Bob Stoops Weekly Presser (KSU/Texas)
By: Jordan Esco - Editor & Contributor
Posted on: October 12, 2015
Image via NewsOK
It’s Monday which means Bob Stoops will be holding his weekly press conference. And with it, we’ll be here to recap things as they happen. So feel free to follow along live or come back and get caught up later in the day.
Either way, we’ll be here for ya.
He is right but also he is not fast enough to run around the perimeter outside the left tackles as Trevor is the better runner
Sam has the same issue up in Philly.
Really disappointed this lame excuse keeps coming up. Two years ago has zero to do with the state of this program now, and just makes the speakers look transparently vapid.
Just like their head coach. 5 years from now he will still bring up the sugar bowl
How is that context an excuse? It’s simply saying it’s possible to lose to Texas and still have a pretty darn good season.
Congrats Eric, you get the stupid Tweet of the day award.
He’s just giving his opinion.
And I gave mine.
Perhaps you should start a twitter account under your real name and post them here so we can critique your opinions.
I’m just an internet asshool, not a member of the actual media.
You sure coulda fooled me @MrBigsby:disqus!
Okay, ND52 your come backs aren’t even making sense anymore and now you are the one coming off like a jerk.
OMG it’s a joke. A freaking joke. Sensitive much @Jofield:disqus?
This was quite obvious.
Yeah, that’s the way I get the next day after a good party the night before …. not saying they did, but it does make one wonder what happened … bad breakfast? not enough sleep the night before? …. i’ll never know.
Right on message w/ Bob
Much kool-aid was served on the bus ride home. LOL
When Chris Spielman is on national TV, covering the game, and is real-time calling out pass/run based on our OL positioning, something needs to change.
And it didn’t take him long to pick up on that either.
He noticed it so quickly that I’m betting he (or someone on staff there) noticed it on film this week and were just waiting to bring it up. And if they noticed it… I’m sure the opposing team did too.
Bingo, we have a winner.
Wow. They are either in an unbelievable state of denial or have a different definition of ‘attitude and fight’ than I do.
5th week in a row we’ve heard something similar.
Finally, someone on the team speaking honestly and not stuck in denial.
How can their intensity not be through the roof? Disappointing
Darlington is giving great answers. He is a very well spoken young man, thoughtful and responsive.
Everything you are showing is on Stoops, don’t see OU winning a Big 12 title anytime soon
You can’t coach perfect execution. I fully blame the coaches for not getting this team mentally ready to potentially get punched in the mouth but the execution is on the players.
Isn’t execution a direct result of coaching?
To a point.
Not always. Sometimes players just don’t do what they are taught. You can call that a recruiting problem, which goes back to the coaches, but sometimes you just don’t know what a kid will do until you put him in a game to play.
When the whole team doesn’t do what they are supposed to it’s on the coaches.
When the players do what they are taught but it’s a 2/4/5 against a running team it’s on the coaches.
Guess again, Ty. And look out for the bus.
The guys are learning coach speak 101
here comes Bob
opens up sounding pretty somber, IMO
“Too inconsistent w/ our passing game, timing w/ routes, being aware w/ some protections.” – Stoops re: Texas game
“When you take away sacks, the RBs averaged around four yards per carry.” – Stoops
When you take away Texas scores we shut them out. Stupid comment.
‘Inconsistent’ has been used repeatedly just in these opening comments.
Hell, I thought they were remarkably consistent. That’s the problem.
Maybe this was just the punch in the mouth we needed to wake up and we need to start playing in all 4 quaters not just wait till the second half
This sentiment has been expressed numerous times since 2009 and yet…..nothing has changed.
So we haven’t played 4 quarters or started quickly in games since 2009? Come on.
Not saying we haven’t played complete games but the fire has been gone from this program for several years now. Everytime OU drops an inexplicable loss, people express the sentiment that maybe now O.U. will finally wake up and that just has not happened.
This. Also the idea that the offense and defense are holding out certain looks/plays for later in the season is a go to that is getting quite old, imho.
Honestly, it’s only surprising to him. We fans have been harping on this for years now.
“Fumble on the KO return really sparked them (Texas).” – Stoops
Boomer Sooner
Stoops shifts gears to praising K-State
Again Stoops describes the offense as ‘inconsistent’ when asked an opening pointlessly vague and stupid question from Al Eschbach
Is there any other kind from Al?
Once we really start running the Air Raid attack it has to be automatic with tempo, tempo, tempo and hurry up and lock and load and fire repeat no celebration until we score and next drive repeat we’ll get there
Stoops puts some of the onus on Mayfield having to know he needs to get the ball out quicker.
They did their part by putting them in a 2 deep safety nickel defense with only 2 DL against a run only team? lol…..
The coaches definitely had a crappy gameplan.
That’s all on the coaches.
“You can put it all on me, but I don’t play” – Bob Stoops
Not a problem. This is a pattern, Bob, and you’ve had several opportunities to turn over the staff.
It definitely falls on you. Three years in a row OU hasn’t been ready to play Texas, and you’d have us believe that’s on three different groups of players?
You’d have to be clueless to swallow that one.
Apparently, Stoops’ new job is to sit back and collect $5 million a year while making excuses.
What happened to “no excuses” Bob?
Just prepping for that jump to the $EC.
No Bob. A huge part of a leader’s job (be it a coach, general, or CEO) is motivation. If your team isn’t ‘self-motivated’ then YOU, as the LEADER have to find a way to motivate them to do their best. It’s not always easy. That’s why the leaders of organization are always compensated better than the rank and file.
At the end of the day, quit making excuses and DO YOUR JOB BOB.
Vince Lomabrdi. As a coach my primary job is to know my players. Some need a kick in the ass and some need a pat on the ass. It’s my job to know which is which.
Nowhere in that does he say it not my job it’s their job to self motivate.
Totally infuriating.
Gawd D@mn right
Stoops says he isn’t going to call out players, immediately followed by saying we (the coaches) “did our part.”
like running a reverse when you picked up 5 yards on first down running straight ahead with Perine?
“You can put it all on me, but I don’t play” – Bob Stoops
He has a point.
Yo can show them the tapes from the last two yrs and if they aren’t ready then what can you do as a coach.
The players were not fired up. Texas was. Texas wanted it. OU thought they would get it.
You can’t coach that “want it” factor.
Here is an idea. treat the texas game as different than just any other game because we know Texas will fight their asses off in this game regardless. It’s not your average game even discounting records completely. Bob used to know that but has forgotten it in the last 8 years.
I agree. It should be every bit as important as a bowl game!! A good bowl game!
Who recruited them?
Baloney. The common denominator in all the underprepared teams we’ve seen Bob run out there over the past decade is Bob.
From “no excuses” to “nothing but excuses.”
This comment does nothing but enrage me.
Darlington says they didn’t come out ready to play, Stoops continues to insist they did.
So there’s that.
The only other way to take that is they got punched in the mouth and stayed on the mat
I don’t have to say it. It’s plain as day on the tape.
Half of them are telling the truth…
I think Stoops is starting to get a little feisty now.
Who cares. Same BS every year after a loss.
Have you heard Saban after losses? Same way. I don’t know what some of you expect.
Honesty. Accountability. Honest self-evaluation rather than denial. Not insulting our intelligence. I know that’s asking a lot…
He can’t always be 100% honest. I’ve heard him take plenty of blame, especially last season. If he believes the staff had the kids ready Saturday for what UT did, and they didn’t do as taught, I don’t have an issue with him pushing it back to them a bit. You call it accountability, I call it a motivational tool.
On the defensive side of the football, there were a lot of missed tackles the other day. That isn’t on the coaches. When kids are in position and simply don’t make a tackle, I have a hard time faulting the staff. If our D simply makes more of the tackles they should be making, we likely win the game, even with the offense struggling.
Well yeah. You ran a nickel defense with a cover 2 safety scheme against a run heavy defense.
I thought I was the only one who saw this, made me go crazy during the game.
Good lawd…Super K called this one to a T. It baffles me that the 5 million dollar geniuses couldn’t see this. This response pisses the hell out of me
Waiting on the annual tradition of Tramel working the KSU/Snyder angle into the same column he’s already written every other year the week of OU/KSU.
Hoover just shut down Dean-o trying to get in a question
Bob goes after Hoover, classic.
lol, every week Bob has no patience from the student paper questions. always gives me a chuckle.
Which is ironic, b/c the kids who write for the Oklahoma Daily generally write much more insightful, informative articles than Trammel, Hoover, et all.
I would greatly disagree with that.
Not surprising. Students are usually harder on other students than profs are. At least the OU Daily sports articles are factual. Can’t say that about the local sports media — Hoover has an axe to grind and Trammel usually has some half-baked theory.
The student body as a whole does have a very very negative view of the Daily which definitely plays into a bit of bias. They are factually correct but there always seems to be underlying snark in their articles.
You write that as if it’s a bad thing. /s
Mike Stoops said he saw the Swoopes pass coming but couldn’t get the call in from the box because he was in the box? LOL!!!!!
Bob is started to get fed up.
Join the crowd Bob
well played
It’s about damn time
*were, not weren’t, just a typo.
But he’s not gonna call out players.
I have the nothing responses but I’m not sure what he was supposed to say on this one. Byrd wasn’t supposed to be there…
Doesn’t appear to really be coaching either.
Really? Held UT to fewer points than either Cal or OSU did.
So you agree with the 2-4-5 defense he ran out there against a team everyone knew would try to run the ball?
And if you can’t figure out at least why they tried it, again, you are simply complaining to complain. I was at the game, and didn’t pick up on that, so it’s difficult for me to comment not knowing when or how often that was our plan. But even a simpleton like me can figure out “why” a team might try a defense like that.
I was at the game as well, and it was obvious the coaches failed with their game plan. Defense 101…stop the run and make the offense 1 dimensional. Mike did the exact opposite of that. He GAVE them the run and made it clear they weren’t going to pass on his D. Never mind the fact that Heard has yet to prove he can beat anyone through the air. Riley doesn’t get a pass either, cause he never adjusted to the constant pressure being applied. How about a screen, or quick dumps to the RBs? There are ways to slow a blitz, even with a struggling O-line.
I’m not just complaining to complain. I’m complaining because I can not accept mediocrity!!
Preach it!!!
Well, it IS the Gospel!!
So how many points did they need to beat us? Oh yea they had plenty, so they wanted to run clock and control the ball and that is EXACTLY what they did. We have to do what we need to win THIS game not previously played.
Stoops says “we’ll see” with regards to getting some of the younger guys on the field in place of some of those who aren’t performing.
That will be a no.
We’re only half way through the season , Bob.
So help me god if Samia doesn’t see the field again this year…
There was no “seems”!!! UT was waaay more physical.
Finished blocks , knocking people over. Being dirty. The way they did Jordan Thomas was a microcosm of the game. Knocked him down and he did nothing about it.
I thought for sure that would fire the D up…it seemed as though they didn’t even mind it.
Seemed like it intimidated them actually. Sad.
Provide me a list, please, of physical teams that run the Chuck and Duck.
So I guess I really am a good arm chair coach because I think the same thing
So is the guy you hired to run the Chuck and Duck, Bob.
Hoover got stats at the ready today.
Of course. He’s on the attack after an L.
At least somebody is.
Shouldn’t he be though?
Sugar Bowl reference!
Geezus mother mary and joseph …. maybe there is something wrong in that man’s brain after all…..
Carey looks ridiculously fat today.
I greatly admire your dedication, sir.
Isn’t that sort of the whole point of being a coach?
Jimmy Johnson threatened to take away scholarships after his Hurricanes had a bad practice.
You talking practice?
Practice maaaaayan.
Just got beat down by the laughing stock of the league…and we talking about…. PRACTICE….
BREAKING: Stoops doesn’t keep a list of his worst losses.
Don’t worry we are all over it.
List is getting too large to maintain.
USC, WVU 2007, Clemson, Baylor last two years, Texas this year
Boise State
OSU 2002. KSU 2003. UT 2005.
OSU 2001, Les was 4 – 7 that year.
point taken, the list is getting long
Need an external hard drive.
Forgot to hit save on his spreadsheet.
“Guys this age, it’s their job to be ready to play.” – Stoops
I agree to a point but I would also say if he isn’t ready to play, put someone else in who is ready.
Agreed. Strong has the right idea in that aspect, seniority shouldn’t earn you a starting spot.
And it’s your job to make sure they are doing what they need to be ready.
Hoover challenging Stoops now on his claim that OU played well in last year’s RRSO simply b/c they won the game (Stoops’ stance on things).
That wasn’t what Bob said. Bob said they played hard/aggressive. Not well.
all I’ve seen, maybe it’s incorrect, is that it’s an academic issue………not closer is a strange answer….the mystery of frison
Samia was more prepared than St. John last week, and was 100% healthy. Not to mention he practiced all week and too 1st team snaps, St. John didn’t….and Samia didn’t get in once. Even when St. John was obviously struggling. I put that on Coach B.
So much this. St. John hasn’t shown much of anything and considering he’s performing at the same level or worse than the freshman tackle on the other side, I’d say it’s time he feels some pressure.
He’s not fit for tackle. Maybe guard.
Struggling is an understatement.
There was one point St. John was having trouble picking himself off the ground, literally. Samia was shadowing coach B all up and down the sideline. St. John continued to play.
I watched a couple times where Josiah literally just stood there and watched someone run right past him.
Excluding one play where the RB (I’m pretty sure it was Brooks) should have picked up the man on the edge, St. John was getting looped around repeatedly because of his atrocious footwork.
Josiah does have really bad footwork.
It was painful. I think one play he hugged the guy and turned him right into the path of the qb. Not saying this would of how it worked out. But if Samia got in the game, and at least helped sure up the right side with Nila, it would of taken alot of pressure off of the whole line. It literally seemed like on the Tex sideline they flipped coins for who wanted to get a sack next on D.
My girlfriend, who knows absolutely nothing about football, and I mean NOTHING, said, “Why does that guy play if he just stands there doing nothing all day?” I thought it was obvious, but not THAT obvious.
This is what some of our fans were doing…
What I was doing….
I think he should have started Dru from the start. St John isn’t very good. Same with Ty. Can’t believe he is up for the Rimington award.
I agree, not saying Samia was the end all be all, but the fact that B didnt make any adjustments to the line was frustrating. I don’t know what was going on with him, he usually rotates the guys, it’s like he had the blinders on for some reason.
At least by starting Dru they are working toward the future. Get the kid some experience bc in the long run he will be 10 times the player that St John will ever be
Are you sure Samia didn’t play? Could have sworn I saw him out there, but I could have been mistaken.
He definitely should have played.
Yes, didn’t play one snap.
Just heard Bob’s requisite Sugar Bowl reference. Jeez!
Stoops says “absolutely not” in regards to still coaching at 76 like his mentor Bill Snyder. Jokingly says it’s b/c of the media, which of course draws the requisite over-laughter from the peanut gallery.
That’s because no one in the peanut gallery can imagine Stoops lasting that long.
Stoops now railing on why anyone wastes time with social media.
Old man yells at cloud.
Cloud responds…………
I don’t love me this response. It proves he doesn’t care what the fans think, only his own interpretation. We all seen how the team looked. We all seen how they played. We all seen how the coaches called the game. There is an issue and it’s only getting worse. A lot of the time Bob is starting to sound like Mack after 2010. Doesn’t want to admit that something is wrong, then when he does and changes something it still doesn’t work.
Can this coach ever go the whole interview without talking about how he won the Sugar Bowl in 2013 he continues to be in denial.
It is insane actually. It was a good win, but i don’t care about it anymore. Lets win This year, how about that BOB
Agree it borders on megalomania damn what about winning now.
In all fairness, the questions were being asked comparing this team to LAST YEAR….. its not fair to mention last year and not let him mention the ending of the year before.
Yeah but he needs to stop talking about that game do you see any other coach in the country doing that do you think every time Nick Saban loses he said no but I won the national championship in 2009 damn it stop it.
lol at using Saban as your example. Saban loses and he basically says f off.
Stoops says he doesn’t see it — Norvell having been on OU staff for seven years — as a big deal pertaining to what happened on Saturday.
I think it had to do a little bit… come on Bob.
haha, you know Bob. He’ll never admit to anything if asked.
As far as scheme? Or attitude? Or a bit of both?
I don’t either, given the fact that they did the same thing to us the 2 years before while Norvell was still on OUr sideline.
And following an incredibly stupid and pointless question about Blake Bell making a block in last night’s SNF game….
That’s a wrap.
Thanks Jordan.
I greatly admire your dedication, sir.
There continues to be a leadership problem and Bob is the common denominator. New coaches produced same result. I’m still amazed at the stark difference in performance between the Texas and WVU game.
Maybe WVU isn’t as good as some folks think? And maybe WVU traveling pretty much anywhere in the Big 12 to play hurts them as well. OSU just went to WVU and won, something I wouldn’t have thought possible a few weeks ago. WVU probably finishes 5th at best this year, maybe lower.
Everyone (*cough *Bob) needs to stop using the Sugar Bowl season and win as perspective on how this season goes.
He uses the SB reference routinely. That means it’s pre-meditated which means in his mind, what he did two years ago should be good enough. He’s trying to beat back the “done for me lately” mentality by bringing up past successes = failure. Won’t work.
It’s because of the idiotic assumption that keeps being thrown in his face, that one loss means the season is over.
I don’t think it’s the one loss that makes people think the season is over. I think it’s the product on the field that makes them think that.
exactly what folks said the year before last.
I didn’t hear or see anybody saying that the season before last. I definitely saw them saying it last season though.
you weren’t paying attention after the loss to Texas, then.
Yes, I was. And the fans were all over Heupel’s gameplan for that loss and so was the media.
I don’t think it’s over, I admit though Saturday night I was thinking
we are seriously looking at a possible 8-5 season again. I still think we will make a run at the B12, IF we can get this fixed THIS WEEK.
That is just not true. Now if you said another season turned upside down due to a completely unexcusable turd they laid where the players even admitted they weren’t prepared for the main thing the opponent did,, then yea.
Could get interesting if they lose a few more. No one ever said the season is over. What they are saying is the team played uninspired football in their big game against the arch rival. Why should anyone expect them to play inspired against another foe.
Bob’s responses in this presser answers a ton of questions actually. Stoops does not have that fire anymore, he doesn’t want it. He’s content to make a ton of money and be mediocre now, while living off of past accomplishments. The players have taken on that mentality and it shows
Tom Herman
Doing well at Houston. Heard he is a good recruiter too
I’m not thrilled to hear the comment about the sugar bowl either, but it’s funny that the same folks who are tired of Bob bringing up the success of the season before last, aren’t tired of people saying “you lost one game, the season’s a failure.” As soon as that stops, Bob won’t have any reason to, yet again, point out the obvious.
Losing to Texsa sucks, no one is debating that. If you expected Bob to throw players and coaches under the bus, that was never going to happen. What goes on in the film studies, meetings and practices we have no right to know. Bob isn’t perfect and he never was. However, he honors the University of Oklahoma and at least from my vantage point is a good man and a good coach. As for the money, he wouldn’t be making the money if those that are paying didn’t think he was worth it. Coaching is not an exact science. The coaches and players on the other side aren’t lying down because we are OU. Those days ended when Barry’s downturn began (scholarship limits changed everything, a lot like a salary cap). I have faith that the administration has the University’s best interest in mind and they will make the decisions, when appropriate, that protect that interest. Until then, Texsa still sucks and I’m proud to be a Sooner!
Bob threw his players under the bus repeatedly today.
I respectfully disagree. (disclaimer….I don’t have access to the entire press conference, The notes here are my source) I didn’t see specific players blamed. Maybe position groups challenged and statements regarding the players needing to be responsible for being ready. Hopefully that clarifies my statement. If I missed something, let me know.
Not really, but you’ve already made up your mind.
If he doesn’t specify exactly who messed up, then he’s dodging the question, not being truthful; but if he does specify, then he’s throwing his players under the bus. Very Hoover like.
I think when you say “we [the coaches] were ready, but we don’t play on the field”, you just threw your entire team under the bus to take pressure off of yourselves.
We were ready but the players weren’t. Dunno what their problem was.
I can see your point with that type of statement. That does appear to deflect responsibility from the coaches to the players.
Point taken.
Maybe he didn’t want to call out his 3 offensive linemen who were playing injured and couldn’t play like champions. It would put them on a downer and broadcast a vulnerability to all the opponents going forward.
no. he’s answering the question honestly. Here’s a specific example: on the first longhorn td, he’s not gonna say the players weren’t hustling because they were, they got themselves in position to make the play. He’s not gonna pretend like they executed their tackling well, because, it was pathetic. He’s not gonna say it was the coaches’ fault because the players were in the right position and just didn’t tackle well. That’s not “throwing players under the bus.” That’s answering the question.
He also said “We did our part”. That’s throwing your team under the bus and shows division between the players and the staff. I don’t see any other way to take that statement.
Why can’t we tackle? Do you ask yourself that question. It pretty fundamental to the game. But we play guys who can’t tackle or won’t. And we’ve done so for years. It’s not just this group. I hear excuses for why some guys don’t tackle. They are small or hurt. Well then why are they playing a game that requires tackling? Is it because they get a few picks or we like them? Is it because nobody at their position wants to tackle? I don’t know, but whatever the reason, that’s on the coach for recruiting or playing guys who can’t/won’t tackle.
There have been times in the when Bob has said the coaches need to coach better. He has never been shy about saying that when that is the case.
Yes, really he did.
Without question. He takes responsibility for nothing.
We do have a right to know. He’s the highest paid state employee and we effectively pay his salary.
I think he is saying is that there are team secrets regarding tactics and strategies and game plans which they don’t want their opponents to find out about before the game.
Thanks captain obvious. There’s no reason to hide anything after the fact.
You’re wrong again, daze. The remaining teams on the schedule will look at how UT was able to beat OU. Some things, some contingencies, should remain a team secret until after the bowl game. Then no body will care. So when you say “We have a right to know” when speaking about what goes on in the film studies, meetings and practices, why do they even have closed film studies, meetings and practices? The schedule is looked at as a unit, because teams sometimes play off what other teams did and did not do, or could have done or could not have done easily, or should have done because it was easily there for the taking – and probably will do, given another opportunity. Forward thinking is important. That should be obvious, to you, too. 😉
You miss my point completely, and I’m too tired to explain any further.
Really. Texas knew our tactics, our strengths and weaknesses, and they exploited the. I think Snyder will do it even more. I don’t think the secrecy thing wins many ball games.
I don’t think broadcasting your film room discussions and practices is a wise strategy.
Really? Do you think this is secretive, hush hush stuff. Every coach can understand the strengths and weaknesses. You guys are buying the BS.
Al the closed practices and close to the best crap is nonsense. Like I said, every coach worth a crap understands what they see in the film.
What they see on the film is different than what they discuss in regards to how they will respond to what they see, with the personnel they have at their disposal. One team may have a stronger or more technically sound or faster or less-injured LB they wish to utilize under a situation, while a different team may prefer to utilize a defensive end to respond. Or to use a nose-tackle or not to use a nose tackle. It doesn’t make sense to tell your opponent how you are going to beat them. I wish UT had forewarned OU about their use of two QBs, or the draw-run. But that wouldn’t have made much sense.
Bob was straightforward again today about the problems. Primarily he said the o-line kept getting outplayed, beat, by the Texas defenders. Additionally, Baker needed to get rid of the ball quicker on occasion and on other occasions, not be so fast to trust his feet.
The defenders played pretty well after the first two scores. They missed more tackles than they should have., and poor tackling was a problem this week but hasn’t been previously this year. But, significantly, the issues were not, as in years past, ones of alignment or lack of communication.
But they were… that’s the thing.
You nailed it.
Tackling really well after 300+ yards of rushing is no great feat.
The football coach is paid mostly by funds outside of the state budget and from football revenues, not from tax dollars(my understanding). Besides, do you think any part of the city, county, state or federal government tells you everything. Paying taxes is not a “right to know” payment. If it was, I would stop paying and just live in the dark. Hell, I fee like I do anyway.
Stop bringing so many facts around.
You are tremendously misled if you think that you shouldn’t have the right to know where your tax dollars go. That’s money you worked for that someone is taking from you.
Right to know WHERE my tax dollars go, and right to criticize a football coach and expect anybody to care about your opinion, are two different things.
You apparently don’t know what the word “effectively” means, so I don’t expect you to get my point. WE buy tickets to the games, WE buy the PPV crap, WE buy merchandise, WE (some of us) paid for our education from OU, WE (some of us) give money directly to the school for no other reason than football. Do you get that? Probably not, but whatever. WE have a right to know why problems exist and what they’re doing to fix them. Also, please point to where I made a critical comment of Stoops… because I didn’t. My sentiments are echoed my thousands across Sooner Nation. Your “holier-than-thou” facade is tired, man.
Apparently they don’t know the word. Really frustrating when people don’t understand what they are paying for or don’t believe we have a right to know. Basic American concepts and they want to argue that we should blindly accept what the politicians and state employees say.
Here’s the truth: the taxpayers own the State enterprises, that includes the Universities and the sports teams. If we want, we can take all the money football generates and spend it on manure for agriculture. That is a fact, all we have to do is elect officials who will spend it that way.
Here’s another fact: money is fungible. Saying the money is from football is intellectually dishonest if we cut other spending. That is because we can use it for other things and cut spending on football.
I have every right to question if we are getting our money’s worth. Coaches are very fortunate the market pays them this kind of money. But with that comes expectations, on the field and off. Football is entertainment. No one is entertained by losses. No Sooner was entertained Saturday. Some will accept it. Others will question why the team can’t be prepared and motivated to play against the arch rival. A few will wonder, how bad is it going to get. These folks want to hear what the coaches are going to do to right the ship. I didn’t here too many details other than “try to get better” or “it’s up to the players” to get motivated. That doesn’t sooth the concerns.
Bob need to hire a PR firm. He hurts himself and the team with his arrogant style with. The media. Lord knows I don’t care for the media, but you have to deal with them so how about trying to be better at it.
You two are talking out of both sides of your mouth. My stance has been pretty clear for years. You can ask some of the other posters who know my history.
Students and tax payers aren’t the ones dishing out his base salary directly, as it technically comes from revenue generated by the team.
OK you missed this one. Bob nor the coaches are paid by tax dollars.
Basically, the coaches don’t want to inadvertently smear the players and the players don’t wont to inadvertently smear the coaches by mis-phrasing or mis-speaking or mis-remembering. This irritates the press corps so they start asking either dumb questions, borderline insulting questions, questions with obvious answers, philosophical questions which often don’t have any meaningful answer, speculative questions which no body knows the answer to, …etc. Providing print material for reporters has got to be one of the worst parts of CFB coaching. IMHO.
Maybe it is just me, but I really don’t have a problem with 85-90% of what he said today. The fact is this (in my opinion); If OU had even a mediocre offensive line they would be 1-2 loss team. OL recruiting under Patton was an absolute bust leaving the line where it is today, where the experienced players aren’t very talented and the talented players aren’t experienced. OU could have easily overcome the 14-0 deficit if we had a line who could block effectively but they don’t.
It is true that we have had a downward slide more recently, but I really think the offseason changes made were positive. I totally believe that with a better OL everything would be different this season. That said, this looks to me like a 4 loss team. It really sucks, because I think we have the skill position players on offense of a national contender. The D didn’t play great this past Saturday, but if you had told anyone that Texas would score 24 I suspect a significant number of posters would have assumed an OU victory.
Sick of the Patton/Kitten excuse.
Bedenbaugh has been at OU long enough that players he recruited and coached are juniors or younger. Other schools have sophs and juniors out there contributing.
Yeah, it it frustrating but it is pretty clear from watching that what was left after attrition last year just isn’t very good. Throw a new system on top of that and here we are. Poor OL play. Call it excuse, call it reality, it really doesn’t matter. It is what it is.
Not crazy to say all the JUCO OL he recruited to give himself some depth have all been busts. I’m not going to get on coach B too bad for trying to correct the empty cupboard he was left with with JUCOs. But they HAVE been busts.
bedenbaugh has soph s at best recruited.
True, but he’s coached the juniors since they got here. And he’s coached the seniors since they were sophs.
Running down hill like last year requires a different mentality and skill set from the OL. That change in the requisite technique, skill set and mentality, when the OC brought in the Air Raid has been an adjustment for the OL just as much as for the WRs. Then when in transition to becoming adept, asked to use power to run the ball, it is just asking a lot. It’s like being between languages, it takes effort to speak two, fluently.
I’m not down on Stoops, I think he’s a good coach. But I must admit that when I see the INSTANT turnaround that Harbaugh has had at Michigan, and McElwain has had at Florida, I can’t help but wonder if we’re maximizing this team’s potential? I don’t know.
I wonder too. I just don’t know enough to say for sure. I trust those that make those decisions to do just that, make informed decisions.
What I saw last weekend was terrible tackling and offensive line play. Two of the most critical aspects of the game, the Sooners had awful performances. If the guys can’t make the plays, OK say so, if not expect Stoops and Co to continue to gather the blame from fans tired of losing games that OU should win.
“If the guys can’t make the plays, OK say so” Bob’s response was he’s not ready to say that yet. It’s too early, they’ve only played a few games and there should be improvement as they move forward. A reasonable response.
Also, the coaching staff overhaul has to effect readiness. On offense, I think they’re still on Chapter One of the Air Raid play book. It will take 2-3 years to bring in the nuances. Someone already mentioned tempo, tempo, tempo. So there’s that. And I still remember when I ran the wishbone back in what used to be called Jr. High School in the Jurassic period, I learned the basic triple option very well at a Barry Switzer Football Camp with all the ins and outs; but it was just in time to see it start evolving and morphing at OU into a broken bone, man in motion, TE reverse and all kinds of off the beaten path plays (in my little world) that added significantly to their juice. So I think the system is still a work in progress. – Captain Obvious
While you may get two or three years to bring in all the nuances, you don’t get two or three years to make the offense successful, and you shouldn’t. The offense needs to produce immediately.
That’s a good point. I hope the OL heals it wounds before Saturday! ..or else get uninjured players in the lineup.
Why is it that we hit the ground running offensively in 1999, but we need 2 or 3 years today. Why do other teams have freshman Qb’s who play well. I don’t buy the excuse.
Very reasonable, but I also thought we’d see considerable improvement by this point in the season. Not saying a great OL but at least one that is capable of defending 5 rushers
Halfway brought the season is not “too early”. Nor is it new that a Stoops team tackles poorly.
Forget Harbaugh and McElwain. Look at the instant turnaround Bob had in 2000. He’s the one who set that standard. That’s even tougher to swallow.
And the system took a second season to thrive.
You mean an instant turn around like Oklahoma in 1999-2000?
Yea, the one he can’t seem to figure out now.
Michigan hasn’t beaten anybody. And Florida has only beaten one decent team in Ole Miss. Heck, UF nearly lost to Kentucky, Tenn, and East Carolina.
And Florida just lost their QB for the rest of the year:
Maybe so. But last year UM was 2-4 at this point. Florida was 3-3. So this is an improvement.
Your not serious…. Michigan has only given up 38 points in 6 games, with 24 given to their first game Utah.
OU hasn’t beaten anybody either.
I don’t know, but I feel like OU is still suffering from poor recruiting for the OL before Coach B came on board.
Not only poor recruiting prior to Bedenbaugh but also 5 OL recruits left the program.
Well, for a host of reasons, Texas has had our number for the past three years. That’s that. But now its time to focus on beating the most underated coach n the history of the game, Bill Snyder – the Purple Wizard himself. If we grab a road win against this very good team then I think we’ll have a successful season.
BTW, Grier just got suspended for the rest of the year for substance abuse. Wow.
I hate to say but Texas wants the RRSO more than OU does, and it shows.
Can I have psychic powers too?
How about you just start with powers of observation first.
My powers of observation are great, thanks.
I do not give those powers to just anyone
Completely agree with Bob that you have to be careful in assuming that one team or the other is not playing well because they are “flat.” That’s an external perception that may or may not have anything to do with the actual mental attitude of the players going into the game. It is very much dependent upon how the game goes. It’s often more about appearances than causality.
It would be really frustrating to have everything you say dissected and nit picked. I also love how everyone applies their own agenda to everything he says. Give me a break.
Coach Stoops is a great coach and has been for a long time. He has lasted 17 years at one school and has 4, count ’em, 4, years with less than 10 wins. There has been a slight dip in the level of talent, which is almost expected in the ebb and flow of sports. I think he is addressing these problems, and all it will take is some patience. He made some tough changes to his staff in the past 2 years, and now he has a young staff with some really solid recruiters. He has a team with a lot of young talent. If people would just take a breath, relax, and just give this new staff a chance I think we will like the results.
At OU expectations are higher:
– a single digit win column at the end of the season is a losing season. (sickening)
– a double digit win column at the end of the season is a winning season. (good)
– anything above that is in the great and fantastic category; i.e., Conference Championship, National Championship.
Although you wouldn’t know a 10 win season was good with how petulant this fanbase was acting in 2012.
That’s a good point.
That is ridiculous.
Look, I think having high expectations are OK. I have very high expectations for myself. But if someone were to hold you to the standard at which some of you hold Coach Stoops, you would find it unreasonable. He has done a great job and he is a prideful competitor who will continue to do a great job. I don’t buy all this “lost his fire” BS. You can see how much he wants it.
He has 5 million reasons to held to a higher standard!
I agree with your general premise, and I support the coach. But given that OU is one of the top four programs in college football history, and Stoops is one of the highest paid coaches, I think the fanbase has the right to expect great results. I also share your belief that we are on the upswing and good things are coming our way. I do not, however, fault anyone for holding Stoops and this program to a very high standard. That’s how it should be. And I’m looking forward to a win at K State!
I’m with you Kuzi. I hope both he and Mike stays as long as they want to. 4 seasons out of 17 years is in the legendary category, IMHO. Mike is a great coach; They are coaching college recruits not players you can draft and pay. They play the cards they are dealt just like every other school.
I can’t see how much he wants it. What are you seeing that I’m not? I see excuses coming from him now I never expected to see when he said years back..”there will be no excuses”. Now he gets very defensive at even a hint that the staff isn’t doing their job. He use to never throw the players under the bus, but now on occasion he does. He is very protective of one certain coach on his staff that has to be his brother. I could list many more examples but there’s enough to show that I don’t think this is the same Bob he used to be.
One more thing before I move on, When is Bob going to offer more than “we need to do a better job as coaches”? When are we going to hear something other than a generic answer to questions?
Only 4 non-10 win seasons in 16 or 17 seasons is fantastic. Like I said earlier, look around at some of the other perennial powers and how they are doing, and have done in the last decade, let alone the last two decades. What Bob has accomplished is pretty amazing, really.
Five years without an undisputed conference title. Not happening this year. Seven years since national relevance.
Sad to see OU fans making excuses for something that’s never been tolerated in the history of this program.
We seemed pretty “tolerant” during the 90s and that conference was a lot less competitive from top to bottom than the one we are in now.
MUCH less competitive.
lol…..a) you might want to go back and check some of Barry’s records, and b) this is a different era in college football. Long gone are the days of a team or group of teams simply dominating over decades and decades.
If THIS is as bad as it gets for OU under Bob, I can live with that. We had our run from 2000-2008. It’s was shear bad luck we only have one NC to show for it, but that is life. Most other programs fall off the map after 8 years like that. Bob and OU haven’t. It’s sad that some OU fans can’t appreciate and respect that.
But we have. That is the point. Last conference championship? last national Championship? last competitive year on national scene was 7 years ago.
I agree. I was on a Sooner site recently & read a thread asking posters to discuss Coach Stoops’ legacy. Here was a post I agreed with:
One, (not the so don’t get your knickers in a bunch), of the best in our storied history.
Been to 4 NC games in the scholarship reduced era, (only Saban has been to as many). Won 1 NC.
Won 8 conference championships.
Produced 2 Heisman Winners, (Still steamed that AD got robbed of his due to him being a freshman), 2 runners up & 1 third place finish.
Only coach & program to win all 4 of the BCS Bowls during the BCS Era.
Second head coach in the history of NCAA CFB to win the four BCS bowls, (Fiesta, Orange, Rose & Sugar), along with the Cotton Bowl. (First was Joe Paterno).
Has the most wins as a Sooners Head Coach.
His 10 wins in the RRSO is second All-Time. Trails only Darryl Royal’s 12 wins in the game.
With his 100th career victory as a Head Coach, he made history as the University of Oklahoma became the ONLY program in NCAA history to have four coaches with 100 career victories.
All in all, he will be a Hall of Fame inductee early on & a good representative of the University of Oklahoma.
All in the past.
KUZI. Winning is your game sir.
That’s why the job pays in the millions. Goes with the territory.
Two many of us old buzzards remember the good old days of the Big8 & SWC.
In the regular schedule, usually only about two games to worry about .
Tex in the SWC, OU & NU in the Big8. Oh, maybee Dan Devine would have a good team every once in a while, CU would bump up on occasion. Other teams were willing to just compete, not willing to invest in winning. I tell my Neb friends, get used to a new normal, almost everyone is working toward winning, not being just a participant anymore.
? ? ?
Peabody. This is among the top three most overlooked facts of the modern college football era. Thank you for posting.
There is a lot of truth in that statement!
Sometimes you get beat. Some of you need to learn how to take it like men. Move on, focus on the next game (or Texas will beat you twice), and suck it up.
You win. This comment should be posted over the door before folks ‘walk’ in here.
Getting beat is expected. Being out coached and not prepared is something completely different.
Being shocked that Texas was going to run the ball is ignorant.
It is not getting beat that concerns many. It is the 17 double digit losses since 2001 which is twice that of any of the other top coaches during that era. Should have won at least of those 17 losses.
Barry always said “It was not the alignment, but the allignee “. How bad do you want to play? It’s the players.
Was it “the players” who put themselves out there in a nickle defense all day with 5 DBs and 2 DL against a team that can’t throw the ball?
Was it the players that devoted a half to calling five-step drops we couldn’t protect? Was it the players that went into the game with three running plays?
That was the essence of my concerns. We didn’t make the offensive play calling adjustments to take the pressure off the O line and the beleagured Mayfield, who was getting hammered.
I think it’s pretty obvious this site is for fans that want to talk football, and vent sometimes to a point of exhaustion. It’s also obvious that social media isn’t going to impact Coach Stoops thinking whatsoever, so back to my first point, this is a site for fans to vent, perhaps sometimes to a point of exhaustion. Since I vent during work hours, I guess this site supplements my EAP (Employee Assistance Program) program?
There are plenty of other OU sites where “venting” fits in much better. I’m certainly not saying anybody can’t vent here, they can, it’s not my board to run, but it’d be nice if THIS place was kept a little cleaner than the other sites. JMO.
I think this board is very clean. Fans have the right to praise, criticize, rant, vent, rave, and cheer, and I think nearly all the posters on this site are respectful and considerate. Including you, good sir.
I’d also argue that there is a fine line between venting and whining. But again, that is just my opinion. 🙂
Very true, My definition is that when OU fans do it, it’s venting. When Texas and OSU fans do it, it’s whining!
To put things in perspective and remain in context with my comment, “venting” in this case is appropriate after a surprising, unexpected, and terrible loss. This will flip after a great win to praise, so my main point is this site provides a great medium for all fans to come together and shoot the bull, I’ll leave the moderating to the moderators.
Lots of things I like about Stoops. I have enjoyed his responses over the years to the media. Just wish sometimes he would take some verbal responsibility for problems and losses. Maybe he does behind closed doors and we don’t hear about it. Coming out blaming the players isn’t cool. He’s getting really 2 faced in my opinion. He doesn’t like it when he’s asked about the past but he loves to bring up the Sugar Bowl. He never wants to call out players in front of the media but he sure doesn’t mind throwing them all under the bus rather than taking the blame himself.
I get that he’s not going to throw another coach under the bus during a press conference but he could have at least taken blame himself on the obvious areas that lost the game for us. Then again, those “obvious” to us didn’t seem so obvious to him. The only thing I don’t put on him was the poor tackling. That’s on the players. But the poor OLine play, the lack of rush attempts, the lack of screen pass calls, the poor defensive calls were all on him and his staff. They’ve gotta make in-game adjustments and get those fixed.
The one comment that bothers me the most is when Bob was asked about adjustments, and he said they (the coaches) did not need to make any, that teXas was sending five, and we were prepared to block five, we just didn’t get the job done. THAT IS WHAT NEEDED TO BE ADJUSTED. just because you make preparations to block 5, doesn’t mean you can! make the adjustment! adjust personnel, adjust scheme, adjust technique…..something has to be adjusted when your not getting the job done.
Yeah I agree. I was thinking that but didn’t mention it below in my post. I feel like sometimes Bob and Mike think they can put players in any position or any formation and if the guys “execute”, they will make the play. That’s just not true unless every player is an NFL all pro caliber player. At some point, the coaches have to out coach the other coach rather than expecting the players to out play the other players.
IF you want to say the coaches scheme was flawless, and then blame the players for their execution of the scheme, you then need to adjust (make changes in) the players. It that simple. If Player A. is not getting it done, try player B. If that still is not getting it done, your scheme needs to be adjusted for Player A and/or Player B.
If they had players capable of possibly making an improvement they would be out there. Our failure to see any substitution of personnel only tells how weak/inexperienced the backups are. Depth is really one of the primary team weaknesses.
and that is my point, that we need to change our schemes. By EVERYONE’s opinion going into that game our best was way better than their best, but we got out schemed on both sides of the ball.
Or as Barry used to say you win games with Jimmy’s and Joe’s not with X’s and O’s. OU’s biggest shortcoming is on the OL where they are playing St. John, Kasitaki, Darlington, Farniok, Brown, Alvarez and Samia. The only other OL available are all freshmen and red shirt freshman plus sophomore Quinn Mittenmeier and Jamal Danley. Obviously the JC transfer Danley has been a big disappointment and logically the freshmen and red shirt freshmen are not ready or they would be getting their opportunity. Also the highly thought of Kenyon Frison getting suspend further impacted our OL depth/options.
Bedenbaugh really does not have any options available to him that he is not presently using. On the defensive side of the ball the DL is playing 7 players. LB’s are only playing 5 players. I am certain they were expecting to play DeBerry who appears to be red shirting, with Shannon, Okoronkwo and Tay Evans getting more minutes. Seven players are getting minutes but Mbanasor, Byrd and Green’s minutes have not been good much less great. Obviously we have depth issues at LB and DB which minimizes Mike’s personnel options on defense.
Overall this years defense is an improvement over last year, especially in the secondary, but far below what would be ideal. The inexperience and lack of physicality of the OL projects minimal improvement as the season progresses.
Looking at the remaining schedule I see 9-3 as a very good year and 7-5 as a very bad year for the Sooners. Probable finish is 8-4.
there has to be a way to gameplan around your weakneses. IF O-line is your weak point, where were the quick outs, the end-arounds, the pitches, getting the ball out from behind the line quick?
On defense, I think that Bob wanted his best 11 on the field, but the best 11 were not stopping the run. I’d like to see 6 linemen and 2 linebackers and 3 DBs, at some point to stop the run. but the worst part was stoops, in his pressser, just blaming the guys out there for not executing.
If you’re keeping 5 in to block 5 rushers and they’re not getting it done, keep 6 in to block! If you give Mayfield enough time he will complete a pass – even if he only has one receiver running around.
Yeah, this bothered me as well. I know what he is saying, but football is about adjustments during the game when the unexpected happens.
We do have a game this weekend, right?
Why bother?
Somebody needs a hug.
Yes, and I hope for MY sake we win. My entire family are KSU fans. A lot of them have season tickets. UGH! It sure makes Christmas better when we get together and I don’t have to listen to their classless statements. LOL! When we beat them, I do not even talk about the game, but it’s like winning the lottery for them.
It could be worse, they could be Texsa fans.
I would disown them as family then. Thank goodness no one in my family likes the shorthorns.
What about Thanksgiving?
We go to my wife’s family on Thanksgiving. They are all Mizzou fans. LOL
Poor guy
Yep, but my wife and I wear our OU attire wherever we go. 😎
I have a few in my family too so I feel your pain. Even worse, I actually lived in that crappy town for a few years. Most insufferable fan base ever; or at least top 3. Ugh. Must win this weekend.
I almost went to school there. I wanted to play Div 1 basketball, and Billy Tubbs actually came to watch me play. But after the game he told me I was to short and to white to play for him. LOL! I had a scholly offer from KSU but it was academic. So I walked on at a JUCO and then got hurt and left school. I did not go back to get my degree until my oldest son was a freshman in HS.
I’m interested to see what OU does against K-State. Similar situation where their passing attack is conditional/non-existent.
Based on the last three years, what do you think? Honest question. I really have no idea. It’s hard to be optimistic when we’ve been seeing the same thing for the better part of 8 years.
If we can commit to stopping the run/playing better contain on the edge I think we win. If we come out in that cute Nickel BS we ran this past Saturday it’s a tossup. The secondary shouldn’t need additional help against this K-State team in my opinion and if the rest of the linebackers not named Jordan Evans give him some help plugging inside tackle runs I think OU has the offensive tools to beat this team.
Yup. Would like to see Shannon, who I think is the most physical run stopper of the LB corps, get some snaps. This is the kind of team Byrd is equipped to play, too.
Byrd on walk-ups against this K-State team could be huge. I have full confidence in Ahmad/Sanchez/Thomas to be able to hold strong against K-State’s WRs.
I have zero confidence in Sanchez. He needs to stay off of Twitter and practice.
Has Shannon been on the field lately? It seems his year off has really affected his play.
I saw him for at least one play against Texas. Not sure if he was in for others. He just hasn’t seen the field because of the kind of offense we’ve faced (and because Dom and Evans have played well) but it seems like the Texas game would have been a chance for him to get some snaps.
Depends on what you call playing well. A few good plays. The strongest tackle by the Sooners was by the our kicker, tat says a lot about LB play
add we have to stop the illegal 4yds down the field pass.
When it’s employed by the Purple Wizard, it’s not illegal!
I still do not know how that was not called. Wait, yes I do, the big xii referees are a joke.
They have the same offense as always. You have to get them off schedule, which is difficult. Almost takes a penalty to do that. Have to stop the QB run. OU normally plays KSU pretty tight. I think offense gets back on track, and OU wins 42-30.
Walter, OU needs to be sold out on the run. But the Safeties and the LBs need to be able to read the TE on short passes as well.
Rest of the season prediction
@ Kansas State 50/50
vs Texas Tech W
@ Kansas W
vs ISU W
@vs Baylor L wouldn’t be shocked to see us drilled again 48-13
vs TCU L Being home will help but not enough 48-42
@ vs OSU L Impressed with the DL that OSU has 31-14
8-4 or 7-5, I know I’m going to get roasted but that Oline is going to hold OU back. Pure and simple. The Defense can only do so much. At some point the Oline will have to grow up, I just don’t see it happening this season.
The only game I’d bet us losing for sure at this point is Baylor. They are better than us, and it really isn’t close. We’ll know a lot more about this team after the next two games, b/c both KSU and TT can play. They may not be Baylor/TCU, but they are solid, and playing well.
If I had to guess, I’d say we lose to Baylor, and probably one of TT or TCU. Might end up with 4 losses, but I’d bet quite a bit we don’t lose 5 regular season games, and I think 4 is unlikely unless we suffer a major injury or something.
If they continue learning from mistakes, they will be just fine. If they beat K-State and T-Tech, I can see them winning out as underdogs the entire month of November. I think the Dallas game embarrassed the OC into working overtime.
hahahahahaha, not sure if you are serious. Baylor will put a lot of points and you think texsa blitzed a lot. Phil Bennett will send the kitchen sink.
One would think that by game time the OU OC will have had time to prepare three different strategies to address the Phil Bennett kitchen sink blitzing defenses. Maybe I’m too optimistic about their capabilities.
Way too optimistic. But hey, somebody has to be positive. We can’t all agree. SoonerfanTU and you are more upbeat and have your opinion on OU. I might not agree with it but I respect it
ND has a nationwide network of resources (former players and coaches with NFL experience) who they can tap into for insight and suggestions regarding how to address opponents tendencies, weeks in advance (with the caveat that tendencies do evolve through the season). I thought maybe other teams would do the same…
there are people behind the scenes that collect that data for OU. All teams do that now. Stat guys
“There’s lies, there’s damn lies, and then there’s statistics.” If you torture the numbers enough, they will confess to anything. lol
Hahaha never trust a Stat guy. Hahha
I might be positive, but even I know Baylor is going to wax us again. Been saying that most of the season too.
hey hey don’t get too negative on me now 🙂
It’s lonely over here on the positive side. lol
hahahaha….We need positive people especially after a loss. if we lose next somebody is going have to bail me out of jail
Misery loves company. It is lonely.
I believe and expect them to win every game every year. It’s just the way I roll. lol
Please let me know know when the learning begins. I have yet to see it.
yes that’s a good point.
I agree with most but the OSU game. OSU’s DL has been good but that is about it for them. Their secondary is average, IMO. Rudolph has been anywhere from inconsistant to bad at times. Their offense is a total mess and one dimensional in OU’s favor with no running game and a QB that doesn’t run much. They should have already lost 2 games. They gave up a ton of rushing yds to WVU and had trouble defending a WR at QB vs K State. They have just as many problems with the O-line as OU but are masking it better.
The only reason I would say K State is 50/50 is because it is in Manhattan.
TCU isn’t exactly blowing anyone away (except for Texas of course which OU couldn’t)
I still think 9-3 is realistic but 8-4/7-5 is as well.
I think the difference between this team being 10-2 and 8-4 is razor thin.
Does anyone have a link to Spielman’s comments re our offensive line tipping plays? I didn’t record the game and have not heard them.
SB Nation was all over it too.
unfortunately it was painfully obvious, outside leg was back to allow him a better angle to pass block
Isn’t this fairly typical? I’m no expert on offensive linemen, but I see that often in a lot of games. Or is obvious on obvious passing/running downs?
The better linemen have good enough footwork to were they can line up in a way that doesn’t necessarily give up the play type just by looking at his feet (e.g. our line last year).
I don’t have a link, but he showed two photos of St John in his stance- one with hi feet parallel to LOS, the other with his right foot back. The latter revealed that he was preparing to go into pass protection mode. St. John is such a big body that he struggles against the edge rush, and almost has to have a foot back to get up.
Here is something to think about for all who question Bob Stoops coaching ability he never has won a national championship with his own player’s the 2000 national championship was mostly John Blake’s kids just something to think about.
I don’t think that’s relevant.
What he can’t win or coach in the big game that’s not relevant?
Sometimes teams are just better than you. Consistency speaks volumes. From 200-2008 no coach was more consistent than Stoops.
You do realize that was 7 years ago right. 7 years.
That’s my point it’s not Bob stoops overall records it is current record over the last 7 years.
Sorry, that was aimed at rainy.
John Blake’s recruits, but Stoops developed players. The recruits don’t matter if they’re not coached properly (which under Blake they most certainly not).
He’s been to 3 NCs with his players. The only thing harder than getting there is winning them.
Yeah but he is the only coach in college football history to lose three straight national championships that is relevant it’s hard to forgive him for those three losses.
No one was beating that 2004 USC team, no matter what Auburn fans like to believe.
We’ve won 8 CCs and won all five BCS bowls in his tenure. I’d say he can be forgiven.
Yeah I know but 3 losses in the championship game is hard to forgive.
Such is life. I don’t fault Marvin Lewis for losing all those first round playoff games because the man pulled the Bengals out of the trash and it’s come down to his players not executing.
I’m willing to forgive the NC losses. Getting to those games is the second best thing you can do as a coach, and he’s done it just as much as anyone. Also, the LSU game was in New Orleans and the Florida game was in Miami. Basically home games for both of those teams.
It was stoops fault for using DeMarco Murray on that kick off against Missouri in that big12 championship game I do agree with you we would have probably beaten Florida if murray played.Wonder why stoops played Murray on that kickoff when we knew we were going to win the game.
My personal opinion is we crush them with Murray. Murray has proven to be a better player than Percy.
My point why did stoops use DeMarco Murray on that kickoff we would have still killed Missouri that night but stoops as is typical of him a bad coaching decision on his part cost us a national championship.
Same reasons a lot of other teams do the exact same thing? Never seen a team pull all of their good players out of a game as soon as they have it won.
Because the philosophy is that special teams can swing/win games. Best players need to be out there if you have that philosophy.
Not really.
Lost to LSU in New Orleans with an injured QB.
Lost to Florida in Miami with out our stud running back.
Imagine OU had won out this season and played Ohio State in Dallas, and Ezekiel Elliot couldn’t play. Big advantage OU, no?
And before you say it, those aren’t excuses. Just facts. OU without Murray in 2008 during the regular season isn’t playing in the NC game. So why would we be expected to win that game without him?
Plus they had home field advantage. Big big difference in the game.
YEP. Well stated.
Josh Heuple…Torrance Marshal, Derrick Strait…..all stoops guys…idiot
We don’t win without those guys
Yeah but 60 percent where john Blake kids the last time I did math that constituted as a majority.
Reaching for straws now…
No just desperate for another national championship I fell like it’s starting to get away from Bob stoops.
I want one or two also. When does it become the players not executing? Is it always the schemes?
I understand but at what point does Bob stoops become responsible in your opinion of the current state of the program just keep saying all the players.
Stoops also moved Blake’s players to different positions because Boo was trying to fit square pegs in round holes. Every coach inherits players, it’s what they do with them that’s important.
Dumb. Pete Carroll won with the previous coaches players.
But he also won with his own.
John Blake approves this message.
Not kidding…
He also took his own players to the dance three other times. I know they didn’t work out but he has the recruiting and coaching ability. You could also say Urban Meyer wins with other coaches recruits considering he never stays anywhere very long. In 16 seasons Stoops has had OU in the game 25% of the time…that is unheard of and is indicative of this program’s consistency and success. The question is, will Stoops recover like Switzer did after some down years or will he set up shop in mid-bowl purgatory with guys like Frank Beamer?
I have & always will support Coach Stoops. I can understand the frustrations on the defensive side, (the offense gets a pass this year with me due to new OC/QB Coach, two new WR coaches, new starting quarterback, new system, etc), especially when Parker came out & said they did not practice for the Horns’ version of the Belldozer.
I have stated on various Sooner media sites that this is Mike’s probationary season. I am hoping he can get it turned around. If not I can see Coach either demote him ir Mike will be “encouraged” to seek employment elsewhere, ( similar to when he interviewed for the LSU Defensive Coordinator job this past offseason). Currently North Texas & Maryland have openings, (& more are sure to come). He then can take his good friend Kish with him.
Coach Stoops can then hire one of Clancy Pendergast/Derek Mason, (speculation is Vanderbilt will fire him at season’s end), to replace Mike as Defensive Coordinator/Outside Linebackers Coach/Associate Head Coach. Finish off the staff by hiring one of Peter Sirmon /Bob Gregory/Chip Viney to replace Kish.
This way, Coach Stoops has improved his defensive staff with a proven coordinator that has had success against similar styled attacks in the PAC 12 & then would have replaced Kish with a proven great to elite recruiter. Both Mike & Kish get to move forward in their carrers without the stigma of being fired by their brother/good friend who is the head coach. Win-Win 🙂
Viney would be great to keep on staff (Secondary) but he doesn’t have experience teaching LBs.
True & that is what would hold him back as it would be “on the job training”. With USC firing their head coach, my first choice in Peter Sirmon becomes a real possibility. Here is his bio for those who want to know more:
Linebackers/Recruiting Coord./Assoc. Head Coach Def.
Peter Sirmon is in his second year (2014-15) at USC as the associate head coach defense, linebackers coach and recruiting coordinator. He joined the USC staff in December of 2013.
USC’s initial 2014 recruiting class ranked among the nation’s Top 10 (tops in the Pac-12) and the 2015 class was No. 1 nationally. Hayes Pullard was selected in the seventh round of the 2015 NFL draft. USC played in the 2014 Holiday Bowl.
He was Washington’s linebackers coach the previous 2 years (2012-13), as well as its recruiting coordinator in 2013. The Huskies played in the 2012 Las Vegas Bowl and 2013 Fight Hunger Bowl (he did not coach in the Fight Hunger Bowl).
Sirmon, 38, spent the 2011 season coaching the linebackers at Tennessee after serving as the Volunteer’s graduate assistant in 2010, working with the safeties as the team earned a berth in the Music City Bowl.
He was a graduate assistant at Oregon, his alma mater, in 2009, helping the Ducks to the Pac-12 championship and a Rose Bowl berth.
In 2008, he coached linebackers at Central Washington, helping lead the Wildcats to a trip to the NCAA Division II playoffs.
He was a linebacker with the Tennessee Titans for 7 seasons (2000-06). The Titans won 2 division championships and appeared in the NFL playoffs 3 times during his tenure.
He started at linebacker for 4 seasons (1996-99) at Oregon, leading the team in tackles in 1997 and 1999 and earning All-Pac-10 first team honors as a senior. He played in 3 bowl games (1997 Las Vegas, 1998 Aloha, 1999 Sun), plus the Senior Bowl.
Appreciate this post, and the previous one.
No problem. 🙂 Glad to help out.
Great info.
I will probably get roasted, but here goes… Watching Mayfield hold onto the ball and drop back, made me wonder if Knight would have been better with his speed. I know he throws some bad throws at times, but he is quicker and may have avoided the sacks..
Trevor running some option every now and again wouldn’t have been a bad idea, but a lot of the sacks seemed like Baker was trying to protect the ball at all costs.
Baker knows the knock on him is that he’s known as a gunslinger and is known to force things. He is trying to break the habit and is holding on too long.
I think Knight is faster, I don’t know if he is quicker. I think Mayfield moves around the pocket better than Knight, and it’s actually one of the reasons I think he won the job.
Knight is definitely the better runner… but I agree, Baker seems to be a better playmaker when the play breaks down. Big difference there.
Texas found success with 2 quarterbacks – playing to each of their strengths. That was bold.
QB is not the problem with this team. They choose the right QB
I agree. But the OC needed to have a safety valve… like they will need the rest of the season, more than likely.
the safety valve was screens and short passes. take what the defense is giving you. Use their aggressiveness against them.
There was Mixon on swing passes. Mayfield didn’t go to him once as far as I remember.
Yeah, so what was he thinking? Maybe they can address that this week.
I don’t know, maybe hoping to get a bigger play. I love Baker, but we have to accept that he has some Brett Favre in him. On the broadcast they reported that Favre is one of three people Baker said he’d like to have dinner with one day.
Have Favre as your idol is better than most.
Seems like whenever Mayfield started to slip behind the competition during Spring practice we heard he fixed his mistakes rather quickly. I think he is very coachable, which I expect will result in a rapid turnaround for him.
He was there, for sure.
It is one issue with this team. Baker doesn’t seem to read the blitz well. He doesn’t look for his safety valve (Mixon was open several times), preferring to run. 18 carries for -5 yards was the result.
Well, TK IS the last OU QB to beat UT … so there’s that, I guess. It’s not a bad idea, but it’s doubtful if TK’s play would have changed the outcome that much … they’re both mobile QBs, and so far, Baker has protected the ball better this year than TK did last year. Also, TK had a better OL then than Baker does this year.
Playing the If, and, or, but game has no value. Mayfield has been ducking rushers for 5 games now. It should be clear that the OL is what is the concern not the QB.
Agree with this but I think Mayfield made some poor pre-snap reads and held the ball too long on a few occasions (you know, the few occasions he actually had more than 1.3 seconds in the pocket).
No excuse beat K ST.
Time to fire the SOB