Bob Stoops Weekly Presser (TTU/KSU)
By: Jordan Esco - Editor & Contributor
Posted on: October 19, 2015
Image via NewsOK
It’s Monday which means Bob Stoops will be holding his weekly press conference. And with it, we’ll be here to recap things as they happen. So feel free to follow along live or come back and get caught up later in the day.
Either way, we’ll be here for ya.
This is a quote I’m tired of hearing, more so from coaches than players, but I don’t like hearing it from either. In 2008, OU had the best offense in NCAA history and Florida shut us down, and we shut down and blew out #2 Texas Tec during that same seasoh. Or 2000, where we completely shut down the #1 offense in the country (Florida State). ANY offense can be shut down if you play well and have talent. Planning from the outset to give up points generally becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I think it’s more of not giving the other team material to use. I’m a Spurs fan and Pop will say this kinda stuff against every team in the league.
Florida didn’t really shut down the top ranked offense. We were without Murray. I’ll argue the lay off thru our offense off. We turned the ball over twice. And maybe most importantly, UF’s offense ate a ton of clock b/c they moved the ball on the ground. Less possessions, less chances to score. I bet we were 3-4 possessions below are regular season average at that day, and that was solely b/c of the UF offense.
But even so, that is ONE game. Anything can happen in one game. You aren’t going to shut down the spread every week. You just aren’t.
Not to mention, I think the coaches might have gotten a little conservative in that game, notably when in the Red Zone. We pretty much moved the ball at will when we played with tempo. Florida’s D were clutching their knee pads between snaps until we got inside the 20s and started utilizing the entire play clock.
Sanchez is talking about ONE game — the game this Saturday.
Sanchez is. JB was not.
It’s as much about managing media and fan expectations as anything. I would not be surprised if the internal message is much different.
Dear John Shinn – OUr player said “…press too hard to make a play…” He knows the difference.
Don’t confuse him with the facts, he’s a media mogul.
Not the worst attitude for a corner. His “greediness” has scored him several pick sixes in his OU career so far.
He’s a different corner than Colvin. He’s an aggressive route jumper who baits QBs. You have to take the good with the bad on CBs like that.
The worse your defense (or the better your opponent’s offense), the more gambling for turnovers should be encouraged. I’d take two picks against Baylor and 3 TDs allowed against on double moves if I could.
Good Luck! LOL! There is no way humanly possible he doesn’t want to destroy ttu for how they treated him.
esco……..1).is there any way tfb can post a full transcript of q & a
2) are these guys like shinn just feeding you their gist of a q & a
1) Could we? Sure, probably. Do we have the time and/or resources to go back and transcribe these videos? Unfortunately, no, we do not.
2) It varies from reporter to reporter. Some will give you a direct quote, generally dependent on whether they can fit it into 140 characters, while others will paraphrase.
I think Jordan does a great job of RTing or summarizing the interesting quotes. Most of the other stuff is player/coachspeak
And don’t forget wedding through the endless stupid questions from our esteemed local media about stuff that doesn’t even mater like what Bob Stoops shoe size is or what his favorite hot dog toppings are!
This made me chuckle. I remember back when THE Roy Williams was here, and Texsa had the imposter Roy at WR. I think it was his (the imposter’s) last year before going pro, and all the national media was in awe that he wore a size 16 shoe. I vividly remember Brent Musburger reminding everyone like 82 times that Imposter Roy Williams’ feet were so huge, in the 2 or three games he covered for them that year. I could care less about any measurables like that for any Whorn player, but I will forever remember that Imposter Roy Williams wears size 16 because Brent just couldn’t stop repeating it.
Thanks for the quick, note version. I can check the whole thing later if I want to, but I like getting the highlights at work – appreciate it Jordan.
no prob, happy to do it
thxs for a straightforward answer……people should keep in mind that video is the best way to take these where one can hear the complete answer, voice inflections, see body language, etc. Even reading a transcript is better for getting a complete answer. Esp after a loss, when people are angry, I found that reading a full answer casts a little different light vs these bits tfb has, whether accurate or not. I’m not complaining as I know tfb has limitations. You guys do what you can do and it is appreciated. Just thought I’d ask. Thxs again
It’s streaming and archived on the web, so you can watch it for yourself. Esco and Co. do the thankless job of listening to the whole thing so that they can give us the highlights. To be fair, they are raking in the sum total of all of our subscription dollars.
here we go
Soonersports take the day off? No livestream.
Thanks J
Stoops starts, as usual, recapping the previous weeks’ game. Goes into a little bit about the team’s travel issues, ribs Dean-o for his live tweeting of the ordeal.
Dean-o had an agenda. Dude was relentless…almost hilarious
I’m very surprised that no one asked about the TTU rain delay game where OU came out very flat, but darn near pulled out a W. I think HCBS may have learned from that experience which helped against KSU. Obviously, totally different circumstances, but normal routine was disrupted.
Stoops says the team was “rapping with their music” during the flight delay.
Whole defense got PotG, but specific mentions were J.Evans & Sanchez. Same for the offense, Mayfield & Shepard.
BREAKING: The goal this week is to get better. – Stoops
Oh goodie, Dean-o adding himself to the fray of beat writers all live-tweeting Bob’s presser.
Media is REALLY focused on what the team ate during the flight delay.
OUtstanding journalism… LOL
Jordan the real question for Stoops is , ” Will you wear a visor for Taco Tech game “
He’s already said (I think in his postgame) that was a one time deal, to honor Spurrier.
Oh, I think our media could get in maybe twenty to thirty questions about what Bob means by it’s a one time deal.
Talk about question from the master of talk about questions. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Stoops says the secondary is full of talented guys and that they continue to get better every week.
And puppies, don’t forget puppies. Puppies are nice.
The line still had issues, yet were much, much better with a starting line of Zeus Jr., Alvarez, Darlington, Kasitati and Samia.
St. John and Farniok should continue to be needed depth guys right now.
Stoops says it is related to the muscle behind the knee, NOT a ligament issue.
Not sure that is a good thing, but happy it’s not a ligament.
Lots of screens and wheel routes
Baker’s response “Purging is at last at hand. Day of Doom is here. All that is evil, all their allies; your parents, your leaders, those who would call themselves your judges; those who have lied and corrupted the Earth, they shall all be cleansed.”
That’ll learn em’!
Call the morgue.
Stoops agrees that it has ultimately been a ‘happy ending’ for Mayfield after leaving Lubbock, but adds he sure wishes they had released him in the first place.
Insane. Didn’t release a walk-on. Hope we beat the tar out of them
Well Coach, let him run up the score this time – not your old mentor and nobody without sand chiggers in their pants likes the coach.
“sand chiggers” ROFLMAO! Quote of the day by far!
I don’t think Kliffy will get the “Snyder treatment” in the 4th qtr this weekend.
Stoops shuts down a ? about the Texas game, says he’s done talking about that.
What about bama tho
I bet he is considering the pathetic schemes his brother trotted out on the field. Beat Bama tho…
Got to admit, was hoping he’d throw out the obligatory Bama reference. Just to see the reaction.
I don’t know Bob, maybe this one is a little personal?
Stoops very complimentary of the play of J.Wade & M.Overton in place of M.Romar, who Stoops said they expect will be back this week.
I think all three ought to share time. Get a fresh push in there.
Hoover’s first question was unusual for him. Does he wait until later to pick at stoops
Rule of Acquisition number 48: The bigger the smile the sharper the knife.
snoozefest today, imo
No fun for the “journalists” when they can’t be argumentative about the coaching. Even the dumbest ones realize it looks odd to complain about 55 to zip.
One-trick ponies, I guess. If you can only be a sports “journalist” when it’s time to call out coaches, then you aren’t much of a professional. They are here to help keep us fans informed about things, not just to instigate contrived “gotcha” moments. Is there seriously no legitimate question to ask after a big win?
Reporters who are afraid to ask questions talking to a guy who doesn’t want to answer questions.
Such is what you’d expect after a dominant win. Compare to last week…
Carey looks extraordinarily fat today.
He’s on the Traber radio diet!
Hmmm no more questions about THIS YEAR?
it’s getting painful at this point w/ some of these ?s
The Brady kid was a little nervous, first presser?
Isn’t he the one that has a stutter? They were was a really good article about him stuttering and how hard it is for him to ask questions in situations like this.
Not to mention everyone else.
I feel for the guy. He writes some good stuff and his stutter comes and goes. He said sometimes chewing gum helps with it, but not always. He has to earn a living somehow.
Glad to get Devonte back this week.
This is huge.
Not to be too negative, but “really close” and “probably will play” are the kind of things we heard about #3 for several games in a row last year. When I see Bond on the field for more than just the first couple of plays, I’ll believe it. And I don’t really blame the coaches for being coy about injury status. It’s just strategy. But it is also frustrating for us fans. I just hope he is back because he is a difference-maker.
I’m going to say that he will play. He was on the field last Sat at least testing it out. If he was really hurting he wouldn’t have. Plus it’s his left foot that was sprained not his push off foot. We’ll need him this week for sure.
And NEVER re-punt!
Good points considering we’ve seen crazy special teams situations all year. Texsa, Mich, etc.
We knew about OU’s change in practice schedule weeks ago, right? That’s not news, or at least it’s not to me (and I was assuming many others).
Yeah Im not sure why they would ask that, they’ve been doing it all year.
Yeah, even I knew that one, and I’m an ill-informed, old, working fart.
No clue about it.
Good lord, Hoover has a real bug up his a$$ about whether or not Stoops changed anything last week.
Yeah really, wants to be able to say the Texsa game affected OU so much that the team needed to change EVERYTHING, stupid.
It must have crawled down his arm and followed his thumb in.
Bob did change things. We didn’t trot out that pathetic 2-4-5 joke of a defense for one thing.
Do you even read the articles on here? The 2-4-5 wasn’t the problem. The players were in position to make tackles. They didn’t make them.
Yes, I read the article on here and I didn’t agree with it at all. Not even a smidgen.
2-4-5 against a run only team will never NOT be a problem. It’s insane to think otherwise. Div III D-Coordinators would laugh at that nonsense.
Trying to sell me that running a pass defense against a team that can’t pass and daring them to run (okay!) was a “good scheme” instead of taking away the run with your scheme and forcing them to do what they can’t do (pass) isn’t gonna fly.
We missed like 80 tackles! Is that scheme? Had we tackled soundly we would have probably won the game despite that “joke” of a defensive scheme AND a terrible offensive performance.
Yes. Part of that is scheme. You can line up 11 safeties on the field against a power running team and blame them for “missing tackles” left and right when it fails and they get out leveraged all you want. If your safeties are making most of the tackles on RB’s, your scheme is failing. Safeties play at the 3rd level.
I’m a bit shocked this place let Mike get away with that bullsh*t defense quite frankly. I think they know better. And I think that’s why Mike went with 3 DL against KSU. He knows he set our defense up to fail. The Texas game was the equivalent of running a 5-2 defense against an air-raid team and blaming them for not being able to cover and tackle.
No, he went back to a more normal set up this week b/c one of the best athletes in the conference wasn’t playing QB for KSU.
There were many things that failed last week. Was just an egg of a performance. Blaming it all on one particular circumstance shows nothing but agenda IMO. I was MUCH more frustrated by lack of O production, not even close IMO, yet I don’t blame the loss on Lincoln. He came out with much better plan this week (Lincoln) by using edges & passing down middle that was wide open so much last week. I still don’t pin it on him. Players didn’t execute……anywhere.
Missed tackles. And a scheme that wasn’t ideal.
all we really needed was the offense to score more points.
Negative Nanny…debbie downer…Chicken Little… BS hater.
Was the score of the game not apparent enough that adjustments had been made.
And mercifully, that’s a wrap.
Thanks Jordan!
were those real journalists?
No real journalists were used in the filming of this press conference. They were provided by puppets made of recycled toxic waste.
Given the fast food supper they had before and the outstanding performance, shouldn’t they have had coach Tiffany on to discuss nutrition?
She couldn’t be reached since she was in food-induced coma from the Friday dinner of bacon double cheeseburger w/chili cheese tots.
Well, it seems like she must have fed them the wrong thing before the Texas game. Maybe she is the coach we need to get rid of. Stop blaming Mike and start blaming coach Tiff.
Fire coach Tiff!
I know right! Name one quality recruit coach Tiff has brought in!
I’ve never heard a recruit even mention her.
EasTex – Show us the picture!
Loved the “chili cheese tots” reference, will wake the old EasTex fart up.
I’ve lived in Hawaii with no Sonic for three years so I hate all these references to chili cheese tots. I miss home where the food groups are bbq, dessert, and fried.
I feel your pain since my diet doesn’t allow such deep fried cuisine. I miss it too. Sigh.
I too am living in the non-Sonic world. This, plus the 6:00 AM games, makes it tough.
Man, you’ve got pupu’s in Hawaii. They even make some good beers there now. If you are on Oahu, then I’ll understand a little, but if you are in Maui or Kauai, then it’s worth missing Sonic.
Not my style. They can have this rock and all the musubi, traffic, and inflation that goes with it. Got old after about 6 months. Be back on Tulsa time for next season though.
Well, when you get back, there’ll be lots of good spots with BBQ and beer plus the Sonics. But the little orange cones will still be out in force, so don’t think the driving thing will be better here – four lanes down to two is a Tulsa specialty.
May have been a nutritionists worst nightmare.
Well since the coaches didn’t change anything it must have been the food. Fire coach Tiff!
It might make for great motivation – Win gets cheeseburger, pizza, malts and cupcakes; Loss gets carrot sticks.
Except they ate carrot sticks and they lost. Then they got the junk food. Then they won. The food was responsible for the win. More junk food. Fire coach Tiff!
Carrot sticks = Bad Tackling
Cheese burgers = Tempo and execution
Not enough calories to play well with carrot sticks
The tempo was because they wanted to get done so they could have some more cheese burgers. If all I could eat was carrot sticks, I wouldn’t be in a hurry either.
and sprinkles…
I think they should hang a taco on a string in front of Mixon. That should get a few more long runs.
Being from Texsa, and strong as an ox, maybe hang about a 22lb butt steak in front of Samaje.
I was guessing she is still shaking her head.
High fructose corn syrup should be a Friday night staple now
I’m telling ya the media is really dropping the ball on this one.
Yep. I figured Tramel would be all over this
I don’t know, this might involve too much in depth investigation for Tramel.
Coach might fire back at Berry asking about his upset of the week prediction record!!
I watched Orlando Brown Jr. close on Saturday, and he is playing at a very high level. He really did finish his blocks, and was aggressive at putting his opponent into the ground
He’s got a Trent Williams-type ceiling in my amateur opinion. He’ll be like an agile refrigerator protecting the QBs backside soon enough.
He’s BIG, strong and has great pedigree but he still looks raw to me. Seems to do a lot of holding against faster D-linemen that isn’t always called and doesn’t seem that agile in his footwork to me at this stage. Still, to start in D1 as a freshman is amazing.
I’m sure he’ll play on Sundays. Kind of reminds me of Phil Loadholt.
I’m not saying he’s an All American, only that he has a nasty streak in him that linemen need. When I say “he is playing at a high level” it’s comparing him to the rest of the OL he is playing with.
Bob was being more cautious in some of his answers than usual. Not sure if it’s because he’s wondering if this past week was a “one off” or because he thinks they’ve figured out a thing or two and has no intention of letting on what or where it might be. Of course it didn’t help that the questions were even lamer than usual.
Hoover’s series of attempts to suggest that an 8.5 hour delay at FBO was like “an oasis” or wonderful bonding time that they otherwise don’t get or whatever else he tried was possibly the most remarkable, and I use that as a euphemism, thing I’ve ever heard at a press conference. Out Kuzied Kuzy, imho. wow.
The other issue was that the last thing Stoops wants to do is say anything derrogative about K-State, and when the real answer to many of the questions would have been very much so. We’re gonna face teams that are noticeably better than K-State in many regards, but he’s not about to say that to the media after a 55-0 drubbing. So he just ends up saying we have to get better.
What happened to frison?