Image via OU Football Facebook
– Practice Notes: As always, any practice notes are hard to come by but we managed to dig up a few.
* Was told that while it’s very early, Trevor Knight appears to have already made strides in the new system and overall just looks more comfortable. The same can be said for Cody Thomas, but that may be less about the change in system and more about the natural progression that happens for a young QB. But I was also told that despite the progress of both Knight and Thomas, Baker Mayfield appears to be the best of the bunch right now.
* Also hearing that all, and I do mean all, the wide receivers are getting reps. There are just so many more to go around in this new system. And the group as a whole is progressing to the point that I was told it’s going to go from being a bit of a weakness last year, to a strength of the team this year.
Was also told Joe Mixon is indeed being used at both RB and some WR. I commented yesterday on the site I thought they may use him similar to how Baylor does their backs. Meaning where they line up in the backfield, catch a team in their nickel package, and then flex the RB out to go five-wide to create a mismatch on a LB and/or open up a QB run by emptying the box and/or force a high safety to come down thus opening up the pass game.
* Have also been told Carson Meier and Mark Andrews will be the tight ends, but they’ll be ‘flexed out’ more and used the way Jace Amaro was used in Texas Tech’s system. Neither of which come as a surprise, of course, but was good to hear confirmation of what we thought we knew (considering everything about this new offense at this point is more of an assumption, even if a logical one, until we actually see it on the field).
However, I do take that note with somewhat of a grain of salt if only because it’s still early and the coaches probably want to familiarize the team with a more wide open attack. But it won’t surprise me at all to see a guy either Meier, or at times Andrews, in-line at times depending on the down & distance.
* Interestingly, and I hope to get additional confirmation on this later today, but I was also told that Josiah St. John and Kenyon Frison are the offensive tackle standouts right now. And, to this point, have been on the field at the same time. They both have the athleticism and size you expect in a left tackle but given what is needed in this system, perhaps they’ll end up playing them right (Frison) and left (St. John) which appears to be what they’re doing at least for right now.
– LaRon Stokes: Recently, Alex came across a very interesting OK Preps prospect out of Central H.S. in Tulsa named LaRon Stokes. He is a 6’4″ 240-pound defensive end and appears completely unknown in the recruiting world, but we believe he’s a name to watch. He has that highly coveted length and size you want in a DE, but is still very fluid and quick off the ball. You can still he’s still just coming into his own as he continues to learn the position.
Stokes has played football on-and-off throughout his life, but last year was his first full season in a while. On film, however, his upside looks tremendous. Let his tape below roll for a bit, you’ll likely see what we did…which is a prototypical NFL type defensive end frame and a plus athlete who just needs to be taught the game.
– UPDATE (6:51 pm): Sooners soon to be hosting 2016 QB & former Tennessee commit Austin Kendall.
Soonerscoop reporting OU is hosting one of nations elite QB’s this week, any idea who that is
Austin Kendall. He recently followed Bob on twitter as well.
Meh. I want Haskins
I would prefer Haskins as well. One thing I did like however about Austin was he looks so fluid in his motions and release of the ball.
I think we should go all in on this guy. Very impressed with the film I saw
Hmm…DE-commit from Tenn.
Austin Kendall is the QB
Augie Debiase is on campus today.
Yesterday. I believe he’s at Ok. State today.
Heard Deano say on the radio this morning that if the season started right now, Baker would be the guy. Guess everyone is hearing the same thing.
Not at all surprised to hear Baker ‘leading’ the QB derby to start. He has experience in this offense if not a better skill set. They just left the gate and it’s a long way to go. Don’t have a horse in this race. Just want the guy that can get the ball to OUr open guy consistently and make plays.
very early.
Agreed! Commented above before I read down here! Would be way more worrisome if he wasn’t the leader at this point given his experience!
AND no pick sixes. Int’s will come Sam had 8 of em, but no pick sixes.
Did he put a % on it tho?
Ha, not on that one. Just called it an opinion.
Do yourself a favor and quit listening to Dean. He only knows what he reads on-line (probably here).
Trust me, I didn’t search him out. LOL.
This just in!!! Per Deano.
Well by all rights Mayfield should be the starter if the season started today, since by all accounts he has been in the offense by far the longest. It will be good to see the progressions the others can make during spring ball but not surprised that Baker is the leader right now. Would be more surprising if he wasn’t, given his experience!
I want to post a .gif of Baker throwing an INT then standing almost motionless, allowing the defensive player to run right by him, but I won’t. You get the idea.
How about Jim Ross? What does he think?
Ross thinks all competitors go one on one with Striker in the ring……last man standing starts.
I love Open Posts.
You still dominating the arm wrestling circuit Mr Hawk?
Nah, I retired, came down with a bad case of the tennis elbow. I am just training my son and selling Big Rigs.
Should I take that to mean Hansen is far behind the others at this point?
U should take it that there has only been 2 practices, and there is still a lot of things to evaluate
Clearly, but that didn’t hinder the reports about the other three QBs…
Well considering the three other QBs have lots of in-game experience you would expect Hansen to be behind them
I would expect that, but was just curious if the lack of info regarding Hansen confirmed that expectation in any way. But K answered my question.
As Jason mentioned it’s still early, but the indication so far is that the best looking guy is Mayfield…then Knight…then Thomas
We’re just going to use Hansen at Tight End in 3 years. Duh.
Up vote for making me chuckle out loud
Key word being TODAY. Just like Bell was ahead of Knight 2 years ago heading into the spring. Trevor is a fierce competitor and has more talent than Baker. This is the guy who went to the Manning Camp and was the best guy there when side by side with Winston, Mariota, Hundley, Petty, etc. Give him time and I would not bet against him figuring it out under Riley and being the guy in the fall.
Yeah heard Baker was the guy at this time!
Dallis Todd, with his size and speed it should be a breakout year for him.
Between Todd, Meier, and Andrews we are gonna have some serious height for our QB’s to target.
Something they’ve needed but haven’t had in a year or two. It should be fun to watch those two or three on the field together.
Couldn’t agree more. Crazy to think that there was a chance that DGB could have played for us this year.
Weren’t we saying the same thing last pre-season with the likes of Mead, Smallwood, and Cavil……non of which produced squat? I for one, will not get caught up in the size/speed. I just want guys that play football at a high level.
Smallwood is 6′ 2″, so I doubt anyone mentioned him alongside guys that are 6’6″, etc. Mead got play time but couldn’t really do much.
I agree. Playing football at a high level is far more important than size on paper. But, I will say the fact that Meier and Andrews will be playing tight end in a system that will hopefully utilize them makes it different than the expectations from last year. I say that because you make a defense focus one of those guys and you get burned by Shep or whoever else will be opposite him. Especially if that guy opposite him has size like Mead.
6’2″ is still good size for a WR and he was mentioned last spring due to his size.
Direct from this site last year: – Have also heard Jordan Smallwood had a great week as well and is looking really good. The names we’d heard previously at WR were Shepard, Neal, Bennett and Woods, but we’re hearing Smallwood’s name more and more. He’ll be someone we will be watching closely, because he’s a guy with some size on him that can bring a different element to the offense.
Context. “Some size” and in discussion with a bunch of guys who are below 6′. Not saying 6′ 2″ is small, but when discussing 4-5 guys 6’5″+, it kind of is.
Meh…..size doesn’t catch balls. Broyles was 5’10” and I’d take a team full of him right now. Saunders was what 165lbs, but had a 240lb mentality. I just won’t allow myself to get enamored with tall guys who line up as WRs. I want WRs that first and foremost catch the damn ball.
That first and foremost get enough separation an then catch the damn ball.
Understandable but it doesn’t look like any of the “small” receivers are anywhere near the level of Broyles or even Saunders. I’ll take a guy who can catch the ball any day but if I had to choose between a guy who can catch over the middle with size to take away the big hits from safeties or a guy who is going to take some big time punishment from a 6’1 safety, I’ll take the bigger one. Also, it opens the field for other guys.
Size doesn’t matter! I asked my wife and she confirmed!!
You could say the same for the small WR’s outside Shepard.
they’re pretty tall so they should be able to play at a pretty high level
Very good!
We should get a 7’0″ QB then!!!! Unstoppable I tell ya!!!!
haha. could you imagine dirk chuckin it around the yard?
Stokes – Curious on his 40 and shuttle times. With his fluidity, he moves well enough to possibly be an OLB or the spot Grissom played. Based on your assessment of his frame, he may grow into a 285 frame so DE is prolly his spot. Can’t wait to see next years film on him and his progression.
Love hearing that the recievers are all getting in lots of reps. It’s been too long since we’ve had depth at that position.
Not so sure, from what we have heard, that the guys weren’t there all along but outside of the top few, were just not getting coached. With Cooks, he’s looking at everyone with fresh eyes. With ‘coaching’ these guys are going to compete and push each other.
Cooks is DBs. Gundy & Simmons are WRs. But I get your point.
“I” before “E” except after “C”
What about this Austin Kendall kid visiting?
Have you got a link or any more info than a name? Either would be appreciated.
Thanx! QB heh. In town for a visit too. This could get interesting.
Glad to see Trevor Knight is actually getting pushed by competition. I think he got a bit to comfortable last year
Nah. Didn’t have proper coaching.
Barring an injury, TK is going to be a career backup QB.
You might not be wrong.
If Knight is the QB OU could be in trouble
Because mayfield beat bama and everything right. Not saying I think knight is going to set the world on fire but I think he has more heart and more ability than people give him credit for.
No because Knight was below 60% completion last year, How many wide open WR’s did he miss and the over throws…
Tk http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/trevor-knight-1.html
Baker http://www.sports-reference.com/cfb/players/baker-mayfield-1.html
It doesn’t matter to me which stats you value more but mayfield was in an offense better suited for passing, than knight was and I do agree that his comp % was horrible and there’s really no reason for QBs not to complete 67% at this level. But to say that it’s night and day (pun intended) is just not realistic.
For me neither had a great td to int ratio. Tk (1.35) was .02 better than mayfield(1.33). And passer rating was similar.
I’m hoping whoever wins the job has more like a 3:1 or even 4:1 td to int ratio. And much better stats overall.
Entire series where he threw balls that even an NBA player couldn’t have caught
@disqus_cItxT0Z8XC:disqus No, because some of us watched the games sober and saw just how awful he was at times.
Or not.
True. Just look at what proper coaching did in only one season for Treyvon Boykin at TCU.
I have held that I think Baker Mayfield will start, but not to be surprised if TK9 gains a ton of ground. OU has the guys, they need to be put in a position for success. Instead of placing the blame on players that “can’t do what you want them to,” it’s important to look at yourself as a coach and evaluate whether or not you’re putting kids in the correct avenues to succeed. Yes it’s important to fit guys to scheme, but it’s also important to fit the scheme to the guys you have– something that JH wasn’t so fond of. It’s no coincidence that Landry Jones regressed/plateaued when Heupel was promoted from QB coach to OC/”QB Coach.”
There was also the bowel loosening terror he exhibited whenever a defender was within three yards of him.
What stands out for me is development. Mayfield may be the man or who knows. But what I find encouraging (even though it’s extremely early) is development. QB’s showing signs of improving thier game, wheater it be throwing technique, awareness or whatever…that’s what I want to see. Like it was stated…”that natrual progression that happens for a young QB”. Which IMO, is something we haven’t seen in a number of years. Progression.
The TEs early think they will be playing more of the traditional TE than Amaro. At least that is what they thought before practice started. That is why they haven’t tried to slim them down much yet. Andrews was over 250 early last season when he moved to TE. In fact he moved to TE last year before the first game of the season.
Thanks for the note!
Is Stokes related to any of the former BTW guys. They had some big time guys back on the DL and one of them I thought was Stokes and he went to Tennessee. He played in the early 90’s so could be his kid.
I was able to see Khalil Haughton at a track meet this weekend. He ran on Midway’s 4×2. Speed was good, but his size was impressive. He is much taller than I expected. I’m 6’4″ and he was very close to my height. The recruiting services may be a bit off. His coaches told me that he is a really good kid, and that the Sooners are lucky to have him. Obviously most of those guys are Baylor fans.
I’m ecstatic about the 6 DBs OU signed in Feb. They have a tremendous upside. Among the 3 safeties (Houghton, Sunderland, and McKinney), it will interesting to see who develops into a FS and who develops into a SS or even NB.
“WRs becoming a position of strength” = Music to my ears.
Best thing I’ve read Soonerwise in a long time.
“Defense becoming a strength” = music to my ears.
What drills are they running in the pic above? What’s the point of them being all bunched up like that?
That’s how the QBs all get reps at the same time, with each throwing a different route.
The camera angle makes them appear closer than they really are.
Thought I would let you guys know that I was in NOLA for Spring Break and I saw the Mercedes-Benz Dome and had very fond memories of the Sugar Bowl. Then I became very sad once I realized that we’ve had our asses handed to us a few times since then. 🙁
Just Boomer Sooner and be done with it kid.
OU has more guards than tackles. Have you heard who among the tackles is being tried at guard this spring? Paul seemed to be a good choice to me.
Danley & Dalton are working at guard w/ Kasitati out
OU has 7 OT’s and 6 Guards with 2 centers on ship.
OT-St John, Daimler, Evans, Grant, Frison, Farniok, Brown, Samia.
G – Danley, Alvarez, Ford, Kasitati, Paul, Hearne.
C – Darlington, Dalton.
Right now they have:
1. St John, Frison, Daimler, Evans, Farniok Paul, and maybe Grant (who knows what position he plays on a given day) listed at tackle for the spring;
2. Danley, Alvarez, and injured Kasitati listed at OG; and
3. Darlington and Dalton listed at OC.
Plus they have 4 walkons.
You missed Brown, who is a badass.
Yes, thanks. I fixed it.
You can see how it’s overcrowded at tackle compared to guard this spring.
it is yahoo, who is not known for its journalisticness, but at least a little more respect than next to last from the self proclaimed “worldwide leader in sports”
They may not be known for their journalisticness, but are they known for journalism?That’s what you have to ask yourself. With that said, this will now be a question that I ask of all my media outlets going forward: “What about their journalisticness? Is it worthy?”
I only read sites with exceptional journalicnessification. 🙂
Now you’re talking.
He speaks my language. 🙂
Stop scaring me.
Please stop confiscating my mandatory perturbations along with your amalgamations in situ. Ceteris parabis is a recalcitrant place to be. Thank you for your condensation.
Aaaaaaaaaalrighty then. 🙂
Haha. No. Journalism? Short. Journalisticness? Short. If my 3 yr old son could write an article for your company, you’re in some trouble. But I guess that’s the nature of the internet beast. A lot more hacks added to the mix
You mean, an even playing field? LOL!
Mayfield spent some time in the gym last season. Dude looks like he can take a hit.
Let’s hope he doesn’t take any. Speaking of, I hope our OL blocks Oakman even between plays. Dude plays awfully dirty for someone so “dominant”.
In fact, I think it can be said the entire Baylor defense plays dirty for a team so “Baptist”.
Would love to see oakman as the bottom pancake.
Lol! The talking heads would still say he’s awesome.
“Just look at Oakman. See here. [Circles Oakman’s butt on the play-by-play screen]. See, I know what you folks at home are saying: ‘Oakman is getting owned’. Well, it’s important to see that when Oakman’s amazing, 6’9 frame goes down to the turf, he’s still in control of the play. So you see, even when he’s on the receiving end of these kinds of blocks, all 6’9 of him is in control. He’s 6’9, you know?”
I hear he only drinks juice from freshly squeezed unicorn balls.
I would never associate this guy with the glorious pancake.
This is how I vision Oakman.
It may be a Baptist University but there’s some Devils on that team I guarantee that.
But he can’t find the laces
Just wait, he’s going to spin around and throw it lefty. It’s a trick he learned.
That would impress me.
Aren’t QB’s in up-tempo offenses being taught to throw without laces to get the ball out of their hand faster?
Probably. Maybe. Hell if I know. It’s just something I always notice because I could never throw without the laces and always thought people who didn’t use them were weird. lol I really don’t care as long as the ball gets to the receiver and he catches it.
I think Jon Gruden had a bunch of footballs with no laces to throw as a drill on his QB show. I think it was for Manziel, so he was probably wasting his time, though.
“That Manziel ain’t worth the Charmin Extra Soft he wipes his butt with.”
Haha didn’t get that chin strap buckled either. I never threw with laces till my high school coach demanded it, could be just a preference.
I preferred to grip around the end of the ball instead of the laces. I was able to throw a tighter spiral with the laces, but I could get more distance accurately using the end of the ball as my gripping point.
Go back and look at a guy named Jason White. Rarely gripped the laces.
Scroll down and read my reply to Ray
Looks like he shaved his arms to look more cut 🙂
Glad to hear that the wide receivers and quarterbacks are making good progress it’s essential for us to be a team that will be a factor nationally that they progressed no matter who starts.
Sooners BB team on FSSW.
They look good with the Crimson and Cream unis after seeing the camo unis for so long.
(top of the first with 2 on one out)
Tough loss. Get ’em next time!
They showed some grit coming back to tie and take it to extras.
I would expect Baker with his familiarity with this offense to take the early lead. It will be interesting
It is my opinion that this team’s best chance to win is with Baker Mayfield with him I believe we can win big 12 championship and compete nationally.
……might want to see an actual game first
Remember this is just my opinion but I’m optimistic this new office will be able to start clicking should help us be a better team than we were a year ago.
….whoever the qb turns out, we’ll learn something in game 2 at tenn…….I’m assuming akron will be practice
I know right! He was lights out at tech ooc but started to level out in conference…although he was a true fresh so I’m willing to wait and by accounts he seems to be doing well with two practices in….can’t believe a former walk on from tech might actually be the best qb on campus…just shows what the recruiting services ranking can mean…whoever wins the job I’m confident will do well with this O…very qb friendly…can’t wait for the fall!!
I expect Baker Mayfield to win the job because he’s a better QB than TK or CT.
Well zero zip nada nothing so far would suggest that. Certainly not Baker’s 5 TD’s and 8 interceptions in Big 12 games would indicate that. Nor the fact his only scholarship offers were Rice, WSU, and FAU. Nor the fact that he was so good they fiddle farted around offering him a scholarship. Ask me why if they had so much confidence in him they didn’t beg him to stay if he was that good? Baker may very well win the job and certainly is even money IMHO with Knight. There are mixed opinions. Several OU coaches think Baker will win it. One NFL QB coach told me no way Mayfield beats out Knight and is thoroughly familiar with both. So we will see but anybody claiming someone is going to win it is pure conjecture. I will say this that Knight is awfully good in competition .
I know it was out there earlier, but update added re: Kendall
I like what I saw of Kendall. Good size, decent runner, strong and accurate thrower, super quick release. About the only criticisms I could come up with are the low sidearm motion which could lead to several batted passes at the LOS on the next level. Also, he throws into coverage more than I would like, but he is accurate. Overall, I really like what I see and wouldn’t mind if OU got his commitment!
I’m not a QB expert or coach, but it looked like he was throwing off of his back foot, sometimes even falling back as he threw. I also noticed the sidearm. Is this stuff that is easily fixed with coaching? Looks like the accuracy was good.
I’m with Exiled, i didn’t watch the whole tape but i really didn’t like his form at all.. I don’t know what kind of shot we have but i like others, that we’ve offered, better..
early info per several sources:
Mixon gonna be special!! Dede real deal. They love Rodney Anderson. Both baker and Trevor looked good. Offense playing good already picking up the offense. Charles Walker looks good.
Ya it is Knight and baker and then the other a ways back and Knight has hooked up with westbrook three times deep…no practice today just film and meetings .
Can’t share details from who but just had a good convo and the QB’s are loving the new O and the freedom it provides.
That’s good stuff, thanks.
Waiting on a few more texts.
Excellent stuff! Top comment!
As far as I’m concerned Knight making the deep throw has never been the problem. No news here. The question is can he hit the medium range slants without throwing a pick?
Trevors deep ball sucks in my opinion, to much air under it and I cringed every time he flopped one to Shepard, and then BOOM, he got Shep hurt doing the exact same thing
Im getting the feeling that if Trevor really picks up & understands this offense.. His talent will win out.. It’s a high bar, but wouldn’t shock me if he had a Trevone Boykin type year…
Love it!
Nice. Like to see that.
Btw, this update rocks. So good to hear anything about actual football again.
Gonna be a long summer.