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We will have some recruiting updates up later in an Open Post, but I know everyone is keen on finding out what’s up with Baker Mayfield. So I’ll pass along what we’ve heard.
Before that, though, I will say definitively that if you are looking for an answer to whether Mayfield will be ready to play this weekend, I do not have one for you. This update is really more to explain some of the surrounding issues regarding what happened Saturday.
– During the first half, Mayfield was given a concussion test/check and apparently it checked out. As such, he stayed in the game.
– At halftime, he was checked again. And I’ve heard he had “some balance issues” though don’t know all the specifics of what that involved. Another source mentioned they thought (but didn’t see) Mayfield may have thrown up at some point during the half. Either way, as you know, OU didn’t feel comfortable sending him back out for the second half.
– Yesterday Mayfield was again evaluated for a concussion, but I’m told it was done by an off-campus doctor. I suspect Bob Stoops will address this later today at his usual weekly presser.
– Also, many of you have been, to put it kindly, vocal with regards to how much it seemed like Trevor Knight has regressed. I was told this came as a surprise to a lot of people within the program as well.
Was told Mayfield prepares with such a degree of intensity and detail that can make it hard for others to get many simulated live reps in practice. One source said, “that’s probably a good place to start looking” when trying to understand how Knight could have regressed so much.
Well I would rather have him healthy than risk it becoming worse. Hopefully they figure it out fast and can get TK ready if necessary.
I think a week’s worth of good practice will help… also a different gameplan. Run the zone read almost exclusively. Trevor is a pretty good runner. Make it a run first offense, and keep the passes short and quick. (if it comes to that)
TK couldn’t complete a swing pass or to Perine over the middle. I’ve lost all faith in TK.
I haven’t. If the coaches put him in, I’ll believe he can win.
I wish I could feel that way. I mean up until Saturday, in garbage time, I think his last four drives had 3 Td’s and a FG. I was shocked by his play against TCU. Perhaps it was just TCU. One thing he shouldn’t feel jitters like a Thomas might. He’s been on the big stage before.
rah rah rah.
Perine dropped the pass. TK hit im in the bread basket too
Not to argue, but the pass was on a rope for 7 yard pass, which went over the head of Perine. I believe that TK was just too amped when he first came in.
You better go hit the video again and get back to us. You may want to reword your post.
I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you here. Trevor was given ample opportunity to run the zone read Saturday night and he could have kept several of them and he didn’t. I personally think he is scared of getting hit now. Who can blame him? But if you are scared, then you shouldn’t be playing anymore. He has become completely ineffective while in the game (if the game is in question). He has absolutely no touch on the ball. Every ball is a fast ball on a rope. He has no timing and no feel for what is going on and he makes several bad decisions. I know he’s a good kid and I’m not going to pile on, but I think our coaches need to move on to the next kid in line. Knight just looked completely lost out there and I don’t think it’s correctable at this point in time.
have we watched the same TK? he’s an abysmal runner. he can run fast in a straight line, but if someone gets in that line, he’s toast. it was legitimately hard for me to watch him play on saturday.
you did nail one point though: if he’s the qb next weekend, we sure as hell better be a run first (and only) offense.
He just runs in a straight line in a random direction.
Trevor likes to throw to the TE, yet OU never put one in the whole second half.
Or just get Cody Thomas ready to play.
AGREE 10000% .
Knight can’t play, we know that. Now, lets see if Thomas can.
I think you have to give Thomas the Nod.. For the fact that knight laid an egg Saturday.. The thing is.. we are not sure how Thomas will do either which makes it a little scary to think about if Mayfield can’t go.
Knight played just like he did against Clemson last year in the bowl and hegot tall of the reps in practice before that game.
I honestly hate it. I love Knights leadership off the field and his character. I still remember reading his testing results as a true freshman and WOW. Then on the field you can still see his athletic ability and I still think he has great arm strength too. Yet the reality is that on the field something is not clicking. I want to see Sugar Bowl Trevor but that man has disappeared for some reason.
seems strange that this is the first we have heard about “balance issues” and “vomiting”. I find it hard to believe that something that major wouldn’t have already leaked elsewhere. IMO if those are true, then we will not see BM play on saturday.
If they are true, then I would think there would be no way Mayfield would practice today. I hope we’ll get some sort of indication on that, but I would doubt it.
The vomiting was in the 2nd half watching Trevor play?
haha, now thats funny
Second funniest thing posted today. First being the poem. 🙂
It’s a little bit frighting if Mayfield can’t go on Saturday… you can’t deny how things went with Knight in the game.. We all Love how Knight is a team player and what a great person he is.. But we also can’t deny how things looked on the field.. Just makes me wonder if Mayfield can’t go.. Who do the Coaches look to lead the offense??
100% WILDCAT w/ Joe and Samaje!!! EVERY SINGLE PLAY!!!
Can you say eleven in the box?
Oh nm….OSU would probably use a cheerleader to trip us running anyways
And turkey legs to beat us when we’re down.
That picture of one of their fans cheering with the turkey leg is truly hysterical
Where can I see this?!?!
Mixon has a decent arm….. Just sayin’
He can’t throw. Baker will play and lead us to victory.
How do you know he can’t throw?
C’mon this isn’t the wishbone where Lott would throw 4 times…
Thanks, Captain Obvious.
Then don’t be so absurd and ask if Perine can play QB…
My god man… chill. I didn’t even say that. The OP asked who would lead the offense, I said Perine. You extrapolated from there.
Okay. I apologize. Just angry at the TCU player for potentially ruining our playoff chances. Sorry.
You talkin about Perine….or Knight?
28 carries for Samaje and another 20 for Mixon. It really neutralizes their best D player in Ogbah by running it that much too
No Baker, no winner.
hmm, this conflicts a bit with what other outlets are reporting. Will be interested to hear what Bob says later today.
Only that stoops hasn’t given anything definitive. I think stoops is only pulling some gamesmanship to make sure the committee doesn’t drop us to 10 or further.
Didn’t think about that. Good call. But it’s been reported that Baker passed all tests thus far.
Hopefully Baker Mayfield will be ok this week, though I have my doubts. I know he is a tough guy and wants to play but dont risk long term injury for a game. Maybe OU should work more on some wildcat stuff with Mixon and Perine and find something in their bag of tricks to help out too.
You and I both know realize that this OL is not great yet. They cannot dominate a DL enough in order for us to win a game on the ground. The air-raid sets up the run. Need Mayfield. He’ll play.
I think their run blocking is better than their pass blocking though, and let’s be fair if Baker doesnt play, who do you want with the ball? Perine/Mixon or Knight?
I disagree. Even a great oline though cannot create running lanes if the defense doesn’t have to respect the pass at all.
I said we need to be able to pass enough to set up the run.
But you suggested that was b/c our oline isn’t great. We need to be able to pass and run even with a great oline. Teams have gotten pretty good at defending one or the other if you can’t do both, and they can match your talent.
Teams are game planning more and more on Baker and stopping the pass. Limited time in practice as accumulated more D coordinators taking their shots at stopping this passing game. OSU will be seeing what Pattersons defense did to him in the first half. We need to get creative in the run game this sat to take pressure off Baker.
Dang You #42 for TCU!
Maybe just me, but it looked like he was intending to take out Mayfield.
It’s not just you
after the game on ESPN one of their guys even called it an intentional act, saying there is no place for that in todays game
If you look at his demeanor on the sideline while waiting on the review, he had a “I did my job ” look.
That’s what my wife thought. I believe he was just trying to make a play and it happened as it happened.
I would think coaches would go out of their way to teach players to not tackle like that, if for no other reason than they are also putting themselves at risk for serious injury.
which makes it even more likely that it was an intended shot at his head and not a legit tackle attempt
They do. But it’s not easy. We see those type of hits, and helmet to upper chest hits, every single game. Those kind of hits weren’t illegal a few years ago either.
Beyond the helmet to helmet hitting, that he ducked his head down, and aligned his neck. People would be surprised at how little force can leave a person paralyzed in that alignment.
You see that every game though, a defender ducking his head. Most of the time it doesn’t result in a helmet to helmet, sometimes it does. Heck, Baylor lost their starting QB b/c he put his head down.
You can teach no doing it all you want, but it’s a difficult thing to not do.
Used to be called spearing and it was a penalty before targeting. Looked intentional to me. I see it in most games, but the majority don’t look intentional. IMHO he was trying to take Mayfield out; mission accomplished.
I know a lot of HS and, I think, a few college programs have brought in rugby coaches to teach safe and effective tackling. I know Union HS and a few others around T-town did it this past season. Out in Hawaii my son plays strong safety and they are careful to teach keeping the head up.
The slow motion shows him load and extend his helmet into Mayfield’s, I think it was definitely intentional
If he was not trying to hurt Mayfield he would have just jumped on him like he was doing a Kamala Splash, but instead he used his helmet on a defenseless player. That was an intentional hit and he aimed for the head. Mayfield’s momentum had slowed down, so he could have missed hitting him helmet to helmet if he was not wanting to hurt him.
Was Patterson asked about the hit after the game?
I’ve always thought highly of Patterson and was surprised to see one of his players do that. Not in the character of that program. He intentionally spiked BM helmet to helmet. I am not a fan of calling for additional punishment for players but it would be something I would seriously consider if I were Coach Patterson.
wasn’t it one of his players that took TK out last year as well? Or was it Baylor?
Shawn Oakman from Baylor.
Ty Summers LB
Paul Thompson did a pretty good job at QB….maybe Shepard can have a try? Is there some way he can pass to himself?
Yeah, he is a good guy. But the section I was sitting in there was a collective sigh when TK9 went in.
are there any guys that were recruited as a safety by Mack Brown on the roster?
Something to think about. If, as some said above, the reason for TK’s regression was the lack of repetitions, then there is no reason to think that Cody Thomas would have done any better than TK.
On the optimistic side, if Mayfield cannot play this saturday, then he won’t be practicing this week and TK and CT will be getting a bunch more repetitions.
The good thing would be that osu won’t necessarily know what Riley will try to do with knight.
I’m not sure that a game play built around Mayfield would necessarily suit TKs or CT’s capabilities. TK might just be unable to effectively run the same type plays Mayfield can. OTOH, TK might do well in a different offensive game plan that was tailored to his skills.
The “good thing” isn’t really that good. Stack the box and make TK throw seems to be a pretty simple scheme.
Im pretty sure that if Mayfield cant play the coaches would start Trevor and if after a few sets of downs he looks like he did against TCU at that point bring in Thomas. That seems like the logical way to go.
The logical thing would be to start Cody Thomas and if he was just absolutely horrible beyond anything wo could possibly imagine then bring in TK.
I think that since this is in essence the conference championship game that we should petition the league to reschedule it for a week later.
That would serve two purposes. #1 and most important give Baker an extra week to get well and #2 make the Big12 actually look like a legitimate conference. Win Win !
Fat chance. Too many logistics issues. Fans making room and flight reservations, etc.
that and the whole it’s already the ABC 7pm game and TV wins in scheduling
Not to mention game day.
umm…that was kind of said tongue in cheek.
Please see this post for anyone who actually took me seriously.
It’s only a CCG for OU really… OSU would need Baylor to lose to TCU which I don’t think will happen.
just go along with it lol…..geez
Baylor TCU is on friday so bedlam could still end up being for the CC
Baylor has to play Texsa after that. I would probably rip some internal organs laughing if the bears lost to them.
If TCU beats Baylor then bedlam would still be for the CC (for us anyways..Baylor would have to lose to UT else they would have the tiebreaker over the pokes..then TCU would have tiebreaker over the pokes lol..it would get interesting)..It would be glorious to see Briles face if Texsa beat them…hopefully after Stanford had beat ND so our playoff hopes aren’t in jeopardy
Yessir, we will know Friday night.
Going to be a lot of scoreboard watching Saturday night with the stanford game on 30 minutes earlier than Bedlam.
We will also know about the nebbish-iowa game by kick off.
Obviously, if Mayfield can practice without issues we’re good. What time is practice? Or is it Tuesday?
After Saturday night does anyone wonder about the accuracy of this headline:
OU Practice Report: Quarterbacks All Even
I would question it but perhaps the race was for 2nd.
I mean. Trevor won on a huge stage, so I would think he wouldn’t have any jetters. Also, in the 4th quarter this year, he’s led like 5 drives and 3-4 touchdowns….I was in shock Saturday.
Yeah, as bummed as I was that Mayfield wasn’t in there, I felt pretty good about TK since he had led the offense to some scores this year.
Really makes you appreciate HOW VALUABLE he is to this TEAM.. Get well SHAKE-N-BAKE.. WE NEED YOU!
regressed is putting it lightly. That dude telegraphed every single throw. He pretty much couldn’t decide when to hit the X button. Sure hope Baker is Okay for his own heath. although I’m Selfish i want him to be Healthy for the OSU Game as well
the camera panning over to Lincoln Riley cussing that he missed that easy throw to Perine which wouldve been a first down was priceless.
Yeah, that camera shot of LR’s disgust and anger shocked me. Cody Thomas had better sharpen up his game and be ready.
that is about the easiest throw he could’ve given him and he still missed it
I firmly believe if we beat the pokes we are in , and i think the win against tennessee is the difference. If we get in propably we get a shot at Clemson, which means time for revenge. I know i will be nervous this whole week
Tennessee gonna end 8-4…shoulda beat Florida (to be 9-3), shoulda beat Bama (to be 10-2), shoulda beat Arkie (to be 11-1), shoulda beat OU? (to be 12-0?)
Four losses by a total of 17 points. Damn.
I believe this whole “i beat who you beat” cicle is silly , but tennessee is a good team, played bama close, lost a lot of close games. And this should play into our favor if both OU and ND are 11-1
I agree, except the Committee says ND beat Texsa/OU lost to Texsa.
Anyway, I’m not defending the Tennessee 12-0 post, just commenting on the pretty good year they’ve had.
I think if you compare common opponents you also need to compare schedules OU will probably end up with 8 opponents over .500, including their entire OOC schedule, and would have beaten 6-7 teams that were ranked at game time. That’s an impressive season.
OU will have played (and hopefully beaten) 8 bowl eligible teams, by the end of the season. ND 5.
That should count for something.
Baker’s Heisman moment for the year: the whole second half of TCU when he didn’t play. If that doesn’t show just how valuable he is to this team and what he’s helped do to this offense, I don’t know what will
Nah, his Heisman moment was that dropped pass to Mixon at the end of the 1st half. Go back and look at it, he scrambled around a ton and then came back to find Mixon in a narrow window. The look on his face when Mixon couldn’t hang on was scary though
Really an inexcusable drop. I don’t think Mixon believed the ball was going to be catchable and was caught with his pants down. Really a beautiful play by a hurt BM.
Yea, they replayed it and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Almost as good as Sam’s flip over Heisman moment
Very true, that was gonna be pretty sweet
Or his gutsy performance in the first half, post targeting call. Dude is a warrior.
I read that he’s addressing the media today, which Stoops doesn’t allow injured players to do until they’ve played a game.
I heard BM will play!
Baby Jesus told me…
That’s racist.
Baby Canadian’s don’t speak English, so yes.
Lmao!!! My sincere apologies to all baby Canadians…
Ironically my gamertag on Xbox is BabyJesus Stig so I was automatically like I didn’t say this…..
Baker just tweeted this out
Fake baker account
that is the one JE linked to us last week
Esco be trollin’ sometimes
Yeah, no excuse on my part. Looked legit at the time for a couple reasons, but obv a fake account.
yeah unfortunately of course
I be trolling you sometimes. No worries
This doesn’t feel legit to me.
It’s on the Interwebs, so it has to be true.
Can this be verified?
It’s not him.
I honestly have no idea but after the game a bunch of people were referring to this twitter account with his “… great win” tweet.
Haha, well there we go then
I recommend amending your other post bro. Lots of folks will take it and run
Yea I was about to say last night on Twitter there was a discussion about this. The fact this account only had like 35 tweets and I am sure the Real Baker Mayfield has tweeted wayyyyyyyyyy more than that!
Ahhhright! He must have received my game recap cheat sheet!
I believe
is the Real Baker account. I could be mistaken, but it looks valid.
I don’t know if that one is legit either. His original account @BM_ShakeIT11 has gone inactive, but it’s still the one linked to his Instagram account.
This information is a lot more serious than what other sources reported. This is the first I read of him throwing up and having “balance issues”. Would help explain the watery eye he had at the beginning of the second half. I had attributed them to tears of frustration/ disappointment
or something like that.
Unless Thomas is just puts every practice throw into the ground I gotta think he gets a good look this week. When Knight went in I figured OU would just run and run and run some more…since that was TK’s forte. TK looked like he couldnt get his legs going either.
Cody Thomas was not great last year against OSU but he played well enough to win that game.. Knight is supposed to be a good runner but he absolutely does not know when to hand the ball off or run it. I think Cody Thomas is a much stronger runner than Knight and he looked quite good in the read option last year.
But will anyone be able to get the update out of him?
No one likely knows yet if he will play. He will need to be evaluated everyday.
I’m left wondering if said “regression” of Knight is based entirely upon this last game or is it evident also in previous game appearances and or practice as well? If I remember correctly, Knight did have success moving the ball in other game experience this year. No?
In mostly mop-up duty. He looked BAD on Saturday and that’s what has many of us concerned. I can see starting out slow and taking some time to get in a rhythm but he looked lost the entire game. He NEVER works through his progressions and if the first guy (Shepard) isn’t open the play is doomed. I think the world of TK9 but I really hope Thomas gets some meaningful snaps in practice this week. There is cause for legitimate concern.
Concern, no doubt but just trying to get a fair and accurate picture of the situation. For example wondering how much a factor the play calling was since the OC admittedly did not call the game the way he should have. It is disconcerting though when you have a Baylor go to their 2nd and 3rd team guys without hardly missing a beat. again however, doesn’t appear they changed the game plan much. Game calling is crucial no matter who the QB is.
That was cover for a player that didn’t have his best game. If TK just completes the one screen to an open Perine the games goes completely differently.
Get in the DeLorean and dial up 2013, same guy, unfortunately. The Sugar Bowl guy was possessed by Baker Mayfield, and foreshadowed his arrival to Norman.
With all due respect, that last line makes absolutely no sense. TK9 ostensibly runs the scout team. He was having trouble throwing even the most basic of throws. Even his trademark zone read was completely off. For comparison he has the same experience as Chris Johnson, the Baylor guy who in a week went from WR to QB. I do agree, however, that even the staff seemed shell-shocked.
For being a running QB, Knight is pretty bad at running. He doesn’t have good vision at all and goes down at the hint of contact.
When you watch guys like Mariota and Boykin run the read-option, they run it as an athlete with their feet beneath them. Trevor Knight runs the read-option with his jerky mechanical technique. Cody Thomas ran the read-option with his feet under him like an athlete last year. If neither Knight nor Thomas can throw above 40%, why not use Thomas’s skills with the read-option?
And on a different note, it seems to me Knight can’t control his nerves in live games. He throws bullets when he needs to put touch on screen passes and just gives off an overall feel of panic when he’s running the offense. If anyone is keeping score, I’m in favor of Thomas over Knight. Thomas’s athleticism is underrated. He was a high MLB draft pick as an outfielder. Same position Toby Gerhart played at Stanford.
Trevor Knight is hardwired that way so it’s innate for him, unfortunately coaching it out of him isn’t possible. This offense has evolved and requires more than running now, and he’s just so prone to making mistakes when throwing the ball, throwing into quadruple coverage, and his passes to the flat are telegraphed and pick-sixable. I agree with your assessment and recommendation for Thomas if Mayfield can’t play.
I don’t feel the same angst as many/most here.
Regardless of who the QB is for Bedlam I think the Sooners win. The tcu game was tough, and what is forgotten or overlooked by some is the fact that the toadies defense was giving both QBs false reads pre-snap. Which easily explains the bad reads both QBs made in zone reads and pass coverage.
I have full confidence in who the coaches choose to put on the field Saturday night and that the Sooners win the conference title.
Personally, I think Baker plays. I don’t have any information or facts to back that up, but that’s my gut feeling. Regardless, not too worried about it. I think the TCU game was a bit of a wake up call this late in the season, and will add fuel to the fire against Okie St.
I have no reason to believe he will or won’t, based on what we know now.
It’s still Bedlam and the TEAM will be there to kick the pokes around.
Agreed. The Team knows what’s at stake.
They certainly do and it’s the team I am most interested in, not just one player.
I sure hope Perine’s ankle is good to go, the same thing happened last year, he hurt his ankle before Bedlam and re-injured it in Bedlam and couldn’t play. OU was up by 14pts when Perine left the game. His health is my main concern.
I admire your confidence, but don’t share your sympathies. To each his own.
Perhaps Doris Day said it best: “Whatever will be, will be.”
We shall see.
OSU has a good pass rush. We saw how, umm, good (?) their secondary is. How is their run D? If our RBs are good to go and the QB situation if iffy let’s just dust off the old 1955 playbook and get into this playoff.
Baylor just dropped 300+ rush yards on them.
Thanks. Way too lazy to look it up myself.
Conversely, the pokes only had 8yds rushing.
The OU defense employed against baylor might reappear.
If the OU defense of this season prior to the 4th quarter of TCU plays in Bedlam, the Sooners win. Does not matter who is playing QB. OSWho has a horrible time running the ball, and OU has a very good, if not great, pass defense.
We’ve beaten zero state at their place with a less than optimal QB situation. Looks like it will be cold with a slight possibility of rain.
Run the ball.
Limit zero state’s number of possessions.
Play tight defense.
Slow down and shorten the game.
Go home.
I have seen this mentioned several times. Could you go into the false reads more in detail. it would seem this is a very easy thing to do yet know one has bothered to do it until now. It would also appear to be something we could do back to the other spreads.
This season is truly looking like Ohio St season from last year , their star QB got hurt and their 3rd string went crazy the last 3 games.
Wow, looking like the firing of Les Miles is a real thing, and may even happen today.
Time to get on the phone and call any LSU commits that we really wanted.
Wonder if Mike Stoops goes for this job…lol
I know this is a joke, but was there an element of truth to this last time?
Agreed…but I believe it was for the DC job.
Hilarious. I mean, they have the number 1 recruiting class too according to some outlets
Exactly. Talking about hard to please.
And they still can’t seem to find a QB.
Gundy to LSU, Lester to OsU.
I bet the Bama DC gets a legit shot. Maybe a hot young HC but I think LSU would want an SEC guy.
Meyer flies the coup and heads back to the SEC.
Maybe. Honestly it was just a thought. Another thought is they’d be morons to dump the best coach they’ve ever had. Another thought is, I don’t care unless they try and take one of OUr coordinators.
Agreed, stay away from OU. It will be interesting though, high profile gig.
Certainly a big one. I’m guessing the talk of the off season will be all the coaching moves.
Probably so, fortunately not us this time. The defensive staff may get a free pass, hold on, we still have THREE games to go, so we’ll see.
After 15 years of living down there, let me be the first to confirm: They are morons.
Jimbo Fisher
Skrong, Charlie skrong
Chuck will be in Miami.
The Hat no longer fits in Baton Rouge.
I cringe every time TK decides to throw the ball. If Mayfield doesn’t play, I don’t see us winning.
Congrats to Zack.
Has to be one of the most improved players on the team. Kid has become a solid corner.
Tackling is so much improved from his freshman year, too.
I agree, I think that was the biggest weak spot in his game. Now he attacks instead of reacts.
And he doesn’t rely on hitting someone in the legs or the shoulder to take them down. He wraps up and drives them down.
Night and day there… now just clean up his tendency to bite on the double move and he’s a unanimous All American.
Saw some Draft Analysts on Twitter saying Sanchez is a mid-round gem in the NFL Draft.
He should stay and improve on that.
I love it when we can connect anything we are doing to the 2000 season.
The stars just keep lining up, huh?
Still think he needs to follow Colvin’s example and stay his senior year.
That’s great. I think he was the piñata of the week for some last week.
Too often, it seems.
I know people are quick to bash TK9 for the TCU game, and mostly deservedly so. He made some terrible throws/reads that he should know not to do by now. However, let’s not forget that Baker was only 9-20 in the first half. Not exactly glowing stats. TCU had a pretty solid gameplan on D that only got better when OU had to insert a QB that was not prepared to play at all, much less in a scheme built for him to run. Also worth noting, OU beat OSU with 3 QBs to get to the Sugar Bowl. I have faith that whoever starts Saturday will get the win.
Baker had some solid throws that ended up not caught, though. Someone referenced that drop by Mixon in the end zone as one. Trevor threw the ball into the ground, and had some look like they were batted they were so poorly thrown. Maybe the cold really affected this throw, but it was night and day between the two QBs that night.
Agreed… lots of poor throws. I imagine running the scout team offense in practice and literally standing around for a half in freezing temperatures doesn’t help a QB’s play in crunch time.
Knight doesn’t run scout team if I understood Stoops correctly. I think one of the new walk-ons runs the scout team
Either way, he’s not getting meaningful reps in practice. At least not compared to Baker.
I think he gets a healthy share. It’s been said throughout this thread but Trevor is probably a very good practice player. The problem is that he can’t control his nerves during games.
No backup ever does. No amount of practice should affect balls bounced to receivers or 8000MPH 6 yard screen passes or fluttering ducks.
Knight does a great job of running the cheer squad though. All American in that position.
you are correct
I totally agree.
TCU was masterful in confusing the QBs with pre-snap reads.
G Patt always has his boys ready to play.
Patterson is one heckuva coach.
When you are sweating in 30 degree temps like Patterson was, you are all in. Glad we got that win and he chose to go for 2.
DO you think OSU incapable of doing the same? Not being a smart mouth just asking your assessment.
In a word, yes.
TCU was great on D, but Baker’s stats were hurt a bit by Mixon dropping a sure TD and Shep dropping what would have been a catch inside the 5, if not a TD.
Those two would have squeaked him above 50% but also given him another 40 yards or so and 2 more TDs.
The Mixon catch would also have been a BIG Heisman moment.
I saw Trevor had a couple of his passes dropped as well so to me that’s a wash.
No update, but just one comment about Perine. In the 2nd qtr at the 2:13 mark, it sure looked like another tcu player targeted Samaje after an 11 yd pick up. The defensive player led with his head and was targeting No. 32’s helmet as Samaje was going down.
The only logical explanation with TK9 being #2 is he is one helluva practice player. I guess things just don’t click with the lights are on. But seriously, how bad is Cody if he can’t take that #2 spot? It’s hard to imagine that Trevor is really the best option behind Mayfield.
In Coach Riley’s post game interview he said Baker and Trevor were separated by a thread when it came time to choose a starter before the season started.
that must be open helluva a thread!
Yeah, I remember that. I think the thread of difference is when the stadium lights come on.
Agreed. Baker is comfortable in live game action, Knight just doesn’t seem comfortable at all
What is TK’s record as a starter?
Last I heard he was 11-5 as a starter.
A lot can be learned from game performance vs practice eh?
True and with a total of 24 pass attempts on the year I don’t know what some people were expecting against a tough opponent.
Not to throw an 8000MPH screen pass over the head of Perine, not bounce balls to the receivers, not the flutter balls out of the backfield with no one touching him. He has a long and well documented history of these behaviors. It’s not like this is the first time it has ever shown up.
SO one is a gamer and the other a practice warrior. You as a coach has to figure out which is which.
I wonder if it’s simply the fact of following the depth chart as it was laid out in the beginning of the season. I doubt there is further evaluation between #2 and #3 once the season starts, unless it’s desperately needed, like now, otherwise called 911.
You’d think they coaches could tell TK9 wasn’t going to produce after four 3 and outs. Why not give Cody a chance? TCU didn’t have a problem moving down the depth chart when their QB was throwing picks.
Let’s turn this thread into the MASH report for a bit… What’s latest on Perine, Mixon, Flowers? Any other twists sprains bumps bruises etc that got overshadowed by Mayfield&Co?
Perine passed my “eye test” on that long TD run. 🙂
He gimped a little on the very end of that run when he got in the endzone. He played through it though.
And later he didn’t have that same Perine look on his runs. Just concerned…
Straight line running isn’t as hard on a low ankle sprain. He was heavily taped up
Everyone is being such a downer today. Full moon or something?
Im no where near a debbie just posting a fact about sprains and running on them. I think everybody will be ready to go saturday …not sure about Flowers..hope he is fine
Only in RR’s poem.
He was limping hard in the end zone after the run. I hope that ankle is ok.
Shep hurt his thumb but kept playing
I had a mild stroke and might have passed out a little but I’ll be good to go Saturday.
We’re all relieved Josh. Don’t know if we had a second string couch potato that had any practice snaps last week
More FYI…
Trevor Knight, prior to this season, has only had 6 of 17 games (35%) in which he had thrown more TDs than INTs. In other words, in 65% of his games, he has thrown as many, or more, INTs than TDs. I think Sooner Nation expected more of the Sugar Bowl MVP in his Junior season than we saw on Saturday. OSU is a very opportunistic defense so statistically we should be very nervous if we have to use Knight this Saturday.
Not worried.
It was recently proven “The Sugar Bowl MVP” was possessed by Baker Mayfield, which ultimately foreshadowed his arrival to Norman.
I really like how you put it earlier, he’s “hardwired” and we’ve seen a large enough sample to know what to expect from Knight. Just wish I could understand how he managed to play so well in that one game.
Before kids, I used to play a lot of golf, gifted at one point. So, I have the tools and mechanics, but I play so infrequently now, I don’t score all that well because of rust and mental strength. However, every now and then, I have one great round, virtually error free. Maybe, that’s what he experienced that evening?
That’s a pretty good analogy that most of us can relate to. Could very well be the case.
And just like the SB, he may just pull a rabbit out of his hat and have a killer game.
Oh yea, Put your money down on that bet.
I don’t put my money on anything, even if I know the outcome.
Ok then. We shall have a sanity test.
Which is more likely, TK comes out and has a repeat of a 1 off, month to prepare for, shocking example of his QB prowess ala the Sugar Bowl performance
He comes out and does what he did for most of last year and most definitely did in the second half of this game?
3 yards and a cloud of dust needs to be the only game plan. Knight can’t throw to his left at all, unless it’s to the other team.
OK, up front … I’m a TK fan. Definitely as a human being. But I’m not convinced he can’t be a good QB in this offense. I just think the mental aspect has got him tied in knots.
So, could we agree that he was thrown into a tough situation:
1. Not a lot of reps
2. Game plan was for BM’s skillset, not TK’s.
3. Playing against a very tough defense.
4. Our whole team was playing in a funk after losing BM. It sucked the wind out of both the offense and defense.
Even considering all that, he still played poorly. Lot’s of bad decisions.
But to me it’s a huge leap from what happened Saturday to saying “we CAN NOT win without Baker.” I just don’t think it logically follows as a foregone conclusion that many are stating it to be. Was I disappointed in how TK did? Very. Would I expect him to be awful next Saturday? Not at all. I choose to believe he would do very well. Hopefully the game wouldn’t become a shootout where he would need to have a Sugar Bowl game. But I’m confident he can perform well.
Regardless, what’s to be gained by all the bashing I read on here? C’mon … give this 20-year-old kid a break!
#2 is irrelevant. We have one offense, not two. If TK can’t run it, he doesn’t need to see the field.
I think it’s the most relevant. A good coach plays to his players’ strengths.
gotta have strengths first.
Please tell me TK9’s strengths then? Because it’s looking more and more like the Bama game was just a fluke.
Please. Our offense will change somewhat game to game and year to year based on personnel.
So we need two game plans, just in case the starter gets hurt? Makes total sense.
I disagree, with Riley comes the revival of the Air Raid offense. Our recruiting, including QB’s will require athletes to fit within the system. We still have recruits, leftovers from the read option days, which includes Knight. I agree our schemes will change game to game depending on our competition, but I believe the Air Raid is here to stay for a while.
We aren’t even running the air raid. We are more run than pass. That makes no sense.
So Riley was hired to not bring the Air Raid back nor establish at OU, now that makes no sense. Obviously, he’s using schemes that suits the players he has to work with currently, expect the full Air Raid to blossom through the next few recruiting cycles.
There are several variations on the Air Raid Leach, Holgerson, Mumme Riley etc. It’s not what we are running with a QB that came in for the TTU Air Raid. Riley was hired to bring in a form of that offense. His variation has more running than passing or at least a very good balance. You are projecting something that has zero evidence. At no point has he ever made any comment that we need to throw more and that this is somehow not exactly where he wants to be. Frankly, he has stated the opposite.
Semantics, reluctant to continue. Common sense alone suggests Riley would integrate the running game, how could you not with Mixon and Perine? Never suggested there was only one style of Air Raid, I wish I would have been more clear in the beginning we’re in a variation you astutely pointed out, dictated by our current personnel, also never suggested Riley has commented on the need to pass more, nor he’s not not happy with the pass/run ratio. I’m also confident this offense will continue to evolve, some might call that a vision for the future, most likely dictated by the talent we recruit at QB.
That is where I disagree. I don’t think this version is dictated by personnel. This is what he ran without OU’s athletes. I think, this is very close to, if not exactly, what he wants to run.
I have seen zero comments by Riley that he wants to pass more. He has said he wants to be more effective passing but that doesn’t mean more. he specifically stated he wants to hit a higher percentage of longer passes. The only comment I have seen regarding ratios was when he said he didn’t run enough.
Please show me any recruit we can ever get that will be a better fit for this offense than Baker Mayfield.
Your supposition is not supported by any evidence.
We most definitely disagree, I believe that is the only thing we agree upon. Is it realistic to think Riley wouldn’t evaluate his personnel and adjust his version of Air Raid accordingly once he arrived? And, I’ve found no evidence where Riley has acknowledged this offense is very close to, if not exactly, what he wants to run in the future, perhaps he’s said that based on the personnel he has currently. I don’t care what Riley has said publicly, I believe the future of this offense stretches the field with multiple threats, which is something he’s had in the past, whether we run or pass more is completely a game time adjustment for the type of defense we’re facing. Baker Mayfield is a gift, suited perfectly for this offense, but he’s one of a kind and will be gone in a year. Based on the commitment from Kendall, and after Riley was hired I might add, seems to be at least a hint of what we’re looking for in the future. I’ll admit, I’m speculating a bit, so your literal interpretation may be our line in the sand.
We most definitely disagree, I believe that is the only thing we agree upon. Is it realistic to think Riley wouldn’t evaluate his personnel and adjust his version of Air Raid accordingly once he arrived? And, I’ve found no evidence where Riley has acknowledged this offense is very close to, if not exactly, what he wants to run in the future, perhaps he’s said that based on the personnel he has currently. I don’t care what Riley has said publicly, I believe the future of this offense stretches the field with multiple threats, which is something he’s had in the past, whether we run or pass more is completely a game time adjustment for the type of defense we’re facing. Baker Mayfield is a gift, suited perfectly for this offense, but he’s one of a kind and will be gone in a year. Based on the commitment from Kendall, and after Riley was hired I might add, seems to be at least a hint of what we’re looking for in the future. I’ll admit, I’m speculating a bit, so your literal interpretation may be our line in the sand.
Is it realistic to think Riley wouldn’t evaluate his personnel and adjust his version of Air Raid accordingly once he arrived?
I think he did and it fit his system very well.
I’ve found no evidence where Riley has acknowledged this offense if very close to, if not exactly, what he wants to run in the future, perhaps he’s said that based on the personnel he has currently.
You can find nothing to contradict that statement either. He has never said gosh if we could only throw it more.
I don’t care what Riley has said publicly, I believe the future of this offense stretches the field with multiple threats, which is something he’s had in the past, whether we run or pass more is completely a game time adjustment for the type of defense we’re facing.
That doesn’t mean more throws. He explained he wanted the passing to be more efficient i.e. hitting more of the long throws for TDs. That is a major portion of this offense.
Baker Mayfield is a gift, suited perfectly for this offense, but he’s one of a kind and will be gone in a year. Based on the commitment from Kendall, and after Riley was hired I might add, seems to be at least a hint of what we’re looking for in the future.
So he got the perfect fit and has 2 guys coming in he recruited, why would the offense change if he already has the perfect fit? That contradicts your supposition. he wants more speed at the receiver position and his QB’s to be good at the deep outside shoulder throws.
Nothing in your response supports running ess and throwing more.
Is it realistic to think Riley wouldn’t evaluate his personnel and adjust his version of Air Raid accordingly once he arrived?
I think he did and it fit his system very well.
“I don’t think this version is dictated by personnel”. Which is it?
I’ve found no evidence where Riley has acknowledged this offense if very close to, if not exactly, what he wants to run in the future, perhaps he’s said that based on the personnel he has currently.
You can find nothing to contradict that statement either. He has never said gosh if we could only throw it more.
Moot point, no evidence either way, speculative, move on.
I don’t care what Riley has said publicly, I believe the future of this
offense stretches the field with multiple threats, which is something
he’s had in the past, whether we run or pass more is completely a game time adjustment for the type of defense we’re facing.
That doesn’t mean more throws. He explained he wanted the passing to be more efficient i.e. hitting more of the long throws for TDs. That is a major portion of this offense.
“he specifically stated he wants to hit a higher percentage of longer passes”. Almost by definition, this is stretching the field. Not with a display of arm strength, but a real threat at any given moment. We are still deficient in this area, speculating here so hang with me, some might argue we need more size at QB for visibility down field.
Baker Mayfield is a gift, suited perfectly for this offense, but he’s one of a kind and will be gone in a year. Based on the commitment from Kendall, and after Riley was hired I might add, seems to be at least a hint of what we’re looking for in the future.
So he got the perfect fit and has 2 guys coming in he
recruited, why would the offense change if he already has the perfect fit? That contradicts your supposition. he wants more speed at the receiver position and his QB’s to be good at the deep outside shoulder throws.
He has the perfect fit with Mayfield, smart, can run if needed, make plays downfield with his legs and creating plays. Is it hard to fathom recruiting a QB that provides a deep downfield threat without risking injury and creating ad hoc? With the desire for a bigger threat downfield, stretching the field legitimately, recruitment would most likely fulfill that desire with noting the recruit possesses the capability, both on the throwing and receiving aspects. Point is, you work with what you have, but enhance and improve upon going forward.
Nothing in your response supports running less and throwing more.
Honestly, nothing in your responses have changed my mind whatsoever, nor have you provided any evidence for some of your speculation. I appreciate the banter though, it’s help fill a pretty slow work day.
You just stick to your position regards of point after point I made.
Oh yea making the argument something something bigger ,QB something ratio means more something.
OK thanks for playing.
Is it realistic to think Riley wouldn’t evaluate his personnel and adjust his version of Air Raid accordingly once he arrived?
I think he did and it fit his system very well.
I’ve found no evidence where Riley has acknowledged this offense if very close to, if not exactly, what he wants to run in the future, perhaps he’s said that based on the personnel he has currently.
You can find nothing to contradict that statement either. He has never said gosh if we could only throw it more.
I don’t care what Riley has said publicly, I believe the future of this offense stretches the field with multiple threats, which is something he’s had in the past, whether we run or pass more is completely a game time adjustment for the type of defense we’re facing.
That doesn’t mean more throws. He explained he wanted the passing to be more efficient i.e. hitting more of the long throws for TDs. That is a major portion of this offense.
Baker Mayfield is a gift, suited perfectly for this offense, but he’s one of a kind and will be gone in a year. Based on the commitment from Kendall, and after Riley was hired I might add, seems to be at least a hint of what we’re looking for in the future.
So he got the perfect fit and has 2 guys coming in he recruited, why would the offense change if he already has the perfect fit? That contradicts your supposition. he wants more speed at the receiver position and his QB’s to be good at the deep outside shoulder throws.
Nothing in your response supports running ess and throwing more.
Where did I say otherwise? Those schemes, plays, whatever that will change game to game can come within the context of the “Air Raid Offense”. Some years we may have a QB that is more mobile than other years. Some years our RB’s or Oline may be better. Some years we may have better deep threats at WR. IF Riley leaves, even if we run the Air Raid, the next OC will make it look a little different.
It’s quite possible I misunderstood your comment
The starting QB in LR’s offense helps set the game plan based on his strengths. I think #2 is the most relevant thing he posted.
But if #2 can’t execute the game plan, then why is he #2? I get that Trevor is a great kid, great team mate, great leader, great locker room guy….he just isn’t a D1 QB. Not now, or anywhere in the future.
TK struggles with short passes and slants, that is a given. He has a good deep ball, but TCU was taking that away with their scheme. TK is also not a good zone read guy, he is better and handing off and running a zone read once in a while and he is better when play action works. LR talked about what he called in the second half and said he was not aggressive. I’m not saying TK is a great QB, but he should be a capable back up.
Should be and is are two totally different things. He’s not proven he can play at this level.
He has proven himself to his coaches, it’s irrelevant what anyone outside the locker room believes true.
That’s why I said earlier he must be a helluva practice player. Just can’t do it under the lights. Maybe Cody is the opposite and doesn’t show it in practice but might be a gamer!
Really? He does have a winning record as a starting QB.
Last I checked, it was a team game. I think we won the Bama game because of him, but most of the others were total team efforts.
Exactly it is a team game. So why are you trying to lay the blame solely on one person? It was a team effort.
Who else played bad Saturday night? The OL at times, but it was mainly TK9 thowing balls into the turf, making the wrong read, staring down a receiver, or throwing a laser when a touch pass was needed. If we would have lost that game, it would have been solely on Trevor.
Bovine excrement.
Nicely put! But if you watched that game and came away with any confidence in Knight, I have no idea what you saw.
I watched the game and the replay, if you did and believe it was all TK’s fault then you are blinded by your bias against him.
I’ve only watched the game live. So tell me where the blame lies. I just remember Trevor making terrible play after terrible play.
You have ignored what the coaches have said, others here and the game itself. You want to assign blame, I don’t.
Fair enough, but as a 5 star Couch QB, I like to express my opinion. But the coaches just give us “coach speak”, so you kinda have to take it with a grain of salt. Others here? Again, opinions. I shared mine, have read others, and just asked yours. That’s what makes these forums great. The game itself? No, no, no…..I certainly didn’t ignore that. I saw a good HS QB that isn’t capable of playing at a D1 level.
Regardless, he is next man up and will get my support.
I with you.
Seems a sacrificial lamb is required for some.
Maybe even a first born child?
I’m surprised the “mob” didn’t go after the freshman kicker that cost us 10 points in the second half. Their fixation on trashing TK is absurd.
I was unhappy with some of his performance, but if they would just listen to what LR said about his own play calling in the second half, maybe they would see that it was not just one persons fault.
That and what Coach Stoops just said in his presser, some receivers weren’t running the correct routes, either.
I haven’t read the presser stuff yet, I’ll go do that now. If that is the case, it is really hard to throw the ball when they are not where they are supposed to be.
And even more difficult if you can’t throw the ball to begin with, and oh yeah, that freshman kicker cost us 10 points in the second half (this one for EasTex) 🙂
Worse than the missed kick/knee down (the snap was beyond bad) was the lack of distance on punts. Ick. However, he IS a true freshman. I’ll give him a pass.
I just watched it on TV.
I’m going to watch it now.
Which brings up another sore spot for me…I’m getting really tired of Shep being the only guy to consistently show up. This song and dance is getting really old.
I know. What I’ve watched so far, it seemed like Baker had enough time to throw the ball before he got flushed out of the pocket.
But a fix for that is the TE across the middle to occupy the LBs and Safeties so you can have your receivers run deeper routes up the middle.
Coach was specifically referring to when TK was in.
The defense played great until the fourth quarter. OU’s offense did nothing in the third quarter to give them a breather at all. If the Sooners can get a couple of first downs the defense shuts down TCU and we aren’t having this discussion. LR admitted that he was less aggressive in the second half and TK did not throw the ball particularly well. All OU needs to do for Bedlam is run the ball and play sound pass defense. They will be fine.
I agree with most of what you outlined but I do differ in that I do not believe he will perform well if called upon again simply because I’ve seen more bad than good with a significant sample size. I don’t hate the kid, just don’t trust him anymore. I don’t see it as bashing Knight. Personally, I think he’s not improving and I think it would be best to start looking at Thomas. Knight has had plenty of opportunities and I think he’s not the answer behind Mayfield.
I can track with that. However, perhaps we need to define “bashing.” Is saying he is not a good QB “bashing”? When we question his ability to run this scheme, is it “bashing”? I’m being serious here.
I love TK as a person. He is a role model for all young boys…hell even some of the men I know. I just do not believe, and will not be convinced, that he is a good QB. There is nothing wrong with that. But I don’t want to be labeled a “basher” when this is my position.
If weather is a bad as some predict, will that negate the passing game of both teams? If yes, I’ll take our running game vs lOSUr. Just think with our RBs and TK9/CThomas vs Walsh & the wild poke setup could make for a great Sooner night!!
I just hope there is no ice.
I remember the ice bowl.
Me too, what a fiasco.
Me too, that was miserable to watch.
We had a pretty good passing night against Baylor in bad weather, so our balanced offense will still be required imo.
Why do you assume that Mayfield won’t play?
I like our offensive line and line coach much better than their line and their coach. If the passing game is affected, I think we are in better shape
“It’s but a flesh wound!” to quote the Black Knight from Monty Python.
What are you going to do bleed on me?
Not be Captain Obvious here…But if we can sustain drives against the pukes and our defense has to be on the field like they were against TCU, it could be an ugly fought game.
I get those who feel the need to defend, and feel like players are getting bashed. Doesn’t the real issue boil down to Knight being recruited as a Read Option QB, for a then Read Option offense? Subsequently, his skill set doesn’t fit the Air Raid offense? Additionally, in reviewing Knight’s career passing totals, he’s a 58% passer, is that good enough for an Air Raid offense? The unfair part of all of this is not the criticism, it’s the fact that he was recruited for an offense we no longer run at no fault of his own, so now he’s required to shine in the Air Raid system, difficult and most likely impossible.
He’s definitely not ideal for this offense. Mayfield really isn’t ideal either though. Your Air Raid guys are more the tall guys that are comfortable in the pocket. Neither Mayfield or Knight is comfortable firing from the pocket. The significant difference that I see is that Baker is much more accurate and understands when to take some velocity off his throws. And you and I have already identified what we believe is the cause of this difference between Mayfield and Knight. Also, I don’t necessarily buy that the success of this season is the energy that Baker brings. If he had the same energy but wasn’t as effective then I think you essentially have another guy like Knight. Bob said recently that these players recognize who walks the walk and who talks the talk, I think the players and this team are charged up because they believe in Mayfield, not necessarily related his energy and enthusiasm. I think I’ve stirred things up enough. I have enjoyed the conversation with you Mizuno44. I’m getting back to work!
To me the issue is why do so many need to bash TK? It changes nothing and promotes negativity.
I don’t even want to imagine the reaction by many if he is the starter Saturday.
I know what I will say…GO SOONERS!
I hear you coach. For me, it was primarily that evening in the heat of the moment, and was almost therapeutic to get it out of my system if that makes any sense. However, it’s morphed into deep analysis, personally I’m at the point where the horse isn’t wiggling anymore, so stop kicking it. Onward to Saturday!
I have a completely different take than the bashers.” I don’t think you can take an evaluation of Saturday and make blanket statements about him or say that he has “regressed.” He had a poor game as did many of those around him which contributed to the poor game.
For TK, or Baker for that matter, to be successful, the offense needed to be aggressive and unpredictable, needed to stretch the field. A sure fire recipe for disaster was to think that with a lead, OU should slow down, make predictable runs on first and second down, and then have TK scramble and throw on third and long. And, yet, that’s exactly what happened. Riley addressed it in his post game comments.
TCU was doing a great job of disguising numbers and confusing both QB’s on the run/pass option calls. TK, in my view, was put into a “no win” by the way the game was called. This combined with the advanced, tricky, nature of the TCU defense, quality play by the TCU defense, and somewhat understandable tightness by the entire OU offense when put in an unfamiliar position, lead to a poor outing. Again, the coaches’ comments confirm this.
I think TK was pressing, I think the receivers were pressing. If the play calling and play calling attitude had been different, there might have been an opportunity to overcome it. But there wasn’t.
It does not boil down to style. TK has all the skills and ability and temperament to run this offense. Contrary to the bashers’ impression, his previous performances on the field more than support this, and, again, Riley’s comments and Stoops’ remarks strenuously confirm it as well.
Imho, obviously more reps in practice would help, if they know in advance, but regardless of that, if TK plays in the OSU game, I think we will see a very different performance, both in the play calling and in the execution.
“TK has all the skills and ability and temperament to run this offense. Contrary to the bashers’ impression, his previous performances on the field more than support this, and, again…”
When? Seriously. When? The Sugar Bowl? Other than that it seems that last year was the same song, different dance with this guy. He is an AMAZING HUMAN BEING and when my daughter is old enough to marry, I would KILL for it to be a guy like TK. All that said, he just isn’t a good QB. I don’t know why people cannot accept that.
“When? Seriously. When? The Sugar Bowl? Other than that ..”
The online myth seems to be that he was only good in the Sugar Bowl. He was excellent on many other occasions as well. He passed for over 300 yards against Tulsa, and again against Tennessee, he had a terrific running game against I-State along with passing for 230 yards. And, specifically against K-State, with the exception of one pass, he had a great with a capital G game. He’s not perfect and he had a bad outing on Saturday, but you need to count Stoops and Riley and the entire coaching staff among the people who cannot accept your evaluation. This is beating a dead horse, here, so I guess we can just agree to disagree.
I just watched the Baker interview at the Sooners press conference. Both of his pupils were the same size, so I think he’s good to go.
His hat was on straight and he wasn’t drooling, so I concur with your diagnosis. 🙂
This is a true concern…why is our best QB someone that no OU coach recruited?
Perine needs your vote.
Done. I’ve hit up all of the devices.
Wrong, wrong and wrong. Step on the gas and run the offense that got us here. Those quick slants that Trevor was called to throw are timing throws and your qb has to get used to putting that ball out in front of receivers. No vertical throws at all so receivers didn’t have any passes to adjust to or run under. We got incredibly conservative and tried to run clock with an offense that has scored numerous times under 2 min. You just have to step it up on both sides of the ball.
Let’s beat OsU and win the Big XII!
Yes. Absolutely yes! BOOMER!
Glad I took the afternoon to play golf in perfect weather instead of having to bear all the TK9 bash-fest below. Much more enjoyable way to spend the day. Except for the eagle putt that turned into three putt par. Other than that…
Oh, no. That’s the worst filling. But the only worse than a par is a bogey. And the only thing worse than a bogey is a double bogey. And…
What did you shoot?
I shot my usual score – 82. I hit several good shots solidly, which means my money spent on lessons this year is paying off in that respect. I no longer slice the ball, but now fight the right to left ball. The next hole I hit a great drive and a beautiful low-flighted 54 degree lob wedge to within 1 foot of the hole for a kick in birdie. Golf is a cruel game. The Golf Gods give, and they taketh away! Anyway, it was 66 degrees, bright sunshine, and hardly any wind. Can’t beat that for a November day in Okrahoma.
Glad you got to play. Great round.
My clubs are in storage, figuratively speaking. My best round this year was an 81. My worst round was 96 at Caledonia in South Carolina.
I got to play some Florida panhandle courses on our vacation this year. I really want to get down to South Carolina and play some there too. I hear it’s nice.
I got to play some Florida panhandle courses on our vacation this year. I really want to get down to South Carolina and play some there too. I hear it’s nice.
Three courses you have to play in South Carolina. They are near Pawley’s Island, which is south of Myrtle Beach.
1. Caledonia
2. True Blue
3. Pawley’s Plantation
4. Traditions (Not as good as the others but worth it)
Thank you Sam for the suggestions on courses. You are a good man. Best of luck to you if you decide to pick up the clubs again. I learned that its never too late for lessons to help the game. Thanks again and I look forward to playing the courses you listed. BOOMER!
My clubs are tucked away because it’s cold as heck in Northeast Ohio. I play as much as I can. I’m usually Mid to high 80s. I had to work my butt off, no lessons, just videos and going to the practice range as much as possible.
My game really improved when I started practicing my bunker shots and learned how to bump and run the ball across the green.