Bob Stoops Weekly Presser | Clemson / CFB Playoff
By: Jordan Esco - Editor & Contributor
Posted on: December 16, 2015
Image via NewsOK
For really the first time since the Bedlam game, Bob Stoops is expected to meet with the media Wednesday afternoon. And with that, we’ll be here to recap things for you as they happen. So feel free to follow along live or come back and get caught up later in the day.
Stoops says the team will start Clemson prep on Saturday
Doesn’t take Stoops very long to speak highly of the Clemson D & Brent Venables
Boys, Girls, and Toylanders alike, we have only 15 Days Till the Orange Bowl.
The gameplan thus far: Win by 40 and stay healthy.
Wonder if he will comment on Thomas’ situation. says I need to be a member….never had this issue before
same, evidently they’re a little rusty w/ the lay off
Nice first ?, he literally just said that.
Who looks past a Playoff game?!
Stevie Wonder……………?
Stoops says Marcus Green was “removed” from the team earlier in the week.
Also reserve OL Alex Dalton tore his ACL.
Daniel Brooks, Gabriel Campbell & Prentice McKinney have grade issues and won’t make the trip for the bowl game.
I hate this for all the guys but especially Daniel Brooks…I like that kid
I never feel bad for guys with grade issues. He’s a likable kid, but he did this to himself, they all did.
so that’s two guys (Green and Brooks) who are on the kickoff coverage, who we need to replace. Not that it’s a big time position, but it would be nice to have all the guys out there who have been a part of that unit.
stinks for Dalton. This would have been his time to really get some solid reps going into next season, where I think he has a really good shot at a starting position.
I concur really bad break for Dalton and potentially to Sooners but with the way injuries have gone this year (mimimal to none like in 2000) we had to know it was going to end soon.
Stoops says there is nothing to talk about re: Jordan Thomas.
Shut that down real quick like.
Stoops says there was no reason to put any restrictions on Trevor Knight transferring.
Stoops says Cody Thomas was the No. 2 QB for the Bedlam game and expects that will also be the case for Clemson.
Stoops says the biggest difference w/ Clemson this year compared to last is the QB run game.
That is one reason I was glad OU got to tune up for this game by facing JW Walsh. He is the dual threat that Mason Rudolph could never be. We needed an example of that kind of QB before the Playoffs, especially since we ended up drawing Clemson.
Love SSTV but never understand why getting this steam up correctly seems to always be an issue.
Sounds like they put Hoover in the back of the room, probably smart 🙂
Stoops says this is one of the better defenses they’ve had and comments that they’re not losing many of them.
Which I fully expect all of you to interpret as Sanchez returning 😉
Ok, we will allow that. 🙂
Stoops says he was really glad he waited for the right one and didn’t just jump at the first one that was offered.
What jobs do we know he was offered? ECU? He wasn’t offered the SC job.
We already know Riley had interest from, at least, two schools (South Carolina and ECU). We can’t know if anyone at a smaller school offered and he just put the kibosh on it before it became a story.
We also can’t know if he was offered one of those jobs and he turned them down, privately.
Stoops implies this is as well as his staff have worked together in his 17 years.
It has shown on the field! Both sides of the ball, special teams as well, they have all worked together well this year.
soooo, what I’m hearing is that someone at Will Rogers needs to make sure that we’re delayed at the airport at least once a year
What makes you think Bobby didn’t arrange that?
And… EARLY in the season…
Jeezus, we’re still asking about the SAE stuff? You couldn’t come up w/ anything better to ask in the two plus weeks we’ve all had off?
What the…………….?
Everybody loves Ty. Got it.Thank goodness we covered that unearthed and never previously addressed gem, local media.
Look for a Jake Trotter story later in the week about Mike Stoops’ redemption, based on this continued line of questioning.
This just in: Stoops doesn’t care about stats (until it’s time for him to reference stats in OU’s favor), simply the final score.
That’s Coachspeak for ya.
lulz, Hale fail
The Tony Jefferson deal?
Stoops says those OU players who were considering leaving early submitted for the draft grades the day after Bedlam.
didnt mention names?
nope, just said “juniors”
I’m assuming RS sophomores too. Charles Walker plz dont go
Certainly possible
He hasn’t shown enough.
fwiw, I would imagine most, if not all, of them at least submit for a grade. if for no other reason just to see where they’re at.
I would. Do the grades come back with just numbers or are there also comments on them, like areas they need to improve?
Can’t tell if Mayfield is just that good or Defense has gotten worse…
well they can’t hit him, so it’s much easier to make those kind of plays in practice.
He’s seems to do it with great regularity in live action as well.
ha, very true
The 50 defensive players Mayfield made look like punks over the course of this season should be a clue.
Again, great question. Because if there’s one thing Stoops has never addressed during his 17 years in Norman, it’s his relationship with Joe C & David Boren.
Gripping journalism
Don’t you mean griping? LOL…just kidding Jordan. I love your break down. I don’t care to listen to the whole thing.
i’m not sure why i bother reading your live blogging of these pressers. it ends up being about 20% you conveying relevant information and 80% you whining about the questions being asked.
what types of questions would you be asking bob if you were in the room?
why even write this, just leave the page if you don’t like it
i love this page. i’m genuinely curious as to what kinds of questions he would ask. don’t get your panties in a wad.
You’re doing the wadding and the whining.
Hey, he’s doing us a big service here by summarizing the press conference. Give him a break!
You should ask Jordan for a refund.,d.dmo&psig=AFQjCNEWwGzez8Rf7Ykl93IiWfwBSSzSlQ&ust=1450385311858213
Word. Would love to see Jordan come up with a list of acceptable questions every week. There is only so much you can talk about. Is it a little silly to ask the same questions? Sure. But the other option is to not have a presser.
Hey, we just deal with it. It wouldn’t be a Stoops pressed if Jordan’s not complaining about how ignorant everyone is that covers OU football.
Got relatives in the media perhaps…………..?
Really- what IS your beef? Whom are you being defensive for here? Bob? The press? I don’t get it- the locals do lob up softballs continually (with the exception of Hoover of course.)
Hale, is that you?
Stoops on recruiting: “All of a sudden now they’re calling you.”
They better not be now that we’re in the dead period.
Cant they still contact us…just not the other way around
Yep. Recruits can initiate contact. Also he may be talking about the 2017 recruits who have to initiate contact, I’m not sure when coaches can call 2017 recruits first.
They can call. The coaches can’t
ha, that’s actually pretty funny. Lucky for him, he does it after wins.
So, he has only missed 1 hug this season. That puts everything in proper perspective.
Hugs are, in general, a good thing. But I bet Orlando can really put the crush on someone!
Just as Oakdoofus at Baylor!
At this point just waiting to ask what Stoops is planning to have for lunch today.
He’ll probably will have a chicken salad sandwich and a bag of cool ranch doritos
I’m in the UK right now, that sounds so good and I can’t have it. I hate you.
“Bob, what do you think about ________?”
You could put literally anything in that blank at this point in the presser and it wouldn’t surprise me. They must have had a betting pool on whether or not they could keep Stoops here for a full hour today.
Kate Beckinsale?
Ill answer that for Bob..crap I just sounded like Mack…women are my weakness
Great question.
People talk about he is guy’s guy. I’d love to hear him answer that one.
What could he say that we don’t already know? Ok, she’s kinda hot… Nice legs… I’ll stop there.
talking chicks is a fun thing to do
Unless my wife is around. Although I used to love to go to the pool with her and the kids because she would always point out the REALLY hot chicks and say, look at that… Of course me being a nice husband, I would check it out! 🙂
You sir are a gentleman. Always listening to your wife is amazing.
Keeps me sleeping in the house and not in the doghouse. LOL
That’s a life win.
Plus, I happen to really like my wife. We are a perfect match for each other. 🙂
Good, that’s the only way it works out.
Yes sir!
I’m all for harmonious matrimony, but just ’cause you’re on a diet doesnt mean you can’t look at the menu. Lol. Of course, i can say that because i am delightfully single!
LOL! Well for married guys I say it’s ok to look at the menu as long as you do not order!
My all-time favorite quote about marriage: “My wife made my life hell. Then she left me and made it worse.”
Hell yeah! The old, “I can’t believe she’s wearing a bikini that small” conversation. I love sunglasses.
EXACTLY! See, I am not alone in this. LOL And it gave me a reason for staring!
She also doesn’t care if I look at other chicks. She says, “Go ahead. I know who you’re going home with.”
That is what my wife says.
Kinda? Kinda? Totally disagree with you on this one. She melts my butter.
Oh hell yes.
The correct response to that one is, “All. The. Time.”
They could asked him the different ways to cook shrimp
boiled shrimp,…ugh nvm 😉
Now now, we have had this discussion… LOL
Probably will come up again if OU beats Clemson and plays Bama.
LOL! You are probably right!
I refuse to do the list again!
LOL Brien!
Since you asked!!!!
Anyway, like I was sayin’, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. Dey’s uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that’s about it.
Happy to help! 🙂
Now get your A$$ off the floor before someone thinks your crazy!
Well, I own the company. Only person who could complain is my wife and she is off this afternoon. So no one saw it! It did not happen!
Only in TFB land!
And thats all ya gotta say Bubba?
That’s the second time you left out étouffée. You anti-Creole or sumpin’?
Etouffe is normally made with crawfish, not shrimp.
Maybe that’s why he left it out.
And we’re done, finally.
Always get a kick out of your take on these pointless things.
One of few, I’m sure 🙂
LOL, some of these guys would find a reason to complain about winning the lottery. Keep up the good work.
Was Carey there? He’s fat.
Glad you pointed that out; we didn’t know.