Bob Stoops Weekly Presser (KU/TTU)
By: Jordan Esco - Editor & Contributor
Posted on: October 26, 2015
Image via NewsOK
It’s Monday which means Bob Stoops will be holding his weekly press conference. And with it, we’ll be here to recap things as they happen. So feel free to follow along live or come back and get caught up later in the day.
Either way, we’ll be here for ya.
I love S. Parker! Kid is good.
here we go
Stoops says he felt good about how the team played in all phases of the game vs. Tech
Off. Players of the Game: Samaje Perine, Joe Mixon, offensive line starters and Dimitri Flowers.
Frank Shannon, Charles Walker and Dakota Austin on defense
Charles Walker looked unblockable, I’m so excited to see how he continues to develop under Diron
And quietly Reynolds is doing a job with these guys. Now, let’s see if he can bring in the caliber of guy that Monty did. Not a slight, just hoping to see who he can bring in down the road.
I cant see not putting Parker and Jordan Thomas in there as well but ok
No Striker?
Yeah forgot about Striker. He played one of his best games.
That interception was pretty highlight worthy!
No Striker?
I thought Dimitri Flowers did a nice job blocking. I’m no expert but my untrained eye was impressed. I know we’ve complained about him quite a bit this year.
Stoops says Devante Bond, Stanvon Taylor and Jordan Evans will “move around” today during practice to get an idea as to whether or not they’ll be able to go on Saturday.
Stoops says Marcus Green should also be back practicing today.
Zack Sanchez out vs. Kansas, Stoops is hopeful he’ll be back after that.
“Stoops is hopeful he’ll be back after that”.
Man that’s Stoops-speak for saying he is practically on life support. I didn’t know it was that bad.
Stoops says “we’ll see” w/ regards to Dakota Austin starting again this week, but based on this past game he wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case.
Just like this picture of Samia, I think we have two more NFL bound/All American tackles on our hands
I’m sure you’ll be amazed to hear this KU game isn’t exactly a topic of focus from those in attendance asking the ?s
But these guys always ask relevant questions. That’s why Stoops made Mixon available yesterday.
whats up Comet?
Stoops says the offense running tempo has helped the running game.
And he hits like a mack truck! I would NOT want to run into P.L.
Stoops doesn’t appear to care that we as fans all want Mark Andrews to be more involved in the offense 🙂
You can count me in as one of the many who would love to see Andrews more involved in the offense. Having said that, I got to thinking after another wide open catch in the end zone that may be his lack of involvement throughout the game is what is leading to him being left unaccounted for in the red zone. Air raid offense with a young Oline can typically have some red zone struggles. Perhaps this is Riley’s way of countering that? Just a thought… what do i know?
When you score 63 and guys are complaining about who’s getting the ball, that’s good. It’s back to the way it used to be. – Stoops
That’s funny! I don’t care who you are. True enough.
Here we go w/ media asking why Mixon was on Stoops’ show last night
OU student reporter: Are we going to get to talk to him any time soon?
Stoops: Nah, probably not.
*edit: sorry, this was regarding Mixon (for context)
I love it
Looking for a reason to destroy him. That’s the modern news, negative stories.
Good. Bob doesn’t own those vultures anything and he has a responsibility to protect his kids from them.
Completely agree. Have said several times now I hope Mixon doesn’t give an interview his entire time in Norman, should he see fit.
They want another run at Mixon as click-bait, plain and simple. I agree. I wouldn’t make him available during his time in Norman, period.
I disagree. He’s going to play at the next level so it’s unfair to him to give him ZERO experience with the media leading up to the combine.
He can deal with it when he’s a paid athlete.
Exactly. The story is already so old Tech fans were making fun of Joe for beating his “girlfriend”. Some people live sad lives.
If by “girlfriend”, they meant the whole Tech defense, then yes he did!
I need someone to help me understand why Al Eschbach is at these things. He isn’t a journalist, he’s not looking for quotes to write a story, he doesn’t talk about the presser on his terrible radio show. Why is he there, let alone asking multiple questions?
Is that the guy with the shakey voice?
No. If I know who you’re referencing, I’m almost 100% sure it’s one of the OU student reporters you’re talking about.
Ah ok thanks.
To remind everyone else there asking questions the quality of the circles they run in.
Al being Al. Wants the attention, and to make sure all the folks who’s listened to him over the years knows he there.
Because he’s an OU program fixture. Only real reason….
He is? For what reason, being around? He doesn’t cover OU for any outlet and hasn’t in what, two or three decades?
Seriously? Three decades?? Get real. Over 50% of the talk on his 4 hours of radio each day is about OU football. He has every right and reason to be there.
yrs ago, al was the source for everything ou, but listening to him now is sad in comparison……….he’s an old guy now with great stories but nothing on info except some occasional tidbits being buds with mstoops…….callers ask questions and he’s idk quite frequently……yeah, he deserves to be at the pressers but wish he would do something with his time there
I grew up with Al as the only source of OU daily information on KTOK back in the 1970s. Actually won an autographed team football from him back in 1976, before that kind of thing became demonized by the program.
It’s just sad to listen to him now. He’s totally uninformed, irrelevant and a shell of his former self. Hasn’t been relevant since WWLS went shock with the sale from John Fox. The radio equivalent of watching Willie Mays flail around in center field for the New York mets.
yeah, ktok sports talk in the afternoon……….glued to the radio during recruiting b/c al knew all………….it is sad now, but he’s gold for stories…….last week he was telling stories about howard and beverly schnellenberger and I was lmao
Yeah, he’s kind of on the Bob Barry Sr. plan now – stories.
The last time I heard his radio show was about a year ago and someone called to ask him about a player. Al gave the same canned answer he’s been giving since (at least) 1992: “The coaches think he has a chance to be really, really good.” I don’t see that much has changed. Basically, he doesn’t know anything, so he doesn’t have anything to share.
I think DC meant he’s literally a light fixture. Put a light bulb in his mouth and it would increase the amount of light in the room! That would also put his mouth to good use for once.
Because he was a star football player at OU once. Oh wait, no he wasn’t. He was too tiny to make waterboy.
I think this should be added as one of the wonders of the world because no amount of logic could explain his presence at the pressers or any anyone would call his radio show. It makes NO sense.
He frequently goes to Thailand for vacations. Read into that as you may. It is my understanding he ran into someone from the OU administration there, in a compromising position, so to speak. Blackmail perhaps? 🙂
enlighten us……….could you, for fun, supply a list of his questions sometime….thxs
I’m pretty sure one of them was “Do you like beer and radishes?”
Why does that bother you? He’s been talking about and covering OU for as long as many of us have been alive. He can do whatever he wants with OU as far as I’m concerned.
Who said it bothers me? I find it curious, so I asked if anyone could explain to me how it makes any sense. Just b/c someone has been doing something a long time doesn’t (1) mean they’re any good at it and/or (2) should be given an eternal pass to keep doing so.
That’s fair. Just to see if I can get an answer with any substance pertaining to your ?, I’ll call into his show one evening this week and ask him. I will let you know what he says.
Your answer….. “click”
Please spare us the butthurt of why is AL there……Lol. Just messing with you.
At one time, Eschbach taught a “journalism” class at OU. That is the only reason I can think of for him being included. Either that or someone wants the Big 12 to have a reporter whose looks can compete with Finebaum’s.
Feisty Stoops!
I would be too if I had to talk to these clowns.
that’s a wrap
Carey looks disgustingly fat today.
Too much Johnnies charcoal broiler
lol looks?
The media totally pussed out.. They let the kid ask the first 2 Mixon questions..
The media really believe we are all sitting at home and screaming for them to get the chance to grill Mixon? Come on.
Press and Haters.
Hmm, interesting. Stoops did NOT start the presser saying congrats to Tech on their effort and they played a good game. He just jumps right in to the presser.
I don’t know if there is something there or not. They did not do the normal “gracious host” thing, by playing the TT fight song. I just thought it was homecoming time thing. It was last like OU was not even acknowledging TT in any way. Maybe nothing there. But just seemed a bit different.
I think that Bob really, really dislikes Tech. At least I hope he likes them as little as I do. LOL
I wonder if Bob doesn’t like the way they handled Mike Leach’s exit.
I think that has something to do with it.
He did not mention them in the post-game either. Definitely not a coincidence; he has issues with them. If nothing else, he probably isn’t happy with the way they treated Baker.
I would think the opposite, since their treatment of Baker led to him coming to OU!
Would a ‘thank you’ note be inappropriate?? LoL
More likely, I think the way they treated Mike Leech. On a tangent note, congrats Craig James! You’ve now ruined 2 D1 football programs!
Nice one!
many in the BIG 12 agree, TTech is not well thought of
He should have started the conference “Kliffs hair looked particularly good today” then just moved on to the game facts.
it was a nice fade wasn’t it?
Out of pure curiosity I wonder if that got cut in favor of the moment of silence for Stillwater?
Did they have a moment of silence at Monday’s presser? I did not see that.
I’m really late getting to the presser and I was gonna point this out as well. Same deal with the post game presser as well as the Monday one. This is not an oversight. I would assume that Bob is still not happy about the non release of Baker. This is an easy way for him to get in a dig without appearing to do so.
Not sure about the Mike Leach exit being involved. If he’s done the same thing every year, then that’s probably it, but if he’s done the usual in years past, then it’s about the Baker release, I’d say, having noticed him commenting on that recently–or something else none of us know about.
ESPN radio bumper just said Seth Russell likely out for the rest of the regular season…
Yeah, I’ve heard that as well
If I heard correctly, he had a cervical spine fracture (vertebral body compression fracture would be my guess). That’s a serious injury, and it takes 6-8 weeks for a broken bone to heal. So, yeah, I’d think his season was finished.
Broken facet joint bone. He’s having surgery and is done for the year. Feel for the young man. He is a helluva football player.
BOOM! Ashton Julius just committed to OU!