Image via CBS Sports
In an act of utter stupidity and shortsightedness, the Big 12 Conference failed to pass a rule proposal that would have allowed transferring walk-on athletes to avoid losing a year of eligibility, or what was commonly being referred to as the ‘Baker Mayfield rule.’
"Baker Mayfield Rule" fails by lack of majority. Vote was 5-5. Not on future agenda.
— David Ubben (@davidubben) June 1, 2016
Vote was 5-5. Needed 6-4 to pass.
— Jake Trotter (@Jake_Trotter) June 1, 2016
As it now stands, this coming 2016 season will be Mayfield’s last in Norman. However as has been detailed over the past week, Mayfield could leave and play immediately in 2017 for any other school outside the Big 12.
Solid work keeping what’s best for the student-athletes a priority, morons.
– UPDATE: Statements on the matter from both Baker Mayfield & Bob Stoops.
— Baker Mayfield (@bakermayfield) June 2, 2016
— Baker Mayfield (@bakermayfield) June 2, 2016
Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops very disappointed with Big 12 vote regarding Baker Mayfield. pic.twitter.com/S0yZTQpcMP
— Ralph D. Russo (@ralphDrussoAP) June 2, 2016
– UPDATE (Thur., 2:39 pm): This thing may still have some life after all, because Big 12 gonna Big 12, apparently.
Breaking: Big 12 reconsidering rule change it voted down regarding walk-on transfers. New language being discussed: https://t.co/u7mcCFaZjt
— Jake Trotter (@Jake_Trotter) June 2, 2016
I would like to know how the votes were cast
In terms of what schools voted which way?
Yeah, we’ll never know that, unfortunately.
It’ll get out, sooner or later. I suspect it’s the Texas schools plus one.
Probably OSU along with the Texas schools would be my guess
Yeah that’s what I was hoping to find out
2 points. 1. Baylor should have no vote on anything. 2. A lack of Transparency is a sure fire way to lose credibility and start the implosion of the Big XII.
Pure guess, I am assuming they based the vote purely on Mayfield and not wanting to play him again
I would guess the Texas schools voted against.
Wow. Big 12 really focuses on the students so well /s
Big XII -2 is rucking fidiculous
The Boz had it right when he wore that NCAA shirt at the Orange Bowl. I hope coach dingleberry gets both legs broken on the side line.
Burn this crap conference down. If I were Boren I would walk to the table grab the mic and say “SEC here we come.” Drop mic and walk off with a big smile.
No kidding . If that wasn’t a big FU OU I don’t know what is.
that’s just it….Boren won’t take the step to move OU. He is afraid and at his age, CHANGE is too difficult to adjust to……..the OU Board of Regents is going to have to grow a pair and force Boren to lead OU out of this crap conference or be replaced as OU’s president…..Boren isn’t going to show leadership ; its time for the BOR to do what they should have done several years ago : force Boren’s hand one way or the other………
I’m betting Boren is more for moving than the Board of Regents would be. The conference is inept and dysfunctional- and worse? A SHILL for UT
you think so ? then Boren should enlighten the BOR and seek a vote to make a move……whomever the roadblock is needs to be identified.
and then?
What he should do and what he has a history of doing are 2 different things. Most of the people who reside on these boards are convinced Boren is the greatest since sliced bread. It makes me want to puke. Just like Hillary can lie and then tell you to your face your lying eyes are stupid, David’s supporters can tell you all is wonderful and the brunt of OU fans will lap it up because that is what they want to hear.
Boren is the ONLY reason we remain in the BXII. This arrangement is all his doing.
Fire Boren
Right on!
It is no a matter of being afraid to make a move. It is not financially feasible with the current “Grant of Media Rights” contract in effect until 2025. A move to another conference would result in a loss of $20+ million per year or about $180 million less whatever could be negotiated.
I suspect with the loss of the OU in the B12 the conference would cease to exist within 2-3 years with no comparable home for about 2/3 of schools costing them that same $20 million per year. Hence negotiation would not be on their mind but retribution instead.
Nothing in the GOR prevents OU from being a real problem child, voting against and working against any initiative commenced by the Conference, but most of all, the Texas schools. We need to make life as miserable for UT as the world allows. The officials already screw with us in their favor so what would be new?
The only problem with that is Texsa already controls enough of the conference that they still get whatever they want. OU doesn’t have any leverage in the matter. Boren might as well just go in the corner and pout unless the university is willing to tackle the GOR in a court of law.
It is not Boren, it is the Board of Regents that is stopping us. Remember two or three weeks ago when the head of the regents came out against Boren’s stance. After they talked, Boren has been very quiet.
True, I hadn’t noticed that, but Boren has lost his voice recently and the timing coincides with the conflict with the regents. Even on this issue, where is Boren’s statement to the press? Maybe I’ve missed it. Stoops is doing his part as is Baker.
Pillsbury Doughboy has overstayed his welcome. Time for a purge and Boren’s successor simply announces OU will leave at the end of the GOR and will not cooperate in any initiative which includes any of the Texas schools. Time to become so obnoxious the other conference members ask us to leave without paying or paying a whole lot less.
Not surprised. Why would the other teams in the Big 12 want to give Baker the opportunity to return for another year to further shred defenses
My thoughts exactly
this was decided by non-athletic reps from each school
Interesting. But these non-athletic reps weren’t influenced at all by the athletic departments which bring in millions of dollars? I don’t buy it
just sayin’
As if they weren’t told how to vote by their respective schools. They are employees after all.
and the non athletic reps were told how to vote by the university chancellors….
Because this surprises me, this does not surprise me in the least- such is this up-side down f’in world each and every day now.
Onward through the fog.
“Onward through the fog.” RBear, that nailed it. This decision should not reflect poorly on this league, it should reflect poorly on people. You can tell there has been some hand-ringing going on.
We have to get out right freeking now!! Are you kidding me!!!!!
Sigh…not fair
Can someone inform me on how Bowlsby got his job? He hasn’t solved anything in as long as I can remember. Seems as though he sits in the corner and says what he’s told to say by the Texas schools
you just answered your question as to how Bowlsby got his job …..he provides no strategic leadership ability, he shines as a “YES’ man for Texas, he solves no problems and he irritates nobody since he stays in the background and is simply a parrot for conference ‘daddies’.. that’s precisely why he was hired. ‘ Do nothing , be a figurehead, and stay out of the way’ was the marching orders when hired…and Bowlsby is good at his job…..
So vote was 5-5 with no tiebreaker…it’s truly a Big 12 vote! Can we leave this crap conference already?
It really is amazing lol.
Maybe they can defer to the wishes of the school highest in the BCS rankings.
the decision was reached long before the ‘geek’s’ met….you can bet the various administrators told the geeks how to vote and fairness played no part in the decision making….this was a shot at OU more so than Mayfield….the Texas based schools most likely voted as a bloc but never had any intention of helping Mayfield….
Jan 2017
“2016 Heisman trophy winning QB transfers to SEC for final year because the B12 is stupid”
Oh, as if I wasn’t already hoping for Baker to win the Heisman. That would be the height of idiocy. Any chance for the B12-2 to look utterly clueless and continue the slow motion implosion is good w/ me. So the schools to which OU has roped themselves, texsa and Ostate, who are in the ‘most likely to have voted NO group’, are strangling OU w/ the same rope.
is the vote public? Do we know who voted for or against?
of course not ! and Bowlsby and staff will make sure the vote is kept secret. Snakes like dark places .
or wins the 2017 Heisman while playing for another P5 team …….
THAT was my immediate thought as well the moment the decision was announced. How ironic if Mayfield actually transferred to Alabama and won a NC and the Heisman Trophy after being denied the 2017 season in this conference ? it would be justice for the athlete ….the national media, as is often their habit, has already excoriated the decision as an ‘example of pettiness’ …Mayfield was punished for coming to OU. Had he chosen Texas, the decision would have been different. That bias and hatred should be all the wallflower and BOR needs to justify a move. Too bad they are afraid to take the step.
Guys, this is ok. When we win the natty with Baker winning the Heisman none of this will matter since the NFL will be calling his name! Ok mayfield, I need 4500 passing yards with 44 tds and another 480 on the ground with 8 scores and an un defeated season :).
What a bunch of jackwads.
OU does not have the money to pay the 10’s of million it would cost to leave the Big 12. Oklahoma can’t pay its teachers, let alone pay the severance penalty for leaving.
If there were a penalty to leave, we, as in OU fans/alums/ boosters would certainly fork up enough to get us out. The money we would generate from year 1 in a new conference would cover that investment real quick.
Yep, I would assume some of the big donors would pony up the dough to get us out of this horrible conference.
If that option really is there, they need to speak up. A good time would be now.
That cost per the Grant of Media Rights contract would amount to about $180 million dollars. OU is not going to waste that kind of money buyout a contract. To many other greater needs. Foolish to think otherwise.
Overstated. The money differential with a new conference has to be considered. Also, the GOR can be litigated and/or a settlement reached. In addition, the 3rd tier rights remain with the school – OU CAN pull its own version of a TV network and ( a la LHN) broadcast one conference game on its network – perhaps the Alabama at OU game or the Nebraska @ OU game.
Foolish to stay in this awful conference so it wouldn’t surprise me.
The athletic department is self supporting. It doesn’t have anything to do with teachers salaries.
Then YOU stay while my Alma Mater leaves.
Two words: Opportunity Cost.
If OU joined the SEC or Big10 tomorrow, how much more money per year would we bring in? If that number is X, and X is greater than the cost of breaching the GOR (which would end up being less than the stated 20M, BTW), then we are losing money by not going right now. So hopefully somebody in this administration has run these numbers.
So can Jordan or K make one of those petition things to get us out of the Big 12 like they did for satellite camps?
Kansas, Kansas state, Iowa state, OU, WVU for the rule being changed and the others were against it. That’s my guess
Shitty uterus sucks a$$
mine as well…..the Texas schools stuck together to punish Mayfield and , I suspect, OSU joined them.
Without a doubt, Stephen.
And now, a great reason to cut all ties with the Goat Humpers from Stagnant Pond.
I hope next year whoever takes BMs place be it Murray or Kendall comes in and has a killer Heisman year. That’d learn em.
Hello SEC here we come.
I hope he goes to a place where he can absolutely obliterate the Big 12. This is pathetic! Its like the Oklahoma State Congress came in to handle this vote.
I would really like to know which schools voted for and against.
I’m hoping he plays well enough this year to pick up a Heisman on his way to winning the National Championship. In which case, he can just go pro. First round to the Dallas Cowboys. Don’t anybody wake me up. This is just getting good…
You had me until you said Dallas Cowboys.
I do not recognize this word, cowboys. what is a cowboys?
Websters definition: “An evil empire”
Which is run by a know it all midget owner!
And if he has to stay in college. He goes to Arizona State just so he can beat the mess out of Texas Tech and that piece of doo doo Kliffy Dingleberry. Again…in another uniform.
I wonder, could OU grant Baker a full release to transfer in conference again? Say, to KSU? And then he just happens to get sick the weekend he plays OU?
I wanna see him in the Mike Leach Air-Raid up at WSU.
Love Mike Leach!
Yet another reason to shed this conference.
At least in this conference we have one true champion!
Oh wait, nevermind.
I can’t wait to haul ass out of this conference.
Nail in the proverbial Big XII coffin.
Shocked …. B12 – 2 rules against an athlete … again.
no kidding……..
Vote passes unanimously for the 2017 season…
As much as Im unhappy with our conference right now and I REALLY am. I think maybe we should temper the bashing of it a bit. Recruits DO read us and this talk could definitely sway opinions.
Recruits need to hear that the majority of OU fans are in favor of leaving this has-been conference.
And this board is tame by SEC standards.
Soon, only OU and Texas will be getting good recruits. The others will compete with New Mexico and UTEP for talent.
Exactly. Once this conference takes it’s last breath, TTU, Baylor, and TCU will all be back to the mid-majors. None too soon, IMO. F ’em all to heck. And send the pokes with ’em.
Then, Fear, OUr team needs to LEAVE this conference as soon as we can get an offer. Worry about suing the league and the GOR and not about recruits coming to an awful conference to play for a legendary program.
What a joke. We have come to accept that there is an agenda out there. Who are they to say a kid who paid his own way cant leave in conference without losing a year of eligibility?? Doesn’t make sense….
it’s about control, not fairness
What about the kids that can’t afford to pay their own way? They’re at a disadvantage and they can’t transfer around the country because their parents don’t have the money to pay for school? How is that fair?
Really? That’s the best argument you have?
Do you honestly believe that having a different set of rules for players of a different socioeconomic status is what is best for amateur college athletics?
You lost me. I don’t follow your thinking.
Taco tech advisor, you do the math…..
I’m with ya. Money rules everything and he doesn’t have money so he’s butthurt. Is it fair that mom & pop business get pushed aside with the big wal marts of the world. No, but that is the way the world works. He must have been one of these guys who says, I would’ve played but the coach didn’t like me.
Funny thing is, in his “this will never happen but what if” scenario the rich kids are giving back scholly money for the poor kids.
If you pass this rule. Some kids who can afford it will purposely not go on scholarship so they can be free agents and move around as they please. The kids that could not afford to forgo a scholarship would be at a disadvantage as they would have to go on scholarship and be bound by NCAA transfer rules.
And the rich kid just gave up a scholly for a poor kid right? Sounds like a winner to me.
Super, Money rules – always has and always will. What’s your point. Grow up, your dealing with people who work in the real world.
I’m telling you why the academic committee voted down Mayfield’s appeal last time. It’s about having all athletes bound by the same transfer rules.
No other conference has this rule.
ACC, CUSA, Mt West, Pac, WAC and more have the exact same rule in place. http://graphics.fansonly.com/confs/pac10/compl/ccaca/surveys/ictransfers.pdf
So in the conferences NOT listed here, please provide ONE example of a “rich kid” doing this. Can you? Or do you believe that you are the first to come up with this breakthrough approach to gaining an edge?
This debate really isn’t important enough for me to go research and find an example so I’ll just concede you the win and say there isn’t an example.
I do have a question, why do the majority of conference have the rule in place at all?
Now that I actually read your link, it seems you should look a bit closer at the conferences you listed. They specifically state the rules apply to NLI or financial aid, etc in almost every case.
Just give it up please. You are posting links against your argument.
Boom stated no other conferences have this rule and I posted a link refuting the statement. The Big 12 is not the only conference that charges a year of eligibility for intraconference transfers.
Only a fool would argue in favor of something that is knowingly and obviously flawed.
So read it again and this time actually say which conferences do this to walk ons. You listed examples that were wrong.
I thought you conceded? Bye now troll. No more to say. You’ve successfully made your argument look rediculous.
NCAA transfer rules don’t delineate between scholarship players or walkons. They’re all college athletes bound by NCAA transfer and conference transfer rules. Conferences set these rules up for a reason, all athletes sign up for these rules and committees review individual cases. In Mayfield’s case multiple different committees have denied multiple appeals. It’s not like they made up some rule out of thin air just to punish Baker Mayfield. It’s been in place for years.
Oh my God, read your own damn link, it specifically DOES delineate.
Are you that ignorant or just like to argue for argument sake?
It’s been in place for years in THIS conference, that’s it and soon enough when this conference is gone you and your fan base will be crying because you are no longer a P5. Your program can’t handle what’s about to happen.
Leave please.
It isn’t the NCAA on intra conference transfers.
Because most of the conferences don’t have the stability and power of the B1G, SEC and Pac 12 and they fear having to play against a player that has left their school.
It’s called power.
The answer to your question has nothing to do with socio-economic “fairness”. It is to discourage “poaching” amongst conference members. Honestly, though, how many walk-ons out there are good enough to get scholarships on other teams without getting one on their current team? This isn’t the type of issue that is going to lead to widespread chaos if the rule was passed. What is going to happen though? The Big12 is going to be embarrassed on a big stage when BM is playing for another school in 2017. This league is short-sighted, and soon to be short-lived.
That may be the excuse, but in reality it’s about controlling kids. By the way, without a 4 year scholarship they should all be free agents. Colleges should commit to the kids or the kid can go elsewhere.
So what. This way of thinking will impoverish all of us. Geez, when will some of you guys understand that life isn’t fair and never will be.
See SEC for this wide-spread occurrence….report back the number.
You are embarrassing yourself with this argument.
I honestly believe that a different set of rules apply to someone who has not received anything and is under no signed contractual agreement is most definitely under a different set of rules than one is receiving funding under a signed contract, yes. Throw your political turd ball at this all you want.
And please tell me when a player under your example who is under scholarship decides to transfer, who takes that kids money away at the next school? Do you know? Please enlighten because u r pretty much saying a poor kid can’t afford to transfer which is absolutely ridiculous.
Not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying a wealthy kid would purposefully forgo a scholarship to be a free agent “walk on” and be able to transfer whenever and wherever they want. Whereas a poor kid could not afford the same opportunity to bypass the transfer rules.
Lol, ok. That makes SO much more sense. if a kids family has THAT much money and purposely turns down a scholly to play that game, go for it. More funding for your poor kids right? Win, win deal there.
Tell me a case in which a rich kid has done this. I can’t think of one.
Oh I know, that’s why this is so funny. It’s a classic made up once in a lifetime scenario to support an agenda
It hasn’t happened because of the current rule in place that treats all athletes by the same transfer rules.
No, it hasn’t happened because rich people aren’t STUPID enough to turn down lots of money
Chicken dinner.
No, it hasn’t happened because rich people aren’t STUPID enough to turn down lots of money
It is NOT in place in the SEC. And non-scholarship transfers are soooooooooo rampant there right? There is no cogent, reasonable argument for this – it is a control and power issue. The texsa conference deems it valuable for its sake.
As for as the fighting Kiffys of Lubbock, hold tight to those austin coattails because that is its only conference hope.
Not every conference has the same “extra year” of lost eligibility rule that the big12 has. So show us all the examples of “free agent” walk-on activity in other conferences.
Are you really telling me an athlete with the skill required to be a hot commodity if he desired to transfer would choose to attend a school he lacks enough faith in that he would hedge his bets by turning down guaranteed money? If he’s good enough to transfer and start straight away, why not just take a scholarship at that school instead and save the money?
Besides, by forgoing the scholarship, another student would receive the scholarship instead. That would certainly be a plus in my book.
Rich give to the poor, it’s a wonderful world right?
Are you really telling me an athlete with the skill required to be a hot commodity if he desired to transfer would choose to attend a school he lacks enough faith in that he would hedge his bets by turning down guaranteed money? If he’s good enough to transfer and start straight away, why not just take a scholarship at that school instead and save the money?
Besides, by forgoing the scholarship, another student would receive the scholarship instead. That would certainly be a plus in my book.
Your argument only applies to Baker in reality. Man up, just say you don’t like him.
Wow, way to be intentionally obtuse. SES is not a determining factor in the determination of who receives athletic scholarships, and therefore plays no role in the differentiation between walk on and scholarship athletes.
Furthermore, if you really want to go there, SES determines the ability of potential student athletes to go to camps/receive lessons for self improvement, thus limiting their access to D1 scholarships via lack of development. This has been, and will continue to be, the case as long as money has meaning in our society.
There’s nothing amateur about college athletics. Some P5 schools generate more revenue in some sports than its professional equivalent.
Strings always come with financial aid. It’s what ensure there is financial aid available for others in the future.
Hey Burger, how goes it? Should stop by BCSNN more often.
It’s going well. Work has me mentoring four people now, so I don’t have as much free time any more.
Understandable. I spend way too much time over there. 🙂
This is a pretty dumb comment. Either you are on scholarship, and thus your way is already paid, or you are a walk on, and you ARE paying your own way.
How could they be in college, without a scholarship, and not be paying their own way?
What about the kids that weren’t good enough to be walk ons and didn’t play football? They cant transfer…
Is that fair?
There are a lot of things disadvantaged kids can’t do that privileged kids get to do. Are you concerned about those issues?
This isn’t about me, it’s about college athletes. All that matters in this context is if the NCAA and the Big 12 conference are concerned. Given that they have set these rules in place I believe they are concerned.
Of course it matters: you just said something that you really don’t believe in. There are a lot of stupid rules/laws. I’m sure you’ve griped about them a time or two.
What I find funny about this academia vote is almost every school in the Big 12 hates OU. I’m curious if Baker played for ISU, if this would pass hands down.
short answer : YES…………..or had Mayfield gone to Texas, the vote would also have been YES ………….Mayfield was denied cause other schools didn’t want to face him in 2017. Had he never amounted to anything, he would have gotten the extra year….
This is probably a one time only quote but “You are correct”
Wait a second. Did SD just give a compliment to an OU player? That means he said something positive about OU!?!? Boys you better pray up because Jesus might be coming back tonight.
Good point.
If OU is still in this shitty Big 12 in 2 years Borne needs to be FIRED!!
Father time may cure the problem first.
It wouldn’t be his last year at OU if we were in another conference next year.
OU moves to the SEC in “17 and brings Baker with them
Welcome back STD! Oh the irony that this is the post you deemed most appropriate to bless us once again with your presence.
Baker has been told “No!” for a long time. Hopefully he uses this for motivation this season.
LEAVE NOW!. I don’t care if it is with the B1G, Pac-12, or SEC. Get the hell out of this BS conference. And take BM with us!
Does the Big XII vote on whether to allow Baylor’s recruits to get out of their LOIs?
The message this sends to prospective student athletes: “Don’t attend a university in this conference; your betterment is NOT a priority.”
My thought’s exactly, reminds me of summer camp theory, only this time it only applies to B12. So if I’m a recruit I would have to really think about (the said conference now) not just the school I want to attend??? YEP #B12 ANOTHERPONDERINGMOVE
Right. Baker freaking walked on at TT. This is stupid!
Just shows that “someone” is pulling the strings at each of these big 12 meetings and big 12 votes. If not for that, the logical outcome would’ve been the actual outcome.
Can you say, “Texsa”?
Yup. The master of puppets… It’s time for OU to not be a puppet anymore.
Can he transfer as a senior graduate somewhere else, then transfer back to ou? The transfer restrictions on grad transfers are pretty lax.
I’m curious to know what the desenters rationale was. It just doesn’t make sense to me to penalize a student who has no contractual obligation to the university that declines to give him a scholarship and essentially prevents him/her from pursuing a scholarship at another school within the area? It seemed like a no brainer to me.
Rationale? They simply asked themselves, “Do we want OU to have Baker Mayfield one more season or two?” These are schools who were given a chance to hurt the reigning conference champion, and so they took it.
They already know the conference is going down the tubes after the current TV contracts expire. There’s no hope of saving the conference’s image. They all know it’s a lost cause.
Just everybody looking out for #1, who cares about what’s best for a player at another school.
They are just thinking about wins and losses for their own schools.
Geezus, just another reason to leave the B12. I bet the AD at TTU voted against it. Dick head. Time to sue the hell out of the NCAA and anyone else who profits from the sweat of athletes and gives back nothing. Oh, they already did that. How’s that going?
If he had of attended Texas he would have
Soooo, we stay in the Big XII thi
s year, bolt next year, and voila- we keep our QB. SUCKERS! The long con worked!
Spray, that’s sick…I like it. F-off BIG 12 and Texas sucking as always.
You got it.
You got it.
Haven’t read all the posts, but if BM puts up another season like last year he’s gone to the NFL and millions anyway…moot point IMO
My guess is that the 5 taht voted against were the texass teams plus ouewe.
Walk-ons lives matter
…EXCEPT in the 12-2. I want to KNOW just which schools voted no…besides Kiff Kingsbury Technological College of Lubbock.
Yeah, that “concern” is quite a joke. Worried that transferring walk-ons can provide an unfair advantage to an in-conference school, when coaches who know 10 times more info can transfer in-conference and begin coaching immediately with no restrictions. smh
I wasn’t a secessionist before, but after today. I wish we would just go anywhere but the B12. I say we start a petition.
Sign me up!
This post and responses is THE FREAKING PETITION!
Eff the B12.
Eff the B12.
I am in favor of leaving the Big Texas Conference and going to the SEC or Big Ten! And I am also in favor of leaving the reindeer molesters up north as well!
That really is the best name for what remains of the Big 12. It’s now just a group consisting of Texsa and its minions.
Time to leave the Big Texsa Conference!
The only question remaining is, how much did it cost to buy that tying vote? Maybe we should check any recent large deposits of Texsa money made in Stillwater banks.
be prepared for a ‘roasting’ from others on this site…..I’ve mentioned similar thoughts in the past and been torched for saying what you have just uttered…..However, we are both right. I don’t know what it is going to take to budge the wallflower and the BOR off their collective arses and leave this conference.
No you get “roasted” because you pop up all over this thread which happens to be the most negative news we have received in quite some time and are nowhere to be found today now that the decision has changed in our favor. As you have been nowhere to be found with all the recruiting success lately.
Learn to troll better. You’re pathetic. A joke to this entire board. THAT’S why you get roasted. For being a whiny, pathetic, pessimistic punk.
The Big12 just sealed it’s fate with OU. I think this could be the Nail in the coffin
it could be and it should be BUT it won’t be….OU doesn’t have a chancellor or BOR with any testicles.
Sadly, I fully agree with your assessment. This makes the OU leaders as docile as Bevo.
Emasculation does tend to have that effect. Just keep smiling while Texsa keeps laughing.
If not for the TV rights binding OU, I would say that you are right. $$$ seems to be the tie that binds them to the conference, and the conference knows it. There are no member schools that want OU to bail and leave them with a sinking ship. I firmly believe that if the conference believed OU could get out, Baker would have unanimously got his extra year of eligibility.
They believe that OU is going nowhere, so they again stuck it to Baker.
This vote was done because the rest of the big12 is scared of Mayfield. That’s all.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! We been had!
Further evidence that OU needs to bail on this weak and poorly run conference. Take your talent elsewhere Boren and Co.
It’s ok. I think we should start Paul Thompson this year anyways.
I’ve been hesitant to agree with Jordan on bailing on the Big 12. I have really been holding out hope that we could get 2 quality schools to join the conference and keep the band together. Jordan has won me over. It’s seriously time we move on. Bowlsby has been a disaster for the conference and UT is STILL raking everyone else over the coals for their own gain. aTm, Mizzou, Nebraska and Colorado are looking really good right now for getting away from ut for their own gain. We need to get an exit strategy and execute it.
OK, so he can go to another Conference and play his Senior year. Choices are 2 teams who play Texas Tech in 2017 out of Conference. Arizona State on 9/16/17 or @ Houston on 9/23/17. I say transfer to Houston and beat the living snot out of TTU both in 2016 as a SOONER and again in 2017 as a Cougar or Sun Devil. Houston looks like the place.
Or go to the NFL if they come knocking. I just want Kingsbury to pay!
This whole situation sucks.
We dont want to give this kid a scholarship. Hes playing for us for free. But you cant have him either. So stupid.
If Baker will have a year of eligibility why can’t it be used at OU?
Im not sure Sam but I assume another conference will see that transfer year as a redshirt year. Whereas the B12 wont. So essentially, hes played out all his eligibility in the B12.
KJ, this is just wrong.
B12 rules says that to transfer between conference schools an athlete must lay out one year and lose one year of eligibility. Hence a B12 transfer has 4 years to play 3 instead of the NCAA ‘s policy of 5 years to play 4.
Very common practice for scholarship players to transfer from one SEC school to another SEC school where they have to sit out a year (normally their redshirt year) and have 5 years to complete 4 years of eligibility between the two schools. The transfer does not lose a year of eligibility.
right…..the Little 12 basically penalizes two years : one for a transfer and another for inter conference transfer. Mayfield will have another year of athletic elgibility for 2017 but can’t use it at OU….if he graduates on schedule, he can transfer anywhere else in the country and play one season ( 2017)….at an Alabama, he might get the NC and the Heisman he won’t win in this conference….it would be poetic justice if he would win both after being denied the 2017 season at OU.
It’s getting to the point where Boren needs to find a reason, one reason, for OU to stay in this dying conference. The Big 12 needs OU a hell’ve lot more than OU needs them. Boren needs to tell them this is how it is going to be, or OU is prepared to leave.
Big 12 could have solidified itself as a conference today by keeping athletes here. However they’re ready to throw away may their most polarizing player, and in turn, throw away this conference.
I think they already know the conference is a lost cause. That’s why they are making no attempts to help its image. They’re just all sitting on their hands with Texsa until the TV contracts expire. Then they’ll all head their separate ways.
So, without a doubt Texas voted against the rule, their AD says he’s against expansion, they won’t give up the lamehorn network for less than 15 million, the whole CF world considers the Big 12 a joke and a conference that doesn’t play defense, and Baylor covered up wide spread rape allegations. Tell me again, why are we still in this conference?
We should take up a Brother Love offering to buy our way out.
The Big 12 is calling Boren’s bluff.
That’s a lot of negative news for the big 12.
There’s no way OU can justify being a wallflower anymore.
Texas AD Mike Perrin on potential expansion: “I think the prudent thing for us to do as a conference is stay where we are.”
Why should they do anything to help anyone else? UT has effectively neutered the leader of the only other school in the conference who was as valuable an athletic asset for contracts as Texas. They are laughing their asses off at us.
Unless one of us wins the powerball, we’re stuck in this conference. OU 2025 BIGXII champions
Serious question, who presented the evidence to the panel and did OU and Texas Tech recuse themselves from voting as they’ve already been involved in a dispute about this?
The vote was 5-5, nobody recused themselves.
I didn’t realize it was one vote per school. Makes sense.
Would’ve thought a panel of professors would’ve been pretty pro student. Nope.
This political season might do me in! Common sense is MIA. Cats are sleeping with dogs. Ghostbusters is being ruined, it’s anarchy.
That’s the amazing thing. It would have been easier to understand if it’d had been AD’s or coaches voting on this, but you’d think faculty members would give the student athlete more credence over a win or loss. Just more proof that $$$ rules all.
Who signs their paychecks? That’s who told them how to vote.
Several profs made a good sum of money on their vote.
Should let the Big 12 Commissioner vote on ties cause a tie is just a way not to do anything but look proactive!
“Bowlsby: opposition to the walk-on rule change didn’t want Big 12 teams
luring other team’s walk-ons with the promise of scholarships”
Huh?! The more Bowlsby speaks, the more I want Beebe back…….and nobody wanted that guy gone more than me. We gotta get out. This conference is killing our brand.
Yeah, those typical walk ons really deserve scholarships and have so much good intelligence on conference opponents. Can anyone say horse manure?
If Baker transfers, he should look to see who is on uterus’ schedule and transfer so he can beat them 2 years in a row.
UT is slated to take a little trip out to L.A. to play the Trojans in ’17 that would be more than a little interesting if a certain # 6 was donning the cardinal & gold…..
I truly despise this Conference and the people who run (ruin) it. I can guess the idiots who voted against it….
I think “despise” is too weak a word for how I feel about the B12-2 . And saxeT.
OU/Tex on FS1 this year. FS1????? Burn this f-er down.
This will be the first time I’ve ever had to go somewhere else or pay to watch this game. I’m beyond pi$$**
No “One True Champion” vote on the matter? A TIE????? We still allow ties?
Did the Big 12 ever consider the fact that if you have an even number of voters, you need to have a tie-breaker in place? Even if that tie-breaker was the vote of the commissioner Bowlsby and he voted no, at least he’d have to own it.
It has really been incomprehensible the lack of intelligence that has been shown by the leaders of this conference.
Baker is going to be the most highly sought after free agent in NCAA history. Unbelievable. Like one of my friends said. The Big 12 basically voted yesterday to give away the best player in their conference to another conference. Who does that?
If Baker transfers, I hope it is to a school that has texass wronghorns on the schedule!!
Don’t puss out, Big XII. Do the right thing: change the rule.
The “new Language” is the rule will say everybody but Baker Mayfield!
would be very embarrassing for big 12 if Baker won the Heisman and then went to Mich. or some such for a year ,, hmm
Reconsidering. What a bunch of Jack Wagons. I didn’t think I could lose more respect but I just did. Seems to be a reaction to twitter. Even though it benefits us. This is the kind of indecisive crap that has the Big 12 sucking hind tit.