On the fourth day O’Trenchin ol’ Jy gave to me—
Four mountaineers, three pancakes, two overtimes and a beeer….in a treee.
Jumpin right in, here we see the body language of the defenders I was talking about in the previous post. Since WV runs a 3-3-5, all three linebackers are showing that they’re blitzing. It may be a fake, but as an o lineman, you have to be ready for all of em. With 5 o linemen, and Samaje, you have 6 blockers for their six rushers…
Right off the snap, we see the play action left with Samaje carrying out the fake. Baker knows that with the type of protection he has on, slide protection(meaning the o line is sliding to the left), the end man on the line of scrimmage to the right is going to be unblocked. Some teams have an adjustment where they would have Perine go to the right to pick this guy up. On this play the Sooners didn’t, and had to get the ball out quickly. It was an inch or two overthrown to Baxter down the left sideline. I’d like to think that if the protection is adjusted with Samaje blocking that guy instead of going play action left, or if the protection is slid to the right, Samaje would run right into the end man on the left side. 6 on 6 gives you more time and time for the receiver to separate.
This play is a called qb draw and it’s a great front to run it against. 5 defenders in the box against six blockers again counting Samaje.
AS soon as the ball is snapped going left to right, Big O has to get his d-end to come upfield on the outside to create a lane. Farniok at Guard is going to check O’s end to see if he comes inside, and if no one shows in his gap, he’s getting downfield. Darlington and Nila(two blue dots) are going to handle the nose and the mike(the other two blue dots). Whatever those two guys do, twist, etc, Nila and Ty have em. It looks like right here Ty is looking upfield to the blitzing backer and Nila’s going to handle the nose. Samaje is going to lead up into the hole on the will(weakside backer), and St John like O, has to get his guy to come upfield to the outside. If you check the red dot, you can see that the D-End has given St. John a head fake outside and is looking to set St. John up for an inside move.
If you look again left to right, Big O has gotten his guy to commit outside. Farniok’s left hand is on O’s back, “checking” or “feeling” that side to be conscious of anyone showing in that gap. As I thought, Darlington has come off of the double team and picked up the backer. Nila has got the nose one on one. St. John has been set up, and has given up the inside to his defender. St. John needs to mirror what Big O is doing on the left. Also, Baker has to let this thing develop just a tick longer, but the defender that is working against St. John spooked him a little bit.
So let’s imagine for a minute if St. John inside blue dot doesn’t let his guy come inside. He would have been out by the hash. Then, if Baker lets it set up just an instant longer, St. John has stayed with it enough to get his guy overpowered, but Baker takes off outside. If you check Samaje’s head on the hash, he’s inside out on the backer or he’s “kicking him out”. Nila’s “washing” his guy outside, and before the O-Line had earned Baker’s trust, his internal clock was ticking really fast. Had there been a split second longer or blocked a little bit better, you see all the green grass to the goal post.
The final score in the West Virginia game was 44-24, but at halftime, it was 24-7 sooners. Then it was 24-14. Then 24-17. Then 27-17. Then 27-24. The Sooners went on to hit a big play to Durron Neal, and score a defensive touchdown to make it 44-24. It was a lot closer than the score suggested. In my opinion, the second half of the West Virginia game was the beginning of the performance at Texas. The guys didn’t play particularly well from an execution standpoint, and had a ton of 15 yard penalties on defense. Still they came away with a 20 point win. I think it gave them a false sense of security, and maybe let them think that they could play bad and still kick a good WV’s butt. Did that play into the preparation mentally the next week against a bad Texas team?
Thanks JY!!! I’ve never been first before.
You are a Sooner, you are always first. 🙂
Me either! curse of bein a fat kid!
Me either! curse of bein a fat kid!
Thank you for your hard work and dedication JY!
Some really interesting points, as usual. Having these 5 guys working together and understanding what each other is supposed to do. Individual talent sure helps, but having guys with the football intelligence to absorb what Coach Bedenbaugh is teaching is as important. I might skip the texsa breakdown as that game still makes me sick to my stomach. Hate losing to the whorns.
Great break down again JY. I can’t say whether there was a false sense of security within the team at this point in the season but it makes a lot of sense. The horrible penalties were starting to upset the fan base at this point, that much I know. Looking forward to your breakdown of texsa because whatever happened between there and Kansas……changed the entire makeup of this team.
You mean there and K-State right? That’s going to be the most interesting part I think.
Yes I did.
Wasn’t St. John replaced by Samia after the Texa$$ game?
Somewhere around that time, yes.
Somewhere around that time, yes.
Thanks JY!
Great analysis and the point about going in to the Texas game with a false sense of security rings pretty true. The fact that St. John was even playing at this point was a little baffling but hind sight is 20/20.
Oh man, that was great JY. Great demo on the Baker keeper. That middle was WIDE OPEN to the endzone.
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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Good stuff, thanks. Baker might be impatient with play development, but he’s sure trusting his line more now with the way they’ve changed personnel and improved since back in Sept.
JY, I know that this time of year is hell on wheels in your buisiness and you have the young cub but I feel bad about your work getting lost between the late night lull and the morning news. Maybe it works better for you this way but if you want more traffic ( and understand if you don’t ) setting it up to post mid morning would hit the site rush hour, you know, when everyone claims to be working but are REALLY just hanging out here. 🙂
Good morning, Sooner Ray!
Are you ready for Christmas?
Not even close, lol, gonna be a busy couple days coming up.
I have a few more things to pick up for my wife. She already knows her big prize and she’s cashed in already.
Yeah it’s been pretty hectic for me. I’ll get Texas out tonight, and then try to adjust with the weekend. I’ve been busier than a long tailed cat in a room full o rockin chairs.
Thanks JY – loved it.
Baron Boomer.
Good stuff. Thanks. It appears you chose these 2 plays to highlight some inconsistent execution on slide protection and a rather simple QB draw gone bad due to the RT.A unit trying to gel.
Silly comment about when to post…post whenever – we will all find it.
Blocking is the most interesting facet of the game, and the most difficult to observe and understand. These breakdowns are a huge help.
Speaking of offensive lines and break downs, I wonder about Clemson in comparison to Baylor’s D line. We know Oakman is over rated and he was definitely exposed again in this one. But Billings and a few of the others are the real deal. I wonder how they stack up when comparing to Shaq Lawson and company? Should tell us a lot about our chances. Not sure we faced a better front. We made Texas look all world though. Any thoughts on the comparison? Do we have another team that was closer? Akron?They had a great front but this team is so different from the one who played the Zips. Who won their bowl game by the way. Go Zips! Made our sos look just a little better.
How much pressure Clemson can get with their 4 will be the key to the game in my opinion. If BV has to resort to blitzes I like our chances as it puts their LBs in the position to cover our backs. I am sure we will bang away at them to establish the run, which Clemson has been very good at stopping.
BTW Clemson seems to be pinning their hopes defensively to the fact that OU game up 36 sacks this year. I remember us giving up 1/2 a dozen at sexaT but I can’t pinpoint a game other than that one were it really hurt the offensive production. Any thoughts?
Alex King of the Brainiacs did a breakdown on Shaq Lawson on Twitter that you might check out.
Really enjoy reading your pieces, JY. Hope you, the wife and the man cub are good.
Best to you and yours too bro!
Thx JY..love the breakdown and analysis… feel like I’m back in the Monday film room from my playing days… and yes it was a long time ago, but we had film and real not leather helmets…
really appreciate you and the rest of the guys here!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.
I’m curious about next years Oline line up.
I know it’s Brown (LT), Alvarez (C), Samia(RT). Then you plug in Juco’s Ashton Julius at LG to team up with Brown, and Ben Powers at RG
Good question.
Doobie posted this on the OP yesterday.
RT – Samia
RG – Julious
C – Alvarez (with Dalton hurt right now so not counting him)
LG – Cody Ford (Alvarez if Dalton plays Center)
LT – Zeus Brown
Yeah, Dalton went down with an ACL or I think he’d be right there. Cody Ford just won scout team player of the year, so the coaches think highly of him and he’s a talent. I think Powers is in there somewhere, but there’s depth all over the place.
How has Herne done.
JY, this is good stuff and we really appreciate your effort. I absolutely love this stuff. As poorly as the boys played against texsa, I suspect you’re going to provide a lot of missing opportunities. I am glad the texsa game happened. It needed to happen in order to wake this team up. But I never considered that this started in the WVU game. I always thought that WVU was the first real challenge for a young offensive line: they didn’t handle it well and lost some confidence. the shake up in personnel was the best medicine.
Yeah, sometimes bad experiences are the best thing to ever happen to someone.
I’ll be expecting a birdie after each bogey hole today then! 🙂
Best way to look at it!
There is a stat on the PGA Tour called a “bounce back birdie” that tracks exactly this. I think it is a reflection of the positive attitude of the player. Some of the best of the best lead this stat, so it appears to be critical to success. And wasn’t it for the Sooners this year too?
Well, now, that’s par golf.
I’m curious about the chess match between Coach V and Darlington. I hope Darlington will continue to make the right reads and minimize the aggression from Clemson.
Thanks JY. I appreciate all you do to educate us. I do believe that poor o-line play and overconfidence is what led to the shorthorn debacle. And reading several articles that have appeared since then, the changes that were made to the o-line is what led to the turnaround that we have seen since that debacle.
Thanks for the excellent breakdown, JY.
Yes sir. thank you for bein a long time reader!
I’ll just throw this in a random place here…:-) I too am loving the breakdowns. My schedule has me getting to these hours after everyone else is done, but i just wanted to again express my appreciation. I think you point point out how little the difference is between a “great play call” and one that the fans jeer at. Or “terrible” play versus great play. When, often it’s simply a minor difference in execution. You can see why coaches sometimes scratch their heads and wonder, and also why they keep harping on ‘get better each week.’ Sure seems to have happened in a big way this year and your breakdowns are making it clear where the issues were.
JY, I know your heart’s probably into family and a million other things right now. So we definitely appreciate you taking the time to indulge our obsession with OU football. 🙂
Good stuff, as always.
As always thank you JY, love this.
Thanks! I really appreciate your analysis. Enjoy your family and the season. If you have to cut a frame, we’ll understand. The insight on line play has made my re-watching games much more enjoyable. The first time, I am too much a fan and yell, jump, fist-pump, and complain too much to see all the important nuance.
Merry Christmas! (just in case I have too little computer time before then)
You too Cush!
These alternate uniforms are still super sick. Definitely my favorite look of the season.
Thanks for the Christmas gift JY!! Always appreciate the “schoolin”! May you and your family have a safe and blessed Christmas!
You too Jack!
Absolutely love this series of articles. Everything I want in sports reporting.
I am still just baffled just baffled how well the guy’s developed into playing as a unit. 2 freshman and a sophmore are starting continuing to develop and play like seasoned players. Let alone hearing about how serious Samia has taken his game in regards to film and technique. Amazing…and Bedenbaugh, what he has taught and instilled on these young players is legit. These were his recruits. Also, the dedication to improving communitcation that Darlington has brought in.
I still feel that three straight 11am starts finally got to the Sooners in Dallas. Say what you want but adjusting your wakeup schedule to 3,4 or 5 hours earlier gets to you. Especially mentally. Wonder how much actual sleep they got.
great stuff again. Thanks JY!
A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month ..3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here
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