Some Thoughts On OU @ TCU

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I’ll  warn you right now if you’re expecting what is to follow to ‘focus on the positives’ because OU managed to survive in Fort Worth, then just stop reading.

* As the game clock struck 0:00, I told my father that was one of the least meaningful wins in program history. And I stand by it now, however many hours after the fact.

I know that makes me the negative a-hole yet again who would rather bitch about things than simply enjoy a win. But if you came out of that game feeling any better about really any aspect of this OU team than you felt going in, then I guess we’re probably just never going to agree on anything.

I can’t lie, down 21-7 I thought things were about to get really, really ugly. So in that respect, credit this OU team for bouncing back and playing BY FAR the best 15 minutes of football they’ve played all season in that second quarter. Unfortunately, that fourth quarter was also one of their worst.

You will, if you haven’t already, see/hear/read some people try to spin this as a “good win.” With all due respect, those people are clowns.

Yes, I suppose a win is a win on some level. But that was the living embodiment of a moral victory as far as I’m concerned. TCU is not a good football team and clearly neither is OU. So if you want to celebrate this win, who am I to tell you not to do so.

You do you. I’ll simply continue to hold this program to a higher standard.

* As we’ve seen for years now, in my opinion, this is an OU coaching staff that continually takes on the mentality of their leader. Meaning they routinely coach games “not to lose” rather than stepping on the f’ing throats of their opponent when given the opportunity to do so.

With four or so minutes to go in the third quarter, OU essentially went into a prevent defense AND offense. It was truly something to behold.

* Whether you (or anyone) believe me or not, I take no pleasure in calling for someone’s job. But simply put, Mike has to go.

If this were a one or two game occurrence, maybe excuses could be made (and lord knows both he and his brother have become masters at doing just that). But this 2016 OU defense looks as lost as any of recent memory and, frankly, it has become embarrassing.

This isn’t about ‘a normal person not being able to understand’ or Big 12 offenses. It’s about playing sh*tty defense. And at some point, last name or no, somebody has to be held accountable for that.

* The Big 12 is straight garbage, thus winning this league cannot be considered much of an accomplishment.

* Where in the F were the wide receivers not named Dede Westbrook?!? Especially my boy, AD Miller. I thought coming off that Ohio State game he was really poised to break out. Then Saturday night happened and best I can remember he was only even looked at the one time and “dropped” his one chance at a catch.

The whole ‘we’re really going to feature Mark Andrews in the offense’ looks to be more b.s. lip-service from Lincoln Riley & co. once again. How they can’t exploit the obvious mismatch that guy is I’ll never freaking understand. I would like to acknowledge Andrews’ exceptional game as a blocker, though. As on more than one occasion, he provided one of, if not the key blocks to spring a big play.

* Joe Mixon and Samaje Perine combining for 33 carries, 203 yards & 3 TDs is fantastic, and yet I still came away from the game feeling like they didn’t get enough touches. Although to be fair, Mixon’s 5 catches for 70 yards were certainly a welcome addition to the pass game.

* It’s unfathomable to me, four games and five weeks into this 2016 season, just how putrid this OU secondary has proved to be. To think coming into the season they were thought to be the strength of this defense is equally as uncanny.

And why they keep trotting out the same couple of guys only to watch them get torched over and over again is f’ing beyond me. WTF is the harm in trying someone like PJ Mbanasor and/or Jordan Parker at this point???

Because you don’t trust them, as we always here the OU brain trust use as an excuse as to why certain guys can’t get on the field. Because Dakota Austin and Michiah Quick have done so much to earn your freaking trust???

At this point I don’t care who they roll out there just so long as it’s someone other than Austin and/or Quick.

* OU burned four(!!!) of their six timeouts in this game with their defense on the field. This has been an issue for YEARS under Stoops. At what point are people with a loud enough voice going to call this out for the complete and utter joke that it is.

What’s even more laughable is that in most instances they, in theory, call a timeout to avoid giving up a play, then almost always, even after having wasted called said timeout, they still give up that play.

* I’d like to hear from the people who were trashing Ogbonnia Okoronkwo those first couple weeks of the season. Not so vocal now, are we? This guy is clearly one of the few playmakers this OU defense even has.

* Wasn’t ever really called on in a big spot, but for what was asked of him I thought Austin Seibert looked pretty good. Especially considering how bad a game he had two weeks ago. Baby steps, I suppose.