Bob Stoops Weekly Presser (ISU/KU)
By: Jordan Esco - Editor & Contributor
Posted on: November 2, 2015
Image via NewsOK
It’s Monday which means Bob Stoops will be holding his weekly press conference. And with it, we’ll be here to recap things as they happen. So feel free to follow along live or come back and get caught up later in the day.
Either way, we’ll be here for ya.
Baker looks pissed!
That’s his, I’m paying attention to you, look.
Or his “I could have been having an early lunch with a beautiful blond instead of talking to you jacktards” look.
here we go
Stoops – Anytime you can put up 700 yards and not punt the whole day, you are executing on a high level.
Baker Mayfield & Sterling Shepard were off. PotG
Charles Tapper & Dom Alexander on def.
Stoops – Iowa State is a team w/ a lot of life.
And if not for a miscue and bad call, they beat Iowa.
And Toledo.
Yep, in double OT… But they also lost to Tech
Amazing. TCU, BU, Iowa all top 10, undefeated teams, plus undefeated Toledo, also in top 25.
Some ole, same ole’ from Bob…have to keep working to improve every week.
Stoops is pleased w/ the play of the offense.
Stoops compliments the younger guys who got in the game against KU.
that Alvarez one sucks, I think. I was hopeful when he was back on the sidelines, without seeming to have trouble, but if he’s not back for Iowa State, that makes me nervous about him, going forward
Same OUwade from the Scout site? Hope life’s treating you and your family well.
Drop me an e-mail sometime ([email protected]).
No surprise there.
Isnt this always the case every week though? My bet is they rest Bond again this week, maybe Evans too.
Didn’t get a chance to watch Jordan, does “other injured players” include both Jordan Evans and Bond? Feel like we’ve been hearing they were close for a while
Yes, but as you said we’ve heard the same from Stoops previously only for them not to play so….
A very good point. Thanks!
Ankle injuries are a day to day or week to week situation. It’s never clear cut so I’m giving Bob some wiggle room.
“probably doubtful” is probably better than just plain ole’ “doubtful,” but again, that could be doubtful too.
Stoops says it’s easy for people who aren’t standing back there in the pocket to second guess some of the decisions Baker Mayfield is making w/ regards to extending plays vs. taking a loss/negative yards.
Isn’t that the truth.
Hey – my armchair helps me make the correct decision every time!
This just in: Bob likes working for Boren & Castiglione. Thank goodness the media (Al Eschbach) re-addressed this issue.
Al hasn’t had an original thought or comment in years.
Considerable understatement 😉
Since birth you mean. He’s not exactly a towering intellect.
Not sure how he still has credentials. Dude has never taken journalism seriously.
Yet he is a journalism professor at OU.
OU should be embarrassed by that!!
Actually Al was sports editor of the OU student paper for a couple of years and, once upon a time, was a talented sports writer for the Oklahoma Journal ….
And your point? I was a young buck with 6 pack abs and 4.4 forty at one time too, doesn’t do me much good these days.
my point—-which you just made—is time changes people and circumstances. AE was once a good journalist…..He is a caricature now…….
Has always reminded me of the troll under the bridge in Billy Goat’s Gruff
In fairness, Ecshbach asked Bob about being the longest tenured coach in Division 1 and Bob elaborated. I know that doesn’t fit the narrative.
Al’s a gross old pervert. Anyone else ever wonder why he takes all these trips to SE Asia?
Now, now, there are many reasons to make trips to SE Asia. Only 78.16% of them have to do with louche self indulgence of a type that would bring a blush to Anais Nin’s outraged cheeks.
Good God I love that part of the world.
What’s in Southeast Asia?
Southeast Asians.
Lmao! That is what I thought!
Another shocker, Stoops isn’t concerned where OU will be ranked in tomorrow’s CFP rankings.
Stoops talking about how ISU RB Mike Warren was very high on their board, but already had Perine committed & felt good about their chances w/ Mixon.
and that’s a wrap. Wow, less than 15 minutes today.
Can’t believe no one asked him about the World Series. 🙂
Anyone ask him about Yoda mask?
Nope. I was hoping he would wear it for the presser.
Me too! LOL
Quickest press conference ever
Knocking those softballs out of the park would get boring after a while.
When you’re winning, no one has any questions. Ha!
Anyone have a link for the KU game online yet?
Thanks. I didn’t see it earlier when I looked.
I never get to be in the office while the presser is going on. today, I took a quick phone call while I was listening to it. I put my earbuds back in, and the thing is over.
What players were on CBS show with Dean-o last nite?
Andrews and Shannon on the Coaches show if that’s what you meant.
Thx. Glad you could decipher me! How’d Andrews do ? Younger guys usually nervous…
Did well, very mature and confident.
Nice for BS to show Shannon a little love.
Just a little tidbit on Mayfield’s play so far:
That’s telling.
Bradford had negative yardage, but was sacked a LOT less than Mayfield.
Bradford had a better line blocking for him.
Well, yeah.
I was trying to be 100% captain obvious. 🙂
FWIW, Bradford’s 2008 season was the third best QBR season behind Russell Wilson and Andrew Luck
I don’t know why that is so small, but Bradford had a much better QBR for the season than Mayfield has had to this point
My bifocals do not like that image. LOL!
That must be ESPN’s version of QBR, because the standard version baker(185.24) is ahead of sam’s 08 season. (180.84)
yours is the one I saw the other day somewhere.
bradford’s 08 season is actually down to 12th in single season all time QBR rankings.
hes still 1st overall for a career
Info that is made even more remarkable when comparing the OL that the two QBs played behind.
said the same thing to my cousin and son when I saw this. also, bm doesn’t have gresham. But, I do think OU will start playing andrews more from here on out. i think andrews is going to help take this O to another level
That confirms it ….. Baker is pretty good!
I didn’t get to watch but I am sure that Carey looked detestably fat today.
Baker Mayfield sucks against teams in Power 5 they said, he makes tons of mistakes they said.
Who’s they?
People that range from analysts to the salty tech fans.
@ChanseSylvie: Officially a #BoomerSooner ! ?⚪️
@OU_CoachStoops: Please help welcome @ChanseSylvie officially to the Sooner Family! #OUDNA #Sooners16
@OU_CoachStoops: Please help welcome @ChanseSylvie officially to the Sooner Family! #OUDNA #Sooners16
does this mean he’s coming in in January?
Yessir, but he had already announced before the season started that he would be here in January.
Any visits scheduled for this weekend?
Driving down Lindsey.
Who is that?
Coach Stoops.
I was thinking Bud W…but now that I look at it closer, it does look like Big Game Bob.
The visor gives it away.
Bud, Barry and Bennie already have statues, so must be Bob.
I didn’t think it looked like a visor, but obviously it is.
Hope he wasn’t serious about not wanting a statue of himself on campus while he was still there.
He may not have a choice in the matter. 🙂
I don’t care about any statues, but I sure would like to see him add some more fancy rings to his collection.
I’m thinking a matched set of five or so of these would look nice:
That would do nicely.
would certainly look great in the revamped Switzer Center sometime in the near future………….
It will be alongside the other 3 coaching statues, where ever they end up. Hopefully, in front of the new entrance.
@jasonkersey: Joe Castiglione statement on the Bob Stoops statue spotted in Norman today
Bob had expressed his wishes, idiots should have used a tarp. Hope they didn’t get paid.
Dang, they stepped in it good.
Yep……major malfunction.
Well…that cat is out of the bag….smh.
Perhaps once Bob puts two and two together and recognizes the connection between blowouts and short pressers….:-)
— ot……..corncobs getting restless
Since they joined the B1G, they have become just a mediocre team at best. Yes, they might be getting more revenue sharing than they were getting in the Big XII, but look what it has done to their football program. I have seen them boo’d at home twice this year and I just chuckled. Karma sure knows how to come back and bite you!
@MochanTheMan2: ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Afraid of competition, it would appear. Not a big loss IMO.
Remind me again who this is and what position?
Judo Safety. Sorry it took so long. Went to bed early last night.
I only now found out there was a thread on the young man.