Bob Stoops Weekly Presser (BU/ISU)
By: Jordan Esco - Editor & Contributor
Posted on: November 9, 2015
Image via NewsOK
It’s Monday which means Bob Stoops will be holding his weekly press conference. And with it, we’ll be here to recap things as they happen. So feel free to follow along live or come back and get caught up later in the day.
Either way, we’ll be here for ya.
“These days we’re feeling like we can run pretty well on anyone.” – Perine
“I guarantee they (Baylor) will get our best shot.” – Darlington
That’s exactly it. Sooners have potentially 5 more games, everything we want is in front of us.
Hmmm. If that is a direct quote, I just don’t follow why smart young men don’t like to use correct grammar anymore. I don’t have to read the correct verb, but it is much easier to grasp the meaning.
no kidding.
Cuz grammer dont count for nothin when your talkin bout football
Seriously though, I understand it’s just a press conference but that’s just how it is in football. Especially in the areas where it is done right. Football is chuck full of southern fried sayings and frontier charm.
odd look for a Monday, Stoops not rocking any OU gear today.
He did that last year once, and I wondered wth?
here we go
Did he say someone dislocated something?
I had my volume down, didn’t hear it if he did
I heard it too…but not sure who he was talking about. Dislocated elbow.
I’d all but guarantee “your injuries” will be an Eschbach ? here shortly
It was Stoops son.
Yeah. Al asked him about someone and he said dislocated elbow and out for the year but no clue who he’s talking about. Maybe the drum major or something.
I follow a couple Oklahoma HS Sportswriters on Twitter and one of them mentioned his son was injured Friday night. Even mentioned Coach Stoops coming down on the field.
I saw that too on twitter. I hope his son heals quickly.
@BradyVardeman: Just spotted WR Dahu Green on campus in a boot and on crutches. #Sooners
There was a single shot on t.v for like two seconds of him getting up very slowly.
Stoops was overall really pleased w/ the team’s play against Iowa State
Stoops says Ty Darlington was the player of the game on offense.
Defense were: J.Thomas, J.Evans, C.Tapper, C.Walker
usually don’t put a lot of stock in this because it’s a team sport anyway but I don’t think Jordan Thomas should have gotten it over Dakota Austin
Austin has filled in superbly for Sanchez. JMO
Im surprised. From what I could see I thought Jordan Thomas did not have a particularly good game.
I agree with you.
Just listened to the press conference (yeah, I’m a bit slow)…I think he said A. Thomas, not J. Thomas, was one of the defensive players of the game.
Stoops quickly moves on to Baylor, rattling off a number of their impressive statistics, both offensively and defensively.
Hale Fail
Dean-o will not be denied, don’t you dare try to speak over him!
Someone please ask what the hell that is when we trot out the punt/punt return team?
BREAKING: “You’re not going to beat Baylor scoring 13 points, that’s not going to do it.” – Bob Stoops
Only if you hold them to 12. :-0
Funny. But in 2013 with Bell/Knight and last year, I felt we were offensively challenged.
Didn’t help having limited receiver options and an injured Shep for all or part of the game both years.
99 out of 100 for Bob’s coach-speak
True, but pretty dumb question to begin with, IMO.
I agree Jordan – I was actually applauding Stoops for that kind of answer because that is all one can do with that question.
Reaffirming what he said last Saturday following the game.
Trotter: You’ve never lost to a Big 12 opponent three years in a row. Does that add any important to this game?
Stoops: No.
All games are important. LOL
Stoops continues to put their struggles on KO returns on their blocking, or lack there of.
That intrigues me. Later when things are slow, could someone compare last year’s blocking group (names) to this year’s?
Last year : Ripkowski
This Year : No Ripkowski
He would make a difference – I would like to see all as a comparison.
The human wedge.
Special teams takes a certain mindset, we don’t put an emphasis on PR or KR. Just on KO and Punts.
Then why were KO returns so good last year?
2014: Austin Bennett, Rashod Favors, Ripkowski, Jordan Smallwood, Londell Taylor, Aaron Franklin, Dimitri Flowers, Ahmad Thomas, Connor Knight, Neal, and Ross
I looked at the first return of the season, but it looks like it’s changed so much since then, so I had to try to find some against Tech for the most recent list.
2015: PL Lindley, Neal, Ross, Carson Meier, Quick, Matt Dimon, PJ Mbanasor, Jaxon Uhles, Tay Evans, Frank Shannon, and Connor Knight
(others that I’ve seen out there: Flowers, DJ Ward, Curtis Bolton before he got hurt, Daniel Brooks before he got hurt, Smallwood a little recently, Jordan Evans)
I heard an interview with Boulware who commented on losing Bennet, Favors, Franklin, Smallwood, and Ripkowski from the return team were the reason for our inconsistencies. Said most of those guys had been doing that for at least a year.
Thanks! I appreciate the contrasting lists. Losing five of the nine blockers is significant. We still seem to cover well, but in the return there just aren’t as many holes as last year.
Its simple don’t let them score and there wont be any kickoff’s.
It sure looks like blocking is terrible on KOR…yet Ross seems to be majorly indecisive.
I noticed that as well as my wife. Seemed like he was second guessing his lane.
It’s almost hard to watch. He just jogs out to contact and falls down.
It is very, very hard after what he has done in the past.
How often do you and Esco have lunch?
Agreed and Ross just looks kind of defeated mentally. It feels and looks like his position on the RB depth chart has just really deflated him.
Too bad. Suck it up. Damian Williams didn’t start at times and is in the NFL.
No questions Ross is not getting the minutes he was getting last year because of the presence of Mixon. But Alex is not doing as bad with his opportunities as many here note. For the season he is averaging 5.8 y/c same as Samaje, behind Mixon’s 6.7 and ahead of Brooks 5.6.
Sometimes the error is in the eye of the beholder.
Never said he was doing bad at RB said he doesn’t look as engaged in the return game. His numbers at RB are good because they have come against teams that are terrible and we are beating them by 30.
“against teams that are terrible and we are beating them by 30.” I don’t think that has anything to do with it. His numbers were even better last year when he was one of the three main backs. The problems with the returns are that he knows where the hole should be and it’s just not there–or anywhere else for that matter.
He has the vision of Ray Charles. That’s why he didn’t work out at rb. Shoot him out of a cannon with nobody in front of him, then great, but if there is one person in his path, he’ll run smack dab into them.
He didn’t work out at running back because there are two better backs on the team. Your gonna have to look long and hard to find someone who will beat out Perine or Mixon for a starting spot. Brooks is a different issue, but that depends upon Boulware’s judgement which may or may not be the best on that. Gundy might call it differently.
I think those are rehearsed plays, and he knows where the hole is supposed to be. He looks indecisive cause there’s not much he can do when the hole or (option for hole if it’s dependent at all on the kickoff team’s approach) isn’t there, and the blocking breaks down.
Stoops declines to comment on the Jeff Lebby suspension situation Baylor will be dealing w/ for the first half on Saturday.
Carey looks grotesquely fat today.
And there it is.
This post is never complete until we get it, lol.
This (or a reference to this) needs to be a sign on Gameday….along with a picture of Voldemort.
What’s Voldemort?
Harry Potter villain
You are hilarious.
Blevins LOVES him some ‘talk about’ questions
Look for the angles in the papers this week to be Baylor not being the Baylor of old, b/c that’s breaking type news and certainly not something that’s been the case for several years now but rather a brand new development.
Oh, well that and OU losing the last two years the way they have. Because everyone needed to be reminded of that as though they weren’t already aware.
We lost to Baylor?/s
We “don’t need no stinkin'” papers to tell us – we have Steph Dale for that.
“wish you’d stop being so good to me cap’n”
Bob please tell us your gameplan….be specific.
And give us all the hand signals so we can play along at home….
Sarcasm? Why? Baylor was at our game and what they’re not listening/watching? C’mon now. Besides we know what it is defensively. 1. Stop the run. 2. Give room at the LOS to the WRs, but tackle well in space, limiting YAC. Make them drive the length of the field. The offense needs to score and keep the pressure on Baylor.
score more points
Stoops says it’s not for him to say whether or not Mayfield s/b getting more attention for the Heisman, but does admit these next three games will play a big role in that possibly being the case.
really starting to drag here…
And Hoover will be manufacturing, er, writing a story on the coaches trusting Mayfield more than previous QBs and allowing him to change plays at the line.
Probably ignoring the fact that the new system is designed that way.
Some people never let facts get in the way of an agenda, whoops, a good story.×350/185c2993af677842ae94e5dda12f0e6e/t/h/this_is_file_name_2899.jpg
i won’t be reading it. I don’t reward him or stephen dale–I skip over both their writings
About the only thing we ever get in these PCs are an occasional injury tidbit. The rest of the responses you can pretty much use a “fill in the blank” for the team
pretty much
And yet we keep coming back for more. 🙂
What else is there to do on a Monday? lol
Doesn’t make much sense, does it.
Would love to here someone ask about the pressure on Mike Stoops for this game and the defenses preparation and Dakota Austin getting a more involved role like Will Johnson. But I usually have to settle for injury updates and if Bob thinks the upcoming game is a tough one…
OKC media, they’re fannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntastic!
Yes, but you can do the same with the questions – and pretty much who is asking.
Did Stoops really need to be asked if Sanchez was back healthy whether or not he’d start?
Spoiler Alert: He will, per Stoops.
Glad to have him back but in truth, I was more concerned about Alverez
didn’t they say that he could have re-enterd the game if they’d needed him when it happened? I’d say if that is true, n/playing saturday was to rest him a little bit more. last week i remember stoops saying (I think) he could have played and was “probably” probable or something like that, so he should be fine i’d think. maybe k123 will be able to tell us
He wasn’t dressed out for the Iowa state game. Fwiw
In light of the way Austin has been playing, I thought it was a very good question and one that needed to asked. In fact, it’s a question that many of the posters on here have been asking for weeks. However, not surprised you thought it, and virtually every other question was dumb.
Austin has covered well enough, and has been the best Corner in tackling in space. Why shouldn’t he start? I mean, Sanchez will be needed too. Sanchez, Johnson, Parker, J Thomas, and Austin in cover.
the only thing i’d worry about is that you’d be asking one of them to play a different position. what has made us better this year is that dbs know their assignments. sanchez and austin play the same position. i’d be scared for them to move to another position. I love johnson playing the nickel b/c parker plays the safety and it makes us much better, imo.
there have been very few busts this season. that’s the key to stopping bu.
Sure would like to know who dislocated an elbow. Wonder if it was one of his kids since it didn’t come up in front of the mic?
Stoops son. I went back and listened to it.
annnnnnnnnnnd, that’s a wrap
You know these things always start decent, but then tails off into some weird directions once they get done talking about the previous game.
Thanks for putting this together every week.
I wouldn’t be able to see it any other way.
Work comp blocks all sites except TFB and staples
Thanks Jordan!
So let’s review:
1. We beat ISU and we are good
2. We play Baylor this weekend
3. They are good
Spot on.
4. Carey’s fat
I love the way we’re playing right now. I am much more confident going into the game Saturday than I have been the past couple of years…for reasons on both sides of the ball. That being said, I do realize that my reason for excitement is based on what we’ve done vs the 4 worst teams in our conference…and one of those was a loss on a neutral field. So I’m cautiously optimistic 🙂
Someone needs to create a TFB Bob Stoops Presser Bingo Game.
By the question or by the reporter? Eschbach has to be the middle “free square” since it’s too hard to understand him even if he asks something about current OU football instead of a story from 1978.
Either one will work. They always ask the same questions that he answers in the same way.
Or drinking game
Samaje Perine has to be at least 28.
I’d like to average that many yards a carry this coming Saturday night! 🙂
I wonder if he was in the womb longer than the rest of us, and he matured faster.. Like, 2-3 years extra?
C’mon, man. Go big or go home. Make it 100 yards per carry.
What? No Sugar Bowl/’Bama reference, again? I consider that progress.
Really surprised no one brought back up the subject of the Baylor ASSistant on the sidelines during the Tulsa game… No questions about this, really? And yet they usually love this type of backstory. huh.
I believe that’s what the talk about a half-game suspension was about, though I didn’t catch the name that was mentioned. Stoops said he didn’t want to talk about it.
Oh so they did try. I must not have caught it.. Thanks.
no kidding. i had forgotten all about it. surprised though too
They brought up during the press conference. But didn’t want to talk about it.
the way I see it–the playoffs start Sat–Saturday begins a 5 game playoff to another NC–1st round of districts of whatever you want to call it:
Road to NC: baylor, tcu, osu, sem-game, NC game. Nothing could be more exciting
Just hope Mike stoops doesn’t try to get cute this week and role out a whole new defensive scheme in Waco like he did against West Virginia a few seasons back.
Any new news on Rodney Anderson? He got hurt early this season and haven’t heard anything since.
He’s more than likely done for the year so he can apply for a medical redshirt.