from doing that was worth the 15 yards. 🙂

          • paganpink says:

            I didn’t mean to infer that you were. I was just flashing back to the best of the running backs that I knew who sometimes got the ball play after play with little rest and endured everyone on the other team trying to hurt them and almost all of those seeking their injuries were bigger then the backs were. You see that same fierceness in all the good ones, even Perine, who isn’t smaller then most.

          • brainpimp says:

            So he was a skinny 205 ….WOW.

          • EasTex says:

            Not skinny, but slender-ish.

          • brainpimp says:

            So he was a skinny 205 ….WOW.

        • EasTex says:

          Just a reminder of Mr. Anderson from his senior year. So happy he is a Sooner.

    • Zack says:

      Thanks for the good news again KJ. I’m looking forward to this kid getting on the field next year. I’m curious if there’s any doubt about McKinney and brooks making the necessary grades to be back on the team in the fall?

      • KJ1123 says:

        I believe theres little doubt. But really it comes down to each individual, they’re literally given every opportunity to succeed in the classroom and given the academic support. They have to stick to the script to get the chance to shine on the field.

    • Clint Lenard says:

      Yeah, but can he do 60″ box jumps while holding plates? That’s what I’m looking for… that and the ability to post it on Instagram before he leaves the gym.

    • John Garner says:

      The good news just keeps coming. Thanx!

    • bigrackhunter says:

      Perine had the same type of recovery from a acl injury his junior year. Seems injurys makes the best come out and instills a drive and determination that pushes them into a becoming a better player.

    • JD says:

      Is there any speculation that Ross might be looking around…does he grad this year in order to not have to sit a year

      • KJ1123 says:

        I have no clue on that one.

        • JD says:

          Hope he stays…he has a chance to either swing the momentum back or grab it with KORs and seems to be a team player

      • SoonerSpock says:

        Ross is a redshirt junior so he cannot transfer and comply with the five years to play 4 years requirement unless he is going to graduate this May or after summer school as he did not graduate after this past fall semester. If he graduates transferring would be difficult as he could not participate in spring ball with his new team.

        • JD says:

          Yeah hopefully there isn’t any looking around and he’s happy just as a ST player. I still think he’s talented enough to get more PT even if he didn’t grad until May at another school. With the right program he could be a good back…shoot he could be a good back here if there wasn’t two studs in front of him

    • Jake says:

      GET THIS MAN HIS OWN TFB WRITEUP…. That is all, carry on

      • ericajkobayashi says:

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    • Fear The Magic says:

      Our Triple AAA backfield of the future Austin Anderson and Adams.

    • Wilson says:

      WEEEE TOOOO DEEP! ALMOST! Yeah I know how it really goes…lol Let’s keep them comin… and here is to the coaches continuing to add the right talented young men to represent the alma mater. BOOMER!!

    • hemisooner says:

      Wow, that’s very impressive. Can’t wait to see what he can do. Next year we will have 3 big boys to run the ball with a much improved line.

    • Indy_sooner says:

      There’s actually some relevance. Rodney decomitted from the Aggies before choosing the Sooners. Not sure why I remember that, lol

  • SoonerinLondon says:

    Now, let’s get Allen.

  • Bill Holder says:

    On Kyler Murray………I believe he left aTm because Sumlin told him during his recruitment that he could play baseball then after their final game this year, told him he couldn’t. If Murray leaving was an isolated case I might think he could be a problem, but that’s not the case…..they have lost two 5* and a 4* in a year…that points to coaches, not players.

  • Jesse says:

    well if we’re still doing the whole who follows who on Twitter.. OU’s baseball coach is following Murray

    • Clint Lenard says:

      I’d be shocked if he came to OU and didn’t play Baseball. He would be hurting his draft stock down the road, and Baseball players make the real bank.

      • Jesse says:

        He has to sit out for baseball this year anyways. Either way the kid is incredible at both sports. But yeah I’d be shocked too.

        • JD says:

          Does he for sure have to sit at baseball…prob would be getting a late start and would be ready anyways but if he’s that good then maybe he could contribute..not sure how the transfer works for another sport

          • SoonerSpock says:

            Here is what the NCAA rule states regarding transfers. The one time transfer exception allows a player to be immediately eligible. However the one time exception is not available for division I football, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, ice hockey and baseball.

            The one-time transfer exception is available to all student-athletes in Division II and all student-athletes in Division I except for athletes in football, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball, and men’s ice hockey. Once a student-athlete graduates in those sports however, they are allowed to use the one-time transfer exception.

        • Clint Lenard says:

          You sure about that? I don’t believe the transfer rules apply to Baseball.

          • Jesse says:

            Yes he’ll have to sit out for baseball this year. And honestly I don’t think he’d contribute right away anyways. All he did his sr year was DH, injuries kept him off the field and baseball is a hard sport to sit out 2 years and play at a high level.

    • JD says:

      I thought one of the reasons he transferred was because Sumlin didn’t want him to play baseball

  • TDSooner says:

    Would be interesting to see how all this play out. Seem like Kyle Allen was very interested in OU after his announcement and was even on the record stating so. Murray didn’t announce transfer until one week later, and ended up getting the thumbs up from Stoops and Riley. They must have seen something special in Murray over Allen in their due diligence evaluation of these two QBs.

    Murray can run scout team next year, learn the offense, and be ready to win the starting job in 2017. Similar pathway as Mayfield, if he has the talent. Good to be in such a good position with QBs and RBs!

    Boomer Sooner!!!

  • Mizuno44 says:

    Whether it’s play on the field or recruiting, having momentum feels better than searching for it.

  • John Garner says:

    SIAP but does Murray enroll next term? I would think so but just want to confirm.

  • BoomerDave says:

    Not sure when Stoops plans on putting Murray on scholarship, but if it is immediately then Murray could not play baseball this spring if he wanted to.

  • Martin says:

    Wow, did not see this one coming. You all have probably seen him in action. If you haven’t, you can see why his mobility would fit Riley’s scheme. He still needs to learn the drop back passing game.

  • leatherneck1061 says:

    Feels nice to be stealing A&M’s players for a change instead of them stealing ours

  • Shelby is a Patriot says:

    Wow…I have to say when I pulled up TFB for the night I wasn’t expecting to see this! Lol
    Welcome aboard Murray.

  • Tim Wilson says:

    He gets 3 years after sitting out right?

  • Big Higg says:

    My two cents: I think he’ll be great with the right coaching and we have the best in the business. Boomer

  • Big Higg says:

    My two cents: I think he’ll be great with the right coaching and we have the best in the business. Boomer

  • Hotrod33 says:

    I want to take a moment to wish everyone here and the staff a very Merry Christmas. I’m going to take time with my family and friends and share in the joy with them. I will be back on sometime this weekend to talk Sooner sports again. Good night to all and all a good night, BOOMER!!!!!!

  • akryan says:

    I got mixed reactions, but it’s Christmas Eve, so BOOM!

  • bigrackhunter says:

    The Spartans kicker celebration after hitting the game winner at the horse shoe was nothing short of awesome.

  • Sith Lawd says:

    Merry Christmas to all of the TFB posters and to everyone in the discussions. I am on here at least 3 times a day to read every post and most of the comments. This is an awesome community, and I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for all you guys do. You are all incredible! BOOMER SOONER!

  • Sooner Ray says:

    Some fat man in a red suit just broke into my house, everyone is safe because I whipped his butt real good, he won’t be doing this to anyone else. Sleep safe and BOOMER! 🙂

    • OohRah Mama says:

      Shoulda checked the roof, too – the BOLO out on that guy says he’s been fleeing the scenes with a big sled. Description says he’s got a bunch of poor deer chained to it! He’s on the ASPCA watch list. He supposedly glued some sort of wooden branches to the poor animals’ heads. SOONER!

    • OohRah Mama says:

      Shoulda checked the roof, too – the BOLO out on that guy says he’s been fleeing the scenes with a big sled. Description says he’s got a bunch of poor deer chained to it! He’s on the ASPCA watch list. He supposedly glued some sort of wooden branches to the poor animals’ heads. SOONER!

    • SoonerGoneEast says:

      Just sayin

    • DCinAZ says:

      Hide your cookies! Just sayin!

    • akryan says:

      Must have been a pretty big bag, because he was able to fit a QB in it for Stoops.

  • David Morris says:

    Do we Get a BOOM for this?

  • ericajkobayashi says:

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    A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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  • soonerinks says:

    Just went back and watched Kyler’s senior highlights and color me impressed. What I liked about him best is a very quick release and contrary to what I’ve heard he does go down the field a lot. I figured that since he was so fast/quick he would tend to break down and head down field too quick. That was not the case (at least from his highlights) and he actually stays committed to the pass and keeps looking down the field. Has a stronger arm than what I had heard about him. Future looks very bright.

  • leatherneck1061 says:

    Not sure what the current dynamic is with Kyle Allen. He was the first one to talk about transferring to OU, and now we don’t hear anything about him anymore.

  • Furr-Sure says:

    Sorry this is late. I’m relatively new to TFB and am a reasonable poster, not a troll. That being said…

    I’m not a fan of Kyler coming to OU. He’s small in height and weight. I’m skeptical his game can translate to D-1 football. His career will be as a baseball player. Whatever drama was at A&M has been well reported by Aggie fans, and Charlie Strong wasn’t interested in him because of the reported entitlement and an overly-intrusive father.

    I’ll probably get blasted for saying that. Yes he was fantastic at Allen. Yes there are some similarities to Baker. But that doesn’t convince me that Kyler was the better choice over Kyle Allen.

    And before the “Well what do you know? Do you know Kyler or his family?” posts come: No I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I can’t share my opinion.

    The only positive I see in this: Texas HS recruits would love to play with Kyler. That’s very good news.

    • brainpimp says:

      Hello, welcome, you’re wrong………but that’s ok.

      You are making the classical blunder in assuming that Kyle Allen actually wanted to come here. He is looking for sure and did show some interest but didn’t pull the trigger. If both were interested I am sure the staff talked it over.

    • Stephen says:

      Welcome to TFB

    • akryan says:

      I tend to agree with you on the size issue. At 5’11” 185lb (generously on both), I have a lot of questions about his ability to work behind 6’5″ OL. I know that some guys have done it well, Russel Wilson being the most recent, but they’re pretty few and far between. I’m not worried about his father at all though. He isn’t the #1 recruit coming out of high school anymore. He’s a transfer QB who’s thrown for 5TD and 7INT. He’s going to have to earn everything he gets. If daddy doesn’t like it, then Kyler can move on to directional state tech because he won’t get another crack at a top program.

  • roygbell says:

    One thing on the Kyler Murray to OU bit is that Bob Stoops most likely laid down the law with Kyler and that he will be given a fair shot, but no guarantees on anything. I also bet that Bob spent some time on the phone with Sumlin getting the story on him. Bob has a pretty long history of taking these kids in and having success with them.

  • bettyrbella says:

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  • tammymstokr says:

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  • elsaswoodward says:

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